392 lines
14 KiB
392 lines
14 KiB
defined('AntiBK') or die("Доступ запрещен!");
class Test extends Char
public $guid;
public $db;
public $char;
function Init ($object)
$this->guid = $object->guid;
$this->db = $object->db;
$this->char = $object;
/*Проверка существования персонажа*/
function Guid ($type = 'main', $loc = '')
if (checki($this->guid))
toIndex($type, true, $loc);
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'guid');
$char_stats = $this->getChar('char_stats', 'guid');
$char_info = $this->getChar('char_info', 'guid');
$sid = $this->db->selectCell("SELECT `sid` FROM `online` WHERE `guid` = ?d", $this->guid);
if (!$char_db || !$char_stats || !$char_info || $sid != session_id() || $sid != $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'])
toIndex($type, true, $loc);
/*Проверка на доступ*/
function Admin ($type = 'main', $loc = '')
$admin_level = $this->getChar('char_db', 'admin_level');
if (!$admin_level)
toIndex($type, true, $loc);
/*Проверка блока персонажа*/
function Block ()
$block = $this->getChar('char_db', 'block');
if ($block)
echoScript("top.main.location.href = 'main.php?action=exit';", true);
/*Проверка заключения персонажа*/
function Prison ()
$prison = $this->getChar('char_db', 'prison');
if (!$prison || intval($prison - time()) > 0)
$this->setChar('char_db', array('prison' => 0));
/*Проверка участия персонажа в заявке*/
function Zayavka ()
$battle = $this->getChar('char_db', 'battle');
$md1 = $this->db->selectCell("SELECT `battle_id` FROM `team1` WHERE `player` = ?d", $this->guid);
$md2 = $this->db->selectCell("SELECT `battle_id` FROM `team2` WHERE `player` = ?d", $this->guid);
$t = 0;
if ($md1)
$m = $md1;
$t = 1;
else if ($md2)
$m = $md2;
$t = 2;
$rows = $this->db->select("SELECT `creator`,
FROM `zayavka`;");
foreach ($rows as $dat)
$cr = $dat['creator'];
if ($m == $dat['creator'] && $dat['status'] == 1)
$zayavka_status = "awaiting";
if ($m == $dat['creator'] && $dat['status'] == 2 && $t == 1)
$zayavka_status = "confirm_mine";
if ($m == $dat['creator'] && $dat['status'] == 2 && $t == 2)
$zayavka_status = "confirm_opp";
if ($m == $dat['creator'] && $dat['status'] == 3 && $battle == 0)
if ($_SESSION['zayavka_c_m'] == 0 && $zayavka_status == "confirm_mine")
$_SESSION['zayavka_c_m'] = 1;
echoScript("top.main.location.href = 'zayavka.php';", true);
if ($_SESSION['zayavka_c_o'] == 0 && $t == 0)
$_SESSION['zayavka_c_o'] = 1;
/*Проверка участия персонажа в битве*/
function Battle ()
$battle = $this->getChar('char_db', 'battle');
if (!$battle)
echoScript("top.main.location.href = 'battle.php';", true);
/*Проверка молчанки у персонажа*/
function Shut ()
$chat_shut = $this->getChar('char_db', 'chat_shut');
if (!$chat_shut || $chat_shut > time())
$this->setChar('char_db', array('chat_shut' => 0));
/*Восстановление здоровья/маны*/
function Regen ()
if ($this->getChar('char_db', 'battle') != 0)
$char_stats = $this->getChar('char_stats', 'hp', 'hp_cure', 'hp_all', 'hp_regen', 'mp', 'mp_cure', 'mp_all', 'mp_regen');
list($now["hp"], $cure["hp"], $all["hp"], $regen["hp"], $now["mp"], $cure["mp"], $all["mp"], $regen["mp"]) = array_values($char_stats);
foreach ($all as $key => $value)
if ($cure[$key] == 0 && $now[$key] < $value)
getCureValue($now[$key], $value, $regen[$key], $cure[$key]);
$this->setChar('char_stats', array($key.'_cure' => $cure[$key]));
else if ($cure[$key] == 0)
$regenerated = getRegeneratedValue($value, ($cure[$key] - time()), $regen[$key]);
if ($regenerated >= 0 && $regenerated < $value)
$this->setChar('char_stats', array($key => $regenerated));
