ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
//if ($_SESSION['uid'] == null) header("Location: index.php");
include "config.php";
include "functions.php";

function vCode($LocID, $Stamp)
    return md5(sha1($LocID . $Stamp));

$timeStamp = time();

$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '{$_SESSION['uid']}' LIMIT 1;"));

$thisChurch = 'none';
if( $user['align'] == 2 ) {
	$thisChurch = 'default';
if( $user['align'] == 3 ) {
	$thisChurch = 'dark';
if( $user['align'] == 7 ) {
	$thisChurch = 'light';
$getChurch = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `church_configs` WHERE `id`='" . $thisChurch . "'"));
$resChurch = unserialize($getChurch['data']);
	$getResource = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `shop` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($_GET['info']) . "' AND (type=80 or type=81 or type=82 or type=83 or type=84 or type=85 or type=86 or type=87 or type=89)"));
    <!DOCTYPE html>
		<title><? ($getResource ? 'Храм Древних - ' . $getResource['name'] : 'Ошибка ресурса' ) ?></title>
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		$getRating = mysql_query("SELECT `uid`, SUM(`val`) as `val` FROM `church_logs` WHERE `key`='" . $getResource['id'] . "' AND `ch`='" . $thisChurch . "' GROUP BY `uid` ORDER BY SUM(`val`) DESC LIMIT 10;");
		$ratingCount = mysql_num_rows($getRating);
		echo'<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">' .
		'<tr>' .
			'<td align="center" colspan="3">' . ($ratingCount > 0 ? 'Топ ' . $ratingCount . ', ' : '') . 'Материал: <b>' . $getResource['name'] . '</b></td>' .
		if($ratingCount > 0){
			$i = 1;
			while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getRating)){
				echo'<tr>' .
					'<td align="center" width="25" bgcolor="#' . ($row['uid'] != $user['id'] ? 'C0C0CA' : '999999') . '"><b>' . $i++ . '</b></td>' .
					'<td align="center" bgcolor="#' . ($row['uid'] != $user['id'] ? 'C0C0CA' : '999999') . '">' . nick::id($row['id'])->full(1) . '</td>' .
					'<td align="center" bgcolor="#' . ($row['uid'] != $user['id'] ? 'C0C0CA' : '999999') . '"><b>' . $row['val'] . '</b> шт.</td>' .
			echo'<tr>' .
				'<td align="center" colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>' .
			'</tr>' .
			'<tr>' .
				'<td align="center" colspan="2" bgcolor="#C0C0CA">' . nick::id($row['id'])->full(1) . '</td>' .
				'<td align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0CA"><b>' . intval(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT SUM(`val`) as `val` FROM `church_logs` WHERE `key`='" . $getResource['id'] . "' AND `ch`='" . $thisChurch . "' AND `uid`='" . $user['id'] . "' GROUP BY `uid` ORDER BY SUM(`val`) DESC LIMIT 1;"), 0)) . '</b> шт.</td>' .
			echo '<tr>' .
				'<td align="center" colspan="3">Нет данных</td>' .
	} else {
		echo'<center>Ошибка ресурса</center>';
	echo'</body>' .
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/newstyle_loc4.css" type="text/css">

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var timeStamp = <?php echo $timeStamp; ?>;
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function solo(id, vcode){
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function moveTo(id, file, vcode){
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function imover(im){
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function imout(im){
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function returned2(s){

function showRating(id){
	window.open('?info=' + id,'ratings','scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,width=400,height=400')

