2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
< ? php
2018-01-29 22:05:41 +00:00
* Copyright ( c ) 2018.
* Author : Igor Barkov < lopar . 4 ever @ gmail . com >
* Project name : Battles - Game
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
require_once 'config.php' ;
2018-03-01 19:14:51 +00:00
2018-03-03 20:51:37 +00:00
* Класс - заглушка для работы глобальных переменных в функциях .
* Возвращает массив данных таблицы users .
$u = new users_row ( $_SESSION [ 'uid' ]);
$user = $u -> result ();
2018-03-03 00:14:58 +00:00
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
define ( " HPADDICTIONEFFECT " , 33 );
2018-01-28 21:22:28 +00:00
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'goto' ]) and isset ( $_GET [ 'tStamp' ]) and isset ( $_GET [ 'vcode' ])) {
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
if ( $_GET [ 'vcode' ] == md5 ( sha1 ( $_GET [ 'goto' ] . $_GET [ 'tStamp' ]))) {
2018-01-28 21:22:28 +00:00
db :: c () -> query ( 'UPDATE `users`,`online` SET `users`.`room` = ?i, `online`.`room` = ?i WHERE `online`.`id` = `users`.`id` AND `online`.`id` = ?i' , $_GET [ 'goto' ], $_GET [ 'goto' ], $_SESSION [ 'uid' ]);
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$user [ 'room' ] = intval ( $_GET [ 'goto' ]);
function createbot ( $bot , $login = " " )
$rec = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `id`, `login`, `maxhp` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "?s" LIMIT 1' , $bot ) -> fetch_assoc ();
if ( isset ( $rec [ 'id' ])) {
if ( $login ) {
$rec [ 'login' ] = $login ;
$botname = $rec [ 'login' ];
2018-01-28 21:22:28 +00:00
db :: c () -> query ( 'INSERT INTO `bots` (`name`, `prototype`, `battle`, `hp`) VALUES ("?s", "?s", "?s", "?s")' , $botname , $bot , $battle , $rec [ 'maxhp' ]);
$nid = db :: c () -> getLastInsertId ();
return array ( " id " => $nid , " login " => $botname );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
} else {
return false ;
#####Для нападалок. Сперва комнаты в которых нельзя напасть, потом персонаж на которого нельзя напасть.
$unkilable = array (
'rooms' => array ( 620 , 621 , 1051 , 1052 ),
'users' => array ( 10962 , 10964 , 10965 )
$runes_exp = array ( '1' => 10500 , '2' => 23500 , '3' => 38500 , '4' => 57000 , '5' => 77000 , '6' => 103000 , '7' => 136500 , '8' => 171500 , '9' => 212500 , '10' => 257500 );
$canalenters = array ( 620 );
$caverooms = array ( 621 );
$userslots = array ( 'sergi' , 'kulon' , 'perchi' , 'weap' , 'bron' , 'r1' , 'r2' , 'r3' , 'helm' , 'shit' , 'boots' , 'rybax' , 'plaw' , 'm1' , 'm2' , 'm3' , 'm4' , 'm5' , 'm6' , 'm7' , 'm8' , 'm9' , 'm10' );
function getuserdata ( $id = 0 )
2018-01-29 11:11:50 +00:00
if ( ! $id ) $id = isset ( $_SESSION [ 'uid' ]) ? $_SESSION [ 'uid' ] : NULL ; // Хорошее решение проверок, кстати.
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( ! $id ) return array ();
$rec = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `hp`, `maxhp`, `fullhptime`, `battle` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "?s"' , $id ) -> fetch_assoc ();
if ( $rec [ 'hp' ] < $rec [ 'maxhp' ] && time () > $rec [ 'fullhptime' ] && ! $rec [ 'battle' ] && ( $rec [ 'hp' ] > 0 )) {
2018-03-04 02:13:54 +00:00
// regenhp($rec, 0);
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $rec [ 'hp' ] == $rec [ 'maxhp' ]) {
$rec [ 'hp' ] -- ;
return $rec ;
if ( ! isset ( $user )) {
$user = getuserdata ();
2018-03-04 02:13:54 +00:00
//if (empty($user['battle']) && ($user['hp'] < @$user['maxhp'])) {
// regenhp($user);
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
function getNum ( $v )
$plid = $v ;
$pi = iconv_strlen ( $plid );
if ( $pi < 5 ) {
$i = 0 ;
while ( $i <= 5 - $pi ) {
$plid = '0' . $plid ;
$i ++ ;
return $plid ;
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
function banks ()
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-03-09 18:43:30 +00:00
$id = $_SESSION [ 'uid' ];
$bank = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `id`, `ekr` FROM `bank` WHERE `id` = ?i ' , $id ) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( isset ( $bank [ 'id' ])) {
2018-03-09 18:43:30 +00:00
echo '<fieldset style="width: 400px;"><legend>Счёт</legend>Банковский счёт № {$id} <br>Н а счету <b>' . $bank [ 'ekr' ] . '</b> еврокредитов.</fieldset>' ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
} else {
2018-03-09 18:43:30 +00:00
echo 'У вас нет счета в банке.' ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( isset ( $user [ 'id' ]) && $user [ 'block' ] == 1 ) {
die ();
$var_map = array (
'cell_1' => 'Березовая роща' , 'cell_2' => 'Березовая просека' , 'cell_3' => 'Тёмный угол' , 'cell_4' => 'Мрачная опушка' ,
'cell_5' => 'Тёмное урочище' , 'cell_6' => 'Бурелом' , 'cell_7' => 'Старая ива' , 'cell_8' => 'Разнолесье' ,
'cell_9' => 'Сосновая тропа' , 'cell_10' => 'Забытая дорога' , 'cell_11' => 'Новая дорога' , 'cell_12' => 'Мщаник' ,
'cell_13' => 'Ясная поляна' , 'cell_14' => 'Заросший тракт' , 'cell_15' => 'Смутный ельник' , 'cell_16' => 'Сосновый б о р ' ,
'cell_17' => 'Тихоход' , 'cell_18' => 'Сосновый гай' , 'cell_19' => 'Смешаный лес' , 'cell_20' => 'Темная поляна' ,
'cell_21' => 'Осенний угол' , 'cell_22' => 'Грибное место' , 'cell_23' => 'Опушка' , 'cell_24' => 'Рыжий лес' ,
'cell_25' => 'Полесье'
function close_dangling_tags ( $html )
preg_match_all ( " #<([a-z]+)( .*)?(?!/)>#iU " , $html , $result );
$openedtags = $result [ 1 ];
preg_match_all ( " #</([a-z]+)>#iU " , $html , $result );
$closedtags = $result [ 1 ];
$len_opened = count ( $openedtags );
if ( count ( $closedtags ) == $len_opened ) {
return $html ;
$openedtags = array_reverse ( $openedtags );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $len_opened ; $i ++ ) {
if ( ! in_array ( $openedtags [ $i ], $closedtags )) {
$html .= '</' . $openedtags [ $i ] . '>' ;
} else {
unset ( $closedtags [ array_search ( $openedtags [ $i ], $closedtags )]);
return $html ;
function gotoroom ( $r , $redir = 1 )
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users`, `online` SET `users`.`room` = ' $r ', `online`.`room` = ' $r ' WHERE `online`.`id` = `users`.`id` AND `online`.`id` = ' { $_SESSION [ 'uid' ] } ' " );
if ( $redir ) {
redirectbyroom ( $r );
function redirectbyroom ( $r )
global $canalenters ;
if ( in_array ( $r , $canalenters )) {
header ( " location: enter_cave.php " );
die ();
if ( $r == 1 ) {
header ( " location: main.php " );
die ();
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
function battlewithbot ( $b , $name = '' , $time = 3 , $blood = 1 , $group = 1 , $battleid = 0 , $otherbots = array (), $noredir = 0 , $userid = 0 , $type = 1 )
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
global $user ;
if ( ! $userid ) {
$user1 = $user ;
} elseif ( is_array ( $userid )) {
$user1 = $userid ;
} else {
$user1 = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' $userid ' LIMIT 1 " ));
$bot = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `login`, `maxhp` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' $b ' LIMIT 1 " ));
if ( ! $name ) {
$name = $bot [ 'login' ];
if ( $battleid ) {
$botid = mysql_fetch_assoc ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `id` FROM `bots` WHERE `prototype` = ' $b ' AND `battle` = ' $battleid ' LIMIT 1 " ));
} elseif ( $group ) {
$arha = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `bots` WHERE `prototype` = ' $b ' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1 " ));
$battleid = $arha [ 'battle' ];
$botid = $arha [ 'id' ];
if ( @ $battleid > 0 ) {
$bd = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = ' $battleid ' LIMIT 1 " ));
$battle = unserialize ( $bd [ 'teams' ]);
$t1 = explode ( " ; " , $bd [ 't1' ]);
$t2 = explode ( " ; " , $bd [ 't2' ]);
$ak = array_keys ( $battle [ $t2 [ 0 ]]);
$battle [ $user1 [ 'id' ]] = $battle [ $ak [ 0 ]];
foreach ( $battle [ $user1 [ 'id' ]] as $k => $v ) {
$battle [ $user1 [ 'id' ]][ $k ] = array ( 0 , 0 , time ());
$battle [ $k ][ $user1 [ 'id' ]] = array ( 0 , 0 , time ());
if ( in_array ( $botid , $t1 )) {
$ttt = 2 ;
} else {
$ttt = 1 ;
if ( $user1 [ 'invis' ] == 1 ) {
addlog ( $battleid , '<span class=date>' . date ( " H:i " ) . '</span> <b>невидимка</b> вмешался в поединок!<BR>' );
} else {
addlog ( $battleid , '<span class=date>' . date ( " H:i " ) . '</span> ' . nick5 ( $user1 [ 'id' ], " B " . $ttt ) . ' вмешался в поединок!<BR>' );
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `battle` SET `teams` = \'' . serialize ( $battle ) . '\', `t' . $ttt . '` = CONCAT(`t' . $ttt . '`,\';' . $user1 [ 'id' ] . '\') WHERE `id` = ' . $battleid . ' LIMIT 1' );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = " . $battleid . " , `zayavka` = 0 WHERE `id`= " . $user1 [ 'id' ] . " LIMIT 1 " );
if ( ! $noredir ) {
header ( " Location: fbattle.php " );
} else {
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `bots` (`name`, `prototype`, `battle`, `hp`) VALUES (' $name ', ' $b ', '', ' " . $bot [ 'maxhp' ] . " ') " );
$botnames = array ();
$botnames [ $name ] = 1 ;
$hps [ $b ] = $bot [ 'maxhp' ];
$botid1 = mysql_insert_id ();
$cond = " `id` = ' $botid1 ' " ;
$teams = array ();
$teams [ $user1 [ 'id' ]][ $botid1 ] = array ( 0 , 0 , time ());
$teams [ $botid1 ][ $user1 [ 'id' ]] = array ( 0 , 0 , time ());
$t2 = " $botid1 " ;
$others = " " ;
$hps = array ();
foreach ( $otherbots as $k => $v ) {
if ( @ $botnames [ $v [ 'name' ]]) {
$i = 1 ;
while ( @ $botnames [ " $v[name] ( $i ) " ]) $i ++ ;
$botname = " $v[name] ( $i ) " ;
} else {
$botname = $v [ 'name' ];
$botnames [ $botname ] = 1 ;
if ( !@ $hps [ $v [ 'id' ]]) {
$hps [ $v [ 'id' ]] = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `maxhp` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' $v[id] ' LIMIT 1 " ));
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `bots` (`name`, `prototype`, `battle`, `hp`) VALUES (' $botname ', ' $v[id] ', '', ' " . $hps [ $v [ 'id' ]][ 'maxhp' ] . " ') " );
$botid = mysql_insert_id ();
$cond .= " OR `id` = ' $botid ' " ;
$teams [ $user1 [ 'id' ]][ $botid ] = array ( 0 , 0 , time ());
$teams [ $botid ][ $user1 [ 'id' ]] = array ( 0 , 0 , time ());
$others .= " <span class=date> " . date ( " H:i " ) . " </span> <span class=B2> $botname </span> вмешался в поединок.<BR> " ;
$t2 .= " ; $botid " ;
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `battle` (`id`, `coment`, `teams`, `timeout`, `type`, `status`, `t1`, `t2`, `to1`, `to2`, `blood`, `date`) VALUES (NULL, '', ' " . serialize ( $teams ) . " ', ' " . $time . " ', ' $type ', '0', ' " . $user1 [ 'id' ] . " ', ' " . $t2 . " ', ' " . time () . " ', ' " . time () . " ', ' $blood ', ' " . date ( " Y-m-d H:i " ) . " ') " );
$battleid = mysql_insert_id ();
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `bots` SET `battle` = { $battleid } WHERE $cond " );
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = { $battleid } WHERE `id` = { $user1 [ 'id' ] } LIMIT 1 " );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $user1 [ 'invis' ] == 1 ) {
2018-03-03 22:54:41 +00:00
$rr = " <b>невидимка</b> и <b> " . nick :: id ( $botid1 ) -> full ( 1 ) . " </b> " ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
} else {
2018-03-03 22:54:41 +00:00
$rr = " <b> " . nick :: id ( $user1 [ 'id' ]) -> full ( 1 ) . " </b> и <b> " . nick :: id ( $botid1 ) -> full ( 1 ) . " </b> " ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
addlog ( $battleid , " Часы показывали <span class=date> " . date ( " Y.m.d H.i " ) . " </span>, когда " . $rr . " бросили вызов друг другу. <BR> " . ( $others ? " $others <BR> " : " " ));
if ( ! $noredir ) {
header ( " Location: fbattle.php " );
return $battleid ;
function backpacksize ( $u = 0 )
2018-03-04 02:13:54 +00:00
{ // $l * 10 +5
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$l = 0 ;
if ( $u ) {
$l = $u [ 'level' ];
if ( $l == 0 ) {
return 75 ;
if ( $l == 1 ) {
return 100 ;
if ( $l == 2 ) {
return 125 ;
if ( $l == 3 ) {
return 175 ;
if ( $l == 4 ) {
return 225 ;
if ( $l == 5 ) {
return 325 ;
if ( $l == 6 ) {
return 425 ;
if ( $l == 7 ) {
return 525 ;
if ( $l == 8 ) {
return 625 ;
if ( $l == 9 ) {
return 725 ;
if ( $l == 10 ) {
return 825 ;
if ( $l == 11 ) {
return 925 ;
if ( $l >= 12 ) {
return 1025 ;
function placeinbackpack ( $qty , $userid = 0 )
global $user ;
if ( ! $userid ) {
$userid = $user [ 'id' ];
if ( $userid == $user [ 'id' ]) {
$user1 = $user ;
} else {
$user1 = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `id`, `level` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' $user1[id] ' LIMIT 1 " ));
$cnt = mysql_fetch_assoc ( mysql_query ( " SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `cnt` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = ' $user1[id] ' AND `dressed` = 0 AND `setsale` = 0 " ));
return $cnt [ 'cnt' ] + $qty <= backpacksize ( $user1 [ 'id' ]);
function cancarry ( $m , $u )
global $user ;
if ( ! $u ) {
$u = $user [ 'id' ];
$bp = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT SUM(`massa`) AS `massa`, SUM(`gmeshok`) AS `gmeshok` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = ' $u[id] ' AND `dressed` = 1 AND `setsale` = 0 " ));
$mw = 40 * $user [ 'level' ] + $user [ 'vinos' ] + $bp [ 'gmeshok' ];
if ( $bp [ 'massa' ] + $m > $mw ) {
return false ;
return true ;
function secs2hrs ( $s , $short = 0 )
if ( $s < 60 ) return " $s сек. " ;
$retstr = '' ;
if ( $s < 3600 ) {
$min = floor ( $s / 60 );
if ( $min || ! $short ) $retstr .= " $min мин. " ;
$sec = $s % 60 ;
if ( $sec || ! $short ) $retstr .= " $sec сек. " ;
return $retstr ;
$ret = floor ( $s / 3600 );
$s = $s % 3600 ;
$d = floor ( $ret / 24 );
$h = $ret % 24 ;
if ( $d && ( $d > 1 || $h || $s )) {
$retstr .= " $d д. " ;
if ( $h || ! $short ) $retstr .= " $h ч. " ;
$min = floor ( $s / 60 );
if ( $min || ! $short ) $retstr .= " $min мин. " ;
return $retstr ;
} elseif ( $d ) $h += $d * 24 ;
if ( $h ) {
$retstr = " $h ч. " ;
$min = floor ( $s / 60 );
if ( $min || ! $short ) $retstr .= " $min мин. " ;
return $retstr ;
return floor ( $s / 60 ) . " мин. " . ( $s % 60 ) . " сек. " ;
function show_itm_hostel ( $uid , $otdel , $type = 1 )
$r = '' ;
if ( $type != 1 ) {
$sql = $uid ;
$txt = 'В сундук' ;
} else {
$sql = '-101' . $uid . '' ;
$txt = 'В инвентарь' ;
$data = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `otdel` = ' { $otdel } ' AND `owner` = " . $sql . " AND `dressed`='0' ORDER BY `id` ASC " );
while ( $pl = mysql_fetch_array ( $data )) {
$r .= show_item ( $pl , 10 , $txt , $type );
if ( $r == '' ) {
$r = '<tr><td width="100%" align="center" class="even"><center><b>Пусто. <br />Попробуйте другой вариант фильтрации.</center></b></td></tr>' ;
return $r ;
function get_out ( $u )
$pers = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $u . '" LIMIT 1' ));
undressall ( $pers [ 'id' ]);
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `inventory` SET `owner` = "' . $pers [ 'id' ] . '" WHERE `owner` = "' . ( $pers [ 'id' ] + _BOTSEPARATOR_ ) . '"' );
$row = mysql_query ( 'SELECT * FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = "' . ( $pers [ 'id' ] + _BOTSEPARATOR_ ) . '"' );
while ( $efs = mysql_fetch_array ( $row )) {
efs_go_storage ( $efs , $pers );
function enter_bs ( $u )
$pers = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $u . '" LIMIT 1' ));
undressall ( $pers [ 'id' ]);
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `inventory` SET `owner` = "' . ( $pers [ 'id' ] + _BOTSEPARATOR_ ) . '" WHERE `owner` = "' . $pers [ 'id' ] . '"' );
$efs = mysql_query ( 'SELECT * FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = "' . $pers [ 'id' ] . '"' );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $efs )) {
efs_add_storage ( $row , $pers );
makeuserdata ( $pers );
function makeuserdata ( $pl )
$udata = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT * FROM `deztow_realchars` WHERE `owner` = "' . $pl [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' ));
if ( isset ( $udata [ 'id' ])) {
$udata [ 'sila' ] = $pl [ 'sila' ];
$udata [ 'lovk' ] = $pl [ 'lovk' ];
$udata [ 'inta' ] = $pl [ 'inta' ];
$udata [ 'vinos' ] = $pl [ 'vinos' ];
$udata [ 'maxhp' ] = $pl [ 'maxhp' ];
$udata [ 'money' ] = $pl [ 'money' ];
$udata [ 'level' ] = $pl [ 'level' ];
$udata [ 'exp' ] = $pl [ 'exp' ];
$udata [ 'nextup' ] = $pl [ 'nextup' ];
$udata [ 'align' ] = $pl [ 'align' ];
$udata [ 'stats' ] = $pl [ 'stats' ];
$udata [ 'master' ] = $pl [ 'master' ];
$udata [ 'intel' ] = $pl [ 'intel' ];
$udata [ 'noj' ] = $pl [ 'noj' ];
$udata [ 'mec' ] = $pl [ 'mec' ];
$udata [ 'topor' ] = $pl [ 'topor' ];
$udata [ 'dubina' ] = $pl [ 'dubina' ];
$udata [ 'mlight' ] = $pl [ 'mlight' ];
$udata [ 'mgray' ] = $pl [ 'mgray' ];
$udata [ 'mdark' ] = $pl [ 'mdark' ];
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `deztow_realchars` SET `sila` = "' . $udata [ 'sila' ] . '", `lovk` = "' . $udata [ 'lovk' ] . '", `inta` = "' . $udata [ 'inta' ] . '", `vinos` = "' . $udata [ 'vinos' ] . '", `maxhp` = "' . $udata [ 'maxhp' ] . '", `money` = "' . $udata [ 'money' ] . '", `intel` = "' . $udata [ 'intel' ] . '", `level` = "' . $udata [ 'level' ] . '", `exp` = "' . $udata [ 'exp' ] . '", `nextup` = "' . $udata [ 'nextup' ] . '", `align` = "' . $udata [ 'align' ] . '", `stats` = "' . $udata [ 'stats' ] . '", `master` = "' . $udata [ 'master' ] . '", `noj` = "' . $udata [ 'noj' ] . '", `mec` = "' . $udata [ 'mec' ] . '", `topor` = "' . $udata [ 'topor' ] . '", `dubina` = "' . $udata [ 'dubina' ] . '", `mlight` = "' . $udata [ 'mlight' ] . '", `mgray` = "' . $udata [ 'mgray' ] . '", `mdark` = "' . $udata [ 'mdark' ] . '" WHERE `owner` = "' . $udata [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
} else {
mysql_query ( 'INSERT INTO `deztow_realchars` (`owner`, `sila`, `lovk`, `inta`, `vinos`, `maxhp`, `intel`, `level`, `money`, `exp`, `nextup`, `align`, `stats`, `master`, `noj`, `mec`, `topor`, `dubina`, `mlight`, `mgray`, `mdark`) VALUES ("' . $pl [ 'id' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'sila' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'lovk' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'inta' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'vinos' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'maxhp' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'intel' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'level' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'money' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'exp' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'nextup' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'align' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'stats' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'master' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'noj' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'mec' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'topor' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'dubina' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'mlight' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'mgray' ] . '", "' . $pl [ 'mdark' ] . '")' );
function efs_add_storage ( $pl , $us )
$travm = array ( 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 );
if ( in_array ( $pl [ 'type' ], $travm )) {
$us [ 'sila' ] += $pl [ 'sila' ];
$us [ 'lovk' ] += $pl [ 'lovk' ];
$us [ 'inta' ] += $pl [ 'inta' ];
$us [ 'vinos' ] += $pl [ 'vinos' ];
} else {
$us [ 'sila' ] -= $pl [ 'sila' ];
$us [ 'lovk' ] -= $pl [ 'lovk' ];
$us [ 'inta' ] -= $pl [ 'inta' ];
$us [ 'vinos' ] -= $pl [ 'vinos' ];
$us [ 'maxhp' ] -= $pl [ 'hp' ];
$pl [ 'owner' ] = ( $user [ 'id' ] + _BOTSEPARATOR_ );
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `effects` SET `owner` = "' . $pl [ 'owner' ] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $pl [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `users` SET `sila` = "' . $us [ 'sila' ] . '", `lovk` = "' . $us [ 'lovk' ] . '", `inta` = "' . $us [ 'inta' ] . '", `vinos` = "' . $us [ 'vinos' ] . '", `maxhp` = "' . $us [ 'maxhp' ] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $us [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
function efs_go_storage ( $pl , $us )
$travm = array ( 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 );
if ( in_array ( $pl [ 'type' ], $travm )) {
$us [ 'sila' ] -= $pl [ 'sila' ];
$us [ 'lovk' ] -= $pl [ 'lovk' ];
$us [ 'inta' ] -= $pl [ 'inta' ];
$us [ 'vinos' ] -= $pl [ 'vinos' ];
} else {
$us [ 'sila' ] += $pl [ 'sila' ];
$us [ 'lovk' ] += $pl [ 'lovk' ];
$us [ 'inta' ] += $pl [ 'inta' ];
$us [ 'vinos' ] += $pl [ 'vinos' ];
$us [ 'maxhp' ] += $pl [ 'hp' ];
$pl [ 'owner' ] = $user [ 'id' ];
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `effects` SET `owner` = "' . $pl [ 'owner' ] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $pl [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `users` SET `sila` = "' . $us [ 'sila' ] . '", `lovk` = "' . $us [ 'lovk' ] . '", `inta` = "' . $us [ 'inta' ] . '", `vinos` = "' . $us [ 'vinos' ] . '", `maxhp` = "' . $us [ 'maxhp' ] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $us [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
function takeshopitem ( $item , $table = " shop " , $present = '' , $onlyonetrip = '' , $fields = 0 , $uid = 0 , $koll = 1 , $podzem = 0 )
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
global $user ;
if ( ! $uid ) {
$uid = $user [ 'id' ];
$r = mysql_query ( " SHOW FIELDS FROM $table " );
$r2 = mysql_query ( " SHOW FIELDS FROM inventory " );
while ( $rec = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $r2 )) {
$flds [ $rec [ 'Field' ]] = 1 ;
$rec1 = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM ` $table ` WHERE `id` = ' $item ' LIMIT 1 " ));
if ( $rec1 [ 'koll' ]) {
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `inventory` SET `koll` = (`koll`+ $koll ), `massa` = (`massa`+ " . ( $rec1 [ 'massa' ] * $koll ) . " ), `cost` = (`cost`+ " . $rec1 [ 'cost' ] . " ) WHERE `owner` = ' $uid ' AND `prototype` = ' $item ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( mysql_affected_rows () > 0 ) return array ( " img " => $rec1 [ 'img' ], " name " => $rec1 [ 'name' ]);
$rec1 [ 'koll' ] = $koll ;
$rec1 [ 'massa' ] *= $koll ;
if ( $rec1 [ 'onlyone' ]) {
$i = mysql_fetch_row ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `id` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = ' $uid ' AND `prototype` = ' $item ' " ));
if ( $i ) {
return array ( " error " => " У вас слишком много таких вещей." );
if ( $present ) {
$rec1 [ 'present' ] = $present ;
$rec1 [ 'cost' ] = 0 ;
$rec1 [ 'ecost' ] = 0 ;
2018-01-28 22:09:37 +00:00
// if ($fields) {
// foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
// $rec1[$k] = $v;
// }
// }
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$sql = " " ;
while ( $rec = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $r )) {
if ( !@ $flds [ $rec [ 'Field' ]]) continue ;
if ( $rec [ 'Field' ] == " dategoden " ) {
$goden = $rec1 [ $rec [ 'Field' ]];
if ( $rec [ 'Field' ] == " goden " ) {
$goden = $rec1 [ $rec [ 'Field' ]];
if ( $rec [ 'Field' ] == " id " || $rec [ 'Field' ] == " prototype " || $rec [ 'Field' ] == " dategoden " ) continue ;
$sql .= " , ` $rec[Field] ` = ' " . $rec1 [ $rec [ 'Field' ]] . " ' " ;
if ( $podzem ) {
$rec1 [ 'podzem' ] = $podzem ;
if ( $fields [ 'goden' ]) {
$goden = $fields [ " goden " ];
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `inventory` SET " . ( $present ? " `present` = ' $present ', " : " " ) . ( @ $rec1 [ 'podzem' ] ? " `podzem` = ' $rec1[podzem] ', " : " " ) . " `owner` = ' $uid ', `otdel` = $rec1[razdel] , `prototype` = ' $item ' " . ( $onlyonetrip ? " , `foronetrip` = 1 " : " " ) . ( $goden ? " , `dategoden` = ' " . ( $goden * 60 * 60 * 24 + time ()) . " ' " : " " ) . " $sql " );
return array ( " img " => $rec1 [ 'img' ], " name " => $rec1 [ 'name' ], " id " => mysql_insert_id ());
function select_arenda ( $u , $type , $redirect = false )
$hostel = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id` FROM `hostel` WHERE `uid` = "' . $u [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' ));
$price = array ( 1 => 8 , 2 => 15 , 3 => 25 , 4 => 40 );
if ( ! isset ( $u [ 'id' ])) {
$r = 'Персонаж не найден ...' ;
} else {
if ( $type > 0 && $type <= 4 ) {
if ( isset ( $hostel [ 'id' ])) {
$r = 'Н е более 1 арендованного места ...' ;
} else {
if ( $u [ 'money' ] >= $price [ $type ]) {
$u [ 'money' ] -= $price [ $type ];
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `users` SET `money` = "' . $u [ 'money' ] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $u [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
mysql_query ( 'INSERT INTO `hostel` (`uid`, `type`, `time`) VALUES ("' . $u [ 'id' ] . '", "' . $type . '", "' . ( time () + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ) . '")' );
$r = 'Поздравляем с успешной арендой ...' ;
} else {
$r = 'Недостаточно денег ...' ;
} else {
$r = 'Неверный тип аренды ...' ;
if ( $redirect == true ) {
header ( 'Location: main.php' );
return $r ;
function remove_hostel_items ( $u )
$itms = mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `owner` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = "-101' . $u . '"' );
while ( $pl = mysql_fetch_array ( $itms )) {
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `inventory` SET `owner` = "' . $u . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $pl [ 'id' ] . '" AND `owner` = "-101' . $u . '"' );
$abils_array = array ( 'attack' , 'sleep' , 'sleepf' );
$ab_user = array ( 'sleep15' , 'sleep30' , 'closebattle' , 'heal20' , 'heal35' , 'heal50' , 'travmoff' , 'attack' , 'bloodattack' , 'death' , 'comment' , 'openbattle' , 'reamdeath' , 'clone' , 'unclone' );
function vip_relicts ()
global $user ;
$r = '' ;
if ( $user [ 'vip' ] > 0 && $user [ 'vip_time' ] > time ()) {
$abils = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `uid`, `sokr`, `zash`, `invisible`, `attack`, `bloodattack`, `sleep30`, `travmoff`, `dontattack`, `unsleep`, `pers_attack` FROM `abils_vip` WHERE `uid` = "' . $user [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' ));
if ( $abils [ 'sokr' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?use=2", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/devastate.gif\' title=\'Сокрушение\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'sokr' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/devastate.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Сокрушение\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'zash' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?use=3", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/defence.gif\' title=\'Защита от оружия\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'zash' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/defence.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Защита от оружия\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'invisible' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?use=1", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/hidden.gif\' title=\'Невидимость\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'invisible' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/hidden.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Невидимость\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'attack' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?use=4", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/attack.gif\' title=\'Нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'attack' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/attack.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'bloodattack' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?use=5", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/attackb.gif\' title=\'Кровавое нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'bloodattack' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/attackb.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Кровавое нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'sleep30' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?use=6", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/silence30.gif\' title=\'Заклятие молчания 30 минут\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'sleep30' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/silence30.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Заклятие молчания 30 минут\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'travmoff' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?use=7", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/cure3.gif\' title=\'Лечение травм\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'travmoff' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/cure3.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Лечение травм\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'dontattack' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?use=8", "target")\'><img src=\'i/magic/attack_defence.gif\' title=\'Защита от нападений\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'dontattack' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/magic/attack_defence.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Защита от нападений\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'unsleep' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?use=9", "target")\'><img src=\'i/magic/sleep_off.gif\' title=\'Снять заклятие молчания\'/></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'unsleep' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/sleep_off.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Снять заклятие молчания\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'pers_attack' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?use=10", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/attackb.gif\' title=\'Личное Кровавое нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'pers_attack' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/attackb.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Личное Кровавое нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'vip' ] == 0 ) {
$r = 'Вы не вип пользователь ...' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'vip_time' ] <= time ()) {
$r = 'Вы не вип пользователь ...' ;
} else {
$r = 'Ошибка ...' ;
return $r ;
function klan_relicts ()
global $user ;
$r = '' ;
if ( $user [ 'klan' ] > 0 ) {
$abils = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `klan`, `sleep15`, `sleep30`, `closebattle`, `heal20`, `heal35`, `heal50`, `travmoff`, `attack`, `bloodattack`, `death`, `comment`, `openbattle`, `reamdeath`, `clone`, `unclone` FROM `abils_klan` WHERE `klan` = "' . $user [ 'klan' ] . '" LIMIT 1' ));
if ( $abils [ 'sleep15' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?useds=1", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/silence15.gif\' title=\'Заклятие молчания 15 минут\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'sleep15' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/silence15.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Заклятие молчания 15 минут\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'sleep30' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?useds=2", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/silence30.gif\' title=\'Заклятие молчания 30 минут\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'sleep30' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/silence30.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Заклятие молчания 30 минут\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'closebattle' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'?useds=3\'><img src=\'i/sh/closebattle.gif\' title=\'Закрыть бой\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'closebattle' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/closebattle.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Закрыть бой\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'heal20' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'?useds=4\'><img src=\'i/sh/cureHP15.gif\' title=\'Исцеление +20%\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'heal20' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/cureHP15.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Исцеление +20%\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'heal35' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'?useds=5\'><img src=\'i/sh/cureHP45.gif\' title=\'Исцеление +35%\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'heal35' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/cureHP45.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Исцеление +35%\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'heal50' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'?useds=6\'><img src=\'i/sh/cureHP60.gif\' title=\'Исцеление +50%\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'heal50' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/cureHP60.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Исцеление +50%\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'travmoff' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?useds=7", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/cure3.gif\' title=\'Лечение тяжелой травмы\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'travmoff' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/cure3.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Лечение тяжелой травмы\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'attack' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?useds=8", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/attack.gif\' title=\'Нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'attack' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/attack.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'bloodattack' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?useds=10", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/attackb.gif\' title=\'Кровавое нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'bloodattack' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/attackb.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Кровавое нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'death' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item" style=\'display: none;\'><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/poison_e.gif\' title=\'Объятия смерти\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'death' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item" style=\'display: none;\'><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/poison_e.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Объятия смерти\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'comment' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'note("Запрос", "?useds=11", "target");\'><img src=\'i/sh/note.gif\' title=\'Записки Комментатора\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'comment' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/note.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Записки Комментатора\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'openbattle' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'?useds=12\'><img src=\'i/sh/unlockbattle.gif\' title=\'Открыть бой\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'openbattle' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/unlockbattle.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Открыть бой\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'reamdeath' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item" style=\'display: none;\'><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/reanimationD.gif\' title=\'Поднять мертвого\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'reamdeath' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item" style=\'display: none;\'><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/reanimationD.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Поднять мертвого\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'clone' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'?useds=14\'><img src=\'i/sh/mirror.gif\' title=\'Клонирование\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'clone' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/mirror.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Клонирование\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'unclone' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?useds=15", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/antimirror.gif\' title=\'Эфирное воздействие\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'unclone' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/antimirror.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Эфирное воздействие\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r = 'Вы не состоите в клане ...' ;
