<?php session_start(); error_reporting (1); ini_set('display_errors','on'); include("config.php"); if(!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) { header('Location: index.php'); exit(); } $user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "'.$_SESSION['uid'].'" LIMIT 1')); include("functions.php"); include('cave/cave_bots.php'); $roomnames = array(621 => "Рудник"); if($user["login"] == "Rallo Tabs") { if(isset($_GET['goto'])) { mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `x` = '$_GET[x]', `y` = '$_GET[y]', `floor` = '$_GET[floor]' WHERE `caveparties`.`user` = $user[id] LIMIT 1"); header('Location: cave.php'); exit(); } header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); } if($user['battle'] > 0) { header("location: fbattle.php"); die(); } $objsizes = array(0 => array(0, 0), 1 => array(120, 60), 2 => array(120, 60), 3 => array(120, 60), 4 => array(110, 72), 5 => array(120, 120)); $objdata[3][0] = array("wd"=>1.44, "ht"=>1.44, "y"=>1, "x"=>176); $objdata[3][1] = array("coef"=>1, "y"=>202, "x"=>176); $objdata[1][1] = array("coef"=>1, "y"=>202, "x"=>-65); $objdata[5][1] = array("coef"=>1, "y"=>202, "x"=>435); $objdata[3][2] = array("coef"=>0.67, "y"=>162, "x"=>176); $objdata[1][2] = array("coef"=>0.67, "y"=>162, "x"=>18); $objdata[5][2] = array("coef"=>0.67, "y"=>162, "x"=>342); $objdata[3][3] = array("coef"=>0.50, "y"=>141, "x"=>176); $objdata[1][3] = array("coef"=>0.50, "y"=>141, "x"=>50); $objdata[5][3] = array("coef"=>0.50, "y"=>141, "x"=>300); $imgdata[3][0] = array("wd"=>173, "ht"=>317, "y"=>1, "x"=>array(-37, 89, 215)); $imgdata[3][1] = array("wd"=>87, "ht"=>161, "y"=>41, "x"=>array(68, 132, 196)); $imgdata[1][1] = array("wd"=>87, "ht"=>161, "y"=>41, "x"=>array(-171, -44, -44)); $imgdata[5][1] = array("wd"=>87, "ht"=>161, "y"=>41, "x"=>array(308, 308, 435)); $imgdata[3][2] = array("wd"=>58, "ht"=>107, "y"=>55, "x"=>array(104, 147, 189)); $imgdata[1][2] = array("wd"=>58, "ht"=>107, "y"=>55, "x"=>array(-56, 29, 29)); $imgdata[5][2] = array("wd"=>58, "ht"=>107, "y"=>55, "x"=>array(264, 264, 350)); $imgdata[3][3] = array("wd"=>44, "ht"=>81, "y"=>61, "x"=>array(122, 154, 186)); $imgdata[1][3] = array("wd"=>44, "ht"=>81, "y"=>61, "x"=>array(1, 65, 65)); $imgdata[5][3] = array("wd"=>44, "ht"=>81, "y"=>61, "x"=>array(242, 242, 306)); $eventdata[3][1] = array("x" => 176, "y" => 200, "q" => 1); $eventdata[3][2] = array("x" => 176, "y" => 149, "q" => 0.66); $eventdata[1][2] = array("x" => 16, "y" => 149, "q" => 0.66); $eventdata[5][2] = array("x" => 335, "y" => 149, "q" => 0.66); $eventdata[3][3] = array("x" => 176, "y" => 133, "q" => 0.5); $eventdata[1][3] = array("x" => 56, "y" => 133, "q" => 0.5); $eventdata[5][3] = array("x" => 296, "y" => 133, "q" => 0.5); $objects = array(1 => "Спуск", 2 => "Спуск", 3 => "Спуск", 4 => "Сундук", 5 => "Спуск"); $events = array(); $dialogs = array(); $noautoexit = 0; function usagesleft($x, $y) { global $map; $cell = explode("/", $map[$y*2][$x*2]); return $cell[3]; } function takeusage($x, $y) { global $map; $cell = explode("/", $map[$y*2][$x*2]); $cell[3]--; $map[$y*2][$x*2] = implode("/", $cell); updmap(); } function makedeath() { global $user, $floor, $loses, $x, $y, $dir; include("cavedata.php"); if(!isset($cavedata[$user['room']]['x'.$floor])) { $floor = 1; loadmap(); } mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `floor` = $floor, `x` = '".$cavedata[$user['room']]['x'.$floor]."', `y` = '".$cavedata[$user['room']]['y'.$floor]."', `dir` = '".$cavedata[$user['room']]['dir'.$floor]."', `loses` = (`loses`+1) WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"); mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = 1 WHERE `id` = "'.$user['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); $x = $cavedata[$user['room']]['x'.$floor]; $y = $cavedata[$user['room']]['y'.$floor]; $dir = $cavedata[$user['room']]['dir'.$floor]; updparties(); $loses++; } function pickupitem($item, $foronetrip, $notmore1, $incave = 0, $podzem = 1, $destiny = 0) { global $user; if($notmore1) { $i = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `inventory` WHERE `prototype` = '$item' AND `owner` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1")); if(isset($i['id'])) { return "Вы уже получили здесь всё необходимое."; } } $flds = array('podzem' => 1, 'podzem' => $podzem); if($incave) { $flds['incave'] = 1; } $taken = takeshopitem($item, 'shop', '', $foronetrip, $destiny, $flds); return "Вы получили <b>$taken[name]</b>"; } function itemtofloor($item, $foronetrip, $incave = 0, $podzem = 1, $from = 'shop', $small = 0) { global $user, $x, $y, $floor; $rec = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `name`, `img` FROM `$from` WHERE `id` = '$item' LIMIT 1")); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `caveitems` SET `leader` = '$user[caveleader]', `name` = '$rec[name]', `img` = '$rec[img]', `small` = '$small', `x` = '".($x*2)."', `y` = '".($y*2)."', `floor` = '$floor', `item` = '$item', `foronetrip` = '$foronetrip', `incave` = '$incave', `podzem` = '$podzem'"); return "Вы нашли <b>$rec[name]</b>."; } function makeinjury() { global $user, $floor, $noautoexit, $loses, $x, $y, $dir; settravma($user['id'], 20, rand(1, 600), 1, 1); makedeath(); $noautoexit = 1; } function cavewall($w) { if($w < 100) { return floor($w/10); } else { return floor($w/1000)+100; } } function passablewall($n) { if($n == 0 || $n == 31) { return true; } return false; } function canmoveto($cell, $freecell = 0, $passing = 0) { if(!passablewall($passing)) { return false; } $obj = substr($cell, 0, 1); if($obj == "e" || $obj == "u" || $obj == "s" || $obj == "p") { return true; } if(!$freecell && $cell) { return false; } if($cell == $freecell) { return true; } return false; } function gotoxy($tox, $toy, $tofloor = 0, $msg = '') { global $map, $x, $y, $floor, $user; $floor1 = $floor; $upd = ""; if($tox) { $tox = $tox/2; if($upd) { $upd .= ", "; } $upd .= " `x` = '$tox'"; $x = $tox; } if($toy) { $toy = $toy/2; if($upd) { $upd .= ", "; } $upd .= " `y` = '$toy'"; $y = $toy; } if($tofloor && $tofloor != $floor) { if($upd) { $upd .= ", "; } $upd .