<?php session_start(); if (empty($_SESSION['uid'])) { header("Location: index.php"); exit; } require_once 'functions.php'; db::c()->query('UPDATE `online` SET `real_time` = ?i WHERE `id` = ?i', time(), $u->i()['id']); if (isset($_GET['online']) && $_GET['online'] != null) { if ($_GET['room'] && (int)$_GET['room'] < 500) { $user->room = (int)$_GET['room']; } if ($u->i()['caveleader'] > 0) { $data = db::c()->query(' SELECT `align`, `u`.`id`, `klan`, `level`, `login`, `u`.`battle` AS `in_battle`, `o`.`date`, `u`.`invis`, (SELECT `id` FROM `effects` WHERE `type` = 2 AND `owner` = `u`.`id` LIMIT 1) AS `slp`, (SELECT `id` FROM `effects` WHERE (`type` = 11 OR `type` = 12 OR `type` = 13 OR `type` = 14) AND `owner` = `u`.`id` LIMIT 1) AS `trv` FROM `online` AS `o`, `users` AS `u` WHERE `o`.`id` = `u`.`id` AND (`o`.`date` >= ' . (time() - 90) . ' OR `u`.`in_tower` = 1) AND `o`.`room` = "' . $u->i()['room'] . '" AND `u`.`caveleader` = "' . $u->i()['caveleader'] . '" ORDER BY `u`.`login` '); $ttl = "<span style=\"color: #8f0000; font-size: 10pt;\"><b>" . $rooms[$user->room] . " (" . mysql_num_rows($data) . ")</b></span>"; $ch1 = '_active'; $ch2 = '_passive'; $ch3 = '_passive'; $ch4 = '_passive'; $ch5 = '_passive'; } elseif ($user->room == 760) { $forest = db::c()->query('SELECT `id`, `room`, `time`, `user`, `data` FROM `forest` WHERE `user` = "' . $user['id'] . '" LIMIT 1')->fetch_assoc(); $sp = db::c()->query('SELECT `id`, `room`, `user` FROM `forest` WHERE `room` = "' . $forest['room'] . '"'); while ($pl = $sp->fetch_assoc()) { $uss .= ', '; $uss .= $pl['user']; } if ($uss != '') { $uss = ltrim($uss, ', '); } $data = db::c()->query(' SELECT `align`, `u`.`id`, `klan`, `action`, `level`, `login`, `u`.`battle` AS `in_battle`, `o`.`date`, `u`.`invis`, (SELECT `id` FROM `effects` WHERE `type` = 2 AND `owner` = `u`.`id` LIMIT 1) AS `slp`, (SELECT `id` FROM `effects` WHERE (`type` = 11 OR `type` = 12 OR `type` = 13 OR `type` = 14) AND `owner` = `u`.`id` LIMIT 1) AS `trv` FROM `online` AS `o`, `users` AS `u` WHERE `o`.`id` = `u`.`id` AND (`o`.`date` >= ' . (time() - 90) . ' OR `u`.`in_tower` = 1) AND `u`.`id` IN (' . $uss . ') ORDER BY `u`.`login` '); $ttl = "<span style=\"color: #8f0000; font-size: 10pt;\"><b>" . $var_map[$forest['room']] . " (" . mysql_num_rows($data) . ")</b></span>"; $ch1 = '_active'; $ch2 = '_passive'; $ch3 = '_passive'; $ch4 = '_passive'; $ch5 = '_passive'; } else { $data = db::c()->query(' SELECT `align`, `u`.`id`, `klan`, `action`, `level`, `login`, `u`.`battle` AS `in_battle`, `o`.`date`, `u`.`invis`, (SELECT `id` FROM `effects` WHERE `type` = 2 AND `owner` = `u`.`id` LIMIT 1) AS `slp`, (SELECT `id` FROM `effects` WHERE (`type` = 11 OR `type` = 12 OR `type` = 13 OR `type` = 14) AND `owner` = `u`.`id` LIMIT 1) AS `trv` FROM `online` AS `o`, `users` AS `u` WHERE `o`.`id` = `u`.`id` AND (`o`.`date` >= ' . (time() - 90) . ' OR `u`.`in_tower` = 1) AND `o`.`room` = "' . $user->room . '" ORDER BY `u`.`login` '); $ttl = "<span style=\"color: #8f0000; font-size: 10pt;\"><b>" . $rooms[$user->room] . " (" . mysql_num_rows($data) . ")</b></span>"; $ch1 = '_active'; $ch2 = '_passive'; $ch3 = '_passive'; $ch4 = '_passive'; $ch5 = '_passive'; } Template::header(sprintf('%s (%s)', $rooms[$user->room], mysql_num_rows($data))); ?