2410 lines
117 KiB
2410 lines
117 KiB
$errkom = '';
if(!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) { header("Location: index.php"); }
$tmaz = time();
mysql_query("UPDATE `online` SET `real_time` = '".time()."' WHERE `id` = {$user['id']} LIMIT 1");
if($user['battle'] != 0) { header('location: fbattle.php'); die(); }
if($user['klan']) {
$shadow = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `mshadow`, `wshadow` FROM `clans` WHERE `id` = '{$user['klan']}' LIMIT 1"));
if($_POST['bankpsw']) {
echo "<b style='color: Red;'>".auth_bank((int)$_POST['bank'], $_POST['bankpsw'], $user['id'])."</b>";
if($_GET['unset_bank'] == 1) {
if($_GET['error'] == 'bank') {
echo '<b style=\'color: Red;\'>Работа со счётом завершена ..</b>';
function updstats() {
global $user;
$u1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `sila`, `lovk`, `inta`, `intel`, `noj`, `mec`, `topor`, `dubina`, `mfire`, `mwater`, `mair`, `mearth`, `mlight`, `mgray`, `mdark`, `hp`, `maxhp` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"));
foreach($u1 as $k => $v) {
$user[$k] = $v;
$_SESSION['stackall'] = true;
if(@$_GET['stackall']) {
$_SESSION['stackall'] = ($_SESSION['stackall'] ? false : true);
$rec = mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '$user[id]' AND `setsale` = 0 AND `koll` >= 1 ORDER BY `id` DESC");
while($pl = mysql_fetch_array($rec)) {
if(isset($pl['id'])) {
echo '<b style=\'margin-left: 15px; color: Red;\'>Все прошло успешно ...</b>';
unset($pl, $rec);
if(@$_GET["stack"]) {
$_GET["stack"] = (int)$_GET["stack"];
$rec = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['stack'])."' AND `owner` = '$user[id]' AND `setsale` = 0 LIMIT 1"));
if(isset($rec['id'])) {
if(@$_GET['unstack']) {
unstack((int)$_GET['unstack'], (int)$_POST["qty"]);
if(isset($_GET['obraz']) && $_GET['obraz'] !== null && ($user['shadow'] == 'g0.gif' || $user['shadow'] == 'man0.gif' || $shadow['mshadow'] || $shadow['wshadow'])) {
if($user['sex']) {
switch(@$_GET['obraz']) {
case 0: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man0.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 1: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man1.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 2: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man2.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 3: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man3.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 4: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man4.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 5: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man5.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 6: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man6.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 7: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man7.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 8: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man8.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 9: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man9.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 10: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man10.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 11: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man11.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 12: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man12.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 13: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man13.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 14: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'man14.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 40: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = '{$shadow['mshadow']}' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
} else {
switch(@$_GET['obraz']) {
case 0: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g0.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 1: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g1.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 2: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g2.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 3: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g3.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 4: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g4.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 5: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g5.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 6: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g6.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 7: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g7.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 8: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g8.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 9: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g9.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 10: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g10.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 11: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g11.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 12: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g12.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 13: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g13.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 14: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g14.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 15: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g15.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 16: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g16.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 17: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = 'g17.gif' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
case 41: mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `shadow` = '{$shadow['wshadow']}' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"); break;
if($_GET['del'] == 1) {
if($_GET['efid'] > 0) {
$pl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id`, `type` FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = "'.$user['id'].'" AND `id` = "'.(int)$_GET['efid'].'" LIMIT 1'));
if(isset($pl['id'])) {
del_efs($user['id'], $pl['id'], $pl['type']);
} else {
echo '<b style=\'color: Red;\'>Эффект не найден ...</b>';
if(isset($_GET['modif_bron'])) {
$brons = $_GET['modif_bron'];
$ids = $_GET['ids'];
$cur = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `free_bron`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '".$user['id']."' AND `id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($ids)."' LIMIT 1"));
if(isset($cur['id'])) {
if($cur['free_bron'] > 0 && $cur[$brons] > 0) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `inventory` SET `free_bron` = (`free_bron`-1), `".$brons."` = (`".$brons."`+1) WHERE `owner` = '".$user['id']."' AND `id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($ids)."' LIMIT 1");
echo "<font color=green><b>Параметр брони увеличен!</b></font>";
$stats = $_GET['modif_stat'];
$ids = $_GET['ids'];
$cur = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `free_stat`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '".$user['id']."' AND `id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($ids)."' LIMIT 1"));
if(isset($cur['id'])) {
if($cur['free_stat'] > 0 && $cur[$stats] > 0) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `inventory` SET `free_stat` = (`free_stat`-1), `".$stats."` = (`".$stats."`+1) WHERE `owner` = '".$user['id']."' AND `id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($ids)."' LIMIT 1");
echo "<font color=green><b>Параметр увеличен!</b></font>";
if(isset($_GET['modif_mf'])) {
$mfs = $_GET['modif_mf'];
$ids = $_GET['ids'];
$cur = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `free_mf`, `mfkrit`, `mfakrit`, `mfuvorot`, `mfauvorot` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '".$user['id']."' AND `id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($ids)."' LIMIT 1"));
if(isset($cur['id'])) {
if($cur['free_mf'] > 0 && $cur[$mfs] > 0){
mysql_query("UPDATE `inventory` SET `free_mf` = (`free_mf`-1), `".$mfs."` = (`".$mfs."`+1) WHERE `owner` = '".$user['id']."' AND `id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($ids)."' LIMIT 1");
echo "<font color=green><b>Параметр увеличен!</b></font>";
$d = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT SUM(`massa`) AS `summ` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '{$user['id']}' AND `dressed` = 0 AND `setsale` = 0"));
if($d['summ'] > get_meshok() && $_GET['got']) {
echo "<font color=red><b>У вас переполнен рюкзак, вы не можете передвигаться...</b></font>";
$_GET['got'] = 0;
$eff = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = '".$user['id']."' AND (`type` = 14 OR `type` = 13) LIMIT 1"));
if(isset($eff['id']) && $_GET['got']) {
echo "<font color=red><b>У вас тяжелая травма, вы не можете передвигатся...</b></font>";
$_GET['got'] = 0;
$array = array(
1 => array(), 2 => array(), 3 => array(), 4 => array(),
5 => array('min_level' => 1, 'max_level' => 3), 6 => array('min_level' => 1, 'max_level' => 3), 7 => array('min_level' => 1, 'max_level' => 3), 8 => array('min_level' => 4, 'max_level' => 21),
9 => array('min_level' => 4, 'max_level' => 6), 10 => array('min_level' => 7, 'max_level' => 9), 11 => array('min_level' => 10, 'max_level' => 12), 12 => array('min_level' => 13, 'max_level' => 15),
13 => array('min_level' => 16, 'max_level' => 19), 14 => array('min_level' => 19, 'max_level' => 21), 15 => array('paladin' => 1), 16 => array('paladin' => 1),
17 => array('align' => 3), 36 => array('align' => 2), 54 => array('align' => 6), 19 => array('sex' => 2),
18 => array('align' => 3), 56 => array('align' => 2), 55 => array('align' => 6)
function gone_rooms($room) {
global $array, $user;
$error = 0;
$param = $array[$room];
if($room == 57) {
err("<b>Комнаты не существует...</b>");
$error = 1;
if(isset($param['min_level'])) {
if($user['level'] < $param['min_level']) {
err("<b>Вы не можете попасть в эту комнату. Уровень маловат...</b>");
$error = 1;
if(isset($param['max_level'])) {
if($user['level'] > $param['max_level']) {
err("<b>Вы не можете попасть в эту комнату. Уровень высоковат...</b>");
$error = 1;
if(isset($param['align_int'])) {
if((int)$user['align'] != $param['align_int']) {
err("<b>Вы не можете попасть в эту комнату. Склонность не та...</b>");