function Down() {top.CtrlPress = window.event.ctrlKey}

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$(document).ready(function() {
<div id=hint3 class=ahint style="z-index:150;"></div><?php
			echo'<div style="float: right;">
	<input TYPE="button" value="Подсказка" style="background-color:#A9AFC0" onclick="window.open(\'help/hram.html\', \'help\', \'height=300,width=500,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes\')">
	<input type="button" name="hram" onclick="window.location.href = \'?got=default\';" value="Вернуться">
</div><center><h1>Скоро тут все будет....</h1></center>';
			$Deposit = '';
				$getResource = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($_GET['wid']) . "' AND `owner` = '{$_SESSION['uid']}' AND (type=80 or type=81 or type=82 or type=83 or type=84 or type=85 or type=86 or type=87 or type=89) AND `setsale` = '0'"));
					$userData = array();
					// Выгружаем нащи данные
					$getChUser = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `church_users` WHERE `id` = '{$_SESSION['uid']}'"));
						$userData = unserialize($getChUser['data']);
					// Обновляем количество ресов в БД
					$resChurch[$getResource['prototype']]['count'] += $getResource['koll'];
					$userData[$getResource['prototype']] += $getResource['koll'];
					mysql_query("REPLACE INTO `church_users` (`id`, `data`) VALUES ('{$_SESSION['uid']}', '" . serialize($userData) . "');");
					mysql_query("UPDATE `church_configs` SET `data` = '" . serialize($resChurch) . "' WHERE `id`='" . $thisChurch . "'");
					// Temp Data
					$user['reputation'] += round($getResource['koll']*$getResource['repcost'], 2);
					//Обнавляем нашу репу
					mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `reputation`=`reputation`+'" . round($getResource['koll']*$getResource['repcost'], 2) . "',`doblest`=`doblest`+'" . round($getResource['koll']*$getResource['repcost'], 2) . "' WHERE `id`='{$_SESSION['uid']}'");
					// Удаляем ресурсы
					mysql_query("DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = '" . $getResource['id'] . "'"); 
					// Пишем логи
					mysql_query("INSERT INTO `church_logs` (`ch`, `uid`, `key`, `val`) VALUES ('" . $thisChurch . "', '{$_SESSION['uid']}', '{$getResource['prototype']}', '{$getResource['koll']}');");
					$Deposit = '<b>Вы пожертвовали на внутреннюю отделку: ' . $getResource['name'] . ' x' . $getResource['koll'] . ' </b><br>И получили ' . round($getResource['koll']*$getResource['repcost'], 2) . ' репутации.<br>';
			$getResources = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '{$_SESSION['uid']}' AND (type=80 or type=81 or type=82 or type=83 or type=84 or type=85 or type=86 or type=87 or type=89) AND `setsale` = 0 ORDER by `name` ASC; ");
			$resources = '<b>К сожалению у Вас нет нужных ресурсов...</b>';
			if (mysql_num_rows($getResources) > 0) {
				$resources = '';
				while($row = mysql_fetch_array($getResources)) {
					$resources .= '<a href="?got=level11&wid=' . $row['id'] . ( isset($_GET['step']) ? '&step=true' : '' ) . '">Отдать ' . $row['name'] . ' x' . $row['koll'] . ' алтарю.</a><br />';
			echo'<div style="float: right;">
	<input TYPE="button" value="Подсказка" style="background-color:#A9AFC0" onclick="window.open(\'help/hram.html\', \'help\', \'height=300,width=500,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes\')">
	<input type="button" name="hram" onclick="window.location.href = \'?got=default\';" value="Вернуться">
td a img {
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<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		<td align=center valign=top>
			<div style="color:#8F0000;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px;text-align:center;float:center;">Да пребудет с тобой сила, ' . $user['login'] . ', репутация: ' . $user['reputation'] . '</div>
		<td align=center valign=top>
			<br />' . $Deposit . $resources . '
		<td align=center valign=top>';
					echo'<table border="0" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="710" height="489" style="background:url(/i/sh/temle/bg.jpg) center no-repeat;">
					<td width="100%" height="70" colspan="9">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="190" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(501);"><img src="/i/sh/103001.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Мел</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['501']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="30" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(502);"><img src="/i/sh/103002.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Горсть соли</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['502']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="39" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(503);"><img src="/i/sh/103004.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Горный хрусталь</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['503']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="30" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(504);"><img src="/i/sh/103005.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Бирюза</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['504']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="190" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="100%" height="10" colspan="9" >&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="190" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(505);"><img src="/i/sh/103003.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Опал</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['505']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="30" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(506);"><img src="/i/sh/103007.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Булыжник</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['506']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="39" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(507);"><img src="/i/sh/103008.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Камень Лабиринта</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['507']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="30" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(508);"><img src="/i/sh/103006.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Гранат</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['508']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="190" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="100%" height="10" colspan="9" >&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="190" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(509);"><img src="/i/sh/103009.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Янтарь</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['509']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="30" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(510);"><img src="/i/sh/103011.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Сапфир</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['510']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="39" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(511);"><img src="/i/sh/103010.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Малахит</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['511']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="30" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(512);"><img src="/i/sh/103012.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Жемчуг</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['512']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="190" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="100%" height="10" colspan="9">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="277" height="60" colspan="3" valign=center>&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="159" height="173" colspan="3" align=center><img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="document.location.href = \'?got=level11\';" src="/i/sh/temle/paper_shadow.gif" src="/i/sh/temle/paper_shadow.gif" title="Другие Ресурсы" border="0" /></td>
