Singleton в некоторых местах вместо решения #42. Новые шаги для решения #16 и #52. Closes #42. Closes #32. Closes #31.
295 lines
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295 lines
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namespace Battles;
use Battles\Database\Db;
use Battles\Models\PresentsModel;
use Exceptions\GameException;
class ShopItem extends Item
private const NO_ITEMS_IN_STOCK = "Товара нет в наличии!";
private const NO_MONEY = "У вас нет денег!";
private const NO_BARTER_ITEMS = 'У вас нет требуемых предметов!';
private const BUTTON = [
'setmarket' => 'Сдать в магазин',
'buymarket' => 'Купить с рук',
'sellshop' => 'Продать',
'buyshop' => 'Купить',
private const BUY_QUERY = <<<SQL
insert into inventory (
owner_id, name, item_type, durability,
need_strength, need_dexterity, need_intuition, need_endurance, need_intelligence, need_wisdom,
add_strength, add_dexterity, add_intuition, add_endurance, add_intelligence, add_wisdom,
add_accuracy, add_evasion, add_criticals, add_min_physical_damage, add_max_physical_damage,
image, weight, price)
?, name, item_type, durability,
need_strength, need_dexterity, need_intuition, need_endurance, need_intelligence, need_wisdom,
add_strength, add_dexterity, add_intuition, add_endurance, add_intelligence, add_wisdom,
add_accuracy, add_evasion, add_criticals, add_min_physical_damage, add_max_physical_damage,
image, weight, greatest(
(add_strength + add_dexterity + add_intuition + add_endurance + add_intelligence + add_wisdom) *
(5 + floor((add_strength + add_dexterity + add_intuition + add_endurance + add_intelligence + add_wisdom) / 10))
) +
(add_accuracy + add_criticals + add_evasion) *
(2 + floor((add_accuracy + add_criticals + add_evasion) / 50))
) +
(add_min_physical_damage + add_max_physical_damage) *
(1 + floor((add_min_physical_damage + add_max_physical_damage) / 100))
from items where id = ?
// Тип операции в магазине. Для отображения разных блоков в разных случаях.
private $optype;
private ?int $shop_item_quantity;
private ?int $price;
public static string $status = '';
private ?string $jsonBarterList;
private int $offerId;
private int $ownerId = 0;
public function __construct($row, $operationType = null)
if ($operationType) {
$this->optype = $operationType;
$this->price = $row->price ?? null;
$this->shop_item_quantity = $row->shop_item_quantity ?? null;
$this->item_id = $row->item_id ?? $row->id;
if ($operationType === 'buyshop' || $operationType === 'buymarket') {
$this->offerId = $row->offer_id ?? 0; // Ид позиции в магазине.
$this->jsonBarterList = $row->barter_items_list_json ?? null;
if ($operationType === 'buymarket') {
$this->ownerId = $row->owner_id;
public function printInfo(): string
$str = $this->getAllInfo();
if ($this->optype === 'buyshop') {
$str .= $this->getLowItemQuantityNote();
$str .= $this->getBarterList();
if ($this->optype === 'sellshop') {
$str .= $this->getTextBasedOnPrice();
if ($this->optype === 'buymarket') {
$str .= $this->getBarterList();
$str .= '<br><br>Продавец: ' . Nick::id($this->ownerId)->full(1);
return $str;
private function getBarterList(): string
if (!$this->jsonBarterList) {
return '';
$str = '<div><br>Помимо денег требуются следующие товары:';
foreach (json_decode($this->jsonBarterList) as $item) {
$str .= '<br>↣ ' . Item::getItemById($item->item_id)->name . ', ' . $item->quantity . ' шт.';
$str .= '</div>';
return $str;
private function getLowItemQuantityNote(): string
if ($this->shop_item_quantity < 1 || $this->shop_item_quantity > 19) {
return '';
return "<div style='margin-top: 9px; font-style: italic;'>На складе осталось $this->shop_item_quantity единиц товара!</div>";
private function getTextBasedOnPrice(): string
if ($this->getSellPriceMean() < 50) {
$goods = 'этот хлам';
} elseif ($this->getSellPriceMean() < 100) {
$goods = 'этот посредственный товар';
} elseif ($this->getSellPriceMean() < 500) {
$goods = 'этот неплохой предмет';
} elseif ($this->getSellPriceMean() < 1000) {
$goods = 'эту отличную штуку';
} else {
$goods = 'это превосходное изделие';
return "<div style='margin-top: 9px; font-style: italic;'>В среднем за $goods можно выручить <span class='success'>{$this->getSellPriceMean()}</span> кр.</div>";
public function printImage(): string
if (!$this->image) {
$this->image = 'noitem.png';
return "<img src='/i/sh/$this->image' class='item-wrap-normal' alt=''>";
public static function buyItem($id, User $buyer)
$check = Db::getInstance()->ofetch("select * from trade_offers where offer_id = ?", $id);
$item = new Item(Db::getInstance()->fetch('select * from items where id = ?', $check->shop_item_id));
$price = $item->calculateItemCost();
if (
!self::checkAndRemoveBarteredItems($check->barter_items_list_json, $buyer->getId()) ||
