diff --git a/functions.php b/functions.php
index 4a734af..a1649ca 100644
--- a/functions.php
+++ b/functions.php
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ require_once 'config.php';
if (isset($_SESSION['uid'])) {
$user = (new users_row($_SESSION['uid']))->result();
-} else {echo "Не могу проинициализировать игрока!";}
+} else {
+ echo "Не могу проинициализировать игрока!";
if (isset($user['id']) && $user['block'] == 1) {
die('user blocked!');
@@ -102,7 +104,9 @@ function takeshopitem($item, $table = "shop", $present = '', $onlyonetrip = '',
if ($rec1['koll']) {
db::c()->query('UPDATE inventory SET koll = (koll + ?i), massa = (massa + ?i), cost = (cost + ?i) WHERE owner = ?i AND prototype = ?i', $koll, $rec1['massa'] * $koll, $rec1['cost'], $uid, $item);
- if (db::c()->getAffectedRows() > 0) return ["img" => $rec1['img'], "name" => $rec1['name']];
+ if (db::c()->getAffectedRows() > 0) {
+ return ["img" => $rec1['img'], "name" => $rec1['name']];
+ }
$rec1['koll'] = $koll;
$rec1['massa'] *= $koll;
@@ -122,14 +126,18 @@ function takeshopitem($item, $table = "shop", $present = '', $onlyonetrip = '',
$sql = "";
while ($rec = $r->fetch_assoc()) {
- if (!$flds[$rec['Field']]) continue;
+ if (!$flds[$rec['Field']]) {
+ continue;
+ }
if ($rec['Field'] == "dategoden") {
$goden = $rec1[$rec['Field']];
if ($rec['Field'] == "goden") {
$goden = $rec1[$rec['Field']];
- if ($rec['Field'] == "id" || $rec['Field'] == "prototype" || $rec['Field'] == "dategoden") continue;
+ if ($rec['Field'] == "id" || $rec['Field'] == "prototype" || $rec['Field'] == "dategoden") {
+ continue;
+ }
$sql .= ", `$rec[Field]` = '" . $rec1[$rec['Field']] . "' ";
@@ -153,22 +161,20 @@ function level_up($uid)
global $exptable;
$us = db::c()->query('SELECT `id`, `login`, `level`, `money`, `exp`, `vinos`, `nextup`, `stats`, `master`, `maxhp`, `ip`, `in_tower` FROM `users` WHERE `id` =?i', $uid)->fetch_assoc();
- if (isset($us['id'])) {
- if ($us['exp'] >= $us['nextup'] && !$us['in_tower']) {
- if ($exptable[$us['nextup']][4] == 1) {
- addch("Персонаж {$us['login']} перешел на " . ($us['level'] + 1) . " уровень.");
- addchp('Внимание! Вы перешли на новый уровень. За это Вы получаете: ' . $exptable[$us['nextup']][3] . ' кр.', '{[]}' . $us['login'] . '{[]}');
- } elseif ($exptable[$us['nextup']][4] == 0) {
- addchp('Внимание! Вы перешли на новый АП. За это Вы получаете: ' . $exptable[$us['nextup']][3] . ' кр.', '{[]}' . $us['login'] . '{[]}');
- }
- $us['nextup'] = $exptable[$us['nextup']][5];
- $us['stats'] += $exptable[$us['nextup']][0];
- $us['master'] += $exptable[$us['nextup']][1];
- $us['vinos'] += $exptable[$us['nextup']][2];
- $us['maxhp'] += ($exptable[$us['nextup']][2] * 6);
- $us['money'] += $exptable[$us['nextup']][3];
- db::c()->query('UPDATE `users` SET `nextup` = ?i, `stats` = ?i, `master` = ?i, `vinos` = ?i, `maxhp` = ?i, `money` = ?i, `level` = ?i WHERE `id` = ?i', $us['nextup'], $us['stats'], $us['master'], $us['vinos'], $us['maxhp'], $us['money'], $us['level'], $us['id']);