					<td width="277" height="60" colspan="3" valign=center>&nbsp;</td>
				} else {
					echo'<table border="0" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="710" height="489" style="background:url(/i/sh/temle/bg.jpg) center no-repeat;">
					<td width="100%" height="70" colspan="9" >&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="190" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(401);"><img src="/i/sh/ruda.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Руда</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['401']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="30" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(402);"><img src="/i/sh/sand.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Песок</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['402']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="39" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(403);"><img src="/i/sh/granit.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Гранит</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['403']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="30" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(404);"><img src="/i/sh/vosk.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Воск</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['404']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="190" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="100%" height="10" colspan="9" >&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="190" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(405);"><img src="/i/sh/glina.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Глина</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['405']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="30" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(406);"><img src="/i/sh/temple_stone2.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Стенной Камень</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['406']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="39" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(407);"><img src="/i/sh/stone_pic.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Кусок Настенного Рисунка</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['407']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="30" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(408);"><img src="/i/sh/temple_stone1.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Камень Алтаря</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['408']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="190" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="100%" height="10" colspan="9" >&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="190" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(409);"><img src="/i/sh/almaz.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Алмаз</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['409']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="30" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(410);"><img src="/i/sh/Emerald1.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Изумруд</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['410']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="39" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(411);"><img src="/i/sh/silverr.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Серебро</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['411']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="30" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="60" height="60"><a href="javascript:showRating(412);"><img src="/i/sh/gold1.gif" title="Название ресурса: <b>Золото</b><br />Собрано: <b>' . $resChurch['412']['count'] . '</b>"></a></td>
					<td width="190" height="60">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="100%" height="10" colspan="9">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="277" height="60" colspan="3" valign=center>&nbsp;</td>
					<td width="159" height="173" colspan="3" align=center><img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="document.location.href = \'?got=level11&step=1\';" src="/i/sh/temle/paper_shadow.gif" title="Другие Ресурсы" border="0" /></td>
					<td width="277" height="60" colspan="3" valign=center>&nbsp;</td>
			echo'<div style="float: right;">
	<input TYPE="button" value="Подсказка" style="background-color:#A9AFC0" onclick="window.open(\'help/hram.html\', \'help\', \'height=300,width=500,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes\')">
	<input type="button" name="hram" onclick="moveTo(2601, \'/city.php\', \'' . vCode(2601, $timeStamp) . '\');" value="Вернуться">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
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				<img style="position:absolute;cursor:pointer;left:548px;top:19px;z-index:90;" class="aFilter" src="i/city/sub/zalp.png" title="Зал Пожертвований" id="11" onclick="window.location.href = \'?got=level11\';" />
				<img style="position:absolute;cursor:pointer;left:154px;top:328px;z-index:90;" class="aFilter" src="i/city/sub/svechas.png" title="Свеча света" id="6" onclick="solo(6, \'' . vCode(2601, $timeStamp) . '\');" />
				<img style="position:absolute;cursor:pointer;left:372px;top:318px;z-index:90;" class="aFilter" src="i/city/sub/svechan.png" title="Свеча нейтралов" id="2" onclick="solo(2, \'' . vCode(2601, $timeStamp) . '\');" />
				<img style="position:absolute;cursor:pointer;left:584px;top:330px;z-index:90;" class="aFilter" src="i/city/sub/svechad.png" title="Свеча тьмы" id="3" onclick="solo(3, \'' . vCode(2601, $timeStamp) . '\');" />
echo serialize(
		401 => array('count' => 0), // Руда
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		403 => array('count' => 0), // Гранит
		404 => array('count' => 0), // Воск
		405 => array('count' => 0), // Глина
		406 => array('count' => 0), // Стенной камень
		407 => array('count' => 0), // Кусок настенного рисунка
		408 => array('count' => 0), // Камень Алтаря
		409 => array('count' => 0), // Алмаз
		410 => array('count' => 0), // Изумруд
		411 => array('count' => 0), // Серебро
		412 => array('count' => 0), // Золото
		501 => array('count' => 0), // Мел
		502 => array('count' => 0), // Горсть соли
		503 => array('count' => 0), // Горный хрусталь
		504 => array('count' => 0), // Бирюза
		505 => array('count' => 0), // Опал
		506 => array('count' => 0), // Булыжник
		507 => array('count' => 0), // Камень Лабиринта
		508 => array('count' => 0), // Гранат
		509 => array('count' => 0), // Янтарь
		510 => array('count' => 0), // Сапфир
		511 => array('count' => 0), // Малахит
		512 => array('count' => 0), // Жемчуг