2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
< ? php
session_start ();
if ( ! ( $_SESSION [ 'uid' ] > 0 )) header ( " Location: index.php " );
include " config.php " ;
$user = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' { $_SESSION [ 'uid' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$in_haos = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'id' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
include " functions.php " ;
$wait_msg = " Ждем готовности всей группы... " ;
$ch_rooms = array
// 0 - empty
" 1 " => " Ворота (1) " ,
" 2 " => " Двор (2) " ,
" 3 " => " Внешний корридор (3) " ,
" 4 " => " Спуск в подвал (4) " ,
" 5 " => " Подвал (5) " , //б о с с Душа
" 6 " => " Люк на Западную стену (6) " ,
" 7 " => " Западная стена (7) " ,
" 8 " => " Галерея Страха (8) " ,
" 9 " => " Западная башня (9) " ,
" 10 " => " Галерея Смерти (10) " , //б о с с Зомби
" 11 " => " Проход к Северной стене (11) " ,
" 12 " => " Галерея Тьмы (12) " ,
" 13 " => " Северная стена (13) " ,
" 14 " => " Галерея Бликов (14) " ,
" 15 " => " Внутренний корридор (15) " , //б о с с Повелитель
" 16 " => " Гостевая (16) " ,
" 17 " => " Руины Северной башни (17) " ,
" 18 " => " Поминальная комната (18) " ,
" 19 " => " Галерея Порталов (19) " ,
" 20 " => " Зал Посвященных (20) " , //б о с с Хромой Билли
" 21 " => " Старая лестница (21) " ,
" 22 " => " Трофейная (22) " ,
" 23 " => " Костяной зал (23) " ,
" 24 " => " Склеп (24) " ,
" 25 " => " Лабиринт (25) " , //б о с с Мародер
" 26 " => " Тронный зал (26) " ,
" 27 " => " Тайный корридор (27) " ,
" 28 " => " Комната прислуги (28) " ,
" 29 " => " Королевские покои (29) " ,
" 30 " => " Переход (30) " //б о с с Грохобот
$ch_bots = array ();
//1 - упырь
//2 - падший
//3 - душа
$db = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_var` WHERE `group`=' " . $in_haos [ 'group' ] . " ' limit 1; " ));
if ( ! $db [ 'bots' ])
$bot_low = array
// 0 - empty
" 1 " => " Упырь " ,
" 2 " => " Посланник смерти " ,
" 3 " => " Падший " ,
" 4 " => " Отморозок " ,
" 5 " => " Проклятие глубин "
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 30 ; $i ++ )
$ch_get_bot = rand ( 1 , 5 );
$ch_bots [ $i ] = array ( " 0 " => $bot_low [ $ch_get_bot ]);
$ch_bots [ 5 ] = array ( " 0 " => " Душа " );
$ch_bots [ 10 ] = array ( " 0 " => " Зомби " );
$ch_bots [ 15 ] = array ( " 0 " => " Повелитель " );
$ch_bots [ 20 ] = array ( " 0 " => " Хромой Билли " );
$ch_bots [ 25 ] = array ( " 0 " => " Мародер " );
$ch_bots [ 30 ] = array ( " 0 " => " Грохобот " );
$dbb = serialize ( $ch_bots );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `cit_haos_var` SET bots=' " . $dbb . " ' WHERE `group`=' " . $in_haos [ 'group' ] . " '; " );
$ch_bots = unserialize ( $db [ 'bots' ]);
// комната - опыт == доблесть
$ch_priz = array
" 5 " => array ( 100 , 1 ),
" 10 " => array ( 200 , 2 ),
" 15 " => array ( 300 , 3 ),
" 20 " => array ( 400 , 4 ),
" 25 " => array ( 500 , 5 ),
" 30 " => array ( 600 , 10 )
// комната - кирка == у ник_7 == цветок == у ник_8
$ch_drop = array
" 25 " => array ( 10 , 60 , 95 , 100 ),
" 30 " => array ( 3 , 6 , 7 , 8 ),
$priz_low =
array ( " 727 " );
$priz_med =
array ( " 775 " , " 776 " , " 777 " , " 778 " );
$priz_flow =
array ( " 14 " );
$priz_high =
array ( " 803 " , " 804 " , " 805 " , " 806 " );
/* $ch_bots [ 1 ] = array
" 0 " => " Младший страж глубин " ,
" 1 " => " Младший страж глубин " ,
" 2 " => " Босс глубин "
$ch_bots [ 2 ] = array
" 0 " => " Младший страж глубин " ,
" 1 " => " Босс глубин "
); */
