$mw) {
return false;
return true;
function placeinbackpack($qty, $userid = 0)
global $user;
if (!$userid) {
$userid = $user['id'];
if ($userid == $user['id']) {
$user1 = $user;
} else {
$user1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `level` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '$user1[id]' LIMIT 1"));
$cnt = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `cnt` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '$user1[id]' AND `dressed` = 0 AND `setsale` = 0"));
return $cnt['cnt'] + $qty <= backpacksize($user1['id']);
function backpacksize($u = 0)
{ // $l * 10 +5
$l = 0;
if ($u) {
$l = $u['level'];
if ($l == 0) {
return 75;
if ($l == 1) {
return 100;
if ($l == 2) {
return 125;
if ($l == 3) {
return 175;
if ($l == 4) {
return 225;
if ($l == 5) {
return 325;
if ($l == 6) {
return 425;
if ($l == 7) {
return 525;
if ($l == 8) {
return 625;
if ($l == 9) {
return 725;
if ($l == 10) {
return 825;
if ($l == 11) {
return 925;
if ($l >= 12) {
return 1025;
function battlewithbot($b, $name = '', $time = 3, $blood = 1, $group = 1, $battleid = 0, $otherbots = [], $noredir = 0, $userid = 0, $type = 1)
global $user;
if (!$userid) {
$user1 = $user;
} elseif (is_array($userid)) {
$user1 = $userid;
} else {
$user1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '$userid' LIMIT 1"));
$bot = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `login`, `maxhp` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '$b' LIMIT 1"));
if (!$name) {
$name = $bot['login'];
if ($battleid) {
$botid = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `bots` WHERE `prototype` = '$b' AND `battle` = '$battleid' LIMIT 1"));
} elseif ($group) {
$arha = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bots` WHERE `prototype` = '$b' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"));
$battleid = $arha['battle'];
$botid = $arha['id'];
if (@$battleid > 0) {
$bd = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = '$battleid' LIMIT 1"));
$battle = unserialize($bd['teams']);
$t1 = explode(";", $bd['t1']);
$t2 = explode(";", $bd['t2']);
$ak = array_keys($battle[$t2[0]]);
$battle[$user1['id']] = $battle[$ak[0]];
foreach ($battle[$user1['id']] as $k => $v) {
$battle[$user1['id']][$k] = [0, 0, time()];
$battle[$k][$user1['id']] = [0, 0, time()];
if (in_array($botid, $t1)) {
$ttt = 2;
} else {
$ttt = 1;
if ($user1['invis'] == 1) {
addlog($battleid, '' . date("H:i") . ' невидимка вмешался в поединок!
} else {
addlog($battleid, '' . date("H:i") . ' ' . Nick::id($user['id'])->short() . ' вмешался в поединок!
mysql_query('UPDATE `battle` SET `teams` = \'' . serialize($battle) . '\', `t' . $ttt . '` = CONCAT(`t' . $ttt . '`,\';' . $user1['id'] . '\') WHERE `id` = ' . $battleid . ' LIMIT 1');
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = " . $battleid . ", `zayavka` = 0 WHERE `id`= " . $user1['id'] . " LIMIT 1");
if (!$noredir) {
header("Location: fbattle.php");
} else {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `bots` (`name`, `prototype`, `battle`, `hp`) VALUES ('$name', '$b', '', '" . $bot['maxhp'] . "')");
$hps[$b] = $bot['maxhp'];
$botid1 = mysql_insert_id();
$cond = " `id` = '$botid1' ";
$teams = [];
$teams[$user1['id']][$botid1] = [0, 0, time()];
$teams[$botid1][$user1['id']] = [0, 0, time()];
$t2 = "$botid1";
$others = "";
$hps = [];
foreach ($otherbots as $k => $v) {
if (CaveBots::$botnames[$v['name']]) {
$i = 1;
while (CaveBots::$botnames["$v[name] ($i)"]) $i++;
$botname = "$v[name] ($i)";
} else {
$botname = $v['name'];
CaveBots::$botnames[$botname] = 1;
if (!@$hps[$v['id']]) {
$hps[$v['id']] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `maxhp` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '$v[id]' LIMIT 1"));
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `bots` (`name`, `prototype`, `battle`, `hp`) VALUES ('$botname', '$v[id]', '', '" . $hps[$v['id']]['maxhp'] . "')");
$botid = mysql_insert_id();
$cond .= " OR `id` = '$botid' ";
$teams[$user1['id']][$botid] = [0, 0, time()];
$teams[$botid][$user1['id']] = [0, 0, time()];
$others .= "" . date("H:i") . " $botname вмешался в поединок.
$t2 .= ";$botid";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `battle` (`id`, `coment`, `teams`, `timeout`, `type`, `status`, `t1`, `t2`, `to1`, `to2`, `blood`, `date`) VALUES (NULL, '', '" . serialize($teams) . "', '" . $time . "', '$type', '0', '" . $user1['id'] . "', '" . $t2 . "', '" . time() . "', '" . time() . "', '$blood', '" . date("Y-m-d H:i") . "')");
$battleid = mysql_insert_id();
mysql_query("UPDATE `bots` SET `battle` = {$battleid} WHERE $cond");
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = {$battleid} WHERE `id` = {$user1['id']} LIMIT 1");
if ($user1['invis'] == 1) {
$rr = "невидимка и " . Nick::id($botid1)->full(1) . "";
} else {
$rr = "" . Nick::id($user1['id'])->full(1) . " и " . Nick::id($botid1)->full(1) . "";
addlog($battleid, "Часы показывали " . date("Y.m.d H.i") . ", когда " . $rr . " бросили вызов друг другу.