!self::checkAndPayTheBills($price, $buyer) ||
!self::checkAndChangeRemainingItems($check->shop_item_quantity, $check->shop_item_id)
) {
Db::getInstance()->execute(self::BUY_QUERY, [$buyer->getId(), $check->shop_item_id]);
$deloText = $buyer->getLogin() . " купил товар «" . $item->name . "» id:(" . $check->shop_item_id . ") в магазине за " . $price . ".";
GameLogs::addUserLog($buyer->getId(), $deloText);
self::$status = "Предмет " . $item->name . " куплен за " . $price . ".";
private static function checkAndRemoveBarteredItems(?string $json_list, int $user_id): bool
if (empty($json_list)) {
return true;
$allowItemRemove = true;
foreach (json_decode($json_list) as $item) {
$row = Db::getInstance()->ofetch('select sum(1) as s from inventory where name = ? and owner_id = ?', [Item::getItemById($item->item_id)->name, $user_id]);
if ($row->s < $item->quantity) {
$allowItemRemove = false;
if (!$allowItemRemove) {
self::$status = self::NO_BARTER_ITEMS;
return false;
foreach (json_decode($json_list) as $item) {
$query = 'delete from inventory where name = ? and owner_id = ? limit ' . (int)$item->quantity;
// У-у-у, сука! https://phpdelusions.net/pdo#limit
Db::getInstance()->execute($query, [Item::getItemById($item->item_id)->name, $user_id]);
return true;
private static function checkAndPayTheBills(int $price, User $user): bool
if (User::getInstance()->getMoney() > $price) {
User::getInstance()->setMoney(User::getInstance()->getMoney() - $price);
return true;
try {
$bank = new Bank(User::getInstance()->getId());
return true;
} catch (GameException $e) {
self::$status = 'Банковская ошибка! ' . self::NO_MONEY;
return false;
private static function checkAndChangeRemainingItems(int $current_quantity, $item_id): bool
if (empty($current_quantity)) {
self::$status = self::NO_ITEMS_IN_STOCK;
return false;
if ($current_quantity === -1) {
return true;
Db::getInstance()->execute("update trade_offers set shop_item_quantity = shop_item_quantity -1 where shop_item_quantity != -1 and shop_item_id = ? ", $item_id);
return true;
public static function sellItem($id, User $seller, $bankTrade = 0)
$item = Db::getInstance()->ofetch('select * from inventory where item_id = ?', $id);
$sellingItemName = $item->name;
// Продажа за цену от нуля до половины стоимости.
$sellingPrice = $item->price > 1 ? mt_rand(0, $item->price / 2) : mt_rand(0, 1);
Db::getInstance()->execute('delete from inventory where item_id = ?', $id);
if ($bankTrade) {
$bank = new Bank($seller->getId());
$bank->setMoney($bank->getMoney() + $sellingPrice);
Bank::setBankMoney($bank->getMoney(), $seller->getId(), 'sellShop');
} else {
Db::getInstance()->execute('update users set money = money - ? where id = ?', [$sellingPrice, $_SESSION['uid']]);
$deloText = "{$seller->getLogin()} продал товар «{$sellingItemName}» id:($id) в магазине за $sellingPrice кр.";
GameLogs::addUserLog($seller->getId(), $deloText);
if ($sellingPrice == 0) {
self::$status = "После длительных и изнурительных торгов вы плюнули на всё и просто подарили ваш «{$sellingItemName}» торговцу.";
} else {
self::$status = "Вы продали «{$sellingItemName}» за $sellingPrice кр.";
/** Подчсчёт средней суммы продажи.
* @return int
private function getSellPriceMean(): ?int
if ($this->price > 1) {
$arr = range(0, $this->price / 2);
return array_sum($arr) / count($arr);
} else {
return $this->price == 1 ? 1 : null;
* Для кнопок управления под картинкой предмета в зависимости от ситуации.
public function printControls(): string
if (!in_array($this->optype, ['setmarket', 'buymarket', 'sellshop', 'buyshop',])) {
return '';
$str = $this->optype == 'setmarket' ? '<input placeholder=" ' . $this->price . ' " name="cost">' : '';
$hiddenValue = $this->optype === 'buyshop' ? $this->offerId : $this->item_id;
$button_name = self::BUTTON[$this->optype];
return <<<FORM
<form method="post">$str
<input type="hidden" name="itemId" value="$hiddenValue">
<br><input type="submit" name="$this->optype" value="$button_name">
* @return int
public function getItemType(): int
return $this->item_type;
/** Выдача магазинных предметов по запросу.
* Ввелась чтобы перебить takeshopitem() в functions с идентичным функционалом.
* @param int $item_id ИД предмета.
* @param int $to ИД пперсонажа-получателя.
public static function giveNewItem(int $item_id, int $to): array
$check = Db::getInstance()->ofetch('select 1 from items where id = ?', $item_id);
if (!$check) {
return [];
Db::getInstance()->execute(self::BUY_QUERY, [$to, $item_id]);
$return = Db::getInstance()->ofetch('select image, name from inventory where item_id = ?', Db::getInstance()->lastInsertId());
return [
'img' => $return->image,
'name' => $return->name,
'id' => $item_id,
} |