guid = $object->guid; $this->db = $object->db; $this->char = $object; } /*Начало работы с банковским счетом*/ function Login ($id, $pass) { $seek = $this->db->selectRow("SELECT `guid`, `password` FROM `character_bank` WHERE `id` = ?d and `guid` = ?d", $id ,$this->guid); if (!$seek) return 303; if ($this->guid != $seek['guid']) return 322; if (SHA1($id.':'.$pass) != $seek['password']) return 302; $_SESSION['bankСredit'] = $id; return 0; } /*Конец работы с банковским счетом*/ function unLogin () { unset($_SESSION['bankСredit']); } /*Увеличение/уменьшение денег в банке у персонажа*/ function Money ($sum, $id, $type = '', $guid = 0) { if (checki($id) || !is_numeric($sum)) $this->char->error->Map(326); $sum = rdf($sum); if ($sum == 0) $this->char->error->Map(325); $guid = $this->getGuid($guid); switch ($type) { case 'euro': $money = $this->db->selectCell("SELECT `euro` FROM `character_bank` WHERE `id` = ?d and `guid` = ?d", $id ,$guid); if (($money = rdf($money - $sum)) < 0) $this->char->error->Map(310, $sum); $this->db->query("UPDATE `character_bank` SET `euro` = ?f WHERE `id` = ?d and `guid` = ?d", $money ,$id ,$guid); break; default: $money = $this->db->selectCell("SELECT `cash` FROM `character_bank` WHERE `id` = ?d and `guid` = ?d", $id ,$guid); if (($money = rdf($money - $sum)) < 0) $this->char->error->Map(305, $sum); $this->db->query("UPDATE `character_bank` SET `cash` = ?f WHERE `id` = ?d and `guid` = ?d", $money ,$id ,$guid); break; } return true; } } ?>