<?php use Battles\GameLogs; use Battles\Nick; class Tournament { public $MaxUserLevel = 9; private $awards = [1 => [1 => 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80], 2 => [1 => 8, 15, 20, 30, 35, 45, 50, 60], 3 => [1 => 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40]]; function AddUserInTournament(int $id) { global $user; $chek = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id from turnament where id=" . $id . " and old=0")); if ($chek[0] == '') { exit("Жаль, очень жаль...."); } if (mysql_query("insert into turnamuser (idturnam,iduser,level) values(" . $id . "," . $user['id'] . "," . $user['level'] . ")")) { mysql_query("update turnament set kolvo=kolvo+1 where id=" . $id); echo "Регистрация пройдена!"; } else { exit("Вы уже зарегистрированы."); } } function DellUserInTournament(int $id) { global $user; mysql_query("delete from turnamuser where idturnam=" . $id . " and iduser=" . $user['id']); mysql_query("update turnament set kolvo=kolvo-1 where id=" . $id); echo "Заявка отозвана<br>"; } function fract($num = 0) { if (!is_float($num)) { return false; } $out = explode('.', $num); return $out[1]; } function PrepearTournir() {//запускается за час до начала турнира for ($i = 1; $i < $this->MaxUserLevel; $i++) { $uch = mysql_query("select id,iduser from turnamuser where loose=0 and idturnam=(select id from turnament where old=0 and level=" . $i . ") order by id desc"); $kol = mysql_num_rows($uch); $cop = $kol; if ($kol > 7) { while (true) { $stepen = log($cop) / log(2); if (!$this->fract($stepen)) { //==false - дробная часть отсутствует for ($j = 1; $j <= ($kol - $cop); $j++) { $res = mysql_fetch_row($uch); mysql_query("delete from turnamuser where id=" . $res[0]); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font> На этой неделе Вам не нашлелся противник в турнире.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res[1])->short() . '{[]}'); } mysql_query("update turnament set kolvo=kolvo-" . ($kol - $cop) . " where old=0 and level=" . $i); break; } $cop--; } $CountUser = []; while ($res = mysql_fetch_row($uch)) { $CountUser[] = $res[1]; } shuffle($CountUser); for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($CountUser); $ii++) { $user1 = $CountUser[$ii]; $user2 = $CountUser[++$ii]; mysql_query("insert into turnirbattle(userid,userid1,level,idtur) values(" . $user1 . "," . $user2 . "," . $i . ",(select id from turnament where old=0 and level=" . $i . "))"); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font> Подготовтесь к турниру.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user1)->short() . '{[]}'); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font> Подготовтесь к турниру.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user2)->short() . '{[]}'); } } else { //Если команда не набралась удалить из таблицы и поставить турниру статус 2 while ($res = mysql_fetch_row($uch)) { mysql_query("delete from turnamuser where id=" . $res['0']); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>На этой неделе команда для турнира не набралась.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res[1])->short() . '{[]}'); } mysql_query("delete from turnament where old=0 and level=" . $i); } } } // созает поединок между 2 юзерами function MakeBattle($user1, $user2) { $res = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from turnirbattle where userid=" . $user1 . " or userid1=" . $user1 . " limit 1")); if ($res['userid1'] == $user1 && $res['badmaxweap1'] != 0) { if ((time() - $res['badmaxweap1']) > 120) { mysql_query("update turnamuser set loose=2, place=" . time() . " where iduser=" . $user1 . " and idturnam=" . $res['idtur']); mysql_query("delete from turnirbattle where userid1=" . $user1); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Вы выбыли из турнира<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user1)->short() . '{[]}'); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Ваш противник отказался от боя. Техническая победа.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user2)->short() . '{[]}'); } } elseif ($res['userid'] == $user2 && $res['badmaxweap'] != 0) { if ((time() - $res['badmaxweap']) > 120) { mysql_query("update turnamuser set loose=2, place=" . time() . " where iduser=" . $user2 . " and idturnam=" . $res['idtur']); mysql_query("delete from turnirbattle where userid=" . $user2); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Вы выбыли из турнира<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user2)->short() . '{[]}'); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Ваш противник отказался от боя. Техническая победа.