= " `floor` = '$tofloor'"; $floor = $tofloor; } mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET $upd WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"); if($tofloor && $tofloor != $floor1) { $map = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `map` FROM `caves` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `floor` = '$floor' LIMIT 1")); $map = unserialize($map); } updparties(); if($msg) { header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].($msg ? '?msg='.$msg : '' )); exit(); } } function updparties() { global $user, $x, $y, $floor, $dir, $party; foreach ($party as $k => $v) { if($v['user'] == $user['id']) { $party[$k]['dir'] = $dir; $party[$k]['x'] = $x; $party[$k]['y'] = $y; $party[$k]['floor'] = $floor; } } } function loadmap() { global $user, $map, $floor; $map = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `map` FROM `caves` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `floor` = '$floor' LIMIT 1")); $map = unserialize($map['map']); } if(!in_array($user['room'], $caverooms)) { header("Location: main.php"); die('Not in this life ...'); } if(isset($_GET['direction'])) { $dir = (int)$_GET['direction']; if($dir >= 0 && $dir <= 3) { mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `dir` = '$dir' WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"); } } $party = array(); $r = mysql_query("SELECT `user`, `x`, `y`, `dir`, `login`, `shadow`, `floor`, `loses` FROM `caveparties` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' ORDER BY `id` DESC"); while($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) { if($rec['user'] == $user['id']) { $x = $rec['x']; $y = $rec['y']; $dir = $rec['dir']; $floor = $rec['floor']; $loses = $rec['loses']; } $party[] = $rec; } if($user['room'] == 621) { $base = "/underdesigns/alchcave"; } $maxloses = 3; if($loses >= $maxloses && !$noautoexit) { $_GET['exit'] = 1; } if(@$_GET['kill'] && $user['id'] == $user['caveleader'] && $_GET['kill'] != $user['login']) { foreach($party as $k => $v) { if($v['login'] == $_GET['kill']) { mysql_query("DELETE FROM `caveparties` WHERE `user` = '$v[user]'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `room` = (`room`-1), `caveleader` = 0 WHERE `id` = '$v[user]' LIMIT 1"); $r = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `dressed` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '$v[user]' AND `dressed` = 1 AND `foronetrip` = 1"); if(mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) { $usr = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT ".implode(",", $userslots)." FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '$v[user]'")); } while($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) { $slot = getslot($rec['id'], $usr); if($slot) { dropitemid(0, $v['user'], $slot); } } mysql_query("DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '$v[user]' AND `foronetrip` = 1"); unset($party[$k]); $report = "Персонаж $v[login] исключён из похода."; break; } } if(!@$report) { $report="Персонаж $_GET[kill] не найден."; } } if($_GET['change'] && $user['id'] == $user['caveleader'] && $_GET['change'] != $user['login']) { foreach($party as $k => $v) { if($v['login'] == $_GET['change']) { mysql_query("LOCK TABLES `users` WRITE, `caveparties` WRITE, `cavebots` WRITE, `caves` WRITE, `caveitems` WRITE"); mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `caveleader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `caveleader` = '$user[id]'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `cavebots` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `caves` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `caveitems` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'"); $user['caveleader'] = $v['user']; $report = "Персонажу $v[login] присвоено лидерство."; mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES"); break; } } if(!@$report) { $report = "Персонаж $_GET[change] не найден."; } } if(@$_GET['useitem'] || @$_GET['usewallitem']) { mysql_query("LOCK TABLES `effects` WRITE, `cavebots` WRITE, `battle` WRITE, `users` WRITE, `caveparties` WRITE, `caves` WRITE, `shop` WRITE, `inventory` WRITE, `bots` WRITE, `caveitems` WRITE"); } loadmap(); if(@$_GET['useitem']) { if($dir == 0) { $tx = $x-1; $ty = $y; } if($dir == 1) { $tx = $x; $ty = $y-1; } if($dir == 2) { $tx = $x+1; $ty = $y; } if($dir == 3) { $tx = $x; $ty = $y+1; } if(@$_GET['useitem']) { if(file_exists("underground/objects/$user[room].php")) { include "underground/objects/$user[room].php"; } } list($t, $obj) = explode("/", $map[$ty*2][$tx*2]); if($t == "o") { if($obj == 500) { $report="В этот сундук уже кто-то заглядывал"; } } mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES"); } function updmap() { global $map, $user, $floor; mysql_query("UPDATE `caves` SET `map` = '".serialize($map)."' WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `floor` = '$floor' LIMIT 1"); } if(@$_GET['usewallitem']) { if($dir == 0) { $tx = $x*2-1; $ty = $y*2; } if($dir == 1) { $tx = $x*2; $ty = $y*2-1; } if($dir == 2) { $tx = $x*2+1; $ty = $y*2; } if($dir == 3) { $tx = $x*2; $ty = $y*2+1; } $obj = $map[$ty][$tx]; if($obj == 18) { $report = "Вы не обнаружили ничего интересного."; } if($obj == 19) { $report = "Уже проверено, сюда лучше не лазить."; } mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES"); } $r = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `bot`, `x`, `y`, `cnt`, `type`, `battle` FROM `cavebots` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `floor` = '$floor'"); $mapbots = array(); $ambushes = array(); $cavedata = getcavedata($user['caveleader'], $floor); if(time()-$cavedata['wander'] > 21) { $wander = 1; } else { $wander = 0; } $wanderers = array(); while($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) { if($rec['type'] == 1 && $wander && $rec['battle'] == 0) { $wanderers[] = $rec; continue; } if(!@$mapbots[$rec['y']][$rec['x']]) { $mapbots[$rec['y']][$rec['x']] = "b"; } if(($rec['type'] == 1 || $rec['type'] == 2) && $rec['battle'] == 0) { $ambushes[$rec['y']][$rec['x']] = 1; } $mapbots[$rec['y']][$rec['x']] .= "/$rec[bot]/$rec[cnt]"; } if($wander && !isset($_GET['attack'])) { foreach($wanderers as $k => $v) { $d = rand(0, 3); for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { if($d == 0) { $tx = $v['x']-2; $ty = $v['y'];} if($d == 1) { $tx = $v['x']; $ty = $v['y']-2;} if($d == 2) { $tx = $v['x']+2; $ty = $v['y'];} if($d == 3) { $tx = $v['x']; $ty = $v['y']+2;} if($user['room'] == 74 || $user['room'] == 76) { if(strpos($map[$ty][$tx], 's/') !