return $r ;
function user_relicts ()
global $user ;
$r = '' ;
$abils = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `uid`, `sleep15`, `sleep30`, `closebattle`, `heal20`, `heal35`, `heal50`, `travmoff`, `attack`, `bloodattack`, `death`, `comment`, `openbattle`, `reamdeath`, `clone`, `unclone` FROM `abils_user` WHERE `uid` = "' . $user [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' ));
if ( $abils [ 'sleep15' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?used=1", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/silence15.gif\' title=\'Заклятие молчания 15 минут\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'sleep15' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/silence15.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Заклятие молчания 15 минут\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'sleep30' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?used=2", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/silence30.gif\' title=\'Заклятие молчания 30 минут\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'sleep30' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/silence30.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Заклятие молчания 30 минут\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'closebattle' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'?used=3\'><img src=\'i/sh/closebattle.gif\' title=\'Закрыть бой\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'closebattle' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/closebattle.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Закрыть бой\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'heal20' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'?used=4\'><img src=\'i/sh/cureHP15.gif\' title=\'Исцеление +20%\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'heal20' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/cureHP15.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Исцеление +20%\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'heal35' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'?used=5\'><img src=\'i/sh/cureHP45.gif\' title=\'Исцеление +35%\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'heal35' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/cureHP45.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Исцеление +35%\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'heal50' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'?used=6\'><img src=\'i/sh/cureHP60.gif\' title=\'Исцеление +50%\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'heal50' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/cureHP60.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Исцеление +50%\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'travmoff' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?used=7", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/cure3.gif\' title=\'Лечение тяжелой травмы\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'travmoff' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/cure3.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Лечение тяжелой травмы\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'attack' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?used=8", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/attack.gif\' title=\'Нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'attack' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/attack.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'bloodattack' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?used=9", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/attackb.gif\' title=\'Кровавое нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'bloodattack' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/attackb.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Кровавое нападение\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'death' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item" style=\'display: none;\'><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?used=10", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/poison_e.gif\' title=\'Объятия смерти\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'death' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item" style=\'display: none;\'><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/poison_e.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Объятия смерти\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'comment' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'note("Запрос", "?used=11", "target");\'><img src=\'i/sh/note.gif\' title=\'Записки Комментатора\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'comment' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/note.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Записки Комментатора\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'openbattle' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'?used=12\'><img src=\'i/sh/unlockbattle.gif\' title=\'Открыть бой\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'openbattle' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/unlockbattle.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Открыть бой\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'reamdeath' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item" style=\'display: none;\'><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?used=13", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/reanimationD.gif\' title=\'Поднять мертвого\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'reamdeath' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item" style=\'display: none;\'><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/reanimationD.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Поднять мертвого\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'clone' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'?used=14\'><img src=\'i/sh/mirror.gif\' title=\'Клонирование\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'clone' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/mirror.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Клонирование\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $abils [ 'unclone' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "?used=15", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/antimirror.gif\' title=\'Эфирное воздействие\' /></a><div class="amount">' . $abils [ 'unclone' ] . '</div></div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\'><img src=\'i/sh/antimirror.gif\' style=\'opacity: 0.3;\' title=\'Эфирное воздействие\' /></a><div class="amount">0</div></div>' ;
if ( $user [ 'id' ] == 10022 || $user [ 'id' ] == 9081 ) {
$r .= '<div class="item"><a href=\'javascript: void(0);\' onclick=\'runmagic1("Введите имя персонажа", "main.php?edit=1&use=3651943", "target")\'><img src=\'i/sh/spell_luck.gif\' title=\'Благословление Мусорщика\' /></a><div class="amount">~</div></div>' ;
return $r ;
function lookStats ( $m )
$ist = array ();
$di = explode ( '|' , $m );
$i = 0 ;
while ( $i < count ( $di )) {
$de = explode ( '=' , $di [ $i ]);
if ( isset ( $de [ 0 ], $de [ 1 ])) {
if ( ! isset ( $ist [ $de [ 0 ]])) {
$ist [ $de [ 0 ]] = 0 ;
$ist [ $de [ 0 ]] = $de [ 1 ];
$i ++ ;
return $ist ;
function impStats ( $m )
$i = 0 ;
$k = array_keys ( $m );
$d = '' ;
while ( $i <= count ( $k )) {
if ( $k [ $i ] != '' ) {
$d .= $k [ $i ] . '=' . $m [ $k [ $i ]] . '|' ;
$i ++ ;
$d = rtrim ( $d , '|' );
return $d ;
function add_user_abil ( $ab , $cost )
global $user , $banks ;
if ( isset ( $ab )) {
if ( $banks [ 'ekr' ] >= $cost ) {
$isset = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `' . $ab . '` FROM `abils_user` WHERE `uid` = "' . $user [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' ));
$isset [ $ab ] += 1 ;
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `abils_user` SET `' . $ab . '` = "' . $isset [ $ab ] . '" WHERE `uid` = "' . $user [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
$banks [ 'ekr' ] -= $cost ;
2018-03-09 18:43:30 +00:00
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `bank` SET `ekr` = "' . $banks [ 'ekr' ] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $user [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
return true ;
return false ;
function add_klan_abil ( $ab , $cost )
global $user , $banks ;
$clan = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `glava` FROM `clans` WHERE `id` = "' . $user [ 'klan' ] . '" LIMIT 1' ));
if ( isset ( $ab )) {
if ( $banks [ 'ekr' ] >= $cost && $clan [ 'glava' ] == $user [ 'id' ]) {
$isset = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `' . $ab . '` FROM `abils_klan` WHERE `klan` = "' . $user [ 'klan' ] . '" LIMIT 1' ));
$isset [ $ab ] += 1 ;
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `abils_klan` SET `' . $ab . '` = "' . $isset [ $ab ] . '" WHERE `klan` = "' . $user [ 'klan' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
$banks [ 'ekr' ] -= $cost ;
2018-03-09 18:43:30 +00:00
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `bank` SET `ekr` = "' . $banks [ 'ekr' ] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $user [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
return true ;
return false ;
function remove_vip ( $uid )
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `users` SET `vip` = "0", `vip_time` = "0" WHERE `id` = "' . $uid . '" LIMIT 1' );
$abil = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `uid`, `sokr`, `zash`, `invisible`, `attack`, `bloodattack`, `sleep30`, `travmoff`, `daontattack`, `unsleep`, `pers_attack` FROM `abils_vip` WHERE `uid` = "' . $uid . '" LIMIT 1' ));
if ( isset ( $abil [ 'id' ])) {
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `abils_vip` SET `sokr` = 0, `zash` = 0, `invisible` = 0, `attack` = 0, `bloodattack` = 0, `sleep30` = 0, `travmoff` = 0, `daontattack` = 0, `unsleep` = 0, `pers_attack` = 0 WHERE `id` = "' . $abil [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
return true ;
function upd_vip ( $u , $type )
$abli = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `uid`, `sokr`, `zash`, `invisible`, `attack`, `bloodattack`, `sleep30`, `travmoff`, `dontattack`, `unsleep`, `pers_attack` FROM `abils_vip` WHERE `uid` = "' . $u . '" LIMIT 1' ));
if ( $type == 1 ) {
$abli [ 'attack' ] += 1 ;
$abli [ 'bloodattack' ] += 1 ;
if ( $abli [ 'attack' ] > 10 ) {
$abli [ 'attack' ] = 10 ;
if ( $abli [ 'bloodattack' ] > 10 ) {
$abli [ 'bloodattack' ] = 10 ;
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `abils_vip` SET `sokr` = 1, `zash` = 1, `attack` = "' . $abli [ 'attack' ] . '", `bloodattack` = "' . $abli [ 'bloodattack' ] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $abli [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
echo mysql_error ();
} elseif ( $type == 2 ) {
$abli [ 'attack' ] += 1 ;
$abli [ 'bloodattack' ] += 1 ;
$abli [ 'travmoff' ] += 1 ;
if ( $abli [ 'attack' ] > 10 ) {
$abli [ 'attack' ] = 10 ;
if ( $abli [ 'bloodattack' ] > 10 ) {
$abli [ 'bloodattack' ] = 10 ;
if ( $abli [ 'travmoff' ] > 10 ) {
$abli [ 'travmoff' ] = 10 ;
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `abils_vip` SET `sokr` = 1, `zash` = 1, `attack` = "' . $abli [ 'attack' ] . ', `bloodattack` = "' . $abli [ 'bloodattack' ] . '", `travmoff` = "' . $abli [ 'travmoff' ] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $abli [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
} elseif ( $type == 3 ) {
$abli [ 'attack' ] += 1 ;
$abli [ 'bloodattack' ] += 1 ;
$abli [ 'travmoff' ] += 1 ;
if ( $abli [ 'attack' ] > 10 ) {
$abli [ 'attack' ] = 10 ;
if ( $abli [ 'bloodattack' ] > 10 ) {
$abli [ 'bloodattack' ] = 10 ;
if ( $abli [ 'travmoff' ] > 10 ) {
$abli [ 'travmoff' ] = 10 ;
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `abils_vip` SET `sokr` = 1, `zash` = 1, `attack` = "' . $abli [ 'attack' ] . ', `bloodattack` = "' . $abli [ 'bloodattack' ] . '", `travmoff` = "' . $abli [ 'travmoff' ] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $abli [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
define ( '_BOTSEPARATOR_' , 10000000 );
2018-03-03 11:52:34 +00:00
$exptable = [
0 => [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 20 ],
20 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 45 ],
45 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 75 ],
75 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 4 , 0 , 110 ],
110 => [ 3 , 1 , 1 , 8 , 1 , 160 ], # Это первый уровень
160 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 215 ],
215 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 280 ],
280 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 4 , 0 , 350 ],
350 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 8 , 0 , 410 ],
410 => [ 3 , 1 , 1 , 16 , 1 , 530 ], # Это второй уровень
530 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 8 , 0 , 670 ],
670 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 12 , 0 , 830 ],
830 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 16 , 0 , 950 ],
950 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 24 , 0 , 1100 ],
1100 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 32 , 0 , 1300 ],
1300 => [ 3 , 1 , 1 , 40 , 1 , 1450 ], # Это третий уровень
1450 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 10 , 0 , 1650 ],
1650 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 20 , 0 , 1850 ],
1850 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 30 , 0 , 2050 ],
2050 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 40 , 0 , 2200 ],
2200 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 50 , 0 , 2500 ],
2500 => [ 5 , 1 , 1 , 70 , 1 , 2900 ], # Это четвёртый уровень
2900 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 10 , 0 , 3350 ],
3350 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 20 , 0 , 3800 ],
3800 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 30 , 0 , 4200 ],
4200 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 40 , 0 , 4600 ],
4600 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 50 , 0 , 5000 ],
5000 => [ 3 , 1 , 1 , 80 , 1 , 6000 ], # Это пятый уровень
6000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 15 , 0 , 7000 ],
7000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 30 , 0 , 8000 ],
8000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 40 , 0 , 9000 ],
9000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 50 , 0 , 10000 ],
10000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 40 , 0 , 11000 ],
11000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 50 , 0 , 12000 ],
12000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 60 , 0 , 12500 ],
12500 => [ 3 , 1 , 1 , 90 , 1 , 14000 ], # Это шестой уровень
14000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 20 , 0 , 15500 ],
15500 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 30 , 0 , 17000 ],
17000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 50 , 0 , 19000 ],
19000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 55 , 0 , 21000 ],
21000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 50 , 0 , 23000 ],
23000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 55 , 0 , 27000 ],
27000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 50 , 0 , 30000 ],
30000 => [ 5 , 1 , 1 , 100 , 1 , 60000 ], # Это седьмой уровень
60000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 75000 ],
75000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 150000 ],
150000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 150 , 0 , 175000 ],
175000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 50 , 0 , 200000 ],
200000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 225000 ],
225000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 50 , 0 , 250000 ],
250000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 260000 ],
260000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 50 , 0 , 280000 ],
280000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 300000 ],
300000 => [ 5 , 1 , 1 , 700 , 1 , 1500000 ], # Это восьмой уровень
1500000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 500 , 0 , 1750000 ],
1750000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 2000000 ],
2000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 300 , 0 , 2175000 ],
2175000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 2300000 ],
2300000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 2400000 ],
2400000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 2500000 ],
2500000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 2600000 ],
2600000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 2800000 ],
2800000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 3000000 ],
3000000 => [ 5 , 1 , 2 , 1000 , 1 , 6000000 ], # Это девятый уровень
6000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 6500000 ],
6500000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 250 , 0 , 7500000 ],
7500000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 8500000 ],
8500000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 250 , 0 , 9000000 ],
9000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 400 , 0 , 9250000 ],
9250000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 250 , 0 , 9500000 ],
9500000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 400 , 0 , 9750000 ],
9750000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 350 , 0 , 9900000 ],
9900000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 500 , 0 , 10000000 ],
10000000 => [ 9 , 1 , 3 , 2000 , 1 , 13000000 ], # Это десятый уровень
13000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 14000000 ],
14000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 15000000 ],
15000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 16000000 ],
16000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 17000000 ],
17000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 17500000 ],
17500000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 18000000 ],
18000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 19000000 ],
19000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 19500000 ],
19500000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 20000000 ],
20000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 250 , 0 , 30000000 ],
30000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 32000000 ],
32000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 250 , 0 , 34000000 ],
34000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 35000000 ],
35000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 250 , 0 , 36000000 ],
36000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 38000000 ],
38000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 250 , 0 , 40000000 ],
40000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 42000000 ],
42000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 250 , 0 , 44000000 ],
44000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 350 , 0 , 47000000 ],
47000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 300 , 0 , 50000000 ],
50000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 350 , 0 , 52000000 ],
52000000 => [ 10 , 1 , 3 , 3000 , 1 , 58000000 ], # Это одиннадцатый уровень
58000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 350 , 0 , 65000000 ],
65000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 300 , 0 , 72000000 ],
72000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 350 , 0 , 77000000 ],
77000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 350 , 0 , 82000000 ],
82000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 300 , 0 , 87000000 ],
87000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 350 , 0 , 92000000 ],
92000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 350 , 0 , 100000000 ],
100000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 350 , 0 , 120000000 ],
120000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 400 , 0 , 140000000 ],
140000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 400 , 0 , 160000000 ],
160000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 600 , 0 , 180000000 ],
180000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 400 , 0 , 210000000 ],
210000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 400 , 0 , 240000000 ],
240000000 => [ 10 , 2 , 4 , 5000 , 1 , 260000000 ], # Это двеннадцатый уровень
260000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 400 , 0 , 320000000 ],
320000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 400 , 0 , 400000000 ],
400000000 => [ 3 , 0 , 0 , 600 , 0 , 455000000 ],
455000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 150 , 0 , 510000000 ],
510000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 600000000 ],
600000000 => [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 300 , 0 , 750000000 ],
750000000 => [ 5 , 0 , 0 , 700 , 0 , 770000000 ],
770000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 400 , 0 , 815000000 ],
815000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 200 , 0 , 860000000 ],
860000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 600 , 0 , 1000000000 ],
1000000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 300 , 0 , 1100000000 ],
1100000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 450 , 0 , 1250000000 ],
1250000000 => [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 450 , 0 , 1500000000 ],
1500000000 => [ 10 , 1 , 5 , 8000 , 1 , 9999999999 ], # Это тринадцатый уровень
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-03-01 20:26:45 +00:00
$rooms = [
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
" 0 " => " Секретная Комната " ,
" 1 " => " Комната Новичков " ,
" 2 " => " Комната Новичков 2 " ,
" 3 " => " Комната Новичков 3 " ,
" 4 " => " Комната Новичков 4 " ,
" 5 " => " Зал Воинов " ,
" 6 " => " Зал Воинов 1 " ,
" 7 " => " Зал Воинов 2 " ,
" 8 " => " Торговый зал " ,
" 9 " => " Рыцарский зал " ,
" 10 " => " Башня рыцарей-магов " ,
" 11 " => " Колдовской мир " ,
" 12 " => " Этажи духов " ,
" 13 " => " Астральные этажи " ,
" 14 " => " Огненный мир " ,
" 15 " => " Зал Паладинов " ,
" 16 " => " Совет Белого Братства " ,
" 17 " => " Зал Тьмы " ,
" 18 " => " Царство Тьмы " ,
" 19 " => " Будуар " ,
" 20 " => " Центральная площадь " ,
" 2702 " => " Центральная площадь " ,
" 21 " => " Страшилкина улица " ,
" 22 " => " Магазин " ,
" 23 " => " Ремонтная мастерская " ,
" 24 " => " Памятник Архангелу " ,
" 25 " => " Комиссионный магазин " ,
" 26 " => " Большая парковая улица " ,
" 2655 " => " Арена Богов " ,
" 2601 " => " Замковая Площадь " ,
" 27 " => " Почта " ,
" 28 " => " Регистратура кланов " ,
" 29 " => " Банк " ,
" 30 " => " Регистратура кланов " ,
" 31 " => " Башня смерти " ,
" 32 " => " Готический замок " ,
" 33 " => " Лабиринт х а о с а " ,
" 34 " => " Цветочный магазин " ,
" 35 " => " Сувенирный магазин " ,
" 36 " => " Зал Стихий " ,
" 37 " => " Готический замок - приемная " ,
" 38 " => " Готический замок - арсенал " ,
" 39 " => " Готический замок - внутренний двор " ,
" 40 " => " Готический замок - мастерские " ,
" 41 " => " Готический замок - комнаты отдыха " ,
" 42 " => " Лотерея Сталкеров " ,
" 43 " => " Хижина Знахаря " ,
" 44 " => " Новогодняя елка " ,
" 45 " => " Замок Мэра " ,
" 47 " => " Замок (строительство) " ,
" 48 " => " Обитель Х а о с а " ,
" 49 " => " Проход к Цитадели Х а о с а " ,
" 50 " => " Магазин Берёзка " ,
" 51 " => " Парковая улица " ,
" 52 " => " Квартал Законников " ,
" 53 " => " Библиотека " ,
" 54 " => " Зал Света " ,
" 55 " => " Царство Света " ,
" 56 " => " Царство Стихий " ,
" 57 " => " Зал Клановых Войн " ,
" 101 " => " Противостояние сил " ,
" 200 " => " Турнир " , " 401 " => " Врата Ада " ,
// БС
" 501 " => " Восточная Крыша " ,
" 502 " => " Бойница " ,
" 503 " => " Келья 3 " ,
" 504 " => " Келья 2 " ,
" 505 " => " Западная Крыша 2 " ,
" 506 " => " Келья 4 " ,
" 507 " => " Келья 1 " ,
" 508 " => " Служебная комната " ,
" 509 " => " Зал Отдыха 2 " ,
" 510 " => " Западная Крыша 1 " ,
" 511 " => " Выход на Крышу " ,
" 512 " => " Зал Статуй 2 " ,
" 513 " => " Храм " ,
" 514 " => " Восточная комната " ,
" 515 " => " Зал Отдыха 1 " ,
" 516 " => " Старый Зал 2 " ,
" 517 " => " Старый Зал 1 " ,
" 518 " => " Красный Зал 3 " ,
" 519 " => " Зал Статуй 1 " ,
" 520 " => " Зал Статуй 3 " ,
" 521 " => " Трапезная 3 " ,
" 522 " => " Зал Ожиданий " ,
" 523 " => " Оружейная " ,
" 524 " => " Красный Зал-Окна " ,
" 525 " => " Красный Зал " ,
" 526 " => " Гостинная " ,
" 527 " => " Трапезная 1 " ,
" 528 " => " Внутренний Двор " ,
" 529 " => " Внутр.Двор-Вход " ,
" 530 " => " Желтый Коридор " ,
" 531 " => " Мраморный Зал 1 " ,
" 532 " => " Красный Зал 2 " ,
" 533 " => " Библиотека 1 " ,
" 534 " => " Трапезная 2 " ,
" 535 " => " Проход Внутр. Двора " ,
" 536 " => " Комната с Камином " ,
" 537 " => " Библиотека 3 " ,
" 538 " => " Выход из Мрам.Зала " ,
" 539 " => " Красный Зал-Коридор " ,
" 540 " => " Лестница в Подвал 1 " ,
" 541 " => " Южный Внутр. Двор " ,
" 542 " => " Трапезная 4 " ,
" 543 " => " Мраморный Зал 3 " ,
" 544 " => " Мраморный Зал 2 " ,
" 545 " => " Картинная Галерея 1 " ,
" 546 " => " Лестница в Подвал 2 " ,
" 547 " => " Проход Внутр. Двора 2 " ,
" 548 " => " Внутр.Двор-Выход " ,
" 549 " => " Библиотека 2 " ,
" 550 " => " Картинная Галерея 3 " ,
" 551 " => " Картинная Галерея 2 " ,
" 552 " => " Лестница в Подвал 3 " ,
" 553 " => " Т е р а с с а " ,
" 554 " => " Оранжерея " ,
" 555 " => " Зал Ораторов " ,
" 556 " => " Лестница в Подвал 4 " ,
" 557 " => " Темная Комната " ,
" 558 " => " Винный Погреб " ,
" 559 " => " Комната в Подвале " ,
" 560 " => " Подвал " ,
" 600 " => " Вход в Цитадель Х а о с а " ,
" 601 " => " Цитадель Х а о с а " ,
" 602 " => " Городской парк " ,
" 603 " => " Арена Ангелов " ,
620 => " Вход в Рудник " ,
621 => " Рудник " ,
660 => " Гостиница, холл " ,
661 => " Гостиница " ,
662 => " Памятник Архангелу " ,
760 => " Тёмный Лес " ,
// Клановая улица
" 650 " => " Клановая улица " ,
" 651 " => " Клановая улица " ,
" 652 " => " Клановый Замок " ,
" 1000 " => " Вход в рудник " ,
" 1001 " => " Рудник " ,
1051 => " Вход в Лабиринты " ,
1052 => " Лабиринты " ,
1053 => " Храмовая лавка " ,
1054 => " Фонтан Удачи " ,
1055 => " Групповое сражение " ,
// Тайный проход из Клуба в Замок Законников
" 2000 " => " Подземный проход " ,
" 2001 " => " Подземный проход (1) " ,
" 2002 " => " Подземный проход (2) " ,
" 2003 " => " Подземный проход (3) " ,
" 2004 " => " Подземный проход (4) " ,
" 2005 " => " Подземный проход (5) " ,
" 2006 " => " Подземный проход (6) " ,
" 2007 " => " Подземный проход (7) " ,
" 2008 " => " Подземный проход (8) " ,
" 2009 " => " Подземный проход (9) " ,
" 2010 " => " Подземный проход (10) " ,
" 2011 " => " Подземный проход (11) " ,
" 2012 " => " Подземный проход (12) " ,
" 2013 " => " Подземный проход (13) " ,
" 2014 " => " Подземный проход (14) " ,
" 2015 " => " Подземный проход (15) " ,
" 2016 " => " Подземный проход (16) " ,
" 2017 " => " Подземный проход (17) " ,
" 2018 " => " Подземный проход (18) " ,
" 2019 " => " Подземный проход (19) " ,
" 2020 " => " Подземный проход (20) " ,
" 2021 " => " Подземный проход (21) " ,
" 2022 " => " Подземный проход (22) " ,
" 2023 " => " Подземный проход (23) " ,
" 2024 " => " Подземный проход (24) " ,
" 2025 " => " Подземный проход (25) " ,
" 2026 " => " Подземный проход (26) " ,
" 2027 " => " Подземный проход (27) " ,
" 2028 " => " Подземный проход (28) " ,
" 2029 " => " Подземный проход (29) " ,
" 2030 " => " Подземный проход (30) " ,
" 2031 " => " Подземный проход (31) " ,
" 2032 " => " Подземный проход (32) " ,
" 2033 " => " Подземный проход (33) " ,
" 2034 " => " Подземный проход (34) " ,
" 2035 " => " Подземный проход (35) " ,
" 2036 " => " Подземный проход (36) " ,
" 2037 " => " Подземный проход (37) " ,
" 2038 " => " Подземный проход (38) " ,
" 2039 " => " Подземный проход (39) " ,
" 2040 " => " Подземный проход (40) " ,
" 2041 " => " Подземный проход (41) " ,
" 2042 " => " Подземный проход (42) " ,
" 2043 " => " Подземный проход (43) " ,
" 2044 " => " Подземный проход (44) " ,
" 2045 " => " Подземный проход (45) " ,
" 2046 " => " Подземный проход (46) " ,
" 2047 " => " Подземный проход (47) " ,
" 2048 " => " Подземный проход (48) " ,
" 2049 " => " Подземный проход (49) " ,
" 2050 " => " Подземный проход (50) " ,
" 2051 " => " Подземный проход (51) " ,
" 2052 " => " Подземный проход (52) " ,
" 2053 " => " Подземный проход (53) " ,
" 2054 " => " Подземный проход (54) " ,
" 2055 " => " Подземный проход (55) " ,
" 2056 " => " Подземный проход (56) " ,
" 2057 " => " Подземный проход (57) " ,
" 2100 " => " Сектор 2100 "
2018-03-01 20:26:45 +00:00
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
//эффективность магии
$elem_align = array (
" a " => array ( " a " => " 1 " , " e " => " 0 " , " f " => " 0.5 " , " w " => " 0.5 " ),
" e " => array ( " a " => " 0 " , " e " => " 1 " , " f " => " 0.5 " , " w " => " 0.5 " ),
" f " => array ( " a " => " 0.5 " , " e " => " 0.5 " , " f " => " 1 " , " w " => " 0 " ),
" w " => array ( " a " => " 0.5 " , " e " => " 0.5 " , " f " => " 0 " , " w " => " 1 " ),
$elem_bonus = array (
" a " => array ( " a " => " 1 " , " e " => " 0.75 " , " f " => " 1.25 " , " w " => " 1 " ),
" e " => array ( " a " => " 1.25 " , " e " => " 1 " , " f " => " 1 " , " w " => " 0.75 " ),
" f " => array ( " a " => " 0.75 " , " e " => " 1 " , " f " => " 1 " , " w " => " 1.25 " ),
" w " => array ( " a " => " 1 " , " e " => " 1.25 " , " f " => " 0.75 " , " w " => " 1 " ),
header ( " Cache-Control: no-cache " );
function level_up ( $uid )
2018-01-29 22:05:41 +00:00
global $exptable ;
$us = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `id`, `login`, `level`, `money`, `sex`, `exp`, `vinos`, `nextup`, `stats`, `master`, `maxhp`, `refer`, `ip`, `in_tower` FROM `users` WHERE `id` =?i' , $uid ) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( isset ( $us [ 'id' ])) {
if ( $us [ 'exp' ] >= $us [ 'nextup' ] && ! $us [ 'in_tower' ]) {
if ( $exptable [ $us [ 'nextup' ]][ 4 ] == 1 ) {
2018-01-29 22:05:41 +00:00
addch ( " Персонаж <b> { $us [ 'login' ] } </b> перешел на " . ( $us [ 'level' ] + 1 ) . " уровень. " );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
addchp ( '<font color=red>Внимание!</font> Вы перешли на новый уровень. З а это Вы получаете: ' . $exptable [ $us [ 'nextup' ]][ 3 ] . ' кр.' , '{[]}' . $us [ 'login' ] . '{[]}' );
} elseif ( $exptable [ $us [ 'nextup' ]][ 4 ] == 0 ) {
addchp ( '<font color=red>Внимание!</font> Вы перешли на новый АП. З а это Вы получаете: ' . $exptable [ $us [ 'nextup' ]][ 3 ] . ' кр.' , '{[]}' . $us [ 'login' ] . '{[]}' );
$us [ 'nextup' ] = $exptable [ $us [ 'nextup' ]][ 5 ];
$us [ 'stats' ] += $exptable [ $us [ 'nextup' ]][ 0 ];
$us [ 'master' ] += $exptable [ $us [ 'nextup' ]][ 1 ];
$us [ 'vinos' ] += $exptable [ $us [ 'nextup' ]][ 2 ];
$us [ 'maxhp' ] += ( $exptable [ $us [ 'nextup' ]][ 2 ] * 6 );
$us [ 'money' ] += $exptable [ $us [ 'nextup' ]][ 3 ];
2018-01-29 22:05:41 +00:00
db :: c () -> query ( 'UPDATE `users` SET `nextup` = ?i, `stats` = ?i, `master` = ?i, `vinos` = ?i, `maxhp` = ?i, `money` = ?i, `level` = ?i WHERE `id` = ?i' , $us [ 'nextup' ], $us [ 'stats' ], $us [ 'master' ], $us [ 'vinos' ], $us [ 'maxhp' ], $us [ 'money' ], $us [ 'level' ], $us [ 'id' ]);
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-01-29 22:05:41 +00:00
######## FIXME ВЕЧНЫЕ 12-ТКИ!!!!!!!!!!!!