if ( $user [ 'room' ] != 601 ) { header ( " Location: main.php " ); die (); }
if ( $user [ 'battle' ] != 0 ) { header ( 'location: fbattle.php' ); die (); }
if ( $in_haos [ 'status' ] == 4 )
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users`,`online` SET `users`.`room` = '600',`online`.`room` = '600' WHERE `online`.`id` = `users`.`id` AND `online`.`id` = ' { $_SESSION [ 'uid' ] } ' ; " );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `cit_haos_status` SET room='0',bot='0',group='0' WHERE id = ' { $user [ 'id' ] } '; " );
header ( 'location: c_haos.php' );
if ( ! $ch_rooms [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]])
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users`,`online` SET `users`.`room` = '600',`online`.`room` = '600' WHERE `online`.`id` = `users`.`id` AND `online`.`id` = ' { $_SESSION [ 'uid' ] } ' ; " );
if ( $in_haos [ 'status' ] == 2 )
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `cit_haos_status` SET room='0',status='5',bot='0' WHERE id = ' { $user [ 'id' ] } '; " );
2020-08-27 12:17:02 +00:00
addchp ( 'Вы пробились до двери на 2 уровень подземелий Цитадели Х а о с а . Только опытный воин и храбрый страж сможет пройти через нее (10 уровень, страж 2 уровня)' , '{[]}' . Nick :: id ( $user [ 'id' ]) -> short () . '{[]}' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `cit_haos_var` SET bots='',players='' WHERE group=' " . $in_haos [ 'group' ] . " '; " );
header ( 'location: c_haos.php' );
< HTML >< HEAD >
<!-- JS -->
< script >
function refreshPeriodic ()
location . href = 'c_haos_in.php' ; //reload()
timerID = setTimeout ( " refreshPeriodic() " , 30000 );
timerID = setTimeout ( " refreshPeriodic() " , 30000 );
</ script >
< link rel = stylesheet type = " text/css " href = " css/main.css " >
< meta content = " text/html; charset=utf-8 " http - equiv = Content - type >
< META Http - Equiv = Cache - Control Content = no - cache >
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</ HEAD >
< body leftmargin = 5 topmargin = 5 marginwidth = 5 marginheight = 5 bgcolor = #d4d4d4>
< TABLE border = 0 width = 340 cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 0 " align = left >
< tr >< td >< h3 > Цитадель Х а о с а : < ? = $ch_rooms [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]] ?> <br />
< br /></ td ></ tr >
<!-- tr >< td >< FORM action = " city.php " method = GET >< INPUT TYPE = " submit " value = " Вернуться в Город " name = " bps " ></ FORM ></ td ></ tr -->
< ? php
if ( $_POST [ 'go_attack' ])
if ( $in_haos [ 'status' ] == 2 )
$bot_name = $ch_bots [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]][ $in_haos [ 'bot' ]];
switch ( $bot_name )
case " Упырь " :
$bot_id = 2897 ;
$bot_count = rand ( 10 , 30 );
break ;
case " Падший " :
$bot_id = 2903 ;
$bot_count = rand ( 3 , 9 );
break ;
case " Посланник смерти " :
$bot_id = 2896 ;
$bot_count = 2 ;
break ;
case " Отморозок " :
$bot_id = 2893 ;
$bot_count = 3 ;
break ;
case " Проклятие глубин " :
$bot_id = 2892 ;
$bot_count = rand ( 1 , 5 );
break ;
case " Душа " :
$bot_id = 2895 ;
$bot_count = 1 ;
break ;
case " Зомби " :
$bot_id = 2901 ;
$bot_count = 5 ;
break ;
case " Повелитель " :
$bot_id = 2902 ;
$bot_count = 1 ;
break ;
case " Хромой Билли " :
$bot_id = 2898 ;
$bot_count = 1 ;
break ;
case " Мародер " :
$bot_id = 2899 ;
$bot_count = 1 ;
break ;
case " Грохобот " :
$bot_id = 2900 ;
$bot_count = 1 ;
break ;
$b_pers = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=' { $bot_id } ' LIMIT 1; " ));;