$error = 1;
if(isset($param['align'])) {
if($user['align'] != $param['align']) {
err("<b>Вы не можете попасть в эту комнату. Склонность не та...</b>");
$error = 1;
if(isset($param['paladin'])) {
if($user['align'] <= 1 || $user['align'] >= 2) {
err("<b>Вы не можете попасть в эту комнату. Склонность не та...</b>");
$error = 1;
if(isset($param['sex'])) {
if(($param['sex'] == 2 && $user['sex'] == 1) || ($param['sex'] == 1 && $user['sex'] == 0)) {
err("<b>Вы не можете попасть в эту комнату. Пол не подходит...</b>");
$error = 1;
if($error == 0 OR $user['admin'] == 1) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `users`, `online` SET `users`.`room` = '$room', `online`.`room` = '$room' WHERE `online`.`id` = `users`.`id` AND `online`.`id` = '{$user['id']}'");
header('Location: main.php');
if(isset($_GET['got']) && $_GET['got']) {
if(@$_REQUEST['changepsw']) {?>
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<table width=100%><tr><td><h3>Безопасность</h3></td><td align=right><INPUT TYPE=button value="Вернуться" onClick="location.href='main.php?edit=0.467837356797105';"></td></tr>
<legend><b>Сменить пароль</b></legend>
if ($_POST['oldpass'] && $_POST['npass'] && $_POST['npass2']) {
$ops = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `pass` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"));
if ($ops[0] == md5($_POST['oldpass'])) {
if($_POST['npass'] == $_POST['npass2']) {
if(mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `pass` = '".md5($_POST['npass'])."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"))
echo "<font color=red><b>Пароль удачно сменен.</b></font>";
} else
{ echo "<font color=red><b>Не совпадают новые пароли.</b></font>"; }
} else
{ echo "<font color=red><b>Неверный старый пароль.</b></font>"; }
<td align=right>Старый пароль:</td><td><input type=password name="oldpass"></td>
<td align=right>Новый пароль:</td><td><input type=password name="npass"></td>
<td align=right>Новый пароль (еще раз):</td><td><input type=password name="npass2"></td>
<td align=right><input type=submit value="Сменить пароль" name="changepsw"></td><td></td>
<?php die(); }
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<P align=right><INPUT TYPE=button value="Подсказка (?)" style="background-color:#A9AFC0" onClick="window.open('help/schet.html', 'help', 'height=300,width=500,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes')">
<INPUT TYPE=submit value="Вернуться" name=edit></P>
<H3>Отчет о переводах</H3>
Вы можете получить отчет о переводах кредитов/вещей от вас/к вам за указанный день. Услуга платная, стоит <B>0.5 кр.</B><BR>
У вас на счету: <B><?=$user['money']?></B> кр.<BR>
Укажите дату, на которую хотите получить отчет: <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=date value="<?=date("d.m.y")?>"> <INPUT TYPE=submit name=transreport value="Заказать отчет">
if ($_POST['date']&&($user['money']>= 0.5)) {
$user['money'] -= 0.5;
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = '".$user['money']."' WHERE `id` = {$user['id']} LIMIT 1");
echo "Выписка о переводах на персонажа \"{$user['login']}\" за ".$_POST['date'].":<BR>";
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `delo` WHERE `pers` = '{$user['id']}' AND `type` = 1 AND `date` > '".mktime(0,0,0,substr($_POST['date'],3,2),substr($_POST['date'],0,2),substr($_POST['date'],6,2))."' AND `date` < '".mktime(23,59,59,substr($_POST['date'],3,2),substr($_POST['date'],0,2),substr($_POST['date'],6,2))."' ;");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($data)) {
$row['text'] = preg_replace("/id:\((.*)\)/U", "",$row['text']);
$rr .= date("H:i:s",$row['date']).": {$row['text']}\n";
echo date("H:i:s",$row['date']).": {$row['text']}<BR>";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `inventory` (`owner`,`name`,`type`,`massa`,`cost`,`img`,`letter`,`maxdur`,`isrep`)VALUES('{$user['id']}','Бумага','200',1,0,'paper100.gif','Выписка о переводах на персонажа \"{$user['login']}\" за ".$_POST['date'].":\n{$rr}',1,0) ;");
if (@$_POST['setshadow']) {
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<body leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 bgcolor=#e2e0e0 >
<table width=100%><tr><td><h3>Выбрать образ персонажа "<?=$user['login']?>"</h3></td><td align=right><INPUT TYPE=button value="Вернуться" onClick="location.href='main.php?edit=0.467837356797105';"></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center style="color:red;">Внимание! Образ персонажа выбирается только один раз.</td></tr>
<TABLE cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" style="padding:5px;">
<?if($user['sex'] == 1){?>
<tr><td colspan="4"><b>Общие образы</b></td>
<td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=0"><img src="i/shadow/man0.gif"></a></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=1"><img src="i/shadow/man1.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=2"><img src="i/shadow/man2.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=3"><img src="i/shadow/man3.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=5"><img src="i/shadow/man5.gif"></a></td>
<td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=6"><img src="i/shadow/man6.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=7"><img src="i/shadow/man7.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=8"><img src="i/shadow/man8.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=9"><img src="i/shadow/man9.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=10"><img src="i/shadow/man10.gif"></a></td>
<td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=4"><img src="i/shadow/man4.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=11"><img src="i/shadow/man11.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=12"><img src="i/shadow/man12.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=13"><img src="i/shadow/man13.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=14"><img src="i/shadow/man14.gif"></a></td>
if ($shadow['mshadow']) {?>
<tr><td colspan="4"><b>Клановые образы</b></td>
<tr><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=40"><img src="i/shadow/<?=$shadow['mshadow']?>"></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
} else {?>
<tr><td colspan="4"><b>Общие образы</b></td>
<td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=0"><img src="i/shadow/g0.gif"></a></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=1"><img src="i/shadow/g1.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=2"><img src="i/shadow/g2.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=3"><img src="i/shadow/g3.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=4"><img src="i/shadow/g4.gif"></a></td>
<td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=5"><img src="i/shadow/g5.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=6"><img src="i/shadow/g6.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=7"><img src="i/shadow/g7.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=8"><img src="i/shadow/g8.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=9"><img src="i/shadow/g9.gif"></a></td>
<td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=10"><img src="i/shadow/g10.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=11"><img src="i/shadow/g11.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=12"><img src="i/shadow/g12.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=13"><img src="i/shadow/g13.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=14"><img src="i/shadow/g14.gif"></a></td>
<td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=15"><img src="i/shadow/g15.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=16"><img src="i/shadow/g16.gif"></a></td><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=17"><img src="i/shadow/g17.gif"></a></td>
if ($shadow['wshadow']) {?>
<tr><td colspan="4"><b>Клановые образы</b></td>
<tr><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=41"><img src="i/shadow/<?=$shadow['wshadow']?>"></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
if (@$_POST['setshadowclan'])
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<body leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 bgcolor=#e2e0e0 >
<table width=100%><tr><td><h3>Выбрать образ персонажа "<?=$user['login']?>"</h3></td><td align=right><INPUT TYPE=button value="Вернуться" onClick="location.href='main.php?edit=0.467837356797105';"></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center style="color:red;"></td></tr>
<TABLE border = 0 cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="padding:5px;">
if ($shadow['mshadow']) {?>
<tr><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=40"><img src="i/shadow/<?=$shadow['mshadow']?>"></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
} else {
if ($shadow['wshadow']) {?>
<tr><td><a href="?edit=1&obraz=41"><img src="i/shadow/<?=$shadow['wshadow']?>"></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
if (@$_GET['setch'])
$online = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `online` WHERE `real_time` >= '".(time()-60)."'");
while($v = mysql_fetch_array($online))
#$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"));
//echo $user['room'] ;
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function inforoom (room) {
window.open('ch.php?online=1&room='+room+'&rms=1', 'help', 'height=300,width=500,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes');
top.changeroom = <?=$user['room']?>;
var perm = getCurrentPermission();
if(perm == 'true') {
new Notification('Thenks');
} else {
Notification.requestPermission('Сайт запрашивает доступ к уведомлениям.');
function getCurrentPermission() {
if(Notification.permission) {
return 'true';
} else {
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<div id="page-wrapper" class="map-wrapper">
<div class="btn-control">
<div class="left-text">
<div class="nickname-wrapper"><?=nick2($user['id'], 0);?></div>
<div class="text-title">Карта миров</div>
<div class="hint-text">(Сейчас в игре: <strong><?=mysql_num_rows($online)?></strong> чел.)</div>
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Обновить" onClick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&tmp=8455';">Обновить</div>
<div class="button-mid btn" name="combats" title="Поединки" onClick="location.href='zayavka.php';"><strong>Поединки</strong></div>
<div class="button-mid btn" name="invent" title="Настройки / инвентарь" onClick="location.href='main.php?edit=1';">Инвентарь</div>
<div class="button-mid btn" name="effects" onclick="location.href='module_quest.php';" value="Состояние" title="Состояние">Состояние</div>
