setOnline(); if (!empty($_GET['edit'])) { if (!empty($_GET['ups'])) { try { $up = new UserInfo(User::getInstance()->getId()); $up->addOnePointToStat($_GET['ups']); unset($up); } catch (GameException $e) { echo $e; } } if (!empty($_GET['drop'])) { $items = new DressedItems(User::getInstance()->getId()); $items->undressItem($_GET['drop']); unset($items); } //Пока что одеваем предмет отсюда. if (!empty($_GET['dress'])) { $dressing = new InventoryItem(Db::getInstance()->ofetch('select * from inventory where item_id = ? ', $_GET['dress'])); $dressing->dressItem(); unset($dressing); } //Выбросить предмет. Ниоткуда не вызывается. О_о if (!empty($_GET['destruct'])) { $item = new InventoryItem(Db::getInstance()->ofetch('select * from inventory where item_id = ? ', $_GET['destruct'])); echo $item->drop(); unset($item); } if (!empty($_GET['undress']) && $_GET['undress'] === 'all') { DressedItems::undressAllItems(User::getInstance()->getId()); } } // Подготавливаем отображение инфы и предметов. $data = Db::getInstance()->ofetchAll('SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE owner_id = ? AND dressed_slot = 0 AND on_sale = 0', User::getInstance()->getId()); $iteminfo = []; foreach ($data as $row) { $iteminfo = new InventoryItem($row); } //Обработчики нажатий на кнопки. if (!empty($_POST['battlefield']) && User::getInstance()->getRoom() === 1) { header('Location: zayavka.php'); exit(); } if (!empty($_POST['module_quest'])) { header('Location: module_quest.php'); exit(); } if (!empty($_POST['move_inside']) && User::getInstance()->getRoom() === 20) { header('Location: main.php?goto=arena'); exit(); } if (!empty($_POST['move_outside']) && User::getInstance()->getRoom() === 1) { header('Location: main.php?goto=plo'); exit(); } if (!empty($_POST['main_page'])) { header('Location: main.php'); exit(); } if (empty($_GET['edit'])) { /* === проверяем соответствие комнаты и скрипта === */ if (in_array(User::getInstance()->getRoom(), [20, 21, 26, 48, 51, 52, 651, 2655, 2601, 2701, 2702, 2111])) { header('Location: city.php'); exit(); } if (in_array(User::getInstance()->getRoom(), [22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 34, 45, 53, 61, 402, 403, 600, 601, 602, 603, 620, 621, 650, 660, 661, 662, 666, 760, 1051, 1052, 1055])) { header('location: ' . Travel::$roomFileName[User::getInstance()->getRoom()]); exit(); } } // Входим и выходим если можем. if (!empty($_GET['goto'])) { $imove = true; $isInjured = Db::getInstance()->fetchColumn('select count(*) from users_effects where owner_id = ? and (type = 14 or type = 13)') > 0; function gotoroom($room_id) { $query = 'update users, online set = ' . '$room_id' . ', = ' . '$room_id' . ' where user_id = id and user_id = ?'; Db::getInstance()->execute($query, User::getInstance()->getId()); } if (UserEffect::isOverEncumbered(User::getInstance()->getId())) { err('У вас переполнен рюкзак, вы не можете передвигаться...'); $imove = false; } if ($isInjured) { err('У вас тяжелая травма, вы не можете передвигатся...'); $imove = false; } if ($_GET['goto'] === 'plo' && !User::getInstance()->getZayavka() && $imove && User::getInstance()->getRoom() != 20) { Travel::toRoom(20, User::getInstance()->getRoom()); Travel::roomRedirects(User::getInstance()->getRoom(), User::getInstance()->getBattle()); } else { err('Подали заявку на бой и убегаете из клуба? Нехорошо...'); } if ($_GET['goto'] === 'arena' && User::getInstance()->getRoom() == 20 && $imove) { Travel::toRoom(1, User::getInstance()->getRoom()); Travel::roomRedirects(User::getInstance()->getRoom(), User::getInstance()->getBattle()); } } if (!empty($_GET['obraz'])) { User::getInstance()->setShadow($_GET['obraz']); User::getInstance()->saveUser(); } if (!empty($_POST['setshadow'])) { include_once 'views/main-setshadow.php'; exit(); } include_once 'views/main-game.php';