187 lines
4.8 KiB
187 lines
4.8 KiB
function getFormatedTime (time)
if (!time)
return 0;
var m = parseInt(time / 60);
time %= 60;
var s = time;
if (m == 0) return s+' cек.';
else return m+' мин. '+s+' cек.';
function strip_sc (str)
str = str.replace(/^\s+/, '');
str = str.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ',');
str = str.substr(0, str.length - 1);
return str;
function trim (str)
str = str.replace(/^\s*/, '');
str = str.replace(/\s*$/, '');
return str;
function AddTo (login, bPrivate)
var c = frames.main.Hint3Name;
if (c != null && c != "")
$('#'+c+', [name='+c+']', main.document).val(login).focus();
var txt = $('#text', talk.document).val();
var txtreg = txt;
var to = '';
var private = '';
var reg1 = new RegExp("(private|to)\\s*\\[(.+?)\\]", "");
while (res = txtreg.match(reg1))
action = res[1];
pr = res[2];
txtreg = txtreg.replace (reg1, '');
if (action == 'private')
pr_ar = pr.split(/,/);
for (i = 0; i < pr_ar.length; i++)
pr_ar[i] = trim(pr_ar[i]);
var slogin = pr_ar[i].replace (/([\^.*{}$%?\[\]+|\/\(\)])/g, "\\$1");
prReg = new RegExp (slogin+",", "");
if (!private.match(prReg))
private += pr_ar[i]+',';
if (action == 'to')
pr_ar = pr.split(/,/)
for (i = 0; i < pr_ar.length; i++)
pr_ar[i] = trim(pr_ar[i]);
var slogin = pr_ar[i].replace(/([\^.*{}$%?\[\]+|\/\(\)])/g, "\\$1");
prReg = new RegExp(slogin+",", "");
if (!to.match(prReg))
to += pr_ar[i]+',';
to = strip_sc (to);
private = strip_sc (private);
var to_str = ','+to+',';
var private_str = ','+private+',';
if (private)
private = 'private ['+private+'] ';
if (to)
to = 'to ['+to+'] ';
txtreg = txtreg.replace (/^\s+/, '');
txt = private + to + txtreg;
var ntxt = 'to ['+login+']';
var i = txt.indexOf (ntxt);
if (i != -1)
txt = txt.substr (0, i) + 'private ['+login+'] '+ txt.substr (i+ntxt.length, txt.length);
var ntxt2 = 'private ['+login+']';
i = txt.indexOf (ntxt2);
if (i != -1)
txt = txt.substr (0, i) + 'to ['+login+'] '+ txt.substr (i+ntxt2.length, txt.length);
var slogin = login.replace (/([\^.*{}$%?\[\]+|\/\(\)])/g, "\\$1");
reg = new RegExp (","+slogin+",", "");
flag = 0;
if (!private_str.match(reg) && txt.match(/private\s*\[.*\]/))
txt = txt.replace (/private\s*\[(.+)\]/, "private ["+login+",$1]");
flag = 1;
if (!to_str.match(reg) && txt.match(/to\s*\[.*\]/))
txt = txt.replace (/to\s*\[(.+)\]/, "to ["+login+",$1]");
flag = 1;
if (flag == 0 && !txt.match (/(to|private)\s*\[.*\]/))
txt = (( bPrivate ) ?'private ['+login+'] ' :'to ['+login+'] ') + txt;
$('#text', talk.document).val(txt).focus();
function AddToPrivate (login)
var s = $('#text', talk.document).val();
var reg2 = new RegExp ("private(\\s*)\\[(.*?)\\]", "");
var cs = s.replace (reg2, "private$1[,$2,]");
var slogin = login.replace (/([\^.*{}$%?\[\]+|\/\(\)])/g, "\\$1");
var reg = new RegExp ("private\\s*\\[.*,\\s*"+slogin+"\\s*,.*\\]", "");
var result = '';
var reg3 = new RegExp ("private\\s*\\[(.*?)\\]", "");
while (res = s.match(reg3))
result += res[1]+',';
s = s.replace (reg3, '');
result = result.replace (/,$/, '');
var prar = result.split (',');
for (i = 0; i < prar.length; i++)
prar[i] = prar[i].replace (/^\s+/, '');
prar[i] = prar[i].replace (/\s+$/, '');
var str = prar.join (', ');
if (str)
login += ', ';
space = ''
if (!s.match(/^\s+/))
space = ' ';
if (!cs.match(reg))
s = 'private ['+login+str+']' + space + s;
s = 'private ['+str+']' + space + s;
$('#text', talk.document).val(s).focus();
function linkAction (action)
frames.main.location.href = "main.php?action="+action;
function exploder (data)
if (data == '' || data == 'ajax_error')
location.href = 'index.php';
var variable = data.split('$$');
return variable;
function checkGame ()
var link = location.href.split("/");
if (link[link.length - 1] != 'game.php')
location.href = 'index.php';
var gframes = new Array($('[name=msg]').attr('src'), $('[name=user]').attr('src'), $('[name=talk]').attr('src'));
if (gframes[0] != 'msg.php' || gframes[1] != 'users.php' || gframes[2] != 'talk.php')
location.href = 'index.php';
catch(e){location.href = 'index.php';}
function cleanChat ()
$('#mes', msg.document).html('');
function exit ()
frames.main.dialogconfirm('Подтверждение', "top.linkAction('exit')", '<center>Вы уверены что хотите выйти из игры?</center>', 0);
var time_to_go = 0;
var city = ''; |