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user1)->short() . '{[]}'); } } elseif ($res['userid'] == $user1 && $res['badmaxweap'] != 0) { if ((time() - $res['badmaxweap']) > 120) { mysql_query("update turnamuser set loose=2, place=" . time() . " where iduser=" . $user1 . " and idturnam=" . $res['idtur']); mysql_query("delete from turnirbattle where userid=" . $user1); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Вы выбыли из турнира<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user1)->short() . '{[]}'); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Ваш противник отказался от боя. Техническая победа.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user2)->short() . '{[]}'); } } elseif ($res['userid1'] == $user2 && $res['badmaxweap1'] != 0) { if ((time() - $res['badmaxweap1']) > 120) { mysql_query("update turnamuser set loose=2, place=" . time() . " where iduser=" . $user2 . " and idturnam=" . $res['idtur']); mysql_query("delete from turnirbattle where userid1=" . $user2); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Вы выбыли из турнира<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user2)->short() . '{[]}'); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Ваш противник отказался от боя. Техническая победа.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user1)->short() . '{[]}'); } } else { //Если на человеке лишняя одежда написать чтобы снял поставить время ожидания 2 минуты $Shmotuser = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from users where id=" . $user1)); $Shmotuser1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from users where id=" . $user2)); $PriceWeap = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select cost from inventory where id=" . $Shmotuser['weap'] . " limit 1")) ?? []; $PriceWeap1 = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select cost from inventory where id=" . $Shmotuser1['weap'] . " limit 1")) ?? []; if ($PriceWeap[0] > 16 || $Shmotuser['sergi'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['kulon'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['perchi'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['bron'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['r1'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['r2'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['r3'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['helm'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['shit'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['boots'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['stats'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['m1'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['m2'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['m3'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['m4'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['m5'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['m6'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['m7'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['m8'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['m9'] != 0 || $Shmotuser['m10'] != 0) { if ($res['userid'] == $user1) { mysql_query("update turnirbattle set badmaxweap=" . time() . " , checkuser=0 where userid=" . $user1); } if ($res['userid1'] == $user1) { mysql_query("update turnirbattle set badmaxweap1=" . time() . " , checkuser2=0 where userid1=" . $user1); } addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Оставьте оружие только до 16экр или оставьте только оружие.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user1)->short() . '{[]}'); } elseif ($PriceWeap1[0] > 16 || $Shmotuser1['sergi'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['kulon'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['perchi'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['bron'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['r1'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['r2'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['r3'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['helm'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['shit'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['boots'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['stats'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['m1'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['m2'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['m3'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['m4'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['m5'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['m6'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['m7'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['m8'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['m9'] != 0 || $Shmotuser1['m10'] != 0) { if ($res['userid'] == $user2) { mysql_query("update turnirbattle set badmaxweap=" . time() . " , checkuser=0 where userid=" . $user2); } if ($res['userid1'] == $user2) { mysql_query("update turnirbattle set badmaxweap1=" . time() . " , checkuser2=0 where userid1=" . $user2); } addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Оставьте оружие только до 16экр или оставьте только оружие.