$bot_hp = $b_pers [ 'maxhp' ];
$bots = array ();
$group_raw = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `group` = ' { $in_haos [ 'group' ] } ' AND status='2'; " );
while ( $gr = mysql_fetch_array ( $group_raw ))
2020-08-27 12:17:02 +00:00
addchp ( '<font color=red>Внимание!</font> ' . $bot_name . ' напал на Вашу группу!' , '{[]}' . Nick :: id ( $gr [ 'id' ]) -> short () . '{[]}' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
for ( $bot_c = 0 ; $bot_c < $bot_count ; $bot_c ++ )
$nb = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT count(`id`) FROM `bots` WHERE `name` LIKE ' " . $bot_name . " %'; " ));
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `bots` (`name`,`prototype`,`battle`,`hp`) values (' " . $bot_name . " " . ( $nb [ 0 ] + 1 ) . " ',' " . $bot_id . " ','',' " . $bot_hp . " '); " );
$bot = mysql_insert_id ();
$bots [] = $bot ;
// командный вход
$group_fight = array ();
$group_raw = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `group` = ' { $in_haos [ 'group' ] } ' AND status='2'; " );
while ( $gr = mysql_fetch_array ( $group_raw ))
$group_fight [] = $gr [ 'id' ];
$teams = array ();
foreach ( $bots as $b )
foreach ( $group_fight as $gf )
$teams [ $gf ][ $b ] = array ( 0 , 0 , time ());
$teams [ $b ][ $gf ] = array ( 0 , 0 , time ());
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `cit_haos_status` SET `status` = '3' WHERE `id` =' { $gf } '; " );
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `battle`
`id` , `coment` , `teams` , `timeout` , `type` , `status` , `t1` , `t2` , `to1` , `to2`
NULL , '' , '".serialize($teams)."' , '3' , '1' , '0' , '".implode(";", $group_fight)."' , '".implode(";", $bots)."' , '".time()."' , '".time()."'
) " );
$id = mysql_insert_id ();
// апдейтим бота
foreach ( $bots as $b ) mysql_query ( " UPDATE `bots` SET `battle` = { $id } WHERE `id` = { $b } LIMIT 1; " );
// создаем лог
//$rr = "<b>".nick3($user['id'])."</b> и <b>".nick3($bot)."</b>";
//addlog($id,"Часы показывали <span class=date>".date("Y.m.d H.i")."</span>, когда ".$rr." сошлись в поединке. <BR>");
foreach ( $group_fight as $gf ) mysql_query ( " UPDATE users SET `battle` = { $id } ,`zayavka`=0 WHERE `id`= { $gf } ; " );
die ( " <script>location.href='fbattle.php';</script> " );
$group_num = mysql_num_rows ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `group` = ' { $in_haos [ 'group' ] } '; " ));
$group_ready = mysql_num_rows ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE (`room` = ' { $in_haos [ 'room' ] } ' AND `group` = ' { $in_haos [ 'group' ] } '); " ));
$cit_haos_t = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `variables` WHERE `var` = 'cit_haos_time' LIMIT 1; " ));
$tm = time ();
if ( $in_haos [ 'status' ] == 2 )
{ if (( $tm > ( $cit_haos_t [ 'value' ] + 960 )) || ( $tm < ( $cit_haos_t [ 'value' ] - 600 ))) //def 960
$flag_ref = 1 ;
foreach ( $ch_bots [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]] as $bot_id => $bot_name )
if ( $bot_id >= $in_haos [ 'bot' ])
echo '<tr><td><FORM action="c_haos_in.php" method=POST>' ;
if ( $bot_id == $in_haos [ 'bot' ]) echo '<strong>' . $bot_name . '</strong>' ; else echo ( $bot_name );
if ( $bot_id == $in_haos [ 'bot' ]) echo ' - <INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Напасть" name="go_attack">' ;
echo ' </FORM></td></tr>' ;
$flag_ref = 0 ;
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $in_haos [ 'bot' ], $ch_bots [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]]))
echo ( $wait_msg );
//проверяем есть ли приз