== false && !@$mapbots[$ty][$tx]) { break; } } else { if($map[$ty][$tx] == 2 && !@$mapbots[$ty][$tx]) { break; } } $d++; if($d > 3) { $d = 0; } } if($i < 4) { mysql_query("UDPATE `cavebots` set `x` = '$tx', `y` = '$ty' WHERE `id` = '$v[id]' LIMIT 1"); $v['x'] = $tx; $v['y'] = $ty; } if(!@$mapbots[$v['y']][$v['x']]) { $mapbots[$v['y']][$v['x']] = "b"; } $ambushes[$v['y']][$v['x']] = 1; $mapbots[$v['y']][$v['x']] .= "/$v[bot]/$v[cnt]"; } $cavedata['wander'] = time(); savecavedata($cavedata, $user['caveleader'], $floor); } foreach($mapbots as $k => $v) { foreach($v as $k2 => $v2) { $map[$k][$k2] = $v2; } } $moved = 0; if(@$_GET['move'] && $_SESSION['movetime'] < time()) { if($_GET['move'] == "x1" && canmoveto($map[$y*2][$x*2+2], 2, $map[$y*2][$x*2+1],2)) { mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `x` = (`x`+1) WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"); $x++; $moved=1; } if($_GET['move'] == "x2" && canmoveto($map[$y*2][$x*2-2], 2, $map[$y*2][$x*2-1])) { mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `x` = (`x`-1) WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"); $x--; $moved=1; } if($_GET['move'] == "y1" && canmoveto($map[$y*2+2][$x*2], 2, $map[$y*2+1][$x*2])) { mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `y` = (`y`+1) WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"); $y++; $moved=1; } if($_GET['move'] == "y2" && canmoveto($map[$y*2-2][$x*2], 2, $map[$y*2-1][$x*2])) { mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `y` = (`y`-1) WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"); $y--; $moved=1; } updparties(); #$_SESSION['movetime'] = time()+5; $_SESSION['movetime'] = time(); } if($moved && (substr($map[$y*2][$x*2], 0, 1) === "e" || substr($map[$y*2][$x*2], 0, 1) === "p")) { $tx = $x; $ty = $y; $tmp = explode("/", $map[$y*2][$x*2]); if(file_exists("underground/events/$user[room].php")) { include("underground/events/$user[room].php"); } } $ax = 0; $ay = 0; if($ambushes[$y*2+2][$x*2] && $map[$y*2+1][$x*2] == 0) { $ax = $x; $ay = $y+1; } if($ambushes[$y*2-2][$x*2] && $map[$y*2-1][$x*2] == 0) { $ax = $x; $ay = $y-1; } if($ambushes[$y*2][$x*2+2] && $map[$y*2][$x*2+1] == 0) { $ax = $x+1; $ay = $y; } if($ambushes[$y*2][$x*2-2] && $map[$y*2][$x*2-1] == 0) { $ax = $x-1; $ay = $y; } if($ax && $ay && $user['hp'] > 0) { include_once("cavedata.php"); if(!($cavedata[$user['room']]['x'.$floor] == $x && $cavedata[$user['room']]['y'.$floor] == $y)) { if($ax < $x) { $dir1 = 0; } elseif($ax > $x) { $dir1 = 2; } elseif($ay < $y) { $dir1 = 1; } elseif($ay > $y) { $dir1 = 3; } if($dir != $dir1) { $dir = $dir1; mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `dir` = '$dir' WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"); foreach($party as $k => $v) { if($v['user'] == $user['id']) { $party[$k]['dir'] = $dir1; } } } $_GET['attack'] = 1; } } if(!$_SESSION['movetime']) { #$_SESSION['movetime'] = time()+5; $_SESSION['movetime'] = time(); } if(@$_GET['takeitem']) { $_GET['takeitem'] = (int)$_GET['takeitem']; $it = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `item`, `foronetrip`, `incave`, `podzem` FROM `caveitems` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `x` = '".($x*2)."' AND `y` = '".($y*2)."' AND `floor` = '$floor' AND `id` = '$_GET[takeitem]' LIMIT 1")); if(isset($it['item'])) { $ms = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `massa` AS `mass` FROM $shop WHERE `id` = '$it[item]' LIMIT 1")); $shop = 'shop'; if(!placeinbackpack(1, $user['id'])) { $report = "У вас в рюкзаке слишком много предметов."; } elseif(!cancarry($ms['mass'], $user)) { $report = "Ваш рюкзак перегружен."; } else { $destiny = 0; $taken = takeshopitem($it['item'], "$shop", "", $it['foronetrip'], $destiny, array("podzem" => $it["podzem"], "incave" => $it['incave']), 0, 1, "Нашёл в пещере"); if(@$taken['error']) { $report = $taken['error']; } else { mysql_query("DELETE FROM `caveitems` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `x` = '".($x*2)."' AND `y` ='".($y*2)."' AND `floor` = '$floor' AND `id` = '$_GET[takeitem]' LIMIT 1"); $report = "Вы нашли $taken[name]."; } } } else { $report = "Кто-то оказался быстрее..."; } } if(@$_GET['speak']) { if($dir == 0) { $x1 = $x*2-2; } elseif($dir == 2) { $x1 = $x*2+2; } else { $x1 = $x*2; } if($dir == 1) { $y1 = $y*2-2; } elseif($dir == 3) { $y1 = $y*2+2; } else { $y1 = $y*2; } $cell = $map[$y1][$x1]; $tmp = explode("/", $cell); if($tmp[0] == "d") { header("location: dialog.php?char=$tmp[2]"); die(); } if($tmp[0] == "b" && isset($dialogs[$bots[$tmp[1]]])) { header("location: dialog.php?char=".$bots[$tmp[1]]); die(); } } if(@$_GET['attack']) { if($dir == 0) { $by = $y*2; $bx = ($x-1)*2; } if($dir == 1) { $by = ($y-1)*2; $bx = $x*2; } if($dir == 2) { $by = $y*2; $bx = ($x+1)*2; } if($dir == 3) { $by = ($y+1)*2; $bx = $x*2; } $r = mysql_query("SELECT `bot`, `cnt`, `battle` FROM `cavebots` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `x` = $bx AND `y` = $by AND `floor` = '$floor'"); $rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r); if($user['hp'] <= $user['maxhp']*0.33) { $report = 'Вы слишком ослаблены для поединка'; } elseif(isset($rec['bot'])) { $btl = $rec['battle']; if($btl > 0) { battlewithbot($bots[$rec['bot']], "", "", 10, 0, 0, $btl); } else { $firstbot = $bots[$rec['bot']]; $otherbots = array(); $rec['cnt']--; while($rec['cnt'] > 0) { $otherbots[] = array('id' => $bots[$rec['bot']], 'name' => $botnames[$rec['bot']]); $rec["cnt"]--; } while($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) { while($rec['cnt'] > 0) { $otherbots[] = array('id' => $bots[$rec['bot']], 'name' => $botnames[$rec['bot']]); $rec['cnt']--; } } $btl = battlewithbot($firstbot, "", "", 10, 0, 0, 0, $otherbots); mysql_query("UPDATE `cavebots` SET `battle` = '$btl' WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `x` = '$bx' AND `y` = $by AND `floor` = '$floor'"); } } } if(@$_GET['exit']) { if(count($party) == 1) { mysql_query("DELETE FROM `cavebots` WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `caves` WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `caveparties` WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `caveitems` WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `caveleader` = 0 