<div class="button-dark-mid btn" name="helps" onClick="window.open('help/combats.html', 'help', 'height=300,width=500,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes')" title="Подсказка">Подсказка</div>
<div class="button-mid btn" name="backpage" onClick="location.href='main.php';" title="Вернуться">Вернуться</div>
<div class="btn-control">
<? if($user['room'] == 20) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?><div class="button-big btn" name="backpage" onClick="location.href='main.php?goto=plo';" title="Выйти на Центральную площадь">Выйти на Центральную площадь</div>
<div class="hr_n"></div>
<table align="center" class="table-list map" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo novi4ki"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid novi4ki">
<div class="map-block-head">Комната для новичков 1 <div class="head-level">(Уровень 0)</div></div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=1';">Войти </div>
<div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[1]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(1, event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 1) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right novi4ki"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo novi4ki"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid novi4ki">
<div class="map-block-head">Комната для новичков 2 <div class="head-level">(Уровень 0)</div></div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=2';">Войти </div>
<div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[2]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(2, event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 2) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right novi4ki"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo novi4ki"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid novi4ki">
<div class="map-block-head">Комната для новичков 3 <div class="head-level">(Уровень 0)</div></div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=3';">Войти </div>
<div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[3]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(3,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 3) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right novi4ki"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo novi4ki"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid novi4ki">
<div class="map-block-head">
Комната для новичков 4 <div class="head-level">(Уровень 0)</div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=4';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[4]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(4,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg"></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 4) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right novi4ki"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo voinov"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid voinov">
<div class="map-block-head">
Зал воинов 1 <div class="head-level">(Уровень 1-3)</div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=5';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[5]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(5,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 5) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right voinov"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo voinov"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid voinov">
<div class="map-block-head">
Зал воинов 2 <div class="head-level">(Уровень 1-3)</div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=6';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[6]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(6,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 6) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right voinov"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo voinov"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid voinov">
<div class="map-block-head">
Зал воинов 3 <div class="head-level">(Уровень 1-3)</div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=7';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[7]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(7,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 7) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right voinov"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo torgovij"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid torgovij">
<div class="map-block-head">
Торговый зал <div class="head-level">(Уровень 4-21)</div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=8';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[8]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(8,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 8) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right torgovij"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo rycarskij"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid rycarskij">
<div class="map-block-head">
Рыцарский зал <div class="head-level">(Уровень 4-6)</div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=8';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[9]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(9,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 9) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right rycarskij"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo bashnja"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid bashnja">
<div class="map-block-head">
Башня рыцарей-магов <div class="head-level">(Уровень 7-9)</div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=10';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[10]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(10,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 10) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right bashnja"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo koldovskoj"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid koldovskoj">
<div class="map-block-head">
Колдовской мир <div class="head-level">(Уровень 10-12)</div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=11';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[11]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(11,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 11) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right koldovskoj"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo eduhov"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid eduhov">
<div class="map-block-head">
Этаж духов <div class="head-level">(Уровень 13-15)</div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=12';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[12]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(12,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 12) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right eduhov"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo astral"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid astral">
<div class="map-block-head">
Астральные этажи <div class="head-level">(Уровень 16-19)</div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=12';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[13]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(13,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 13) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right astral"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo fire"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid fire">
<div class="map-block-head">
Огненный мир <div class="head-level">(Уровень 19-21)</div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=14';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[14];?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(14,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 14) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right fire"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo paladinov"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid paladinov">
<div class="map-block-head">
Зал Паладинов
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=15';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[15]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(15,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 15) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right paladinov"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo sovet"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid sovet">
<div class="map-block-head">
Совет Белого Братства
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=16';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[16]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(16,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 16) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right sovet"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo tma"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid tma">
<div class="map-block-head">
Зал Тьмы
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=17';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[17]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(17,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 17) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right tma"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo netral"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid netral">
<div class="map-block-head">
Зал Стихий
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=36';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[36]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(36,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 36) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right netral"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo svet"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid svet">
<div class="map-block-head">
Зал Света
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=54';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[54]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(54,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 54) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right svet"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo buduar"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid buduar">
<div class="map-block-head">