> <script> function fastshow(content) { var el = document.getElementById("mmoves"); var o = window.event.srcElement; if (content != '' && el.style.visibility != "visible") { el.innerHTML = '<small>' + content + '</small>'; } var x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft + 3; var y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop + 5; el.style.left = x + "px"; el.style.top = y + "px"; if (el.style.visibility != "visible") { el.style.visibility = "visible"; } } function hideshow() { document.getElementById("mmoves").style.visibility = 'hidden'; } function w(name, in_battle, align, klan, act, level, slp, trv, name2) { if (align.length > 0) { align = '<img src="i/align_' + align + '.gif" title="Склонность персонажа" width=12 height=15>'; } style = ''; if (!name2) name2 = name; if (klan.length > 0) { klan = '<img src="i/clan/' + klan + '.png" title="' + klan + '">'; } document.write('<A HREF="javascript:top.AddToPrivate(\'' + name + '\', top.CtrlPress)" target=refreshed><img src="i/'); if (in_battle > 0) { document.write('lock2.gif'); } else { document.write('lock.gif'); } document.write('" title="Приват"></A>' + align + '<a href="(\'' + name + '\',true)"></a>' + klan + '' + act + '<a href="javascript:top.AddTo(\'' + name + '\')" target=refreshed style=\'' + style + '\'>' + name2 + '</a>[' + level + ']<a href="inf.php?' + name + '" target=_blank title="Инф. о ' + name + '">' + '<IMG SRC="i/inf.gif" WIDTH=12 HEIGHT=11 BORDER=0 ALT="Инф. о ' + name + '"></a>'); if (slp > 0) { document.write(' <IMG SRC="i/sleep2.gif" WIDTH=24 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT="Наложено заклятие молчания">'); } if (trv > 0) { document.write(' <IMG SRC="i/travma2.gif" WIDTH=24 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT="Инвалидность">'); } if (in_battle > 0) { document.write(' <IMG SRC="i/b.jpg" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 title="Персонаж в поединке"></a>'); } document.write('<BR>'); } top.rld(); </script> <center> <? if (!$_GET['rms']) { ?> <div id="fixednew" style="position: fixed; margin: 0; padding: 0; z-index: 9; width: 100%; text-align: center; overflow: auto;"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td><img align="left" onclick="this.src='i/buttons/ch1_passive.jpg'; location.href='ch.php?online='+Math.random();" src="i/buttons/ch1<?= $ch1; ?>.jpg"/></td> <? if (!empty($user['klan'])) { ?> <td><img align="left" title="Соклановцы" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="location.href='ch.php?online='+Math.random()+'&chview=5';" src="i/buttons/ch5<?= $ch5; ?>.jpg"/></td> <? } ?> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div><br/><br/><br/> <? } ?> <div id="mmoves" style="background-color: #FFFFCC; visibility:hidden; overflow: visible; position: absolute; border-color: #666666; border-style: solid; border-width: 0; padding: 0; white-space: nowrap; display: block; vertical-align: middle; word-wrap: break-word;"></div> <? if (!$_GET['room']) { if (!isset($_GET['chview']) || $_GET['chview'] == 1) { echo '<input type=\'button\' onclick=\'location.href="ch.php?online=' . rand(100000, 9999999) . '";\' value=\'Обновить\' />'; } else { echo '<input type=\'button\' onclick=\'location.href="ch.php?online=' . rand(100000, 9999999) . '&chview=' . (int)$_GET['chview'] . '";\' value=\'Обновить\' />'; } } ?> <? echo '<br />' . $ttl . '<br />'; ?> </center> <table border=0> <tr> <td nowrap> <script> <?php while ($row = $data->fetch_assoc()) { if ($row['in_battle'] > 0) { $in_battle = 1; } else { $in_battle = 0; } if ($row['invis'] > 0 && $row['id'] == $_SESSION['uid']) { $row['login2'] = $row['login'] . "</a> (невидимка)"; } if ($row['invis'] == 0 || $row['id'] == $_SESSION['uid']) { if (!empty($row['action'])) { function stripslashes_deep($text) { while (strstr($text, "\\")) { $text = stripslashes($text); } return $text; } $rrr = $row['action']; $act = explode("<>:<>", $rrr); $aa = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes_deep($act[1])); $aa = preg_replace("/afk ", "", $aa) $aa = preg_replace("/dnd ", "", $aa); $aa = preg_replace("/buy ", "", $aa); $aa = preg_replace("/sell ", "", $aa); $act_line = " <span onmouseover=\"fastshow(\'$aa\')\" onmouseout=\"hideshow()\"><b><small>{$act[0]}</small></b></span> "; } else $act_line = ''; echo 'w(\'', $row['login'], '\',', $row['id'], ',', $in_battle, ',\'', $row['align'], '\',\'' . $row['klan'] . '\', \'' . $act_line . '\',\'', $row['level'], '\',\'', $row['slp'], '\',\'', $row['trv'], '\',\'', '\',\'', $row['login2'], '\');'; } } ?