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user2)->short() . '{[]}'); } else { // генерим массив с командами $teams = []; $teams[$user1][$user2] = [0, 0, time()]; $teams[$user2][$user1] = [0, 0, time()]; //Востанавливаем HP mysql_query("update users set hp=maxhp where id=" . $user1 . " or id=" . $user2); // создаем битву mysql_query("INSERT INTO `battle`( `id`,`coment`,`teams`,`timeout`,`type`,`status`,`t1`,`t2`,`to1`,`to2`,`blood`) VALUES( NULL,'','" . serialize($teams) . "','3','1','0','" . $user1 . "','" . $user2 . "','" . time() . "','" . time() . "','0')"); // айди боя $id = mysql_insert_id(); // кидаем в бой mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = {$id} WHERE `id` = " . $user1 . " OR `id` = " . $user2); // создаем лог $rr = "<b>" . Nick::id($user['id'])->full(1) . "</b> и <b>" . Nick::id($jert['id'])->full(1) . "</b>"; addch("<a href=logs.php?log=" . $id . " target=_blank>Бой</a> между <B><b>" . Nick::id($user['id'])->short() . "</b> и <b>" . Nick::id($jert['id'])->short() . "</b> начался. ", $user->getRoom()); GameLogs::addBattleLog($id, "Часы показывали <span class=date>" . date("Y.m.d H.i") . "</span>, когда " . $rr . " решили выяснить кто из них сильнее. <i>(турнир)</i><BR>"); return $id; } } } // функция проверки статуса боя function CheckBattle($id) { // если по айдишнику возвращается // 1 - победил USER1 // 2 - победил USER2 // 3 - бои идет $res = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `win` FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = " . (int)$id . " LIMIT 1;")); return $res['win']; } function UpdateTournir() { for ($i = 1; $i < $this->MaxUserLevel; $i++) { $sql = mysql_query("select * from turnirbattle where level=" . $i); if (mysql_numrows($sql) == 0) { $this->NextTournir($i); $this->StartTournir($i); } else { echo "Для " . $i . " уровня игроков следующий этап турнира начнется после завершения следующих боёв: <br>"; } while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $win = $this->CheckBattle($res['battleid']); if ($win == 1) { mysql_query("update turnamuser set place=" . time() . ", loose=loose+1 where iduser=" . $res['userid1']); mysql_query("update turnamuser set place=0 where iduser=" . $res['userid']); mysql_query("delete from turnirbattle where id=" . $res['id']); } if ($win == 2) { mysql_query("update turnamuser set place=" . time() . ", loose=loose+1 where iduser=" . $res['userid']); mysql_query("update turnamuser set place=0 where iduser=" . $res['userid1']); mysql_query("delete from turnirbattle where id=" . $res['id']); } if ($win == 3) { echo Nick::id($res['userid'])->full(1) . " против " . Nick::id($res['useridl'])->full(1); } } } } function NextTournir($level) { $CheckFinal = []; for ($i = 0; $i <= 1; $i++) { $sql = mysql_query("select iduser from turnamuser where level=" . $level . " and loose=" . $i . " and idturnam=(select id from turnament where old=0 and level=" . $level . ")"); $ArrayUsers = []; while ($res = mysql_fetch_row($sql)) { $ArrayUsers[] = $res[0]; } shuffle($CountUser); if (count($ArrayUsers) == 1) { $CheckFinal[] = $ArrayUsers[0]; } if (count($ArrayUsers) == 1 && $i == 0) { addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font> Вы вышли в финал. Дождитесь второго финалиста.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($ArrayUsers[0])->short() . '{[]}'); } if ($this->fract(count($ArrayUsers) / 2)) { $countUs = count($ArrayUsers) - 1; } else { $countUs = count($ArrayUsers); } for ($ii = 0; $ii < $countUs; $ii++) { $user1 = $ArrayUsers[$ii]; $user2 = $ArrayUsers[++$ii]; //Востанавливаем HP mysql_query("update users set hp=maxhp where id=" . $user1 . " or id=" . $user2); mysql_query("insert into turnirbattle(userid,userid1,level,idtur) values(" . $user1 . "," . $user2 . "," . $level . ",(select id from turnament where old=0 and level=" . $level . "))"); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font> Подготовтесь к следующему туру.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user1)->short() . '{[]}'); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font> Подготовтесь к следующему туру.