Будуар <div class="head-level">(Уровень 1-21)</div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=19';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[19]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(19,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 19) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right buduar"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo tma2"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid tma2">
<div class="map-block-head">
Царство Тьмы
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=18';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[18]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(18,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 18) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right tma2"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo netral2"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid netral2">
<div class="map-block-head">
Царство Стихий
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=56';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[56]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(56,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 56) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right netral2"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo svet2"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid svet2">
<div class="map-block-head">
Царство Света
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=55';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (<?=(int)$or[55]?>)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(55,event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<? if($user['room'] == 55) { ?><img src="i/flag_position.png" border="0" /><? } ?>
<div class="map-block-right svet2"></div>
<div class="map-block">
<div class="map-block-logo clanwars"></div>
<div class="map-block-mid clanwars">
<div class="map-block-head">
Зал Клановых Войн <div class="head-level">(Уровень 4-21)</div>
<div class="map-block-bottom">
<div class="button-mid btn" name="setch" title="Войти в комнату" onclick="location.href='main.php?setch=1&got=1&room=57';">Войти </div><div class="room-amount"> (0)</div>
<div class="room-info">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="inforoom(57, event);"><img src="i/i_2.jpg" /></a>
<div class="map-block-right clanwars"></div>
<div class="hr_n"></div>
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
if (@$_GET['edit']) {
if($_GET['ups']) {
switch(@$_GET['ups']) {
case 11 :
if($user['stats'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['stats'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['sila'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['stats'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `sila` = '".$user['sila']."', `stats` = '".$user['stats']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Сила увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
if($user['first'] == 2) {
$user['kwest_train_param'] += 1;
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `kwest_train_param` = '".$user['kwest_train_param']."' WHERE `id` = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно статов</b>";
case 12 :
if($user['stats'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['stats'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['lovk'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['stats'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `lovk` = '".$user['lovk']."', `stats` = '".$user['stats']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Ловкость увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
if($user['first'] == 2) {
$user['kwest_train_param'] += 1;
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `kwest_train_param` = '".$user['kwest_train_param']."' WHERE `id` = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно статов</b>";
case 13 :
if($user['stats'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['stats'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['inta'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['stats'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `inta` = '".$user['inta']."', `stats` = '".$user['stats']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Интуиция увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
if($user['first'] == 2) {
$user['kwest_train_param'] += 1;
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `kwest_train_param` = '".$user['kwest_train_param']."' WHERE `id` = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно статов</b>";
case 14 :
if($user['stats'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['stats'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['vinos'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['stats'] -= (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['maxhp'] += (int)($_POST['stat']*6);
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `vinos` = '".$user['vinos']."', `stats` = '".$user['stats']."', `maxhp` = '".$user['maxhp']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Выносливость увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
if($user['first'] == 2) {
$user['kwest_train_param'] += 1;
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `kwest_train_param` = '".$user['kwest_train_param']."' WHERE `id` = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно статов</b>";
case 15 :
if($user['stats'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['stats'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['intel'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['stats'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `intel` = '".$user['intel']."', `stats` = '".$user['stats']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Интеллект увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
if($user['first'] == 2) {
$user['kwest_train_param'] += 1;
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `kwest_train_param` = '".$user['kwest_train_param']."' WHERE `id` = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно статов</b>";
case 21 :
if($user['master'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['master'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && $user['noj'] < 10 && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['noj'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['master'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `noj` = '".$user['noj']."', `master` = '".$user['master']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Владение Кастетами увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
if($user['first'] == 8) {
$user['kwest_train_umen'] += 1;
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `kwest_train_umen` = '".$user['kwest_train_umen']."' WHERE `id` = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
} elseif($user['noj'] > 9) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Достигнут лимит владения</b>";
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно мастерства</b>";
case 22 :
if($user['master'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['master'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && $user['mec'] < 10 && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['mec'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['master'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `mec` = '".$user['mec']."', `master` = '".$user['master']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Владение Мечами увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
if($user['first'] == 8) {
$user['kwest_train_umen'] += 1;
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `kwest_train_umen` = '".$user['kwest_train_umen']."' WHERE `id` = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
} elseif($user['mec'] > 9) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Достигнут лимит владения</b>";
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно мастерства</b>";
case 23 :
if($user['master'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['master'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && $user['dubina'] < 10 && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['dubina'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['master'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `dubina` = '".$user['dubina']."', `master` = '".$user['master']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Владение Дубинами увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
if($user['first'] == 8) {
$user['kwest_train_umen'] += 1;
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `kwest_train_umen` = '".$user['kwest_train_umen']."' WHERE `id` = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
} elseif($user['dubina'] > 9) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Достигнут лимит владения</b>";
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно мастерства</b>";
case 24 :
if($user['master'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['master'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && $user['topor'] < 10 && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['topor'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['master'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `topor` = '".$user['topor']."', `master` = '".$user['master']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Владение топорами увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
if($user['first'] == 8) {
$user['kwest_train_umen'] += 1;
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `kwest_train_umen` = '".$user['kwest_train_umen']."' WHERE `id` = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
} elseif($user['topor'] > 9) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Достигнут лимит владения</b>";
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно мастерства</b>";
case 25 :
if($user['master'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['master'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['mfire'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['master'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `mfire` = '".$user['mfire']."', `master` = '".$user['master']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Владение Магией Огня увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно мастерства</b>";
case 26 :