$in_user = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `id`, `exp`, `nextup`, `level` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $_SESSION [ 'uid' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( isset ( $in_user [ 'id' ]) && ( $in_user [ 'exp' ] >= $in_user [ 'nextup' ]) && $in_user [ 'level' ] < 13 ) {
level_up ( $in_user [ 'id' ]);
function getcavedata ( $caveleader , $floor )
return unserialize ( implode ( " " , file ( " cavedata/ $caveleader - $floor .dat " )));
function savecavedata ( $cavedata , $caveleader , $floor )
$f1 = fopen ( " cavedata/ $caveleader - $floor .dat " , " wb+ " );
flock ( $f1 , LOCK_EX );
fwrite ( $f1 , serialize ( $cavedata ));
flock ( $f1 , LOCK_UN );
fclose ( $f1 );
function topsethp ()
global $user ;
if ( $user [ 'hp' ] >= $user [ 'maxhp' ] || $user [ 'battle' ]) {
return " top.setHP( $user[hp] , $user[maxhp] , 0) " ;
$fulltime = timetoheals ( $user );
$delay = round ( 1 / ( $user [ 'maxhp' ] / $fulltime ) * 1000 );
return " top.setHP( $user[hp] , $user[maxhp] , $delay ); " ;
function timetoheal ()
$fulltime = 600 ;
return $fulltime ;
function getslot ( $i , $user1 = 0 )
global $userslots , $user ;
if ( ! $user1 ) {
$user1 = $user ;
foreach ( $userslots as $k => $v ) {
if ( $user1 [ $v ] == $i ) {
return $v ;
function nick ( $user )
$r = '' ;
if ( $user [ 'align' ] > 0 ) {
$al = $user [ 'align' ];
} else {
$al = 0 ;
if ( $user [ 'klan' ] != '' ) {
$cl = '<img title="' . ClanImage ( $user [ 'klan' ]) . '" src="i/klan/' . ClanImage ( $user [ 'klan' ]) . '.gif" />' ;
} else {
$cl = '' ;
$r .= '<div id="HP"><img src="i/align_' . $al . '.gif" />' . $cl . '' ;
$r .= '<b>' . $user [ 'login' ] . '</b> [' . $user [ 'level' ] . '] <a href="inf.php?' . $user [ 'id' ] . '" target="_blank"><img src="i/inf.gif" width="12" height="11" /></a>' ;
$r .= ' <img src="i/herz.gif" width="10" height="10" /> <img src="i/1green.gif" width="' . ( 150 * ( $user [ 'hp' ] / $user [ 'maxhp' ])) . '" height="10" name="HP1" /><img src="i/1silver.gif" width="' . ( 150 - 150 * ( $user [ 'hp' ] / $user [ 'maxhp' ])) . '" height="10" name="HP2" />: <span id=\'hp_value\'>' . $user [ 'hp' ] . '</span>/' . $user [ 'maxhp' ] . '</div>' ;
$r .= '' ;
return $r ;
function nick4 ( $id , $st )
2018-03-01 16:56:17 +00:00
$user = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' { $id } ' LIMIT 1 " ));
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $user [ 0 ]) {
$effect = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `time` FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = ' { $id } ' AND `type` = '1022' LIMIT 1 " ));
if ( $effect ) {
$user [ 'level' ] = '??' ;
$user [ 'login' ] = '</a><b><i>невидимка</i></b>' ;
$user [ 'align' ] = '0' ;
$user [ 'klan' ] = '' ;
$user [ 'id' ] = '' ;
$user [ 'hp' ] = '??' ;
$user [ 'maxhp' ] = '??' ;
return " <span onclick= \" top.AddTo(' " . $user [ 'login' ] . " ') \" oncontextmenu= \" return OpenMenu(event, " . $user [ 'level' ] . " ) \" class= { $st } > " . $user [ 'login' ] . " </span> [ " . $user [ 'hp' ] . " / " . $user [ 'maxhp' ] . " ] " ;
2018-03-01 16:56:17 +00:00
function nick5 ( $id , $st )
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-03-01 16:56:17 +00:00
$user = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' { $id } ' LIMIT 1 " ));
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $user [ 0 ]) {
2018-03-01 16:56:17 +00:00
$effect = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `time` FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = ' { $id } ' AND `type` = '1022' LIMIT 1 " ));
if ( $effect ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$user [ 'login' ] = '<b><i>невидимка</i></b>' ;
2018-03-01 16:56:17 +00:00
return " <span class= { $st } > " . $user [ 'login' ] . " </span> " ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
function check_proc ( $u )
$r = 100 ;
$usr = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `vip`, `vip_time` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $u . '" LIMIT 1' ));
if ( $usr [ 'vip_time' ] > time ()) {
if ( $usr [ 'vip' ] == 1 ) {
$r += 10 ;
} elseif ( $usr [ 'vip' ] == 2 ) {
$r += 15 ;
} elseif ( $usr [ 'vip' ] == 3 ) {
$r += 20 ;
$effes = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT SUM(`proc_exp`) AS `sums` FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = "' . $usr [ 'id' ] . '" AND `proc_exp` > 0' ));
if ( $effes [ 'sums' ] > 0 ) {
$r += $effes [ 'sums' ];
return $r ;
function join_arena ( $u , $btl , $team , $at )
$bd = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT * FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = "' . $btl . '" LIMIT 1' ));
$battle = unserialize ( $bd [ 'teams' ]);
$ak = array_keys ( $battle [ $at ]);
$battle [ $u ] = $battle [ $ak [ 0 ]];
foreach ( $battle [ $u ] as $k => $v ) {
$battle [ $u ][ $k ] = array ( 0 , 0 , time ());
$battle [ $k ][ $u ] = array ( 0 , 0 , time ());
if ( $team == 1 ) {
$adtxt = 'З а сторону <b>Тьмы</b>.' ;
} else {
$adtxt = 'З а сторону <b>Света</b>.' ;
addlog ( $btl , '<span class=date>' . date ( " H:i " ) . '</span> ' . nick5 ( $u , " B " . $team ) . ' вмешался в поединок! ' . $adtxt . '<br />' );
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `battle` SET `teams` = \'' . serialize ( $battle ) . '\', `t' . $team . '` = CONCAT(`t' . $team . '`,\';' . $u . '\') WHERE `id` = "' . $btl . '" LIMIT 1' );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE users SET `battle` = ' " . $btl . " ', `zayavka` = 0 WHERE `id` = ' " . $u . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
header ( " Location: fbattle.php " );
function aligntype ( $a )
2018-01-29 19:24:30 +00:00
$lightaligns = array ( " 1.1 " , " 1.2 " , " 1.3 " , " 1.4 " , " 1.5 " , " 1.6 " , " 1.7 " , " 1.8 " , " 1.9 " );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$darkaligns = array ( " 2.2 " , " 3 " , " 8.21 " );
$neutralaligns = array ( " 2 " , " 8.31 " );
if ( in_array ( $a , $lightaligns )) {
return 1 ;
if ( in_array ( $a , $darkaligns )) {
return 2 ;
if ( in_array ( $a , $neutralaligns )) {
return 3 ;
return 0 ;
function ClanImage ( $clan_id )
2018-01-29 14:30:18 +00:00
$clanimg = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `short` FROM `clans` WHERE `id` = ?i ' , $clan_id ) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $clanimg [ 'short' ]) {
$clanimg = $clanimg [ 'short' ];
} else {
$clanimg = " 1x1 " ;
return $clanimg ;
function GiveExp ( $id , $exp )
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `exp` = (`exp`+' " . $exp . " ') WHERE `id` = ' " . $id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
function GiveRep ( $id , $rep )
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `doblest` = (`doblest`+ $rep ), `rep_laba` = (`rep_laba`+ $rep ) WHERE `id` = ' " . $id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
function GiveKr ( $id , $kr , $text = " Вы получили " )
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `money` = (`money`+ { $kr } ) WHERE `id` = { $id } LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $text != null ) {
2018-03-04 00:09:58 +00:00
addchp ( $text . $kr . ' кр. ' , '{[]}' . nick :: id ( $id ) -> short () . '{[]}' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `delo` (`author`, `pers`, `text`, `type`, `date`) VALUES ('0', ' { $id } ', ' \" " . $user [ 'login' ] . " \" " . $text . " " . $kr . " кр. ', '1', ' " . time () . " ') " );
function GiveDoblest ( $id , $dobl , $text = " Вы получили " )
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `doblest` = (`doblest`+ { $dobl } ), `rep_laba` = (`rep_laba`+ $dobl ) WHERE `id` = { $id } LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $text != null ) {
2018-03-04 00:09:58 +00:00
addchp ( $text . $dobl . ' доблести. ' , '{[]}' . nick :: id ( $id ) -> short () . '{[]}' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `delo` (`author`, `pers`, `text`, `type`, `date`) VALUES ('0', ' { $id } ', ' \" " . $user [ 'login' ] . " \" " . $text . " " . $dobl . " доблести. ', '1', ' " . time () . " ') " );
// полоска Н Р
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
function setHP ( $hp , $maxhp )
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$rr = '' ;
if ( $hp < $maxhp * 0.33 ) {
$polosa = 'i/1red.gif' ;
} elseif ( $hp < $maxhp * 0.66 ) {
$polosa = 'i/1yellow.gif' ;
} else {
$polosa = 'i/1green.gif' ;
$rr .= " <IMG SRC=i/herz.gif WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=10 ALT= \" Уровень жизни \" ><IMG SRC=' { $polosa } ' WIDTH= " ;
$rr .= ( 122 * ( $hp / $maxhp ));
$rr .= ' HEIGHT=10 ALT="Уровень жизни" name=HP1 id=HP1><IMG SRC=i/1silver.gif WIDTH=' ;
$rr .= ( 122 - 122 * ( $hp / $maxhp ));
$rr .= ' HEIGHT=10 ALT="Уровень жизни" name=HP2 id=HP2>' ;
$rr .= '<span id=\'hp_value\'>' . $hp . '/' . $maxhp . '</span>' ;
return $rr ;
function echoscroll ( $slot )
global $user ;
2018-03-08 22:30:57 +00:00
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $user [ 'battle' ]) {
$script = 'fbattle' ;
} else {
$script = 'main' ;
2018-03-08 22:30:57 +00:00
$all_magic = 0 ;
if ( $user [ 'battle' ] > 0 ) {
$bat = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `magic` FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'battle' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
$all_magic = unserialize ( $bat [ 'magic' ]);
2018-03-08 22:14:29 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `id`, `magic`, `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ $slot ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
$need_charge = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `needcharge` FROM `magic` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $dress [ 'magic' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-03-08 22:30:57 +00:00
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if (( $user [ $slot ] > 0 ) && ( $all_magic [ $user [ 'id' ]] < 1 || $need_charge [ 'needcharge' ] == 0 )) {
$row [ 'id' ] = $user [ $slot ];
if ( $dress [ 'magic' ]) {
$magic = magicinf ( $dress [ 'magic' ]);
echo " <a onclick= \" " ;
if ( $magic [ 'targeted' ] == 1 ) {
echo " okno('Введите название предмета', ' " . $script . " .php?use= { $row [ 'id' ] } ', 'target'); " ;
} else
if ( $magic [ 'targeted' ] == 2 ) {
echo " findlogin('Введите имя персонажа', ' " . $script . " .php?use= { $row [ 'id' ] } ', 'target'); " ;
} else {
echo " if(confirm('Использовать сейчас?')) { window.location=' " . $script . " .php?use= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " ';} " ;
echo " \" href='#'> " ;
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=\'40\' title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br /> Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '" height=\'25\' /></a>' ;
} elseif (( $user [ $slot ] > 0 ) && ( $all_magic [ $user [ 'id' ]] >= 1 ) && $need_charge [ 'needcharge' ] > 0 ) {
echo " <img src= \" i/sh/magicclock.gif \" width= \" 40 \" height= \" 25 \" title='Произведите размен ударами и магия снова станет доступна' /> " ;
} else {
echo " <img class= \" tooltip \" src= \" i/w13.gif \" width= \" 40 \" height= \" 25 \" title='<b>Пустой слот магия</b>' /> " ;
// ссылка на магию
function showhrefmagic ( $dress )
global $user ;
$r = '' ;
if ( $user [ 'battle' ]) {
$script = 'fbattle' ;
} else {
$script = 'main' ;
$magic = magicinf ( $dress [ 'includemagic' ]);
$r .= " <a onclick= \" " ;
if ( $magic [ 'targeted' ] == 1 ) {
$r .= " okno('Введите название предмета', ' { $script } .php?use= { $dress [ 'id' ] } ', 'target') " ;
} elseif ( $magic [ 'targeted' ] == 2 ) {
$r .= " findlogin(' " . $magic [ 'name' ] . " ', ' { $script } .php?use= { $dress [ 'id' ] } ', 'target') " ;
} else {
$r .= " if (confirm('Использовать сейчас?')) window.location=' " . $script . " .php?use= " . $dress [ 'id' ] . " '; " ;
$r .= " \" href='#'> " ;
$r .= " <img class= \" tooltip \" src='mg2.php?p= " . ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] / $dress [ 'includemagicmax' ] * 100 ) . " &i= { $dress [ 'img' ] } ' style= \" filter:shadow(color=red, direction=90, strength=3); \" title= \" <b> " . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни + { $dress [ 'ghp' ] } " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'minu' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Урон { $dress [ 'minu' ] } - { $dress [ 'maxu' ] } " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а оружии выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . " <br />Встроена магия: <b> " . $magic [ 'name' ] . " </b> \" /><br /> " ;
return $r ;
function timeOut ( $ttm )
$out = '' ;
$time_still = $ttm ;
$tmp = floor ( $time_still / 2592000 );
$id = 0 ;
if ( $tmp > 0 ) {
$id ++ ;
if ( $id < 3 ) {
$out .= $tmp . " мес. " ;
$time_still = $time_still - $tmp * 2592000 ;
$tmp = floor ( $time_still / 86400 );
if ( $tmp > 0 ) {
$id ++ ;
if ( $id < 3 ) {
$out .= $tmp . " дн. " ;
$time_still = $time_still - $tmp * 86400 ;
$tmp = floor ( $time_still / 3600 );
if ( $tmp > 0 ) {
$id ++ ;
if ( $id < 3 ) {
$out .= $tmp . " ч. " ;
$time_still = $time_still - $tmp * 3600 ;
$tmp = floor ( $time_still / 60 );
if ( $tmp > 0 ) {
$id ++ ;
if ( $id < 3 ) {
$out .= $tmp . " мин. " ;
if ( $out == '' ) {
if ( $time_still < 0 ) {
$time_still = 0 ;
$out = $time_still . ' сек.' ;
return $out ;
2018-03-01 14:51:01 +00:00
$img = [
2018-02-13 18:43:24 +00:00
1 => " travma.gif " , 2 => " magic/sleep.gif " , 3 => " magic/sleepf.gif " , 4 => " magic/haos.gif " ,
5 => " magic/obezl.gif " , 6 => " expx15.gif " , 7 => " euphoria.png " , 8 => " sleep_obj.gif " ,
10 => " magic/chains.gif " , 11 => " travma.gif " , 12 => " travma.gif " , 13 => " travma.gif " ,
14 => " travma.gif " , 20 => " check.gif " , 21 => " magic/al_neut_power.gif " , 22 => " magic/fist_def.gif " ,
201 => " magic/defence.gif " , 202 => " magic/devastate.gif " , 203 => " magic/spell_luck.gif " , 215 => " magic/wis_air_def1.gif " ,
216 => " magic/wis_air_def2.gif " , 217 => " magic/wis_air_def3.gif " , 218 => " magic/wis_earth_def1.gif " , 219 => " magic/wis_earth_def2.gif " ,
220 => " magic/wis_earth_def3.gif " , 221 => " magic/wis_fire_def1.gif " , 222 => " magic/wis_fire_def2.gif " , 223 => " magic/wis_fire_def3.gif " ,
224 => " magic/wis_water_def1.gif " , 225 => " magic/wis_water_def2.gif " , 226 => " magic/wis_water_def3.gif " , 227 => " magic/attack_defence.gif " ,
1022 => " sh/hidden.gif "
2018-03-01 14:51:01 +00:00
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
function show_eff_inf ( $u , $type )
global $img ;
$r = '' ;
$and = '' ;
if ( $type == 1 ) {
2018-02-12 22:14:07 +00:00
$and = " AND `type` != 1022 " ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-02-12 20:59:22 +00:00
$effs = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT * FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = ?i' . $and , $u ) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $type == 1 ) {
2018-02-12 20:59:22 +00:00
while ( $effs ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $effs [ 'type' ] == 11 || $effs [ 'type' ] == 12 || $effs [ 'type' ] == 13 || $effs [ 'type' ] == 14 ) {
if ( $effs [ 'type' ] == 11 ) {
$adds = 'Легкая ' ;
} elseif ( $effs [ 'type' ] == 12 ) {
$adds = 'Средняя ' ;
} elseif ( $effs [ 'type' ] == 13 ) {
$adds = 'Тяжелая ' ;
} elseif ( $effs [ 'type' ] == 14 ) {
$adds = 'Неизлечимая ' ;
} else {
$adds = '' ;
} else {
$adds = '' ;
$r .= '<div>' ;
$r .= '<img class="image" src="/i/' . $img [ $effs [ 'type' ]] . '" />' ;
$r .= '<span class="title">' . $adds . $effs [ 'name' ] . '</span>' ;
if ( $effs [ 'sleep' ] != 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="timeleft">Эффект заморожен</div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="timeleft">' . timeOut ( $effs [ 'time' ] - time ()) . '</div>' ;
$r .= '</div>' ;
} else {
2018-02-12 20:59:22 +00:00
while ( $effs ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $effs [ 'type' ] == 11 || $effs [ 'type' ] == 12 || $effs [ 'type' ] == 13 || $effs [ 'type' ] == 14 ) {
if ( $effs [ 'type' ] == 11 ) {
$adds = 'Легкая ' ;
} elseif ( $effs [ 'type' ] == 12 ) {
$adds = 'Средняя ' ;
} elseif ( $effs [ 'type' ] == 13 ) {
$adds = 'Тяжелая ' ;
} elseif ( $effs [ 'type' ] == 14 ) {
$adds = 'Неизлечимая ' ;
} else {
$adds = '' ;
} else {
$adds = '' ;
$r .= '<div>' ;
$r .= '<img class="image" src="/i/' . $img [ $effs [ 'type' ]] . '" /> <a href=\'main.php?edit=1&del=1&efid=' . $effs [ 'id' ] . '\' onclick=\'return confirm("Удалить ' . $adds . $effs [ 'name' ] . '?")\'><img src=\'i/clear.gif\' style=\'float: right;\' /></a>' ;
$r .= '<span class="title">' . $adds . $effs [ 'name' ] . '</span>' ;
if ( $effs [ 'sleep' ] != 0 ) {
$r .= '<div class="timeleft">Эффект заморожен</div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<div class="timeleft">' . timeOut ( $effs [ 'time' ] - time ()) . '</div>' ;
$r .= '</div>' ;
return $r ;
2018-03-01 14:51:01 +00:00
//function nick5_1($id, $st)
// if ($id > _BOTSEPARATOR_) {
// $bots = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `bots` WHERE `id` = ' . $id . ' LIMIT 1;'));
// $id = $bots['prototype'];
// $user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '{$id}' LIMIT 1;"));
// $user['login'] = $bots['name'];
// $user['hp'] = $bots['hp'];
// $user['id'] = $bots['id'];
// } else {
// $user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '{$id}' LIMIT 1;"));
// }
// if ($user[0]) {
// $effect = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `time` FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = '{$id}' and `type` = '1022' LIMIT 1;"));
// if ($effect) {
// $user['level'] = '??';
// $user['login'] = '</a><b><i>невидимка</i></b>';
// $user['align'] = '0';
// $user['klan'] = '';
// $user['id'] = '';
// $user['hp'] = '??';
// $user['maxhp'] = '??';
// $user['mana'] = '??';
// $user['maxmana'] = '??';
// }
// $align = ($user['align'] > 0 ? $user['align'] : "0");
// if ($user['klan'] != '') {
// $klan = '<img title="' . ClanImage($user['klan']) . '" src="i/klan/' . ClanImage($user['klan']) . '.gif" />';
// }
// $userb = "<img src=\"i/align_" . $align . ".gif\">" . $klan . $user['login'] . " [" . $user['level'] . "]<a href=/inf.php?" . $user['id'] . " target=_blank><IMG SRC=\"i/inf.gif\" WIDTH=12 HEIGHT=11 ALT=\"Инф. о " . $user['login'] . "\"></a>";
// return "<span class={$st}>" . $userb . "</span>";
// }
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
function del_efs ( $uid , $id , $type )
global $user ;
2018-03-01 12:57:37 +00:00
$arr = [ 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 8 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 20 ];
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $uid == $user [ 'id' ]) {
if ( $id != null ) {
if ( ! in_array ( $type , $arr )) {
2018-03-01 12:57:37 +00:00
db :: c () -> query ( 'DELETE FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = ?i AND `id` = ?i' , $uid , $id );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $type == 1022 ) {
2018-03-01 12:57:37 +00:00
db :: c () -> query ( 'UPDATE `users` SET `invis` = ?i WHERE `id` = ?i' , 0 , $uid );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$user [ 'invis' ] = 0 ;
2018-03-01 12:57:37 +00:00
err ( 'Эффект удалён.' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
} else {
2018-03-01 12:57:37 +00:00
err ( 'Данный эффект нельзя удалить.' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
function haseffect ( $data , $type )
foreach ( $data [ 'effects' ] as $k => $v ) {
if ( $v [ 'type' ] == $type ) {
return $k ;
return false ;
function addictval ( $a )
$l = 0 ;
$step = 300 ;
$curr = 0 ;
while ( true ) {
if ( $a < $curr + $step ) return $l ;
$l ++ ;
$curr += $step ;
$step += 40 ;
if ( $l == 25 ) return $l ;
function timetoheals ( $user )
$efs = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT SUM(`speed`) AS `speed` FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = "' . $user [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' ));
$efs [ 'speed' ] += 0 ;
if ( $efs [ 'speed' ] > 0 ) {
$fulltime = $efs [ 'speed' ] * 2000 ;
} else {
$fulltime = 2000 ;
return $fulltime ;
function regenhp ( $us , $update = 1 )
global $user ;
if ( $us [ 'hp' ] < $us [ 'maxhp' ] && time () > $us [ 'fullhptime' ]) {
$fulltime = timetoheals ( $us );
$delta = ceil (( time () - $us [ 'fullhptime' ]) / $fulltime * $us [ 'maxhp' ]);
if ( $delta > 0 ) {
$us [ 'hp' ] = min ( $us [ 'hp' ] + $delta , $us [ 'maxhp' ]);
if ( $update ) {
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = if(`hp`+ $delta > `maxhp`, `maxhp`, `hp`+ $delta ), `fullhptime` = ' " . time () . " ' WHERE `id` = ' $us[id] ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $us [ 'id' ] == $user [ 'id' ]) {
$user [ 'hp' ] = $us [ 'hp' ];
return $us [ 'hp' ];
2018-01-29 11:11:50 +00:00
function showinf_pers ( $id , $pas = 0 , $battle = 0 , $me = 0 , $main = false ) //FIXME 37 запросов! ТРИДЦАТЬ С Е М Ь ! Чтобы отобразить предметы на персонаже.
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
global $rooms ;
$r = '' ;
2018-01-29 11:11:50 +00:00
if ( $id > _BOTSEPARATOR_ ) { //FIXME Оно как бы и работает, но два тяжёлющих запроса в самые крупные базы, чтобы подменить два значения...
// $bots = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `bots` WHERE `id` = "' . (int)$id . '" LIMIT 1'));
// $id = $bots['prototype'];
// $user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '{$id}' LIMIT 1"));
// $user = db::c()->query('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = (SELECT `prototype` FROM `bots` WHERE `bots`.`id` = ?i)', $id)->fetch_assoc();
// $user['login'] = $bots['name'];
// $user['hp'] = $bots['hp'];
die ( 'Неустранимая ошибка в showinf_pers(), обратитесь к разработчику.' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
} else {
2018-01-29 11:11:50 +00:00
// $user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '{$id}' LIMIT 1"));
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$user = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $id ) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$invis = $user [ 'invis' ];
if ( $battle && $invis && $user [ 'id' ] != $_SESSION [ 'uid' ]) {
$user [ 'level' ] = '??' ;
$user [ 'login' ] = '</a><b><i>невидимка</i></b>' ;
$user [ 'align' ] = '0' ;
$user [ 'klan' ] = '' ;
$user [ 'id' ] = '' ;
$user [ 'hp' ] = '??' ;
$user [ 'maxhp' ] = '??' ;
$user [ 'sila' ] = '??' ;
$user [ 'lovk' ] = '??' ;
$user [ 'inta' ] = '??' ;
$user [ 'vinos' ] = '??' ;
$user [ 'intel' ] = '??' ;
$user [ 'deal' ] = 0 ;
$user [ 'sergi' ] = 0 ;
$user [ 'kulon' ] = 0 ;
$user [ 'r1' ] = 0 ;
$user [ 'r2' ] = 0 ;
$user [ 'r3' ] = 0 ;
$user [ 'weap' ] = 0 ;
$user [ 'bron' ] = 0 ;
$user [ 'helm' ] = 0 ;
$user [ 'perchi' ] = 0 ;
$user [ 'shit' ] = 0 ;
$user [ 'boots' ] = 0 ;
$user [ 'shadow' ] = 'invis.gif' ;
$r .= '<center>' ;
2018-03-04 01:01:12 +00:00
$deal = '' ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $user [ 'deal' ] > 0 ) {
2018-01-29 16:54:23 +00:00
$deal = '💰 ' ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$r .= " <a href= \" javascript: top.AddToPrivate(' $user[login] ', top.CtrlPress) \" target= \" refreshed \" ><img src= \" /i/lock.gif \" width= \" 20 \" height= \" 15 \" /></a> $deal " . ( $user [ 'align' ] > 0 ? " <img src= \" /i/align_ " . $user [ 'align' ] . " .gif \" /> " : " " ) . ( $user [ 'klan' ] != '' ? '<img title="' . ClanImage ( $user [ 'klan' ]) . '" src="i/klan/' . ClanImage ( $user [ 'klan' ]) . '.gif" />' : " " ) . " <b> $user[login] </b> [ " ;
$r .= $user [ 'level' ];
$r .= " ]<a href= \" inf.php? $user[id] \" target= \" _blank \" ><img src= \" /i/inf.gif \" width= \" 12 \" height= \" 11 \" /></a> " ;
if ( $user [ 'block' ]) {
$r .= " <br /><font class= \" private \" >Персонаж заблокирован</font> " ;
$r .= " <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td colspan=3 width=100%> " ;
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
$r .= setHP ( $user [ 'hp' ], $user [ 'maxhp' ]);
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$r .= '</td></tr>' ;
if (( $user [ 'level' ] > 3 ) && ! $pas && ! $battle ) {
$r .= '<tr><td colspan=3>' ;
$r .= echoscroll ( 'm1' );
$r .= echoscroll ( 'm2' );
$r .= echoscroll ( 'm3' );
$r .= echoscroll ( 'm4' );
$r .= echoscroll ( 'm5' );
$r .= '<br /></td></tr>' ;
$r .= '<tr><td colspan=3>' ;
$r .= echoscroll ( 'm6' ) . '' . echoscroll ( 'm7' ) . '' . echoscroll ( 'm8' ) . '' . echoscroll ( 'm9' ) . '' . echoscroll ( 'm10' );
$r .= '</td></tr>' ;
$r .= '<tr><td width=62 valign=top><table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>' ;
if ( $user [ 'sergi' ] > 0 ) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'sergi' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ( ! $pas || ( $battle && $me ))) {
$r .= showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=20 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а серьгах выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$r .= '<img src="i/w1.gif" width="60" height="20" class="tooltip" title="Пустой слот Серьги" />' ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$r .= '</td></tr><tr><td>' ;
if ( $user [ 'kulon' ] > 0 ) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'kulon' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ( ! $pas || ( $battle && $me ))) {
$r .= showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=20 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а ожерелье выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
$r .= '<img src="i/w2.gif" width=60 height=20 class="tooltip" title="Пустой слот Ожерелье" />' ;
$r .= '</td></tr><tr><td>' ;
if ( $user [ 'weap' ] > 0 ) {
2018-01-29 14:29:29 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `minu`, `maxu`, `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'weap' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ( ! $pas || ( $battle && $me ))) {
$r .= showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=60 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'minu' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Урон { $dress [ 'minu' ] } - { $dress [ 'maxu' ] } " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а оружии выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w3.gif" width=60 height=60 title="Пустой слот Оружие" />' ;
$r .= '</td></tr><tr><td>' ;
if ( $user [ 'bron' ] > 0 || $user [ 'rybax' ] > 0 || $user [ 'plaw' ] > 0 ) {
$title = '' ;
if ( $user [ 'plaw' ]) {
$d = $user [ 'plaw' ];
if ( $user [ 'bron' ]) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'bron' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$title .= '<br />--------------------<br /><b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? '<br />Уровень жизни ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? '<br />Н а одежде вышито ' . $dress [ 'text' ] . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Сила ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Ловкость ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Интуиция ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Интеллект ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня головы: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня корпуса: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня пояса: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня ног: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) . '' : '' ) . '' ;
if ( $user [ 'rybax' ]) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'rybax' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$title .= '<br />--------------------<br /><b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? '<br />Уровень жизни ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? '<br />Н а одежде вышито ' . $dress [ 'text' ] . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Сила ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Ловкость ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Интуиция ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Интеллект ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня головы: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня корпуса: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня пояса: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня ног: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) . '' : '' ) . '' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'bron' ]) {
$d = $user [ 'bron' ];
if ( $user [ 'rybax' ]) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'rybax' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$title .= " <br />--------------------<br /><b> $dress[name] </b><br />Прочность $dress[duration] / $dress[maxdur] " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а одежде вышито ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '"' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'rybax' ]) {
$d = $user [ 'rybax' ];
if ( $main == true ) {
$title = '' ;
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $d ) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ( ! $pas || ( $battle && $me ))) {
$r .= showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=80 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а одежде вышито ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '' . $title . '" />' ;
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w4.gif" width=60 height=80 title="Пустой слот Броня" />' ;
$r .= '</td></tr><tr><td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>' ;
if ( $user [ 'r1' ] > 0 ) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'r1' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ( ! $pas || ( $battle && $me ))) {
$r .= showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=20 height=20 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а кольце выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w6.gif" width=20 height=20 title="Пустой слот Кольцо" />' ;
$r .= '</td><td>' ;
if ( $user [ 'r2' ] > 0 ) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'r2' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ( ! $pas || ( $battle && $me ))) {
$r .= showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=20 height=20 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а кольце выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w6.gif" width=20 height=20 title="Пустой слот Кольцо" />' ;
$r .= '</td><td>' ;
if ( $user [ 'r3' ] > 0 ) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'r3' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ( ! $pas || ( $battle && $me ))) {
$r .= showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=20 height=20 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а кольце выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w6.gif" width=20 height=20 title="Пустой слот Кольцо" />' ;
$r .= '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td>' ;
$r .= '<td valign=top><img src="i/shadow/' . $user [ 'shadow' ] . '" width="76" height="209" /></td><td width="62" valign=top><table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>' ;
if ( $user [ 'helm' ] > 0 ) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'helm' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ( ! $pas || ( $battle && $me ))) {
$r .= showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=60 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а шлеме выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w9.gif" width=60 height=60 title="Пустой слот Шлем" />' ;
$r .= '</td></tr><tr><td>' ;
if ( $user [ 'perchi' ] > 0 ) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'perchi' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ( ! $pas || ( $battle && $me ))) {
$r .= showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=40 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а перчатках выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w11.gif" width=60 height=40 alt="Пустой слот Перчатки" />' ;
$r .= '</td></tr><tr><td>' ;
if ( $user [ 'shit' ] > 0 ) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'shit' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ( ! $pas || ( $battle && $me ))) {
$r .= showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=60 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а щите выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w10.gif" width=60 height=60 title="Пустой слот Щит" />' ;
$r .= '</td></tr><tr><td>' ;
if ( $user [ 'boots' ] > 0 ) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`, `img`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `ghp`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `text`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `includemagicdex` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'boots' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ( ! $pas || ( $battle && $me ))) {
$r .= showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=40 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а ботинках выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
$r .= '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w12.gif" width=60 height=40 title="Пустой слот Oб у вь" />' ;
if ( $invis ) {
$data [ 'id' ] = null ;
} else {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$data = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT * FROM `online` WHERE `date` >= ?i AND `id` = ?i' , time () - 60 , $user [ 'id' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$r .= '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>' ;
$ru_1 = show_rune ( 1 , $user [ 'id' ]);
$ru_2 = show_rune ( 2 , $user [ 'id' ]);
$ru_3 = show_rune ( 3 , $user [ 'id' ]);
2018-01-28 22:09:37 +00:00
$r .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="background: url(i/runes_slots.jpg) no-repeat center bottom;"><tbody><tr><td width="59" height="48" align="right">' . $ru_1 . '</td><td width="74" height="48" align="center">' . $ru_2 . '</td><td width="57" height="48" align="left">' . $ru_3 . '</td></tr></tbody></table></center>' ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$r .= '<center><table cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="100%"><tbody>' ;
if ( ! $battle ) {
if ( $pas ) {
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$r .= '<tr><td align=middle colSpan=2><b><small>' . GAMEDOMAIN . '</small></b></td></tr><tr><td colSpan=2><small>' ;
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$online = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `u`.*, `o`.`date`, `u`.*, `o`.`real_time` FROM `users` AS `u`, `online` AS `o` WHERE `u`.`id` = `o`.`id` AND `u`.`id` = ?i ' , $user [ 'id' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $invis ) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$invis = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `time` FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = ?i AND `type` = 1022' , $user [ 'id' ]) -> fetch_assoc (); //FIXME Тип содержит число, невозможное в базе.
