572 lines
25 KiB
572 lines
25 KiB
defined('AntiBK') or die("Доступ запрещен!");
/*Информация о персонаже*/
class Info
public $guid;
public $db;
function& initialization ($guid, $adb)
$object = new Info;
$object->guid = $guid;
$object->db = $adb;
return $object;
/*Получение информации о персонаже*/
function getChar ()
$args = func_get_args();
$args_num = func_num_args();
$guid = $this->guid;
$table = getTable($args[0]);
if ($args[1] == '*')
return $this->db->selectRow("SELECT * FROM ?# WHERE `guid` = ?d", $table, $guid);
else if ($args_num == 2)
return $this->db->selectCell("SELECT ?# FROM ?# WHERE `guid` = ?d", $args, $table, $guid);
return $this->db->selectRow("SELECT ?# FROM ?# WHERE `guid` = ?d", $args, $table, $guid);
/*Получение информации о языке*/
function getLang ()
$lang = $this->db->selectCell("SELECT `language` FROM `server_info`;");
return $this->db->selectCol("SELECT `key` AS ARRAY_KEY, ?# FROM `server_language`;", $lang);
/*Проверка существования персонажа*/
function Guid ()
if (checki($this->guid))
error('Указанный персонаж не найден...');
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'guid');
$char_stats = $this->getChar('char_stats', 'guid');
$char_info = $this->getChar('char_info', 'guid');
if (!$char_db || !$char_stats || !$char_info)
error('Указанный персонаж не найден...');
/*Проверка заключения персонажа*/
function Prison ()
$prison = $this->getChar('char_db', 'prison');
if (!$prison || intval($prison - time()) > 0)
$this->db->query("UPDATE `characters` SET `prison` = '0' WHERE `guid` = ?d", $this->guid);
/*Проверка молчанки у персонажа*/
function Shut ()
$chat_shut = $this->getChar('char_db', 'chat_shut');
if (!$chat_shut || $chat_shut > time())
$this->db->query("UPDATE `characters` SET `chat_shut` = '0' WHERE `guid` = ?d", $this->guid);
/*Восстановление здоровья/маны*/
function Regen ()
if ($this->getChar('char_db', 'battle') != 0)
$char_stats = $this->getChar('char_stats', 'hp', 'hp_cure', 'hp_all', 'hp_regen', 'mp', 'mp_cure', 'mp_all', 'mp_regen');
list($now["hp"], $cure["hp"], $all["hp"], $regen["hp"], $now["mp"], $cure["mp"], $all["mp"], $regen["mp"]) = array_values($char_stats);
foreach ($all as $key => $value)
if ($cure[$key] == 0 && $now[$key] < $value)
getCureValue($now[$key], $value, $regen[$key], $cure[$key]);
$this->db->query("UPDATE `character_stats` SET ?# = ?d WHERE `guid` = ?d", $key.'_cure' ,$cure[$key] ,$this->guid);
else if ($cure[$key] == 0)
$regenerated = getRegeneratedValue($value, ($cure[$key] - time()), $regen[$key]);
if ($regenerated >= 0 && $regenerated < $value)
$this->db->query("UPDATE `character_stats` SET ?# = ?d WHERE `guid` = ?d", $key ,$regenerated ,$this->guid);
$this->db->query("UPDATE `character_stats` SET ?# = ?d, ?# = '0' WHERE `guid` = ?d", $key ,$value ,$key.'_cure' ,$this->guid);
/*Проверка онлайн*/
function Online ()
$last_time = $this->getChar('char_db', 'last_time');
if ((time() - $last_time) > 100)
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM `online` WHERE `guid` = ?d", $this->guid);
/*Отображение дополнительной характеристики*/
function showStatAddition ()
global $added;
$added = array('str' => 0, 'dex' => 0, 'con' => 0, 'int' => 0);
$rows = $this->db->select("SELECT `i`.`add_str`, `c`.`inc_str`,
`i`.`add_dex`, `c`.`inc_dex`,
