fetchColumn( 'select sum(weight) from inventory where owner_id = ? and on_sale = 0', $userId ); } public static function getBonuses(int $userId) { return Db::getInstance()->ofetch( "select sum(add_strength) as item_strength, sum(add_dexterity) as item_dexterity, sum(add_intuition) as item_intuition, sum(add_endurance) as item_endurance, sum(add_intelligence) as item_intelligence, sum(add_wisdom) as item_wisdom, sum(add_accuracy) as item_accuracy, sum(add_evasion) as item_evasion, sum(add_criticals) as item_criticals, sum(add_min_physical_damage) as item_min_physical_damage, sum(add_max_physical_damage) as item_max_physical_damage from inventory where dressed_slot != 0 and owner_id = ?", $userId ); } public static function getDressed(int $itemType, int $userId): object { return Db::getInstance()->ofetchAll( 'SELECT dressed_slot FROM inventory WHERE dressed_slot != 0 AND item_type = ? AND owner_id = ?', [$itemType, $userId] ); } public static function countDressed(int $itemType, int $userId): object { return Db::getInstance()->ofetchAll( 'SELECT count(dressed_slot) FROM inventory WHERE dressed_slot != 0 AND item_type = ? AND owner_id = ?', [$itemType, $userId] ); } public static function undressOne(int $slot, int $userId) { Db::getInstance()->execute( 'UPDATE inventory SET dressed_slot = 0 WHERE dressed_slot = ? AND owner_id = ?', [$slot, $userId] ); } public static function dressOne(int $itemId, int $userId) { Db::getInstance()->execute( 'UPDATE inventory SET dressed_slot = item_type WHERE item_id = ? AND owner_id = ?', [$itemId, $userId] ); } public static function dressOneToSlot(int $itemId, int $slot) { Db::getInstance()->execute('UPDATE inventory SET dressed_slot = ? WHERE item_id = ?', [$slot, $itemId]); } public static function destroyItem(int $itemId, int $userId) { Db::getInstance()->execute( 'delete from inventory where dressed_slot = 0 and owner_id = ? and item_id = ?', [$userId, $itemId] ); } public static function changeRings(int $itemId) { Db::getInstance()->execute('UPDATE inventory SET dressed_slot = 0 WHERE dressed_slot = 11'); Db::getInstance()->execute('UPDATE inventory SET dressed_slot = 11 WHERE item_id = ?', $itemId); } public static function isWeared(int $itemId): bool { return Db::getInstance()->fetchColumn('select count(*) from inventory where item_id = ? and dressed_slot > 0', $itemId) > 0; } }