if ( array_key_exists ( $in_haos [ 'room' ], $ch_priz ))
$priz_exp = $ch_priz [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]][ 0 ];
$priz_dobl = $ch_priz [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]][ 1 ];
$priz_exp = 0 ;
$priz_dobl = 0 ;
if ( array_key_exists ( $in_haos [ 'room' ], $ch_drop ))
$got_drop = rand ( 0 , 400 ); //100 - norm, 400 - 25%
$got_drop =- 1 ;
//выбираем приз
if ( $in_haos [ 'room' ] < 30 )
if ( $got_drop >= 0 && $got_drop < $ch_drop [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]][ 0 ])
$rand_k = array_rand ( $priz_low , 1 );
$p_id = $priz_low [ $rand_k ];
$p_shop = " shop " ;
elseif ( $got_drop >= $ch_drop [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]][ 0 ] && $got_drop < $ch_drop [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]][ 1 ])
$rand_k = array_rand ( $priz_med , 1 );
$p_id = $priz_med [ $rand_k ];
$p_shop = " shop " ;
elseif ( $got_drop >= $ch_drop [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]][ 1 ] && $got_drop < $ch_drop [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]][ 2 ])
$rand_k = array_rand ( $priz_flow , 1 );
$p_id = $priz_flow [ $rand_k ];
$p_shop = " fshop " ;
elseif ( $got_drop >= $ch_drop [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]][ 2 ] && $got_drop <= $ch_drop [ $in_haos [ 'room' ]][ 3 ])
$rand_k = array_rand ( $priz_high , 1 );
$p_id = $priz_high [ $rand_k ];
$p_shop = " shop " ;
elseif ( $in_haos [ 'room' ] == 30 )
if ( $got_drop <= 200 ) //400max/4=>50%
$priz_low =
array ( " 808 " , " 809 " );
$rand_k = array_rand ( $priz_low , 1 );
$p_id = $priz_low [ $rand_k ];
$p_shop = " shop " ;
2019-01-16 17:45:30 +00:00
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2019-01-16 17:45:30 +00:00
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
//выбираем получателя
$all_get = array ();
$gr_raw = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `cit_haos_status` WHERE `group` = ' { $in_haos [ 'group' ] } '; " );
while ( $g_id = mysql_fetch_array ( $gr_raw ))
$all_get [] = $g_id [ 'id' ];
$l_id = rand ( 0 , count ( $all_get ) - 1 );
//if($priz_exp>0) addchp ('CH get priz - '.$all_get[$l_id],'{[]}'.nick7 (1258).'{[]}');
//даем призы
if ( $p_id > 0 )
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM ` { $p_shop } ` WHERE `id` = ' { $p_id } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `inventory`
( `prototype` , `owner` , `name` , `type` , `massa` , `cost` , `img` , `maxdur` , `isrep` ,
`gsila` , `glovk` , `ginta` , `gintel` , `ghp` , `gnoj` , `gtopor` , `gdubina` , `gmech` , `gfire` , `gwater` , `gair` , `gearth` , `glight` , `ggray` , `gdark` , `needident` , `nsila` , `nlovk` , `ninta` , `nintel` , `nmudra` , `nvinos` , `nnoj` , `ntopor` , `ndubina` , `nmech` , `nfire` , `nwater` , `nair` , `nearth` , `nlight` , `ngray` , `ndark` ,
`mfkrit` , `mfakrit` , `mfuvorot` , `mfauvorot` , `bron1` , `bron2` , `bron3` , `bron4` , `maxu` , `minu` , `magic` , `nlevel` , `nalign` , `dategoden` , `goden` , `otdel` , `gmp` , `gmeshok` , `encicl` , `artefact` , `duration` , `present`
