Igor Barkov (iwork) d0b334a426 Upload code
2021-02-11 17:11:12 +02:00

392 lines
14 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

defined('AntiBK') or die("Доступ запрещен!");
class Test extends Char
public $guid;
public $db;
public $char;
function Init ($object)
$this->guid = $object->guid;
$this->db = $object->db;
$this->char = $object;
/*Проверка существования персонажа*/
function Guid ($type = 'main', $loc = '')
if (checki($this->guid))
toIndex($type, true, $loc);
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'guid');
$char_stats = $this->getChar('char_stats', 'guid');
$char_info = $this->getChar('char_info', 'guid');
$sid = $this->db->selectCell("SELECT `sid` FROM `online` WHERE `guid` = ?d", $this->guid);
if (!$char_db || !$char_stats || !$char_info || $sid != session_id() || $sid != $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'])
toIndex($type, true, $loc);
/*Проверка на доступ*/
function Admin ($type = 'main', $loc = '')
$admin_level = $this->getChar('char_db', 'admin_level');
if (!$admin_level)
toIndex($type, true, $loc);
/*Проверка блока персонажа*/
function Block ()
$block = $this->getChar('char_db', 'block');
if ($block)
echoScript("top.main.location.href = 'main.php?action=exit';", true);
/*Проверка заключения персонажа*/
function Prison ()
$prison = $this->getChar('char_db', 'prison');
if (!$prison || intval($prison - time()) > 0)
$this->setChar('char_db', array('prison' => 0));
/*Проверка участия персонажа в заявке*/
function Zayavka ()
$battle = $this->getChar('char_db', 'battle');
$md1 = $this->db->selectCell("SELECT `battle_id` FROM `team1` WHERE `player` = ?d", $this->guid);
$md2 = $this->db->selectCell("SELECT `battle_id` FROM `team2` WHERE `player` = ?d", $this->guid);
$t = 0;
if ($md1)
$m = $md1;
$t = 1;
else if ($md2)
$m = $md2;
$t = 2;
$rows = $this->db->select("SELECT `creator`,
FROM `zayavka`;");
foreach ($rows as $dat)
$cr = $dat['creator'];
if ($m == $dat['creator'] && $dat['status'] == 1)
$zayavka_status = "awaiting";
if ($m == $dat['creator'] && $dat['status'] == 2 && $t == 1)
$zayavka_status = "confirm_mine";
if ($m == $dat['creator'] && $dat['status'] == 2 && $t == 2)
$zayavka_status = "confirm_opp";
if ($m == $dat['creator'] && $dat['status'] == 3 && $battle == 0)
if ($_SESSION['zayavka_c_m'] == 0 && $zayavka_status == "confirm_mine")
$_SESSION['zayavka_c_m'] = 1;
echoScript("top.main.location.href = 'zayavka.php';", true);
if ($_SESSION['zayavka_c_o'] == 0 && $t == 0)
$_SESSION['zayavka_c_o'] = 1;
/*Проверка участия персонажа в битве*/
function Battle ()
$battle = $this->getChar('char_db', 'battle');
if (!$battle)
echoScript("top.main.location.href = 'battle.php';", true);
/*Проверка молчанки у персонажа*/
function Shut ()
$chat_shut = $this->getChar('char_db', 'chat_shut');
if (!$chat_shut || $chat_shut > time())
$this->setChar('char_db', array('chat_shut' => 0));
/*Восстановление здоровья/маны*/
function Regen ()
if ($this->getChar('char_db', 'battle') != 0)
$char_stats = $this->getChar('char_stats', 'hp', 'hp_cure', 'hp_all', 'hp_regen', 'mp', 'mp_cure', 'mp_all', 'mp_regen');
list($now["hp"], $cure["hp"], $all["hp"], $regen["hp"], $now["mp"], $cure["mp"], $all["mp"], $regen["mp"]) = array_values($char_stats);
foreach ($all as $key => $value)
if ($cure[$key] == 0 && $now[$key] < $value)
getCureValue($now[$key], $value, $regen[$key], $cure[$key]);
$this->setChar('char_stats', array($key.'_cure' => $cure[$key]));
else if ($cure[$key] == 0)
$regenerated = getRegeneratedValue($value, ($cure[$key] - time()), $regen[$key]);
if ($regenerated >= 0 && $regenerated < $value)