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user2)->short() . '{[]}'); } } if (count($CheckFinal) == 2) { $this->TournirFinal($level, $CheckFinal); } if (count($CheckFinal) == 1) { $this->CreateHTML($level); //поставить турниру статус 2. создать HTML для подгрузки результатов //Если команда не набралась - удалить турнир. - эо при старте в 4 часа. $this->ShowTournirFinaliats($level); } } function CreateHTML($level) { $dir = "logtur/" . $level; if (!file_exists($dir)) { mkdir($dir); } $tur = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from turnament where old=0 and level=" . $level . " limit 1")); $f = fopen($dir . "/" . $tur['datetime'] . ".html", 'w+'); fwrite($f, '<html><head><TITLE></TITLE><META content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-type></head>'); fwrite($f, '<bpdy><table><tr><td>Игрок</td><td>Место</td></tr>'); mysql_query("update turnamuser set place=" . (time() + 1000) . " where place=0 and idturnam=" . $tur['id'] . " and level=" . $level); $sql = mysql_query("select tur.*, us.login from turnamuser as tur left join users as us on us.id=tur.iduser where tur.idturnam=" . $tur['id'] . " order by tur.place desc"); $i = 1; while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { if ($i == 1 || $i == 2 || $i == 3) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO `delo`(`id` , `author` ,`pers`, `text`, `type`, `date`) VALUES ('','0','" . $res['iduser'] . "','Выиграл в турнире " . $this->awards[$i][$level] . " кр.','1','" . time() . "');"); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font> За ' . $i . ' место в турнире, Вы получили ' . $this->awards[$i][$level] . ' кр.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res['iduser'])->short() . '{[]}'); } fwrite($f, '<tr><td>' . $res['login'] . '</td><td>' . $i++ . '</td></tr>'); } fwrite($f, '</table></body></html>'); fclose($f); mysql_query("update turnament set old=2, path='/" . $dir . "/" . $tur['datetime'] . ".html' where old=0 and level=" . $level); if (mysql_numrows(mysql_query("select id from turnament where old=0")) == 0) { $this->CreateTournament("Еженедельные турниры"); } } function ShowTournirFinaliats() { $sql = mysql_query("select datetime,level,path from turnament where old=2 group by level order by datetime"); $level = 0; echo "Результаты прошедших турниров.<br><table border='0' style='background-color:#E0E0E0;'><tr><td>Уровень</td><td>Дата</td></tr>"; while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { if ($level != $res['level']) { echo "<tr><td>" . $res['level'] . "</td>"; } echo "<td><a href='http://capitalcity.oldbk.com" . $res['path'] . "'>" . date("d.m.Y H:i", $res['datetime']) . "</a></td>"; if ($level != $res['level']) { echo "</tr>"; $level = $res['level']; } } echo "</table>"; } function TournirFinal($level, $masFinals) { mysql_query("update turnamuser set place=0 where (iduser=" . $masFinals[0] . " or iduser=" . $masFinals[1] . ") and idturnam=(select id from turnament where old=0 and level=" . $level . ")"); mysql_query("insert into turnirbattle(userid,userid1,level,idtur) values(" . $masFinals[0] . "," . $masFinals[1] . "," . $level . ",(select id from turnament where old=0 and level=" . $level . "))"); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font> Подготовтесь к финалу.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($masFinals[0])->short() . '{[]}'); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font> Подготовтесь к финалу.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($masFinals[1])->short() . '{[]}'); } function expectationenemy() { global $user; $res = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from turnirbattle where userid=" . $user['id'] . " or userid1=" . $user['id'] . " limit 1")); if ($res['id'] != '') { if ($res['userid'] == $user['id'] && $res['checkuser'] == 0 && $res['badmaxweap'] == 0) { mysql_query("update turnirbattle set checkuser=1 where userid=" . $user['id']); if ($res['checkuser2'] == 1) { $battle = $this->MakeBattle($res['userid'], $res['userid1']); mysql_query("update turnirbattle set battleid=" . $battle . " where id=" . $res['id']); } } elseif ($res['badmaxweap'] != 0) { if ((time() - $res['badmaxweap']) > 120) { mysql_query("update turnamuser set loose=2, place=" . time() . " where iduser=" . $res['userid'] . " and idturnam=" . $res['idtur']); mysql_query("delete from turnirbattle where userid=" . $res['userid']); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Вы выбыли из турнира<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res['userid'])->short() . '{[]}'); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Ваш противник отказался от боя. Техническая победа.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res['userid1'])->short() . '{[]}'); } } if ($res['userid1'] == $user['id'] && $res['checkuser2'] == 0 && $res['badmaxweap1'] == 0) { mysql_query("update turnirbattle set checkuser2=1 where userid1=" . $user['id']); if ($res['checkuser'] == 1) { $battle = $this->MakeBattle($res['userid'], $res['userid1']); mysql_query("update turnirbattle set battleid=" . $battle . " where id=" . $res['id']); } } elseif ($res['badmaxweap1'] != 0) { if ((time() - $res['badmaxweap1']) > 120) { mysql_query("update turnamuser set loose=2, place=" . time() . " where iduser=" . $res['userid'] . " and idturnam=" . $res['idtur1']); mysql_query("delete from turnirbattle where userid1=" . $res['userid1']); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Вы выбыли из турнира<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res['userid1'])->short() . '{[]}'); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Ваш противник отказался от боя. Техническая победа.