if($user['master'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['master'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['mwater'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['master'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `mwater` = '".$user['mwater']."', `master` = '".$user['master']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Владение Магией Воды увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно мастерства</b>";
case 27 :
if($user['master'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['master'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['mair'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['master'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `mair` = '".$user['mair']."', `master` = '".$user['master']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Владение Магией Воздуха увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно мастерства</b>";
case 28 :
if($user['master'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['master'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['mearth'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['master'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `mearth` = '".$user['mearth']."', `master` = '".$user['master']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Владение Магией Земли увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно мастерства</b>";
case 29 :
if($user['master'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['master'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['mlight'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['master'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `mlight` = '".$user['mlight']."', `master` = '".$user['master']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Владение Магией Света увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно мастерства</b>";
case 210 :
if($user['master'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['master'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['mgray'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['master'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `mgray` = '".$user['mgray']."', `master` = '".$user['master']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Владение Серой Магией увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно мастерства</b>";
case 211 :
if($user['master'] > 0 && $user['sid'] == $_GET['s4i']) {
if($user['master'] >= (int)$_POST['stat'] && ((int)$_POST['stat'] > 0)) {
$user['mdark'] += (int)$_POST['stat']; $user['master'] -= (int)$_POST['stat'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `mdark` = '".$user['mdark']."', `master` = '".$user['master']."' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Параметр Владение Магией Тьмы увеличен на ".(int)$_POST['stat']." ед.</b>";
} elseif((int)$_POST['stat'] <= 0) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Не верное количество</b>";
} else {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Недостаточно мастерства</b>";
if(@$_GET['drop']) {
if(@$_GET['dress']) {
$rec = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id`, `koll` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = "'.(int)$_GET['dress'].'" AND `owner` = "'.$user['id'].'" LIMIT 1'));
if(isset($rec['id'])) {
if($rec['koll'] > 1) {
$id = unstack($rec['id'], 1);
} else {
} else {
echo 'Предмет не найден ...';
if(@$_GET['destruct']) {
$dress = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `dressed`, `name`, `duration`, `maxdur` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '{$user['id']}' AND `id` = '{$_GET['destruct']}' LIMIT 1"));
if(isset($dress['id'])) {
if($dress['dressed'] == 0) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `delo` (`id` , `author` ,`pers`, `text`, `type`, `date`) VALUES ('','0','{$_SESSION['uid']}','\"".$user['login']."\" выбросил предмет \"".$dress['name']."\" id:(cap".$dress['id'].") [".$dress['duration']."/".$dress['maxdur']."] ',1,'".time()."');");
echo "<div align=right><font color=red><b>Предмет \"".$dress['name']."\" выброшен.</b></font></div>";
} else {
echo "<div align=right><font color=red><b>Сначала снимите предмет...</b></font></div>";
} else {
echo "<div align=right><font color=red><b>Предмет не найден...</b></font></div>";
if(@$_GET['use']) {
$rec = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id`, `koll` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = "'.(int)$_GET['use'].'" AND `owner` = "'.$user['id'].'" LIMIT 1'));
if(isset($rec['id'])) {
if($rec['koll'] > 1) {
$id = unstack($rec['id'], 1);
usemagic($id, $_POST['target']);
} else {
usemagic($_GET['use'], $_POST['target']);
} else {
echo 'Предмет не найден ...';
if (@$_GET['undress']) {
if (@$_GET['delcomplect']) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `komplekt` WHERE `name` = '".$_GET['delcomplect']."' AND `owner` = '".$user['id']."';");
if (@$_GET['complect']) {
$hp = $user['hp'];
$_GET['complect'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['complect']);
$u_kompl=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM komplekt where `name` = '{$_GET['complect']}' AND `owner` = {$user['id']} LIMIT 1"));
foreach ($k_items as $k_i)
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = '".$hp."' WHERE `id` = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = `maxhp` WHERE `hp` > `maxhp` AND `id` = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"));
ref_drop ($user['id']);
if(@$_GET['savecomplect']) {
$_GET['savecomplect'] = trim($_GET['savecomplect']);
if(preg_match('/[\/\:*?"<>|+%]/', $_GET['savecomplect'])) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Вы используете запрещенные символы ...</b>";
} else {
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['savecomplect']);
$u_all_kompl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `komplekt` WHERE `name` = '{$name}' AND `owner` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1"));
if(isset($u_all_kompl['id'])) {
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Такое название комплекта уже используется ..</b>";
} else {
$items = array();
$odetShmot = mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = '".$user['sergi']."' OR `id` = '".$user['kulon']."' OR `id` = '".$user['perchi']."' OR `id` = '".$user['weap']."' OR `id` = '".$user['bron']."' OR `id` = '".$user['rybax']."' OR `id` = '".$user['r1']."' OR `id` = '".$user['r2']."' OR `id` = '".$user['r3']."' OR `id` = '".$user['helm']."' OR `id` = '".$user['shit']."' OR `id` = '".$user['m1']."' OR `id` = '".$user['m2']."' OR `id` = '".$user['m3']."' OR `id` = '".$user['m4']."' OR `id` = '".$user['m5']."' OR `id` = '".$user['m6']."' OR `id` = '".$user['m7']."' OR `id` = '".$user['m8']."' OR `id` = '".$user['m9']."' OR `id` = '".$user['m10']."' OR `id` = '".$user['boots']."' OR `id` = '".$user['plaw']."' OR `id` = '".$user['rune_1']."' OR `id` = '".$user['rune_2']."' OR `id` = '".$user['rune_3']."'");
while($res = mysql_fetch_array($odetShmot)) {
$items[] = $res['id'];
$t_items = implode(";", $items);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `komplekt` (`name`, `owner`, `items`) VALUES ('{$name}', '{$user['id']}', '{$t_items}')");
echo "<b style=\"color: Red;\">Комплект {$name} сохранён ...</b>";
if(!in_array($_GET['mZeAjax'], array('mZeInventory', 'mZeFilter'))):
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function saveComplect() {
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$('<div>Название комплекта :<br /><div style="font-size: smaller;"><b>может содеражать только буквы (англ / русс) и цифры.</b></div></div>').append(miDialog._oneInput({name : 'savecomplect'})), {width : 250});
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function okno(title, script, name,coma,errk){
var errkom=''; var com='';
if (errk==1) { errkom='Нельзя использовать символы: /\:*?"<>|+%<br>'; com=coma}
if (errk==2) { errkom='Такой комплект уже существует<br>'; com=coma}
document.all("hint3").innerHTML = '<table width=100% cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=CCC3AA><tr><td align=center><B>'+title+'</td><td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: pointer" onclick="closehint3();"><BIG><B>x</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>'+
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function closehint3() {
var delay = 30, TimerOn = -1, tkHP, maxHP, speed = 750, stLen = 185, redHP = 0.33, yellowHP = 0.66;
function setHP(a, b, c) {
tkHP = a; maxHP = b;
TimerOn >= 0 && (clearTimeout(TimerOn), TimerOn = -1);
speed = c;
function setHPlocal() {
tkHP > maxHP && (tkHP = maxHP);
var a = Math.round(tkHP)+"/"+maxHP, a = stLen-(a.length+2)*7, b = Math.round((a-1)/maxHP*tkHP);
a -= b;
HP = document.getElementById("hp_value");
HP1 = document.getElementById("HP1");
HP2 = document.getElementById("HP2");
if(HP) {
HP1.width = b, HP2.width = a, HP1.src = tkHP/maxHP < redHP?"i/1red.gif":tkHP/maxHP < yellowHP?"i/1yellow.gif":"i/1green.gif", HP.innerHTML = Math.round(tkHP)+"/"+maxHP;
tkHP += maxHP/53/230*(speed/100);
TimerOn = tkHP < maxHP?setTimeout("setHPlocal()", delay*100):-1
<? echo topsethp(); ?>
function splitstack(title, script, img, st) {
var s;
if(st == 1) {
s = '<form action="'+script+'" method=POST name=slform><table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr><td colspan=2>'+
'<TABLE width=100%><TD><IMG src="/i/sh/'+img+'"></TD><TD>Разделить предмет <b>'+title+'</b></TABLE> Количество: <input type="text" name="qty" value="1"> </TD></TR><TR><TD width=50% align=left><INPUT TYPE="button" name="tmpname423" value="Да" style="width:70%" onclick="if (!top.is_qlaunch) { slform.submit(); } else { top.QLaunchQuery(slform.use.value); closehint3(); } "></TD><TD width=50% align=right><INPUT type=button style="width:70%" value="Нет" onclick="closehint3();"></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM>';
s = crtmagic(0, 'Разделить предмет?', s);
} else {
s = '<form action="'+script+'" method=POST name=slform><table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr><td colspan=2>'+
'<TABLE width=100%><TD><IMG src="/i/sh/'+img+'"></TD><TD>Разделить на равные части <b>'+title+'</b></TABLE> Количество частей: <input type="text" name="qty" value="2"> </TD></TR><TR><TD width=50% align=left><INPUT TYPE="button" name="tmpname423" value="Да" style="width:70%" onclick="if (!top.is_qlaunch) { slform.submit(); } else { top.QLaunchQuery(slform.use.value); closehint3(); } "></TD><TD width=50% align=right><INPUT type=button style="width:70%" value="Нет" onclick="closehint3();"></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM>';
s = crtmagic(0, 'Разделить на равные?', s);
document.all("hint3").innerHTML = s;
document.all("hint3").style.visibility = "visible";
document.all("hint3").style.left = 200;