$this->setChar('char_stats', array($key => $regenerated));
$this->setChar('char_stats', array($key => $value, $key.'_cure' => 0));
/*Проверка травм у персонажа*/
function Travm ()
$travms = $this->db->select("SELECT `travm_id`, `end_time` FROM `character_travms` WHERE `guid` = ?d and `end_time` != 0;", $this->guid);
foreach ($travms as $travm)
if ($travm['end_time'] != 0 && time() > $travm['end_time'])
$this->workTravm($travm['travm_id'], -1);
/*Проверка на получение апа/уровня*/
function Up ()
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'exp', 'next_up', 'level');
if ($char_db['exp'] < $char_db['next_up'])
$exp_table = $this->db->selectRow("SELECT `up`, `level`, `ups`,
`skills`, `money`, `vit`,
`spi`, `hp_regen`,
FROM `player_exp_for_level`
WHERE `exp` = ?d", $char_db['next_up']);
list($this_up, $next_level, $next_ups, $next_skills, $next_money, $next_vit, $next_spi, $next_hpr, $next_bars) = array_values($exp_table);
$next_exp = $this->db->selectCell("SELECT `exp` FROM `player_exp_for_level` WHERE `up` = ?d", ($this_up + 1));
$this->db->query("UPDATE `characters`
SET `next_up` = ?d,
`money` = `money` + ?f
WHERE `guid` = ?d", $next_exp ,rdf($next_money) ,$this->guid);
$this->db->query("UPDATE `character_stats`
SET `ups` = `ups` + ?d,
`skills` = `skills` + ?d
WHERE `guid` = ?d", $next_ups ,$next_skills ,$this->guid);
if ($next_vit)
$this->changeStats('vit', $next_vit);
if ($next_spi)
$this->changeStats('spi', $next_spi);
if ($next_money)
$this->char->history->Items('Get', "$next_money кр.", 'Level');
if ($next_level <= $char_db['level'])
if ($char_db['exp'] >= $next_exp)
$this->setChar('char_db', 'level', $next_level);
$this->db->query("UPDATE `character_stats` SET `maxmass` = `maxmass` + ?f, `hp_regen` = `hp_regen` - ?d WHERE `guid` = ?d", 40 ,$next_hpr ,$this->guid);
if ($next_bars)
$bar_enums = array('mod' => 2, 'power' => 3, 'def' => 4, 'set' => 5, 'btn' => 6);
$next_bars = explode(',', $next_bars);
foreach ($next_bars as $key => $value)
$this->setChar('char_bars', $value, $bar_enums[$value]."|1");
if ($char_db['exp'] >= $next_exp)
/*Проверка участия персонажа в походе*/
function Move ()
$speed = $this->getChar('char_db', 'speed');
$ld = $this->db->selectRow("SELECT `time`,
FROM `goers`
WHERE `guid` = ?d", $this->guid);
if (!$ld)
list($all_time, $dest_g, $dest, $len, $napr) = array_values($ld);
$to_go = $all_time - time();
$to_go_sec = intval(($all_time - time())); /*seconds*/
$time_to_go = intval($len / $speed * 3600); /*секунд идти*/
$atg = $time_to_go - $to_go_sec;
$len_done = getMoney($speed * $atg / 3600);
$speed_form = getMoney($speed / 1000);
if ($to_go > 0)
echo "Вы идете.<br>"
. "Назначение: <b>$dest</b><br>"
. "Направление: <b>$napr</b><br>"
. "Расстояние: <b>$len (м)</b><br>"
. "Пройдено: <b>$len_done (м)</b><br>"
. "Скорость: <b>$speed_Form(км/час)</b><br>"
. "Осталось времени: <b>".getFormatedTime($all_time)."</b><br><br>"
. "<input type='button' onclick=\"location.reload();\" value='Обновить' id='refresh' size='20' class='anketa' style='background-color: #e4e4e4;'>";
echo "Вы пришли в <b>$dest</b>";
$walk_coef = $len / 10000;
if ($des_g == 'mountown_forest' || $des_g == 'Mountown')
$room = "forest";
$this->setChar('char_db', array('city' => $dest, 'room' => $room));
$this->db->query("UPDATE `character_stats` SET `walk` = `walk` + ?d WHERE `guid` = ?d", $walk_coef ,$this->guid);
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM `goers` WHERE `guid` = ?d", $this->guid);
echoScript("location.href = 'main.php?action=go&room_go=$room';", true);
/*Проверка правельности перехода*/