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res['userid'])->short() . '{[]}'); } } } } function StartTournir($level = null) {//Запускается в 17-00-10 каждую пятницу //Разослать всем кнопочки на вход в турнир global $user; $res = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from turnirbattle where userid=" . $user['id'] . " or userid1=" . $user['id'] . " limit 1")); $PriceWeap = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select cost from inventory where id=" . $user['weap'] . " limit 1")) ?? []; if ($PriceWeap[0] > 16 || $user['sergi'] != 0 || $user['kulon'] != 0 || $user['perchi'] != 0 || $user['bron'] != 0 || $user['r1'] != 0 || $user['r2'] != 0 || $user['r3'] != 0 || $user['helm'] != 0 || $user['shit'] != 0 || $user['boots'] != 0 || $user['stats'] != 0 || $user['m1'] != 0 || $user['m2'] != 0 || $user['m3'] != 0 || $user['m4'] != 0 || $user['m5'] != 0 || $user['m6'] != 0 || $user['m7'] != 0 || $user['m8'] != 0 || $user['m9'] != 0 || $user['m10'] != 0) { if ($res['userid'] == $user['id'] && $res['badmaxweap'] == 0) { mysql_query("update turnirbattle set badmaxweap=" . time() . " , checkuser=0 where userid=" . $user['id']); } if ($res['userid1'] == $user['id'] && $res['badmaxweap1'] == 0) { mysql_query("update turnirbattle set badmaxweap1=" . time() . " , checkuser2=0 where userid1=" . $user['id']); } addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Оставьте оружие только до 16экр или оставьте только оружие.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($user['id'])->short() . '{[]}'); } else { if ($res['userid'] == $user['id']) { mysql_query("update turnirbattle set badmaxweap=0 where userid=" . $user['id']); } if ($res['userid1'] == $user['id']) { mysql_query("update turnirbattle set badmaxweap1=0 where userid1=" . $user['id']); } } $sql = mysql_query("select * from turnirbattle where badmaxweap1<>0 or badmaxweap<>0"); while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { if ($res['badmaxweap1'] != 0 && (time() - $res['badmaxweap1']) > 120) { mysql_query("update turnamuser set loose=2, place=" . time() . " where iduser=" . $res['userid1'] . " and idturnam=" . $res['idtur']); mysql_query("delete from turnirbattle where userid1=" . $res['userid1']); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Вы выбыли из турнира<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res['userid1'])->short() . '{[]}'); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Ваш противник отказался от боя. Техническая победа.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res['userid'])->short() . '{[]}'); } if ($res['badmaxweap'] != 0 && (time() - $res['badmaxweap']) > 120) { mysql_query("update turnamuser set loose=2, place=" . time() . " where iduser=" . $res['userid'] . " and idturnam=" . $res['idtur']); mysql_query("delete from turnirbattle where userid=" . $res['userid']); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Вы выбыли из турнира<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res['userid'])->short() . '{[]}'); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Ваш противник отказался от боя. Техническая победа.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res['userid1'])->short() . '{[]}'); } } if ($level != '') { $level = ' and level=' . $level; } $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM turnirbattle WHERE (userid=" . $user['id'] . " or userid1=" . $user['id'] . ") " . $level); while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $looseL1 = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select loose from turnamuser where iduser=" . $res['userid1'] . " and idturnam=" . $res['idtur'])); $looseL = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select loose from turnamuser where iduser=" . $res['userid'] . " and idturnam=" . $res['idtur'])); if ($res['userid'] == $user['id']) { if ($res['checkuser'] == 0) { if ($res['badmaxweap'] != 0) { if ((time() - $res['badmaxweap']) > 120) { mysql_query("update turnamuser set loose=2, place=" . time() . " where iduser=" . $res['userid'] . " and idturnam=" . $res['idtur']); mysql_query("delete from turnirbattle where userid=" . $res['userid']); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Вы выбыли из турнира<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res['userid'])->short() . '{[]}'); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Ваш противник отказался от боя. Техническая победа.