" . ($others ? "$others
" : ""));
if (!$noredir) {
header("Location: fbattle.php");
return $battleid;
function gotoroom($r, $redir = 1)
mysql_query("UPDATE `users`, `online` SET `users`.`room` = '$r', `online`.`room` = '$r' WHERE `online`.`id` = `users`.`id` AND `online`.`id` = '{$_SESSION['uid']}'");
if ($redir) {
function redirectbyroom($r)
if (in_array($r, Config::$canalenters)) {
header("location: enter_cave.php");
if ($r == 1) {
header("location: main.php");
$roomnames = [621 => "Рудник"];
if ($user["login"] == "Rallo Tabs") {
if (isset($_GET['goto'])) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `x` = '$_GET[x]', `y` = '$_GET[y]', `floor` = '$_GET[floor]' WHERE `caveparties`.`user` = $user[id] LIMIT 1");
header('Location: cave.php');
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
if ($user['battle'] > 0) {
header("location: fbattle.php");
$objsizes = [0 => [0, 0], 1 => [120, 60], 2 => [120, 60], 3 => [120, 60], 4 => [110, 72], 5 => [120, 120]];
$objdata[3][0] = ["wd" => 1.44, "ht" => 1.44, "y" => 1, "x" => 176];
$objdata[3][1] = ["coef" => 1, "y" => 202, "x" => 176];
$objdata[1][1] = ["coef" => 1, "y" => 202, "x" => -65];
$objdata[5][1] = ["coef" => 1, "y" => 202, "x" => 435];
$objdata[3][2] = ["coef" => 0.67, "y" => 162, "x" => 176];
$objdata[1][2] = ["coef" => 0.67, "y" => 162, "x" => 18];
$objdata[5][2] = ["coef" => 0.67, "y" => 162, "x" => 342];
$objdata[3][3] = ["coef" => 0.50, "y" => 141, "x" => 176];
$objdata[1][3] = ["coef" => 0.50, "y" => 141, "x" => 50];
$objdata[5][3] = ["coef" => 0.50, "y" => 141, "x" => 300];
$imgdata[3][0] = ["wd" => 173, "ht" => 317, "y" => 1, "x" => [-37, 89, 215]];
$imgdata[3][1] = ["wd" => 87, "ht" => 161, "y" => 41, "x" => [68, 132, 196]];
$imgdata[1][1] = ["wd" => 87, "ht" => 161, "y" => 41, "x" => [-171, -44, -44]];
$imgdata[5][1] = ["wd" => 87, "ht" => 161, "y" => 41, "x" => [308, 308, 435]];
$imgdata[3][2] = ["wd" => 58, "ht" => 107, "y" => 55, "x" => [104, 147, 189]];
$imgdata[1][2] = ["wd" => 58, "ht" => 107, "y" => 55, "x" => [-56, 29, 29]];
$imgdata[5][2] = ["wd" => 58, "ht" => 107, "y" => 55, "x" => [264, 264, 350]];
$imgdata[3][3] = ["wd" => 44, "ht" => 81, "y" => 61, "x" => [122, 154, 186]];
$imgdata[1][3] = ["wd" => 44, "ht" => 81, "y" => 61, "x" => [1, 65, 65]];
$imgdata[5][3] = ["wd" => 44, "ht" => 81, "y" => 61, "x" => [242, 242, 306]];
$eventdata[3][1] = ["x" => 176, "y" => 200, "q" => 1];
$eventdata[3][2] = ["x" => 176, "y" => 149, "q" => 0.66];
$eventdata[1][2] = ["x" => 16, "y" => 149, "q" => 0.66];
$eventdata[5][2] = ["x" => 335, "y" => 149, "q" => 0.66];
$eventdata[3][3] = ["x" => 176, "y" => 133, "q" => 0.5];
$eventdata[1][3] = ["x" => 56, "y" => 133, "q" => 0.5];
$eventdata[5][3] = ["x" => 296, "y" => 133, "q" => 0.5];
$objects = [1 => "Спуск", 2 => "Спуск", 3 => "Спуск", 4 => "Сундук", 5 => "Спуск"];
$events = [];
$dialogs = [];
$noautoexit = 0;
function usagesleft($x, $y)
global $map;
$cell = explode("/", $map[$y * 2][$x * 2]);
return $cell[3];
function takeusage($x, $y)
global $map;
$cell = explode("/", $map[$y * 2][$x * 2]);
$map[$y * 2][$x * 2] = implode("/", $cell);
function makedeath()
global $user, $floor, $loses, $x, $y, $dir;
$cavedata = Config::$cavedata ?? [];
if (!isset($cavedata[$user['room']]['x' . $floor])) {
$floor = 1;
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `floor` = $floor, `x` = '" . $cavedata[$user['room']]['x' . $floor] . "', `y` = '" . $cavedata[$user['room']]['y' . $floor] . "', `dir` = '" . $cavedata[$user['room']]['dir' . $floor] . "', `loses` = (`loses`+1) WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1");
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = 1 WHERE `id` = "' . $user['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
$x = $cavedata[$user['room']]['x' . $floor];
$y = $cavedata[$user['room']]['y' . $floor];
$dir = $cavedata[$user['room']]['dir' . $floor];
function pickupitem($item, $foronetrip, $notmore1, $incave = 0, $podzem = 1, $destiny = 0)
global $user;
if ($notmore1) {
$i = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `inventory` WHERE `prototype` = '$item' AND `owner` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"));
if (isset($i['id'])) {
return "Вы уже получили здесь всё необходимое.";
$flds = ['podzem' => 1, 'podzem' => $podzem];
if ($incave) {
$flds['incave'] = 1;
$taken = takeshopitem($item, 'shop', '', $foronetrip, $destiny, $flds);
return "Вы получили $taken[name]";
function itemtofloor($item, $foronetrip, $incave = 0, $podzem = 1, $from = 'shop', $small = 0)
global $user, $x, $y, $floor;