WHERE `id` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"); } else { mysql_query("LOCK TABLES `users` WRITE, `caveparties` WRITE, `cavebots` WRITE, `caves` WRITE, `caveitems` WRITE, `diseases` WRITE, `caveeffects` WRITE"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `caveparties` WHERE `user` = '$user[id]'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `caveleader` = 0 WHERE `id` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"); if($user['caveleader'] == $user['id']) { foreach($party as $k => $v) { if($v['user'] != $user['id']) { mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `caveleader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `caveleader` = '$user[id]'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `cavebots` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `caves` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `caveitems` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'"); } } } mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES"); } $r = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `dressed` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '$user[id]' AND `dressed` = 1 AND `foronetrip` = 1"); while($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) { $slot = getslot($rec['id']); if($slot) { dropitemid(0, $user['id'], $slot); } } mysql_query("DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '$user[id]' AND `foronetrip` = 1"); gotoroom($user['room']-1); } $standingon = $map[$y*2][$x*2]; foreach($party as $k => $v) { $map[$v['y']*2][$v['x']*2] = "u/".$v['user']; } ?> <head> <script LANGUAGE='JavaScript'> document.ondragstart = test; //запрет на перетаскивание document.onselectstart = test; //запрет на выделение элементов страницы document.oncontextmenu = test; //запрет на выведение контекстного меню function test() { return false } </SCRIPT> <link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="/i/main.css"> <style> body { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } .menu {z-index: 100; background-color: #E4F2DF; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; border-color: #77c3fc; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; visibility: hidden; cursor: pointer; } a.menuItem { border: 0px solid #000000; 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tkHP += maxHP/60/20*(speed/100); TimerOn = tkHP < maxHP?setTimeout("setHPlocal()", delay*100):-1 } setHP(<?=$user['hp'];?>, <?=$user['maxhp'];?>, 100); </script> </head> <body leftmargin=5 topmargin=5 marginwidth=5 marginheight=5 bgcolor="#d7d7d7" style=" background-image: url(/i/bagr.gif); width=100%; background-repeat:repeat;background-position:top" onLoad="<?=topsethp()?>"> <div id=hint3 class=ahint></div> <div style="z-index: 100; background-color: #E4F2DF; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; border-color: #77c3fc; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; visibility: hidden; cursor:pointer;" id="oMenu"></div> <div style="z-index: 100; background-color: #E4F2DF; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; border-color: #77c3fc; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; visibility: hidden; cursor:pointer;" id="oMenu2"></div> <? if($user['hp'] <= 0) { makedeath(); } function drawmap($map1, $players, $x, $y, $direction) { global $base, $user, $botnames, $imgdata; $startx = max($x*2-8, 0); $starty = max($y*2-8, 0); if($direction == 0) { $x1 = $x*2+2; $x2 = $x*2-8; $y1 = $y*2+3; $y2 = $y*2-4; } if($direction == 1) { $x1 = $x*2-3; $x2 = $x*2+4; $y1 = $y*2+2; $y2 = $y*2-8; } if($direction == 2) { $x1 = $x*2-2; $x2 = $x*2+8; $y1 = $y*2-3; $y2 = $y*2+4; } if($direction == 3) { $x1 = $x*2+3; $x2 = $x*2-4; $y1 = $y*2-2; $y2 = $y*2+8; } if($x1 < $x2) { $dx = 1; } else { $dx = -1; } if($y1 < $y2) { $dy = 1; } else { $dy = -1; } $x0 = 0; if($direction%2 == 1) { $sy1 = $y1; while($x1 != $x2) { $y1 = $sy1; $y0 = -2; while($y1 != $y2) { if($map1[$y1][$x1] == 2) { $sq = 0; } elseif(isset($map1[$y1][$x1])) { $sq = $map1[$y1][$x1]; } else { $sq = 0; } $map[$x0][$y0] = $sq; $y1 += $dy; $y0++; } $x0++; $x1 += $dx; } } else { $sx1 = $x1; while($y1 != $y2) { $x1 = $sx1; $x0 = -2; while($x1 != $x2) { if($map1[$y1][$x1] == 2) { $sq = 0; } elseif(isset($map1[$y1][$x1])) { $sq = $map1[$y1][$x1]; } else { $sq = 0; } $map[$y0][$x0] = $sq; $x1 += $dx; $x0++; } $y0++; $y1 += $dy; } } $ret = "<div style=\"width: 530px; height: 260px; background-image: url($base/podzem.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; overflow: hidden;\"><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style=\"padding-left: 10px; padding-top: 10px;\"><div style=\"position: relative; width: 354px; height: 239px; overflow: hidden;\">"; $i = 7; $centerwall = 8; while($i > 0) { if($map[3][$i]) { $centerwall = $i; } $i -= 2; } $i = 4; function drawbot($cell, $x, $y) { global $botnames, $imgdata, $bots, $dialogs, $user, $floor; $data = explode("/", $cell); $i = 1; $bc = (count($data)-1)/2; while($data[$i]) { $bot = $data[$i]; $botname = $botnames[$bot]; $cnt = $data[$i+1]; if($i == 1) { if($bc == 1) { $bn = 1; } else { $bn = 0; } } elseif($i == 3) { if($bc == 2) { $bn = 2; } else { $bn = 1; } } else { $bn = 2; } $aMap = unserialize(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT `map` FROM `caves` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `floor` = '$floor'"), 0, 0)); if(!$GLOBALS['dir']) { $xx = ($GLOBALS['x']*2) - ($y*2); $yy = ($GLOBALS['y']*2) - ($x - 3); } elseif($GLOBALS['dir'] == 1) { $xx = ($GLOBALS['x']*2) + ($x - 3); $yy = ($GLOBALS['y']*2) - ($y*2); } elseif($GLOBALS['dir'] == 2) { $xx = ($GLOBALS['x']*2) + ($y * 2); $yy = ($GLOBALS['y']*2) + ($x - 3); } else { $xx = ($GLOBALS['x']*2) - ($x - 3); $yy = ($GLOBALS['y']*2) + ($y * 2); } if(strpos($aMap[$yy][$xx], 'o/') !== false || strpos($aMap[$yy][$xx], 'p/') !== false) { $ret .= drawobject2($aMap[$yy][$xx], $x, $y); } $rrm = $user['room']; if(isset($dialogs[$bots[$data[1]]]) && ($bots[$data[1]] == 11147 && $user['room'] == 74)) { $ret .= "<img title=\"$botname".($cnt > 1?" ($cnt)":"")."\" ".($y == 1 && $x == 3?"onclick=\"speakattackmenu(event);\"":"")." width=\"".$imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]."\" height=\"".$imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"]."