Code clean

This commit is contained in:
lopar 2021-03-10 23:05:38 +02:00
parent d78b2eda34
commit fec3857435
2 changed files with 159 additions and 121 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
"use strict"
// Функция для определения координат указателя мыши
function defPosition(event) {
var x = y = 0;
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
if (document.attachEvent != null) { // Internet Explorer & Opera
x = window.event.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft);
y = window.event.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop);
@ -16,7 +17,6 @@ function defPosition(event) {
return {x:x, y:y};
var flagpop=0;
var clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client();
clip.setHandCursor( true );
@ -30,12 +30,14 @@ var flagpop=0;
* @return {boolean}
function OpenMenu(evt,level){
let flagpop = 0
let login
let menu = document.getElementById("oMenu")
let html;
evt = evt || window.event;
evt.cancelBubble = true;
// Показываем собственное контекстное меню
var menu = document.getElementById("oMenu");
var html = "";
login=( || evt.srcElement).innerHTML;
login = ( || evt.srcElement).innerHTML;
@ -60,8 +62,8 @@ function OpenMenu(evt,level){ = defPosition(evt).x + "px"; = "";
if (flagpop==0){
if (flagpop === 0){
flagpop = 1;
clip.glue( 'd_clip_button' )

View File

@ -1,147 +1,183 @@
var Hint3Name = '';
function errmess(s)
function highlight()
if (step) return(0);
step = 0;
function errmess(s) {
messid.innerHTML = '<B>' + s + '</B>';
function dohi()
var hx=new Array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,"A","B","C","D","E","F");
if (step>0) setTimeout(dohi,50);
function highlight() {
if (step) return (0);
step = 10;
setTimeout(dohi, 50);
function fixspaces(s)
while (s.substr(s.length-1,s.length)==" ") s=s.substr(0,s.length-1);
while (s.substr(0,1)==" ") s=s.substr(1,s.length);
function dohi() {
let hx = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"];
step--; = "#" + hx[Math.floor(15 - step / 2)] + ((step & 1) ? "F" : "8") + "0000";
if (step > 0) setTimeout(dohi, 50);
function fixspaces(s) {
while (s.substr(s.length - 1, s.length) == " ") s = s.substr(0, s.length - 1);
while (s.substr(0, 1) == " ") s = s.substr(1, s.length);
return (s);
// Заголовок, название скрипта, имя поля с логином
function findlogin(title, script, name, defaultlogin)
document.all("hint3").innerHTML = '<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCC3AA"><tr><td align=center><B>'+title+'</td><td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: hand" onclick="closehint3();"><BIG><B>x</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>'+
'<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FFF6DD"><tr><form action="'+script+'" method=POST name=slform><td colspan=2>'+
'Укажите логин персонажа:<small><BR>(можно щелкнуть по логину в чате)</TD></TR><TR><TD width=50% align=right><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="'+name+'" value="'+defaultlogin+'"></TD><TD width=50%><INPUT type=image SRC="/i/b__ok.gif" WIDTH="25" HEIGHT="18" BORDER=0 ALT="" onclick="slform.'+name+'.value=fixspaces(slform.'+name+'.value);"></TD></TR></FORM></TABLE></td></tr></table>';
document.all("hint3").style.visibility = "visible";
document.all("hint3").style.left = 100;
document.all("hint3") = 60;
Hint3Name = name;
function findlogin(title, script, name1, defaultlogin) {
let hint3 = document.getElementById("hint3");
hint3.innerHTML = `
<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCC3AA">
<td align=center>
<td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: hand" onclick="closehint3();">
<td colspan=2>
<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FFF6DD">
<form action="${script}" method=POST name=slform>
<td colspan=2>Укажите логин персонажа:
<BR>(можно щелкнуть по логину в чате)
<TD width=50% align=right>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="${name1}" value="${defaultlogin}">
<TD width=50%>
<INPUT type=image SRC="/i/b__ok.gif" WIDTH="25" HEIGHT="18" BORDER=0 ALT="" onclick="${slform.name1.value = fixspaces(slform.name1.value)}">
/*document.all("hint3").innerHTML = '<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCC3AA"><tr><td align=center><B>' + title + '</td><td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: hand" onclick="closehint3();"><BIG><B>x</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>' +
'<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FFF6DD"><tr><form action="' + script + '" method=POST name=slform><td colspan=2>' +