$rec = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `name`, `img` FROM `$from` WHERE `id` = '$item' LIMIT 1"));
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `caveitems` SET `leader` = '$user[caveleader]', `name` = '$rec[name]', `img` = '$rec[img]', `small` = '$small', `x` = '" . ($x * 2) . "', `y` = '" . ($y * 2) . "', `floor` = '$floor', `item` = '$item', `foronetrip` = '$foronetrip', `incave` = '$incave', `podzem` = '$podzem'");
return "Вы нашли $rec[name].";
function makeinjury()
global $user, $floor, $noautoexit, $loses, $x, $y, $dir;
settravma($user['id'], 20, rand(1, 600), 1, 1);
$noautoexit = 1;
function cavewall($w)
if ($w < 100) {
return floor($w / 10);
} else {
return floor($w / 1000) + 100;
function passablewall($n)
if ($n == 0 || $n == 31) {
return true;
return false;
function canmoveto($cell, $freecell = 0, $passing = 0)
if (!passablewall($passing)) {
return false;
$obj = substr($cell, 0, 1);
if ($obj == "e" || $obj == "u" || $obj == "s" || $obj == "p") {
return true;
if (!$freecell && $cell) {
return false;
if ($cell == $freecell) {
return true;
return false;
function gotoxy($tox, $toy, $tofloor = 0, $msg = '')
global $map, $x, $y, $floor, $user;
$floor1 = $floor;
$upd = "";
if ($tox) {
$tox = $tox / 2;
if ($upd) {
$upd .= ", ";
$upd .= " `x` = '$tox'";
$x = $tox;
if ($toy) {
$toy = $toy / 2;
if ($upd) {
$upd .= ", ";
$upd .= " `y` = '$toy'";
$y = $toy;
if ($tofloor && $tofloor != $floor) {
if ($upd) {
$upd .= ", ";
$upd .= " `floor` = '$tofloor'";
$floor = $tofloor;
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET $upd WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1");
if ($tofloor && $tofloor != $floor1) {
$map = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `map` FROM `caves` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `floor` = '$floor' LIMIT 1"));
$map = unserialize($map);
if ($msg) {
header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . ($msg ? '?msg=' . $msg : ''));
function updparties()
global $user, $x, $y, $floor, $dir, $party;
foreach ($party as $k => $v) {
if ($v['user'] == $user['id']) {
$party[$k]['dir'] = $dir;
$party[$k]['x'] = $x;
$party[$k]['y'] = $y;
$party[$k]['floor'] = $floor;
function loadmap()
global $user, $map, $floor;
$map = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `map` FROM `caves` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `floor` = '$floor' LIMIT 1"));
$map = unserialize($map['map']);
function getslot($i, $user1 = 0)
global $user;
if (!$user1) {
$user1 = $user;
foreach (Config::$userslots as $k => $v) {
if ($user1[$v] == $i) {
return $v;
function getcavedata($caveleader, $floor)
return unserialize(implode("", file("cavedata/$caveleader-$floor.dat")));
if (!in_array($user['room'], Config::$caverooms)) {
header("Location: main.php");
die('Not in this life ...');
if (isset($_GET['direction'])) {
$dir = (int)$_GET['direction'];
if ($dir >= 0 && $dir <= 3) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `dir` = '$dir' WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1");
$party = [];
$r = mysql_query("SELECT `user`, `x`, `y`, `dir`, `login`, `shadow`, `floor`, `loses` FROM `caveparties` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' ORDER BY `id` DESC");
while ($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) {
if ($rec['user'] == $user['id']) {
$x = $rec['x'];
$y = $rec['y'];
$dir = $rec['dir'];
$floor = $rec['floor'];
$loses = $rec['loses'];
$party[] = $rec;
if ($user['room'] == 621) {
$base = "/underdesigns/alchcave";
$maxloses = 3;
if ($loses >= $maxloses && !$noautoexit) {
$_GET['exit'] = 1;
if (@$_GET['kill'] && $user['id'] == $user['caveleader'] && $_GET['kill'] != $user['login']) {
foreach ($party as $k => $v) {
if ($v['login'] == $_GET['kill']) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `caveparties` WHERE `user` = '$v[user]'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `room` = (`room`-1), `caveleader` = 0 WHERE `id` = '$v[user]' LIMIT 1");
$r = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `dressed` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '$v[user]' AND `dressed` = 1 AND `foronetrip` = 1");
if (mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) {
$usr = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT " . implode(",", Config::$userslots) . " FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '$v[user]'"));
while ($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) {
$slot = getslot($rec['id'], $usr);
if ($slot) {
dropitemid(0, $v['user'], $slot);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '$v[user]' AND `foronetrip` = 1");
