"5", "1" => "10", "2" => "20", "3" => "30", "4" => "60", "5" => "120", "6" => "180", "7" => "300", "8" => "450", "9" => "600", "10" => "1200", ); $at = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '".$at_id."' LIMIT 1;")); $at_cost = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select sila+lovk+inta+vinos+intel+mudra+IFNULL((select SUM(cost) FROM inventory WHERE owner = users.id AND dressed=1),0), `align` FROM users WHERE id = ".$at_id." LIMIT 1;")); $def = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '".$def_id."' LIMIT 1;")); $def_cost = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select sila+lovk+inta+vinos+intel+mudra+IFNULL((select SUM(cost) FROM inventory WHERE owner = users.id AND dressed=1),0), `align` FROM users WHERE id = ".$def_id." LIMIT 1;")); // модификаторы опыта $expmf = 1; if($at['align']==4) { $expmf = $expmf/2; } if((int)$at['align'] == 1 && $def['align'] == 3) { $expmf = $expmf*2; } if((int)$def['align'] == 1 && $at['align'] == 3) { $expmf = $expmf*2; } $expmf = $at_cost[0]/3000+1; return ($baseexp[$def['level']])*($def_cost[0]/(($at_cost[0]+$def_cost[0])/2))*($damage/$def['maxhp'])*$expmf; } #echo round(solve_exp (9543,8548,27)); ?>