`i`.`add_con`, `c`.`inc_con`,
`i`.`add_int`, `c`.`inc_int`
FROM `character_inventory` AS `c`
LEFT JOIN `item_template` AS `i`
ON `c`.`item_entry` = `i`.`entry`
WHERE `c`.`guid` = ?d
and `c`.`wear` = '1';", $this->guid);
foreach ($rows as $dat)
$added['str'] += $dat['add_str'] + $dat['inc_str'];
$added['dex'] += $dat['add_dex'] + $dat['inc_dex'];
$added['con'] += $dat['add_con'] + $dat['inc_con'];
$added['int'] += $dat['add_int'] + $dat['inc_int'];
$rows = $this->db->select("SELECT `stats` FROM `character_travms` WHERE `guid` = ?d and `stats` != '';", $this->guid);
foreach ($rows as $travm)
$stats = split(",", $travm['stats']);
foreach ($stats as $stat)
$stat = split("=", $stat);
if (array_key_exists($stat[0], $added))
$added[$stat[0]] += -$stat[1];
/*Отображение снаряжения*/
function showCharacter ()
$char_equip = $this->getChar('char_equip', '*');
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'login', 'shape', 'block');
$char_stats = $this->getChar('char_stats', 'hp', 'hp_all', 'hp_regen', 'mp', 'mp_all', 'mp_regen');
$char_feat = array_merge($char_db, $char_stats);
$char_feat['name'] = "alt='$char_feat[login]'";
$char_equip['armor'] = ($char_equip['cloak']) ?$char_equip['cloak'] :(($char_equip['armor']) ?$char_equip['armor'] :$char_equip['shirt']);
$char_equip['hand_l_s'] = (!$char_equip['hand_l_free']) ?"hand_l" :"hand_l_f";
echo $this->getLogin();
echo "<div style='height: 5px;'></div>";
echo $this->getCharacterEquipped($char_equip, $char_feat);
echoScript("showHP($char_feat[hp], $char_feat[hp_all], $char_feat[hp_regen]);".
"showMP($char_feat[mp], $char_feat[mp_all], $char_feat[mp_regen]);");
/*Получение одетых вещей*/
function getCharacterEquipped ($char_equip, $char_feat)
if (!$char_equip || !$char_feat)
$effects = $this->getEffects();
$equipped = "<table border='0' width='227' class='posit' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";
if ($char_feat['block'])
$equipped .= "<tr><td colspan='3' align='center'><b><font color='#FF0000'>Персонаж заблокирован!</font></b></td></tr>";
$equipped .= "<tr bgColor='#dedede'>"
. "<td width='60' align='left' valign='top'>"
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['helmet'], "helmet")
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['bracer'], "bracer")
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['hand_r'], "hand_r")
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['armor'], "armor")
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['belt'], "belt")
. "</td>"
. "<td width='120' height='220' align='center' valign='middle'><table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"
. "<tr height='20'><td style='font-size: 9px; position: relative;'><div id='HP'></div><div id='MP'></div></td></tr>"
. "<tr height='220'><td><div style='position: relative; z-index: 1; width: 120px; height: 220px;'><img src='img/chars/$char_feat[shape]' $char_feat[name]>$effects</div></td></tr>"
. "<tr height='40'><td><img src='img/items/slot_bottom0.gif' border='0'></td></tr>"
. "</table></td>"
. "<td width='60' align='right' valign='top'>"
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['earring'], "earring")
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['amulet'], "amulet")
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['ring1'], "ring")
