
258 lines
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2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
use Battles\Chat;
use Battles\Template;
require_once "functions.php";
$in_haos = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}';"));
$owntravma = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = " . $user['id'] . " AND (type=13 OR type=12 OR type=14) limit 1;"));
$wait_msg = "Ждем подтверждения от всей группы...";
/** Генерация случайного пароля через хэш случайной строки.
* @return string
function getPass():string
return hash('crc32', mt_rand());
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if (!$in_haos) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO cit_haos_status(id) values('{$user['id']}');");
$in_haos = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1;"));
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$pass_s = getPass();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ($_POST['pay']) {
if (!$_POST['pay_gr']) $_POST['pay_gr'] = 1;
$group_num = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `group` = '{$_POST['pay_gr']}';"));
$cit_haos_pl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_var` WHERE `group`='" . $_POST['pay_gr'] . "' LIMIT 1;"));
$gps = $_POST['gr_pass_in' . $_POST['pay_gr']];
if ($gps)
$gps = str_replace(" ", "", $gps);
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ($group_num < 4)
if ($user['hp'] >= (int)($user['maxhp'] / 3) && !$owntravma[0])
if ($user['money'] >= 20)
if (
!preg_match('/[\/\:*?"<>|+%]/', $gps) &&
($gps == $cit_haos_pl['password'] && strlen($cit_haos_pl['password']) > 1) ||
(strlen($cit_haos_pl['players']) < 3)
) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `cit_haos_status` SET `status` = '1',`group` = '{$_POST['pay_gr']}' WHERE `id` ='{$user['id']}'; ");
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` set `money` = `money`- '20' WHERE id = '{$user['id']}';");
$cit_haos_gr = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_var`;"));
if ($_POST['pay_gr'] > $cit_haos_gr)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `cit_haos_var`(`group`,`password`) values('" . $_POST['pay_gr'] . "','" . $pass_s . "');");
$cit_haos_pl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_var` WHERE `group`='" . $_POST['pay_gr'] . "' LIMIT 1;"));
if (!in_array($user['id'], explode(";", $cit_haos_pl['players']))) {
if ($cit_haos_pl['players'] != '')
$ch_pl_t = $cit_haos_pl['players'] . ";" . $user['id'];
$ch_pl_t = $user['id'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `cit_haos_var` SET `players`='{$ch_pl_t}' WHERE `group`='" . $_POST['pay_gr'] . "';");
} else ($pass_in_err = "Неверный пароль!");
else ($pay_err = "Недостаточно денег для подачи стартового взноса!");
else ($pay_err = "Вы слишком ослаблены либо травмированы! ");
else ($pay_err = "Группа уже набрана!");
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ($_POST['adm_start_raid'] && $user['id'] == 1256) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `cit_haos_status`;");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `cit_haos_var`;");
Chat::sendSys('Начинается прием заявок в рейд на Цитадель Хаоса! Начало рейда через 15 минут.');
$ch_time = time();
mysql_query("UPDATE variables SET value='{$ch_time}' where var='cit_haos_time';");
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ($_POST['test_start_raid'] && $user['id'] == 1256) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `cit_haos_status`;");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `cit_haos_var`;");
// AddChatSystem('<font color=red>Начинается прием заявок в рейд на Цитадель Хаоса! Начало рейда через 15 минут.</font>');
$ch_time = time();
mysql_query("UPDATE variables SET value='{$ch_time}' where var='cit_haos_time';");
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ($in_haos['room'] != 0 && $in_haos['status'] == 2) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `users`,`online` SET `users`.`room` = '601',`online`.`room` = '601' WHERE `online`.`id` = `users`.`id` AND `online`.`id` = '{$_SESSION['uid']}' ;");
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
header('location: c_haos_in.php');
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ($in_haos['status'] == 2) {
$group_num = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `group` = '{$in_haos['group']}';"));
$group_ready = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE (`status` = '2' AND `group` = '{$in_haos['group']}');"));
if ($group_num == $group_ready && $group_ready > 0) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `users`,`online` SET `users`.`room` = '601',`online`.`room` = '601' WHERE `online`.`id` = `users`.`id` AND `online`.`id` = '{$_SESSION['uid']}' ;");
mysql_query("UPDATE `cit_haos_status` SET room='1' WHERE id = '{$user['id']}'; ");
header('location: c_haos_in.php');
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$in_haos = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1;"));
Template::header('Цитадель Хаоса');
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
<!-- JS -->
function refreshPeriodic() {
location.href = 'c_haos.php';//reload()
timerID = setTimeout("refreshPeriodic()", 30000);
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
timerID = setTimeout("refreshPeriodic()", 30000);
<TABLE border=0 width=600 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align=left>
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
<td><h3>Цитадель Хаоса</td>
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$tm = time();
$cit_haos_t = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `variables` WHERE `var` = 'cit_haos_time' LIMIT 1;"));
if ($tm < $cit_haos_t['value'] || $tm > ($cit_haos_t['value'] + 900))//def 900
$tob_all = [];
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `cit_haos_var` WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(players)<3;");
