	include "config.php";
	include "functions.php";

	$data = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `login`, `status`, `level`, `room`, `align`, (select `id` from `online` WHERE `date` >= ".(time()-60)." AND `id` = users.`id`) as `online` FROM `users` WHERE `align` > 1 and `align` < 2 order by align desc, login asc ;");

	if ($_SESSION['uid'] == null) header("Location: index.php");
<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="css/main.css">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<META Http-Equiv=Cache-Control Content="no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-store">
<meta http-equiv=PRAGMA content=NO-CACHE>
<META Http-Equiv=Expires Content=0>

<body leftmargin=5 topmargin=5 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 bgcolor=#d4d4d4>
	<div style="text-align: right; width: 95%;"><button onclick="location.href='main.php';">Вернуться</button></div>

	<div style="width: 600px; margin: 0 auto;">
		<h3><A HREF="javascript:top.AddToPrivate('pal', top.CtrlPress)" target=refreshed><img src="i/lock.gif" width=20 height=15></A> Паладины</h3>
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($data)) {
			if (!empty($row['online'])) {
				echo '<A HREF="javascript:top.AddToPrivate(\'',$row['login'],'\', top.CtrlPress)" target=refreshed><img src="i/lock.gif" width=20 height=15></A>';
				$rrm = $rooms[$row['room']];
				echo ' - ',$row['status'],' - <i>',$rrm,'</i><BR>';
			} else {
				echo '<img src="i/lock1.gif" width=20 height=15>';
				echo ' - ',$row['status'],' - <i><small><font color=gray>персонаж не в клубе</font></small></i><BR>';