> </script> </td> </tr> </table> <?php if (!$_GET['room']) { ?> <SCRIPT>document.write('<INPUT TYPE=checkbox onclick="if(this.checked == true) { top.OnlineStop = false; } else { top.OnlineStop = true; }" ' + (top.OnlineStop ? '' : 'checked') + '> Обновлять автомат.') </SCRIPT></body></html> <?php exit; } } elseif (@$_GET['show'] != null) { if ($_SESSION['sid'] != $user['sid']) { $_SESSION['uid'] = null; die ("<script>top.location.href='index.php';</script>"); } $cha = file("tmp/chat.txt"); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo "<script>"; $ks = 0; foreach ($cha as $k => $v) { preg_match("/:\[(.*)\]:\[(.*)\]:\[(.*)]:\[(.*)\]/", $v, $math); if ($math[1] > time() - 60) { $math[3] = stripslashes($math[3]); //echo "console.log($math[1]|$math[2]|$math[3]);"; if (($math[2] == '{[]}' . $user['login'] . '{[]}') && ($math[1] >= $user['chattime'])) { echo "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes\").innerHTML += '<span class=date2>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> " . $math[3] . " <BR>';"; echo "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes_system\").innerHTML += '<span class=date2>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> " . $math[3] . " <BR>';"; echo "top.show_new(\"wtab1\"); top.show_new(\"wtab5\");"; $ks++; $lastpost = $math[1]; } elseif (substr($math[2], 0, 4) == '{[]}' && ($math[1] >= $user['chattime'])) { //exit; } elseif (($math[2] == '!sys!!') && ($math[1] >= @$user['chattime']) && $_GET['om'] != 1) { if ($_GET['sys'] == 1 || strpos($math[3], "<img src=i/magic/") !== FALSE) { echo "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes\").innerHTML += '<span class=date>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> " . $math[3] . " <BR>';"; echo "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes_system\").innerHTML += '<span class=date>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> " . $math[3] . " <BR>';"; echo "top.show_new(\"wtab5\");"; $ks++; $lastpost = $math[1]; } } elseif ($math[2] == '!sys2all!!' && @$math[1] >= $user['chattime']) { echo "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes\").innerHTML += '<span class=date>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> " . $math[3] . " <BR>';"; echo "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes_system\").innerHTML += '<span class=date>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> " . $math[3] . "<BR>';"; echo "top.show_new(\"wtab5\");"; $ks++; $lastpost = $math[1]; } elseif (($math[2] == '!cavesys!!') && ($math[1] >= $user['chattime']) && ($user['caveleader'] == $math[4])) { echo "top.frames['chat'].document.getElementById(\"mes\").innerHTML += '<span class=date>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> " . $math[3] . " <BR>';"; echo "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes_system\").innerHTML += '<span class=date>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> " . $math[3] . "<BR>';"; echo "top.show_new(\"wtab5\");"; $ks++; $lastpost = $math[1]; } elseif ($math[1] >= @$user['chattime']) { if (strpos($math[3], "private [klan-{$user['klan']}-") !== FALSE) { $pos = strpos($math[3], "[klan-{$user['klan']}-") + strlen($user['klan']) + 7; } elseif (((strpos($math[3], "private [help]") !