+ if (isset($us['id']) && $us['exp'] >= $us['nextup'] && !$us['in_tower']) {
+ if ($exptable[$us['nextup']][4] == 1) {
+ addch("Персонаж {$us['login']} перешел на " . ($us['level'] + 1) . " уровень.");
+ addchp('Внимание! Вы перешли на новый уровень. За это Вы получаете: ' . $exptable[$us['nextup']][3] . ' кр.', '{[]}' . $us['login'] . '{[]}');
+ } elseif ($exptable[$us['nextup']][4] == 0) {
+ addchp('Внимание! Вы перешли на новый АП. За это Вы получаете: ' . $exptable[$us['nextup']][3] . ' кр.', '{[]}' . $us['login'] . '{[]}');
+ $us['nextup'] = $exptable[$us['nextup']][5];
+ $us['stats'] += $exptable[$us['nextup']][0];
+ $us['master'] += $exptable[$us['nextup']][1];
+ $us['vinos'] += $exptable[$us['nextup']][2];
+ $us['maxhp'] += ($exptable[$us['nextup']][2] * 6);
+ $us['money'] += $exptable[$us['nextup']][3];
+ db::c()->query('UPDATE `users` SET `nextup` = ?i, `stats` = ?i, `master` = ?i, `vinos` = ?i, `maxhp` = ?i, `money` = ?i, `level` = ?i WHERE `id` = ?i', $us['nextup'], $us['stats'], $us['master'], $us['vinos'], $us['maxhp'], $us['money'], $us['level'], $us['id']);
@@ -204,7 +210,6 @@ function topsethp()
function nick($user)
- $r = '';
if ($user['align'] > 0) {
$al = $user['align'];
} else {
@@ -215,11 +220,7 @@ function nick($user)
} else {
$cl = '';
- $r .= '
' . $cl . '';
- $r .= '
' . $user['login'] . ' [' . $user['level'] . ']
- $r .= '
' . $user['hp'] . '/' . $user['maxhp'] . '
- $r .= '';
- return $r;
+ return '';
function nick4($id, $st)
@@ -273,11 +274,13 @@ function ClanImage($clan_id)
-function GiveExp($id, $exp){
+function GiveExp($id, $exp)
db::c()->query('UPDATE users SET exp = exp + ?i WHERE id = ?i', $exp, $id);
-function GiveRep($id, $rep){
+function GiveRep($id, $rep)
db::c()->query('UPDATE users SET doblest = (doblest + ?i), rep_laba = (rep_laba + ?i) WHERE `id` = ?i', $rep, $rep, $id);
@@ -285,7 +288,6 @@ function GiveRep($id, $rep){
// полоска НР
function setHP($hp, $maxhp)
- $rr = '';
if ($hp < $maxhp * 0.33) {
$polosa = 'i/1red.gif';
} elseif ($hp < $maxhp * 0.66) {
@@ -293,14 +295,14 @@ function setHP($hp, $maxhp)
} else {
$polosa = 'i/1green.gif';
- $rr .= "';
- $rr .= '' . $hp . '/' . $maxhp . '';
- return $rr;
+ $polosa_width = (122 * ($hp / $maxhp));
+ $silver_polosa_width = (122 - 122 * ($hp / $maxhp));
+ return <<
+$hp / $maxhp
@@ -311,7 +313,7 @@ function setHP($hp, $maxhp)
function showProgressBar($current, $maximum, $line_color = 'limegreen', $bg_color = 'silver')
$bar = round($current / $maximum * 100);
- $output = <<
@@ -319,7 +321,6 @@ function showProgressBar($current, $maximum, $line_color = 'limegreen', $bg_colo
$current / $maximum
- return $output;
function echoscroll($slot)
@@ -372,7 +373,9 @@ function showhrefmagic($dress)
$r = '';
$script = 'main';
- if ($user['battle']) $script = 'fbattle';
+ if ($user['battle']) {
+ $script = 'fbattle';
+ }
$r .= "
@@ -554,10 +557,17 @@ function showinf_pers($id, $battle = 0, $me = 0) //FIXME 37 запросов! Т