\" src=\"/i/dungeon/mobs/$rrm/$bot.gif\" style=\"position: absolute; left: ".$imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][$bn]."px; top: ".$imgdata[$x][$y]["y"]."px;".($x == 3 && $y == 1?"cursor: pointer;":"").($x == 3?"z-index: ".(99-($y*5)).";":"")."\" />"; } else { $ret .= "<img title=\"$botname".($cnt > 1?" ($cnt)":"")."\" ".($y == 1 && $x == 3?" onclick=\"document.location.href='cave.php?attack=1';\"":"")." width=\"".$imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]."\" height=\"".$imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"]."\" src=\"/i/dungeon/mobs/$rrm/$bot.gif\" style=\"position: absolute; left: ".$imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][$bn]."px; top: ".$imgdata[$x][$y]["y"]."px;".($x == 3 && $y == 1?"cursor: pointer;":"").($x == 3?"z-index: ".(99-($y*5)).";":"")."\" />"; }#onclick=\"attackmenu(event);\" $i += 2; } return $ret; } function drawdialog($cell, $x, $y) { global $dialogs, $imgdata; $data = explode("/", $cell); $i = 1; $d = $data[2]; $bot = $data[$i]; $botname = $botnames[$bot]; $cnt = $data[$i+1]; $ret = "<img title=\"".$dialogs[$d]."\" ".($x == 3 && $y == 1?"onclick=\"speakmenu(event);\"":"")." width=\"".$imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]."\" height=\"".$imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"]."\" src=\"/i/dungeon/npcs/$d.gif\" style=\"position: absolute; left: ".$imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1]."px; top: ".$imgdata[$x][$y]["y"]."px;".($x == 3 && $y == 1?"cursor: pointer;":"").($x == 3?"z-index: ".(99-($y*5)).";":"")."\" />"; return $ret; } function drawuser($cell, $x, $y) { global $botnames, $imgdata, $party; $data = explode("/", $cell); $i = 1; $bc = (count($data)-1); while($data[$i]) { $u = $data[$i]; if($i == 1) { if($bc == 1) { $bn = 1; } else { $bn = 0; } } elseif($i == 3) { if($bc == 2) { $bn = 2; } else { $bn = 1; } } else { $bn = 2; } foreach($party as $k => $v) { if($v['user'] == $u) { $udata = $v; break; } } $ret .= "<img title=\"$udata[login]\" width=\"".$imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]."\" height=\"".$imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"]."\" src=\"/i/dungeon/users/".$udata['shadow']."\" style=\"position: absolute; left: ".$imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][$bn]."px; top: ".$imgdata[$x][$y]["y"]."px;".($x == 3?"z-index: ".(99-($y*5)).";":"")."\" />"; $i++; } return $ret; } function drawobject($cell, $x, $y) { global $objects, $imgdata, $user, $objdata, $objsizes, $imgmap; $tmp = explode("/", $cell); $obj = $tmp[1]; $ht = round($imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"]/2); if($objsizes[$obj]) { $coef=$objdata[$x][$y]["coef"]; $wd=$objsizes[$obj][0]*$coef; $ht=$objsizes[$obj][1]*$coef; $left=round($objdata[$x][$y]["x"]-($wd/2)); $top=$objdata[$x][$y]["y"]-$ht; } elseif($obj == 510) { $wd=round($imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]*2.5); $ht=$imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"]; $left=$imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1]-round(($wd-$imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"])/2); $top=$imgdata[$x][$y]["y"]; } elseif ($obj > 600 && $obj < 700) { $wd=round($imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]*1.26); $left=$imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1]-round(($wd-$imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"])/2); $top=$imgdata[$x][$y]["y"]+$ht; } elseif($obj >= 700 && $obj < 800) { $wd=round($imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]*1.24); $ht=$imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"]; $left=$imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1]-round(($wd-$imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"])/2); $top=$imgdata[$x][$y]["y"]; } else { $wd=$imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]; $left=$imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1]; $top=$imgdata[$x][$y]["y"]+$ht; } $rrm = $user['room']; if (!isset($imgmap[$obj])) { $ret .= " ".($y == 1 && $x == 3?"<a href=\"cave.php?useitem=1\">":"")." <img border=\"0\" title=\"$objects[$obj]\" width=\"$wd\" height=\"$ht\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$rrm/$obj.gif?1\" style=\"position: absolute; left: {$left}px; top: {$top}px;".($x == 3?"z-index: ".(99-($y*5)).";":"")."\" /> ".($y == 1 && $x == 3?"</a>":""); } else { $ret .= "<img usemap=\"#".$imgmap[$obj]['name']."\" border=\"0\" title=\"$objects[$obj]\" width=\"$wd\" height=\"$ht\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$rrm/$obj.gif?1\" style=\"position: absolute; left: {$left}px; top: {$top}px;".($x == 3?"z-index: ".(99-($y*5)).";":"")."\" />"; $ret .= $imgmap[$obj]['code']; } return $ret; } function drawobject2($cell, $x, $y) { global $objects, $imgdata, $user, $objdata, $objsizes, $imgmap; $tmp=explode("/", $cell); $obj=$tmp[1]; $ht=round($imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"]/2); if($objsizes[$obj]) { $coef=$objdata[$x][$y]["coef"]; $wd=$objsizes[$obj][0]*$coef; $ht=$objsizes[$obj][1]*$coef; $left=round($objdata[$x][$y]["x"]-($wd/2)); $top=$objdata[$x][$y]["y"]-$ht; } elseif($obj==510) { $wd=round($imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]*2.5); $ht=$imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"]; $left=$imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1]-round(($wd-$imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"])/2); $top=$imgdata[$x][$y]["y"]; } elseif($obj>600 && $obj<700) { $wd=round($imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]*1.26); $left=$imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1]-round(($wd-$imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"])/2); $top=$imgdata[$x][$y]["y"]+$ht; } elseif($obj>=700 && $obj<800) { $wd=round($imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]*1.24); $ht=$imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"]; $left=$imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1]-round(($wd-$imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"])/2); $top=$imgdata[$x][$y]["y"]; } else { $wd=$imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]; $left=$imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1]; $top=$imgdata[$x][$y]["y"]+$ht; } $rrm = $user['room']; if(!isset($imgmap[$obj])) { $ret.