Надеюсь рабочая гравировка. ;)

This commit is contained in:
Igor Barkov [iwork] 2018-12-12 19:16:36 +02:00
parent 59ded2a9bf
commit d4244d17d3

View File

@ -12,22 +12,26 @@ if ($user['battle'] != 0) {
// Гравировка 30 кред.
if (input::post('set') && input::post('count') && ($user['money'] >= 30)) {
if (db::c()->query('UPDATE `inventory` SET `text` = "?s" WHERE `dressed` = 0 AND `setsale` = 0 AND `owner` = ?i AND `id` = ?i', input::post('count'), $_SESSION['uid'], input::post('set')))
// Гравировка 30 кред. Максимум 32 символа.
if (input::post('gravirovka_text') AND input::post('itemId') AND ($user['money'] >= 30)) {
if (33 > iconv_strlen(input::post('gravirovka_text'))) {
db::c()->query('UPDATE `inventory` SET `text` = "?s" WHERE `dressed` = 0 AND `setsale` = 0 AND `owner` = ?i AND `id` = ?i', input::post('count'), $_SESSION['uid'], input::post('set'));
db::c()->query('UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - 30 WHERE `id` = ?i', $_SESSION['uid']);
$status = 'Гравировка добавлена!';
} else $status = 'Превышен лимит в 32 символа!';
// Снять гравировку
if ($_GET['rep'] && ($_GET['sid'] == 2)) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `inventory` SET `text` = '' WHERE `owner` = '{$user['id']}' AND `dressed` = 0 AND `id` = '" . (int)$_GET['rep'] . "' LIMIT 1");
// Снять гравировку.
if (input::post('gravirovka_remove')) {
db::c()->query('UPDATE `inventory` SET `text` = ?n WHERE `id` = ?i AND `owner` = ?i', null, input::post('gravirovka_remove'), $_SESSION['uid']);
$status = 'Гравировка удалена!';
// Ремонт 0,5 кред за единицу.
if (input::post('action') == 'repair') {
if (input::post('action') == 'repair' AND input::post('itemId')) {
$q = db::c()->query('SELECT `name`, `duration` FROM `inventory` WHERE id = ?i', input::post('itemId'))->fetch_assoc();
if (ceil($q['duration'] / 2) < $user['money']) {
db::c()->query('UPDATE `inventory` SET `maxdur` = `maxdur` - 1, `duration` = 0 WHERE `id` = ?i AND `owner` = ?i', input::post('itemId'), $_SESSION['uid']);
db::c()->query('UPDATE `inventory` SET `maxdur` = `maxdur` - 1, `duration` = 0 WHERE `dressed` = 0 AND `setsale` = 0 AND `id` = ?i AND `owner` = ?i', input::post('itemId'), $_SESSION['uid']);
db::c()->query('UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - ?i WHERE `id` = ?i', ceil($q['duration'] / 2), $_SESSION['uid']);
addToDelo('Отремонтирован предмет «' . $q['name'] . '» id:(' . input::post('itemId') . ') за ' . ceil($q['duration'] / 2) . ' кр.');
$status = 'Предмет отремонтирован!';
@ -267,11 +271,11 @@ if ($_GET['podgon']) {
if (input::post('goto') == 'remont') {
$remont_query = db::c()->query('SELECT `name`,`duration`,`maxdur`,`img`,`id` FROM `inventory` WHERE `type` < 12 AND `dressed` = 0 AND `isrep` = 1 AND `setsale` = 0 AND `duration` > 0 AND `owner` = ?i ORDER BY `update` DESC', $_SESSION['uid']);
$remont_query = db::c()->query('SELECT `id`,`name`,`img`,`duration`,`maxdur` FROM `inventory` WHERE `type` < 12 AND `dressed` = 0 AND `isrep` = 1 AND `setsale` = 0 AND `duration` > 0 AND `owner` = ?i ORDER BY `update` DESC', $_SESSION['uid']);
if (input::post('goto') == 'gravirovka') {
$gravirovka_query = db::c()->query('SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = ?i AND `dressed` = 0 AND `type` = 3 AND `name` NOT LIKE "?S" AND `setsale` = 0 OR `text` <> "?s" AND `owner` = ?i ORDER by `update` DESC', $_SESSION['uid'], '%Букет%', '', $_SESSION['uid']);
$gravirovka_query = db::c()->query('SELECT `id`,`name`,`img`,`text` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = ?i AND `dressed` = 0 AND `type` = 3 AND `name` NOT LIKE "?S" AND `setsale` = 0 OR `text` <> "?s" AND `owner` = ?i ORDER by `update` DESC', $_SESSION['uid'], '%Букет%', '', $_SESSION['uid']);
@ -284,7 +288,6 @@ if (input::post('goto') == 'gravirovka') {
<h1>Ремонтная мастерская</h1>
<a href=# onclick=leave()> ← выйти из мастерской</a><br>
<div class="appblock appblock-main">
<span class="legend">Информация</span>