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $invis > time ()) {
$data [ 'id' ] = null ;
$online [ 'date' ] -= 60 * 120 - ( $invis - time ());
if ( $data [ 'id' ] != null && $user [ 'id' ] != 326 ) {
if ( $data [ 'room' ] > 500 && $data [ 'room' ] < 561 ) {
$rrm = 'Башня смерти, участвует в турнире' ;
} else {
$rrm = $rooms [ $data [ 'room' ]];
2018-01-29 18:21:55 +00:00
$r .= '<center>Персонаж сейчас находится в игре.<b>"' . $rrm . '"</b></center>' ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
} else {
2018-01-29 18:21:55 +00:00
$r .= " <center>Персонаж не в игре.</center> " ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $user [ 'battle' ] > 0 && $user [ 'invis' ] == 0 ) {
$r .= '<br />Персонаж сейчас в <a target="_blank" href="logs.php?log=' . $user [ 'battle' ] . '">поединке</a>' ;
$r .= '</center></small>' ;
$r .= '<div class="effectList" style="padding-top: 15px;">' ;
$r .= show_eff_inf ( $user [ 'id' ], 1 );
$r .= '</div></td></tr>' ;
$r .= '</tbody></table></center></td>' ;
$r .= '<td valign=top ' . ( ! $pas ? " style='width: 450px;' " : " " ) . '>' ;
$r .= 'Сила: ' . $user [ 'sila' ] . '<br />' ;
$r .= 'Ловкость: ' . $user [ 'lovk' ] . '<br />' ;
$r .= 'Интуиция: ' . $user [ 'inta' ] . '<br />' ;
$r .= 'Выносливость: ' . $user [ 'vinos' ] . '<br />' ;
if ( $user [ 'level' ] > 3 ) {
$r .= 'Интеллект: ' . $user [ 'intel' ] . '<br />' ;
if ( ! $pas && (( $user [ 'stats' ] > 0 ) || ( $user [ 'master' ] > 0 ))) {
$r .= '<a href="main.php?edit=1">+ Способности</a><br />' ;
$r .= '<hr style=\'width: 50%; float: left;\' /><br />' ;
if ( ! $pas ) {
$r .= 'Опыт: <b>' . $user [ 'exp' ] . '</b> <a href=\'exptable.html\' target=\'_blank\'>(' . $user [ 'nextup' ] . ')</a><br /></small>' ;
$r .= 'Уровень: ' . $user [ 'level' ] . '<br /></small>' ;
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$r .= 'Побед: <span>' . $user [ 'win' ] . '</span></small><br />' ;
$r .= 'Поражений: <span>' . $user [ 'lose' ] . '</span></small><br />' ;
$r .= 'Ничьих: <span>' . $user [ 'nich' ] . '</span></small><br />' ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $user [ 'klan' ] && ! $pas ) {
$r .= " Клан: " . ClanImage ( $user [ 'klan' ]) . " <br /></small> " ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'klan' ]) {
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
// $clann = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `name`,`short` FROM `clans` WHERE `id` = '{$user['klan']}' LIMIT 1"));
$clann = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `name`,`short` FROM `clans` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'klan' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$r .= " <a href='/encicl/index.php?section=99&page=clans1&clan= " . close_dangling_tags ( $clann [ 'short' ]) . " ' target='_blank'> " . close_dangling_tags ( $clann [ 'name' ]) . " </a> " . close_dangling_tags ( $user [ 'status' ]) . " </small><br /> " ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
} elseif ( $user [ 'align' ] > 0 ) {
if (( int ) $user [ 'align' ] == 1 ) {
$r .= " <b>Орден Паладинов</b> { $user [ 'status' ] } <br /></small> " ;
if ( $user [ 'align' ] == 3 ) {
$r .= " <b>Темное братство</b><br /></small> " ;
if ( $user [ 'align' ] == 2 ) {
$r .= " <b>Нейтральное братство</b><br /></small> " ;
if ( $user [ 'align' ] == 6 ) {
$r .= " <b>Светлое братство</b><br /></small> " ;
if ( $pas ) {
$date1 = explode ( " " , $user [ 'borntime' ]);
$date2 = explode ( " - " , $date1 [ 0 ]);
$date3 = " " . $date2 [ 2 ] . " - " . $date2 [ 1 ] . " - " . $date2 [ 0 ] . " " ;
$r .= 'Место рождения: <b>' . $user [ 'borncity' ] . '</b><br />' ;
$r .= 'День рождения персонажа: ' . $date3 . '<br /></small>' ;
$r .= '<hr />' ;
if ( $user [ 'palcom' ] && $pas ) {
$r .= " Сообщение от Паладинов о причине отправки в х а о с /блокировке: <br /><font class=private> { $user [ 'palcom' ] } </font> " ;
2018-01-29 13:15:10 +00:00
$ischaos = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `time` FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = ?i AND `type` = 4 ' , $user [ 'id' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
if ( $ischaos [ 'time' ]) {
$r .= " <br />Х а о с еще <i> " . timeOut ( $ischaos [ 'time' ] - time ()) . " </i> " ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
} else {
$r .= '<tr><td colSpan=2 style="padding-left: 25px;">' ;
$r .= 'Сила: ' . $user [ 'sila' ] . '<br />' ;
$r .= 'Ловкость: ' . $user [ 'lovk' ] . '<br />' ;
$r .= 'Интуиция: ' . $user [ 'inta' ] . '<br />' ;
$r .= 'Выносливость: ' . $user [ 'vinos' ] . '<br />' ;
if ( $user [ 'level' ] > 3 ) {
$r .= 'Интеллект: ' . $user [ 'intel' ] . '<br />' ;
$r .= '</td></tr></table>' ;
return $r ;
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
* Смотрим на себя в главном окне игры .
* @ param int $pas
function showpersout ( $pas = 0 )
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
global $user ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
echo '<CENTER>' ;
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
nick :: id ( $user [ 'id' ]) -> full ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $user [ 'block' ]) {
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
echo " <br><span class=private>Персонаж заблокирован!</span> " ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
< TABLE cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 >
< tr >
< TD colspan = 3 width = 100 %>
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
< ? = setHP ( $user [ 'hp' ], $user [ 'maxhp' ]) ?>
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
</ td >
</ tr >
< ?
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
if (( $user [ 'level' ] > 3 ) && ! $pas ) { ?>
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
< TR >
< TD colspan = 3 >
< ?
echoscroll ( 'm1' );
echoscroll ( 'm2' );
echoscroll ( 'm3' );
echoscroll ( 'm4' );
echoscroll ( 'm5' );
</ TD >
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD colspan = 3 >
< ?
echoscroll ( 'm6' );
echoscroll ( 'm7' );
echoscroll ( 'm8' );
echoscroll ( 'm9' );
echoscroll ( 'm10' );
</ TD >
</ TR >
< ?
} ?>
< TR >
< TD width = 62 valign = top >
< TABLE width = 100 % cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'sergi' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'sergi' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ! $pas ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
echo showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=20 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а серьгах выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
echo '<img src="i/w1.gif" width=62 height=20 class="tooltip" title="Пустой слот Серьги" />' ;
?> </TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'kulon' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'kulon' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ! $pas ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
echo showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=20 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а ожерелье выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
echo '<img src="i/w2.gif" width=60 height=20 class="tooltip" title="Пустой слот Ожерелье" />' ;
?> </TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'weap' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'weap' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ! $pas ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
echo showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=60 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'minu' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Урон { $dress [ 'minu' ] } - { $dress [ 'maxu' ] } " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а оружии выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w3.gif" width=60 height=60 title="Пустой слот Оружие" />' ;
?> </A></TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'bron' ] > 0 || $user [ 'rybax' ] > 0 || $user [ 'plaw' ] > 0 ) {
$title = '' ;
if ( $user [ 'plaw' ]) {
$d = $user [ 'plaw' ];
if ( $user [ 'bron' ]) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' $user[bron] ' LIMIT 1 " ));
$title .= '<br />--------------------<br /><b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? '<br />Уровень жизни ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? '<br />Н а одежде вышито ' . $dress [ 'text' ] . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Сила ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Ловкость ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Интуиция ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Интеллект ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня головы: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня корпуса: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня пояса: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня ног: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) . '' : '' );
if ( $user [ 'rybax' ]) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' $user[rybax] ' LIMIT 1 " ));
$title .= '<br />--------------------<br /><b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? '<br />Уровень жизни ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? '<br />Н а одежде вышито ' . $dress [ 'text' ] . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Сила ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Ловкость ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Интуиция ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Интеллект ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня головы: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня корпуса: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня пояса: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) . '' : '' ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? '<br />Броня ног: ' . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) . '' : '' );
} elseif ( $user [ 'bron' ]) {
$d = $user [ 'bron' ];
if ( $user [ 'rybax' ]) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' $user[rybax] ' LIMIT 1 " ));
$title .= " <br />--------------------<br /><b> $dress[name] </b><br />Прочность $dress[duration] / $dress[maxdur] " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а одежде вышито ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '"' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'rybax' ]) {
$d = $user [ 'rybax' ];
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $d } ' LIMIT 1 " ));
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ! $pas ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
echo showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=80 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а одежде вышито ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . $title . '" />' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w4.gif" width=60 height=80 title="Пустой слот Броня" />' ;
?> </a></TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >
< TABLE cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 >
< tr >
< td >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'r1' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'r1' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ! $pas ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=20 height=20 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а кольце выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w6.gif" width=20 height=20 title="Пустой слот Кольцо" />' ;
?> </A></td>
< td >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'r2' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'r2' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ! $pas ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
echo showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=20 height=20 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а кольце выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w6.gif" width=20 height=20 title="Пустой слот Кольцо" />' ;
?> </A></td>
< td >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'r3' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'r3' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ! $pas ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
echo showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=20 height=20 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а кольце выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w6.gif" width=20 height=20 title="Пустой слот Кольцо" />' ;
?> </A></td>
</ tr >
</ table >
</ TD >
</ TR >
</ TABLE >
</ TD >
< TD valign = top >< img src = " i/shadow/<?= $user['shadow'] ?> " width = 76 height = 209 alt = " <?= $user['login'] ?> " >
</ TD >
< TD width = 62 valign = top >
< TABLE width = 100 % cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'helm' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'helm' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ! $pas ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
echo showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=60 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а шлеме выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w9.gif" width=60 height=60 title="Пустой слот Шлем" />' ;
?> </A></TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'perchi' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'perchi' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ! $pas ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
echo showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=40 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а перчатках выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w11.gif" width=60 height=40 alt="Пустой слот Перчатки" />' ;
?> </A></TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'shit' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'shit' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ! $pas ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
echo showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=60 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а щите выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w10.gif" width=60 height=60 title="Пустой слот Щит" />' ;
?> </A></TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'boots' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'boots' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] && ! $pas ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
echo showhrefmagic ( $dress );
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' ' . ((( $dress [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $dress [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 && ! $pas ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . ' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=40 title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . " </b><br />Прочность " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " / " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " " . " " . (( $dress [ 'ghp' ] > 0 ) ? " <br />Уровень жизни " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ghp' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'text' ] != null ) ? " <br />Н а ботинках выгравировано ' { $dress [ 'text' ] } ' " : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gsila' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Сила " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gsila' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'glovk' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Ловкость " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'glovk' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'ginta' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интуиция " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'ginta' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'gintel' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Интеллект " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'gintel' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron1' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня головы: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron1' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron2' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня корпуса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron2' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron3' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня пояса: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron3' ]) : " " ) . (( $dress [ 'bron4' ] != 0 ) ? " <br />Броня ног: " . plusorminus ( $dress [ 'bron4' ]) : " " ) . '" />' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w12.gif" width=60 height=40 title="Пустой слот Oб у вь" />' ;
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
</ A >
</ TD >
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
</ TR >
</ TABLE >
</ TD >
</ TR >
</ TABLE >
< table cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 0 " border = " 0 "
2018-02-12 19:25:47 +00:00
style = " background: url('i/runes_slots.jpg') no-repeat center bottom; " >
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
< tbody >
< tr >
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
< td width = " 59 " height = " 48 " align = " right " >< ? = show_rune ( 1 , $user [ 'id' ]) ?> </td>
< td width = " 74 " height = " 48 " align = " center " >< ? = show_rune ( 2 , $user [ 'id' ]) ?> </td>
< td width = " 57 " height = " 48 " align = " left " >< ? = show_rune ( 3 , $user [ 'id' ]) ?> </td>
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
</ tr >
</ tbody >
</ table >
< TABLE cellPadding = 0 cellSpacing = 0 width = " 100% " >
< ?
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
if ( ! $pas ) {
2018-03-08 22:14:29 +00:00
// FIXME Научиться отображать травмы
// if ($trt) {
// echo "<TR><TD><IMG height=25 src=\"i/travma.gif\" width=40></TD><TD><SMALL>У персонажа $trt травма.</SMALL></TD></TR>";
// }
$dd = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `time`, `type` FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = ?i' , $user [ 'id' ]);
2018-03-23 21:47:46 +00:00
$param_bonus = [];
2018-03-08 22:30:57 +00:00
array_fill_keys ( $param_bonus , 0 );
2018-03-08 22:14:29 +00:00
while ( $row = $dd -> fetch_assoc ()) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $row [ 'time' ] < time ()) {
$row [ 'time' ] = time ();
if ( $row [ 'type' ] == 21 ) {
2018-03-08 22:30:57 +00:00
$param_bonus = [];
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$param_bonus [ 'sila' ] = $row [ 'sila' ];
$param_bonus [ 'lovk' ] = $row [ 'lovk' ];
$param_bonus [ 'inta' ] = $row [ 'inta' ];
$param_bonus [ 'vinos' ] = $row [ 'vinos' ];
</ TD >
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
< TD valign = top style = 'width:450px;' ></ TD >
Сила : < ? = $user [ 'sila' ] ?>
2018-03-23 21:47:46 +00:00
< ? php if ( isset ( $param_bonus [ 'sila' ])) echo " <b><font color=green>(+ " . $param_bonus [ 'sila' ] . " )</font></b> " ; ?> <BR>
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
Ловкость : < ? = $user [ 'lovk' ] ?>
2018-03-23 21:47:46 +00:00
< ? php if ( isset ( $param_bonus [ 'lovk' ])) echo " <b><font color=green>(+ " . $param_bonus [ 'lovk' ] . " )</font></b> " ; ?> <BR>
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
Интуиция : < ? = $user [ 'inta' ] ?>
2018-03-23 21:47:46 +00:00
< ? php if ( isset ( $param_bonus [ 'inta' ])) echo " <b><font color=green>(+ " . $param_bonus [ 'inta' ] . " )</font></b> " ; ?> <BR>
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
Выносливость :< ? = $user [ 'vinos' ] ?>
2018-03-23 21:47:46 +00:00
< ? php if ( isset ( $param_bonus [ 'vinos' ])) echo " <b><font color=green>(+ " . $param_bonus [ 'vinos' ] . " )</font></b> " ; ?> <BR>
2018-03-08 21:04:15 +00:00
Интеллект : < ? = $user [ 'intel' ] ?> <BR>
Мудрость : < ? = $user [ 'mudra' ] ?> <BR>
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
< ? php if ( $user [ 'stats' ] > 0 || $user [ 'master' ] > 0 ) : ?>
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
< a href = " main.php?edit=1 " >+ Способности </ a >
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
< ? php endif ; ?>
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
< hr >
Опыт : < b >< ? = $user [ 'exp' ] ?> </b> (<?= $user['nextup'] ?>) <br>
Уровень : < ? = $user [ 'level' ] ?> <br>
Побед : < ? = $user [ 'win' ] ?> <br>
Поражений : < ? = $user [ 'lose' ] ?> <br>
Ничьих : < ? = $user [ 'nich' ] ?> <br>
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-03-08 21:04:15 +00:00
< ?
2018-03-09 18:43:30 +00:00
$ekr_bank = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT SUM(`ekr`) AS `bank_ekr`,SUM(`cr`) AS `bank_cr` FROM `bank` WHERE `id`= ?i' , $user [ 'id' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
Деньги : < b >< ? = $user [ 'money' ] ?> </b> кр.<br>
В банке : < b >< ? = $ekr_bank [ 'bank_cr' ] ?> <b> кр. / <b><?=$ekr_bank['bank_ekr']?></b> eкр .<br>
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
< ?
if ( $user [ 'klan' ]) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
echo " Клан: " . ClanImage ( $user [ 'klan' ]) . " <BR></small> " ;
2018-03-30 19:28:22 +00:00
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
} else {
< TR >
< TD colSpan = 2 style = " padding-left:25px; " >
2018-03-08 21:53:15 +00:00
Сила : < ? = $user [ 'sila' ] ?> <BR>
Ловкость : < ? = $user [ 'lovk' ] ?> <BR>
Интуиция : < ? = $user [ 'inta' ] ?> <BR>
Выносливость : < ? = $user [ 'vinos' ] ?> <BR>
Интеллект : < ? = $user [ 'intel' ] ?> <BR>
Мудрость : < ? = $user [ 'mudra' ] ?> <BR>
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
</ td >
</ tr ></ table >
< ?
function stack ( $it_id )
global $user ;
$it_id = ( int ) $it_id ;
$stack = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' " . $it_id . " ' AND `owner` = " . $user [ 'id' ] . " LIMIT 1 " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $stack ) == 1 ) {
$stack = mysql_fetch_array ( $stack );
$similar = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT SUM(`koll`) FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = ' " . $user [ 'id' ] . " ' AND `id` != ' " . $stack [ 'id' ] . " ' AND `name` = ' " . $stack [ 'name' ] . " ' AND `present` = ' " . $stack [ 'present' ] . " ' AND `duration` = ' " . $stack [ 'duration' ] . " ' AND `maxdur` = ' " . $stack [ 'maxdur' ] . " ' AND `laba` = ' " . $stack [ 'laba' ] . " ' AND `gmeshok` = ' " . $stack [ 'gmeshok' ] . " ' AND `dressed` = 0 AND `goden` = 0 AND `setsale` = 0 AND `koll` >= 1 AND `isrep` = ' " . $stack [ 'isrep' ] . " ' AND FORMAT(`cost`/`koll`, 2) = FORMAT( " . ( $stack [ 'cost' ] / $stack [ 'koll' ]) . " , 2) AND FORMAT(`point`/`koll`, 2) = FORMAT( " . ( $stack [ 'point' ] / $stack [ 'koll' ]) . " , 2) AND FORMAT(`bcost`/`koll`, 2) = FORMAT( " . ( $stack [ 'bcost' ] / $stack [ 'koll' ]) . " , 2) " ));
if ( $similar [ 0 ] >= 1 ) {
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `inventory` SET `cost` = (`cost`+`cost`/`koll`* " . $similar [ 0 ] . " ), `point` = (`point`+`point`/`koll`* " . $similar [ 0 ] . " ), `bcost` = (`bcost`+`bcost`/`koll`* " . $similar [ 0 ] . " ), `massa` = (`massa`+`massa`/`koll`* " . $similar [ 0 ] . " ), `koll` = (`koll`+ " . $similar [ 0 ] . " ), `gmeshok` = (`gmeshok`+`gmeshok`* " . $similar [ 0 ] . " ) WHERE `id` = ' " . $stack [ 'id' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = ' " . $user [ 'id' ] . " ' AND `id` != ' " . $stack [ 'id' ] . " ' AND `name` = ' " . $stack [ 'name' ] . " ' AND `present` = ' " . $stack [ 'present' ] . " ' AND `duration` = ' " . $stack [ 'duration' ] . " ' AND `maxdur` = ' " . $stack [ 'maxdur' ] . " ' AND `dressed` = 0 AND `goden` = 0 AND `koll` >= 1 AND `setsale` = 0 AND `gmeshok` = ' " . $stack [ 'gmeshok' ] . " ' AND `laba` = ' " . $stack [ 'laba' ] . " ' AND `isrep` = ' " . $stack [ 'isrep' ] . " ' AND FORMAT(`cost`/`koll`, 2)=FORMAT( " . $stack [ 'cost' ] / $stack [ 'koll' ] . " , 2) AND FORMAT(`point`/`koll`, 2) = FORMAT( " . ( $stack [ 'point' ] / $stack [ 'koll' ]) . " , 2) AND FORMAT(`bcost`/`koll`, 2) = FORMAT( " . ( $stack [ 'bcost' ] / $stack [ 'koll' ]) . " , 2) " );
2018-03-01 10:57:27 +00:00
* @ param $time
* @ param $vars
* @ param $vls
* @ param $uid
* @ return bool
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
function addActions ( $time , $vars , $vls , $uid )
2018-03-01 10:57:27 +00:00
db :: c () -> query ( 'LOCK TABLES `actions` WRITE' );
$ins = db :: c () -> query ( 'INSERT INTO `actions` (`uid`,`time`,`city`,`room`,`vars`,`ip`,`vals`) VALUES (?i, ?i, "?s", ?i, "?s", "?s", "?s")' , $uid , $time , " capitalcity " , 0 , $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_REAL_IP' ], $vls );
db :: c () -> query ( 'UNLOCK TABLES' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $ins ) {
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
function unstack ( $it_id , $it_count )
global $user ;
$it_id = ( int ) $it_id ;
$it_count = ( int ) $it_count ;
$it_count = abs ( $it_count );
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = " . $user [ 'id' ] . " AND `id` = ' " . mysql_real_escape_string ( $it_id ) . " ' LIMIT 1 " ));
$prototype = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `gmeshok` FROM `shop` WHERE `id` = "' . $dress [ 'prototype' ] . '" LIMIT 1' ));
if ( isset ( $dress [ 'id' ])) {
if ( $it_count <= $dress [ 'koll' ] && $it_count > 0 ) {
if ( $dress [ 'koll' ] == $it_count ) {
mysql_query ( 'DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = "' . $dress [ 'id' ] . '" AND `owner` = "' . $user [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
} else {
if ( $dress [ 'gmeshok' ] > 0 ) {
$sqla = " , `gmeshok` = `gmeshok`- " . $prototype [ 'gmeshok' ];
} else {
$sqla = " " ;
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `inventory` SET `cost` = (`cost`-`cost`/`koll`* " . $it_count . " ), `point` = (`point`-`point`/`koll`* " . $it_count . " ), `bcost` = (`bcost`-`bcost`/`koll`* " . $it_count . " ), `massa` = (`massa`-`massa`/`koll`* " . $it_count . " ), `koll` = (`koll`- " . $it_count . " ) $sqla WHERE `id` = ' $dress[id] ' AND `owner` = ' $user[id] ' LIMIT 1 " );
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `inventory` (`name`, `upgrade`, `modif`, `podgon`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `cost`, `bcost`, `point`, `nlevel`, `nsila`, `nlovk`, `ninta`, `nvinos`, `nintel`, `nmudra`, `nnoj`, `ntopor`, `ndubina`, `nmech`, `nalign`, `minu`, `maxu`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `ghp`, `mfkrit`, `mfakrit`, `mfuvorot`, `mfauvorot`, `gnoj`, `gtopor`, `gdubina`, `gmech`, `img`, `text`, `owner`, `dressed`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `dategoden`, `magic`, `type`, `present`, `sharped`, `massa`, `goden`, `needident`, `nfire`, `nwater`, `nair`, `nearth`, `nlight`, `ngray`, `ndark`, `gfire`, `gwater`, `gair`, `gearth`, `glight`, `ggray`, `gdark`, `free_bron`, `free_stat`, `free_mf`, `letter`, `isrep`, `update`, `setsale`, `prototype`, `otdel`, `bs`, `gmp`, `includemagic`, `includemagicdex`, `includemagicmax`, `includemagicname`, `includemagicuses`, `includemagiccost`, `gmeshok`, `tradesale`, `podzem`, `x_mis`, `artefact`, `destinyinv`, `encicl`, `foronetrip`, `koll`) VALUES (' " . $dress [ 'name' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'upgrade' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'modif' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'podgon' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'duration' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . " ', ' " . ( $dress [ 'cost' ] / $dress [ 'koll' ] * $it_count ) . " ', ' " . ( $dress [ 'bcost' ] / $dress [ 'koll' ] * $it_count ) . " ', ' " . ( $dress [ 'point' ] / $dress [ 'koll' ] * $it_count ) . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nlevel' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nsila' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nlovk' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'ninta' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nvinos' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nintel' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nmudra' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nnoj' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'ntopor' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'ndubina' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nmech' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nalign' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'minu' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'maxu' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'gsila' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'glovk' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'ginta' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'gintel' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'ghp' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'mfkrit' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'mfakrit' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'mfuvorot' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'mfauvorot' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'gnoj' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'gtopor' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'gdubina' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'gmech' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'img' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'text' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'owner' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'dressed' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'bron1' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'bron2' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'bron3' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'bron4' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'dategoden' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'magic' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'type' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'present' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'sharped' ] . " ', ' " . ( $dress [ 'massa' ] / $dress [ 'koll' ] * $it_count ) . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'goden' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'needident' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nfire' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nwater' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nair' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nearth' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'nlight' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'ngray' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'ndark' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'gfire' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'gwater' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'gair' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'gearth' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'glight' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'ggray' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'gdark' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'free_bron' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'free_bron' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'free_mf' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'letter' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'isrep' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'update' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'setsale' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'prototype' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'otdel' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'bs' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'gmp' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'includemagic' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'includemagicdex' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'includemagicmax' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'includemagicname' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'ggrincludemagicusesay' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'includemagiccost' ] . " ', ' " . ( $dress [ 'gmeshok' ] / $dress [ 'koll' ] * $it_count ) . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'tradesale' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'podzem' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'x_mis' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'artefact' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'destinyinv' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'encicl' ] . " ', ' " . $dress [ 'foronetrip' ] . " ', ' " . $it_count . " ') " );