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['ring2'], "ring")
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['ring3'], "ring")
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['gloves'], "gloves")
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['hand_l'], $char_equip['hand_l_s'])
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['pants'], "pants")
. $this->getItemEquiped($char_equip['boots'], "boots")
. "</td></tr></table>";
return $equipped;
/*Получение отображаемых эффектов*/
function getEffects ()
$i = 1;
$left = 0;
$top = 0;
$return = '';
$lang = $this->getLang();
$travms = $this->db->select("SELECT * FROM `character_travms` AS `c` LEFT JOIN `player_travms` AS `i` ON `c`.`travm_id` = `i`.`id` WHERE `c`.`guid` = ?d and `c`.`stats` != '';", $this->guid);
foreach ($travms as $travm)
$name = (isset($lang['travm_p_'.$travm['power']])) ?$lang['travm_p_'.$travm['power']].' ('.$travm['name'].')' :$travm['name'];
$stats = ($travm['type'] == 1) ?'<br>У персонажа '.lowercase($lang['travm_p_'.$travm['power']]).' - ослаблены характеристики.' :'';
$modifiers = split(",", $travm['stats']);
foreach ($modifiers as $modifier)
$stat = split("=", $modifier);
$stats .= '<br>'.$lang[$stat[0]].' -'.$stat[1];
$end_time = 'Осталось: '.getFormatedTime($travm['end_time']);
$img = ($travm['type'] == 0) ?'' :$travm['power'];
$return .= "<img src='img/icon/effects/eff_travma$img.gif' style='position: absolute; left: {$left}px; top: {$top}px; z-index: 100;' alt='<u><b>$name</b></u> (Эффект)<br>$end_time<br>$stats' width='36' height='23'>";
$left += 36;
if ($i % 3 == 0)
$top += 23;
$left = 0;
return $return;
/*Получение изображения предмета, одетого на персонажа*/
function getItemEquiped ($item_id, $i_type)
$lang = $this->getLang();
$image = $this->db->selectRow("SELECT `width`, `height`, `default`, `low_level`, `level` FROM `server_images` WHERE `name` = ?s", 'item_'.$i_type);
$default = "<img src='img/items/$image[default]' width='$image[width]' height='$image[height]' border='0' alt='".$lang[$i_type.'_f']."'>";
if (!is_numeric($item_id))
return $default;
$level = $this->getChar('char_db', 'level');
if ($item_id == 0 && $level < $image['level'])
return "<img src='img/items/$image[low_level]' width='$image[width]' height='$image[height]' border='0' alt='".$lang[$i_type.'_l']."'>";
else if ($item_id == 0)
return $default;
$color = '';
$img = $image['default'];
$desc = $this->getItemAlt($item_id, $color, $img);
if (!$desc)
return $default;
$slot = $this->getItemSlot($item_id);
return "<img src='img/items/$img' width='$image[width]' height='$image[height]' border='0' alt='$desc'$color>";
/*Получение всплывающей подсказки о предмете*/
function getItemAlt ($item_id, &$color = '', &$img = '')
if (checki($item_id))
return '';
$lang = $this->getLang();
$i_info = $this->db->selectRow("SELECT `c`.`tear_cur`, `c`.`tear_max`,
`i`.`attack`, `i`.`brick`,
`i`.`name`, `i`.`img`,
`i`.`add_hp`, `i`.`add_mp`,
`i`.`def_h`, `i`.`def_a`,
`i`.`def_b`, `i`.`def_l`
FROM `character_inventory` AS `c`
LEFT JOIN `item_template` AS `i`
ON `c`.`item_entry` = `i`.`entry`
WHERE `c`.`guid` = ?d
and `c`.`id` = ?d", $this->guid, $item_id);
if (!$i_info)
return '';
$img = $i_info['img'];
$tear_check = ($i_info['tear_cur'] >= $i_info['tear_max'] * 0.90);
