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Неизвестный параметр core._findGrabLogin ['+input+']'); return null; } return tmp.get(0); }, setGrabLogin: function(input){ var tmp = this._findGrabLogin(input); this.clearGrabLogin(); this.grabLogin = tmp; return $(tmp).addClass('grabLogin').select(); }, clearGrabLogin: function(){ $('input.grabLogin').removeClass('grabLogin'); this.grabLogin = null; }, toggleGrabLogin: function(input){ var tmp = this._findGrabLogin(input); if($(tmp).hasClass('grabLogin')){ this.clearGrabLogin(); }else{ this.setGrabLogin(tmp); } }, refresh: function(){ document.location = document.location; } } function str_replace ( search, replace, subject ) { if(!(replace instanceof Array)){ replace=new Array(replace); if(search instanceof Array){ while(search.length>replace.length){ replace[replace.length]=replace[0]; } } } if(!(search instanceof Array))search=new Array(search); while(search.length>replace.length){ replace[replace.length]=''; } if(subject instanceof Array){ for(k in subject){ subject[k]=str_replace(search,replace,subject[k]); } return subject; } for(var k=0; k-1){ subject = subject.replace(search[k], replace[k]); i = subject.indexOf(search[k],i); } } return subject; } (function ($) { $.fn.vAlign = function() { return this.each(function(i){ var ah = $(this).height(); var ph = $(this).parent().height(); var mh = (ph - ah) / 2; $(this).css('margin-top', mh); }); }; })(jQuery); // GENERATE UNIQUE ID DOM-ELEMENTS (function($) { $.fn.genId = function(prefix,params){ return this.each(function(){ var counter = 0; var id; do{ id = (prefix ? prefix + '-' : '_') + (counter++); }while(document.getElementById(id)); $(this).attr('id', id); return this; }); }; })(jQuery);