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function getCenter (width, height)
var center = {};
var h = $('[name=main]', top.document).height();
var w = $('[name=main]', top.document).width();
center.x = (width <= w) ?(w - width)/2 :0;
center.y = (height <= h) ?(h - height)/2 :0;
return center;
function getCloseButton (vert, horiz, func)
return "<div style='position: absolute; "+vert+": 0px; "+horiz+": -15px; cursor: pointer; z-index: 200;'><img src='i/clear.gif' width='13' height='13' onclick="+func+"></div>"
function hideShow (selector, func, v)
$(selector).fadeOut('10000', function (){func(v); $(this).fadeIn('10000', function (){checkWindow();});});
function drop (id, img, txt)
var table = '<table width="100%"><td><img src="img/items/'+img+'"></td><td>Предмет <nobr><b>\''+txt+'\'</b></nobr> будет утерян, вы уверены ?</table>'+
'<input type="checkbox" name="dropall"><small> Все предметы этого вида</small>';
dialogconfirm('Выбросить предмет?', 'deleteItem(\''+id+'\');', table);
function drophlam ()
var table = '<table width=100%><tr><td width="10%"><img src="">'+
'</td><td>Выбросить разный хлам типа выписок, квитанций и увядших букетов?</td></tr>'+
'<tr><td colspan="2"><small><b style="color: red">Внимание!</b> Имеющие срок годности предметы, купленные за зубы (эликсиры, корм для животных и т.д.), будут уничтожены.</small></td></tr></table>'+
'<input type=hidden name=drophlam value="1"><input type=hidden name=sd4 value="' + sd4+'">';
dialogconfirm('Выбросить хлам?', '', table);
function unstack (name, n, txt)
var table = '<TABLE width=100%><TD><IMG src="'+name+
'.gif"></TD><TD>Разделить предмет <NOBR><B>\''+txt+'\'</B></NOBR></TABLE>'+
'<INPUT type=hidden name=unstack value="'+name+'"><INPUT type=hidden name=n value="'+n+'"><INPUT type=hidden name=sd4 value="' + sd4+'">'+
'Кол-во: <INPUT type=text name=quant value="1">';
// window.clipboardData.setData('Text', table);
dialogconfirm('Разделить предмет?', (specialscript?specialscript:''),table);
function showError (error, parameters)
if (!parameters)
parameters = '';
$.post('ajax.php', {'do': 'geterror', 'error': error, 'parameters': parameters}, function (data){
var id = top.exploder(data);
visual.show_any('#error', id[0]);
function clearError ()
$('#error').fadeOut('10000', function (){$(this).html('');});
function showHelp (link)
$.post('encicl/help/'+link+'.html', function (data){
var id = top.exploder(data);
function hideHelp ()
function showInventory (section, type, mail_guid)
var cur_section = getCookie('section');
if (cur_section == section && $("#inventory").html() != '')
$('#section_'+cur_section+', #section_1').attr('bgcolor', '#d4d2d2');
$('#section_'+section).attr('bgcolor', '#a5a5a5');
setCookie('section', section, getTimePlusHour());
$.post('ajax.php', {'do': 'showinventory', 'section': section, 'type': type, 'mail_guid': mail_guid}, function (data){
var inventory = top.exploder(data);
visual.show_any('#inventory', inventory[0]);
function showShapes (available)
if (available)
$('#shape_a').css('backgroundColor', '#A9AFC0');
$('#shape_na').css('backgroundColor', '');
$('#shape_a').css('backgroundColor', '');
$('#shape_na').css('backgroundColor', '#A9AFC0');
$.post('ajax.php', {'do': 'showshapes', 'available': available}, function (data){
var shapes = top.exploder(data);
visual.show_any('#shapes', shapes[0]);
function chooseShape (shape)
$.post('ajax.php', {'do': 'chooseshape', 'shape': shape}, function (data){
var shapes = top.exploder(data);
if (shapes[0] == 'complete')
location.href = 'main.php?action=inv';
else if (shapes[0] == 'error')
//-- Смена хитпоинтов
var delay = 3; // Каждые n сек. увеличение HP и MP на 1%
var redHP = 0.33; // меньше 30% красный цвет
var yellowHP = 0.66; // меньше 60% желтый цвет, иначе зеленый
var TimerOnHP = -1; // id таймера HP
var TimerOnMP = -1; // id таймера MP
var nowHP, maxHP, nowMP, maxMP, hspeed, mspeed;
function showHP (now, max, newspeed, mini)
nowHP = now;
maxHP = max;
hspeed = newspeed;
if (TimerOnHP >= 0)
TimerOnHP = -1;
if (mini)
function setHPlocal ()
var plusHP = 0;
if (nowHP == maxHP)
TimerOnHP = -1;
plusHP = maxHP * hspeed * 0.00001;