$this->setChar('char_stats', array($key => $value, $key.'_cure' => 0));
/*Проверка травм у персонажа*/
function Travm ()
$travms = $this->db->select("SELECT `travm_id`, `end_time` FROM `character_travms` WHERE `guid` = ?d and `end_time` != 0;", $this->guid);
foreach ($travms as $travm)
if ($travm['end_time'] != 0 && time() > $travm['end_time'])
$this->workTravm($travm['travm_id'], -1);
/*Проверка на получение апа/уровня*/
function Up ()
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'exp', 'next_up', 'level');
if ($char_db['exp'] < $char_db['next_up'])
$exp_table = $this->db->selectRow("SELECT `up`, `level`, `ups`,
`skills`, `money`, `vit`,
`spi`, `hp_regen`,
FROM `player_exp_for_level`
WHERE `exp` = ?d", $char_db['next_up']);
list($this_up, $next_level, $next_ups, $next_skills, $next_money, $next_vit, $next_spi, $next_hpr, $next_bars) = array_values($exp_table);
$next_exp = $this->db->selectCell("SELECT `exp` FROM `player_exp_for_level` WHERE `up` = ?d", ($this_up + 1));
$this->db->query("UPDATE `characters`
SET `next_up` = ?d,
`money` = `money` + ?f
WHERE `guid` = ?d", $next_exp ,rdf($next_money) ,$this->guid);
$this->db->query("UPDATE `character_stats`
SET `ups` = `ups` + ?d,
`skills` = `skills` + ?d
WHERE `guid` = ?d", $next_ups ,$next_skills ,$this->guid);
if ($next_vit)
$this->changeStats('vit', $next_vit);
if ($next_spi)
$this->changeStats('spi', $next_spi);
if ($next_money)
$this->char->history->Items('Get', "$next_money кр.", 'Level');
if ($next_level <= $char_db['level'])
if ($char_db['exp'] >= $next_exp)
$this->setChar('char_db', 'level', $next_level);
$this->db->query("UPDATE `character_stats` SET `maxmass` = `maxmass` + ?f, `hp_regen` = `hp_regen` - ?d WHERE `guid` = ?d", 40 ,$next_hpr ,$this->guid);
if ($next_bars)
$bar_enums = array('mod' => 2, 'power' => 3, 'def' => 4, 'set' => 5, 'btn' => 6);
$next_bars = explode(',', $next_bars);
foreach ($next_bars as $key => $value)
$this->setChar('char_bars', $value, $bar_enums[$value]."|1");
if ($char_db['exp'] >= $next_exp)
/*Проверка участия персонажа в походе*/
function Move ()
$speed = $this->getChar('char_db', 'speed');
$ld = $this->db->selectRow("SELECT `time`,
FROM `goers`
WHERE `guid` = ?d", $this->guid);
if (!$ld)
list($all_time, $dest_g, $dest, $len, $napr) = array_values($ld);
$to_go = $all_time - time();
$to_go_sec = intval(($all_time - time())); /*seconds*/
$time_to_go = intval($len / $speed * 3600); /*секунд идти*/
$atg = $time_to_go - $to_go_sec;
$len_done = getMoney($speed * $atg / 3600);
$speed_form = getMoney($speed / 1000);
if ($to_go > 0)
echo "Вы идете.<br>"
. "Назначение: <b>$dest</b><br>"
. "Направление: <b>$napr</b><br>"
. "Расстояние: <b>$len (м)</b><br>"
. "Пройдено: <b>$len_done (м)</b><br>"
. "Скорость: <b>$speed_Form(км/час)</b><br>"
. "Осталось времени: <b>".getFormatedTime($all_time)."</b><br><br>"
. "<input type='button' onclick=\"location.reload();\" value='Обновить' id='refresh' size='20' class='anketa' style='background-color: #e4e4e4;'>";
echo "Вы пришли в <b>$dest</b>";
$walk_coef = $len / 10000;
if ($des_g == 'mountown_forest' || $des_g == 'Mountown')
$room = "forest";
$this->setChar('char_db', array('city' => $dest, 'room' => $room));
$this->db->query("UPDATE `character_stats` SET `walk` = `walk` + ?d WHERE `guid` = ?d", $walk_coef ,$this->guid);
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM `goers` WHERE `guid` = ?d", $this->guid);
echoScript("location.href = 'main.php?action=go&room_go=$room';", true);
/*Проверка правельности перехода*/
function Go ($room_go, $return = false)