} else {
$r .= '';
- if (!empty($user['align'])) $r .= "
- if ($user['block']) $r .= "
- else $r .= "
$user[login] ";
- if (!empty($user['klan'])) $r .= "
+ if (!empty($user['align'])) {
+ $r .= "
+ }
+ if ($user['block']) {
+ $r .= "
+ } else {
+ $r .= "
$user[login] ";
+ }
+ if (!empty($user['klan'])) {
+ $r .= "
+ }
$r .= '
$r .= showProgressBar($user['hp'], $user['maxhp']);
@@ -608,8 +618,8 @@ HTML;
if ($user['bron'] > 0 || $user['rybax'] > 0 || $user['plaw'] > 0) {
- $title = '';
$d = '';
+ $title = '';
if ($user['plaw']) {
$d = $user['plaw'];
if ($user['bron']) {
@@ -792,8 +802,11 @@ HTML;
if ($user['klan']) {
$clann = db::c()->query('SELECT `name`, `glava` FROM `clans` WHERE `id` = ?i', $user['klan'])->fetch_assoc();
$r .= $clann['name'];
- if ($clann['glava'] == $user['id']) $r .= " - Глава клана
- elseif (!empty($user['status'])) $r .= " - " . $user['status'] . "
+ if ($clann['glava'] == $user['id']) {
+ $r .= " - Глава клана
+ } elseif (!empty($user['status'])) {
+ $r .= " - " . $user['status'] . "
+ }
if ($user['borntime']) {
@@ -803,7 +816,9 @@ HTML;
$r .= 'День рождения персонажа: ' . $date3 . '
- if ($user['palcom']) $r .= "
+ if ($user['palcom']) {
+ $r .= "
+ }
$r .= '
} else {
@@ -1092,16 +1107,24 @@ function showpersout($pas = 0) //FIXME Сделать по человеческ
Сила: = $user['sila'] ?>
- (+" . $param_bonus['sila'] . ")"; ?>
+ (+" . $param_bonus['sila'] . ")";
+ } ?>
Ловкость: = $user['lovk'] ?>
- (+" . $param_bonus['lovk'] . ")"; ?>
+ (+" . $param_bonus['lovk'] . ")";
+ } ?>
Интуиция: = $user['inta'] ?>
- (+" . $param_bonus['inta'] . ")"; ?>
+ (+" . $param_bonus['inta'] . ")";
+ } ?>
Выносливость:= $user['vinos'] ?>
- (+" . $param_bonus['vinos'] . ")"; ?>
+ (+" . $param_bonus['vinos'] . ")";
+ } ?>
Интеллект: = $user['intel'] ?>
Мудрость: = $user['mudra'] ?>
@@ -1158,20 +1181,22 @@ function addActions($time, $vars, $vls, $uid)
db::c()->query('LOCK TABLES `actions` WRITE');
$ins = db::c()->query('INSERT INTO `actions` (`uid`,`time`,`city`,`room`,`vars`,`ip`,`vals`) VALUES (?i, ?i, "?s", ?i, "?s", "?s", "?s")', $uid, $time, "capitalcity", 0, $vars, $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'], $vls);
db::c()->query('UNLOCK TABLES');
- if ($ins) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
+ return $ins;
function plusorminus($n, $shownum = 1)
if (empty($shownum)) {
- if ($n >= 2) return "++";
- if ($n > 0) return "+";
- if ($n < 0) return "-";
+ if ($n >= 2) {
+ return "++";
+ }
+ if ($n > 0) {
+ return "+";
+ }
+ if ($n < 0) {
+ return "-";
+ }
if ($n >= 0) {
return "+$n";
@@ -1270,7 +1295,9 @@ function dropitemid($slot, $id)
$user[$slot1] = 0;
return true;
- } else return false;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
// снять предмет
@@ -1380,8 +1407,9 @@ function dropitem($slot)
`u`.`fauvorot` = `u`.`fauvorot` - `i`.`mfauvorot`,
`u`.`uminu` = `u`.`uminu` - `i`.`minu`,
`u`.`umaxu` = `u`.`umaxu` - `i`.`maxu`