return mysql_insert_id ();
function plusorminus ( $n , $shownum = 1 )
if ( ! $shownum ) {
if ( $n >= 2 ) return " ++ " ;
if ( $n > 0 ) return " + " ;
if ( $n < 0 ) return " - " ;
if ( $n >= 0 ) {
return " + $n " ;
} else {
return $n ;
2018-03-01 10:57:27 +00:00
* Показать предмет в магазине
* @ param $it
* @ param string $from
* @ return string
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
function show_shop_items ( $it , $from = 'shop' )
global $user ;
$r = '' ;
$item = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM ` { $from } ` WHERE `id` = ' { $it } ' LIMIT 1 " ));
if ( isset ( $item [ 'id' ])) {
$magic = magicinf ( $item [ 'magic' ]);
$incmagic = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT * FROM `magic` WHERE `id` = "' . $item [ 'includemagic' ] . '" LIMIT 1' ));
$incmagic [ 'name' ] = $item [ 'includemagicname' ];
$incmagic [ 'cur' ] = $item [ 'includemagicdex' ];
$incmagic [ 'max' ] = $item [ 'includemagicmax' ];
if ( ! $magic ) {
$magic [ 'chanse' ] = $incmagic [ 'chanse' ];
$magic [ 'time' ] = $incmagic [ 'time' ];
$magic [ 'targeted' ] = $incmagic [ 'targeted' ];
if ( $item [ 'destiny' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " <a href= \" javascript: void(0); \" > { $item [ 'name' ] } </a><img src= \" i/align_ { $item [ 'nalign' ] } .gif \" /> (М а с с а : { $item [ 'massa' ] } )<img src= \" i/destiny { $item [ 'destiny' ] } .gif \" /><img src= \" i/artefact { $item [ 'artefact' ] } .gif \" /><br /> " ;
} else {
$r .= " <a href= \" javascript: void(0); \" > { $item [ 'name' ] } </a><img src= \" i/align_ { $item [ 'nalign' ] } .gif \" /> (М а с с а : { $item [ 'massa' ] } )<img src= \" i/destiny { $item [ 'destiny' ] } .gif \" /><img src= \" i/artefact { $item [ 'artefact' ] } .gif \" /><br /> " ;
if ( $item [ 'ecost' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " <b>Цена: { $item [ 'ecost' ] } екр.</b> " ;
} elseif ( $item [ 'point' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " <b>Цена: { $item [ 'point' ] } реп.</b> " ;
} else {
$r .= " <b>Цена: { $item [ 'cost' ] } кр.</b> " ;
if ( $item [ 'zeton' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " <br /><b>Жетон: { $item [ 'zeton' ] } </b> <br /> " ;
if ( @ $item [ 'count' ]) {
$r .= " <small>(количество: { $item [ 'count' ] } )</small> " ;
if ( $item [ 'for_me' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<br /><small style=\'color: Red;\'>После покупки вещь будет привязана к персонажу.</small>' ;
$r .= " <br />Долговечность: { $item [ 'duration' ] } / { $item [ 'maxdur' ] } " ;
$r .= " <br /> " ;
if ( ! $item [ 'needident' ]) {
if ( $magic [ 'chanse' ] >= 98 ) {
$magic [ 'chanse' ] = 99 ;
$r .= (( $magic [ 'chanse' ]) ? " Вероятность срабатывания: " . $magic [ 'chanse' ] . " %<br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $magic['time'] ) ? " Продолжительность действия магии : " . $magic['time'] . " мин .< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['goden'] ) ? " Срок годности : { $item [ 'goden' ]} дн . " . ((! $item['count'] ) ? " ( до " . date( " Y . m . d H : i " , $item['dategoden'] ) . " ) " : " " ) . " < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['nsila'] || $item['nlovk'] || $item['ninta'] || $item['nvinos'] || $item['nlevel'] || $item['nintel'] || $item['nmudra'] || $item['nnoj'] || $item['ntopor'] || $item['ndubina'] || $item['nmech'] || $item['nfire'] || $item['nwater'] || $item['nair'] || $item['nearth'] || $item['nearth'] || $item['nlight'] || $item['ngray'] || $item['ndark'] ) ? " < b > Требуется минимальное :</ b >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['nsila'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['nsila'] > $user['sila'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Сила : { $item [ 'nsila' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['nlovk'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['nlovk'] > $user['lovk'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Ловкость : { $item [ 'nlovk' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['ninta'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['ninta'] > $user['inta'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Интуиция : { $item [ 'ninta' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['nvinos'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['nvinos'] > $user['vinos'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Выносливость : { $item [ 'nvinos' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['nlevel'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['nlevel'] > $user['level'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Уровень : { $item [ 'nlevel' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['nintel'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['nintel'] > $user['intel'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Интеллект : { $item [ 'nintel' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['nnoj'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['nnoj'] > $user['noj'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения ножами и кастетами : { $item [ 'nnoj' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['ntopor'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['ntopor'] > $user['topor'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения топорами и секирами : { $item [ 'ntopor' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['ndubina'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['ndubina'] > $user['dubina'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения дубинами и булавами : { $item [ 'ndubina' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['nmech'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['nmech'] > $user['mec'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения мечами : { $item [ 'nmech' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['nfire'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['nfire'] > $user['mfire'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения стихией Огня : { $item [ 'nfire' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['nwater'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['nwater'] > $user['mwater'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения стихией Воды : { $item [ 'nwater' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['nair'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['nair'] > $user['mair'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения стихией Воздуха : { $item [ 'nair' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['nearth'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['nearth'] > $user['mearth'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения стихией Земли : { $item [ 'nearth' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['nlight'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['nlight'] > $user['mlight'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения магией Света : { $item [ 'nlight' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['ngray'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['ngray'] > $user['mgray'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения серой магией : { $item [ 'ngray' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['ndark'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $item['ndark'] > $user['mdark'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения магией Тьмы : { $item [ 'ndark' ]} </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['gmeshok'] || $item['gsila'] || $item['mfkrit'] || $item['mfakrit'] || $item['mfuvorot'] || $item['mfauvorot'] || $item['glovk'] || $item['ghp'] || $item['ginta'] || $item['gintel'] || $item['gnoj'] || $item['gtopor'] || $item['gdubina'] || $item['gmech'] || $item['gfire'] || $item['gwater'] || $item['gair'] || $item['gearth'] || $item['gearth'] || $item['glight'] || $item['ggray'] || $item['gdark'] || $item['minu'] || $item['maxu'] || $item['bron1'] || $item['bron2'] || $item['bron3'] || $item['bron4'] ) ? " < b > Действует на :</ b >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['minu'] ) ? " • Минимальное наносимое повреждение : + { $item [ 'minu' ]} < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['maxu'] ) ? " • Максимальное наносимое повреждение : + { $item [ 'maxu' ]} < br /> " : " " );
if ( $item [ 'gsila' ]) {
$r .= " • Сила: + " . $item [ 'gsila' ];
$r .= " <br /> " ;
if ( $item [ 'glovk' ]) {
$r .= " • Ловкость: " . plusorminus ( $item [ 'glovk' ]);
$r .= " <br /> " ;
if ( $item [ 'ginta' ]) {
$r .= " • Интуиция: " . plusorminus ( $item [ 'ginta' ]);
$r .= " <br /> " ;
if ( $item [ 'gintel' ]) {
$r .= " • Интеллект: " . plusorminus ( $item [ 'gintel' ]);
$r .= " <br /> " ;
$r .= (( $item [ 'ghp' ]) ? " • Уровень жизни: " . plusorminus ( $item [ 'ghp' ]) . " <br /> " : " " );
if ( $item [ 'mfkrit' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " • Мф. критических ударов: " . plusorminus ( $item [ 'mfkrit' ]) . " % " ;
$r .= " <br /> " ;
if ( $item [ 'mfakrit' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " • Мф. против крит. ударов: " . plusorminus ( $item [ 'mfakrit' ]) . " % " ;
$r .= " <br /> " ;
if ( $item [ 'mfuvorot' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " • Мф. увертливости: " . plusorminus ( $item [ 'mfuvorot' ]) . " % " ;
$r .= " <br /> " ;
if ( $item [ 'mfauvorot' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " • Мф. против увертлив.: " . plusorminus ( $item [ 'mfauvorot' ]) . " % " ;
$r .= " <br /> " ;
$r .= (( $item [ 'gnoj' ]) ? " • Мастерство владения ножами и кастетами: + { $item [ 'gnoj' ] } <br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['gtopor'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения топорами и секирами : + { $item [ 'gtopor' ]} < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['gdubina'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения дубинами и булавами : + { $item [ 'gdubina' ]} < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['gmech'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения мечами : + { $item [ 'gmech' ]} < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['gfire'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения стихией Огня : + { $item [ 'gfire' ]} < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['gwater'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения стихией Воды : + { $item [ 'gwater' ]} < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['gair'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения стихией Воздуха : + { $item [ 'gair' ]} < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['gearth'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения стихией Земли : + { $item [ 'gearth' ]} < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['glight'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения магией Света : + { $item [ 'glight' ]} < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['ggray'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения серой магией : + { $item [ 'ggray' ]} < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['gdark'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения магией Тьмы : + { $item [ 'gdark' ]} < br /> " : " " );
if ( $item [ 'bron1' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " • Броня головы: " . $item [ 'bron1' ];
$r .= " <br /> " ;
if ( $item [ 'bron2' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " • Броня корпуса: " . $item [ 'bron2' ];
$r .= " <br /> " ;
if ( $item [ 'bron3' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " • Броня пояса: " . $item [ 'bron3' ];
$r .= " <br /> " ;
if ( $item [ 'bron4' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " • Броня ног: " . $item [ 'bron4' ];
$r .= " <br /> " ;
$r .= (( $item [ 'gmeshok' ]) ? " • Увеличивает рюкзак: + { $item [ 'gmeshok' ] } <br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['letter'] ) ? " Количество символов : " . strlen( $item['letter'] ) . " </ div > " : " " ) . "
2018-01-28 21:22:28 +00:00
" . (( $item['letter'] ) ? " Н а бумаге записан текст :< div style = 'background-color:#FAF0E6;' > " . nl2br( $item['letter'] ) . " </ div > " : " " ) . "
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
" . (( $item['opisan'] ) ? " & bull ; " . nl2br( $item['opisan'] ) . " < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $magic['name'] && $item['type'] != 50) ? " < font color = maroon > Наложены заклятия :</ font > " . $magic['name'] . " < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['text'] ) ? " Н а ручке выгравирована надпись :< center > " . $item['text'] . " </ center >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $incmagic['max'] ) ? " Встроено заклятие < img src = \ " i/magic/ " . $incmagic [ 'img' ] . " \" /> " . $incmagic [ 'cur' ] . " шт. <br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['podzem'] ) ? " < font style = 'font-size:11px; color:#990000' > Предмет из подземелья </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['laba'] == 1) ? " < font style = 'font-size: 11px; color:#990000' > Пропадёт если не найти выход </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $item['laba'] == 2) ? " < font style = 'font-size: 11px; color:#990000' > Предмет пропадёт после выхода </ font >< br /> " : " " ) . "
" . ((! $item['isrep'] ) ? " < small >< font color = maroon > Предмет не подлежит ремонту </ font ></ small >< br /> " : " " );
if ( $item [ 'free_bron' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " <font color=blue>Свободных улучшений брони: " . $item [ 'free_bron' ] . " </font><br /> " ;
if ( $item [ 'free_stat' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " <font color=blue>Свободных улучшений параметров: " . $item [ 'free_stat' ] . " </font><br /> " ;
if ( $item [ 'free_mf' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= " <font color=blue>Свободных улучшений модификаторов: " . $item [ 'free_mf' ] . " %</font><br /> " ;
if ( $item [ 'add_proc_mf' ] > 0 || $item [ 'add_proc_uron' ] > 0 || $item [ 'add_proc_bron' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= 'Усиление:<br />' ;
if ( $item [ 'add_proc_mf' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '• Максимального мф.:' . plusorminus ( $item [ 'add_proc_mf' ]) . '%<br />' ;
if ( $item [ 'add_proc_uron' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '• Урона:' . plusorminus ( $item [ 'add_proc_uron' ]) . '%<br />' ;
if ( $item [ 'add_proc_bron' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '• Брони:' . plusorminus ( $item [ 'add_proc_bron' ]) . '%<br />' ;
} else {
$r .= " <font color=maroon><b>Свойства предмета не идентифицированы</b></font><br /> " ;
$osob = array ( 22 , 23 );
if ( in_array ( $item [ 'type' ], $osob )) {
$r .= 'Особенности:<br />' ;
if ( $item [ 'type' ] == 22 ) {
$r .= '• может одеваться под броню<br />' ;
} elseif ( $item [ 'type' ] == 23 ) {
$r .= '• может одеваться на броню<br />' ;
$r .= " <small>Сделано в CapitalCity</small><br /></td></TR> " ;
} else {
$r = 'Предмет не найден : {' . $it . '}' ;
return $r ;
2018-03-01 10:57:27 +00:00
* По ходу , главная функция отображения предметов .
* @ param $row
* @ param $type
* @ param bool $returned
* @ return string
2018-06-22 19:39:42 +00:00
function showitem ( $row , $type = 0 , $returned = false )
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-06-22 21:31:23 +00:00
// Type 10 - нашлось в улучшениях атефактов.
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
global $user , $runes_exp ;
$returnHTML = '' ;
if ((( $row [ 'maxdur' ] <= ( $row [ 'duration' ])) || ( $row [ 'dategoden' ] && $row [ 'dategoden' ] <= time ()))) {
destructitem ( $row [ 'id' ]);
$magic = magicinf ( $row [ 'magic' ]);
$incmagic = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT * FROM `magic` WHERE `id` = \'' . $row [ 'includemagic' ] . '\' LIMIT 1;' ));
$incmagic [ 'name' ] = $row [ 'includemagicname' ];
$incmagic [ 'cur' ] = $row [ 'includemagicdex' ];
$incmagic [ 'max' ] = $row [ 'includemagicmax' ];
if ( ! $magic ) {
$magic [ 'chanse' ] = $incmagic [ 'chanse' ];
$magic [ 'time' ] = $incmagic [ 'time' ];
$magic [ 'targeted' ] = $incmagic [ 'targeted' ];
2018-06-22 19:39:42 +00:00
if ( ! $row [ 'count' ] || $type == 10 ) {
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$up = ( $row [ 'upgrade' ] > 0 ? " <font color=blue><b>[ " . $row [ 'upgrade' ] . " ]</b></font> " : " " );
$returnHTML .= '<TR bgcolor="#C7C7C7" ><TD align="center" width="100">' ;
if ( $incmagic [ 'max' ]) {
$returnHTML .= " <img class= \" tooltip \" src='mg2.php?p= " . ( $incmagic [ 'cur' ] / $incmagic [ 'max' ] * 100 ) . " &i= { $row [ 'img' ] } ' style= \" filter:shadow(color=red, direction=90, strength=3); \" ><BR> " ; //<img ".((($row['maxdur']-2)<=$row['duration'] && $dress['duration'] > 2)?" style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' ":"")." src='i/sh/{$row['img']}' style=\"margin:0px,0px,-100000%,0px;\"><BR>
} else {
$returnHTML .= " <img " . ((( $row [ 'maxdur' ] - 2 ) <= $row [ 'duration' ] && $dress [ 'duration' ] > 2 ) ? " style='background-image:url(i/blink.gif);' " : " " ) . " src='i/sh/ { $row [ 'img' ] } '><BR> " ;
if (( $user [ 'sila' ] >= $row [ 'nsila' ]) &&
( $user [ 'lovk' ] >= $row [ 'nlovk' ]) &&
( $user [ 'inta' ] >= $row [ 'ninta' ]) &&
( $user [ 'vinos' ] >= $row [ 'nvinos' ]) &&
( $user [ 'intel' ] >= $row [ 'nintel' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mudra' ] >= $row [ 'nmudra' ]) &&
( $user [ 'level' ] >= $row [ 'nlevel' ]) &&
((( int ) $user [ 'align' ] == $row [ 'nalign' ]) || ( $row [ 'nalign' ] == 0 ) || ( $row [ 'nalign' ] == 1.1 && ( $user [ 'align' ] > 1 && $user [ 'align' ] < 2 ) || $user [ 'align' ] == 6 )) &&
( $user [ 'noj' ] >= $row [ 'nnoj' ]) &&
( $user [ 'topor' ] >= $row [ 'ntopor' ]) &&
( $user [ 'dubina' ] >= $row [ 'ndubina' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mec' ] >= $row [ 'nmech' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mfire' ] >= $row [ 'nfire' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mwater' ] >= $row [ 'nwater' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mair' ] >= $row [ 'nair' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mearth' ] >= $row [ 'nearth' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mlight' ] >= $row [ 'nlight' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mgray' ] >= $row [ 'ngray' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mdark' ] >= $row [ 'ndark' ]) &&
( $row [ 'type' ] < 13 || ( $row [ 'type' ] == 50 || $row [ 'type' ] == 22 || $row [ 'type' ] == 23 || $row [ 'type' ] == 24 )) &&
( $row [ 'needident' ] == 0 )
) {
if (( $row [ 'type' ] == 12 ) || ( $row [ 'magic' ]) || ( $incmagic [ 'cur' ])) {
$returnHTML .= " <a onclick= \" " ;
if ( $magic [ 'id' ] == 43 ) {
$returnHTML .= " okno('Название встраиваемого свитка', 'main.php?edit=1&use= { $row [ 'id' ] } ', 'target') " ;
} elseif ( $magic [ 'targeted' ] == 1 ) {
$returnHTML .= " okno('Введите название предмета', 'main.php?edit=1&use= { $row [ 'id' ] } ', 'target') " ;
} elseif ( $magic [ 'targeted' ] == 2 ) {
$returnHTML .= " findlogin('Введите имя персонажа', 'main.php?edit=1&use= { $row [ 'id' ] } ', 'target') " ;
} else {
$returnHTML .= " window.location='main.php?edit=1&use= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " '; " ;
$returnHTML .= " \" href='#'>исп-ть</a><BR> " ;
if ( $row [ 'type' ] != 50 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <a href='?edit=1&dress= { $row [ 'id' ] } '>надеть</a> " ;
} elseif (( $row [ 'type' ] == 50 ) OR ( $row [ 'type' ] == 12 ) OR ( $row [ 'magic' ]) OR ( $incmagic [ 'cur' ])) {
$returnHTML .= " <a onclick= \" " ;
if ( $magic [ 'id' ] == 43 ) {
$returnHTML .= " okno('Название встраиваемого свитка', 'main.php?edit=1&use= { $row [ 'id' ] } ', 'target') " ;
} elseif ( $magic [ 'targeted' ] == 1 ) {
$returnHTML .= " okno('Введите название предмета', 'main.php?edit=1&use= { $row [ 'id' ] } ', 'target') " ;
} elseif ( $magic [ 'targeted' ] == 2 ) {
$returnHTML .= " findlogin('Введите имя персонажа', 'main.php?edit=1&use= { $row [ 'id' ] } ', 'target') " ;
} else {
$returnHTML .= " window.location='main.php?edit=1&use= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " '; " ;
$returnHTML .= " \" href='#'>исп-ть</a><BR> " ;
if ( $type != 10 ) {
$returnHTML .= '<br />ID: ' . $row [ 'id' ] . '<br />' ;
// if ($row["koll"]) $returnHTML .= "<div style=\"font-size:3px\"> </div><a title=\"Собрать\" href=\"/main.php?$link&stack=$row[id]\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"i/stack.gif\"></a> ";
if ( $row [ " koll " ] > 1 ) $returnHTML .= " <a title= \" Разделить \" onclick= \" splitstack(' $row[name] ','main.php?edit=1&unstack= $row[id] ', ' $row[img] ', 1);return false; \" href= \" javascript:void(0) \" ><img border= \" 0 \" src= \" i/unstack.gif \" ></a> " ;
#onclick=\"delItmsNo('Выкинуть предмет?','deleteItems',0,'','".$row['img']."','".$row['name']."','main.php?edit=1&destruct=".$row['id']."');\"
$returnHTML .= " <img src=i/clear.gif style= \" cursor:hand; \" onclick= \" delItmsNo('Выкинуть предмет?','deleteItems',0,'',' " . $row [ 'img' ] . " ',' " . $row [ 'name' ] . " ','main.php?edit=1&destruct= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " '); \" ></TD><td> " ;
#$returnHTML .= "<img src=i/clear.gif style=\"cursor:hand;\" onclick=\"if (confirm('Предмет {$row['name']} будет утерян, вы уверены?')) window.location='main.php?edit=1&destruct=".$row['id']."'\"></TD><td>";
} else {
$returnHTML .= " <a href=upgrade_items.php?up= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " >Улучшить</a></td><td> " ;
if ( $row [ 'destinyinv' ] > 0 ) {
2018-02-16 14:13:14 +00:00
$returnHTML .= " { $row [ 'name' ] } { $up } <img src=i/align_ { $row [ 'nalign' ] } .gif> (М а с с а : { $row [ 'massa' ] } )<img src=i/destiny { $row [ 'destinyinv' ] } .gif alt= \" Этот предмет связан с Вами общей судьбой. Вы не можете передать е г о кому-либо еще. \" ><img src=i/artefact { $row [ 'artefact' ] } .gif> " . (( $row [ 'present' ]) ? ' <IMG SRC="i/podarok.gif" TITLE="Этот предмет вам подарил ' . $row [ 'present' ] . '. Вы не сможете передать этот предмет кому-либо еще." ALT="Этот предмет вам подарил ' . $row [ 'present' ] . '. Вы не сможете передать этот предмет кому-либо еще.">' : " " ) . " <BR> " ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
} elseif ( $row [ 'destiny' ] > 0 ) {
2018-02-16 14:13:14 +00:00
$returnHTML .= " { $row [ 'name' ] } { $up } <img src=i/align_ { $row [ 'nalign' ] } .gif> (М а с с а : { $row [ 'massa' ] } )<img src=i/destiny { $row [ 'destiny' ] } .gif alt= \" Этот предмет будет связан с Вами общей судьбой. Вы не сможете передать е г о кому-либо еще. \" ><img src=i/artefact { $row [ 'artefact' ] } .gif> " . (( $row [ 'present' ]) ? ' <IMG SRC="i/podarok.gif" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="18" BORDER=0 TITLE="Этот предмет вам подарил ' . $row [ 'present' ] . '. Вы не сможете передать этот предмет кому-либо еще." ALT="Этот предмет вам подарил ' . $row [ 'present' ] . '. Вы не сможете передать этот предмет кому-либо еще.">' : " " ) . " <BR> " ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
} else {
2018-02-16 14:13:14 +00:00
$returnHTML .= " { $row [ 'name' ] } { $up } <img src=i/align_ { $row [ 'nalign' ] } .gif> (М а с с а : { $row [ 'massa' ] } )<img src=i/destiny { $row [ 'destiny' ] } .gif><img src=i/artefact { $row [ 'artefact' ] } .gif> " . (( $row [ 'present' ]) ? ' <IMG SRC="i/podarok.gif" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="18" BORDER=0 TITLE="Этот предмет вам подарил ' . $row [ 'present' ] . '. Вы не сможете передать этот предмет кому-либо еще." ALT="Этот предмет вам подарил ' . $row [ 'present' ] . '. Вы не сможете передать этот предмет кому-либо еще.">' : " " ) . " <BR> " ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $row [ 'type' ] == 24 && $type != 11 ) {
$returnHTML .= 'Уровень руны: <b>' . $row [ 'rune_level' ] . '</b> (<b title=\'Опыт\'>' . $row [ 'rune_exp' ] . '/' . $runes_exp [ $row [ 'rune_level' ] + 1 ] . '</b>)<br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'ecost' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <b>Цена: { $row [ 'ecost' ] } екр.</b> " ;
} elseif ( $row [ 'point' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <b>Цена: { $row [ 'point' ] } реп.</b> " ;
} else {
$returnHTML .= " <b>Цена: { $row [ 'cost' ] } кр.</b> " ;
if ( $row [ 'zeton' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <br><b>Жетон: { $row [ 'zeton' ] } </b> <br> " ;
if ( @ $row [ 'count' ]) {
$returnHTML .= " <small>(количество: { $row [ 'count' ] } )</small> " ;
if ( $row [ 'for_me' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= '<br /><small style=\'color: Red;\'>После покупки вещь будет привязана к персонажу.</small>' ;
$returnHTML .= " <BR>Долговечность: { $row [ 'duration' ] } / { $row [ 'maxdur' ] } " ;
if ( $row [ 'podgon' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <small>[Подогнано: <b> " . $row [ 'podgon' ] . " </b> раз]</small> " ;
$returnHTML .= " <BR> " ;
if ( ! $row [ 'needident' ]) {
if ( $magic [ 'chanse' ] >= 98 ) $magic [ 'chanse' ] = 99 ;
$returnHTML .= (( $magic [ 'chanse' ]) ? " Вероятность срабатывания: " . $magic [ 'chanse' ] . " %<BR> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $magic['time'] ) ? " Продолжительность действия магии : " . $magic['time'] . " мин .< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['goden'] ) ? " Срок годности : { $row [ 'goden' ]} дн . " . ((! $row['count'] ) ? " ( до " . date( " Y . m . d H : i " , $row['dategoden'] ) . " ) " : " " ) . " < BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['nsila'] || $row['nlovk'] || $row['ninta'] || $row['nvinos'] OR $row['nlevel'] OR $row['nintel'] OR $row['nmudra'] OR $row['nnoj'] OR $row['ntopor'] OR $row['ndubina'] OR $row['nmech'] OR $row['nfire'] OR $row['nwater'] OR $row['nair'] OR $row['nearth'] OR $row['nearth'] OR $row['nlight'] OR $row['ngray'] OR $row['ndark'] ) ? " < b > Требуется минимальное :</ b >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['nsila'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['nsila'] > $user['sila'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Сила : { $row [ 'nsila' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['nlovk'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['nlovk'] > $user['lovk'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Ловкость : { $row [ 'nlovk' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['ninta'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['ninta'] > $user['inta'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Интуиция : { $row [ 'ninta' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['nvinos'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['nvinos'] > $user['vinos'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Выносливость : { $row [ 'nvinos' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['nlevel'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['nlevel'] > $user['level'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Уровень : { $row [ 'nlevel' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['nintel'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['nintel'] > $user['intel'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Интеллект : { $row [ 'nintel' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['nnoj'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['nnoj'] > $user['noj'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения ножами и кастетами : { $row [ 'nnoj' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['ntopor'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['ntopor'] > $user['topor'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения топорами и секирами : { $row [ 'ntopor' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['ndubina'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['ndubina'] > $user['dubina'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения дубинами и булавами : { $row [ 'ndubina' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['nmech'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['nmech'] > $user['mec'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения мечами : { $row [ 'nmech' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['nfire'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['nfire'] > $user['mfire'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения стихией Огня : { $row [ 'nfire' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['nwater'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['nwater'] > $user['mwater'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения стихией Воды : { $row [ 'nwater' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['nair'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['nair'] > $user['mair'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения стихией Воздуха : { $row [ 'nair' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['nearth'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['nearth'] > $user['mearth'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения стихией Земли : { $row [ 'nearth' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['nlight'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['nlight'] > $user['mlight'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения магией Света : { $row [ 'nlight' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['ngray'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['ngray'] > $user['mgray'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения серой магией : { $row [ 'ngray' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['ndark'] > 0) ? " • " . (( $row['ndark'] > $user['mdark'] ) ? " < font color = red > " : " " ) . " Мастерство владения магией Тьмы : { $row [ 'ndark' ]} </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['gmeshok'] OR $row['gsila'] OR $row['mfkrit'] OR $row['mfakrit'] OR $row['mfuvorot'] OR $row['mfauvorot'] OR $row['glovk'] OR $row['ghp'] OR $row['ginta'] OR $row['gintel'] OR $row['gnoj'] OR $row['gtopor'] OR $row['gdubina'] OR $row['gmech'] OR $row['gfire'] OR $row['gwater'] OR $row['gair'] OR $row['gearth'] OR $row['gearth'] OR $row['glight'] OR $row['ggray'] OR $row['gdark'] OR $row['minu'] OR $row['maxu'] OR $row['bron1'] OR $row['bron2'] OR $row['bron3'] OR $row['bron4'] ) ? " < b > Действует на :</ b >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['minu'] ) ? " • Минимальное наносимое повреждение : + { $row [ 'minu' ]} < BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['maxu'] ) ? " • Максимальное наносимое повреждение : + { $row [ 'maxu' ]} < BR > " : " " );
if ( $row [ 'gsila' ]) {
$returnHTML .= " • Сила: + " . $row [ 'gsila' ];
if ( $row [ 'free_stat' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <a href=?modif_stat=gsila&ids= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " &edit=1><img src=i/up.gif></a> " ;
$returnHTML .= " <br> " ;
if ( $row [ 'glovk' ]) {
$returnHTML .= " • Ловкость: " . plusorminus ( $row [ 'glovk' ]);
if ( $row [ 'free_stat' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <a href=?modif_stat=glovk&ids= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " &edit=1><img src=i/up.gif></a> " ;
$returnHTML .= " <br> " ;
if ( $row [ 'ginta' ]) {
$returnHTML .= " • Интуиция: " . plusorminus ( $row [ 'ginta' ]);
if ( $row [ 'free_stat' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <a href=?modif_stat=ginta&ids= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " &edit=1><img src=i/up.gif></a> " ;
$returnHTML .= " <br> " ;
if ( $row [ 'gintel' ]) {
$returnHTML .= " • Интеллект: " . plusorminus ( $row [ 'gintel' ]);
if ( $row [ 'free_stat' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <a href=?modif_stat=gintel&ids= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " &edit=1><img src=i/up.gif></a> " ;
$returnHTML .= " <br> " ;
$returnHTML .= (( $row [ 'ghp' ]) ? " • Уровень жизни: " . plusorminus ( $row [ 'ghp' ]) . " <BR> " : " " );
if ( $row [ 'mfkrit' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " • Мф. критических ударов: " . plusorminus ( $row [ 'mfkrit' ]) . " % " ;
if ( $row [ 'free_mf' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <a href=?modif_mf=mfkrit&ids= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " &edit=1><img src=i/up.gif></a> " ;
$returnHTML .= " <br> " ;