$report = "Персонаж $v[login] исключён из похода.";
if (!@$report) {
$report = "Персонаж $_GET[kill] не найден.";
if ($_GET['change'] && $user['id'] == $user['caveleader'] && $_GET['change'] != $user['login']) {
foreach ($party as $k => $v) {
if ($v['login'] == $_GET['change']) {
mysql_query("LOCK TABLES `users` WRITE, `caveparties` WRITE, `cavebots` WRITE, `caves` WRITE, `caveitems` WRITE");
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `caveleader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `caveleader` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `cavebots` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `caves` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveitems` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'");
$user['caveleader'] = $v['user'];
$report = "Персонажу $v[login] присвоено лидерство.";
mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
if (!@$report) {
$report = "Персонаж $_GET[change] не найден.";
if (@$_GET['useitem'] || @$_GET['usewallitem']) {
mysql_query("LOCK TABLES `effects` WRITE, `cavebots` WRITE, `battle` WRITE, `users` WRITE, `caveparties` WRITE, `caves` WRITE, `shop` WRITE, `inventory` WRITE, `bots` WRITE, `caveitems` WRITE");
if (@$_GET['useitem']) {
if ($dir == 0) {
$tx = $x - 1;
$ty = $y;
if ($dir == 1) {
$tx = $x;
$ty = $y - 1;
if ($dir == 2) {
$tx = $x + 1;
$ty = $y;
if ($dir == 3) {
$tx = $x;
$ty = $y + 1;
if (@$_GET['useitem']) {
if (file_exists("underground/objects/$user[room].php")) {
include "underground/objects/$user[room].php";
[$t, $obj] = explode("/", $map[$ty * 2][$tx * 2]);
if ($t == "o") {
if ($obj == 500) {
$report = "В этот сундук уже кто-то заглядывал";
mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
function updmap()
global $map, $user, $floor;
mysql_query("UPDATE `caves` SET `map` = '" . serialize($map) . "' WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `floor` = '$floor' LIMIT 1");
if (@$_GET['usewallitem']) {
if ($dir == 0) {
$tx = $x * 2 - 1;
$ty = $y * 2;
if ($dir == 1) {
$tx = $x * 2;
$ty = $y * 2 - 1;
if ($dir == 2) {
$tx = $x * 2 + 1;
$ty = $y * 2;
if ($dir == 3) {
$tx = $x * 2;
$ty = $y * 2 + 1;
$obj = $map[$ty][$tx];
if ($obj == 18) {
$report = "Вы не обнаружили ничего интересного.";
if ($obj == 19) {
$report = "Уже проверено, сюда лучше не лазить.";
mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
$r = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `bot`, `x`, `y`, `cnt`, `type`, `battle` FROM `cavebots` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `floor` = '$floor'");
$mapbots = [];
$ambushes = [];
$cavedata = getcavedata($user['caveleader'], $floor);
if (time() - $cavedata['wander'] > 21) {
$wander = 1;
} else {
$wander = 0;
$wanderers = [];
while ($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) {
if ($rec['type'] == 1 && $wander && $rec['battle'] == 0) {
$wanderers[] = $rec;
if (!@$mapbots[$rec['y']][$rec['x']]) {
$mapbots[$rec['y']][$rec['x']] = "b";
if (($rec['type'] == 1 || $rec['type'] == 2) && $rec['battle'] == 0) {
$ambushes[$rec['y']][$rec['x']] = 1;
$mapbots[$rec['y']][$rec['x']] .= "/$rec[bot]/$rec[cnt]";
if ($wander && !isset($_GET['attack'])) {
foreach ($wanderers as $k => $v) {
$d = rand(0, 3);
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
if ($d == 0) {
$tx = $v['x'] - 2;
$ty = $v['y'];
if ($d == 1) {
$tx = $v['x'];
$ty = $v['y'] - 2;
if ($d == 2) {
$tx = $v['x'] + 2;
$ty = $v['y'];
if ($d == 3) {
$tx = $v['x'];
$ty = $v['y'] + 2;
if ($user['room'] == 74 || $user['room'] == 76) {
if (strpos($map[$ty][$tx], 's/') !== false && !@$mapbots[$ty][$tx]) {
} else {
if ($map[$ty][$tx] == 2 && !@$mapbots[$ty][$tx]) {
if ($d > 3) {
$d = 0;
if ($i < 4) {
mysql_query("UDPATE `cavebots` set `x` = '$tx', `y` = '$ty' WHERE `id` = '$v[id]' LIMIT 1");
$v['x'] = $tx;
$v['y'] = $ty;
if (!@$mapbots[$v['y']][$v['x']]) {
$mapbots[$v['y']][$v['x']] = "b";
$ambushes[$v['y']][$v['x']] = 1;
$mapbots[$v['y']][$v['x']] .= "/$v[bot]/$v[cnt]";
$cavedata['wander'] = time();
savecavedata($cavedata, $user['caveleader'], $floor);
foreach ($mapbots as $k => $v) {
foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) {
$map[$k][$k2] = $v2;
$moved = 0;
if (@$_GET['move'] && $_SESSION['movetime'] < time()) {
if ($_GET['move'] == "x1" && canmoveto($map[$y * 2][$x * 2 + 2], 2, $map[$y * 2][$x * 2 + 1], 2)) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `x` = (`x`+1) WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1");
$moved = 1;