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res['userid1'])->short() . '{[]}'); } else { echo "<form method='post'><input type='submit' name='expenemy' value='Я готов'> противник " . Nick::id($res['useridl'])->full(1) . "(поражений-" . $looseL1[0] . ")</form>"; } } else { echo "<form method='post'><input type='submit' name='expenemy' value='Я готов'> противник " . Nick::id($res['useridl'])->full(1) . "(поражений-" . $looseL1[0] . ")</form>"; } } else { echo "Ожидаем противника"; } } if ($res['userid1'] == $user['id']) { if ($res['checkuser2'] == 0) { if ($res['badmaxweap1'] != 0) { if ((time() - $res['badmaxweap1']) > 120) { mysql_query("update turnamuser set loose=2, place=" . time() . " where iduser=" . $res['userid1'] . " and idturnam=" . $res['idtur']); mysql_query("delete from turnirbattle where userid1=" . $res['userid1']); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Вы выбыли из турнира<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res['userid1'])->short() . '{[]}'); addchp('<font color=red>Внимание!</font>Ваш противник отказался от боя. Техническая победа.<BR>', '{[]}' . Nick::id($res['userid'])->short() . '{[]}'); } else { echo "<form method='post'><input type='submit' name='expenemy' value='Я готов'>противник " . Nick::id($res['userid'])->full(1) . "(поражений-" . $looseL[0] . ")</form>"; } } else { echo "<form method='post'><input type='submit' name='expenemy' value='Я готов'>противник " . Nick::id($res['userid'])->full(1) . "(поражений-" . $looseL[0] . ")</form>"; } } else { echo "Ожидаем противника"; } } } } function CreateTournament($title) { //Вычисляем следующую пятницу $dateTime = ''; if (date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), date('j'), date('Y'))) == 5 && date("H") > 17) { $nextDay = date('j') + 1; $DayofMonth = date('j'); if ($nextDay > date('t')) { $nextDay = 1; $DayofMonth = date("t", mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n') + 1, 1, date('Y')));//даже если date('n')+1 = 13 mktime переведет на 01.01.следующий год } } else { $nextDay = date('j'); $DayofMonth = date('t'); } for ($j = $nextDay; $j <= $DayofMonth; $j++) { //узнаем день недели $DayofWeek = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), $j, date('Y'))); if ($DayofWeek == 5) { $dateTime = mktime(17, 0, 0, date('n'), $j, date('Y')); break; } } //если пятниц в этом месяце не осталось if ($dateTime == '') { if (date("n") + 1 == 13) { $Month = 1; $Year = date("Y") + 1; } else { $Month = date('n') + 1; $Year = date("Y"); } for ($j = 1; $j <= date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $Month, 1, $Year)); $j++) { //узнаем день недели $DayofWeek = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $Month, $j, $Year)); if ($DayofWeek == 5) { $dateTime = mktime(17, 0, 0, $Month, $j, $Year); break; } } } //Создаем турниры. for ($i = 1; $i < $this->MaxUserLevel; $i++) if (!mysql_query("insert into turnament(title,level,datetime) values ('" . $title . "'," . $i . ",'" . $dateTime . "')")) { $f = fopen('/tmp/memcache/logtur/error.log', 'w'); fwrite($f, "insert into turnament(title,level,datetime) values ('" . $title . "'," . $i . ",'" . $dateTime . "')\n"); fclose($f); } } function showAllTurnament() { global $user; $sql = mysql_query("select * from turnament where old=0"); $dateD = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select datetime from turnament where old=0 limit 1")); if (mysql_num_rows($sql) < 1) { echo "На данный момент новых чемпионатов нет"; } if ($user['level'] > 0 && mktime() < $dateD[0]) { echo "<form method='post'>"; } echo "<table border=1 style='font-weight:bold;'> <tr> <td>Название турнира</td> <td>Время проведения</td> <td>Кол-во учасников</td> <td>Уровень</td>"; if ($user['level'] > 0 && mktime() < $dateD[0]) { echo "<td>Регистрация</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { if ($user['level'] == $res['level']) { $dellzay = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id from turnamuser where iduser=" . $user['id'] . " and idturnam=" . $res['id'])); } echo "<tr> <td> " . $res['title'] . " </td> <td> " . date("d.m.Y H:i", $res['datetime']) . " </td> <td> " . $res['kolvo'] . " </td> <td> " . $res['level'] . " </td>"; if ($user['level'] == $res['level'] && mktime() < $dateD[0]) { if ($dellzay[0] == '') { echo "<td> <input type='submit' name='addzayvka' value='Зарегистрироваться'> <input type='hidden' name='idtur' value='" . $res['id'] . "'> </td>"; } else { echo "<td> <input type='submit' name='dellzayvka' value='Отказаться'> <input type='hidden' name='idtur' value='" . $res['id'] . "'> </td>"; } } echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; if ($user['level'] > 0 && mktime() < $dateD[0]) { echo "</form>"; } } }