document.all("hint3").style.top = 100;
Hint3Name = name;
function delItmsNo(title, name, mtype, addon, itmImg, itmName, urls) {
var s = '';
s = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr><td width="80"><div align="center"><img src="i/sh/'+itmImg+'"></div></td><td>Предмет \'<b>'+itmName+'</b>\' будет утерян, вы уверены ?</td></tr></table><center><input style="width: 70px;" type="button" name="button" id="button" value="Да" onClick="location=\''+urls+'\';" /> <input style="width: 70px;" onclick="closehint();" type="button" name="button" id="button" value="Нет" /></center>'+(addon?addon:'')+'';
s = crtmagic(0, title, s);
document.getElementById('hint4').innerHTML = s;
document.getElementById('hint4').style.visibility = 'visible';
document.getElementById('hint4').style.left = '150px';
document.getElementById('hint4').style.top = '50px';
Hint3Name = name;
function stats(title, name, mtype, addon, itmImg, itmName, urls) {
var s = '';
s = '<form method="post" action=\''+urls+'\'><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr>Количество : <input type="text" style="width: 70%;" name="stat" onkeyup="return proverka(this);" onchange="return proverka(this);" autocomplete="off" required /></tr></table><center><input style="width: 70px;" type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Да" /> <input style="width: 70px;" onclick="closehint();" type="button" name="button" id="button" value="Нет" /></center></form>'+(addon?addon:'')+'';
s = crtmagic(0, title, s);
document.getElementById('hint4').innerHTML = s;
document.getElementById('hint4').style.visibility = 'visible';
document.getElementById('hint4').style.left = '150px';
document.getElementById('hint4').style.top = '50px';
Hint3Name = name;
function proverka(input) {
input.value = input.value.replace(/[^\d]/g, '');
function closehint() {
document.all("hint4").style.visibility = "hidden";
Hint3Name = '';
function collapse(id) {
var currazdel = $('#upper_'+id+'').attr('class');
if(currazdel == 'up') {
} else {
var groupItems = <?php echo ( $_SESSION['stackall'] ? 'true' : 'false' ); ?>;
$('a').live('click', function () {
if($(this).attr('ajax') != undefined){
var ajaxModule = $(this).attr('ajax');
$('#mZeInventory').html('<div align="center" style="padding:10px;background-color:#d4d2d2;color:grey;"><b>Загрузка...</b></div>');
url: $(this).attr('href') + '&mZeAjax=' + ajaxModule,
cache: false,
dataType: 'html',
success: function (html) {
if( groupItems == true ){
$(this).html('Группировать предметы');
groupItems = false;
} else {
$(this).html('Разгруппировать предметы');
groupItems = true;
$('#mZeInventory').html('<div align="center" style="padding:10px;background-color:#d4d2d2;color:grey;"><b>Загрузка...</b></div>');
url: $(this).attr('href') + '&mZeAjax=' + ajaxModule,
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/mi.css" />
$rb = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bank` WHERE `owner` = "'.$user['id'].'"'));
function bank_info() {
<? if(!isset($banks['id']) && $rb[0] == 0) { ?>
alert('У Вас нет активных счетов. \n\n На правах рекламы: Вы можете открыть счёт в Банке ,'+
' на Страшилкиной улице*\n\n* Мелким шрифтом: услуга платная.');
} elseif($rb[0] > 0) {
var ddtpswBank = '<div><form action="main.php?rnd=<? echo $code; ?>" method="post">'+
'<table style="border:1px solid #B1A996;" width="300" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#B1A996"><div align="center"><strong>Счёт в банке</strong><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="document.getElementById(\'chpassbank\').style.display=\'none\'" title="Закрыть окно" style="float:right;padding-right:5px;">x</a></div></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#DDD5C2" style="padding:5px;"><div align="center"><small>Выберите счёт и введите пароль<br />'+
'<select name="bank" id="bank">'+
$scet = mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `bank` WHERE `owner` = "'.$user['id'].'"');
while ($num_scet = mysql_fetch_array($scet))
echo "'<option>".getNum($num_scet['id'])."</option>'+";
'</select><input style="margin-left:5px;" type="password" name="bankpsw" id="bankpsw" autocomplete="off" /><label></label></small><input style="margin-left:3px;" type="submit" name="button" id="button" value=" Вход " /></div></td></tr></table></form></div>';
var ddtpsBankDiv = document.getElementById('chpassbank');
if(ddtpsBankDiv != undefined)
ddtpsBankDiv.style.display = '';
ddtpsBankDiv.innerHTML = ddtpswBank;
$.jGrowl.defaults.closerTemplate = '<div style="text-align: center; cursor: pointer;"><b>[ Закрыть ]</b></div>';
$.jGrowl.defaults.closeTemplate = '<img src="i/clear.gif" alt="x" title="Закрыть" />';
$('body').delegate('div#jGrowl .jgrowl-moover', 'click', function() {
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var c = j.hasClass('top-right') ? 'top-left' : 'top-right';
j.removeClass('top-left top-right').addClass(c);
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if(!color) { color = 'Red'; }
$.jGrowl(message, { header: '<img src="/i/jgrowl_moover.png" class="jgrowl-moover" title="Передвинуть" style="cursor: pointer;" /> <font color: '+color+';">'+title+'</font>', sticky: true, glue: 'before' });
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<div id=hint3 class=ahint></div>
<div id="hint4" style="position: absolute;"></div>
<div id="chpassbank" style="display:none; position:absolute; top:50px; left:250px;"></div>
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="main.php?edit=1">
<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td valign=top align=left width=250><?showpersinv($user['id'])?><center>
<a href='main.php?edit=1&undress=all'>Снять все</a><BR>
<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="saveComplect(); return false;">Запомнить комплект</a><br />
<?php if($_SESSION['stackall']): ?>
<a href="/main.php?edit=1&stackall=false" ajax="mZeFilter">Разгруппировать предметы</a><br /><br />
<?php else: ?>
<a href="/main.php?edit=1&stackall=true" ajax="mZeFilter">Группировать предметы</a><br /><br />
<?php endif; ?>
<form method="POST">
<fieldset style="width: 222px;">
<legend><small>Текст автоответчика (Цена 25кр.):</small></legend>
<input type="text" name="chat_text" style="width: 222px;" value="<?=$var_txt['text'];?>" /><br />
<input type="submit" name="set_text" value="Установить" />
<? if($user['auto_text'] == 1) { ?>
<input type="submit" style="color: Red;" value="Отключить" name="off_text" />
<? } else { ?>
<input type="submit" style="color: Green;" value="Включить" name="on_text" />
<? } ?>
<small>Внимание! При включённом автответчике, Вы не будете видеть приватных сообщений которые Вам напишут.</small>
if (@$_POST['com_exist']) echo("Xist!");
<tr><td> </td><td>
//Выгребаем все комплекты перса
$u_all_kompl=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM komplekt where `owner` = '{$user['id']}'");
while ($u_k=mysql_fetch_array($u_all_kompl))
echo "<a onclick=\"if (!confirm('Вы уверены, что хотите удалить комплект?')) { return false; }\" href='main.php?edit=1&delcomplect=".$k_name."'>
<img src='i/clear.gif'></a>
<a href='main.php?edit=1&complect=".$k_name."'>Надеть \"".$k_name."\"</a><BR>";
<td> </td>
<div class="effectList" style="padding-top: 15px; max-height: 150px; width: 220px;">
<? echo show_eff_inf($user['id'], 2); ?>
<TD valign=top width=207>
<table border=0 width=242><tr><td>
Уровень: <b><?=$user['level']?></b><BR>
Опыт: <b><?=$user['exp']?></b> <a href='http://capitalcity.old-dark.ru/exptable.html' target=_blank>(<?=$user['nextup']?>)</a><BR>
Побед: <b><?=$user['win']?></b><BR>
Поражений: <b><?=$user['lose']?></b><BR>
Ничьих: <b><?=$user['nich']?></b><BR>
$ekr_bank = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT SUM(`ekr`) AS `bank_ekr`,SUM(`cr`) AS `bank_cr` from `bank` where `owner`='".$user['id']."'"));
Деньги: <b><?=$user['money']?></b> кр.<BR>
Репутация: <b><?=$user['doblest']?></b> реп.<br/>
<? if(isset($banks['id'])) { ?>
Банк <small><b>#<?=$banks['id'];?></b>: (<b><?=$banks['cr'];?></b> .кр, <b><?=$banks['ekr'];?></b> .екр) <a href="?unset_bank=1" title="Выход">X</a></small><br />
<? } else { ?>
<a href="javascript:bank_info();">Авторизация в банке</a>
<? } ?>
<SCRIPT src="/js/main_096_ru2.js"></SCRIPT>
if(@$_GET['is_open'] && !is_numeric(@$_GET['is_open'])){unset($_GET['is_open']);}
<table border=0><tr><td>
<script>DrawBar('Параметры', 'param', <?if($_SESSION['param']==1){echo"1";}else{echo"6";}?>, '', '');</script>
Сила: <?=$user['sila']?><?=($user['stats'])?" <img src=i/up.gif onclick=\"stats('Увеличить Силу', '', 1, '', '', '', '?ups=11&edit=1&s4i=".($user['sid'])."');\">":""?><BR>
Ловкость: <?=$user['lovk']?><?=($user['stats'])?" <img src=i/up.gif onclick=\"stats('Увеличить Ловкость', '', 1, '', '', '', '?ups=12&edit=1&s4i=".($user['sid'])."');\">":""?><BR>
Интуиция: <?=$user['inta']?><?=($user['stats'])?" <img src=i/up.gif onclick=\"stats('Увеличить Интуицию', '', 1, '', '', '', '?ups=13&edit=1&s4i=".($user['sid'])."');\">":""?><BR>
Выносливость: <?=$user['vinos']?><?=($user['stats'])?" <img src=i/up.gif onclick=\"stats('Увеличить Выносливость', '', 1, '', '', '', '?ups=14&edit=1&s4i=".($user['sid'])."');\">":""?><BR>
<?echo($user['level']>3)?"Интеллект: {$user['intel']}":""; echo ($user['stats'] && ($user['level']>3))?" <img src=i/up.gif onclick=\"stats('Увеличить Интеллект', '', 1, '', '', '', '?ups=15&edit=1&s4i=".($user['sid'])."');\">":""; if($user['level']>3) echo"<BR>"?>
<!--<?echo($user['level']>6)?"Мудрость: {$user['mudra']}":""; echo ($user['stats'] && ($user['level']>6))?" <img src=i/up.gif onclick=\"stats('Увеличить Мудрость', '', 1, '', '', '', '?ups=160&edit=1&s4i=".($user['sid'])."');\">":""; if($user['level']>6) echo"<BR>"?>-->
<FONT COLOR="green">Возможных увеличений: <?=$user['stats']?></FONT>
$mf = countmf();
<script>DrawBar('Модификаторы', 'modif', <?if($_SESSION['modif']==1){echo"1";}else{echo"6";}?>, '', '');</script>
if(@$_SESSION['modif'] == 1) {
$item_mf = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = "'.$user['id'].'" AND `dressed` = "1" AND `add_proc_mf` > 0'));
$item_damage = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = "'.$user['id'].'" AND `dressed` = "1" AND `add_proc_uron` > 0'));
$item_bron = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = "'.$user['id'].'" AND `dressed` = "1" AND `add_proc_bron` > 0'));
if(isset($item_mf['id'])) {
$max_mf = max_mf();
$add_mf = sum_mf($user['id']);
if($max_mf == 'fkrit') {
$var_mf = round(($mf['fkrit']/100)*$add_mf);
$mf['fkrit'] += $var_mf;
} elseif($max_mf == 'fakrit') {