if ($_GET['move'] == "x2" && canmoveto($map[$y * 2][$x * 2 - 2], 2, $map[$y * 2][$x * 2 - 1])) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `x` = (`x`-1) WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1");
$moved = 1;
if ($_GET['move'] == "y1" && canmoveto($map[$y * 2 + 2][$x * 2], 2, $map[$y * 2 + 1][$x * 2])) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `y` = (`y`+1) WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1");
$moved = 1;
if ($_GET['move'] == "y2" && canmoveto($map[$y * 2 - 2][$x * 2], 2, $map[$y * 2 - 1][$x * 2])) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `y` = (`y`-1) WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1");
$moved = 1;
#$_SESSION['movetime'] = time()+5;
$_SESSION['movetime'] = time();
if ($moved && (substr($map[$y * 2][$x * 2], 0, 1) === "e" || substr($map[$y * 2][$x * 2], 0, 1) === "p")) {
$tx = $x;
$ty = $y;
$tmp = explode("/", $map[$y * 2][$x * 2]);
if (file_exists("underground/events/$user[room].php")) {
$ax = 0;
$ay = 0;
if ($ambushes[$y * 2 + 2][$x * 2] && $map[$y * 2 + 1][$x * 2] == 0) {
$ax = $x;
$ay = $y + 1;
if ($ambushes[$y * 2 - 2][$x * 2] && $map[$y * 2 - 1][$x * 2] == 0) {
$ax = $x;
$ay = $y - 1;
if ($ambushes[$y * 2][$x * 2 + 2] && $map[$y * 2][$x * 2 + 1] == 0) {
$ax = $x + 1;
$ay = $y;
if ($ambushes[$y * 2][$x * 2 - 2] && $map[$y * 2][$x * 2 - 1] == 0) {
$ax = $x - 1;
$ay = $y;
if ($ax && $ay && $user['hp'] > 0) {
$cavedata = Config::$cavedata ?? [];
if (!($cavedata[$user['room']]['x' . $floor] == $x && $cavedata[$user['room']]['y' . $floor] == $y)) {
if ($ax < $x) {
$dir1 = 0;
} elseif ($ax > $x) {
$dir1 = 2;
} elseif ($ay < $y) {
$dir1 = 1;
} elseif ($ay > $y) {
$dir1 = 3;
if ($dir != $dir1) {
$dir = $dir1;
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `dir` = '$dir' WHERE `user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1");
foreach ($party as $k => $v) {
if ($v['user'] == $user['id']) {
$party[$k]['dir'] = $dir1;
$_GET['attack'] = 1;
if (!$_SESSION['movetime']) {
#$_SESSION['movetime'] = time()+5;
$_SESSION['movetime'] = time();
if (@$_GET['takeitem']) {
$_GET['takeitem'] = (int)$_GET['takeitem'];
$it = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `item`, `foronetrip`, `incave`, `podzem` FROM `caveitems` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `x` = '" . ($x * 2) . "' AND `y` = '" . ($y * 2) . "' AND `floor` = '$floor' AND `id` = '$_GET[takeitem]' LIMIT 1"));
if (isset($it['item'])) {
$ms = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `massa` AS `mass` FROM $shop WHERE `id` = '$it[item]' LIMIT 1"));
$shop = 'shop';
if (!placeinbackpack(1, $user['id'])) {
$report = "У вас в рюкзаке слишком много предметов.";
} elseif (!cancarry($ms['mass'], $user)) {
$report = "Ваш рюкзак перегружен.";
} else {
$destiny = 0;
$taken = takeshopitem($it['item'], "$shop", "", $it['foronetrip'], $destiny, ["podzem" => $it["podzem"], "incave" => $it['incave']], 0, 1, "Нашёл в пещере");
if (@$taken['error']) {
$report = $taken['error'];
} else {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `caveitems` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `x` = '" . ($x * 2) . "' AND `y` ='" . ($y * 2) . "' AND `floor` = '$floor' AND `id` = '$_GET[takeitem]' LIMIT 1");
$report = "Вы нашли $taken[name].";
} else {
$report = "Кто-то оказался быстрее...";
if (@$_GET['speak']) {
if ($dir == 0) {
$x1 = $x * 2 - 2;
} elseif ($dir == 2) {
$x1 = $x * 2 + 2;
} else {
$x1 = $x * 2;
if ($dir == 1) {
$y1 = $y * 2 - 2;
} elseif ($dir == 3) {
$y1 = $y * 2 + 2;
} else {
$y1 = $y * 2;
$cell = $map[$y1][$x1];
$tmp = explode("/", $cell);
if ($tmp[0] == "d") {
header("location: dialog.php?char=$tmp[2]");
if ($tmp[0] == "b" && isset($dialogs[CaveBots::$bots[$tmp[1]]])) {
header("location: dialog.php?char=" . CaveBots::$bots[$tmp[1]]);
if (@$_GET['attack']) {
if ($dir == 0) {
$by = $y * 2;
$bx = ($x - 1) * 2;
if ($dir == 1) {
$by = ($y - 1) * 2;
$bx = $x * 2;
if ($dir == 2) {
$by = $y * 2;
$bx = ($x + 1) * 2;
if ($dir == 3) {
$by = ($y + 1) * 2;
$bx = $x * 2;
$r = mysql_query("SELECT `bot`, `cnt`, `battle` FROM `cavebots` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `x` = $bx AND `y` = $by AND `floor` = '$floor'");
$rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
if ($user['hp'] <= $user['maxhp'] * 0.33) {
$report = 'Вы слишком ослаблены для поединка';
} elseif (isset($rec['bot'])) {
$btl = $rec['battle'];
if ($btl > 0) {
battlewithbot(CaveBots::$bots[$rec['bot']], "", "", 10, 0, 0, $btl);
} else {
$firstbot = CaveBots::$bots[$rec['bot']];
$otherbots = [];
while ($rec['cnt'] > 0) {