== FALSE))) { $math[3] = preg_replace("/private \[help]/Ue", "", $math[3]); echo "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes_help\").innerHTML += '<span class=date2>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> [<a href=\'javascript:top.AddTo(\"{$math[2]}\")\'><span oncontextmenu=\'return OpenMenu(event," . $user['level'] . ")\'>{$math[2]}</span></a>] " . $math[3] . " <BR>';"; if ($math[2] != $user['login'] && $user['align'] == 2.99) { echo "top.show_new(\"wtab6\");"; } $ks++; $lastpost = $math[1]; } elseif (((strpos($math[3], "private [trade]") !== FALSE))) { $math[3] = preg_replace("/private \[trade]/Ue", "", $math[3]); echo "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes_trade\").innerHTML += '<span class=date2>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> [<a href=\'javascript:top.AddTo(\"{$math[2]}\")\'><span oncontextmenu=\'return OpenMenu(event," . $user['level'] . ")\'>{$math[2]}</span></a>] " . $math[3] . " <BR>';"; if ($math[2] != $user['login']) { echo "top.show_new(\"wtab8\");"; } $ks++; $lastpost = $math[1]; } elseif (strpos($math[3], "private [pal]") !== FALSE) { if ((int)$user['align'] == 1 || $user['admin'] == 1) { $math[3] = preg_replace("/private \[pal]/Ue", "", $math[3]); echo "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes_pal\").innerHTML += '<span class=date2>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> [<a href=\'javascript:top.AddTo(\"{$math[2]}\")\'><span oncontextmenu=\'return OpenMenu(event," . $user['level'] . ")\'>{$math[2]}</span></a>] " . $math[3] . " <BR>';"; $ks++; $lastpost = $math[1]; } } elseif (((strpos($math[3], "private [klan-{$user['klan']}]") !== FALSE))) { if ($user['klan'] != '') { $math[3] = preg_replace("/private \[klan\-{$user['klan']}\]/Ue", "", $math[3]); echo "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes_klan\").innerHTML += '<span class=date2>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> [<a href=\'javascript:top.AddTo(\"{$math[2]}\")\'><span oncontextmenu=\'return OpenMenu(event," . $user['level'] . ")\'>{$math[2]}</span></a>] " . $math[3] . " <BR>';"; if ($math[2] != $user['login']) { echo "top.show_new(\"wtab3\");"; } $ks++; $lastpost = $math[1]; } } elseif (((strpos($math[3], "private [{$user['login']}]") !== FALSE))) { $sound = false; preg_match_all("/private \[(.*)\]/siU", $math[3], $mmm, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); foreach ($mmm[1] as $res) { $res = trim($res); $res = iconv("utf-8", "utf-8", $res); if ($sound == false) $sound = ($res == $user['login']) ? true : false; if (strlen($res) < 3 || strlen($res) > 120 || !preg_match("/^[ёa-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9-][ёa-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9_ -]+[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9ё-]$/", $res) || preg_match("/__/", $res) || preg_match("/--/", $res) || preg_match("/ /", $res) || preg_match("/(.)\\1\\1\\1/", $res)) { $math[3] = str_replace($res, $user['login'], $math[3]); } } $math[3] = preg_replace("/private \[(.*)\]/Ue", "'<a href='.chr(92).'\'javascript:top.AddToPrivate(\"'.(('\\1' != '" . $user['login'] . "')?'\\1':'" . $math[2] . "').'\",false)'.chr(92).'\' class=private>private [ <span oncontextmenu=\"return OpenMenu(event," . $user['level'] . ")\">\\1</span> ]</a>'", $math[3]); $sssss = "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes\").innerHTML += '<span class=date2>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> [<a href=\'javascript:top.AddTo(\"{$math[2]}\")\'><span oncontextmenu=\'return OpenMenu(event," . $user['level'] . ")\'>{$math[2]}</span></a>] " . $math[3] . "<BR>';"; echo "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes_private\").innerHTML += '<span class=date2>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> [<a href=\'javascript:top.AddTo(\"{$math[2]}\")\'><span oncontextmenu=\'return OpenMenu(event," . $user['level'] . ")\'>{$math[2]}</span></a>] " . $math[3] . " <BR>';"; if ($sound == true) { $sssss .