$var_mf = round(($mf['fakrit']/100)*$add_mf);
$mf['fakrit'] += $var_mf;
} elseif($max_mf == 'fuvorot') {
$var_mf = round(($mf['fuvorot']/100)*$add_mf);
$mf['fuvorot'] += $var_mf;
} elseif($max_mf == 'fauvorot') {
$var_mf = round(($mf['fauvorot']/100)*$add_mf);
$mf['fauvorot'] += $var_mf;
if(isset($item_damage['id'])) {
$add_dmg = sum_dmg($user['id']);
$min_dmg = round(($mf['minu']/100)*$add_dmg);
$max_dmg = round(($mf['maxu']/100)*$add_dmg);
if(isset($item_bron['id'])) {
$add_bron = sum_bron($user['id']);
$var_brons = bron_ads($mf['bron1'], $mf['bron2'], $mf['bron3'], $mf['bron4'], $add_bron);
} else {
$var_brons = array('a1' => 0, 'a2' => 0, 'a3' => 0, 'a4' => 0);
<SPAN title='Усредненный по всем типам повреждений для вашего урона, без учета брони и защиты противника.'>Урон: <b><?=$mf['minu']+$min_dmg?> - <?=$mf['maxu']+$max_dmg?></b> <? if(isset($item_damage['id'])) { echo '<span style=\'color: Green;\'>('.$add_dmg.'%)</span>'; } ?></span><br>
<SPAN title='Мф. крит. удара позволяет нанести критический удар, наносящий дополнительные повреждения даже сквозь блок.'>Мф. крит. удара: <?=$mf['fkrit']?> <? if(isset($item_mf['id']) && $max_mf == 'fkrit') { echo '<span style=\'color: Green;\'>('.$add_mf.'%)</span>'; } ?></span><br>
<SPAN title='Мф. против крит. удара снижает вероятность получения крит. удара'>Мф. против крит. удара: <?=$mf['fakrit']?> <? if(isset($item_mf['id']) && $max_mf == 'fakrit') { echo '<span style=\'color: Green;\'>('.$add_mf.'%)</span>'; } ?></span><br>
<SPAN title='Мф. увертывания позволяет вам уклониться от атаки противника, полностью игнорируя ее.'>Мф. увертывания: <?=$mf['fuvorot']?> <? if(isset($item_mf['id']) && $max_mf == 'fuvorot') { echo '<span style=\'color: Green;\'>('.$add_mf.'%)</span>'; } ?></span><br>
<SPAN title='Мф. против увертывания снижает шансы противника уклониться от вашей атаки'>Мф. против увертывания: <?=$mf['fauvorot']?> <? if(isset($item_mf['id']) && $max_mf == 'fauvorot') { echo '<span style=\'color: Green;\'>('.$add_mf.'%)</span>'; } ?></span><br>
<? } ?>
<script>DrawBar('Мастерство', 'oryj', <?if($_SESSION['oryj']==1){echo"1";}else{echo"6";}?>, '', '');</script>
<div class="container" bit=1>
<b>Владение оружием:</b><br>
ножами и кастетами: <?=$user['noj']?><?=($user['master'])?" <img src=i/up.gif onclick=\"stats('Увеличить Мастерство Владения Ножами', '', 1, '', '', '', '?ups=21&edit=1&s4i=".($user['sid'])."');\">":""?><BR>
мечами: <?=$user['mec']?><?=($user['master'])?" <img src=i/up.gif onclick=\"stats('Увеличить Мастерство Владения Мечами', '', 1, '', '', '', '?ups=22&edit=1&s4i=".($user['sid'])."');\">":""?><BR>
дубинами, булавами: <?=$user['dubina']?><?=($user['master'])?" <img src=i/up.gif onclick=\"stats('Увеличить Мастерство Владения Дубинами', '', 1, '', '', '', '?ups=23&edit=1&s4i=".($user['sid'])."');\">":""?><BR>
топорами и секирами: <?=$user['topor']?><?=($user['master'])?" <img src=i/up.gif onclick=\"stats('Увеличить Мастерство Владения Топорами', '', 1, '', '', '', '?ups=24&edit=1&s4i=".($user['sid'])."');\">":""?><BR>
<?if ($user['level'] > 3) {?>
<b>Владение магией:</b><br>
<!-- Стихия огня: <?=$user['mfire']?><?=($user['master'])?"<a href='?up=25&s4i=".($user['sid'])."&edit=1'> <img src=i/up.gif></a>":""?><BR>
Стихия воды: <?=$user['mwater']?><?=($user['master'])?"<a href='?up=26&s4i=".($user['sid'])."&edit=1'> <img src=i/up.gif></a>":""?><BR>
Стихия воздуха: <?=$user['mair']?><?=($user['master'])?"<a href='?up=27&s4i=".($user['sid'])."&edit=1'> <img src=i/up.gif></a>":""?><BR>
Стихия земли: <?=$user['mearth']?><?=($user['master'])?"<a href='?up=28&s4i=".($user['sid'])."&edit=1'> <img src=i/up.gif></a>":""?><BR>-->
Серая магия: <?=$user['mgray']?><?=($user['master'])?" <img src=i/up.gif onclick=\"stats('Увеличить Мастерство Владения Серой Магией', '', 1, '', '', '', '?ups=210&edit=1&s4i=".($user['sid'])."');\">":""?><BR>
Магия Тьмы: <?=$user['mdark']?><?=($user['master'])?" <img src=i/up.gif onclick=\"stats('Увеличить Мастерство Владения Магией Тьмы', '', 1, '', '', '', '?ups=211&edit=1&s4i=".($user['sid'])."');\">":""?><BR> <?}?>
<FONT COLOR="#333399">Возможных увеличений: <?=$user['master']?></font>
<script>DrawBar('Броня', 'bron', <?if($_SESSION['bron']==1){echo"1";}else{echo"6";}?>, '', '');</script>
<? if(@$_SESSION['bron'] == 1) { ?>
Броня головы: <?=$mf['bron1']+$var_brons['a1']?> <? if(isset($item_bron['id'])) { echo '<span style=\'color: Green;\'>('.$add_bron.'%)</span>'; } ?><BR>
Броня корпуса: <?=$mf['bron2']+$var_brons['a2']?> <? if(isset($item_bron['id'])) { echo '<span style=\'color: Green;\'>('.$add_bron.'%)</span>'; } ?><BR>
Броня пояса: <?=$mf['bron3']+$var_brons['a3']?> <? if(isset($item_bron['id'])) { echo '<span style=\'color: Green;\'>('.$add_bron.'%)</span>'; } ?><BR>
Броня ног: <?=$mf['bron4']+$var_brons['a4']?> <? if(isset($item_bron['id'])) { echo '<span style=\'color: Green;\'>('.$add_bron.'%)</span>'; } ?><BR>
<? } ?>
if(($user['sila'] >= 25 || $user['lovk'] >= 25 || $user['inta'] >= 25 || $user['vinos'] >= 25 || $user['intel'] >= 25) && $user['level'] == 25) {
<script>DrawBar('Бонусы', 'bonus', <?if($_SESSION['bonus']==1){echo"1";}else{echo"6";}?>, '', '');</script>
if(@$_SESSION['bonus'] == 1) {
if($user['sila'] >= 25) { $sila['fauvorot'] = 10; $sila['fakrit'] = 10; }
if($user['sila'] >= 50){ $sila['fauvorot'] = 20; $sila['fakrit'] = 25; }
if($user['sila'] >= 75){ $sila['fauvorot'] = 30; $sila['fakrit'] = 40; }
if($user['sila'] >= 100){ $sila['fauvorot'] = 40; $sila['fakrit'] = 50; $sila['uminu'] = 2; $sila['umaxu'] = 2; }
if($user['sila'] >= 125){ $sila['fauvorot'] = 60; $sila['fakrit'] = 75; $sila['uminu'] = 5; $sila['umaxu'] = 5; }
if($user['sila'] >= 150){ $sila['fauvorot'] = 90; $sila['fakrit'] = 110; $sila['uminu'] = 8; $sila['umaxu'] = 8; }
if($user['sila'] >= 175){ $sila['fauvorot'] = 120; $sila['fakrit'] = 150; $sila['uminu'] = 12; $sila['umaxu'] = 12; }
if($user['sila'] >= 200){ $sila['fauvorot'] = 150; $sila['fakrit'] = 200; $sila['uminu'] = 15; $sila['umaxu'] = 15; }
if($user['lovk'] >= 25) { $lovk['fuvorot'] = 10; $lovk['fauvorot'] = 10; $lovk['fakrit'] = 20; }
if($user['lovk'] >= 50) { $lovk['fuvorot'] = 20; $lovk['fauvorot'] = 25; $lovk['fakrit'] = 40; }
if($user['lovk'] >= 75) { $lovk['fuvorot'] = 30; $lovk['fauvorot'] = 30; $lovk['fakrit'] = 60; }
if($user['lovk'] >= 100) { $lovk['fuvorot'] = 40; $lovk['fauvorot'] = 40; $lovk['fakrit'] = 75; $lovk['uminu'] = 5; $lovk['umaxu'] = 5; }
if($user['lovk'] >= 125) { $lovk['fuvorot'] = 40; $lovk['fauvorot'] = 70; $lovk['fakrit'] = 90; $lovk['uminu'] = 6; $lovk['umaxu'] = 6; }
if($user['lovk'] >= 150) { $lovk['fuvorot'] = 40; $lovk['fauvorot'] = 150; $lovk['fakrit'] = 120; $lovk['uminu'] = 8; $lovk['umaxu'] = 8; }
if($user['lovk'] >= 175) { $lovk['fuvorot'] = 40; $lovk['fauvorot'] = 200; $lovk['fakrit'] = 140; $lovk['uminu'] = 10; $lovk['umaxu'] = 10; }
if($user['lovk'] >= 200) { $lovk['fuvorot'] = 40; $lovk['fauvorot'] = 250; $lovk['fakrit'] = 160; $lovk['uminu'] = 15; $lovk['umaxu'] = 15; }
if($user['inta'] >= 25) { $inta['fkrit'] = 10; $inta['fauvorot'] = 10; $inta['fakrit'] = 15; }
if($user['inta'] >= 50) { $inta['fkrit'] = 25; $inta['fauvorot'] = 25; $inta['fakrit'] = 25; }
if($user['inta'] >= 75) { $inta['fkrit'] = 60; $inta['fauvorot'] = 30; $inta['fakrit'] = 30; }
if($user['inta'] >= 100) { $inta['fkrit'] = 40; $inta['fauvorot'] = 40; $inta['fakrit'] = 75; }
if($user['inta'] >= 125) { $inta['fkrit'] = 40; $inta['fauvorot'] = 50; $inta['fakrit'] = 100; $inta['uminu'] = 1; $inta['umaxu'] = 1; }
if($user['inta'] >= 150) { $inta['fkrit'] = 60; $inta['fauvorot'] = 40; $inta['fakrit'] = 130; $inta['uminu'] = 5; $inta['umaxu'] = 5; }
if($user['inta'] >= 175) { $inta['fkrit'] = 40; $inta['fauvorot'] = 80; $inta['fakrit'] = 170; $inta['uminu'] = 10; $inta['umaxu'] = 10; }
if($user['inta'] >= 200) { $inta['fkrit'] = 40; $inta['fauvorot'] = 120; $inta['fakrit'] = 200; $inta['uminu'] = 15; $inta['umaxu'] = 15; }
if($user['vinos'] >= 25) { $vinos['fkrit'] = 10; $vinos['fauvorot'] = 10; $vinos['fakrit'] = 15; }
if($user['vinos'] >= 50) { $vinos['fkrit'] = 25; $vinos['fauvorot'] = 25; $vinos['fakrit'] = 25; }
if($user['vinos'] >= 75) { $vinos['fkrit'] = 60; $vinos['fauvorot'] = 30; $vinos['fakrit'] = 30; }
if($user['vinos'] >= 100) { $vinos['fkrit'] = 40; $vinos['fauvorot'] = 40; $vinos['fakrit'] = 75; }
if($user['vinos'] >= 125) { $vinos['fkrit'] = 40; $vinos['fauvorot'] = 50; $vinos['fakrit'] = 100; $vinos['uminu'] = 1; $vinos['umaxu'] = 1; }
if($user['vinos'] >= 150) { $vinos['fkrit'] = 60; $vinos['fauvorot'] = 40; $vinos['fakrit'] = 130; $vinos['uminu'] = 5; $vinos['umaxu'] = 5; }
if($user['vinos'] >= 175) { $vinos['fkrit'] = 40; $vinos['fauvorot'] = 80; $vinos['fakrit'] = 170; $vinos['uminu'] = 10; $vinos['umaxu'] = 10; }
if($user['vinos'] >= 200) { $vinos['fkrit'] = 40; $vinos['fauvorot'] = 120; $vinos['fakrit'] = 200; $vinos['uminu'] = 15; $vinos['umaxu'] = 15; }
if($user['vinos'] >= $user['sila'] && $user['vinos'] >= $user['lovk'] && $user['vinos'] >= $user['inta']) {
$i_uminu = $vinos['uminu'];
$i_fkrit = $vinos['fkrit'];
$i_fauvorot = $vinos['fauvorot'];
$i_fakrit = $vinos['fakrit'];
if($user['inta'] >= $user['sila'] && $user['inta'] >= $user['lovk'] && $user['inta'] >= $user['vinos']) {
$i_uminu = $inta['uminu'];
$i_fkrit = $inta['fkrit'];
$i_fauvorot = $inta['fauvorot'];
$i_fakrit = $inta['fakrit'];
if($user['lovk'] >= $user['sila'] && $user['lovk'] >= $user['inta']&& $user['lovk'] >= $user['vinos']) {
$i_uminu = $lovk['uminu'];
$i_fkrit = $lovk['fkrit'];
$i_fauvorot = $lovk['fauvorot'];
$i_fakrit = $lovk['fakrit'];
if($user['sila'] >= $user['lovk'] && $user['sila'] >= $user['inta'] && $user['sila'] >= $user['vinos']) {
$i_uminu = $sila['uminu'];
$i_fkrit = $sila['fkrit'];
$i_fauvorot = $sila['fauvorot'];
$i_fakrit = $sila['fakrit'];
if($i_fkrit > 0) {
echo "Мф. крит: +".$i_fkrit."<br />";
if($i_fakrit > 0) {
echo "Мф. анти крит: +".$i_fakrit."<br />";
if($i_fauvorot > 0) {
echo "Мф. анти уворот: +".$i_fauvorot."<br />";
if($i_uminu > 0) {
echo "Урон: +".$i_uminu;
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<INPUT class="button-mid btn" TYPE="button" name="encicl" value="Библиотека" title="Библиотека" onClick="window.open('http://old-dark.ru/store/', '1d', 'location=yes,menubar=yes,status=yes,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes')">
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<?if ($shadow['mshadow'] || $shadow['wshadow']) { ?><INPUT class="button-mid btn" TYPE="submit" name="setshadowclan" value="Образы" title="Образы"><?