if ( $row [ 'mfakrit' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " • Мф. против крит. ударов: " . plusorminus ( $row [ 'mfakrit' ]) . " % " ;
if ( $row [ 'free_mf' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <a href=?modif_mf=mfakrit&ids= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " &edit=1><img src=i/up.gif></a> " ;
$returnHTML .= " <br> " ;
if ( $row [ 'mfuvorot' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " • Мф. увертливости: " . plusorminus ( $row [ 'mfuvorot' ]) . " % " ;
if ( $row [ 'free_mf' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <a href=?modif_mf=mfuvorot&ids= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " &edit=1><img src=i/up.gif></a> " ;
$returnHTML .= " <br> " ;
if ( $row [ 'mfauvorot' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " • Мф. против увертлив.: " . plusorminus ( $row [ 'mfauvorot' ]) . " % " ;
if ( $row [ 'free_mf' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <a href=?modif_mf=mfauvorot&ids= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " &edit=1><img src=i/up.gif></a> " ;
$returnHTML .= " <br> " ;
$returnHTML .= (( $row [ 'gnoj' ]) ? " • Мастерство владения ножами и кастетами: + { $row [ 'gnoj' ] } <BR> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['gtopor'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения топорами и секирами : + { $row [ 'gtopor' ]} < BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['gdubina'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения дубинами и булавами : + { $row [ 'gdubina' ]} < BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['gmech'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения мечами : + { $row [ 'gmech' ]} < BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['gfire'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения стихией Огня : + { $row [ 'gfire' ]} < BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['gwater'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения стихией Воды : + { $row [ 'gwater' ]} < BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['gair'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения стихией Воздуха : + { $row [ 'gair' ]} < BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['gearth'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения стихией Земли : + { $row [ 'gearth' ]} < BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['glight'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения магией Света : + { $row [ 'glight' ]} < BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['ggray'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения серой магией : + { $row [ 'ggray' ]} < BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['gdark'] ) ? " • Мастерство владения магией Тьмы : + { $row [ 'gdark' ]} < BR > " : " " );
if ( $row [ 'bron1' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " • Броня головы: " . $row [ 'bron1' ];
if ( $row [ 'free_bron' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <a href=?modif_bron=bron1&ids= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " &edit=1><img src=i/up.gif></a> " ;
$returnHTML .= " <br> " ;
if ( $row [ 'bron2' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " • Броня корпуса: " . $row [ 'bron2' ];
if ( $row [ 'free_bron' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <a href=?modif_bron=bron2&ids= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " &edit=1><img src=i/up.gif></a> " ;
$returnHTML .= " <br> " ;
if ( $row [ 'bron3' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " • Броня пояса: " . $row [ 'bron3' ];
if ( $row [ 'free_bron' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <a href=?modif_bron=bron3&ids= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " &edit=1><img src=i/up.gif></a> " ;
$returnHTML .= " <br> " ;
if ( $row [ 'bron4' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " • Броня ног: " . $row [ 'bron4' ];
if ( $row [ 'free_bron' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <a href=?modif_bron=bron4&ids= " . $row [ 'id' ] . " &edit=1><img src=i/up.gif></a> " ;
$returnHTML .= " <br> " ;
$returnHTML .= (( $row [ 'gmeshok' ]) ? " • Увеличивает рюкзак: + { $row [ 'gmeshok' ] } <BR> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['letter'] ) ? " Количество символов : " . strlen( $row['letter'] ) . " </ div > " : " " ) . "
2018-01-28 21:22:28 +00:00
" . (( $row['letter'] ) ? " Н а бумаге записан текст :< div style = 'background-color:#FAF0E6;' > " . nl2br( $row['letter'] ) . " </ div > " : " " ) . "
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
" . (( $row['opisan'] ) ? " & bull ; " . nl2br( $row['opisan'] ) . " < br /> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $magic['name'] && $row['type'] != 50) ? " < font color = maroon > Наложены заклятия :</ font > " . $magic['name'] . " < BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['text'] ) ? " Н а ручке выгравирована надпись :< center > " . $row['text'] . " </ center >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $incmagic['max'] ) ? " Встроено заклятие < img src = \ " i/magic/ " . $incmagic [ 'img' ] . " \" /> " . $incmagic [ 'cur' ] . " шт. <BR> " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['podzem'] ) ? " < font style = 'font-size:11px; color:#990000' > Предмет из подземелья </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['laba'] == 1) ? " < font style = 'font-size: 11px; color:#990000' > Пропадёт если не найти выход </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . (( $row['laba'] == 2) ? " < font style = 'font-size: 11px; color:#990000' > Предмет пропадёт после выхода </ font >< BR > " : " " ) . "
" . ((! $row['isrep'] ) ? " < small >< font color = maroon > Предмет не подлежит ремонту </ font ></ small >< BR > " : " " );
if ( $row [ 'free_bron' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <font color=blue>Свободных улучшений брони: " . $row [ 'free_bron' ] . " </font><br> " ;
if ( $row [ 'free_stat' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <font color=blue>Свободных улучшений параметров: " . $row [ 'free_stat' ] . " </font><br> " ;
if ( $row [ 'free_mf' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= " <font color=blue>Свободных улучшений модификаторов: " . $row [ 'free_mf' ] . " %</font><br> " ;
if ( $row [ 'add_proc_mf' ] > 0 || $row [ 'add_proc_uron' ] > 0 || $row [ 'add_proc_bron' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= 'Усиление:<br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'add_proc_mf' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= '• Максимального мф.:' . plusorminus ( $row [ 'add_proc_mf' ]) . '%<br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'add_proc_uron' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= '• Урона:' . plusorminus ( $row [ 'add_proc_uron' ]) . '%<br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'add_proc_bron' ] > 0 ) {
$returnHTML .= '• Брони:' . plusorminus ( $row [ 'add_proc_bron' ]) . '%<br />' ;
} else {
$returnHTML .= " <font color=maroon><B>Свойства предмета не идентифицированы</B></font><BR> " ;
$osob = array ( 22 , 23 );
if ( in_array ( $row [ 'type' ], $osob )) {
$returnHTML .= 'Особенности:<br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'type' ] == 22 ) {
$returnHTML .= '• может одеваться под броню<br />' ;
} elseif ( $row [ 'type' ] == 23 ) {
$returnHTML .= '• может одеваться на броню<br />' ;
$returnHTML .= " <small>Сделано в CapitalCity</small><br /></td></TR> " ;
if ( $returned ) {
return $returnHTML ;
echo $returnHTML ;
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
function show_item ( $row , $txt , $place )
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if (( $row [ 'maxdur' ] <= $row [ 'duration' ]) || ( $row [ 'dategoden' ] && $row [ 'dategoden' ] <= time ())) destructitem ( $row [ 'id' ]);
$r = '' ;
$ntxt = " В инвентаре" ;
if ( $txt == " В сундук" ) $ntxt = " В сундуке" ;
$magic = magicinf ( $row [ 'magic' ]);
$incmagic = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT * FROM `magic` WHERE `id` = \'' . $row [ 'includemagic' ] . '\' LIMIT 1' ));
$incmagic [ 'name' ] = $row [ 'includemagicname' ];
$incmagic [ 'cur' ] = $row [ 'includemagicdex' ];
$incmagic [ 'max' ] = $row [ 'includemagicmax' ];
if ( ! $magic ) {
$magic [ 'chanse' ] = $incmagic [ 'chanse' ];
$magic [ 'time' ] = $incmagic [ 'time' ];
$magic [ 'targeted' ] = $incmagic [ 'targeted' ];
if ( isset ( $row [ 'id' ])) {
$r .= '<div id="inv_' . $row [ 'id' ] . '"><table><tbody>' ;
$r .= '<tr valign="top" style="border: 2px groove threedface;">' ;
$r .= '<td class="even links original"><img src="/i/sh/' . $row [ 'img' ] . ' " >
< span class = " pk-new " >
< a href = " javascript: void(0); " style = " display: none; " > ' . $ntxt . ' </ a >< a href = " ?search=1&otdel=' . $row['otdel'] . '&place=' . $place . '&itm=' . $row['id'] . '&set=1 " name = " imt " id = " itm_' . $row['id'] . ' " > ' . $txt . ' </ a >
</ span ></ td > ' ;
$r .= '<input type="hidden" name="itid" value="' . $row [ 'id' ] . '" />' ;
$r .= '<td class="even item">' ;
$r .= '<div class="thinginfo"><a href="javascript: void(0);">' . $row [ 'name' ] . '</a> <img src="/i/align_' . $row [ 'nalign' ] . '.gif" /> (масса: ' . $row [ 'massa' ] . ') ' . (( $row [ 'present' ]) ? ' <img src="i/podarok.gif" width="16" height="18" title="Этот предмет вам подарил ' . $row [ 'present' ] . '. Вы не сможете передать этот предмет кому-либо еще." />' : " " ) . '<br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'ecost' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<b>Цена: ' . $row [ 'ecost' ] . ' екр.</b> <br />' ;
} elseif ( $row [ 'point' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<b>Цена: <font color=blue>' . $row [ 'point' ] . ' реп.</font></b> <br />' ;
} else {
$r .= '<b>Цена: ' . $row [ 'cost' ] . ' кр.</b> <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'zeton' ] > 0 ) {
$r .= '<b>Жетон: ' . $row [ 'zeton' ] . '</b> <br />' ;
$r .= 'Долговечность: ' . $row [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $row [ 'maxdur' ] . '<br />' ;
if ( ! $row [ 'needident' ]) {
if ( $magic [ 'chanse' ]) {
if ( $magic [ 'chanse' ] >= 95 ) $magic [ 'chanse' ] = 95 ;
$r .= 'Вероятность срабатывания: ' . $magic [ 'chanse' ] . '%<br />' ;
if ( $magic [ 'time' ]) {
$r .= 'Продолжительность действия магии: ' . $magic [ 'time' ] . ' мин.<br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'goden' ]) {
$r .= 'Срок годности: ' . $row [ 'goden' ] . ' дн. (до ' . date ( " Y.m.d H:i " , $row [ 'dategoden' ]) . ')<br />' ;
$r .= '<div class="need">' ;
$user = array ();
if ( $row [ 'nsila' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'nsila' ] > $user [ 'sila' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Сила: ' . $row [ 'nsila' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'nlovk' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'nlovk' ] > $user [ 'lovk' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Ловкость: ' . $row [ 'nlovk' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'ninta' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'ninta' ] > $user [ 'inta' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Интуиция: ' . $row [ 'ninta' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'nvinos' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'nvinos' ] > $user [ 'vinos' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Выносливость: ' . $row [ 'nvinos' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'nlevel' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'nlevel' ] > $user [ 'level' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Уровень: ' . $row [ 'nlevel' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'nintel' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'nintel' ] > $user [ 'intel' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Интеллект: ' . $row [ 'nintel' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'nnoj' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'nnoj' ] > $user [ 'noj' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Мастерство владения ножами и кастетами: ' . $row [ 'nnoj' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'ntopor' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'ntopor' ] > $user [ 'topor' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Мастерство владения топорами и секирами: ' . $row [ 'ntopor' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'ndubina' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'ndubina' ] > $user [ 'dubina' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Мастерство владения дубинами и булавами: ' . $row [ 'ndubina' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'nmech' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'nmech' ] > $user [ 'mech' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Мастерство владения мечами: ' . $row [ 'nmech' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'nfire' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'nfire' ] > $user [ 'mfire' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Магия Огня: ' . $row [ 'nfire' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'nwater' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'nwater' ] > $user [ 'mwater' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Магия Воды: ' . $row [ 'nwater' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'nair' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'nair' ] > $user [ 'mair' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Магия Воздуха:: ' . $row [ 'nair' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'nearth' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'nearth' ] > $user [ 'mearth' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Магия Земли: ' . $row [ 'nearth' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'nlight' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'nlight' ] > $user [ 'mlight' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Магия Света: ' . $row [ 'nlight' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'ngray' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'ngray' ] > $user [ 'mgray' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Магия Равновесия: ' . $row [ 'ngray' ] . '</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'ndark' ]) {
$r .= '• ' ;
if ( $row [ 'ndark' ] > $user [ 'mdark' ]) {
$r .= '<span class="red">' ;
$r .= 'Требуется Магия Тьмы: ' . $row [ 'ndark' ] . '</span><br />' ;
$r .= '</div><br />' ;
$r .= '<div class="bonus">' ;
if ( $row [ 'minu' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'minu' ] . ' Минимальное наносимое повреждение <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'maxu' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'maxu' ] . ' Максимальное наносимое повреждение <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'gsila' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'gsila' ] . ' Сила <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'glovk' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'glovk' ] . ' Ловкость <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'ginta' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'ginta' ] . ' Интуиция <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'gintel' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'gintel' ] . ' Интеллект <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'ghp' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'ghp' ] . ' Уровень жизни <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'mfkrit' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'mfkrit' ] . '% Мф. критических ударов <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'mfakrit' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'mfakrit' ] . '% Мф. против крит. ударов <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'mfuvorot' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'mfuvorot' ] . '% Мф. увертливости <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'mfauvorot' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'mfauvorot' ] . '% Мф. против увертливости <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'gnoj' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'gnoj' ] . ' Мастерство владения ножами и кастетами <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'gtopor' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'gtopor' ] . ' Мастерство владения топорами и секирами <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'gdubina' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'gdubina' ] . ' Мастерство владения дубинами и булавами <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'gmech' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'gmech' ] . ' Мастерство владения мечами <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'gfire' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'gfire' ] . ' Мастерство владения стихией Огня <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'gwater' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'gwater' ] . ' Мастерство владения стихией Воды <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'gair' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'gair' ] . ' Мастерство владения стихией Воздуха <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'gearth' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'gearth' ] . ' Мастерство владения стихией Земли <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'glight' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'glight' ] . ' Мастерство владения магией С ве тa <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'ggray' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'ggray' ] . ' Мастерство владения Cе р о й магией <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'gdark' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'gdark' ] . ' Мастерство владения магией Тьмы <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'bron1' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'bron1' ] . ' Броня головы <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'bron2' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'bron2' ] . ' Броня корпуса <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'bron3' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'bron3' ] . ' Броня пояса <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'bron4' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'bron4' ] . ' Броня ног <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'gmeshok' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'gmeshok' ] . ' Увеличивает рюкзак: <br />' ;
$r .= '</div">' ;
2018-01-28 21:22:28 +00:00
if ( $row [ 'letter' ]) $r .= 'Н а бумаге записан текст: <div style="background-color:#FAF0E6;"> ' . nl2br ( $row [ 'letter' ]) . '</div><br />' ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $magic [ 'name' ] && $row [ 'type' ] != 50 ) $r .= '<span style="color: maroon;">Наложены заклятия:</span> ' . $magic [ 'name' ] . '<br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'text' ]) $r .= 'Н а ручке выгравирована надпись: <center>' . $row [ 'text' ] . '</center><br />' ;
if ( $incmagic [ 'max' ]) $r .= 'Встроено заклятие <img src="i/magic/' . $incmagic [ 'img' ] . '" /> ' . $incmagic [ 'cur' ] . ' шт.<br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'podzem' ]) $r .= '<span style="font-size: 11px; color: #990000">Предмет из подземелья</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'laba' ] == 1 ) $r .= '<span style="font-size: 11px; color: #990000">Пропадёт если не найти выход</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'laba' ] == 2 ) $r .= '<span style="font-size: 11px; color: #990000">Предмет пропадёт после выхода</span><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'isrep' ]) $r .= '<small><span style="color: maroon;">Предмет не подлежит ремонту</span></small><br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'free_bron' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'free_bron' ] . ' Улучшений брони <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'free_stat' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'free_stat' ] . ' Улучшений параметров <br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'free_mf' ]) $r .= '+' . $row [ 'free_mf' ] . ' Улучшений модификаторов <br />' ;
$r .= '</div>' ;
} else {
$r .= '<span style="color: maroon;"><b>Свойства предмета не идентифицированы</b></span><br />' ;
$osob = array ( 22 , 23 );
if ( in_array ( $row [ 'type' ], $osob )) {
$r .= 'Особенности:<br />' ;
if ( $row [ 'type' ] == 22 ) {
$r .= '• может одеваться под броню' ;
} elseif ( $row [ 'type' ] == 23 ) {
$r .= '• может одеваться на броню' ;
$r .= '</td>' ;
$r .= '</tr>' ;
$r .= '</tbody></table></div>' ;
return $r ;
2018-03-01 10:57:27 +00:00
* @ param $id
* @ return array
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
function magicinf ( $id )
2018-03-01 10:57:27 +00:00
return db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT * FROM `magic` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $id ) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-02-12 19:25:47 +00:00
* @ param $id
function showpersinfo ( $id ) {
$items = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = ?i' , $id ) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-02-28 21:16:09 +00:00
* Отображение персонажа в main . php
* @ param $id
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
function showpersinv ( $id )
2018-02-28 21:16:09 +00:00
$user = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $id ) -> fetch_assoc ();
$dressed = [];
2018-02-12 19:25:47 +00:00
$r = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE
`id` = '$user[helm]' OR `id` = '$user[weap]' OR `id` = '$user[plaw]' OR `id` = '$user[bron]' OR
`id` = '$user[rybax]' OR `id` = '$user[belt]' OR `id` = '$user[sergi]' OR `id` = '$user[kulon]' OR
`id` = '$user[r1]' OR `id` = '$user[r2]' OR `id` = '$user[r3]' OR `id` = '$user[perchi]' OR
`id` = '$user[shit]' OR `id` = '$user[leg]' OR `id` = '$user[boots]' OR `id` = '$user[m1]' OR
`id` = '$user[m2]' OR `id` = '$user[m3]' OR `id` = '$user[m4]' OR `id` = '$user[m5]' OR
`id` = '$user[m6]' OR `id` = '$user[m7]' OR `id` = '$user[m8]' OR `id` = '$user[m9]' OR
`id` = '$user[m10]' OR `id` = '$user[m11]' OR `id` = '$user[m12]' " );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
while ( $rec = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $r )) {
$dressed [ $rec [ 'id' ]] = $rec ;
< img src = " i/align_<?
echo ( $user [ 'align' ] > 0 ? $user [ 'align' ] : " 0 " ); ?> .gif">
< img src = " i/klan/<? ClanImage( $user['klan'] ); ?>.gif " > ;
< B >< ? = $user [ 'login' ] ?> </B> [<?= $user['level'] ?>]
2018-02-28 21:16:09 +00:00
< a href = inf . php ? < ? = $user [ 'login' ] ?> target=_blank><IMG SRC=i/inf.gif WIDTH=12 HEIGHT=11
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
ALT = " Инф. о <?= $user['login'] ?> " ></ a >
< TABLE cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 >
< tr >
< TD colspan = 3 width = 100 %>
< ? = setHP ( $user [ 'hp' ], $user [ 'maxhp' ], 1 ); ?>
</ td >
</ tr >
< ?
if ( $user [ 'level' ] > 3 ) { ?>
< TR >
< TD colspan = 3 >
< ? // TODO Сделать один запрос из десяти!
if ( $user [ 'm1' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'm1' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ];
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=12"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=40 height=25></a>' ;
} else {
$mess = '<b>Пустой слот магия</b>' ;
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src=i/w13.gif width=40 height=25>' ;
if ( $user [ 'm2' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'm2' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ];
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=13"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=40 height=25></a>' ;
} else {
$mess = '<b>Пустой слот магия</b>' ;
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src=i/w13.gif width=40 height=25>' ;
if ( $user [ 'm3' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'm3' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ];
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=14"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=40 height=25></a>' ;
} else {
$mess = '<b>Пустой слот магия</b>' ;
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src=i/w13.gif width=40 height=25>' ;
if ( $user [ 'm4' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'm4' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ];
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=15"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=40 height=25></a>' ;
} else {
$mess = '<b>Пустой слот магия</b>' ;
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src=i/w13.gif width=40 height=25>' ;
if ( $user [ 'm5' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'm5' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ];
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=16"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=40 height=25></a>' ;
} else {
$mess = '<b>Пустой слот магия</b>' ;
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src=i/w13.gif width=40 height=25>' ;
</ TD >
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD colspan = 3 >
< ?
if ( $user [ 'm6' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'm6' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ];
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=17"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=40 height=25></a>' ;
} else {
$mess = '<b>Пустой слот магия</b>' ;
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src=i/w13.gif width=40 height=25>' ;
if ( $user [ 'm7' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'm7' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ];
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=18"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=40 height=25></a>' ;
} else {
$mess = '<b>Пустой слот магия</b>' ;
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src=i/w13.gif width=40 height=25>' ;
if ( $user [ 'm8' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'm8' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ];
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=19"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=40 height=25></a>' ;
} else {
$mess = '<b>Пустой слот магия</b>' ;
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src=i/w13.gif width=40 height=25>' ;
if ( $user [ 'm9' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'm9' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ];
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=20"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=40 height=25></a>' ;
} else {
$mess = '<b>Пустой слот магия</b>' ;
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src=i/w13.gif width=40 height=25>' ;
if ( $user [ 'm10' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'm10' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ];
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=21"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=40 height=25></a>' ;
} else {
$mess = '<b>Пустой слот магия</b>' ;
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src=i/w13.gif width=40 height=25>' ;
</ TD >
</ TR >
< ?
} ?>
< TR >
< TD width = 62 valign = top >
< TABLE width = 100 % cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'sergi' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'sergi' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br>Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' ;
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=1"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=20></a>' ;
} else {
echo '<img src="i/w1.gif" width=60 height=20 class=\'tooltip\' title=\'<b>Пустой слот Серьги</b>\' />' ;
?> </TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'kulon' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'kulon' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br>Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' ;
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=2"><img src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=20 class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\'></a>' ;
} else {
echo '<img src="i/w2.gif" width=60 height=20 class=\'tooltip\' title=\'<b>Пустой слот Ожерелье</b>\' />' ;
?> </TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'weap' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'weap' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br>Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' ;
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=3"><img src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=60 class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\'></a>' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w3.gif" width=60 height=60 title=\'<b>Пустой слот Оружие</b>\' />' ;
?> </TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'bron' ] > 0 || $user [ 'rybax' ] > 0 || $user [ 'plaw' ] > 0 ) {
if ( $user [ 'plaw' ]) {
$d = $user [ 'plaw' ];
$n = 23 ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'bron' ]) {
$d = $user [ 'bron' ];
$n = 4 ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'rybax' ]) {
$d = $user [ 'rybax' ];
$n = 22 ;
$dress = $dressed [ $d ];
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br>Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' ;
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=' . $n . '"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=80></a>' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w4.gif" width=60 height=80 title=\'<b>Пустой слот Броня</b>\' />' ;
?> </TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >
< TABLE cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 >
< tr >
< td >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'r1' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'r1' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br>Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' ;
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=5"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=20 height=20></a>' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w6.gif" width=20 height=20 title=\'<b>Пустой слот Кольцо</b>\' />' ;
?> </td>
< td >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'r2' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'r2' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br>Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' ;
echo '<a class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' href="?edit=1&drop=6"><img src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=20 height=20></a>' ;
} else {
echo '<img src="i/w6.gif" width=20 height=20 class=\'tooltip\' title=\'<b>Пустой слот Кольцо</b>\' />' ;
?> </td>
< td >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'r3' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'r3' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br>Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' ;
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=7"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=20 height=20></a>' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w6.gif" width=20 height=20 title=\'<b>Пустой слот Кольцо</b>\' />' ;
?> </td>
</ tr >
</ TABLE >
</ TD >
</ TR >
</ TABLE >
</ TD >
< TD valign = top >< img src = " i/shadow/<?= $user['shadow'] ?> " width = 76 height = 209
alt = " <?= $user['login'] ?> " ></ TD >
< TD width = 62 valign = top >
< TABLE width = 100 % cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'helm' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'helm' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br>Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' ;
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=8"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=60></a>' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w9.gif" width=60 height=60 title=\'<b>Пустой слот Шлем</b>\' />' ;
?> </TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'perchi' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'perchi' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br>Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' ;
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=9"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=40></a>' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w11.gif" width=60 height=40 title=\'<b>Пустой слот Перчатки</b>\' />' ;
?> </TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