'Укажите логин персонажа:<small><BR>(можно щелкнуть по логину в чате)</TD></TR><TR><TD width=50% align=right><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="' + name + '" value="' + defaultlogin + '"></TD><TD width=50%><INPUT type=image SRC="/i/b__ok.gif" WIDTH="25" HEIGHT="18" BORDER=0 ALT="" onclick="slform.' + name + '.value=fixspaces(slform.' + name + '.value)"></TD></TR></FORM></TABLE></td></tr></table>';
*/ = "visible"; = "100"; = "60";
Hint3Name = name1;
// Для магии. Заголовок, название скрипта, название магии, номер вещицы в рюкзаке, логин по умолчанию, описание доп. поля
function magicklogin(title, script, magickname, n, defaultlogin, extparam)
var s = '<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCC3AA"><tr><td align=center><B>'+title+'</td><td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: hand" onclick="closehint3();"><BIG><B>x</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>'+
'<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FFF6DD"><tr><form action="'+script+'" method=POST name=slform><input type=hidden name="use" value="'+magickname+'"><input type=hidden name="n" value="'+n+'"><td colspan=2>'+
'Укажите логин персонажа:<small><BR>(можно щелкнуть по логину в чате)</TD></TR><TR><TD width=50% align=right><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="param" value="'+defaultlogin+'"></TD><TD width=50%><INPUT type=image SRC="/i/b__ok.gif" WIDTH="25" HEIGHT="18" BORDER=0 ALT="" onclick="slform.param.value=fixspaces(slform.param.value);"></TD></TR>';
if (extparam != null && extparam != '') {
s = s + '<TR><td colspan=2>'+extparam+'<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="param2" size=20></TD></TR>';
s = s + '</FORM></TABLE></td></tr></table>';
document.all("hint3").innerHTML = s;
document.all("hint3").style.visibility = "visible";
document.all("hint3").style.left = 100;
document.all("hint3") = document.body.scrollTop+50;
Hint3Name = 'param';
function magicklogin(title, script, magickname, n, defaultlogin, extparam) {
var s = '<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCC3AA"><tr><td align=center><B>' + title + '</td><td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: hand" onclick="closehint3();"><BIG><B>x</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>' +
'<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FFF6DD"><tr><form action="' + script + '" method=POST name=slform><input type=hidden name="use" value="' + magickname + '"><input type=hidden name="n" value="' + n + '"><td colspan=2>' +
'Укажите логин персонажа:<small><BR>(можно щелкнуть по логину в чате)</TD></TR><TR><TD width=50% align=right><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="param" value="' + defaultlogin + '"></TD><TD width=50%><INPUT type=image SRC="/i/b__ok.gif" WIDTH="25" HEIGHT="18" BORDER=0 ALT="" onclick="slform.param.value=fixspaces(slform.param.value);"></TD></TR>';
if (extparam != null && extparam != '') {
s = s + '<TR><td colspan=2>' + extparam + '<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="param2" size=20></TD></TR>';
s = s + '</FORM></TABLE></td></tr></table>';
document.all("hint3").innerHTML = s;
document.all("hint3").style.visibility = "visible";
document.all("hint3").style.left = 100;
document.all("hint3") = document.body.scrollTop + 50;
Hint3Name = 'param';
// Магия
function UseMagick(title, script, name, extparam, n, extparam2) {
if ((extparam != null)&&(extparam != '')) {
if ((extparam != null) && (extparam != '')) {
var t1='text',t2='text';
var t1 = 'text', t2 = 'text';
if (extparam.substr(0,1) == "!")
var s = '<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCC3AA"><tr><td align=center><B>'+title+'</td><td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: hand" onclick="closehint3();"><BIG><B>x</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>'+
'<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FFF6DD"><tr><form action="'+script+'" method=POST name=slform><input type=hidden name="use" value="'+name+'"><input type=hidden name="n" value="'+n+'"><td colspan=2><NOBR><SMALL>'+
extparam + ':</NOBR></TD></TR><TR><TD width=100% align=left>&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT tabindex=1 size=30 TYPE="'+t1+'" NAME="param" value=""></TD><TD width=10%><INPUT type=image SRC="/i/b__ok.gif" WIDTH="25" HEIGHT="18" BORDER=0 ALT="" tabindex=3></TD></TR>';
if (extparam2 != null && extparam2 != '') {
if (extparam2.substr(0,1) == "!")