nowHP += ((plusHP+nowHP) <= maxHP) ?plusHP :maxHP-nowHP;
TimerOnHP = 0;
var le = 120;
var h1 = Math.round((le / maxHP) * nowHP);
var h2 = le - h1;
if (nowHP / maxHP < redHP)
imag = 'img/icon/bk_life_red.gif';
else if (nowHP / maxHP < yellowHP)
imag = 'img/icon/bk_life_yellow.gif';
imag = 'img/icon/bk_life_green.gif';
var rhp = Math.round(nowHP) + "/" + maxHP;
var alt = 'Уровень жизни'+((plusHP > 0 && (difHP = maxHP-nowHP) > 0) ?'<br>Осталось: '+top.getFormatedTime(Math.round(difHP*delay/(plusHP*10))) :'');
$('#HP').html("<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='120' align='center' style='padding-top: 1px;'><tr>"+
"<td style='position: absolute; width: 120px; font-size: 9px; color: white; font-weight: bold; margin-top: -2px; padding-left: 5px;' align='left' alt='"+alt+"'>"+rhp+"</td>"+
"<td style='width: "+h1+"px; height: 10px; background: url("+imag+") repeat-x;'></td>"+
"<td style='width: "+h2+"px; height: 10px; background: url(img/icon/bk_life_loose.gif) repeat-x;'></td>"+
updateMmoves('HP', alt);
if (TimerOnHP != -1)
TimerOnHP = setTimeout(setHPlocal, delay * 100);
function showMP (now, max, newspeed)
if (max == 0)
nowMP = now;
maxMP = max;
if (TimerOnMP >= 0)
TimerOnMP = -1;
mspeed = newspeed;
function setMPlocal ()
var plusMP = 0;
if (maxMP == 0)
if (nowMP == maxMP)
TimerOnMP = -1
plusMP = maxMP * mspeed * 0.00001;
nowMP += ((plusMP+nowMP) <= maxMP) ?plusMP :maxMP-nowMP;
TimerOnMP = 0;
var le = 120;
var m1 = Math.round((le / maxMP) * nowMP);
var m2 = le - m1;
var rmp = Math.round(nowMP) + "/" + maxMP;
var alt = 'Уровень маны'+((plusMP > 0 && (difMP = maxMP-nowMP) > 0) ?'<br>Осталось: '+top.getFormatedTime(Math.round(difMP*delay/(plusMP*10))) :'')
$('#MP').html("<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='"+le+"' align='center' style='margin-top: -1px;'><tr>"+
"<td style='position: absolute; width: "+le+"px; font-size: 9px; color: white; font-weight: bold; margin-top: -2px; padding-left: 5px; color: #80FFFF;' align='left' alt='"+alt+"'>"+rmp+"</td>"+
"<td style='width: "+m1+"px; height: 10px; background: url(img/icon/blue.gif) repeat-x;'></td>"+
"<td style='width: "+m2+"px; height: 10px; background: url(img/icon/bk_life_loose.gif) repeat-x;'></td>"+
updateMmoves('MP', alt);
if (TimerOnMP != -1)
TimerOnMP = setTimeout(setMPlocal, delay * 100);
function setHPmini ()
var plusHP = 0;
if (nowHP == maxHP)
TimerOnHP = -1;
plusHP = maxHP * hspeed * 0.00001;
nowHP += ((plusHP+nowHP) <= maxHP) ?plusHP :maxHP-nowHP;
TimerOnHP = 0;
var le = 120;
var h1 = Math.round((le / maxHP) * nowHP);
var h2 = le - h1;
if (nowHP / maxHP < redHP)
imag = 'img/icon/bk_life_red.gif';
else if (nowHP / maxHP < yellowHP)
imag = 'img/icon/bk_life_yellow.gif';
imag = 'img/icon/bk_life_green.gif';
var rhp = Math.round(nowHP) + "/" + maxHP;
var alt = 'Уровень жизни'+((plusHP > 0 && (difHP = maxHP-nowHP) > 0) ?'<br>Осталось: '+top.getFormatedTime(Math.round(difHP*delay/(plusHP*10))) :'');
$('#HP').html(" <span style='font-size: 10px; cursor: default;' alt='"+alt+"'>"+rhp+"</span> <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='120' style='display: inline; vertical-align: middle;'><tr>"+
"<td style='width: "+h1+"px; height: 10px; background: url("+imag+") repeat-x;'></td>"+
"<td style='width: "+h2+"px; height: 10px; background: url(img/icon/bk_life_loose.gif) repeat-x;'></td>"+
updateMmoves('HP', alt);
if (TimerOnHP != -1)
TimerOnHP = setTimeout(setHPmini, delay * 100);
//-- Сломанные вещи
var broken = new Array ();
var i = 1;
function BrokenItems ()
$('.broken').each(function (){
bgcolor = $(this).parents('tr[bgColor]').attr('bgColor');
$(this).animate({backgroundColor: ((broken[i]) ?"#f88383" :bgcolor)}, 2000);
broken[i] = !broken[i];
i = 1;
function rdf (ifloat)
return Math.round(ifloat * 100) / 100;
function checkWindow ()
if ($('body').height() > $('[name=main]', top.document).height())
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$('body').css('margin-right', '17px');
var pos = {};
$(function (){
$('.broken').each(function (){
broken[i] = true;
i = 1;
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}).on('click', '#link', function (){
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