( '{$dress[' id ']}' , '{$all_get[$l_id]}' , '{$dress[' name ']}' , '{$dress[' type ']}' ,{ $dress [ 'massa' ]},{ $dress [ 'cost' ]}, '{$dress[' img ']}' ,{ $dress [ 'maxdur' ]},{ $dress [ 'isrep' ]}, '{$dress[' gsila ']}' , '{$dress[' glovk ']}' , '{$dress[' ginta ']}' , '{$dress[' gintel ']}' , '{$dress[' ghp ']}' , '{$dress[' gnoj ']}' , '{$dress[' gtopor ']}' , '{$dress[' gdubina ']}' , '{$dress[' gmech ']}' , '{$dress[' gfire ']}' , '{$dress[' gwater ']}' , '{$dress[' gair ']}' , '{$dress[' gearth ']}' , '{$dress[' glight ']}' , '{$dress[' ggray ']}' , '{$dress[' gdark ']}' , '{$dress[' needident ']}' , '{$dress[' nsila ']}' , '{$dress[' nlovk ']}' , '{$dress[' ninta ']}' , '{$dress[' nintel ']}' , '{$dress[' nmudra ']}' , '{$dress[' nvinos ']}' , '{$dress[' nnoj ']}' , '{$dress[' ntopor ']}' , '{$dress[' ndubina ']}' , '{$dress[' nmech ']}' , '{$dress[' nfire ']}' , '{$dress[' nwater ']}' , '{$dress[' nair ']}' , '{$dress[' nearth ']}' , '{$dress[' nlight ']}' , '{$dress[' ngray ']}' , '{$dress[' ndark ']}' ,
'{$dress[' mfkrit ']}' , '{$dress[' mfakrit ']}' , '{$dress[' mfuvorot ']}' , '{$dress[' mfauvorot ']}' , '{$dress[' bron1 ']}' , '{$dress[' bron3 ']}' , '{$dress[' bron2 ']}' , '{$dress[' bron4 ']}' , '{$dress[' maxu ']}' , '{$dress[' minu ']}' , '{$dress[' magic ']}' , '{$dress[' nlevel ']}' , '{$dress[' nalign ']}' , '".(($dress[' goden '])?($dress[' goden ']*24*60*60+time()):"")."' , '{$dress[' goden ']}' , '{$dress[' razdel ']}' , '{$dress[' gmp ']}' , '{$dress[' gmeshok ']}' , '{$dress[' encicl ']}' , '{$dress[' artefact ']}' , '{$dur}' , 'Мусорщик'
) ; " );
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `delo` (`id` , `author` ,`pers`, `text`, `type`, `date`) VALUES ('','0',' $all_get[$l_id] ',' \" " . $user [ 'login' ] . " \" получил в ЦХ предмет: \" " . $dress [ 'name' ] . " \" " . $dresscount . " id:( " . $dressid . " ) [0/ " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " ]',1,' " . time () . " '); " );
2020-08-27 12:17:02 +00:00
addchp ( 'З а убийство б о с с а Цитадели Х а о с а вы получили ' . $dress [ 'name' ], '{[]}' . Nick :: id ( $all_get [ $l_id ]) -> short () . '{[]}' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $priz_exp > 0 )
GiveExp ( $all_get [ $l_id ], $priz_exp );
2020-08-27 12:17:02 +00:00
addchp ( 'З а убийство б о с с а Цитадели Х а о с а вы получили ' . $priz_exp . ' опыта' , '{[]}' . Nick :: id ( $all_get [ $l_id ]) -> short () . '{[]}' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `delo` (`id` , `author` ,`pers`, `text`, `type`, `date`)
VALUES ( '' , '0' , '{$cur_user[' id ']}' , '\"".$all_get[$l_id]."\" получил в ЦХ \"".$priz_exp."\" опыта' , 1 , '".time()."' ); " );
if ( $priz_dobl > 0 )
mysql_query ( " UPDATE users SET `doblest`=`doblest`+' " . $priz_dobl . " ' WHERE `id` = ' " . $all_get [ $l_id ] . " '; " );
2020-08-27 12:17:02 +00:00
addchp ( 'З а убийство б о с с а Цитадели Х а о с а вы получили ' . $priz_dobl . ' доблести' , '{[]}' . Nick :: id ( $all_get [ $l_id ]) -> short () . '{[]}' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `delo` (`id` , `author` ,`pers`, `text`, `type`, `date`)
VALUES ( '' , '0' , '{$cur_user[' id ']}' , '\"".$all_get[$l_id]."\" получил в ЦХ \"".$priz_dobl."\" доблести' , 1 , '".time()."' ); " );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `cit_haos_status` SET `room` = `room`+1,`bot`=0 WHERE `group` = ' { $in_haos [ 'group' ] } '; " );
if ( ! headers_sent ()) header ( 'location: c_haos_in.php' );
if ( $flag_ref == 0 && ! headers_sent ()) header ( 'location: c_haos_in.php' );
echo ( " <TR><TD>Ждем готовности группы... Приготовьтесь!</TR></TD> " );
echo '<tr><td><FORM action="c_haos_in.php" method=POST><INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Обновить" name="refresh">' ;
echo ' </FORM></td></tr>' ;
</ table >
< ? php
echo ( '<div align=right><img width="260" src="i/zitadel/' . ( $in_haos [ 'room' ] + 1 ) . '.jpg" /></div>' );
</ BODY >
</ HTML >