s = s + '<TR><td colspan=2><NOBR><SMALL>'+extparam2+':</NOBR><TR colspan=2><TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT tabindex=2 TYPE="'+t2+'" NAME="param2" size=30></TD></TR>';
s = s + '</FORM></TABLE></td></tr></table>';
document.all("hint3").innerHTML = s;
document.all("hint3").style.visibility = "visible";
document.all("hint3").style.left = 100;
document.all("hint3") = document.body.scrollTop+50;
Hint3Name = 'param';
} else {
if (confirm('Использовать сейчас?')) { location=script+'?use='+name+'&n='+n; }
if (extparam.substr(0, 1) == "!") {
t1 = 'password';
extparam = extparam.substr(1, extparam.length);
var s = '<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCC3AA"><tr><td align=center><B>' + title + '</td><td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: hand" onclick="closehint3();"><BIG><B>x</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>' +
'<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FFF6DD"><tr><form action="' + script + '" method=POST name=slform><input type=hidden name="use" value="' + name + '"><input type=hidden name="n" value="' + n + '"><td colspan=2><NOBR><SMALL>' +
extparam + ':</NOBR></TD></TR><TR><TD width=100% align=left>&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT tabindex=1 size=30 TYPE="' + t1 + '" NAME="param" value=""></TD><TD width=10%><INPUT type=image SRC="/i/b__ok.gif" WIDTH="25" HEIGHT="18" BORDER=0 ALT="" tabindex=3></TD></TR>';
if (extparam2 != null && extparam2 != '') {
if (extparam2.substr(0, 1) == "!") {
t2 = 'password';
extparam2 = extparam2.substr(1, extparam2.length);
s = s + '<TR><td colspan=2><NOBR><SMALL>' + extparam2 + ':</NOBR><TR colspan=2><TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT tabindex=2 TYPE="' + t2 + '" NAME="param2" size=30></TD></TR>';
s = s + '</FORM></TABLE></td></tr></table>';
document.all("hint3").innerHTML = s;
document.all("hint3").style.visibility = "visible";
document.all("hint3").style.left = 100;
document.all("hint3") = document.body.scrollTop + 50;
Hint3Name = 'param';
} else {
if (confirm('Использовать сейчас?')) {
location = script + '?use=' + name + '&n=' + n;
// Закрывает окно ввода логина
function closehint3()
function closehint3() {
document.all("hint3").style.visibility = "hidden";
Hint3Name = '';
// Для боевой магии. Заголовок, название магии, номер вещицы в рюкзаке
function Bmagicklogin(title, magickname, n)
if (defend==false)
errmess("Блок не выбран.");
return false;
function Bmagicklogin(title, magickname, n) {
if (defend == false) {
errmess("Блок не выбран.");
return false;
document.all("hint3").innerHTML = '<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCC3AA"><tr><td align=center><B>'+title+'</td><td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: hand" onclick="closehint3();"><BIG><B>x</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>'+
'<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FFF6DD"><tr><form name="bmagic" action="/" method=POST onsubmit="bmagic.mdefend.value=defend;"><input type=hidden name="use" value="'+magickname+'"><input type=hidden name="n" value="'+n+'"><input type=hidden name="mdefend" value="'+defend+'"><input type=hidden name="enemy" value="'+enemy+'"><input type=hidden name="myid" value="'+myid+'"><td colspan=2>'+
'Укажите логин персонажа:<small><BR>(можно щелкнуть по логину в чате)</TD></TR><TR><TD width=50% align=right><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="param"></TD><TD width=50%><INPUT type=image SRC="/i/b__ok.gif" WIDTH="25" HEIGHT="18" BORDER=0 ALT="" onclick="bmagic.param.value=fixspaces(bmagic.param.value);"></TD></TR></FORM></TABLE></td></tr></table>';
document.all("hint3").style.visibility = "visible";
document.all("hint3").style.left = 100;
document.all("hint3") = 60;
Hint3Name = 'param';
document.all("hint3").innerHTML = '<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCC3AA"><tr><td align=center><B>' + title + '</td><td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: hand" onclick="closehint3();"><BIG><B>x</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>' +
'<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FFF6DD"><tr><form name="bmagic" action="/" method=POST onsubmit="bmagic.mdefend.value=defend;"><input type=hidden name="use" value="' + magickname + '"><input type=hidden name="n" value="' + n + '"><input type=hidden name="mdefend" value="' + defend + '"><input type=hidden name="enemy" value="' + enemy + '"><input type=hidden name="myid" value="' + myid + '"><td colspan=2>' +
'Укажите логин персонажа:<small><BR>(можно щелкнуть по логину в чате)</TD></TR><TR><TD width=50% align=right><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="param"></TD><TD width=50%><INPUT type=image SRC="/i/b__ok.gif" WIDTH="25" HEIGHT="18" BORDER=0 ALT="" onclick="bmagic.param.value=fixspaces(bmagic.param.value);"></TD></TR></FORM></TABLE></td></tr></table>';
document.all("hint3").style.visibility = "visible";
document.all("hint3").style.left = 100;
document.all("hint3") = 60;
Hint3Name = 'param';
// Магия
function BUseMagick(name, extparam, n) {
if (defend==false)
errmess("Блок не выбран.");
return false;
if (defend == false) {
errmess("Блок не выбран.");
return false;
if ((extparam != null)&&(extparam != '')) {
var s = prompt(extparam+':', '');
if ((s != null)&&(s != '')) {
re = /\%/g; s=s.replace(re, "%25");
re = /\+/g; s=s.replace(re, "%2B");
re = /\#/g; s=s.replace(re, "%23");
re = /\?/g; s=s.replace(re, "%3F");
re = /\&/g; s=s.replace(re, "%26");
if ((extparam != null) && (extparam != '')) {
var s = prompt(extparam + ':', '');
if ((s != null) && (s != '')) {
re = /\%/g;
s = s.replace(re, "%25");
re = /\+/g;
s = s.replace(re, "%2B");
re = /\#/g;
s = s.replace(re, "%23");
re = /\?/g;
s = s.replace(re, "%3F");
re = /\&/g;
s = s.replace(re, "%26");
window.location.href = '/' + name + '&param=' + s + '&n=' + n + '&mdefend=' + defend + '&enemy=' + enemy + '&myid=' + myid;
} else {
if (confirm('Использовать сейчас?')) { location='/'+name+'&n='+n+'&mdefend='+defend+'&enemy='+enemy+'&myid='+myid;}
} else {
if (confirm('Использовать сейчас?')) {
location = '/' + name + '&n=' + n + '&mdefend=' + defend + '&enemy=' + enemy + '&myid=' + myid;