$otherbots[] = ['id' => CaveBots::$bots[$rec['bot']], 'name' => CaveBots::$botnames[$rec['bot']]];
while ($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) {
while ($rec['cnt'] > 0) {
$otherbots[] = ['id' => CaveBots::$bots[$rec['bot']], 'name' => CaveBots::$botnames[$rec['bot']]];
$btl = battlewithbot($firstbot, "", "", 10, 0, 0, 0, $otherbots);
mysql_query("UPDATE `cavebots` SET `battle` = '$btl' WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `x` = '$bx' AND `y` = $by AND `floor` = '$floor'");
if (@$_GET['exit']) {
if (count($party) == 1) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `cavebots` WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `caves` WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `caveparties` WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `caveitems` WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `caveleader` = 0 WHERE `id` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1");
} else {
mysql_query("LOCK TABLES `users` WRITE, `caveparties` WRITE, `cavebots` WRITE, `caves` WRITE, `caveitems` WRITE, `diseases` WRITE, `caveeffects` WRITE");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `caveparties` WHERE `user` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `caveleader` = 0 WHERE `id` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1");
if ($user['caveleader'] == $user['id']) {
foreach ($party as $k => $v) {
if ($v['user'] != $user['id']) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `caveleader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `caveleader` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `cavebots` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `caves` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveparties` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `caveitems` SET `leader` = '$v[user]' WHERE `leader` = '$user[id]'");
mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
$r = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `dressed` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '$user[id]' AND `dressed` = 1 AND `foronetrip` = 1");
while ($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) {
$slot = getslot($rec['id']);
if ($slot) {
dropitemid(0, $user['id'], $slot);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '$user[id]' AND `foronetrip` = 1");
gotoroom($user['room'] - 1);
$standingon = $map[$y * 2][$x * 2];
foreach ($party as $k => $v) {
$map[$v['y'] * 2][$v['x'] * 2] = "u/" . $v['user'];
$i = 7;
$centerwall = 8;
while ($i > 0) {
if ($map[3][$i]) {
$centerwall = $i;
$i -= 2;
$i = 4;
function drawbot($cell, $x, $y)
global CaveBots::$botnames, $imgdata, CaveBots::$bots, $dialogs, $user, $floor;
$data = explode("/", $cell);
$i = 1;
$bc = (count($data) - 1) / 2;
while ($data[$i]) {
$bot = $data[$i];
$botname = CaveBots::$botnames[$bot];
$cnt = $data[$i + 1];
if ($i == 1) {
if ($bc == 1) {
$bn = 1;
} else {
$bn = 0;
} elseif ($i == 3) {
if ($bc == 2) {
$bn = 2;
} else {
$bn = 1;
} else {
$bn = 2;
$aMap = unserialize(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT `map` FROM `caves` WHERE `leader` = '$user[caveleader]' AND `floor` = '$floor'"), 0, 0));
if (!$GLOBALS['dir']) {
$xx = ($GLOBALS['x'] * 2) - ($y * 2);
$yy = ($GLOBALS['y'] * 2) - ($x - 3);
} elseif ($GLOBALS['dir'] == 1) {
$xx = ($GLOBALS['x'] * 2) + ($x - 3);
$yy = ($GLOBALS['y'] * 2) - ($y * 2);
} elseif ($GLOBALS['dir'] == 2) {
$xx = ($GLOBALS['x'] * 2) + ($y * 2);
$yy = ($GLOBALS['y'] * 2) + ($x - 3);
} else {
$xx = ($GLOBALS['x'] * 2) - ($x - 3);
$yy = ($GLOBALS['y'] * 2) + ($y * 2);
if (strpos($aMap[$yy][$xx], 'o/') !== false || strpos($aMap[$yy][$xx], 'p/') !== false) {
$ret .= drawobject2($aMap[$yy][$xx], $x, $y);
$rrm = $user['room'];
if (isset($dialogs[CaveBots::$bots[$data[1]]]) && (CaveBots::$bots[$data[1]] == 11147 && $user['room'] == 74)) {
$ret .= " 1 ? " ($cnt)" : "") . "\" " . ($y == 1 && $x == 3 ? "onclick=\"speakattackmenu(event);\"" : "") . " width=\"" . $imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"] . "\" height=\"" . $imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"] . "\" src=\"/i/dungeon/mobs/$rrm/$bot.gif\" style=\"position: absolute; left: " . $imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][$bn] . "px; top: " . $imgdata[$x][$y]["y"] . "px;" . ($x == 3 && $y == 1 ? "cursor: pointer;" : "") . ($x == 3 ? "z-index: " . (99 - ($y * 5)) . ";" : "") . "\" />";
} else {