= "top.soundD();"; } echo $sssss; $ks++; $lastpost = $math[1]; unset($math[3]); } elseif ($math[2] == $user['login']) { $sound = false; preg_match_all("/private \[(.*)\]/siU", $math[3], $mmm, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); foreach ($mmm[1] as $res) { $res = trim($res); $res = iconv("utf-8", "utf-8", $res); if ($sound == false) $sound = ($res == $user['login']) ? true : false; if (strlen($res) < 3 || strlen($res) > 120 || !preg_match("/^[ёa-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9-][ёa-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9_ -]+[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9ё-]$/", $res) || preg_match("/__/", $res) || preg_match("/--/", $res) || preg_match("/ /", $res) || preg_match("/(.)\\1\\1\\1/", $res)) { $math[3] = str_replace($res, $user['login'], $math[3]); } } $math[3] = preg_replace("/private \[(.*)\]/Ue", "'<a href='.chr(92).'\'javascript:top.AddToPrivate(\"'.(('\\1' != '" . $user['login'] . "')?'\\1':'" . $math[2] . "').'\",false)'.chr(92).'\' class=private>private [ <span oncontextmenu=\"return OpenMenu(event," . $user['level'] . ")\">\\1</span> ]</a>'", $math[3]); $sssss = "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes\").innerHTML += '<span class=date2>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> [<a href=\'javascript:top.AddTo(\"{$math[2]}\")\'><span oncontextmenu=\'return OpenMenu(event," . $user['level'] . ")\'>{$math[2]}</span></a>] " . $math[3] . "<BR>';"; $sssss .= "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes_private\").innerHTML += '<span class=date2>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> [<a href=\'javascript:top.AddTo(\"{$math[2]}\")\'><span oncontextmenu=\'return OpenMenu(event," . $user['level'] . ")\'>{$math[2]}</span></a>] " . $math[3] . "<BR>';"; if ($sound == true) { $sssss .= "top.soundD();"; } echo $sssss; $ks++; $lastpost = $math[1]; unset($math[3]); } elseif ((strpos($math[3], "private") === FALSE) /*&& ($user->room == $math[4])*/) { $times = ''; $soundON = ''; if ((strpos($math[3], "[" . $user['login'] . "]") > 0) || ($math[2] == $user['login'])) { $times = 'date2'; $math[3] = str_replace("to [" . $user['login'] . "]", "<b>to [" . $user['login'] . "]</b>", $math[3]); $soundON = 'top.soundD();'; } elseif ($_GET['om'] != 1) { $times = 'date'; } if ($_GET['om'] != 1 || $times == 'date2') { echo $soundON . "top.frames['chat'].document.all(\"mes\").innerHTML += '<span class={$times}>" . date("H:i", $math[1]) . "</span> [<a href=\'top.AddTo(\"{$math[2]}\")\'><span oncontextmenu=\'return OpenMenu(event," . $user['level'] . ")\'>{$math[2]}</span></a>] " . $math[3] . "<BR>';"; $ks++; $lastpost = $math[1]; } } } } } if ($ks > 0) { db::c()->query("UPDATE `users` SET `chattime` = '" . ($lastpost + 1) . "' WHERE `id` = {$user['id']} LIMIT 1"); } echo "</script><script>top.srld();</script>"; db::c()->query("UPDATE `online` SET `date` = " . time() . " WHERE `id` = {$user['id']} LIMIT 1"); exit; } else { if (strpos($_GET['text'], "private") !== FALSE && $user['level'] < 1) { preg_match_all("/\[(.*)\]/U", $_GET['text'], $matches); for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($matches[1]); $ii++) { $dde = db::c()->query("SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE ((`align`>1 AND `align`<2)) AND `login` = '" . trim($matches[1][$ii]) . "' LIMIT 1 ;")->fetch_assoc(); if (!