=" ".($y == 1 && $x == 3?"<a href=\"cave.php?useitem=1\">":"")." <img border=\"0\" title=\"$objects[$obj]\" width=\"$wd\" height=\"$ht\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$rrm/$obj.gif?1\" style=\"position: absolute; left: {$left}px; top: {$top}px;".($x == 3?"z-index: ".(99-($y*5)-1).";":"")."\" /> ".($y == 1 && $x == 3?"</a>":""); } else { $ret .= "<img usemap=\"#".$imgmap[$obj]['name']."\" border=\"0\" title=\"$objects[$obj]\" width=\"$wd\" height=\"$ht\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$rrm/$obj.gif?1\" style=\"position: absolute; left: {$left}px; top: {$top}px;".($x == 3?"z-index: ".(99-($y*5)-1).";":"")."\" />"; $ret .= $imgmap[$obj]['code']; } return $ret; } function drawevent($cell, $x, $y) { global $events, $eventdata; $tmp = explode("/", $cell); $obj = $tmp[1]; if($obj == 1) { return ""; } $wd = round($eventdata[$x][$y]["q"]*$events[$obj]["w"]); $ht = round($eventdata[$x][$y]["q"]*$events[$obj]["h"]); $left = round(-$events[$obj]["h"]/2+$eventdata[$x][$y]["x"]); $top = round($eventdata[$x][$y]["y"]-$events[$obj]["h"]); $ret .= "<img border=\"0\" title=\"".$events[$obj]["name"]."\" width=\"$wd\" height=\"$ht\" src=\"/i/dungeon/events/$obj.gif\" style=\"position: absolute; left: {$left}px; top: {$top}px;".($x == 3?"z-index: ".(99-($y*5)).";":"")."\" />"; return $ret; } while($i >= 0) { if($i == 4) { if($map[0][7]) { $ret .= "<div class=\"lw{$i}2\"></div>"; } if($map[0][6]) { $ret .= "<div class=\"lsw{$i}2\"></div>"; } if($map[-1][6]) { $ret .= "<img width=\"37\" height=\"78\" src=\"/i/dungeon/mobs/".$map[-1][6].".gif\" style=\"position:absolute;left:-20px;top:60px\">"; } } $wall = $i*2-1; $sidewall = $i*2; if($map[1][$sidewall] && $i > 0) { $obj = substr($map[1][$sidewall], 0, 1); if($obj == "b") { $ret .= drawbot($map[1][$sidewall], 1, $i); } elseif ($obj == "u") { $ret .= drawuser($map[1][$sidewall], 1, $i, $players); } elseif ($obj == "o" || $obj=="p") { $ret .= drawobject($map[1][$sidewall], 1, $i); } elseif ($obj == "e") { $ret .= drawevent($map[1][$sidewall], 1, $i); } elseif ($obj == "d") { $ret .= drawdialog($map[1][$sidewall], 1, $i); } elseif ($obj != "s") { $o = $map[1][$sidewall]-10000; if($o == 4) { if($i == 1) { $ret .= "<img width=\"106\" height=\"101\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position: absolute; left: -42px; top: 90px\" />"; } if($i == 2) { $ret .= "<img width=\"86\" height=\"84\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position: absolute; left: 137px; top: 90px\" />"; } if($i == 3) { $ret .= "<img width=\"65\" height=\"63\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position: absolute; left: 152px; top: 87px\" />"; } } else { if($i== 1) { $ret .= "<img width=\"65\" height=\"80\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 110px\" />"; } if($i== 2) { $ret .= "<img width=\"43\" height=\"56\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position: absolute; left: 17px; top: 90px\" />"; } if($i== 3) { $ret .= "<img width=\"32\" height=\"40\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position: absolute; left: 17px; top: 100px\" />"; } } } } if ($map[5][$sidewall] && $i>0) { $obj=substr($map[5][$sidewall],0,1); if ($obj=="b") { $ret.=drawbot($map[5][$sidewall], 5, $i); } elseif ($obj=="u") { $ret.=drawuser($map[5][$sidewall], 5, $i, $players); } elseif ($obj=="o" || $obj=="p") { $ret.=drawobject($map[5][$sidewall], 5, $i); } elseif ($obj=="e") { $ret.=drawevent($map[5][$sidewall], 5, $i); } elseif ($obj=="d") { $ret.=drawdialog($map[5][$sidewall], 5, $i); } elseif ($obj!="s") { $o=$map[5][$sidewall]-10000; if ($o==4) { if ($i==1) $ret.="<img width=\"106\" height=\"101\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position:absolute;left:302px;top:90px\">"; if ($i==2) $ret.="<img width=\"86\" height=\"84\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position:absolute;left:137px;top:90px\">"; if ($i==3) $ret.="<img width=\"65\" height=\"63\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position:absolute;left:152px;top:87px\">"; } else { if ($i==1) $ret.="<img width=\"65\" height=\"80\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position:absolute;left:320px;top:90px\">"; if ($i==2) $ret.="<img width=\"43\" height=\"56\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position:absolute;left:300px;top:100px\">"; if ($i==3) $ret.="<img width=\"32\" height=\"40\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position:absolute;left:317px;top:110px\">"; } } } if ($i>0 && $map[1][$wall]) $ret.="<div class=\"lw$i\"></div>"; $objInWall = explode('/', $map[4][$sidewall]); if ($objInWall[1] == 'o') { if(!passablewall($map[4][$sidewall])) $ret.="<div style=\"position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:352px;height:240px;background-image:url($base/rsw$i$objInWall[2].gif)\"></div>"; } else { if(!passablewall($map[4][$sidewall])) $ret.="<div class=\"rsw$i\"></div>"; } $objInWall = explode('/', $map[2][$sidewall]); if ($objInWall[1] == 'o') { if(!passablewall($map[2][$sidewall])) $ret.="<div style=\"position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:352px;height:240px;background-image:url($base/lsw$i$objInWall[2].gif)\"></div>"; } else { if(!passablewall($map[2][$sidewall])) $ret.="<div class=\"lsw$i\"></div>"; } if ($i>0 && $map[5][$wall]) $ret.="<div class=\"rw$i\"></div>"; if ($map[3][$sidewall] && $i>0 && $sidewall<$centerwall) { $obj=substr($map[3][$sidewall],0,1); if ($obj=="b") { $ret.=drawbot($map[3][$sidewall], 3, $i); } elseif ($obj=="u") { $ret.=drawuser($map[3][$sidewall], 3, $i, $players); } elseif ($obj=="o" || $obj=="p") { $ret.=drawobject($map[3][$sidewall], 3, $i); } elseif ($obj=="e") { $ret.=drawevent($map[3][$sidewall], 3, $i); } elseif ($obj=="d") { $ret.=drawdialog($map[3][$sidewall], 3, $i); } elseif ($obj!="s") { $o=$map[3][$sidewall]-10000; if ($o==4) { if ($i==1) $ret.="<img width=\"130\" height=\"126\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position:absolute;left:112px;top:80px\">"; if ($i==2) $ret.="<img width=\"86\" height=\"84\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position:absolute;left:137px;top:90px\">"; if ($i==3) $ret.="<img width=\"65\" height=\"63\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position:absolute;left:147px;top:87px\">"; } else { if ($i==1) $ret.