$ret .= " 1 ? " ($cnt)" : "") . "\" " . ($y == 1 && $x == 3 ? " onclick=\"document.location.href='cave.php?attack=1';\"" : "") . " width=\"" . $imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"] . "\" height=\"" . $imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"] . "\" src=\"/i/dungeon/mobs/$rrm/$bot.gif\" style=\"position: absolute; left: " . $imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][$bn] . "px; top: " . $imgdata[$x][$y]["y"] . "px;" . ($x == 3 && $y == 1 ? "cursor: pointer;" : "") . ($x == 3 ? "z-index: " . (99 - ($y * 5)) . ";" : "") . "\" />";
$i += 2;
return $ret;
function drawdialog($cell, $x, $y)
global $dialogs, $imgdata;
$data = explode("/", $cell);
$i = 1;
$d = $data[2];
$bot = $data[$i];
$botname = CaveBots::$botnames[$bot];
$cnt = $data[$i + 1];
$ret = "";
return $ret;
function drawuser($cell, $x, $y)
global CaveBots::$botnames, $imgdata, $party;
$data = explode("/", $cell);
$i = 1;
$bc = (count($data) - 1);
while ($data[$i]) {
$u = $data[$i];
if ($i == 1) {
if ($bc == 1) {
$bn = 1;
} else {
$bn = 0;
} elseif ($i == 3) {
if ($bc == 2) {
$bn = 2;
} else {
$bn = 1;
} else {
$bn = 2;
foreach ($party as $k => $v) {
if ($v['user'] == $u) {
$udata = $v;
$ret .= "";
return $ret;
function drawobject($cell, $x, $y)
global $objects, $imgdata, $user, $objdata, $objsizes, $imgmap;
$tmp = explode("/", $cell);
$obj = $tmp[1];
$ht = round($imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"] / 2);
if ($objsizes[$obj]) {
$coef = $objdata[$x][$y]["coef"];
$wd = $objsizes[$obj][0] * $coef;
$ht = $objsizes[$obj][1] * $coef;
$left = round($objdata[$x][$y]["x"] - ($wd / 2));
$top = $objdata[$x][$y]["y"] - $ht;
} elseif ($obj == 510) {
$wd = round($imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"] * 2.5);
$ht = $imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"];
$left = $imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1] - round(($wd - $imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]) / 2);
$top = $imgdata[$x][$y]["y"];
} elseif ($obj > 600 && $obj < 700) {
$wd = round($imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"] * 1.26);
$left = $imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1] - round(($wd - $imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]) / 2);
$top = $imgdata[$x][$y]["y"] + $ht;
} elseif ($obj >= 700 && $obj < 800) {
$wd = round($imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"] * 1.24);
$ht = $imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"];
$left = $imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1] - round(($wd - $imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]) / 2);
$top = $imgdata[$x][$y]["y"];
} else {
$wd = $imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"];
$left = $imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1];
$top = $imgdata[$x][$y]["y"] + $ht;
$rrm = $user['room'];
if (!isset($imgmap[$obj])) {
$ret .= "
" . ($y == 1 && $x == 3 ? "" : "") . "
" . ($y == 1 && $x == 3 ? "" : "");
} else {
$ret .= "";
$ret .= $imgmap[$obj]['code'];
return $ret;
function drawobject2($cell, $x, $y)
global $objects, $imgdata, $user, $objdata, $objsizes, $imgmap;
$tmp = explode("/", $cell);
$obj = $tmp[1];
$ht = round($imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"] / 2);
if ($objsizes[$obj]) {
$coef = $objdata[$x][$y]["coef"];
$wd = $objsizes[$obj][0] * $coef;
$ht = $objsizes[$obj][1] * $coef;
$left = round($objdata[$x][$y]["x"] - ($wd / 2));
$top = $objdata[$x][$y]["y"] - $ht;
} elseif ($obj == 510) {
$wd = round($imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"] * 2.5);
$ht = $imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"];
$left = $imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1] - round(($wd - $imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]) / 2);
$top = $imgdata[$x][$y]["y"];
} elseif ($obj > 600 && $obj < 700) {
$wd = round($imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"] * 1.26);
$left = $imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1] - round(($wd - $imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]) / 2);
$top = $imgdata[$x][$y]["y"] + $ht;
} elseif ($obj >= 700 && $obj < 800) {
$wd = round($imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"] * 1.24);
$ht = $imgdata[$x][$y]["ht"];
$left = $imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1] - round(($wd - $imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"]) / 2);
$top = $imgdata[$x][$y]["y"];
} else {
$wd = $imgdata[$x][$y]["wd"];
$left = $imgdata[$x][$y]["x"][1];
$top = $imgdata[$x][$y]["y"] + $ht;
$rrm = $user['room'];
if (!isset($imgmap[$obj])) {
$ret .= "
" . ($y == 1 && $x == 3 ? "" : "") . "
" . ($y == 1 && $x == 3 ? "" : "");
} else {
$ret .= "";