- WHERE `i`.`id` = `u`.?f AND `i`.`dressed` = 1 AND `i`.`owner` = ?i AND u.id = ?i', $slot1, $slot1, $user['id'], $user['id']))
+ WHERE `i`.`id` = `u`.?f AND `i`.`dressed` = 1 AND `i`.`owner` = ?i AND u.id = ?i', $slot1, $slot1, $user['id'], $user['id'])) {
db::c()->query('UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = `maxhp`, `fullhptime` = ?i WHERE `hp` > `maxhp` AND `id` = ?i', time(), $user['id']);
+ }
$wear_raw = db::c()->query('SELECT * FROM `inventory` where `owner` = ?i AND `dressed` = 1', $user['id']);
while ($wear_list = $wear_raw->fetch_assoc()) {
@@ -1403,17 +1431,13 @@ function dropitem($slot)
//если прото в комплекте и не одет
if (in_array($get_pro['prototype'], $temp_is) && (!in_array($get_pro['prototype'], $wear_arr))) {
$checker = 1;
- // echo("
- //foreach($temp_is as $tis) echo($tis."
//для каждого одетого предмета
- foreach ($temp_is as $check_proto)
- if ($check_proto != $get_pro['prototype']) {
- if (!in_array($check_proto, $wear_arr)) {
- $checker = 0;
- }
- // echo("Checker=".$checker." at set #".$set_id." item #".$check_proto." Compare=".$get_pro['prototype']."
+ foreach ($temp_is as $check_proto) {
+ if ($check_proto != $get_pro['prototype'] && !in_array($check_proto, $wear_arr)) {
+ $checker = 0;
- //echo("Checker=".$checker." at set #".$set_id);
+ }
@@ -1466,7 +1490,9 @@ function ref_drop()
$user = db::c()->query('SELECT `id`, `align` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?i', $_SESSION['uid'])->fetch_assoc();
$ts = db::c()->query('SELECT `id`, `nalign` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i', $id)->fetch_assoc();
$al = '(1 = 1)';
- if ($ts['nalign'] == 1.1) $al = '(1 = 2)';
+ if ($ts['nalign'] == 1.1) {
+ $al = '(1 = 2)';
+ }
$dd = db::c()->query('SELECT `i`.`id` FROM `users` AS `u`, `inventory` AS `i`
`i`.`needident` = 0 AND
@@ -1494,11 +1520,7 @@ function ref_drop()
`u`.`mdark` >= `i`.`ndark` AND
`i`.`setsale` = 0 AND
`u`.`id` = ?i', $id, $user['id'], $al, $user['align'], $user['id']);
- if ($dd->getNumRows() > 0) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
+ return $dd->getNumRows() > 0;
$slot = ['sergi', 'kulon', 'weap', 'bron', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'helm', 'perchi', 'shit', 'boots', 'm1', 'm2', 'm3', 'm4', 'm5', 'm6', 'm7', 'm8', 'm9', 'm10'];
@@ -1560,6 +1582,9 @@ function destructitem($id)
case 23:
$slot1 = 'plaw';
+ default:
+ $slot1 = 'weap';
+ break;
if ($dress['type'] == 5) {
if ($user['r1'] == $dress['id']) {
@@ -1592,8 +1617,10 @@ function destructitem($id)
$slot1 = 'm10';
- if (($dress['owner'] == $user['id'])) {
- if ($dress['dressed'] == 1) db::c()->query('UPDATE `users` SET ?f = 0 WHERE `id` = ?i', $slot1, $user['id']);
+ if ($dress['owner'] == $user['id']) {
+ if ($dress['dressed'] == 1) {
+ db::c()->query('UPDATE `users` SET ?f = 0 WHERE `id` = ?i', $slot1, $user['id']);
+ }
db::c()->query('DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i', $id);
@@ -1617,68 +1644,72 @@ function usemagic($id)
$charge = $incmagic['needcharge'];