if (!$room_go)
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'room', 'city', 'sex', 'level', 'prison');
$char_stats = $this->getChar('char_stats', 'mass', 'maxmass');
$travm = $this->db->select("SELECT `c`.`travm_id` FROM `character_travms` AS `c` LEFT JOIN `player_travms` AS `i` ON `c`.`travm_id` = `i`.`id` WHERE `c`.`guid` = ?d and (`i`.`power` = '3' or `i`.`power` = '2') and `i`.`type` != '2';", $this->guid);
$room_info = $this->char->city->getRoom($room_go, $char_db['city'], 'room', 'from', 'min_level', 'max_level', 'need_orden', 'sex') or $this->char->error->Map(102);
list($room_go, $from, $min_level, $max_level, $need_orden, $need_sex) = array_values($room_info);
if ($char_db['prison'] != 0)
if ($char_stats['mass'] > $char_stats['maxmass'])
$this->char->error->Map(103, "$char_stats[mass]|$char_stats[maxmass]");
if ($char_db['level'] < $min_level)
if ($char_db['level'] > $max_level)
$this->char->error->Map(109, $max_level);
if ($need_orden)
if ($need_sex != '' && $char_db['sex'] != $need_sex)
$need_sex = ($need_sex) ?'женщинам' :'мужчинам';
$this->char->error->Map(104, $need_sex);
if (!in_array($char_db['room'], explode(',', $from)) && $char_db['room'] != $room_go)
if (($this->char->city->getRoomGoTime()) > 0 && !$return)
if ($travm)
/*Проверка всех предметов*/
function Items ()
$char_equip = $this->getChar('char_equip', 'helmet', 'bracer', 'hand_r', 'armor', 'shirt', 'cloak', 'belt', 'earring', 'amulet', 'ring1', 'ring2', 'ring3', 'gloves', 'hand_l', 'pants', 'boots');
foreach ($char_equip as $key => $value)
if ($value != 0 && !($this->char->equip->checkItemStats($value)))
$this->char->equip->equipItem($key, -1);
$rows = $this->db->select("SELECT `id`,
FROM `character_inventory`
WHERE `guid` = ?d", $this->guid);
foreach ($rows as $inventory)
list($item_id, $item_wear, $item_mailed) = array_values($inventory);
if ($this->char->equip->checkItemValidity($item_id))
if (!$item_wear && !$item_mailed)
else if ($item_wear && !$item_mailed)
$slot = $this->char->equip->getItemSlot($item_id);
$this->char->equip->equipItem($slot, -1);
/*Проверка доступности комнаты*/
function Room ()
global $action;
$actions = array('none', 'go', 'admin', 'enter', 'exit', '');
$room = $this->getChar('char_db', 'room');
if ($room == 'mail' && !in_array($action, $actions))
if ($room == 'bank' && !in_array($action, $actions))
/*Проверка состояния персонажа*/
function Afk ()
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'last_time', 'dnd', 'afk');
if ($char_db['afk'])
if ((time () - $char_db['last_time']) >= 300 && !$char_db['dnd'])
$this->setChar('char_db', array('afk' => 1, 'message' => 'away from keyboard'));
/*Обновление состояния персонажа*/
function WakeUp ()
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'afk', 'message');
if ($char_db['afk'] && $char_db['message'] == 'away from keyboard')
$this->setChar('char_db', array('afk' => 0, 'message' => ''));
/*Проверка эффектов*/
function Effects ()
$effects = $this->db->select("SELECT `effect_id`, `end_time` FROM `character_effects` WHERE `guid` = ?d and `end_time` != 0;", $this->guid);
foreach ($effects as $effect)
if ($effect['end_time'] != 0 && time() > $effect['end_time'])
$this->workEffect($effect['effect_id'], -1);
/*Проверка онлайн*/
function Online ($guid = 0)
if ($guid == $this->guid)
return true;
$last_time = $this->getChar('char_db', 'last_time', $guid);
if ((time() - $last_time) > 100)
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM `online` WHERE `guid` = ?d", $guid);
return false;
return true;