$dde['id']) { exit(); } } } if (@trim($_GET['text']) != null) { $rr = db::c()->query("SELECT `id` FROM `effects` WHERE `type` = 2 AND `owner` = {$user['id']};")->fetch_assoc(); # Ограничения на ввод символов в чат! if (!isset($rr['id'])) { $_GET['text'] = substr($_GET['text'], 0, 1024); // Ограничние на символы в чате! $_GET['text'] = str_replace('<', '<', $_GET['text']); $_GET['text'] = str_replace(']:[', '] : [', $_GET['text']); $_GET['text'] = str_replace('>', '>', $_GET['text']); $_GET['text'] = preg_replace('/private \[klan-([a-zA-Z]*)\]/', '', $_GET['text']); if (empty($user->clan)) { $_GET['text'] = str_replace('private [klan]', '', $_GET['text']); $_GET['text'] = str_replace('private [klan]', 'private [klan-' . $user['klan'] . ']', $_GET['text']); } else { $_GET['text'] = str_replace('private [klan]', 'private [klan-' . $user['klan'] . ']', $_GET['text']); $_GET['text'] = preg_replace('/private \[klan-([1-9])\]/', 'private [klan-' . $user['klan'] . ']', $_GET['text']); $pos = strpos($_GET['text'], "[klan-{$user['klan']}") + strlen($user['klan']) + 7; } if ($_GET['chtype'] == 6 && stristr($_GET['text'], 'private') === FALSE) { $_GET['text'] = 'private [help] ' . $_GET['text']; } elseif ($_GET['chtype'] == 8 && stristr($_GET['text'], 'private') === FALSE) { $_GET['text'] = 'private [trade] ' . $_GET['text']; } elseif ($_GET['chtype'] == 3 && $user['klan'] != '') { $_GET['text'] = 'private [klan-' . $user['klan'] . '] ' . $_GET['text']; } elseif ($_GET['chtype'] == 4 && (((int)$user['align'] == 1) || $user['admin'] == 1)) { $_GET['text'] = 'private [pal] ' . $_GET['text']; } if ((int)$user['align'] != 1 && $user['admin'] != 1) { $_GET['text'] = str_replace('private [pal]', '', $_GET['text']); } unset($tmp); # Упростил тот Адъ и Израиль до одной нормальной строчки, которая вырежет все ссылки. if (!preg_match(GAMEDOMAIN, $_GET['text']) || !preg_match("/imgur.com/", $_GET['text'])) { $_GET['text'] = preg_replace("@((https?://)?([-\w]+\.[-\w\.]+)+\w(:\d+)?(/([-\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)*)@", '<i style="color:silver;"><РАП/РВС></i>', $_GET['text']); } $smiles = ["/:susel:/", "/:ponder:/"]; $smiles2 = ["<img style=\"cursor:pointer;\" onclick=S(\"susel\") src=i/smile/susel.gif>", "<img style=\"cursor:pointer;\" onclick=S(\"ponder\") src=i/smile/ponder.gif>"]; preg_match_all("/\[(.*)\]/U", $_GET['text'], $matches); $_GET['text'] = preg_replace($smiles, $smiles2, $_GET['text'], 3); $_GET['text'] = tolink($_GET['text']); if ($user['invis'] == 1) { $tme = db::c()->query("SELECT `time` FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = '$user[id]' AND `type` = '1022'")->fetch_assoc(); $user['login'] = '</a><b><i>невидимка ' . substr($tme[0], strlen($tme[0]) - 4) . '</i></b>'; } # Понять бы какого чёрта условия два… Инс. if ($action != 1) { $file = 'tmp/chat.txt'; if (filesize("tmp/chat.txt") > 100 * 1024) { $line = "\r\n:[" . time() . "]:[{$user['login']}]:[<font color=\"" . (($user['color']) ? $user['color'] : "#000000") . "\">" . ($_GET['text']) . "</font>]:[" . $user->room . "]\r\n"; // Пишем содержимое в файл, // используя флаг FILE_APPEND flag для дописывания содержимого в конец файла // и флаг LOCK_EX для предотвращения записи данного файла кем-нибудь другим в данное время // а то заебали устаревшие функции использовать. Инс. file_put_contents($file, $line, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); echo "1"; } else { $line = ":[" . time() . "]:[{$user['login']}]:[<font color=\"" . (($user['color']) ? $user['color'] : "#000000") . "\">" . ($_GET['text']) . "</font>]:[" . $user->room . "]\r\n"; file_put_contents($file, $line, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); echo "2"; } } } die ("<script>top.CLR1(); top.RefreshChat();</script>"); } }