if ( $user [ 'shit' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'shit' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = 'Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br>Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '' ;
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=10"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=60></a>' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w10.gif" width=60 height=60 title=\'<b>Пустой слот Щит</b>\' />' ;
?> </TD>
</ TR >
< TR >
< TD >< ? php
( $user [ 'boots' ] > 0 ) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'boots' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$mess = '<span style="min-width: 350px;">Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br>Прочность ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '</span>' ;
echo '<a href="?edit=1&drop=11"><img class=\'tooltip\' title=\'' . $mess . '\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width=60 height=40></a>' ;
} else {
echo '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/w12.gif" width=60 height=40 title=\'<b>Пустой слот Обувь</b>\' />' ;
?> </TD>
</ TR >
</ TABLE >
</ TD >
</ TR >
</ TABLE >
< table cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 0 " border = " 0 "
style = " background: url('http://i.oldbk.com/i/runes_slots.jpg') no-repeat center bottom; " >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td width = " 59 " height = " 48 " align = " right " >< ? echo show_rune ( 1 , $user [ 'id' ], 1 ); ?> </td>
< td width = " 74 " height = " 48 " align = " center " >< ? echo show_rune ( 2 , $user [ 'id' ], 1 ); ?> </td>
< td width = " 57 " height = " 48 " align = " left " >< ? echo show_rune ( 3 , $user [ 'id' ], 1 ); ?> </td>
</ tr >
</ tbody >
</ table >
</ CENTER > < ? php
function show_rune ( $slot , $uid , $type = 0 )
global $user , $runes_exp ;
2018-01-29 14:29:29 +00:00
$us = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `id`, `rune_1`, `rune_2`, `rune_3` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $uid ) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( isset ( $us [ 'id' ])) {
if ( $us [ 'rune_' . $slot ] > 0 ) {
$ruid = $us [ 'rune_' . $slot ];
$rtype = ( 23 + $slot );
2018-01-29 14:29:29 +00:00
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `id`, `img`, `name`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `rune_level`, `rune_exp` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i AND `owner` = ?i' , $ruid , $us [ 'id' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( isset ( $dress [ 'id' ])) {
if ( $us [ 'id' ] == $user [ 'id' ] && $type == 1 ) {
$r = '<a href=\'main.php?edit=1&drop=' . $rtype . '\'><img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width="30" height="30" title="Снять <b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Уровень: ' . $dress [ 'rune_level' ] . '<br />Опыт: ' . $dress [ 'rune_exp' ] . '/' . $runes_exp [ $dress [ 'rune_level' ] + 1 ] . '<br />Прочность: ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '" /></a>' ;
} else {
$r = '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/sh/' . $dress [ 'img' ] . '" width="30" height="30" title="<b>' . $dress [ 'name' ] . '</b><br />Уровень: ' . $dress [ 'rune_level' ] . '<br />Прочность : ' . $dress [ 'duration' ] . '/' . $dress [ 'maxdur' ] . '" />' ;
} else {
$r = '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/none.gif" width="30" height="30" title="<b>Пустой слот Руна</b>" />' ;
} else {
$r = '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/none.gif" width="30" height="30" title="<b>Пустой слот Руна</b>" />' ;
} else {
$r = '<img class=\'tooltip\' src="i/none.gif" width="30" height="30" title="<b>Пустой слот Руна</b>" />' ;
return $r ;
function undressall ( $id )
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 26 ; $i ++ ) {
dropitemid ( $i , $id );
function dropitemid_cave ( $slot , $id )
global $user ;
switch ( $slot ) {
case 'sergi' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 1 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'kulon' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 2 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'weap' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 3 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'bron' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 4 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'r1' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 5 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'r2' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 6 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'r3' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 7 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'helm' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 8 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'perchi' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 9 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'shit' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 10 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'boots' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 11 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'm1' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 12 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'm2' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 13 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'm3' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 14 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'm4' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 15 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'm5' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 16 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'm6' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 17 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'm7' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 18 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'm8' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 19 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'm9' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 20 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'm10' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 21 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'rybax' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 22 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
case 'plaw' :
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
$slot = 23 ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
break ;
if ( mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `users`, `inventory` SET `users`.' . $slot . ' = 0, `inventory`.`dressed` = 0, `users`.`sila` = `users`.`sila` - `inventory`.`gsila`, `users`.`lovk` = `users`.`lovk` - `inventory`.`glovk`, `users`.`inta` = `users`.`inta` - `inventory`.`ginta`, `users`.`intel` = `users`.`intel` - `inventory`.`gintel`, `users`.`maxhp` = `users`.`maxhp` - `inventory`.`ghp`, `users`.`noj` = `users`.`noj` - `inventory`.`gnoj`, `users`.`topor` = `users`.`topor` - `inventory`.`gtopor`, `users`.`dubina` = `users`.`dubina` - `inventory`.`gdubina`, `users`.`mec` = `users`.`mec` - `inventory`.`gmech`, `users`.`mfire` = `users`.`mfire` - `inventory`.`gfire`, `users`.`mwater` = `users`.`mwater` - `inventory`.`gwater`, `users`.`mair` = `users`.`mair` - `inventory`.`gair`, `users`.`mearth` = `users`.`mearth` - `inventory`.`gearth`, `users`.`mlight` = `users`.`mlight` - `inventory`.`glight`, `users`.`mgray` = `users`.`mgray` - `inventory`.`ggray`, `users`.`mdark` = `users`.`mdark` - `inventory`.`gdark`, `users`.`fkrit` = `users`.`fkrit` - `inventory`.`mfkrit`, `users`.`fakrit` = `users`.`fakrit` - `inventory`.`mfakrit`, `users`.`fuvorot` = `users`.`fuvorot` - `inventory`.`mfuvorot`, `users`.`fauvorot` = `users`.`fauvorot` - `inventory`.`mfauvorot`, `users`.`ubron1` = `users`.`ubron1` - `inventory`.`bron1`, `users`.`ubron2` = `users`.`ubron2` - `inventory`.`bron2`, `users`.`ubron3` = `users`.`ubron3` - `inventory`.`bron3`, `users`.`ubron4` = `users`.`ubron4` - `inventory`.`bron4`, `users`.`uminu` = `users`.`uminu` - `inventory`.`minu`, `users`.`umaxu` = `users`.`umaxu` - `inventory`.`maxu` WHERE `inventory`.`id` = `users`.' . $slot . ' AND `inventory`.`dressed` = 1 AND `inventory`.`owner` = "' . $user [ 'id' ] . '" AND `users`.`id` = "' . $user [ 'id' ] . '"' )) {
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = `maxhp`, `fullhptime` = " . time () . " WHERE `hp` > `maxhp` AND `id` = ' { $id } ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $id == $user [ 'id' ]) {
$user [ $slot ] = 0 ;
return true ;
} else {
echo mysql_error ();
function del_effs ( $uid , $eff , $txt )
$pers = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `login`, `sila`, `lovk`, `inta`, `vinos`, `intel`, `hp`, `maxhp` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string ( $uid ) . '" LIMIT 1' ));
if ( isset ( $pers [ 'id' ])) {
$effect = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `type`, `name`, `time`, `sila`, `lovk`, `inta`, `vinos`, `hp`, `proc_exp`, `owner`, `sleep`, `lastup`, `can` FROM `effects` WHERE `id` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string ( $eff ) . '" AND `owner` = "' . $pers [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' ));
if ( isset ( $effect [ 'id' ])) {
if ( $effect [ 'type' ] == 11 || $effect [ 'type' ] == 12 || $effect [ 'type' ] == 13 || $effect [ 'type' ] == 14 ) {
$pers [ 'sila' ] += $effect [ 'sila' ];
$pers [ 'lovk' ] += $effect [ 'lovk' ];
$pers [ 'inta' ] += $effect [ 'inta' ];
$pers [ 'vinos' ] += $effect [ 'vinos' ];
$pers [ 'maxhp' ] += $effect [ 'hp' ];
} else {
$pers [ 'sila' ] -= $effect [ 'sila' ];
$pers [ 'lovk' ] -= $effect [ 'lovk' ];
$pers [ 'inta' ] -= $effect [ 'inta' ];
$pers [ 'vinos' ] -= $effect [ 'vinos' ];
$pers [ 'maxhp' ] -= $effect [ 'hp' ];
mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `users` SET `sila` = "' . $pers [ 'sila' ] . '", `lovk` = "' . $pers [ 'lovk' ] . '", `inta` = "' . $pers [ 'inta' ] . '", `vinos` = "' . $pers [ 'vinos' ] . '", `maxhp` = "' . $pers [ 'maxhp' ] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $pers [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
mysql_query ( 'DELETE FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = "' . $pers [ 'id' ] . '" AND `id` = "' . $effect [ 'id' ] . '" LIMIT 1' );
$text = 'Закончилось действие эффекта <b>' . $effect [ 'name' ] . '</b>.' ;
if ( $txt == 1 ) {
2018-03-04 00:09:58 +00:00
addchp ( '<font color=red>Внимание!</font> ' . $text , '{[]}' . nick :: id ( $pers [ 'id' ]) -> short () . '{[]}' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
unset ( $pers , $effect , $uid , $eff , $text );
function dropitemid ( $slot , $id )
$user = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $id . '" LIMIT 1' ));
switch ( $slot ) {
case 1 :
$slot1 = 'sergi' ;
break ;
case 2 :
$slot1 = 'kulon' ;
break ;
case 3 :
$slot1 = 'weap' ;
break ;
case 4 :
$slot1 = 'bron' ;
break ;
case 5 :
$slot1 = 'r1' ;
break ;
case 6 :
$slot1 = 'r2' ;
break ;
case 7 :
$slot1 = 'r3' ;
break ;
case 8 :
$slot1 = 'helm' ;
break ;
case 9 :
$slot1 = 'perchi' ;
break ;
case 10 :
$slot1 = 'shit' ;
break ;
case 11 :
$slot1 = 'boots' ;
break ;
case 12 :
$slot1 = 'm1' ;
break ;
case 13 :
$slot1 = 'm2' ;
break ;
case 14 :
$slot1 = 'm3' ;
break ;
case 15 :
$slot1 = 'm4' ;
break ;
case 16 :
$slot1 = 'm5' ;
break ;
case 17 :
$slot1 = 'm6' ;
break ;
case 18 :
$slot1 = 'm7' ;
break ;
case 19 :
$slot1 = 'm8' ;
break ;
case 20 :
$slot1 = 'm9' ;
break ;
case 21 :
$slot1 = 'm10' ;
break ;
case 22 :
$slot1 = 'rybax' ;
break ;
case 23 :
$slot1 = 'plaw' ;
break ;
case 24 :
$slot1 = 'rune_1' ;
break ;
case 25 :
$slot1 = 'rune_2' ;
break ;
case 26 :
$slot1 = 'rune_3' ;
break ;
if ( mysql_query ( 'UPDATE `users`, `inventory` SET `users`.`' . $slot1 . '` = 0, `inventory`.`dressed` = 0, `users`.`sila` = `users`.`sila` - `inventory`.`gsila`, `users`.`lovk` = `users`.`lovk` - `inventory`.`glovk`, `users`.`inta` = `users`.`inta` - `inventory`.`ginta`, `users`.`intel` = `users`.`intel` - `inventory`.`gintel`, `users`.`maxhp` = `users`.`maxhp` - `inventory`.`ghp`, `users`.`noj` = `users`.`noj` - `inventory`.`gnoj`, `users`.`topor` = `users`.`topor` - `inventory`.`gtopor`, `users`.`dubina` = `users`.`dubina` - `inventory`.`gdubina`, `users`.`mec` = `users`.`mec` - `inventory`.`gmech`, `users`.`mfire` = `users`.`mfire` - `inventory`.`gfire`, `users`.`mwater` = `users`.`mwater` - `inventory`.`gwater`, `users`.`mair` = `users`.`mair` - `inventory`.`gair`, `users`.`mearth` = `users`.`mearth` - `inventory`.`gearth`, `users`.`mlight` = `users`.`mlight` - `inventory`.`glight`, `users`.`mgray` = `users`.`mgray` - `inventory`.`ggray`, `users`.`mdark` = `users`.`mdark` - `inventory`.`gdark`, `users`.`fkrit` = `users`.`fkrit` - `inventory`.`mfkrit`, `users`.`fakrit` = `users`.`fakrit` - `inventory`.`mfakrit`, `users`.`fuvorot` = `users`.`fuvorot` - `inventory`.`mfuvorot`, `users`.`fauvorot` = `users`.`fauvorot` - `inventory`.`mfauvorot`, `users`.`ubron1` = `users`.`ubron1` - `inventory`.`bron1`, `users`.`ubron2` = `users`.`ubron2` - `inventory`.`bron2`, `users`.`ubron3` = `users`.`ubron3` - `inventory`.`bron3`, `users`.`ubron4` = `users`.`ubron4` - `inventory`.`bron4`, `users`.`uminu` = `users`.`uminu` - `inventory`.`minu`, `users`.`umaxu` = `users`.`umaxu` - `inventory`.`maxu` WHERE `inventory`.`id` = `users`.`' . $slot1 . '` AND `inventory`.`dressed` = 1 AND `inventory`.`owner` = "' . $user [ 'id' ] . '" AND `users`.`id` = "' . $user [ 'id' ] . '"' )) {
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = `maxhp`, `fullhptime` = " . time () . " WHERE `hp` > `maxhp` AND `id` = ' { $id } ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $id == $user [ 'id' ]) {
$user [ $slot1 ] = 0 ;
return true ;
// снять предмет
function dropitem ( $slot )
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
global $user ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
switch ( $slot ) {
case 1 :
$slot1 = 'sergi' ;
break ;
case 2 :
$slot1 = 'kulon' ;
break ;
case 3 :
$slot1 = 'weap' ;
break ;
case 4 :
$slot1 = 'bron' ;
break ;
case 5 :
$slot1 = 'r1' ;
break ;
case 6 :
$slot1 = 'r2' ;
break ;
case 7 :
$slot1 = 'r3' ;
break ;
case 8 :
$slot1 = 'helm' ;
break ;
case 9 :
$slot1 = 'perchi' ;
break ;
case 10 :
$slot1 = 'shit' ;
break ;
case 11 :
$slot1 = 'boots' ;
break ;
case 12 :
$slot1 = 'm1' ;
break ;
case 13 :
$slot1 = 'm2' ;
break ;
case 14 :
$slot1 = 'm3' ;
break ;
case 15 :
$slot1 = 'm4' ;
break ;
case 16 :
$slot1 = 'm5' ;
break ;
case 17 :
$slot1 = 'm6' ;
break ;
case 18 :
$slot1 = 'm7' ;
break ;
case 19 :
$slot1 = 'm8' ;
break ;
case 20 :
$slot1 = 'm9' ;
break ;
case 21 :
$slot1 = 'm10' ;
break ;
case 22 :
$slot1 = 'rybax' ;
break ;
case 23 :
$slot1 = 'plaw' ;
break ;
case 24 :
$slot1 = 'rune_1' ;
break ;
case 25 :
$slot1 = 'rune_2' ;
break ;
case 26 :
$slot1 = 'rune_3' ;
break ;
if ( mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` as u, `inventory` as i SET u. { $slot1 } = 0, i.dressed = 0,
u . sila = u . sila - i . gsila ,
u . lovk = u . lovk - i . glovk ,
u . inta = u . inta - i . ginta ,
u . intel = u . intel - i . gintel ,
u . maxhp = u . maxhp - i . ghp ,
u . noj = u . noj - i . gnoj ,
u . topor = u . topor - i . gtopor ,
u . dubina = u . dubina - i . gdubina ,
u . mec = u . mec - i . gmech ,
u . mfire = u . mfire - i . gfire ,
u . mwater = u . mwater - i . gwater ,
u . mair = u . mair - i . gair ,
u . mearth = u . mearth - i . gearth ,
u . mlight = u . mlight - i . glight ,
u . mgray = u . mgray - i . ggray ,
u . mdark = u . mdark - i . gdark ,
u . ubron1 = u . ubron1 - i . bron1 ,
u . ubron2 = u . ubron2 - i . bron2 ,
u . ubron3 = u . ubron3 - i . bron3 ,
u . ubron4 = u . ubron4 - i . bron4 ,
u . fkrit = u . fkrit - i . mfkrit ,
u . fakrit = u . fakrit - i . mfakrit ,
u . fuvorot = u . fuvorot - i . mfuvorot ,
u . fauvorot = u . fauvorot - i . mfauvorot ,
u . uminu = u . uminu - i . minu ,
u . umaxu = u . umaxu - i . maxu
WHERE i . id = u . { $slot1 } AND i . dressed = 1 AND i . owner = { $user [ 'id' ]} AND u . id = { $user [ 'id' ]}; " ))
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = `maxhp`, `fullhptime` = " . time () . " WHERE `hp` > `maxhp` AND `id` = ' { $user [ 'id' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " );
$wear_raw = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM inventory where owner= { $user [ 'id' ] } AND dressed='1'; " );
while ( $wear_list = mysql_fetch_array ( $wear_raw )) {
$wear_arr [] = $wear_list [ 'prototype' ];
$item [ 'id' ] = $user [ $slot1 ];
//foreach($wear_arr as $wt) echo($wt."<BR>");
$get_pro_raw = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM inventory where id= { $item [ 'id' ] } limit 1; " );
$get_pro = mysql_fetch_array ( $get_pro_raw );
$sets_items = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM item_sets " );
//для каждого комплекта
while ( $items_in_set = mysql_fetch_array ( $sets_items )) {
$checker = 0 ;
$temp_is = explode ( " , " , $items_in_set [ 'prot_id' ]);
$set_id = $items_in_set [ 'set_id' ];
//если прото в комплекте и не одет
if ( in_array ( $get_pro [ 'prototype' ], $temp_is ) && ( ! in_array ( $get_pro [ 'prototype' ], $wear_arr ))) {
$checker = 1 ;
// echo("<BR>ITEM SETS<BR>");
//foreach($temp_is as $tis) echo($tis."<BR>");
//для каждого одетого предмета
foreach ( $temp_is as $check_proto )
if ( $check_proto != $get_pro [ 'prototype' ]) {
if ( ! in_array ( $check_proto , $wear_arr )) {
$checker = 0 ;
// echo("Checker=".$checker." at set #".$set_id." item #".$check_proto." Compare=".$get_pro['prototype']."<BR>");
//echo("Checker=".$checker." at set #".$set_id);
if (( $checker == 1 ) && ( ! in_array ( $get_pro [ 'prototype' ], $wear_arr ))) {
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` as u, `item_sets` as s SET
u . uminu = u . uminu - s . minu ,
u . umaxu = u . umaxu - s . maxu ,
u . sila = u . sila - s . gsila ,
u . lovk = u . lovk - s . glovk ,
u . inta = u . inta - s . ginta ,
u . intel = u . intel - s . gintel ,
u . maxhp = u . maxhp - s . ghp ,
u . maxmana = u . maxmana - s . gmana ,
u . fkrit = u . fkrit - s . mfkrit ,
u . fakrit = u . fakrit - s . mfakrit ,
u . fuvorot = u . fuvorot - s . mfuvorot ,
u . fauvorot = u . fauvorot - s . mfauvorot ,
u . noj = u . noj - s . gnoj ,
u . topor = u . topor - s . gtopor ,
u . dubina = u . dubina - s . gdubina ,
u . mec = u . mec - s . gmech ,
u . ubron1 = u . ubron1 - s . bron1 ,
u . ubron2 = u . ubron2 - s . bron2 ,
u . ubron3 = u . ubron3 - s . bron3 ,
u . ubron4 = u . ubron4 - s . bron4 ,
u . mfire = u . mfire - s . gfire ,
u . mwater = u . mwater - s . gwater ,
u . mair = u . mair - s . gair ,
u . mearth = u . mearth - s . gearth ,
u . mlight = u . mlight - s . glight ,
u . mgray = u . mgray - s . ggray
u . id = { $user [ 'id' ]} AND
s . set_id = { $set_id }; " );
//echo ("Сняли ".$set_id);
return true ;
//сможет держать
function derj ( $id )
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
global $user ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$ts = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `id`, `nalign` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = "' . $id . '" LIMIT 1' ));
$al = '(1 = 1)' ;
if ( $ts [ 'nalign' ] > 0 ) {
if ( $ts [ 'nalign' ] == 1.1 ) {
if (( $user [ 'align' ] == 6 || ( $user [ 'align' ] > 1 && $user [ 'align' ] < 2 ))) {
$al = '(1 = 1)' ;
} else {
$al = '(1 = 2)' ;
if ( $dd = mysql_query ( " SELECT i.`id` FROM`users` AS `u`, `inventory` AS `i`
i . needident = 0 AND
i . id = { $id } AND
i . duration < i . maxdur AND
i . owner = { $user [ 'id' ]} AND
u . sila >= i . nsila AND
u . lovk >= i . nlovk AND
u . inta >= i . ninta AND
u . vinos >= i . nvinos AND
u . intel >= i . nintel AND
u . mudra >= i . nmudra AND
u . level >= i . nlevel AND
( $al OR ( " . (int) $user['align'] . " = i . nalign ) or ( i . nalign = 0 )) AND
u . noj >= i . nnoj AND
u . topor >= i . ntopor AND
u . dubina >= i . ndubina AND
u . mec >= i . nmech AND
u . mfire >= i . nfire AND
u . mwater >= i . nwater AND
u . mair >= i . nair AND
u . mearth >= i . nearth AND
u . mlight >= i . nlight AND
u . mgray >= i . ngray AND
u . mdark >= i . ndark AND
i . setsale = 0 AND
u . id = { $user [ 'id' ]}; " )) {
$dd = mysql_fetch_array ( $dd );
if ( $dd [ 0 ] > 0 ) {
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
function make_seed ()
list ( $usec , $sec ) = explode ( ' ' , microtime ());
return ( float ) $sec + (( float ) $usec * 100000 );
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
function ref_drop ()
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
global $user ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$slot = array ( 'sergi' , 'kulon' , 'weap' , 'bron' , 'r1' , 'r2' , 'r3' , 'helm' , 'perchi' , 'shit' , 'boots' , 'm1' , 'm2' , 'm3' , 'm4' , 'm5' , 'm6' , 'm7' , 'm8' , 'm9' , 'm10' );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= 20 ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $user [ $slot [ $i ]] && ! derj ( $user [ $slot [ $i ]])) {
dropitem ( $i + 1 );
$user [ $slot [ $i ]] = null ;
function GetWeaponType ( $idwep )
if ( $idwep == 0 || $idwep == null || $idwep == '' ) {
return " kulak " ;
$wep = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT `otdel`, `minu` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = "' . $idwep . '" LIMIT 1' ));
if ( $wep [ 0 ] == '1' ) {
return " noj " ;
} elseif ( $wep [ 0 ] == '12' ) {
return " dubina " ;
} elseif ( $wep [ 0 ] == '11' ) {
return " topor " ;
} elseif ( $wep [ 0 ] == '13' ) {
return " mech " ;
} elseif ( $wep [ 1 ] > 0 ) {
return " buket " ;
} else {
return " kulak " ;
function stripslashes_deep ( $text )
while ( strstr ( $text , " \\ " )) {
$text = stripslashes ( $text );
return $text ;
function countmf ()
{ //TODO пересчитать модификаторы
global $user ;
$zo = mysql_fetch_row ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `id` FROM `effects` WHERE `type` = 201 AND `owner` = { $user [ 'id' ] } LIMIT 1 " ));
$sokr = mysql_fetch_row ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `id` FROM `effects` WHERE `type` = 202 AND `owner` = { $user [ 'id' ] } LIMIT 1 " ));
if ( isset ( $sokr [ 0 ])) {
$bmfud += 5 ;
} else {
$bmfud = 0 ;
if ( isset ( $zo [ 0 ]) > 0 ) {
$bmfbron += 25 ;
} else {
$bmfbron = 0 ;
$mf = array ();
$ud_raw = mysql_query ( 'SELECT SUM(`minu`), SUM(`maxu`), SUM(`mfkrit`), SUM(`mfakrit`), SUM(`mfuvorot`), SUM(`mfauvorot`), SUM(`bron1`), SUM(`bron2`), SUM(`bron3`), SUM(`bron4`) FROM `inventory` WHERE `dressed` = 1 AND `owner` = \'' . $user [ 'id' ] . '\' LIMIT 1' );
$user_dress = mysql_fetch_array ( $ud_raw );
$user_dress [ 6 ] = $bmfbron ;
$user_dress [ 7 ] = $bmfbron ;
$user_dress [ 8 ] = $bmfbron ;
$user_dress [ 9 ] = $bmfbron ;
$user_dress [ 6 ] += $user [ 'ubron1' ];
$user_dress [ 7 ] += $user [ 'ubron2' ];
$user_dress [ 8 ] += $user [ 'ubron3' ];
$user_dress [ 9 ] += $user [ 'ubron4' ];
$mykrit = $user_dress [ 2 ] + ( $user [ 'inta' ] * 2.95 );
$myakrit = $user_dress [ 3 ] + ( $user [ 'inta' ] * 2.75 );
$myuvorot = $user_dress [ 4 ] + ( $user [ 'lovk' ] * 5 );
$myauvorot = $user_dress [ 5 ] + ( $user [ 'lovk' ] * 4 );
$mf [ 'me' ] = array ( 'udar' => ( floor ( $user [ 'sila' ] / 3 ) + 1 + $user_dress [ 0 ]), 'maxudar' => ( floor ( $user [ 'sila' ] / 3 ) + 4 + $user_dress [ 1 ]));
if ( $mf [ 'me' ][ 'udar' ] < 0 ) {
$mf [ 'me' ][ 'udar' ] = 0 ;
$weap_b = 0 ;
switch ( GetWeaponType ( $user [ 'weap' ])) {
case " noj " :
$weap_b += $user [ 'noj' ];
break ;
case " dubina " :
$weap_b += $user [ 'dubina' ];
break ;
case " topor " :
$weap_b += $user [ 'topor' ];
break ;
case " mech " :
$weap_b += $user [ 'mec' ];
break ;
return array ( 'minu' => $mf [ 'me' ][ 'udar' ] + $bmfud + $weap_b , 'maxu' => $mf [ 'me' ][ 'maxudar' ] + $bmfud + $weap_b , 'fkrit' => round ( $mykrit , 0 ), 'fakrit' => round ( $myakrit , 0 ), 'fuvorot' => round ( $myuvorot , 0 ), 'fauvorot' => round ( $myauvorot , 0 ), 'bron1' => $user_dress [ 6 ], 'bron2' => $user_dress [ 7 ], 'bron3' => $user_dress [ 8 ], 'bron4' => $user_dress [ 9 ]);
// одеть предмет
function dressitem ( $id )
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
global $user ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$item = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` AS `i` WHERE `duration` < `maxdur` AND `id` = ' { $id } ' AND `owner` = ' { $user [ 'id' ] } ' AND `dressed` = 0 LIMIT 1 " ));
switch ( $item [ 'type' ]) {
case 1 :
$slot1 = 'sergi' ;
break ;
case 2 :
$slot1 = 'kulon' ;
break ;
case 3 :
$slot1 = 'weap' ;
break ;
case 4 :
$slot1 = 'bron' ;
break ;
case 5 :
$slot1 = 'r1' ;
break ;
case 6 :
$slot1 = 'r2' ;
break ;
case 7 :
$slot1 = 'r3' ;
break ;
case 8 :
$slot1 = 'helm' ;
break ;
case 9 :
$slot1 = 'perchi' ;
break ;
case 10 :
$slot1 = 'shit' ;
break ;
case 11 :
$slot1 = 'boots' ;
break ;
case 12 :
$slot1 = 'm1' ;
break ;
case 22 :
$slot1 = 'rybax' ;
break ;
case 23 :
$slot1 = 'plaw' ;
break ;
case 24 :
$slot1 = 'rune_1' ;
break ;
case 25 :
$slot1 = 'rune_2' ;
break ;
case 26 :
$slot1 = 'rune_3' ;
break ;
if ( $item [ 'type' ] == 5 ) {
if ( ! $user [ 'r1' ]) {
$slot1 = 'r1' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'r2' ]) {
$slot1 = 'r2' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'r3' ]) {
$slot1 = 'r3' ;
} else {
$slot1 = 'r1' ;
dropitem ( 5 );
} elseif ( $item [ 'type' ] == 24 ) {
if ( ! $user [ 'rune_1' ]) {
$slot1 = 'rune_1' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'rune_2' ]) {
$slot1 = 'rune_2' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'rune_3' ]) {
$slot1 = 'rune_3' ;
} else {
$slot1 = 'rune_1' ;
dropitem ( 24 );
} elseif ( $item [ 'type' ] == 12 ) {
if ( ! $user [ 'm1' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm1' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm2' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm2' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm3' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm3' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm4' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm4' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm5' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm5' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm6' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm6' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm7' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm7' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm8' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm8' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm9' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm9' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm10' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm10' ;
} else {
$slot1 = 'm1' ;
dropitem ( 12 );
} else {
dropitem ( $item [ 'type' ]);
$al = '(1 = 1)' ;
if ( $item [ 'nalign' ] > 0 ) {
if ( $item [ 'nalign' ] == 1.1 ) {
if (( $user [ 'align' ] == 6 || ( $user [ 'align' ] > 1 && $user [ 'align' ] < 2 ))) {
$al = '(1 = 1)' ;
} else {
$al = '(1 = 2)' ;
if ( ! ( $item [ 'type' ] == 12 && $user [ 'level' ] < 4 )) {
if ( mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` AS `u`, `inventory` AS `i` SET `u`.` { $slot1 } ` = { $id } , `i`.`dressed` = 1, `u`.`sila` = `u`.`sila` + `i`.`gsila`, `u`.`lovk` = `u`.`lovk` + `i`.`glovk`, `u`.`inta` = `u`.`inta` + `i`.`ginta`, `u`.`intel` = `u`.`intel` + `i`.`gintel`, `u`.`maxhp` = `u`.`maxhp` + `i`.`ghp`, `u`.`noj` = `u`.`noj` + `i`.`gnoj`, `u`.`topor` = `u`.`topor` + `i`.`gtopor`, `u`.`dubina` = `u`.`dubina` + `i`.`gdubina`, `u`.`mec` = `u`.`mec` + `i`.`gmech`, `u`.`mfire` = `u`.`mfire` + `i`.`gfire`, `u`.`mwater` = `u`.`mwater` + `i`.`gwater`, `u`.`mair` = `u`.`mair` + `i`.`gair`, `u`.`mearth` = `u`.`mearth` + `i`.`gearth`, `u`.`mlight` = `u`.`mlight` + `i`.`glight`, `u`.`mgray` = `u`.`mgray` + `i`.`ggray`, `u`.`mdark` = `u`.`mdark` + `i`.`gdark`, `u`.`ubron1` = `u`.`ubron1` + `i`.`bron1`, `u`.`ubron2` = `u`.`ubron2` + `i`.`bron2`, `u`.`ubron3` = `u`.`ubron3` + `i`.`bron3`, `u`.`ubron4` = `u`.`ubron4` + `i`.`bron4`, `u`.`fkrit` = `u`.`fkrit` + `i`.`mfkrit`, `u`.`fakrit` = `u`.`fakrit` + `i`.`mfakrit`, `u`.`fuvorot` = `u`.`fuvorot` + `i`.`mfuvorot`, `u`.`fauvorot` = `u`.`fauvorot` + `i`.`mfauvorot`, `u`.`uminu` = `u`.`uminu` + `i`.`minu`, `u`.`umaxu` = `u`.`umaxu` + `i`.`maxu` WHERE `i`.`needident` = 0 AND `i`.`id` = { $id } AND `i`.`dressed` = 0 AND `i`.owner = { $user [ 'id' ] } AND (20 + `u`.`sila`) >= `i`.`nsila` AND (20 + `u`.`lovk`) >= `i`.`nlovk` AND (20 + `u`.`inta`) >= `i`.`ninta` AND `u`.`vinos` >= `i`.`nvinos` AND (20 + `u`.`intel`) >= `i`.`nintel` AND `u`.`mudra` >= `i`.`nmudra` AND `u`.`level` >= `i`.`nlevel` AND (( $al OR ( " . ( int ) $user [ 'align' ] . " = `i`.`nalign`)) OR (`i`.`nalign` = 0)) AND `u`.`noj` >= `i`.`nnoj` AND `u`.`topor` >= `i`.`ntopor` AND `u`.`dubina` >= `i`.`ndubina` AND `u`.`mec` >= `i`.`nmech` AND `u`.`mfire` >= `i`.`nfire` AND `u`.`mwater` >= `i`.`nwater` AND `u`.`mair` >= `i`.`nair` AND `u`.`mearth` >= `i`.`nearth` AND `u`.`mlight` >= `i`.`nlight` AND `u`.`mgray` >= `i`.`ngray` AND `u`.`mdark` >= `i`.`ndark` AND `i`.`setsale` = 0 AND `u`.`id` = { $user [ 'id' ] } " ))
$user [ $slot1 ] = $item [ 'id' ];
return true ;
function dressitemkomplekt ( $id , $idd )
global $user ;
$item = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = " . $user [ 'id' ] . " AND `dressed` = 0 AND `duration` < `maxdur` AND `id` = ' " . $idd . " ' LIMIT 1 " ));
if ( ! isset ( $item [ 'id' ])) {
$item = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = " . $user [ 'id' ] . " AND `dressed` = 0 AND `duration` < `maxdur` AND `name` = ' " . $id . " ' ORDER BY `duration` DESC LIMIT 1 " ));
switch ( $item [ 'type' ]) {
case 1 :
$slot1 = 'sergi' ;
break ;
case 2 :
$slot1 = 'kulon' ;
break ;
case 3 :
$slot1 = 'weap' ;
break ;
case 4 :
$slot1 = 'bron' ;
break ;
case 5 :
$slot1 = 'r1' ;
break ;
case 6 :
$slot1 = 'r2' ;
break ;
case 7 :
$slot1 = 'r3' ;
break ;
case 8 :
$slot1 = 'helm' ;
break ;
case 9 :
$slot1 = 'perchi' ;
break ;
case 10 :
$slot1 = 'shit' ;
break ;
case 11 :
$slot1 = 'boots' ;
break ;
case 12 :
$slot1 = 'm1' ;
break ;
case 22 :
$slot1 = 'rybax' ;
break ;
case 23 :
$slot1 = 'plaw' ;
break ;
case 24 :
$slot1 = 'rune_1' ;
break ;
case 25 :
$slot1 = 'rune_2' ;
break ;
case 26 :
$slot1 = 'rune_3' ;
break ;
if ( $item [ 'type' ] == 5 ) {
if ( $user [ 'r1' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'r1' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'r2' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'r2' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'r3' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'r3' ;
} else {
$slot1 = 'r1' ;
dropitem ( 5 );
} elseif ( $item [ 'type' ] == 24 ) {
if ( $user [ 'rune_1' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'rune_1' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'rune_2' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'rune_2' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'rune_3' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'rune_3' ;
} else {
$slot1 = 'rune_1' ;
dropitem ( 24 );
} elseif ( $item [ 'type' ] == 12 ) {
if ( $user [ 'm1' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'm1' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm2' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'm2' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm3' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'm3' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm4' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'm4' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm5' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'm5' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm6' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'm6' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm7' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'm7' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm8' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'm8' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm9' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'm9' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm10' ] == 0 ) {
$slot1 = 'm10' ;
} else {
$slot1 = 'm1' ;
dropitem ( 12 );
} else {
dropitem ( $item [ 'type' ]);
if ( ! ( $item [ 'type' ] == 12 && $user [ 'level' ] < 4 )) {
if ( mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` AS `u`, `inventory` AS `i` SET `u`.` { $slot1 } ` = ` { $item [ 'id' ] } `, `i`.`dressed` = 1,
`u` . `sila` = `u` . sila + i . gsila ,
`u` . `lovk` = `u` . lovk + i . glovk ,