<INPUT class="button-mid btn" TYPE=button name=combats value="Анкета" onClick="location.href='user_anketa.php';" style="font-weight:bold;">
<INPUT class="button-big btn" TYPE="submit" name="changepsw" value="Безопасность" title="Безопасность" style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold;">
<INPUT class="button-big btn" TYPE="submit" name="transreport" value="Отчет о переводах" title="Отчет о переводах">
<INPUT class="button-dark-mid btn" TYPE="button" value="Подсказка" style="background-color:#A9AFC0" onClick="window.open('help/invent.html', 'help', 'height=300,width=500,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes')">
<INPUT class="button-mid btn" TYPE=button name=combats value="Поединки" onClick="location.href='zayavka.php';" style="font-weight:bold;">
<INPUT class="button-mid btn" TYPE=button name=combats value="Состояние" onClick="location.href='module_quest.php';" style="font-weight:bold;">
<INPUT class="button-mid btn" TYPE="button" onClick="location.href='main.php';" value="Вернуться" title="Вернуться">
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<td align=center bgcolor="<?=($_SESSION['razdel']==null)?"#A5A5A6":"#C7C7C8"?>"><a href="?edit=1&razdel=0" ajax="mZeInventory">Амуниция</a></td>
<td align=center bgcolor="<?=($_SESSION['razdel']==1)?"#A5A5A6":"#C7C7C8"?>"><a href="?edit=1&razdel=1" ajax="mZeInventory">Заклинания</a></td>
<td align=center bgcolor="<?=($_SESSION['razdel']==3)?"#A5A5A6":"#C7C7C8"?>"><a href="?edit=1&razdel=3" ajax="mZeInventory">Ресурсы</a></td>
<td align=center bgcolor="<?=($_SESSION['razdel']==4)?"#A5A5A6":"#C7C7C8"?>"><a href="?edit=1&razdel=4" ajax="mZeInventory">Подарки</a></td>
<td align=center bgcolor="<?=($_SESSION['razdel']==5)?"#A5A5A6":"#C7C7C8"?>"><a href="?edit=1&razdel=5" ajax="mZeInventory">Квестовые вещи</a></td>
<td align=center bgcolor="<?=($_SESSION['razdel']==2)?"#A5A5A6":"#C7C7C8"?>"><a href="?edit=1&razdel=2" ajax="mZeInventory">Прочее</a></td>
<td align=center><B>Рюкзак (масса : <?php
$d = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT sum(`massa`) FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '{$_SESSION['uid']}' AND `dressed` = 0 AND `setsale` = 0 ; "));
if($d[0] < 0) { $d[0] = 0; }
$d = getweight($user['id']);
echo $d['weight']+0;
<td align=center>
if ($_SESSION['razdel']==null) {
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '{$user['id']}' AND `dressed` = 0 AND (`type` < 12 OR `type` = 22 OR `type` = 23 OR `type` = 24) AND `setsale` = '0' ORDER by `update` DESC");
if ($_SESSION['razdel']==1) {
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '{$user['id']}' AND `dressed` = 0 AND `type` = 12 AND `setsale`=0 ORDER by `update` DESC");
if ($_SESSION['razdel']==2) {
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '{$user['id']}' AND `dressed` = 0 AND (`type` > 12 AND `type` != 22 AND `type` != 23 AND `type` != 24) AND `setsale`=0 ORDER by `update` DESC");
if ($_SESSION['razdel']==3) {
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '{$user['id']}' AND `dressed` = 0 AND (`type` >= 80 AND `type` <= 89) AND `setsale`=0 ORDER by `update` ASC; ");
if ($_SESSION['razdel']==4) {
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '{$user['id']}' AND `dressed` = 0 AND `type` = 200 and `setsale`=0 ORDER by `update` ASC; ");
if ($_SESSION['razdel']==5) {
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '{$user['id']}' AND `dressed` = 0 AND `type` = 199 and `setsale`=0 ORDER by `update` ASC; ");
$groupNum = array();
$viewInventory = array();
$getItems = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data)) {
$itemsCount = ($row['prototype'] ? mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '{$user['id']}' AND `prototype` = '{$row['prototype']}' AND `dressed` = '0' AND `setsale`='0'")) : 1 );
if(!isset($groupNum[$row['prototype']])) {
$viewInventory[($row['prototype'] ? $row['prototype'] : $row['id'])]['header'] = '<tr bgcolor="#C7C7C7"><td onclick="$(\'#items_' . ($row['prototype'] ? $row['prototype'] : $row['id']) . '\').slideToggle(\'fast\'); collapse(' . ($row['prototype'] ? $row['prototype'] : $row['id']) . ');" style="cursor: pointer; overflow: hidden; z-index: 0;">';
$viewInventory[($row['prototype'] ? $row['prototype'] : $row['id'])]['header'] .= '<img src="http://img.combats.com/i/icon/1plus.gif" title=""> <b>' . $row['name'] . ($row['upgrade'] > 0 ? " <font color=blue><b>[".$row['upgrade']."]</b></font>" : "" ) . ' [' . $itemsCount . ']</b>';
$viewInventory[($row['prototype'] ? $row['prototype'] : $row['id'])]['header'] .= '</td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 0px;">';
$viewInventory[($row['prototype'] ? $row['prototype'] : $row['id'])]['header'] .= '<div id="items_' . ($row['prototype'] ? $row['prototype'] : $row['id']) . '" style="display: none;"><table width="100%">';
$viewInventory[($row['prototype'] ? $row['prototype'] : $row['id'])]['ids'][] = $row['id'];
$groupNum[($row['prototype'] ? $row['prototype'] : $row['id'])]['count'] = $itemsCount;
$groupNum[($row['prototype'] ? $row['prototype'] : $row['id'])]['id'][] += $row['id'];
$getItems[$row['id']] = showitem($row, null, "edit=1&razdel=$_SESSION[razdel]", true);
if(count($groupNum[$row['prototype']]['id']) == $itemsCount || count($groupNum[$row['id']]['id']) == $itemsCount) {
$viewInventory[($row['prototype'] ? $row['prototype'] : $row['id'])]['fooder'] = '</table></div></td></tr>';
} else {
showitem($row, null, "edit=1&razdel=$_SESSION[razdel]");
if($viewInventory and $getItems){
foreach($viewInventory as $viewCategiryes){
echo $viewCategiryes['header'];
foreach($viewCategiryes['ids'] as $viewItem){
echo $getItems[$viewItem];
echo $viewCategiryes['fooder'];
if (mysql_num_rows($data) == 0) {
echo "<tr><td align=center bgcolor=#C7C7C7>Пусто</td></tr>";
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<?php if($errkoms == 1): ?>#####
<script language="javaScript">okno('Сохранить комплект','main.php?edit=1','savecomplect','<?=$_POST['savecomplect']?>',1)</script>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($err_com_exs == 1): ?>#####
<script language="javaScript">okno('Сохранить комплект','main.php?edit=1','savecomplect','<?=$_POST['savecomplect']?>',2)</script>
<?php endif; ?>
//проверяем соответствие комнаты и скрипта
if ($user['room'] == 20) { header('Location: city.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 21) { header('Location: city.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 2655) { header('Location: city.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 2601) { header('Location: city.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 2701) { header('Location: city.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 2702) { header('Location: city.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 2111) { header('Location: city.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] >= 2001 && $user['room'] <= 2100) { header('Location: boloto.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 22) { header('Location: shop.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 23) { header('Location: repair.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 26) { header('Location: city.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 25) { header('Location: comission.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 29) { header('Location: bank.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 34) { header('Location: fshop.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 30) { header('Location: klanedit.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 27) { header('Location: post.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 31) { header('Location: tower.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 35) { header('Location: krshop.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 42) { header('Location: lotery.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 43) { header('Location: znahar.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 44) { header('Location: new_year.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 45) { header('Location: clan_castle.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 47) { header('Location: wall_build.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 48) { header('Location: city.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 49) { header('Location: dig.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 50) { header('Location: ashop.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 51) { header('Location: city.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 52) { header('Location: city.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 53) { header('Location: library.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 61) { header('Location: akadem.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 650) { header('Location: ul_clans.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 651) { header('Location: city.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 652) { header('Location: zamok.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 223) { header('Location: bench.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 222) { header('Location: bench_s.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 224) { header('Location: bench_m.php'); die(); }
if ($user['in_tower'] == 1) { header('Location: towerin.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 600) { header('Location: c_haos.php'); die(); }
//Храм древнх
if ($user['room'] == 203) { header('Location: church.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 601) { header('Location: c_haos_in.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 602) { header('Location: c_park.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 603) { header('Location: aren_of_angels.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 620) { header('Location: enter_cave.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 621) { header('Location: cave.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 660) { header('Location: hostel.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 661) { header('Location: hostel_room.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 662) { header('Location: quest_room.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 760) { header('Location: c_forest.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 1000) { header('Location: solib/enterbezdna.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 1001) { header('Location: solib/dungeon.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 1051) { header('Location: lab_enter.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 1052) { header('Location: labirint.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 402) { header('Location: vxod.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 403) { header('Location: canalizaciya.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 1053) { header('Location: rep_shop.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 1054) { header('Location: fontan_luck.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 1055) { header('Location: group_arena.php'); die(); }
if ($user['room'] == 666) { header('Location: jail.php'); die(); }
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// Заголовок, название скрипта, имя поля с шмоткой
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errkom+'</font>введите название предмета</TD></TR><TR><TD width=50% align=right><INPUT TYPE=text NAME="'+name+'"></TD><TD width=50%><INPUT TYPE="submit" value=" »» "></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM></td></tr></table>';
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TimerOn >= 0 && (clearTimeout(TimerOn), TimerOn = -1);
speed = c;
function setHPlocal() {
tkHP > maxHP && (tkHP = maxHP);
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HP1 = document.getElementById("HP1");
HP2 = document.getElementById("HP2");
if(HP) {
HP1.width = b, HP2.width = a, HP1.src = tkHP/maxHP < redHP?"i/1red.gif":tkHP/maxHP < yellowHP?"i/1yellow.gif":"i/1green.gif", HP.innerHTML = Math.round(tkHP)+"/"+maxHP;
tkHP += maxHP/53/230*(speed/100);
TimerOn = tkHP < maxHP?setTimeout("setHPlocal()", delay*100):-1
<body leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 bgcolor=#e2e0e0 onLoad="<?=topsethp();?>">
$d = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT sum(`massa`) FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '{$user['id']}' AND `dressed` = 0 AND `setsale` = 0 ; "));
if($d[0] > get_meshok() && $_GET['goto']) {
echo "<font color=red><b>У вас переполнен рюкзак, вы не можете передвигаться...</b></font>";
$eff = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = '".$u['id']."' AND (`type` = 14 OR `type` = 13);"));
if($eff && $_GET['goto']) {
echo "<font color=red><b>У вас тяжелая травма, вы не можете передвигаться...</b></font>";
if(@$_GET['goto'] == 'plo') {
if($user['zayavka']== 0) {
mysql_query("UPDATE `users`,`online` SET `users`.`room` = '20',`online`.`room` = '20' WHERE `online`.`id` = `users`.`id` AND `online`.`id` = '{$_SESSION['uid']}' ;");
if($user['first'] == 4){
mysql_query("update `users` set `kwest_main_pl`=`kwest_main_pl`+'1' where `id`='".$user['id']."'");
function cityg(){
setTimeout('cityg()', 5000);
<i>Переход на Центральную площадь...</i>
} else
echo "<font color=red><b>Подали заявку на бой и убегаете из клуба? Нехорошо...</b></font>";
if (@$_GET['use']) {
$online = mysql_query("select * from `online` WHERE `real_time` >= ".(time()-60).";");
<div id=hint3 class=ahint></div>
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td align="left" valign="top" style="width:250px;">
<?php isset($_GET['krttime'])?$krttime=1:$krttime=0;?>
</td><td> </td>
<TD valign=top align=right>
<IMG SRC='i/1x1.gif' WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=5><BR>
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