$tear_show = ($tear_check) ?'<font color=#990000>%s</font>' :'%s';
$color = ($tear_check) ?" class='broken'" :'';
$def = array('h', 'a', 'b', 'l');
$desc = $i_info['name'];
if ($i_info['attack'] > 0)
$desc .= "<br>$lang[damage] $i_info[attack] - ".($i_info['attack'] + $i_info['brick']);
$desc .= "<br>$lang[durability] ".sprintf($tear_show, intval($i_info['tear_cur'])."/".ceil($i_info['tear_max']));
return $desc;
/*Получение отформатированного кубика*/
private function getFormatedBrick ($min, $brick)
$first = $min - 1;
$second = $brick + 1;
if ($min == 1) return "(d$second)";
if ($brick == 0) return '';
if ($min <= 0) return '';
return "($first+d$second)";
/*Получение слота в который одет предмет*/
function getItemSlot ($item_id)
if (checki($item_id))
$char_equip = $this->getChar('char_equip', 'helmet', 'bracer', 'hand_r', 'armor', 'shirt', 'cloak', 'belt', 'earring', 'amulet', 'ring1', 'ring2', 'ring3', 'gloves', 'hand_l', 'pants', 'boots');
foreach ($char_equip as $key => $value)
if ($item_id == $value)
return $key;
/*Показ строки персонажа*/
function getLogin ()
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'login', 'level', 'orden', 'clan', 'clan_short', 'rang');
list($login, $level, $orden, $clan_f, $clan_s, $rang) = array_values($char_db);
switch ($orden)
case 1: $orden_img = "<img src='img/orden/pal/$rang.gif' width='12' height='15' border='0' title='Белое братство'>"; break;
case 2: $orden_img = "<img src='img/orden/arm/$rang.gif' width='12' height='15' border='0' title='Темное братство'>"; break;
case 3: $orden_img = "<img src='img/orden/3.gif' width='12' height='15' border='0' title='Нейтральное братство'>"; break;
case 4: $orden_img = "<img src='img/orden/4.gif' width='12' height='15' border='0' title='Алхимик'>"; break;
case 5: $orden_img = "<img src='img/orden/5.gif' width='12' height='15' border='0' title='Хаос'>"; break;
default: $orden_img = ""; break;
$clan = ($clan_s != '') ?"<img src='img/clan/$clan_s.gif' border='0' title='$clan_f'>" :"";
$login_link = str_replace(" ", "%20", $login);
$login_info = "<a href='info.php?log=$login_link' target='_blank'><img src='img/inf.gif' border='0' title='Инф. о $login'></a>";
return "<img src='img/icon/lock3.gif' border='0' onclick=\"window.opener.top.AddToPrivate('$login',true);\" style='cursor: pointer;'>$orden_img$clan<b>$login</b> [$level]$login_info";
/*Показ дополнительной информации по персонажу*/
function showInfDetail ()
$char_db = $this->getChar('char_db', 'dealer', 'sex', 'block', 'block_reason', 'chat_shut', 'prison', 'prison_reason');
$lang = $this->getLang();
echo ($char_db['dealer']) ?"<img src='img/alchemy1.gif' alt='Регистрированный алхимик. Имеет право продавать услуги Анти Бойцовского Клуба.' height='24' width='35'><br>" :""; /*Дилер*/
echo ($char_db['block']) ?"Причина блока :<br><b><font class='private'>$char_db[block_reason]</font></b><br>" :""; /*Блок*/
echo ($char_db['chat_shut']) ?"<img src='img/icon/sleeps$char_db[sex].gif'><small>На персонажа наложено заклятие молчания. Будет молчать еще ".getFormatedTime($char_db['chat_shut'])."</small><br>" :""; /*Молчанка*/
echo ($char_db['prison']) ?"<img src='img/icon/jail.png'><small>В заточении еще ".getFormatedTime($char_db['prison'])."</small><br><br>Сообщение от юстициары:<br><b><font class='private'>$char_db[prison_reason]</font></b><br>" :""; /*Тюрьма*/