$ret .= $imgmap[$obj]['code'];
return $ret;
function drawevent($cell, $x, $y)
global $events, $eventdata;
$tmp = explode("/", $cell);
$obj = $tmp[1];
if ($obj == 1) {
return "";
$wd = round($eventdata[$x][$y]["q"] * $events[$obj]["w"]);
$ht = round($eventdata[$x][$y]["q"] * $events[$obj]["h"]);
$left = round(-$events[$obj]["h"] / 2 + $eventdata[$x][$y]["x"]);
$top = round($eventdata[$x][$y]["y"] - $events[$obj]["h"]);
$ret .= "";
return $ret;
while ($i >= 0) {
if ($i == 4) {
if ($map[0][7]) {
$ret .= "";
if ($map[0][6]) {
$ret .= "";
if ($map[-1][6]) {
$ret .= "";
$wall = $i * 2 - 1;
$sidewall = $i * 2;
if ($map[1][$sidewall] && $i > 0) {
$obj = substr($map[1][$sidewall], 0, 1);
if ($obj == "b") {
$ret .= drawbot($map[1][$sidewall], 1, $i);
} elseif ($obj == "u") {
$ret .= drawuser($map[1][$sidewall], 1, $i, $players);
} elseif ($obj == "o" || $obj == "p") {
$ret .= drawobject($map[1][$sidewall], 1, $i);
} elseif ($obj == "e") {
$ret .= drawevent($map[1][$sidewall], 1, $i);
} elseif ($obj == "d") {
$ret .= drawdialog($map[1][$sidewall], 1, $i);
} elseif ($obj != "s") {
$o = $map[1][$sidewall] - 10000;
if ($o == 4) {
if ($i == 1) {
$ret .= "";
if ($i == 2) {
$ret .= "";
if ($i == 3) {
$ret .= "";
} else {
if ($i == 1) {
$ret .= "";
if ($i == 2) {
$ret .= "";
if ($i == 3) {
$ret .= "";
if ($map[5][$sidewall] && $i > 0) {
$obj = substr($map[5][$sidewall], 0, 1);
if ($obj == "b") {
$ret .= drawbot($map[5][$sidewall], 5, $i);
} elseif ($obj == "u") {
$ret .= drawuser($map[5][$sidewall], 5, $i, $players);
} elseif ($obj == "o" || $obj == "p") {
$ret .= drawobject($map[5][$sidewall], 5, $i);
} elseif ($obj == "e") {
$ret .= drawevent($map[5][$sidewall], 5, $i);
} elseif ($obj == "d") {
$ret .= drawdialog($map[5][$sidewall], 5, $i);
} elseif ($obj != "s") {
$o = $map[5][$sidewall] - 10000;
if ($o == 4) {
if ($i == 1) $ret .= "";
if ($i == 2) $ret .= "";
if ($i == 3) $ret .= "";
} else {
if ($i == 1) $ret .= "";
if ($i == 2) $ret .= "";
if ($i == 3) $ret .= "";
if ($i > 0 && $map[1][$wall]) $ret .= "";
$objInWall = explode('/', $map[4][$sidewall]);
if ($objInWall[1] == 'o') {
if (!passablewall($map[4][$sidewall])) $ret .= "";
} else {
if (!passablewall($map[4][$sidewall])) $ret .= "";
$objInWall = explode('/', $map[2][$sidewall]);
if ($objInWall[1] == 'o') {
if (!passablewall($map[2][$sidewall])) $ret .= "";
} else {
if (!passablewall($map[2][$sidewall])) $ret .= "";
if ($i > 0 && $map[5][$wall]) $ret .= "";
if ($map[3][$sidewall] && $i > 0 && $sidewall < $centerwall) {
$obj = substr($map[3][$sidewall], 0, 1);
if ($obj == "b") {
$ret .= drawbot($map[3][$sidewall], 3, $i);
} elseif ($obj == "u") {
$ret .= drawuser($map[3][$sidewall], 3, $i, $players);
} elseif ($obj == "o" || $obj == "p") {
$ret .= drawobject($map[3][$sidewall], 3, $i);
} elseif ($obj == "e") {
$ret .= drawevent($map[3][$sidewall], 3, $i);
} elseif ($obj == "d") {
$ret .= drawdialog($map[3][$sidewall], 3, $i);
} elseif ($obj != "s") {
$o = $map[3][$sidewall] - 10000;
if ($o == 4) {
if ($i == 1) $ret .= "";
if ($i == 2) $ret .= "";
if ($i == 3) $ret .= "";
} else {
if ($i == 1) $ret .= "";
if ($i == 2) $ret .= "";
if ($i == 3) $ret .= "";
if ($map[3][$wall]) {
if ($i > 0) $ret .= "
2 ? "style=\"background-image:url('$base/cw$i" . cavewall($map[3][$wall]) . ".gif')\"" : "") . "> ";
if ($i == 1 && $map[3][$wall] > 2) {
if ($map[3][$wall] > 1000) {
$ret .= "";
} elseif ($map[3][$wall] > 100) {
$ret .= "";
} else $ret .= "";
$objInWall = explode('/', $map[3][$wall]);
if ($objInWall[1] == "o") {
if ($user['room'] == 83 && !(!$direction && (($x == 13 && $y == 4) || ($x == 12 && $y == 4)))) { // исключение 2-ух клеток в комнате 82
$ret .= drawobject('//' . $objInWall[2], 3, $i);
$nocenter = 1;
if ($i == 4) {
if ($map[7][6]) $ret .= "";
$ret .= " |
foreach ($players as $k => $v) {
if ($v["x"] - ($startx / 2) >= 0 && $v["x"] - ($startx / 2) <= 8 && $v["y"] - ($starty / 2) >= 0 && $v["y"] - ($starty / 2) <= 8) {
$ret .= "";
$ret .= "
= @$report ?>
if ($loses >= 3) echo " Вернуться "; if ($loses) echo " Количество смертей: $loses ";
$dMap = unserialize(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT `map` FROM `cavemaps` WHERE `floor` = $floor AND `room` = " . ($user['room'] - 1)), 0, 0));
$cPlace = $dMap[$y * 2][$x * 2];
$tmp = explode("/", $cPlace);
if ($user['room'] == 621) {
if ($floor == 1) {
echo 'Проклятый Рудник, 1 этаж';
} elseif ($floor == 2) {
echo 'Проклятый Рудник, 2 этаж';
} elseif (@$roomnames[$tmp[1]]) echo $roomnames[$tmp[1]];
else echo $rooms[$user["room"]];
echo drawmap($map, $party, $x, $y, $dir);