="<a style=\"position:absolute;left:157px;top:110px;z-index:100\" href=\"cave.php?useitem=1\"><img border=\"0\" width=\"65\" height=\"80\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\"></a>"; if ($i==2) $ret.="<img width=\"43\" height=\"56\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position:absolute;left:157px;top:105px\">"; if ($i==3) $ret.="<img width=\"32\" height=\"40\" src=\"/i/dungeon/objects/$o.gif\" style=\"position:absolute;left:157px;top:100px\">"; } } } if ($map[3][$wall]) { if ($i>0) $ret.="<div class=\"cw$i\" ".($map[3][$wall]>2?"style=\"background-image:url('$base/cw$i".cavewall($map[3][$wall]).".gif')\"":"")."></div>"; if ($i==1 && $map[3][$wall]>2) { if ($map[3][$wall]>1000) { $ret.="<a style=\"position:absolute;z-index:99;left:150px;top:35px\" href=\"cave.php?usewallitem=1&".time()."\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"".IMGBASE."/i/empty.gif\" width=\"45\" height=\"100\"></a>"; } elseif ($map[3][$wall]>100) { $ret.="<a style=\"position:absolute;z-index:99;left:150px;top:85px\" href=\"cave.php?usewallitem=1\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"".IMGBASE."/i/empty.gif\" width=\"100\" height=\"55\"></a>"; } else $ret.="<a style=\"position:absolute;z-index:99;left:60px;top:113px\" href=\"cave.php?usewallitem=1\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"".IMGBASE."/i/empty.gif\" width=\"128\" height=\"55\"></a>"; } $objInWall = explode('/', $map[3][$wall]); if ($objInWall[1] == "o") { if ($user['room'] == 83 && !(!$direction && (($x == 13 && $y == 4) || ($x == 12 && $y == 4)))) { // исключение 2-ух клеток в комнате 82 $ret.=drawobject('//' . $objInWall[2], 3, $i); } } $nocenter=1; } if ($i==4) { if ($map[7][6]) $ret.="<img width=\"37\" height=\"78\" src=\"/i/dungeon/mobs/".$map[7][6].".gif\" style=\"position:absolute;left:330px;top:60px\">"; } $i--; } $ret.="</div> </td><td valign=\"top\"> <div style=\"height:116px;position:relative\"> <div style=\"padding-top:11px;padding-left:33px\"> <DIV class=\"MoveLine\"><IMG src=\"/i/move/wait3.gif\" id=\"MoveLine\" class=\"MoveLine\"></DIV> <div style=\"visibility:hidden; height:0px\" id=\"moveto\">0</div> </div>"; if ($direction==0) { $forwardlink="?move=x2&".time(); $backlink="?move=x1&".time(); $leftlink="?move=y1&".time(); $rightlink="?move=y2&".time(); } if ($direction==2) { $forwardlink="?move=x1&".time(); $backlink="?move=x2&".time(); $leftlink="?move=y2&".time(); $rightlink="?move=y1&".time(); } if ($direction==1) { $forwardlink="?move=y2&".time(); $backlink="?move=y1&".time(); $leftlink="?move=x2&".time(); $rightlink="?move=x1&".time(); } if ($direction==3) { $forwardlink="?move=y1&".time(); $backlink="?move=y2&".time(); $leftlink="?move=x1&".time(); $rightlink="?move=x2&".time(); } if (passablewall($map[3][1]) && canmoveto($map[3][2])) $ret.="<div style='position:absolute; left:65px; top:38px;'><a onClick=\"return check('m1');\" id=\"m1\" href=\"$forwardlink\"><img src=\"/i/dungeon/forward.gif\" border=\"0\" /></a></div>"; if (passablewall($map[3][-1]) && canmoveto($map[3][-2])) $ret.="<div style='position:absolute; left:65px; top:84px;'><a onClick=\"return check('m5');\" id=\"m5\" href=\"$backlink\"><img src=\"/i/dungeon/back.gif\" border=\"0\" /></a></div>"; if (passablewall($map[2][0]) && canmoveto($map[1][0])) $ret.="<div style='position:absolute; left:17px; top:49px;'><a onClick=\"return check('m7');\" id=\"m7\" href=\"$leftlink\"><img src=\"/i/dungeon/left.gif\" border=\"0\" /></a></div>"; if (passablewall($map[4][0]) && canmoveto($map[5][0])) $ret.="<div style='position:absolute; left:127px; top:48px;'><a onClick=\"return check('m3');\" id=\"m3\" href=\"$rightlink\"><img src=\"/i/dungeon/right.gif\" border=\"0\" /></a></div>"; $ret.="<div style='position:absolute; left:37px; top:37px;'><a href=\"?direction=".($direction==0?3:$direction-1)."&".time()."\" title=\"Поворот налево\"><img src=\"/i/dungeon/turnleft.gif\" width=\"22\" height=\"20\" border=\"0\" /></a></div>"; $ret.="<div style='position:absolute; left:112px; top:37px;'><a href=\"?direction=".(($direction+1)%4)."&".time()."\" title=\"Поворот направо\"><img src=\"/i/dungeon/turnright.gif\" width=\"21\" height=\"20\" border=\"0\" /></a></div>"; $ret.="<div style='position:absolute; left:66px; top:62px;'><a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\"><img src=\"/i/dungeon/ref.gif\" border=\"0\"/></a></div>"; $ret.="</div> <div style=\"margin-left:20px;position:relative\">"; foreach ($players as $k=>$v) { if ($v["x"]-($startx/2)>=0 && $v["x"]-($startx/2)<=8 && $v["y"]-($starty/2)>=0 && $v["y"]-($starty/2)<=8) { $ret.="<img alt=\"$v[login]\" title=\"$v[login]\" style=\"position:absolute;left:".(($v["x"]-($startx/2))*15+3)."px;top:".(($v["y"]-($starty/2))*15+3)."px\" src=\"/i/dungeon/".($k+1)."$v[dir].gif\">"; } } $ret.="<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>"; $i=$starty; while ($i<$starty+18) { $ret.="<tr>"; $i2=$startx; while ($i2<$startx+18) { $ret.="<td class=\"maptd\">"; if (strpos($map1[$i][$i2], 'h/') !== false) { $map1[$i][$i2] = 0; } if ($map1[$i][$i2]) { $ret.="<img src=\"/i/dungeon/"; if (!passablewall($map1[$i][$i2-1])) $ret.="0"; else $ret.="1"; if (!passablewall($map1[$i-1][$i2])) $ret.="0"; else $ret.="1"; if (!passablewall($map1[$i][$i2+1])) $ret.="0"; else $ret.="1"; if (!passablewall($map1[$i+1][$i2])) $ret.="0"; else $ret.="1"; $ret.=".gif\">"; } $ret.="</td>"; $i2+=2; } $ret.="</tr>"; $i+=2; } $ret.="</table></div> </td></tr></table>"; $ret.="<div align=\"center\" style=\"position:absolute; left:389px; top:10px; font-size:6px;padding:0px;border:solid black 0px; text-align:center\" id=\"prcont\"> <script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> var s=\"\";for (i=1; i<=32; i++) {s+='<span id=\"progress'+i+'\"> </span>';if (i<32) {s+=' '};}document.getElementById('prcont').innerHTML=s; </script></div>"; $ret.="<TABLE><tr> <td nowrap=\"nowrap\" id=\"moveto\"> </td></tr></TABLE>"; $ret.="</div>"; $ret.="<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> var progressEnd = 108; // set to number of progress <span>'s. var progressColor = '#00CC00'; // set to progress bar color var mtime = parseInt('"; if (time()<$_SESSION["movetime"]) $ret.=$_SESSION["movetime"]-time(); else $ret.=0; $ret.