- if (($all_magic[$user['id']] < 1) || ($charge == '0')) {
- if ((($user['sila'] >= $row['nsila']) &&
- ($user['lovk'] >= $row['nlovk']) &&
- ($user['inta'] >= $row['ninta']) &&
- ($user['vinos'] >= $row['nvinos']) &&
- ($user['intel'] >= $row['nintel']) &&
- ($user['level'] >= $row['nlevel']) &&
- (($user['align'] > 7 && $user['align'] < 8) || ((int)$user['align'] == (int)$row['nalign']) || ($row['nalign'] == 0)) &&
- ($user['noj'] >= $row['nnoj']) &&
- ($user['topor'] >= $row['ntopor']) &&
- ($user['dubina'] >= $row['ndubina']) &&
- ($user['mec'] >= $row['nmech']) &&
- ($row['type'] < 13 || $row['type'] == 50) && ($user['mfire'] >= $row['nfire']) &&
- ($user['mwater'] >= $row['nwater']) &&
- ($user['mair'] >= $row['nair']) &&
- ($user['mearth'] >= $row['nearth']) &&
- ($user['mlight'] >= $row['nlight']) &&
- ($user['mgray'] >= $row['ngray']) &&
- ($user['mdark'] >= $row['ndark']) &&
- ($row['needident'] == 0)
- ) || $row['magic'] == 48 || $row['magic'] == 50) {
+ if ((($all_magic[$user['id']] < 1) || ($charge == '0')) &&
+ (($user['sila'] >= $row['nsila']) &&
+ ($user['lovk'] >= $row['nlovk']) &&
+ ($user['inta'] >= $row['ninta']) &&
+ ($user['vinos'] >= $row['nvinos']) &&
+ ($user['intel'] >= $row['nintel']) &&
+ ($user['level'] >= $row['nlevel']) &&
+ (($user['align'] > 7 && $user['align'] < 8) || ((int)$user['align'] == (int)$row['nalign']) || ($row['nalign'] == 0)) &&
+ ($user['noj'] >= $row['nnoj']) &&
+ ($user['topor'] >= $row['ntopor']) &&
+ ($user['dubina'] >= $row['ndubina']) &&
+ ($user['mec'] >= $row['nmech']) &&
+ ($row['type'] < 13 || $row['type'] == 50) && ($user['mfire'] >= $row['nfire']) &&
+ ($user['mwater'] >= $row['nwater']) &&
+ ($user['mair'] >= $row['nair']) &&
+ ($user['mearth'] >= $row['nearth']) &&
+ ($user['mlight'] >= $row['nlight']) &&
+ ($user['mgray'] >= $row['ngray']) &&
+ ($user['mdark'] >= $row['ndark']) &&
+ ($row['needident'] == 0)
+ ) || $row['magic'] == 48 || $row['magic'] == 50) {
- if (!$row['magic']) {
- $incmagic['name'] = $row['includemagicname'];
- $incmagic['cur'] = $row['includemagicdex'];
- $incmagic['max'] = $row['includemagicmax'];
- if ($incmagic['cur'] <= 0) {
- return false;
- }
- $magic['targeted'] = $incmagic['targeted'];
- echo "";
- include("magic/" . $incmagic['file']);
- echo "";
+ if (!$row['magic']) {
+ $incmagic['name'] = $row['includemagicname'];
+ $incmagic['cur'] = $row['includemagicdex'];
+ $incmagic['max'] = $row['includemagicmax'];
+ if ($incmagic['cur'] <= 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $magic['targeted'] = $incmagic['targeted'];
+ echo "";
+ include("magic/" . $incmagic['file']);
+ echo "";
+ } else {
+ echo "";
+ include("magic/" . $magic['file']);
+ echo "";
+ }
+ if ($bat) {
+ if ($row['maxdur'] <= ($row['duration'] + 1)) {
+ destructitem($row['id']);
} else {
- echo "";
- include("magic/" . $magic['file']);
- echo "";
- }
- if ($bat) {
- if ($row['maxdur'] <= ($row['duration'] + 1)) {
- destructitem($row['id']);
+ if (!$row['magic']) {