function Go ($room_go, $return = false)
if (!$room_go)
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'room', 'city', 'sex', 'level', 'prison');
$char_stats = $this->getChar('char_stats', 'mass', 'maxmass');
$travm = $this->db->select("SELECT `c`.`travm_id` FROM `character_travms` AS `c` LEFT JOIN `player_travms` AS `i` ON `c`.`travm_id` = `i`.`id` WHERE `c`.`guid` = ?d and (`i`.`power` = '3' or `i`.`power` = '2') and `i`.`type` != '2';", $this->guid);
$room_info = $this->char->city->getRoom($room_go, $char_db['city'], 'room', 'from', 'min_level', 'max_level', 'need_orden', 'sex') or $this->char->error->Map(102);
list($room_go, $from, $min_level, $max_level, $need_orden, $need_sex) = array_values($room_info);
if ($char_db['prison'] != 0)
if ($char_stats['mass'] > $char_stats['maxmass'])
$this->char->error->Map(103, "$char_stats[mass]|$char_stats[maxmass]");
if ($char_db['level'] < $min_level)
if ($char_db['level'] > $max_level)
$this->char->error->Map(109, $max_level);
if ($need_orden)
if ($need_sex != '' && $char_db['sex'] != $need_sex)
$need_sex = ($need_sex) ?'женщинам' :'мужчинам';
$this->char->error->Map(104, $need_sex);
if (!in_array($char_db['room'], explode(',', $from)) && $char_db['room'] != $room_go)
if (($this->char->city->getRoomGoTime()) > 0 && !$return)
if ($travm)
/*Проверка всех предметов*/
function Items ()
$char_equip = $this->getChar('char_equip', 'helmet', 'bracer', 'hand_r', 'armor', 'shirt', 'cloak', 'belt', 'earring', 'amulet', 'ring1', 'ring2', 'ring3', 'gloves', 'hand_l', 'pants', 'boots');
foreach ($char_equip as $key => $value)
if ($value != 0 && !($this->char->equip->checkItemStats($value)))
$this->char->equip->equipItem($key, -1);
$rows = $this->db->select("SELECT `id`,
FROM `character_inventory`
WHERE `guid` = ?d", $this->guid);
foreach ($rows as $inventory)
list($item_id, $item_wear, $item_mailed) = array_values($inventory);
if ($this->char->equip->checkItemValidity($item_id))
if (!$item_wear && !$item_mailed)
else if ($item_wear && !$item_mailed)
$slot = $this->char->equip->getItemSlot($item_id);
$this->char->equip->equipItem($slot, -1);
/*Проверка доступности комнаты*/
function Room ()
global $action;
$actions = array('none', 'go', 'admin', 'enter', 'exit', '');
$room = $this->getChar('char_db', 'room');
if ($room == 'mail' && !in_array($action, $actions))
if ($room == 'bank' && !in_array($action, $actions))
/*Проверка состояния персонажа*/
function Afk ()
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'last_time', 'dnd', 'afk');
if ($char_db['afk'])
if ((time () - $char_db['last_time']) >= 300 && !$char_db['dnd'])
$this->setChar('char_db', array('afk' => 1, 'message' => 'away from keyboard'));
/*Обновление состояния персонажа*/
function WakeUp ()
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'afk', 'message');
if ($char_db['afk'] && $char_db['message'] == 'away from keyboard')
$this->setChar('char_db', array('afk' => 0, 'message' => ''));
/*Проверка эффектов*/
function Effects ()
$effects = $this->db->select("SELECT `effect_id`, `end_time` FROM `character_effects` WHERE `guid` = ?d and `end_time` != 0;", $this->guid);
foreach ($effects as $effect)
if ($effect['end_time'] != 0 && time() > $effect['end_time'])
$this->workEffect($effect['effect_id'], -1);
/*Проверка онлайн*/
function Online ($guid = 0)
if ($guid == $this->guid)
return true;
$last_time = $this->getChar('char_db', 'last_time', $guid);
if ((time() - $last_time) > 100)
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM `online` WHERE `guid` = ?d", $guid);
return false;
return true;