<?php # Date: 12.02.2022 (20:33) namespace Battles; use Battles\Database\Db; class Arena { private int $fight_id; private int $team_id; function addNew(int $membersLimit = 5, int $groupsLimit = 2, int $startTime = 3) { if ( $this->isOnArena() && $this->hasNoPendingFights() && $this->hasNoActiveFights() && in_array($startTime, [1,3,5,10]) ) { $query1 = 'insert into fights_pending (fight_id, start_time, members_limit, groups_limit) VALUES (?,?,?,?)'; $query2 = 'insert into fights_pending_users (fight_id, user_id, team_id) values (?,?,?)'; $startTime = strtotime("+{$startTime}minutes"); $uid = User::getInstance()->getId(); //последовательность важна! Db::getInstance()->execute($query1, [$uid, $startTime, $membersLimit, $groupsLimit]); Db::getInstance()->execute($query2, [$uid, $uid, 1]); } } function join(int $fight_id, int $team_id) { $this->fight_id = $fight_id; $this->team_id = $team_id; if ( $this->hasNoClanEnemies() && $this->hasFreeSpace() && $this->isOnArena() && $this->hasNoPendingFights() && $this->hasNoActiveFights() ) { $query = 'insert into fights_pending_users (fight_id, user_id, team_id) values (?,?,?)'; Db::getInstance()->execute($query, [$fight_id, User::getInstance()->getId(), $team_id]); } } function leave() { // чтобы не вылететь из заявки в момент начала поединка if ( $this->hasNoActiveFights() && !$this->isFightStarter() ) { Db::getInstance()->execute('delete from fights_pending_users where user_id = ?', User::getInstance()->getId()); } } function getPendingList(): object { return new \stdClass(); /** !!PLACEHOLDER!! */ } public static function fight(): self { return new self(); } // проверка на соклана private function hasNoClanEnemies(): bool { $query = 'select user_id from fights_pending_users where fight_id = ? and team_id = ?'; $enemies = Db::getInstance()->ofetchAll($query, [$this->fight_id, $this->team_id]); foreach ($enemies as $enemy) { if (User::getInstance()->getClan() && User::getInstance()->getClan() === User::getInstance($enemy->user_id)->getClan()) { return false; } } return true; } // проверка на переполнение private function hasFreeSpace(): bool { $query = 'select members_limit, groups_limit from fights_pending where fight_id = ?'; $query2 = 'select count(*) from fights_pending_users where fight_id = ? and team_id = ?'; $limits = Db::getInstance()->ofetch($query, $this->fight_id); $currentUsers = Db::getInstance()->fetchColumn($query2, [$this->fight_id, $this->team_id]); return $limits->members_limit > $currentUsers && $limits->groups_limit >= $this->team_id; } // проверка на нахождение в комнате (1 = арена) private function isOnArena(): bool { return User::getInstance()->getRoom() === 1; } // проверка на нахождение в другой заявке public function hasNoPendingFights(): bool { $query = 'select count(*) from fights_pending_users where user_id = ?'; return Db::getInstance()->fetchColumn($query, User::getInstance()->getId()) > 0; } // проверка на нахождение в поединке public function hasNoActiveFights(): bool { $query = 'select count(*) from fighters where user_id = ?'; return Db::getInstance()->fetchColumn($query, User::getInstance()->getId()) > 0; } // проверка на создателя поединка private function isFightStarter(): bool { $query = 'select count(*) from fights_pending_users where user_id = fight_id and user_id = ?'; return Db::getInstance()->fetchColumn($query, User::getInstance()->getId()) > 0; } }