+ db::c()->query('UPDATE `inventory` SET `includemagicdex` =`includemagicdex` - ?i WHERE id = ?i', $bat, $row['id']);
} else {
- if (!$row['magic']) {
- db::c()->query('UPDATE `inventory` SET `includemagicdex` =`includemagicdex` - ?i WHERE id = ?i', $bat, $row['id']);
- } else {
- db::c()->query('UPDATE `inventory` SET duration = duration + ?i WHERE id = ?i', $bat, $row['id']);
- }
+ db::c()->query('UPDATE `inventory` SET duration = duration + ?i WHERE id = ?i', $bat, $row['id']);
- if (!$charge) $charge = 0;
- //ограничение по кол-ву за ход
- if ($user['battle'] > 0)
- $bat = db::c()->query('SELECT * FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = ?i', $user['battle'])->fetch_assoc_array();
- if ($bat['magic'] == '')
- $all_magic = [];
- else
- $all_magic = unserialize($bat['magic']);
- $all_magic[$user['id']] += $charge;
- db::c()->query('UPDATE `battle` SET `magic`= "?s" WHERE id = ?i', serialize($all_magic), $user['battle']);
+ if (!$charge) {
+ $charge = 0;
+ }
+ //ограничение по кол-ву за ход
+ if ($user['battle'] > 0) {
+ $bat = db::c()->query('SELECT * FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = ?i', $user['battle'])->fetch_assoc_array();
+ }
+ if ($bat['magic'] == '') {
+ $all_magic = [];
+ } else {
+ $all_magic = unserialize($bat['magic']);
+ }
+ $all_magic[$user['id']] += $charge;
+ db::c()->query('UPDATE `battle` SET `magic`= "?s" WHERE id = ?i', serialize($all_magic), $user['battle']);
+ return false;
function addch($text, $room = 0)
@@ -1719,7 +1750,9 @@ function addchp($text, $who, $room = 0)
function AddChatSystem($msg)
- if ($msg) {db::c()->query('INSERT INTO `chat` (`cid`,`msg`,`type`) VALUES (?i,"?s","?s")', 1, $msg, 'sys');}
+ if ($msg) {
+ db::c()->query('INSERT INTO `chat` (`cid`,`msg`,`type`) VALUES (?i,"?s","?s")', 1, $msg, 'sys');
+ }
function err($t)
@@ -1906,7 +1939,9 @@ function err($t)
function telegraph($userId, $text)
db::c()->query('SELECT 1 FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?i', $userId)->fetch_assoc();
- if (db::c()->getAffectedRows()) db::c()->query('INSERT INTO `telegraph` (receiver, text) VALUES (?i,"?s")', $userId, $text);
+ if (db::c()->getAffectedRows()) {
+ db::c()->query('INSERT INTO `telegraph` (receiver, text) VALUES (?i,"?s")', $userId, $text);
+ }
function get_meshok()
@@ -1924,9 +1959,11 @@ function getItemsMassaInfo()
$i_row = db::c()->query('SELECT SUM(`massa`) AS `massa`, SUM(`gmeshok`) AS `massa_bonus` FROM `inventory` WHERE `setsale` = 0 AND `owner` = ?i', $_SESSION['uid'])->fetch_assoc();
$u_row = db::c()->query('SELECT `sila` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?i', $_SESSION['uid'])->fetch_assoc();
- if ($i_row['massa'] > $u_row['sila'] * 4 + $i_row['massa_bonus'])
+ if ($i_row['massa'] > $u_row['sila'] * 4 + $i_row['massa_bonus']) {
return "" . $i_row['massa'] . "/" . ($u_row['sila'] * 4 + $i_row['massa_bonus']);
- else return $i_row['massa'] . "/" . ($u_row['sila'] * 4 + $i_row['massa_bonus']);
+ } else {