$travms = $this->db->select("SELECT *
FROM `character_travms` AS `c`
LEFT JOIN `player_travms` AS `i`
ON `c`.`travm_id` = `i`.`id`
WHERE `c`.`guid` = ?d", $this->guid);
foreach ($travms as $travm)
$format = '<br><img src="img/icon/travma2.gif"><small>%1$s</small>';
switch ($travm['type'])
case 0:
if ($travm['id'] == 100)
printf($format, "Персонаж ослаблен из-за смерти в бою, еще ".getFormatedTime($travm['end_time']));
else if ($travm['id'] == 1)
printf($format, "<span alt='Не может драться, перемещаться и передавать предметы'>У персонажа тяжелая травма, <b>\"$travm[name]\"</b> еще ".getFormatedTime($travm['end_time'])."</span>");
case 1:
$alt = ($travm['power'] == 5) ?"Не может драться, перемещаться и передавать предметы" :"Ослаблены характеристики";
printf($format, "<span alt='$alt'>У персонажа ".lowercase($lang['travm_p_'.$travm['power']])." - <b>\"$travm[name]\"</b> еще ".getFormatedTime($travm['end_time'])."</span>");
case 2:
$format = '<br><img src="img/icon/mtravma2.gif"><small>%1$s</small>';
printf($format, "У персонажа магическая травма, еще ".getFormatedTime($travm['end_time']));
/*Получение информации о городе*/
function getCity ()
$args = func_get_args();
$args_num = func_num_args();
$city = $args[0];
if ($args_num == 2)
return $this->db->selectCell("SELECT ?# FROM `server_cities` WHERE `city` = ?s", $args, $city);
return $this->db->selectRow("SELECT ?# FROM `server_cities` WHERE `city` = ?s", $args, $city);
/*Получение информации о комнате*/
function getRoom ()
$args = func_get_args();
$args_num = func_num_args();
$room = $args[0];
$city = $this->getCity($args[1], 'flag');
unset($args[0], $args[1]);
if ($args_num == 3)
return $this->db->selectCell("SELECT ?# FROM `city_rooms` WHERE `room` = ?s and `city` & ?d", $args, $room, $city);
return $this->db->selectRow("SELECT ?# FROM `city_rooms` WHERE `room` = ?s and `city` & ?d", $args, $room, $city);
/*Вывод js скрипта*/
function echoScript ($str, $die = false)
echo "<script>$str</script>";
if ($die)
/*Преобразование массива в переменные*/
function ArrToVar ($arr, $pref = '')
foreach ($arr as $key => $value)
$var = (empty($pref)) ?$key :$pref.$key;
global ${$var};
${$var} = $value;
/*Получение времени восстановления здоровья*/
function getCureValue ($now, $all, $regen, &$value)
$value = intval(30000*($all-$now)/($all*$regen)) + time();
/*Получение количества восстановленного здоровья*/
function getRegeneratedValue ($all, $cure, $regen)
return ($all - intval(0.0001*$all*$cure*$regen/3));
/*Получение отформатированного времени*/
function getFormatedTime ($timestamp)
if (!$timestamp)
return "0 сек.";
if (!is_numeric($timestamp))
$timestamp = time();
$seconds = ($timestamp > time()) ?$timestamp - time() :time() - $timestamp;
$seconds = ($seconds > 0) ?$seconds :0;
$y = intval($seconds / 31536000);
$seconds %= 31536000;
$m = intval($seconds / 2592000);
$seconds %= 2592000;
$d = intval($seconds / 86400);
$seconds %= 86400;
$h = intval($seconds / 3600);
$seconds %= 3600;
$n = intval($seconds / 60);
$seconds %= 60;
$s = $seconds;
if ($y && $m == 0) return "$y г.";
if ($y) return "$y г. $m мес.";
if ($m && $d == 0) return "$m мес.";
if ($m) return "$m мес. $d дн.";
if ($d && $h == 0) return "$d дн.";