<span class="wrap">Кредиты<span class="num"><?= $user['money'] ?></span></span>
@ -296,8 +299,8 @@ if (input::post('goto') == 'gravirovka') {
<input type="hidden" name="goto" value="remont">
<input type="submit" value="Войти">
<span class="wrap">Починка поврежденных предметов. Починка дело непростое: в процессе ремонта состояние предмета
уменьшится на единицу!</span>
<span class="wrap">Починка поврежденных предметов. В процессе ремонта состояние предмета
уменьшится на единицу!</span>
<div class="appblock">
<span class="legend">Зал гравировки</span>
@ -305,7 +308,8 @@ if (input::post('goto') == 'gravirovka') {
<input type="hidden" name="goto" value="gravirovka">
<input type="submit" value="Войти">
<span class="wrap">Нанесение надписей на оружие.</span>
<span class="wrap">Нанесение надписей на оружие и удаление надписей из любого обмундирования.
Максимум 32 символа!</span>
<div class="appblock">
<span class="legend">Зал зачарований</span>
@ -345,7 +349,7 @@ if (input::post('goto') == 'gravirovka') {
<div class="appblock">
<span class="legend"><?= $row['name'] ?></span>
<span class="wrap">Состояние предмета<span class="num"><?= $row['duration'] ?>/<?= $row['maxdur'] ?></span></span>
<span class="wrap">Стоимость ремонта<span class="num"><?= ceil($row['duration'] / 2) ?></span></span>
<span class="wrap">Стоимость услуги<span class="num"><?= ceil($row['duration'] / 2) ?></span></span>
<div style="text-align: center">
<img src="i/sh/<?= $row['img'] ?>">
<form method="post">
@ -361,14 +365,23 @@ if (input::post('goto') == 'gravirovka') {
while ($row = $gravirovka_query->fetch_assoc()): ?>
<div class="appblock">
<span class="legend"><?= $row['name'] ?></span>
<span class="wrap">Стоимость услуги<span class="num">30</span></span>
<div style="text-align: center">
[<?= $row['text'] ?>]
<br><img src="i/sh/<?= $row['img'] ?>">
<br><? if (empty($row['text'])) { ?><A HREF="#"
onclick="AddCount(<?= $row['id'] ?>)">
Нанести надпись за 30 кр.</A><BR><? } else {
?><A HREF="?razdel=1&rep=<?= $row['id'] ?>&sid=2">Стереть надпись</A><BR><?
} ?>
<?php if (empty($row['text'])): ?>
<form method="post" id="gravirovka">
<input maxlength="32" placeholder="Текст гравировки" name="gravirovka_text">
<img src="i/sh/<?= $row['img'] ?>"><br>
<input type="hidden" name="itemId" value="<?= $row['id'] ?>">
<input type="submit" value="Добавить надпись">
<?php else: ?>
<form method="post" id="gravirovka">
<input value="<?= $row['text'] ?>" readonly title>
<img src="i/sh/<?= $row['img'] ?>"><br>
<input type="hidden" name="gravirovka_remove" value="<?= $row['id'] ?>">
<input type="submit" value="Удалить надпись">
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
@ -480,29 +493,10 @@ if (input::post('goto') == 'gravirovka') {
<div id="hint3" class="ahint"></div>
function AddCount(name) {
document.all("hint3").innerHTML = ' <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="repair.php?razdel=1"><table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 bgcolor="#CCC3AA"><tr><td align=center><B>Гравировка</td><td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: hand" onclick="closehint3();"><BIG><B>x</TD></tr><tr><td colspan=2>' +
'<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor="#FFF6DD"><tr><INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="set" value="' + name + '"><td colspan=2 align=center><small>Какую надпись желаете выгравировать:</small></td></tr><tr><td width=80% align=right>' +
'<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="count" size=30></td><td width=20%>&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="submit" value=" »» ">' +
document.all("hint3").style.visibility = "visible";
document.all("hint3").style.left = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft - 20;
document.all("hint3").style.top = event.y + document.body.scrollTop + 5;
function closehint3() {
document.all("hint3").style.visibility = "hidden";
function leave() {
top.frames['main'].location = 'city.php?cp'