`u` . `inta` = `u` . inta + i . ginta ,
`u` . `intel` = `u` . intel + i . gintel ,
`u` . `maxhp` = `u` . maxhp + i . ghp ,
`u` . `noj` = `u` . noj + i . gnoj ,
`u` . `topor` = `u` . topor + i . gtopor ,
`u` . `dubina` = `u` . dubina + i . gdubina ,
`u` . `mec` = `u` . mec + i . gmech ,
`u` . `mfire` = `u` . mfire + i . gfire ,
`u` . `mwater` = `u` . mwater + i . gwater ,
`u` . `mair` = `u` . mair + i . gair ,
`u` . `mearth` = `u` . mearth + i . gearth ,
`u` . `mlight` = `u` . mlight + i . glight ,
`u` . `mgray` = `u` . mgray + i . ggray ,
`u` . `mdark` = `u` . mdark + i . gdark ,
`u` . `fkrit` = `u` . fkrit + i . mfkrit ,
`u` . `fakrit` = `u` . fakrit + i . mfakrit ,
`u` . `fuvorot` = `u` . fuvorot + i . mfuvorot ,
`u` . `fauvorot` = `u` . fauvorot + i . mfauvorot ,
`u` . `ubron1` = `u` . ubron1 + i . bron1 ,
`u` . `ubron2` = `u` . ubron2 + i . bron2 ,
`u` . `ubron3` = `u` . ubron3 + i . bron3 ,
`u` . `ubron4` = `u` . ubron4 + i . bron4 ,
`u` . `uminu` = `u` . uminu + i . minu ,
`u` . `umaxu` = `u` . umaxu + i . maxu
WHERE `i` . `needident` = 0 AND `i` . `id` = { $item [ 'id' ]} AND `i` . `dressed` = 0 AND `i` . `owner` = { $user [ 'id' ]} AND ((( '" . $user[' align '] . "' > 7 ) AND ( '" . $user[' align '] . "' < 8 )) OR ( '" . (int)$user[' align '] . "' = `i` . `nalign` ) OR ( `i` . `nalign` = 0 )) AND `i` . `setsale` = 0 AND `u` . `id` = { $user [ 'id' ]} " )) {
$user [ $slot1 ] = $item [ 'id' ];
return true ;
// убить предмет
function destructitem ( $id )
2018-06-23 16:22:20 +00:00
global $user ;
$slot1 = '' ;
$dress = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = ?i AND `id` = ?i' , $user [ 'id' ], $id ) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
switch ( $dress [ 'type' ]) {
case 1 :
$slot1 = 'sergi' ;
break ;
case 2 :
$slot1 = 'kulon' ;
break ;
case 3 :
$slot1 = 'weap' ;
break ;
case 4 :
$slot1 = 'bron' ;
break ;
case 5 :
$slot1 = 'r1' ;
break ;
case 6 :
$slot1 = 'r2' ;
break ;
case 7 :
$slot1 = 'r3' ;
break ;
case 8 :
$slot1 = 'helm' ;
break ;
case 9 :
$slot1 = 'perchi' ;
break ;
case 10 :
$slot1 = 'shit' ;
break ;
case 11 :
$slot1 = 'boots' ;
break ;
case 12 :
$slot1 = 'm1' ;
break ;
case 22 :
$slot1 = 'rybax' ;
break ;
case 23 :
$slot1 = 'plaw' ;
break ;
case 24 :
$slot1 = 'rune_1' ;
break ;
case 25 :
$slot1 = 'rune_2' ;
break ;
case 26 :
$slot1 = 'rune_3' ;
break ;
if ( $dress [ 'type' ] == 5 ) {
if ( $user [ 'r1' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'r1' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'r2' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'r2' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'r3' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'r3' ;
} elseif ( $dress [ 'type' ] == 24 ) {
if ( $user [ 'rune_1' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'rune_1' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'rune_2' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'rune_2' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'rune_3' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'rune_3' ;
} elseif ( $dress [ 'type' ] == 12 ) {
if ( $user [ 'm1' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm1' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm2' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm2' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm3' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm3' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm4' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm4' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm5' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm5' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm6' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm6' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm7' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm7' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm8' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm8' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm9' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm9' ;
} elseif ( $user [ 'm10' ] == $dress [ 'id' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm10' ;
if (( $dress [ 'owner' ] == $user [ 'id' ])) {
2018-06-23 16:22:20 +00:00
if ( $dress [ 'dressed' ] == 1 ) db :: c () -> query ( 'UPDATE `users` SET ?f = 0 WHERE `id` = ?i' , $slot1 , $user [ 'id' ]);
db :: c () -> query ( 'DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $id );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
// использовать магию
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
function usemagic ( $id )
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
global $user ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$row = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = ' { $user [ 'id' ] } ' AND `id` = ' " . mysql_real_escape_string ( $id ) . " ' LIMIT 1 " ));
$bat = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = ' { $user [ 'battle' ] } ' LIMIT 1 " ));
$all_magic = unserialize ( $bat [ 'magic' ]);
$charge = 0 ;
$magic = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `magic` WHERE `id` = ' " . $row [ 'magic' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " ));
if ( $magic [ 'needcharge' ] > 0 ) {
$charge = $magic [ 'needcharge' ];
$incmagic = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `magic` WHERE `id` = ' " . $row [ 'includemagic' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " ));
if ( $incmagic [ 'needcharge' ] > 0 ) {
$charge = $incmagic [ 'needcharge' ];
if (( $all_magic [ $user [ 'id' ]] < 1 ) || ( $charge == '0' ))
if ((( $user [ 'sila' ] >= $row [ 'nsila' ]) &&
( $user [ 'lovk' ] >= $row [ 'nlovk' ]) &&
( $user [ 'inta' ] >= $row [ 'ninta' ]) &&
( $user [ 'vinos' ] >= $row [ 'nvinos' ]) &&
( $user [ 'intel' ] >= $row [ 'nintel' ]) &&
( $user [ 'level' ] >= $row [ 'nlevel' ]) &&
(( $user [ 'align' ] > 7 && $user [ 'align' ] < 8 ) || (( int ) $user [ 'align' ] == ( int ) $row [ 'nalign' ]) || ( $row [ 'nalign' ] == 0 )) &&
( $user [ 'noj' ] >= $row [ 'nnoj' ]) &&
( $user [ 'topor' ] >= $row [ 'ntopor' ]) &&
( $user [ 'dubina' ] >= $row [ 'ndubina' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mec' ] >= $row [ 'nmech' ]) &&
( $row [ 'type' ] < 13 || $row [ 'type' ] == 50 ) && ( $user [ 'mfire' ] >= $row [ 'nfire' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mwater' ] >= $row [ 'nwater' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mair' ] >= $row [ 'nair' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mearth' ] >= $row [ 'nearth' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mlight' ] >= $row [ 'nlight' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mgray' ] >= $row [ 'ngray' ]) &&
( $user [ 'mdark' ] >= $row [ 'ndark' ]) &&
( $row [ 'needident' ] == 0 )
) || $row [ 'magic' ] == 48 || $row [ 'magic' ] == 50 ) {
if ( ! $row [ 'magic' ]) {
$incmagic [ 'name' ] = $row [ 'includemagicname' ];
$incmagic [ 'cur' ] = $row [ 'includemagicdex' ];
$incmagic [ 'max' ] = $row [ 'includemagicmax' ];
if ( $incmagic [ 'cur' ] <= 0 ) {
return false ;
$magic [ 'targeted' ] = $incmagic [ 'targeted' ];
echo " <font color=red><b> " ;
include ( " magic/ " . $incmagic [ 'file' ]);
echo " </b></font> " ;
} else {
echo " <font color=red><b> " ;
include ( " magic/ " . $magic [ 'file' ]);
echo " </b></font> " ;
if ( $bet ) {
if ( $row [ 'maxdur' ] <= ( $row [ 'duration' ] + 1 )) {
//echo "<!--";
destructitem ( $row [ 'id' ]);
//echo "-->";
} else {
if ( ! $row [ 'magic' ]) {
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `inventory` SET `includemagicdex` =`includemagicdex`- { $bet } WHERE `id` = { $row [ 'id' ] } LIMIT 1; " );
} else {
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `inventory` SET `duration` =`duration`+ { $bet } WHERE `id` = { $row [ 'id' ] } LIMIT 1; " );
if ( ! $charge ) $charge = 0 ;
//ограничение по кол-ву за ход
if ( $user [ 'battle' ] > 0 )
$bat = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `battle` WHERE `id`=' { $user [ 'battle' ] } '; " ));
if ( $bat [ 'magic' ] == '' )
$all_magic = array ();
$all_magic = unserialize ( $bat [ 'magic' ]);
$all_magic [ $user [ 'id' ]] += $charge ;
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `battle` SET `magic`=' " . serialize ( $all_magic ) . " ' WHERE `id`=' { $user [ 'battle' ] } '; " );
function addch ( $text , $room = 0 )
global $user ;
if ( $room == 0 ) {
$room = $user [ 'room' ];
if ( $fp = @ fopen ( " tmp/chat.txt " , " a " )) { //открытие
flock ( $fp , LOCK_EX ); //БЛОКИРОВКА ФАЙЛА
fputs ( $fp , " :[ " . time () . " ]:[!sys!!]:[ " . ( $text ) . " ]:[ " . $room . " ] \r \n " ); //работа с файлом
flock ( $fp , LOCK_UN ); //СНЯТИЕ БЛОКИРОВКИ
fclose ( $fp ); //закрытие
function cavesys ( $text )
global $user ;
if ( $fp = @ fopen ( " tmp/chat.txt " , " a " )) {
flock ( $fp , LOCK_EX );
fputs ( $fp , " :[ " . time () . " ]:[!cavesys!!]:[ $text ]:[ $user[caveleader] ] \r \n " );
fflush ( $fp );
flock ( $fp , LOCK_UN );
fclose ( $fp );
function getchance ( $p )
if ( mt_rand ( 1 , 100 ) <= $p ) {
return 1 ;
} else {
return 0 ;
function addchp ( $text , $who , $room = 0 )
global $user ;
if ( $room == 0 ) {
$room = $user [ 'room' ];
$fp = fopen ( " tmp/chat.txt " , " a " ); //открытие
flock ( $fp , LOCK_EX ); //БЛОКИРОВКА ФАЙЛА
fputs ( $fp , " :[ " . time () . " ]:[ { $who } ]:[ " . ( $text ) . " ]:[ " . $room . " ] \r \n " ); //работа с файлом
flock ( $fp , LOCK_UN ); //СНЯТИЕ БЛОКИРОВКИ
fclose ( $fp ); //закрытие
function AddChatSystem ( $text )
$fp = fopen ( " tmp/chat.txt " , " a " );
flock ( $fp , LOCK_EX );
fputs ( $fp , " :[ " . time () . " ]:[!sys2all!!]:[ " . ( $text ) . " ]:[1] \r \n " );
fflush ( $fp );
flock ( $fp , LOCK_UN );
fclose ( $fp );
function err ( $t )
2018-02-27 03:53:10 +00:00
echo '<span class="redalert">' . $t . '</span>' ;
2018-03-03 11:50:13 +00:00
return true ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
// ставим травму
function settravma ( $id , $type , $time = 86400 , $kill = false )
$user = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `align`, `level` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' { $id } ' LIMIT 1 " ));
if ((( $user [ 'align' ] == 2 && mt_rand ( 1 , 100 ) > 20 ) && ! $kill ) || ( $user [ 'level' ] == 0 )) {
return false ;
} else {
$travmalist = array ( " разбитый нос " , " сотрясение первой степени " , " потрепанные уши " , " прикушенный язык " , " перелом переносицы " , " растяжение ноги " , " растяжение руки " , " подбитый глаз " , " синяк под глазом " , " кровоточащее рассечение " , " отбитая <пятая точка> " , " заклинившая челюсть " , " выбитый зуб <мудрости> " , " косоглазие " );
$travmalist2 = array ( " отбитые почки " , " вывих <вырезано цензурой> " , " сотрясение второй степени " , " оторванное у х о " , " вывих руки " , " оторванные уши " , " поврежденный позвоночник " , " отбитые почки " , " поврежденный копчик " , " разрыв сухожилия " , " перелом р е б р а " , " перелом двух р е б е р " , " вывих ноги " , " сломанная челюсть " );
$travmalist3 = array ( " пробитый череп " , " разрыв селезенки " , " смещение позвонков " , " открытый перелом руки " , " открытый перелом <вырезано цензурой> " , " излом носоглотки " , " непонятные, но множественные травмы " , " сильное внутреннее кровотечение " , " раздробленная коленная чашечка " , " перелом шеи " , " смещение позвонков " , " открытый перелом ключицы " , " перелом позвоночника " , " вывих позвоночника " , " сотрясение третьей степени " );
$owntravma = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `type`, `id`, `sila`, `lovk`, `inta`, `hp` FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = " . $id . " AND (`type` = 11 OR `type` = 12 OR `type` = 13) ORDER BY `type` DESC LIMIT 1 " ));
if ( $type != 0 && $type != 100 ) {
$owntravma [ 'type' ] = $type ;
} elseif ( $type != 0 && $type == 100 && $owntravma [ 'type' ] == 0 ) {
$type = mt_rand ( 1 , 100 );
if ( $type < 10 ) {
$owntravma [ 'type' ] = 25 ;
} elseif ( $type < 60 ) {
$owntravma [ 'type' ] = " set " ;
} elseif ( $type < 85 ) {
$owntravma [ 'type' ] = 11 ;
} else {
$owntravma [ 'type' ] = 12 ;
} elseif ( $owntravma [ 'type' ] == 0 ) {
$tr = mt_rand ( 1 , 3 );
switch ( $tr ) {
case 1 :
$owntravma [ 'type' ] = 0 ;
break ;
case 2 :
$owntravma [ 'type' ] = 11 ;
break ;
case 3 :
$owntravma [ 'type' ] = 12 ;
break ;
switch ( $owntravma [ 'type' ]) {
case 20 :
$zz = mt_rand ( 1 , 3 );
$s = 0 ;
$l = 0 ;
$i = 0 ;
switch ( $zz ) {
case 1 :
$s = ( $user [ 'level' ] + $st ) * 3 ;
break ;
case 2 :
$l = ( $user [ 'level' ] + $st ) * 3 ;
break ;
case 3 :
$i = ( $user [ 'level' ] + $st ) * 3 ;
break ;
$trv = $travmalist3 [ mt_rand ( 0 , count ( $travmalist3 ) - 1 )];
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `effects` (`owner`, `name`, `time`, `type`, `sila`, `lovk`, `inta`, `vinos`) VALUES (' " . $id . " ', 'Травма " " . $trv . " "', " . ( time () + $time ) . " , '13', ' " . $s . " ', ' " . $l . " ', ' " . $i . " ', '0') " );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `sila` = (`sila`-' " . $s . " '), `lovk` = (`lovk`-' " . $l . " '), `inta` = (`inta`-' " . $i . " ') WHERE `id` = ' " . $id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
return $trv ;
break ;
case 0 :
$st = mt_rand ( 0 , 2 );
$zz = mt_rand ( 1 , 3 );
$s = 0 ;
$l = 0 ;
$i = 0 ;
switch ( $zz ) {
case 1 :
$s = $user [ 'level' ] + $st ;
break ;
case 2 :
$l = $user [ 'level' ] + $st ;
break ;
case 3 :
$i = $user [ 'level' ] + $st ;
break ;
$trv = $travmalist [ mt_rand ( 0 , count ( $travmalist ) - 1 )];
$time = 60 * 60 * mt_rand ( 1 , 5 );
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `effects` (`owner`, `name`, `time`, `type`, `sila`, `lovk`, `inta`, `vinos`) VALUES (' " . $id . " ', 'Травма " " . $trv . " "', " . ( time () + $time ) . " , '11', ' " . $s . " ', ' " . $l . " ', ' " . $i . " ', '0') " );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `sila` = (`sila`-' " . $s . " '), `lovk` = (`lovk`-' " . $l . " '), `inta` = (`inta`-' " . $i . " ') WHERE `id` = ' " . $id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
return $trv ;
break ;
case " set " :
$st = mt_rand ( 0 , 2 );
$zz = mt_rand ( 1 , 3 );
$s = 0 ;
$l = 0 ;
$i = 0 ;
switch ( $zz ) {
case 1 :
$s = $user [ 'level' ] + $st ;
break ;
case 2 :
$l = $user [ 'level' ] + $st ;
break ;
case 3 :
$i = $user [ 'level' ] + $st ;
break ;
$trv = $travmalist [ mt_rand ( 0 , count ( $travmalist ) - 1 )];
$time = 60 * 60 * mt_rand ( 1 , 5 );
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `effects` (`owner`, `name`, `time`, `type`, `sila`, `lovk`, `inta`, `vinos`) VALUES (' " . $id . " ', 'Травма " " . $trv . " "', " . ( time () + $time ) . " , '11', ' " . $s . " ', ' " . $l . " ', ' " . $i . " ', '0') " );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `sila` = (`sila`-' " . $s . " '), `lovk` = (`lovk`-' " . $l . " '), `inta` = (`inta`-' " . $i . " ') WHERE `id` = ' " . $id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
return $trv ;
break ;
case 11 :
$zz = mt_rand ( 1 , 3 );
$s = 0 ;
$l = 0 ;
$i = 0 ;
switch ( $zz ) {
case 1 :
$s = ( $user [ 'level' ]) * 2 ;
break ;
case 2 :
$l = ( $user [ 'level' ]) * 2 ;
break ;
case 3 :
$i = ( $user [ 'level' ]) * 2 ;
break ;
$trv = $travmalist2 [ mt_rand ( 0 , count ( $travmalist2 ) - 1 )];
$time = 60 * 60 * mt_rand ( 5 , 15 );
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `effects` (`owner`, `name`, `time`, `type`, `sila`, `lovk`, `inta`, `vinos`) VALUES (' " . $id . " ', 'Травма " " . $trv . " "', " . ( time () + $time ) . " , '12', ' " . $s . " ', ' " . $l . " ', ' " . $i . " ', '0') " );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `sila` = (`sila`-' " . $s . " '), `lovk` = (`lovk`-' " . $l . " '), `inta` = (`inta`-' " . $i . " ') WHERE `id` = ' " . $id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
return $trv ;
break ;
case 12 :
$zz = mt_rand ( 1 , 3 );
$s = 0 ;
$l = 0 ;
$i = 0 ;
switch ( $zz ) {
case 1 :
$s = ( $user [ 'level' ]) * 3 ;
break ;
case 2 :
$l = ( $user [ 'level' ]) * 3 ;
break ;
case 3 :
$i = ( $user [ 'level' ]) * 3 ;
break ;
$trv = $travmalist3 [ mt_rand ( 0 , count ( $travmalist3 ) - 1 )];
$time = 60 * 60 * mt_rand ( 15 , 24 );
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `effects` (`owner`, `name`, `time`, `type`, `sila`, `lovk`, `inta`, `vinos`) VALUES (' " . $id . " ', 'Травма " " . $trv . " "', " . ( time () + $time ) . " , '13', ' " . $s . " ', ' " . $l . " ', ' " . $i . " ', '0') " );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `sila` = (`sila`-' " . $s . " '), `lovk` = (`lovk`-' " . $l . " '), `inta` = (`inta`-' " . $i . " ') WHERE `id` = ' " . $id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
return $trv ;
break ;
case 13 :
$zz = mt_rand ( 1 , 3 );
$s = 0 ;
$l = 0 ;
$i = 0 ;
switch ( $zz ) {
case 1 :
$s = ( $user [ 'level' ]) * 3 ;
break ;
case 2 :
$l = ( $user [ 'level' ]) * 3 ;
break ;
case 3 :
$i = ( $user [ 'level' ]) * 3 ;
break ;
$trv = $travmalist3 [ mt_rand ( 0 , count ( $travmalist3 ) - 1 )];
$time = 60 * 60 * mt_rand ( 25 , 26 );
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `effects` (`owner`, `name`, `time`, `type`, `sila`, `lovk`, `inta`, `vinos`) VALUES (' " . $id . " ', 'Травма " " . $trv . " "', " . ( time () + $time ) . " , '14', ' " . $s . " ', ' " . $l . " ', ' " . $i . " ', '0') " );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `sila` = (`sila`-' " . $s . " '), `lovk` = (`lovk`-' " . $l . " '), `inta` = (`inta`-' " . $i . " ') WHERE `id` = ' " . $id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
return $trv ;
break ;
function deltravma ( $id )
$owntravmadb = mysql_query ( " SELECT `type`, `id`, `sila`, `lovk`, `inta`, `owner` FROM `effects` WHERE `id` = " . $id . " AND (`type` = 11 OR `type` = 12 OR `type` = 13 OR `type` = 14) " );
while ( $owntravma = mysql_fetch_array ( $owntravmadb )) {
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM `effects` WHERE `id` = ' " . $owntravma [ 'id' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` SET `sila` = (`sila`+' " . $owntravma [ 'sila' ] . " '), `lovk` = (`lovk`+' " . $owntravma [ 'lovk' ] . " '), `inta` = (`inta`+' " . $owntravma [ 'inta' ] . " ') WHERE `id` = ' " . $owntravma [ 'owner' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
// telegrafick
function telegraph ( $to , $text )
{ //todo переписать, под логику, когда телеграф ВСЕГДА приходит на почту.
global $user ;
$ur = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " select `id` from `users` WHERE `login` = ' { $to } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$us = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " select `id` from `online` WHERE `date` >= " . ( time () - 60 ) . " AND `id` = ' { $ur [ 'id' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
if ( ! $ur ) {
echo " <font color=red><b>Персонаж не найден.</b></font> " ;
} elseif ( $us [ 0 ]) {
2018-03-04 00:09:58 +00:00
addchp ( ' (' . date ( " Y.m.d H:i " ) . ') <font color=darkblue>Сообщение телеграфом от </font><span oncontextmenu=OpenMenu()>' . nick :: id ( $user [ 'id' ]) -> short () . '</span>: ' . $text . ' ' , '{[]}' . $to . '{[]}' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
echo " <font color=red><b>Персонаж получил ваше сообщение</b></font> " ;
} else {
// если в офе
echo " <font color=red><b>Сообщение будет доставлено, как только персонаж будет on-line.</b></font> " ;
2018-03-04 00:09:58 +00:00
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `telegraph` (`owner`,`date`,`text`) VALUES (' " . $ur [ 'id' ] . " ','',' " . '[' . date ( " d.m.Y H:i " ) . '] <font color=darkblue>Сообщение по телеграфу от </font><span oncontextmenu=OpenMenu()>' . nick :: id ( $user [ 'id' ]) -> short () . '</span>: ' . $text . ' ' . " '); " );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
// telegrafick
function tele_check ( $to , $text )
{ //todo проверить где используется и убрать, как дублирующую telegraph().
global $user ;
$ur = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " select `id` from `users` WHERE `login` = ' { $to } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
$us = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " select `id` from `online` WHERE `date` >= " . ( time () - 60 ) . " AND `id` = ' { $ur [ 'id' ] } ' LIMIT 1; " ));
if ( ! $ur ) {
echo " <font color=red><b>Персонаж не найден.</b></font> " ;
} elseif ( $us [ 0 ]) {
2018-03-04 00:09:58 +00:00
addchp ( ' (' . date ( " Y.m.d H:i " ) . ') <font color=darkblue>Сообщение телеграфом от </font><span oncontextmenu=OpenMenu()>' . nick :: id ( $user [ 'id' ]) -> short () . '</span>: ' . $text . ' ' , '{[]}' . $to . '{[]}' );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
} else {
// если в офе
2018-03-04 00:09:58 +00:00
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO `telegraph` (`owner`,`date`,`text`) VALUES (' " . $ur [ 'id' ] . " ','',' " . '[' . date ( " d.m.Y H:i " ) . '] <font color=darkblue>Сообщение по телеграфу от </font><span oncontextmenu=OpenMenu()>' . nick :: id ( $user [ 'id' ]) -> short () . '</span>: ' . $text . ' ' . " '); " );
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
function get_meshok ()
global $user ;
2018-03-09 17:04:36 +00:00
$d = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT SUM(`gmeshok`) AS `ves` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = ?i AND `setsale` = 0 AND `gmeshok` > 0' , $user [ 'id' ]) -> fetch_assoc ();
return ( $user [ 'sila' ] * 4 + $d [ 'ves' ]);
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
function get_meshok_to ( $to )
$d = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT SUM(`gmeshok`) FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = ' { $to } ' AND `setsale` = 0 AND `gmeshok` > 0 " ));
$s = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `sila` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' { $to } ' LIMIT 1 " ));
return ( $s [ 'sila' ] * 4 + $d [ 0 ]);
function getweight ( $id )
return mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT SUM(`massa`) AS `weight`, COUNT(`id`) AS `cnt` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = $id AND `dressed` = 0 AND `setsale` = 0 " ));
function addlog ( $id , $log )
$fp = fopen ( " backup/logs/battle " . $id . " .txt " , " a " );
flock ( $fp , LOCK_EX );
fputs ( $fp , $log );
fflush ( $fp );
flock ( $fp , LOCK_UN );
fclose ( $fp );
unset ( $id , $log );
function max_mf ()
$r = '' ;
$mfs = countmf ();
if (( $mfs [ 'fkrit' ] > $mfs [ 'fakrit' ]) && ( $mfs [ 'fkrit' ] > $mfs [ 'fuvorot' ]) && ( $mfs [ 'fkrit' ] > $mfs [ 'fauvorot' ])) {
$r = 'fkrit' ;
} elseif (( $mfs [ 'fakrit' ] > $mfs [ 'fkrit' ]) && ( $mfs [ 'fakrit' ] > $mfs [ 'fuvorot' ]) && ( $mfs [ 'fakrit' ] > $mfs [ 'fauvorot' ])) {
$r = 'fakrit' ;
} elseif (( $mfs [ 'fuvorot' ] > $mfs [ 'fkrit' ]) && ( $mfs [ 'fuvorot' ] > $mfs [ 'fakrit' ]) && ( $mfs [ 'fuvorot' ] > $mfs [ 'fauvorot' ])) {
$r = 'fuvorot' ;
} elseif (( $mfs [ 'fauvorot' ] > $mfs [ 'fkrit' ]) && ( $mfs [ 'fauvorot' ] > $mfs [ 'fakrit' ]) && ( $mfs [ 'fauvorot' ] > $mfs [ 'fuvorot' ])) {
$r = 'fauvorot' ;
return $r ;
/// fixme заводить переменную равную нулю и целую функцию, чтобы прибавить к нулю значение? исправить!
function sum_mf ( $u )
$t = 0 ;
$r = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT SUM(`add_proc_mf`) AS `mf` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = "' . $u . '" AND `dressed` = "1" AND `add_proc_mf` > 0' ));
$r = $t + $r [ 'mf' ];
return $r ;
function sum_dmg ( $u )
$t = 0 ;
$r = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT SUM(`add_proc_uron`) AS `mf` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = "' . $u . '" AND `dressed` = "1" AND `add_proc_uron` > 0' ));
$r = $t + $r [ 'mf' ];
return $r ;
function sum_bron ( $u )
$t = 0 ;
$r = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT SUM(`add_proc_bron`) AS `mf` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = "' . $u . '" AND `dressed` = "1" AND `add_proc_bron` > 0' ));
$r = $t + $r [ 'mf' ];
return $r ;
function bron_ads ( $a1 , $a2 , $a3 , $a4 , $col )
return array ( 'a1' => round (( $a1 / 100 ) * $col ), 'a2' => round (( $a2 / 100 ) * $col ), 'a3' => round (( $a3 / 100 ) * $col ), 'a4' => round (( $a4 / 100 ) * $col ));
function dressitem2 ( $id )
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
global $user ;
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$item = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `duration` < `maxdur` AND `id` = ' { $id } ' AND `dressed` = 0; " ));
switch ( $item [ 'type' ]) {
case 1 :
$slot1 = 'sergi' ;
break ;
case 2 :
$slot1 = 'kulon' ;
break ;
case 3 :
$slot1 = 'weap' ;
break ;
case 4 :
$slot1 = 'bron' ;
break ;
case 5 :
$slot1 = 'r1' ;
break ;
case 6 :
$slot1 = 'r2' ;
break ;
case 7 :
$slot1 = 'r3' ;
break ;
case 8 :
$slot1 = 'helm' ;
break ;
case 9 :
$slot1 = 'perchi' ;
break ;
case 10 :
$slot1 = 'shit' ;
break ;
case 11 :
$slot1 = 'boots' ;
break ;
case 12 :
$slot1 = 'm1' ;
break ;
case 22 :
$slot1 = 'rybax' ;
break ;
case 23 :
$slot1 = 'plaw' ;
break ;
if ( $item [ 'type' ] == 5 ) {
if ( ! $user [ 'r1' ]) {
$slot1 = 'r1' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'r2' ]) {
$slot1 = 'r2' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'r3' ]) {
$slot1 = 'r3' ;
} else {
$slot1 = 'r1' ;
dropitem ( 5 );
} elseif ( $item [ 'type' ] == 12 ) {
if ( ! $user [ 'm1' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm1' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm2' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm2' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm3' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm3' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm4' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm4' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm5' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm5' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm6' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm6' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm7' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm7' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm8' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm8' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm9' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm9' ;
} elseif ( ! $user [ 'm10' ]) {
$slot1 = 'm10' ;
} else {
$slot1 = 'm1' ;
dropitem ( 12 );
} else {
dropitem ( $item [ 'type' ]);
//echo $slot1,$id,$user['id'],$user['align'],$item['id'];
if ( ! ( $item [ 'type' ] == 12 && $user [ 'level' ] < 4 )) {
if ( mysql_query ( " UPDATE `users` as u, `inventory` as i SET u. { $slot1 } = { $id } , i.dressed = 1,
u . sila = u . sila + i . gsila ,
u . lovk = u . lovk + i . glovk ,
u . inta = u . inta + i . ginta ,
u . intel = u . intel + i . gintel ,
u . maxhp = u . maxhp + i . ghp ,
u . noj = u . noj + i . gnoj ,
u . topor = u . topor + i . gtopor ,
u . dubina = u . dubina + i . gdubina ,
u . mec = u . mec + i . gmech ,
u . mfire = u . mfire + i . gfire ,
u . mwater = u . mwater + i . gwater ,
u . mair = u . mair + i . gair ,
u . mearth = u . mearth + i . gearth ,
u . mlight = u . mlight + i . glight ,
u . mgray = u . mgray + i . ggray ,
u . mdark = u . mdark + i . gdark
i . needident = 0 AND
i . id = { $id } AND
i . dressed = 0 AND
i . owner = { $user [ 'id' ]} AND
u . sila >= i . nsila AND
u . lovk >= i . nlovk AND
u . inta >= i . ninta AND
u . vinos >= i . nvinos AND
u . intel >= i . nintel AND
u . mudra >= i . nmudra AND
u . level >= i . nlevel AND
((( " . $user['align'] . " > 7 ) AND ( " . $user['align'] . " < 8 )) OR ( " . (int) $user['align'] . " = i . nalign ) or ( i . nalign = 0 )) AND
u . id = { $user [ 'id' ]}; " )) {
$user [ $slot1 ] = $item [ 'id' ];
return true ;
function star_sign ( $month , $day )
2018-02-27 02:48:51 +00:00
$signs = [ " 10 " , " 11 " , " 12 " , " 1 " , " 2 " , " 3 " , " 4 " , " 5 " , " 6 " , " 7 " , " 8 " , " 9 " ];
$signsstart = [ 1 => 21 , 2 => 20 , 3 => 20 , 4 => 20 , 5 => 20 , 6 => 20 , 7 => 21 , 8 => 22 , 9 => 23 , 10 => 23 , 11 => 23 , 12 => 23 ];
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
return $day < $signsstart [ $month + 1 ] ? $signs [ $month - 1 ] : $signs [ $month % 12 ];
function SolveExp ( $at_id , $def_id , $damage )
2018-02-27 02:48:51 +00:00
$mods = [ 'bloodb' => 1.2 , 'btl_1' => 1 , 'btl_2' => 0.5 , 'btl_3' => 0.05 ];
$baseexp = [ " 0 " => " 2 " , " 1 " => " 5 " , " 2 " => " 10 " , " 3 " => " 15 " , " 4 " => " 30 " , " 5 " => " 60 " , " 6 " => " 90 " , " 7 " => " 115 " , " 8 " => " 300 " , " 9 " => " 400 " , " 10 " => " 500 " , " 11 " => " 600 " , " 12 " => " 700 " , " 13 " => " 800 " , " 14 " => " 900 " , " 15 " => " 1000 " , " 16 " => " 1100 " , " 17 " => " 1200 " , " 18 " => " 1300 " , " 19 " => " 1400 " , " 20 " => " 1500 " , " 21 " => " 1600 " ];
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $at_id > _BOTSEPARATOR_ ) {
$bots = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT * FROM `bots` WHERE `id` = "' . $at_id . '" LIMIT 1' ));
$at_id = $bots [ 'prototype' ];
$bot_active = true ;
2018-02-27 02:48:51 +00:00
$at = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `level` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $at_id ) -> fetch_assoc ();
$def = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `level` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $def_id ) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$at_cost = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT 1+IFNULL((SELECT SUM(`cost`) FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = `users`.`id` AND `dressed` = 1), 0), `align` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' " . $at_id . " ' LIMIT 1 " ));
2018-02-27 02:48:51 +00:00
$def_cost = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT 1+IFNULL((SELECT SUM(`cost`) FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = `users`.`id` AND `dressed` = 1), 0), `align` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' " . $def_id . " ' LIMIT 1 " ));
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $at_id > _BOTSEPARATOR_ ) {
$bat_raw = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `battle` FROM `bots` WHERE `id` = ' $at_id ' LIMIT 1 " ));
} else {
$bat_raw = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `battle` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' $at_id ' LIMIT 1 " ));
$bat = $bat_raw [ 'battle' ];
2018-02-27 02:48:51 +00:00
$bt = db :: c () -> query ( 'SELECT `blood`,`type`,`t1`,`t2` FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = ?i' , $bat ) -> fetch_assoc ();
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
if ( $def_id > _BOTSEPARATOR_ ) {
$bots = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( 'SELECT * FROM `bots` WHERE `id` = "' . $def_id . '" LIMIT 1' ));
$def_id = $bots [ 'prototype' ];
$bot_def = true ;
if ( $bt [ 'blood' ]) {
2018-02-27 02:48:51 +00:00
$expmf = $mods [ 'bloodb' ];
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$filebtl = '/tmp/' . $at_id . '.btl' ;
if ( $bt [ 'type' ] == 1 && file_exists ( $filebtl )) {
$btfl = fopen ( $filebtl , 'r' );
$contents = fread ( $btfl , filesize ( $filebtl ));
fclose ( $btfl );
$cnt = substr_count ( $contents , $def_id );
$exmod = 1 ;
if ( $cnt <= 1 ) {
$exmod = $mods [ 'btl_1' ];
} elseif ( $cnt == 2 ) {
$exmod = $mods [ 'btl_2' ];
} elseif ( $cnt > 2 ) {
$exmod = $mods [ 'btl_3' ];
$expmf = $expmf * $exmod ;
2018-02-27 02:48:51 +00:00
$standart = [
" 0 " => 1 ,
" 1 " => 1 ,
" 2 " => 15 ,
" 3 " => 111 ,
" 4 " => 265 ,
" 5 " => 526 ,
" 6 " => 882 ,
" 7 " => 919 ,
" 8 " => 919 ,
" 9 " => 919 ,
" 10 " => 919 ,
" 11 " => 919 ,
" 12 " => 919 ,
" 13 " => 919 , " 14 " => 919 , " 15 " => 919 , " 16 " => 919 , " 17 " => 919 , " 18 " => 919 , " 19 " => 919 , " 20 " => 919 , " 21 " => 919 , " 22 " => 919 , " 23 " => 919 , " 24 " => 919 , " 25 " => 919 ];
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00
$mfit = ( $at_cost [ 0 ] / ( $standart [ $at [ 'level' ]] / 3 ));
if ( $mfit < 0.8 ) {
$mfit = 0.8 ;
if ( $mfit > 1.5 ) {
$mfit = 1.5 ;
$pls = count ( explode ( " ; " , $bt [ 't1' ])) + count ( explode ( " ; " , $bt [ 't2' ]));
if ( $pls > 2 ) {
$mfbot = $bot_active == true ? 0.3 : 1 ;
$mfbot2 = $bot_def == true ? 0.7 : 1 ;
} else {
$mfbot = 1 ;
$mfbot2 = 1 ;
if ( $expmf == 0 ) {
$expmf = 1 ;
$result = ( $baseexp [ $def [ 'level' ]]) * ( $def_cost [ 0 ] / (( $at_cost [ 0 ] + $def_cost [ 0 ]) / 2 )) * ( $damage / $def [ 'maxhp' ]) * $expmf * $mfit * $mfbot * $mfbot2 ;
$result = $result / 3 ;
$result = round ( $result , 0 );
return $result ;
function vCode ( $LocID , $Stamp )
2018-01-28 21:51:21 +00:00
return md5 ( sha1 ( $LocID . $Stamp ));
2018-01-28 16:40:49 +00:00