if ($d) return "$d дн. $h ч.";
if ($h && $n == 0) return "$h ч.";
if ($h) return "$h ч. $n мин.";
if ($n && $s == 0) return "$n мин.";
if ($n) return "$n мин. $s сек.";
return "$s сек.";
/*Получение цвета улучшения*/
function getColor ($cur, $add)
$diff = ($add > 0) ?(1 - (($cur - $add) / $cur)) * 255 :($add < 0) ?(1 -(($cur - $add*(-1)) / $cur)) * 255 :-50;
$diff = abs (intval ($diff)) + 50;
if ($diff > 150 && $add > 0) return "#00AA00";
if ($diff > 150 && $add < 0) return "#AA0000";
if ($add > 0) return "RGB(0, $diff, 0)";
if ($add < 0) return "RGB($diff, 0, 0)";
return "RGB(0, 0, 0)";
/*Получение разбивки статов*/
function getBraces ($stat, $added_stat, $type = '')
if ($added_stat > 0) return " <small>(<font id='inst_$type'>".($stat-$added_stat)."</font> + $added_stat)</small>";
if ($added_stat < 0) return " <small>(<font id='inst_$type'>".($stat-$added_stat)."</font> - ".abs($added_stat).")</small>";
/*Error log function*/
function databaseErrorHandler ($message, $info)
if (!error_reporting())
echo "<table class = report>";
echo "<tbody>";
echo "<tr><td>SQL Error: $message<br><pre>".print_r($info, true)."</pre></td></tr>";
echo "</tbody>";
echo "</table>";
/*Получение переменной GET, POST и COOKIE*/
function getVar ($var, $stand = '', $flags = 3)
if (isset($_GET[$var]) && ($flags & 1))
$value = $_GET[$var];
else if (isset($_POST[$var]) && ($flags & 2))
$value = $_POST[$var];
else if (isset($_COOKIE[$var]) && ($flags & 4))
$value = $_COOKIE[$var];
return $stand;
if (is_numeric($stand) && is_numeric($value)) return ($flags & 8) ?rdf($value) :$value;
else if (!is_numeric($stand)) return htmlspecialchars($value);
else return $stand;
/*Получение место перехода*/
function toIndex ()
echoScript("location.href = 'index.php';", true);
/*Проверка существования и правильного формата числа*/
function checki ($int)
return (!is_numeric($int) || $int == 0);
/*Получение названия таблицы*/
function getTable ($name)
switch ($name)
case 'char_db': return 'characters';
case 'char_stats': return 'character_stats';
case 'char_info': return 'character_info';
case 'char_equip': return 'character_equip';
case 'char_bars': return 'character_bars';
/*Преобразование русско-язычной строки в нижний и верхний регистр*/
define('LOCASE', 'абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
function mb_str_split ($str)
preg_match_all('/.{1}|[^\x00]{1}$/us', $str, $ar);
return $ar[0];
function mb_strtr ($str, $from, $to)
return str_replace(mb_str_split($from), mb_str_split($to), $str);
function lowercase ($arg = '')
return mb_strtr($arg, UPCASE, LOCASE);
function uppercase ($arg = '')
return mb_strtr($arg, LOCASE, UPCASE);
/*Определение знака зодиака (Неиспользуется)
function getZodiac ($birthday)
$b = split('\.', $birthday);
$zodiac = array('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
foreach ($zodiac as $value)
$d = split('\.', $value);
if (($b[1] == $d[1] && $b[0] >= $d[2] && $b[0] <= 31) || ($b[1] == $d[3] && $b[0] >= 1 && $b[0] <= $d[4]))
return $d[0];
/*Вывод ошибки*/
function error ($text)
echoScript("$('title').html('Произошла ошибка');");
die("Произошла ошибка:<br><pre>$text</pre><a href='javascript:window.history.go(-1);'><b>Назад</b></a><hr><p align='right'>(c) <a href='../'>Анти Бойцовский клуб</a></p>");