="'); if (!mtime || mtime <= 0 ) mtime = 0; var progressInterval = Math.round( mtime * 1000 / progressEnd ); var is_accessible = true; var progressAt = progressEnd; var progressTimer; function progress_clear() { progressAt = 1; for (var t = 1; t <= 8; t++) { if( document.getElementById('m'+t) && ( t != 2 && t != 8 )) document.getElementById('m'+t).style.backgroundImage = \"none\"; } is_accessible = false; set_moveto(true); } function progress_update() { progressAt++; if (progressAt > progressEnd) { for (var t = 1; t <= 8; t++) { if( document.getElementById('m'+t) && ( t != 2 && t != 8 )) document.getElementById('m'+t).style.backgroundImage = \"\"; } is_accessible = true; if (window.solo_store && solo_store) { solo(solo_store, \"\"); } // go to stored set_moveto(false); } else { if( !( progressAt % 2 ) ) document.getElementById('MoveLine').style.left = progressAt - progressEnd; progressTimer = setTimeout('progress_update()',progressInterval); } } function set_moveto (val) { document.getElementById('moveto').disabled = val; if (document.getElementById('bmoveto')) { document.getElementById('bmoveto').disabled = val; } } function progress_stop() { clearTimeout(progressTimer); progress_clear(); } function check(it) { return is_accessible; } function check_access () { return is_accessible; } function ch_counter_color (color) { progressColor = color; for (var i = 1; i <= progressAt; i++) { document.getElementById('progress'+i).style.backgroundColor = progressColor; } } if (mtime>0) { progress_clear(); progress_update(); } </script> "; return $ret; } ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left"> <br> <table width="400" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#000000" style="margin-left: 21px;"> <? foreach($party as $k => $v) { if($v["user"] == $user["id"]) { $usr = $user; } else { $usr = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `level`, `hp`, `maxhp` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '$v[user]'")); } $wd = floor($usr["hp"]/$usr["maxhp"]*120); echo "<tr><td background=\"/i/bg_scroll_05.gif\" align=\"left\"> <a href=\"javascript:top.AddToPrivate('$v[login]', top.CtrlPress)\"><img src=\"i/lock.gif\" title=\"Приват\" border=\"0\" /></a> <a href=\"inf.php?$v[user]\" target=_blank title=\"Информация о $v[login]\">$v[login]</a> [$usr[level]]<a href='inf.php?$v[user]' target='_blank'><img src='/i/inf.gif' border=0></a></td> <td background=\"/i/bg_scroll_05.gif\" nowrap style=\"font-size:9px\"> <div style=\"position: relative;padding-left:5px\"> <table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style='line-height: 1'><td nowrap style=\"font-size:9px\" style=\"position: relative\"><SPAN ".($v["user"]==$user["id"]?"id=\"HP\"":"")." style='position: absolute; left: 5; z-index: 1; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF'>".($v["user"]==$user["id"]?"<span id=\"hp_value\">":"")."$usr[hp]".($v["user"]==$user["id"]?"</span>":"")."/$usr[maxhp]</SPAN><img src=\"/i/1green.gif\" alt=\"Уровень жизни\" ".($v["user"]==$user["id"]?"name=\"HP1\"":"")." width=\"$wd\" height=\"9\" ".($v["user"]==$user["id"]?"id=\"HP1\"":"")."><img src=\"/i/bk_life_loose.gif\" alt=\"Уровень жизни\" ".($v["user"]==$user["id"]?"name=\"HP2\"":"")." width=\"".(120-$wd)."\" height=\"9\" ".($v["user"]==$user["id"]?"id=\"HP2\"":"")."></td></table></div></td> <td background=\"/i/bg_scroll_05.gif\" align=\"center\"></td> <td background=\"/i/bg_scroll_05.gif\" align=\"center\">"; if ($v["user"]==$user["id"] && $user["id"]==$user["caveleader"]) echo "<IMG src=\"/i/lead1.gif\" width=24 height=15><A href=\"#\" onClick=\"findlogin('Выберите персонажа которого хотите выгнать','cave.php', 'kill')\"><IMG alt=\"Выгнать супостата\" src=\"/i/ico_kill_member1.gif\" WIDTH=\"14\" HEIGHT=\"17\"></A> <A href=\"#\" onClick=\"findlogin( 'Выберите персонажа которому хотите передать лидерство','cave.php', 'change')\"><IMG alt=\"Новый царь\" src=\"/i/ico_change_leader1.gif\" WIDTH=\"14\" HEIGHT=\"17\"></A>"; echo "</td> </tr>"; } ?> </table><br> <script><?=topsethp()?></script> <div style="padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;"> <?php if (isset($_GET['msg'])) { $report = $_GET['msg']; } ?> <font color=red><?=@$report?> </font></div> <br /> <br><br /> <center> <? $r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `caveitems` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `x` = '".($x*2)."' AND `y` = '".($y*2)."' AND `floor` = '$floor'"); if(mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) echo "<font color=red>В комнате разбросаны вещи:</font><div style=\"font-size:3px\"> </div>"; while ($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) { echo "<a title=\"Поднять $rec[name]\" href=\"cave.php?takeitem=$rec[id]\"><img src=\"/i/sh/$rec[img]\"></a> "; } ?></center><br> <? if ($loses>=3) echo "<center><b><font color=red>Вас убили 3 раза, и вы покидете подземелье</font></b><br><br> <a href=\"cave.php?exit=1\">Вернуться</a></center><br>"; if ($loses) echo "<div style=\"padding-left:20px\"><b>Количество смертей: $loses</b></div>"; ?> </td> <td width=540> <div style="text-align:right;padding-right:30px"> <font style='font-size:14px; color:#8f0000'><b><? $dMap = unserialize(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT `map` FROM `cavemaps` WHERE `floor` = $floor AND `room` = ".($user['room'] - 1)), 0, 0)); $cPlace = $dMap[$y*2][$x*2]; $tmp=explode("/", $cPlace); if($user['room'] == 621) { if($floor == 1) { echo 'Проклятый Рудник, 1 этаж'; } elseif($floor == 2) { echo 'Проклятый Рудник, 2 этаж'; } } elseif (@$roomnames[$tmp[1]]) echo $roomnames[$tmp[1]]; else echo $rooms[$user["room"]]; ?></b></font> <font style='font-size:14px; color:#8f0000'><b></b></font> <a style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="if (confirm('Вы уверены что хотите выйти?')) window.location='cave.php?exit=1'"> <b style='font-size:14px; color:#000066;'>Выйти</b></a> </div> <? echo drawmap($map, $party, $x, $y, $dir); ?> </td></tr></table> <? if($user["login"]=="Rallo Tabs") { echo ' <form action="cave.php" method="GET"> x: <input size="2" name="x" value="' . $x . '" /> y: <input size="2" name="y" value="' . $y . '" /> floor: <input size="2" name="floor" value="' . $floor . '" /> <input type="submit" name="goto" value="перейти" /> </form>'; } ?>