55 lines
2.0 KiB
55 lines
2.0 KiB
use Battles\Template;
use Battles\User;
require_once 'functions.php';
require_once 'classes/quests_class.php';
if (!empty($_GET['end_qst_now'])) {
$q->endq((int)$_GET['end_qst_now'], 'end', $user);
if (!empty($_GET['end_qst'])) {
$q->winqst((int)$_GET['end_qst'], $user);
$qsee = null;
$error = '';
$q = new Quests();
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/hostel.css"/>
//$sp = \Battles\Database\Db::getInstance()->fetchall('select vars from actions where vars like ? and vals = ? and uid = ? limit 100', ['%start_quest%', 'go', User::getInstance()->getId()]);
//foreach ($sp as $row) {
// $questId = str_replace('start_quest', '', $pl['vars']);
// $pq = \Battles\Database\Db::getInstance()->fetch('select id, name, info from quests where is = ?', $questId);
// $qsee .= sprintf('<a href="?end_qst_now=%s"><img src="/i/clear.gif" title="Отказаться от задания"></a> <b>%s</b><span style="float: right;"><a href="?end_qst=%s">Выполнить</a></span><div style="padding-left: 15px; padding-bottom: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid grey;"><small>%s<br>$s</small></div><br>', $pq['id'], $pq['name'], $pq['id'], $pq['info'], $q->info($pq, User::getInstance()->getId()));
if (!$qsee) {
$qsee = 'У вас нет заданий.';
if ($q->error) {
$error = $q->error;
<div class="contentContainer">
<div style="text-align: center; padding-top: 3px;">
<span class="hs">Состояние персонажа, <?= User::getInstance()->getLogin() ?></span>
<div class="buttonContainer">
<input type="button" class="btns button-route" value="Вернуться" onclick="location.href='main.php';"/>
<input type="button" class="btns button-route" value="Обновить" onclick="location.href='module_quest.php';"/>
<?php if ($error) {
} ?>
<div class="quest_target_container" style="padding-top: 15px;">
<?= $qsee ?>