+ return $i_row['massa'] . "/" . ($u_row['sila'] * 4 + $i_row['massa_bonus']);
+ }
function addlog($id, $log)
@@ -1942,7 +1979,7 @@ function addlog($id, $log)
function star_sign($month, $day)
- if (empty($month) or empty($day)) {
+ if (empty($month) || empty($day)) {
$month = (int)sprintf("%02d", mt_rand(1, 12));
$day = (int)sprintf("%02d", mt_rand(1, 29));
@@ -2033,8 +2070,8 @@ function SolveExp($at_id, $def_id, $damage)
$pls = count(explode(";", $bt['t1'])) + count(explode(";", $bt['t2']));
if ($pls > 2) {
- $mfbot = $bot_active == true ? 0.3 : 1;
- $mfbot2 = $bot_def == true ? 0.7 : 1;
+ $mfbot = $bot_active ? 0.3 : 1;
+ $mfbot2 = $bot_def ? 0.7 : 1;
} else {
$mfbot = 1;
$mfbot2 = 1;
@@ -2042,10 +2079,8 @@ function SolveExp($at_id, $def_id, $damage)
if ($expmf == 0) {
$expmf = 1;
- $result = ($baseexp[$def['level']]) * ($def_cost[0] / (($at_cost[0] + $def_cost[0]) / 2)) * ($damage / $def['maxhp']) * $expmf * $mfit * $mfbot * $mfbot2;
- $result = $result / 3;
- $result = round($result, 0);
- return $result;
+ return round((($baseexp[$def['level']]) * ($def_cost[0] / (($at_cost[0] + $def_cost[0]) / 2)) * ($damage / $def['maxhp']) * $expmf * $mfit * $mfbot * $mfbot2) / 3, 0);
@@ -2059,7 +2094,9 @@ function SolveExp($at_id, $def_id, $damage)
function addToDelo($message, $user_id = 0, $type = 1)
- if (empty($user_id)) $user_id = $_SESSION['uid'];
+ if (empty($user_id)) {
+ $user_id = $_SESSION['uid'];
+ }
db::c()->query('INSERT INTO `delo` (pers, text, type, date) VALUES (?i,"?s",?i,?i)', $user_id, $message, $type, time());
return true;
@@ -2096,18 +2133,23 @@ function addOnePoint($name, $param = null)
'mgray' => 'Магия серости',
'mdark' => 'Магия тьмы',
- if ($param == 'stat' and in_array($name, $allowed_stats)) {
+ if ($param == 'stat' && in_array($name, $allowed_stats)) {
db::c()->query('UPDATE `users` SET ?f = ?f + 1, `stats` = `stats` - 1 WHERE `id` = ?i', $name, $name, $_SESSION['uid']);
echo "Параметр {$naming[$name]} увеличен на 1 ед.";
- } elseif ($param == 'mastery' and in_array($name, $allowed_mastery)) {
+ } elseif ($param == 'mastery' && in_array($name, $allowed_mastery)) {
$mastery_level = db::c()->query('SELECT ?f FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?i', $name, $_SESSION['uid'])->fetch_assoc();
if ($mastery_level[$name] < 10) {
db::c()->query('UPDATE `users` SET ?f = ?f + 1, `master` = `master` - 1 WHERE `id` = ?i', $name, $name, $_SESSION['uid']);
echo "Параметр {$naming[$name]} увеличен на 1 ед.";
- } else echo "Ошибка: параметр достиг максимального значения!";
- } else return null;
+ } else {
+ echo "Ошибка: параметр достиг максимального значения!";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
-function checkIntInRange($int, $min = 1, $max = PHP_INT_MAX) {
+function checkIntInRange($int, $min = 1, $max = PHP_INT_MAX)
return (int)filter_var($int, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, ['options' => ['min_range' => $min, 'max_range' => $max]]);
\ No newline at end of file