156 lines
8.2 KiB
156 lines
8.2 KiB
if ($_SESSION['uid'] == null) header("Location: index.php");
require_once 'config.php';
if (input::post('friendadd')) {
$q = db::c()->query('SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `login` = "?s"', input::post('friendadd'))->fetch_assoc();
$q2 = db::c()->query('SELECT 1 FROM `friends` WHERE `user` = ?i AND `friend` = ?i', $_SESSION['uid'], $q['id']);
if (!$q['id']) $status = 'Персонаж не найден.';
elseif ($q['id'] == $_SESSION['uid']) $status = 'Себя добавить нельзя.';
elseif ($q2->getNumRows()) $status = 'Персонаж уже есть в списке.';
else {
db::c()->query('INSERT INTO `friends` (`user`, `friend`, `comment`) VALUES (?i,?i,"?s")', $_SESSION['uid'], $q['id'], input::post('comment'));
$status = 'Контакт добавлен.';
if (input::post('friendremove')) {
$q = db::c()->query('SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `login` = "?s"', input::post('friendremove'))->fetch_assoc();
$q2 = db::c()->query('SELECT 1 FROM `friends` WHERE `user` = ?i AND `friend` = ?i', $_SESSION['uid'], $q['id']);
if (!$q['id'] OR !$q2->getNumRows()) $status = 'Персонаж не найден.';
else {
db::c()->query('DELETE FROM `friends` WHERE `user` = ?i AND `friend` = ?i', $_SESSION['uid'], $q['id']);
$status = 'Контакт удалён.';
if (input::post('friendedit')) {
$q = db::c()->query('SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `login` = "?s"', input::post('friendedit'))->fetch_assoc();
$q2 = db::c()->query('SELECT 1 FROM `friends` WHERE `user` = ?i AND `friend` = ?i', $_SESSION['uid'], $q['id']);
if (!$q2['friend']) $status = 'Персонаж не найден.';
else {
db::c()->query('UPDATE `friends` SET `comment` = "?s" WHERE `user` = ?i AND `friend` = ?i', input::post('comment'), $_SESSION['uid'], $q['id']);
$status = 'Контакт изменён.';
$admins_list = db::c()->query('SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `admin` = 1 ORDER BY `login` ASC', (time() - 60));
$contacts_list = db::c()->query('SELECT `friend`,`comment` FROM `friends` WHERE `friend` > 0 AND `user` = ?i', $_SESSION['uid']);
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel=stylesheet href="css/main.css">
<div style="text-align: right">
<input type='button' value='Добавить контакт' onclick='addcontact()'>
<input type='button' value='Удалить контакт' onclick='removecontact()'>
<input type='button' value='Обновить' style='width: 75px'
onclick='location="/contacts.php?friends=<?= mt_rand() ?>"'>
<input TYPE='button' value='Вернуться' style='width: 75px' onclick='location="main.php"'>
<div id=hint4 class=ahint>
<?php if (isset($status)): ?>
<span style="color: darkred;"><?= $status ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<TABLE width="100%">
<TD style="vertical-align: top; background: silver;">
<TABLE cellspacing=1 width="100%">
<td colspan="3"><h3>Контакты</h3></td>
while ($row = $contacts_list->fetch_assoc()):
$us = db::c()->query('SELECT `id`,`login`,`room`, `invis`, (select `id` from `online` WHERE `date` >= ?i AND `id` = `users`.`id`) as `online` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?i', (time() - 60), $row['friend'])->fetch_assoc();
<TR valign="top">
if ($us['online'] > 0 && !$us["invis"]) echo nick::id($us['id'])->full() . " - <i>" . $us['room'] . "</i><br>";
else echo "<span style='color: grey'>" . nick::id($us['id'])->full() . "</span><br>";
<TD style="background: darkgrey; width: 65%; padding: 0.2em 1em; border-radius: 2px;">
<small><?= $row['comment'] ?></small>
<TD width="1%">
<input type='button' style="background: darkgrey; border: 1px solid grey; border-radius: 2px;" value="Редактировать"
<!-- editcontact("<?= $us['login'] ?>", "<?= $row['comment'] ?>") -->
<? endwhile; ?>
<TD style="width: 200px; vertical-align: top; background: whitesmoke;">
<?php while ($row = $admins_list->fetch_assoc()) echo nick::id($row['id'])->full() . "<br>"; ?>
function editcontact(login, comment) {
var s = '<table width=250 bgcolor=CCC3AA><tr><td align=center><b>Редактировать контакт</b></td><td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: hand" onclick="closehint();"><b>x</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>';
s += '<table width=100% align=center bgcolor=FFF6DD><form action="contacts.php" method=POST>';
s += '<tr><td><input type="hidden" name="friendedit" value="' + login + '">';
s += '<input name="comment" value="' + comment + '" placeholder="Комментарий" style="width: 105px"> ';
s += '<input type="submit" value="Сохранить"></td></tr></form></table>';
s += '</td></tr></table>';
document.getElementById("hint4").innerHTML = s;
document.getElementById("hint4").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("hint4").style.left = 100;
document.getElementById("hint4").style.top = document.body.scrollTop + 50;
Hint3Name = '';
function addcontact() {
var s = '<table width=250 bgcolor=CCC3AA><tr><td align=center><B>Добавить контакт</td><td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: hand" onclick="closehint();"><b>x</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>';
s += '<table width=100% bgcolor=FFF6DD align=center><form action="contacts.php" method=POST>';
s += '<tr><td><input name="friendadd" placeholder="Логин" style="width:105px"> ';
s += '<input name="comment" placeholder="Комментарий" style="width:105px"></td></tr>';
s += '<tr><td><input type="submit" value="Добавить запись"></td></tr></form></table>';
s += '</td></tr></table>';
document.getElementById("hint4").innerHTML = s;
document.getElementById("hint4").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("hint4").style.left = 100;
document.getElementById("hint4").style.top = document.body.scrollTop + 50;
Hint3Name = name;
function removecontact() {
var s = '<table width=250 bgcolor=CCC3AA><tr><td align=center><b>Удалить контакт</b></td><td width=20 align=right valign=top style="cursor: hand" onclick="closehint();"><b>x</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>';
s += '<table width=100% align=center bgcolor=FFF6DD><form action="contacts.php" method=POST>';
s += '<tr><td><input name="friendremove" placeholder="Логин" style="width: 105px"> ';
s += '<input type="submit" value="Удалить"></td></tr></form></table>';
s += '</td></tr></table>';
document.getElementById("hint4").innerHTML = s;
document.getElementById("hint4").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("hint4").style.left = 100;
document.getElementById("hint4").style.top = document.body.scrollTop + 50;
Hint3Name = name;
function closehint() {
document.getElementById("hint4").style.visibility = "hidden";
Hint3Name = '';
function use(option, placeholder) {
document.getElementById(option).innerHTML = "<form method='post'><input placeholder='"+placeholder+"' name='"+option+"'><input value='Ок' type='submit'></form>";