if ($in_haos['status'] == 1) {
$dbb = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_var`;");
while ($ch_tob = mysql_fetch_array($dbb)) {
if (!in_array($ch_tob['players'], $tob_all)) {
$tob_all = $tob_all . ";" . $ch_tob['players'];
foreach (explode(";", $tob_all) as $tob) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `cit_haos_status` SET status='2' WHERE id = '{$tob}'; ");
$tm = time();
$test_tm = time() + 900;
$show_tm = $cit_haos_t['value'] + 0.5 * 24 * 60 * 60;
switch (date("N", $show_tm)) {
case 1:
$d_o = "в понедельник";
case 2:
$d_o = "во вторник";
case 3:
$d_o = "в среду";
case 4:
$d_o = "в четверг";
case 5:
$d_o = "в пятницу";
case 6:
$d_o = "в субботу";
case 7:
$d_o = "в воскресение";
if ($tm < $cit_haos_t['value']) {
echo '<tr><td>Следующий рейд начнется <b>' . date("j.m </b> в <b> H:i</b>", $cit_haos_t['value']) . '</td></tr>';
} else {
echo '<tr><td>Готовьтесь! Следующий рейд будет <b>' . $d_o . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td><FORM action="city.php" method=GET><INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Вернуться в Город" name="bps"></FORM></td></tr>';
if ($user['id'] == 1256) {
echo '<tr><td><FORM method=POST><INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Тест (Начать рейд)" name="test_start_raid"><br></FORM></td></tr>
<tr><td><FORM method=POST><INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Админ - Начать рейд" name="adm_start_raid"><br></FORM></td></tr>';
} elseif ($in_haos['status'] == 0) {
$cit_haos_gr = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_var`;"));
if ($cit_haos_gr == 0) {
$pass_s = getPass();
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `cit_haos_var`(`group`,`password`) values('1','{$pass_s}');");
$cit_haos_gr = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_var`;"));
echo '<tr><td>Рейд начинается <b>' . date("j.m </b> в <b> H:i</b>", $cit_haos_t['value'] + 900) . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td><FORM action="c_haos.php" method=POST>Взнос за участие в рейде <strong>20 кр</strong><br>';
echo '<tr><td><FORM action="c_haos.php" method=POST>Максимальный размер группы - <strong>4</strong> участника<br>';
echo '<tr><td>' . $pass_in_err . '<br />';
$check_em = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `group`=1 ;"));
if ($check_em < 1) {
$i = 1;
echo '<INPUT TYPE="radio" value="' . $i . '" name="pay_gr">Группа ' . $i . ":";
$cit_haos_pl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_var` WHERE `group`='" . $i . "' LIMIT 1;"));
if ($cit_haos_pl['players'] != '') {
foreach (explode(";", $cit_haos_pl['players']) as $ch_p) {
echo Nick::id($ch_p)->full(1) . ",";
echo 'Пароль:<input type="text" size="10" NAME="gr_pass_in' . $i . '">';
} else {
echo ' <em>(Создать новую группу)</em>';
echo '<BR>';
} else {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $cit_haos_gr + 1; $i++) {
echo '<INPUT TYPE="radio" value="' . $i . '" name="pay_gr">Группа ' . $i . ":";
$cit_haos_pl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_var` WHERE `group`='" . $i . "' LIMIT 1;"));
if (strlen($cit_haos_pl['players']) > 1) {
foreach (explode(";", $cit_haos_pl['players']) as $ch_p) {
echo Nick::id($ch_p)->full(1) . ",";
echo 'Пароль:<input type="text" size="10" NAME="gr_pass_in' . $i . '">';
} else {
echo ' <em>(Создать новую группу)</em>';
echo '<BR />';
echo '<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Вступить" name="pay"></FORM>';
if ($pay_err) {
echo $pay_err;
echo '<tr><td><FORM action="city.php" method=GET><INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Вернуться в Город" name="bps"></FORM></td></tr>';
} elseif ($in_haos['status'] == 1) {
echo '<tr><td><FORM action="c_haos.php" method=POST>Начать первый рейд: <INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Готов!" name="join_raid"></FORM></td></tr>';
$cit_haos_pl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_var` WHERE `group`='" . $in_haos['group'] . "' LIMIT 1;"));
echo '<tr><td>Рейд начинается <b>' . date("j.m </b> в <b> H:i</b>", $cit_haos_t['value'] + 900) . '</td></tr>';
echo "<tr><td>Ждем начала рейда...<br /></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Ваша группа ";
if (!empty($cit_haos_pl['password'])) {
echo ":: <strong>Пароль - [" . $cit_haos_pl['password'] . "]</strong> <br />";
if ($pass_err) {
echo $pass_err . "<br />";
$num = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `group`='" . $in_haos['group'] . "';"));
echo "<br /><b>" . $num . "</b> из <b>4</b>";
if ($num == 4) {
echo " - <strong>Группа заполнена</strong>";
echo "<br />";
$cit_haos_pl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_var` WHERE `group`='" . $in_haos['group'] . "' LIMIT 1;"));
foreach (explode(";", $cit_haos_pl['players']) as $ch_p) {
echo Nick::id($ch_p)->full(1) . "<br />";
echo "</td></tr>";
} elseif ($in_haos['status'] == 2) {
echo '<tr><td>';
if ($wait_msg) {
echo $wait_msg;
echo '</td></tr>';
header('location: c_haos_in.php');
} elseif ($in_haos['status'] == 4) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `id` ='{$user['id']}'; ");
echo '<tr><td><FORM action="city.php" method=GET><INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Вернуться в Город" name="bps"></FORM></td></tr>';
} elseif ($in_haos['status'] == 5) {
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET `doblest`=`doblest`+'1' WHERE `id` = '" . $user['id'] . "';");
addchp('За убийство босса ЦХ вы получили 1 доблести', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user['id'])->short() . '{[]}');
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `delo` (`id` , `author` ,`pers`, `text`, `type`, `date`)
VALUES ('','0','{$cur_user['id']}','\"" . $user['login'] . "\" получил в ЦХ 1 доблести',1,'" . time() . "');");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `id` ='{$user['id']}'; ");
header('location: c_haos.php');
<div align=right><img width="260" src="i/zitadel/1.jpg"/></div>