Убрал дубликаты файлов.

This commit is contained in:
lopar 2020-08-30 18:38:06 +03:00
parent 484c397624
commit 967c96ddf7
4 changed files with 0 additions and 138 deletions

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
$bots = array(
1 => 10025,
2 => 10026,
3 => 10027,
4 => 10028,
5 => 10031,
6 => 10032,
7 => 10033,
8 => 10034);
$botnames = array(
1 => "Паук",
2 => "Тарантул",
3 => "Гигантская крыса",
4 => "Покровитель нечести",
5 => "Нечто",
6 => "Обезумевший крыс",
7 => "Призрак короля крыс ",
8 => "Обезумевший палач");

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
if(in_array($user['room'], $caverooms)) {
$floor = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT `floor` FROM `caveparties` WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"));
if(!isset($cavedata[$user['room']]['x'.$floor])) {
$floor = 1;
$lomka1 = $lomka;
foreach($lomka1 as $k => $v) {
if($v < _BOTSEPARATOR_) {
if(in_array($user['room'], $caverooms)) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `floor` = $floor, `x` = '".$cavedata[$user['room']]['x'.$floor]."', `y` = '".$cavedata[$user['room']]['y'.$floor]."', `dir` = '".$cavedata[$user['room']]['dir'.$floor]."', `loses` = (`loses`+1) WHERE `user` = '$v' LIMIT 1");
if($user['laba'] > 0) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `x` = `xf`, `y` = `yr` WHERE `id` = "'.$v.'" LIMIT 1');

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
function getchance($p)
if (mt_rand(1, 100) <= $p) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function cavesys($text)
global $user;
if ($fp = @fopen("tmp/chat.txt", "a")) {
flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
fputs($fp, ":[" . time() . "]:[!cavesys!!]:[$text]:[$user[caveleader]]\r\n");
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
if(in_array($user['room'], $caverooms)) {
mysql_query('LOCK TABLES `actions` WRITE, `cavebots` WRITE, `caveitems` WRITE, `shop` WRITE, `caveparties` WRITE');
$location = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `x`, `y`, `dir`, `floor` FROM `caveparties` WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"));
if($location['dir'] == 0) {
$y = $location['y']*2;
$x = ($location['x']-1)*2;
if($location['dir'] == 1) {
$y = ($location['y']-1)*2;
$x = $location['x']*2;
if($location['dir'] == 2) {
$y = $location['y']*2;
$x = ($location['x']+1)*2;
if($location['dir'] == 3) {
$y = ($location['y']+1)*2;
$x = $location['x']*2;
$floor = $location['floor'];
$r = mysql_query("SELECT `bot`, `x`, `y`, `cnt` FROM `cavebots` WHERE `battle` = '".$this->battle_data["id"]."'");
$i = 0; $cnt = 0;
while($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) {
$bot = $rec['bot'];
$cnt = $rec['cnt'];
if(@$caveitems[$bot]) {
if($user['room'] == 621) {
$i = mt_rand(0, (count($caveitems[$bot]) - 1));
$item = $caveitems[$bot][$i];
if(getchance($item['chance'])) {
$it = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `img` FROM `$item[from]` WHERE `id` = $item[id] LIMIT 1"));
$podz = 1;
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `caveitems` SET `podzem` = "'.$item['podzem'].'", `leader` = "'.$user['caveleader'].'", `x` = "'.$rec['x'].'", `y` = "'.$rec['y'].'", `floor` = "'.$floor.'", `name` = "'.$it['name'].'", `img` = "'.$it['img'].'", `item` = "'.$item['id'].'"'.($item['foronetrip'] ? ", `foronetrip` = 1" : ""));
cavesys("У <b>".$cavebots[$bot]."</b> был предмет <b>$it[name]</b> и кто угодно может подобрать его.");
$this->AddToLog('<span class=date>'.date("H:i")."</span> У <b>".$cavebots[$bot]."</b> был предмет <b>$it[name]</b>.<BR>");
if($user['caveleader'] > 0) {
$bots = array(1 => 10025, 2 => 10026, 3 => 10027, 4 => 10028, 5 => 10031, 6 => 10032, 7 => 10033, 8 => 10034);
$tp = 1;
while($tp <= $cnt) {
$vars = 'win_bot_'.$bots[$bot];
$ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `actions` (`uid`, `time`, `city`, `room`, `vars`, `ip`, `vals`) VALUES ("'.$user['id'].'", "'.time().'", "capitalcity", "0", "'.mysql_real_escape_string($vars).'", "'.mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']).'", "0")');
if(!$ins) {
echo mysql_error();
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `cavebots` WHERE `battle` = '".$this->battle_data["id"]."'");
mysql_query('UNLOCK TABLES');

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
if($user['room'] == 621) {
$caveitems[1] = array(array('id' => 1126, 'from' => 'shop', 'foronetrip' => 0, 'chance' => 50, 'podzem' => 1));
$caveitems[2] = array(array('id' => 1125, 'from' => 'shop', 'foronetrip' => 0, 'chance' => 40, 'podzem' => 1));
$caveitems[3] = array(array('id' => 1127, 'from' => 'shop', 'foronetrip' => 0, 'chance' => 15, 'podzem' => 1));
$caveitems[4] = array(array('id' => 1128, 'from' => 'shop', 'foronetrip' => 0, 'chance' => 5, 'podzem' => 1));
$caveitems[5] = array(array('id' => 1126, 'from' => 'shop', 'foronetrip' => 0, 'chance' => 60, 'podzem' => 1));
$caveitems[6] = array(array('id' => 1130, 'from' => 'shop', 'foronetrip' => 0, 'chance' => 7), 'podzem' => 1);
$caveitems[7] = array(array('id' => 1129, 'from' => 'shop', 'foronetrip' => 0, 'chance' => 10, 'podzem' => 1));
$caveitems[8] = array(array('id' => 1131, 'from' => 'shop', 'foronetrip' => 0, 'chance' => 5, 'podzem' => 1));