userId = $userId; $this->dressed = self::$db->ofetchAll('select * from inventory where dressed_slot > 0 and owner_id = ?', $this->userId); } public static function getDressedItemBySlot($itemSlot, $ownerId) { return self::$db->ofetch('SELECT *, COUNT(1) AS count FROM inventory WHERE owner_id = ? AND dressed_slot = ?', [$ownerId, $itemSlot]); } public function getItemsInSlots(): stdClass { $this->dressedItem = new stdClass(); foreach ($this->dressed as $item) { $i = $item->dressed_slot; $this->dressedItem->$i = $item; } return $this->dressedItem; } /** * Снимает с предмета статус одетого на персонажа в определённом слоте персонажа. * @param $slotId - номер слота. */ public function undressItem($slotId) { self::getItemsInSlots(); // Проверяем, что используется один из 12 слотов и наличие предмета в слоте. if (in_array($slotId, Item::TYPES_ALLOWED_IN_SLOTS) && $this->dressedItem->$slotId) { Inventory::undressOne($slotId, $this->userId); } } public static function undressAllItems($userId) { return self::$db->execute('UPDATE inventory SET dressed_slot = 0 WHERE dressed_slot BETWEEN 1 AND 12 AND owner_id = ?', $userId); } public function checkRequirements() { $stats = (new UserStats($this->userId))->getFullStats(); $q = 'select count(*) from inventory where dressed_slot > 0 and need_strength > ? and need_dexterity > ? and need_intuition > ? and need_endurance > ? and need_intelligence > ? and need_wisdom > ? and owner_id = ?'; $args = [ $stats->strength, $stats->dexterity, $stats->intuition, $stats->endurance, $stats->intelligence, $stats->wisdom, $this->userId ]; if (self::$db->fetchColumn($q, $args) > 0) { self::undressAllItems($this->userId); } } }