# Automatically evacuates cooling-tower when temp # is below 40C # needs a volume pump and a gas analyzer alias Sensor d0 alias Pump d1 alias PipeTemp r0 alias PipePress r1 alias TempGo r2 alias PressGo r3 alias PumpGo r4 define TEMPTHRESH 313.15 # Sets volume pump max capacity l PipePress Pump Maximum s Pump Setting PipePress start: yield # Loads cooling-tower pressure and temp l PipeTemp Sensor Temperature l PipePress Sensor Pressure # Checks if temp is below threshold slt TempGo PipeTemp TEMPTHRESH sgtz PressGo PipePress # If cooling-tower has pressure, and temp is safe.. and PumpGo TempGo PressGo # ...activate pump s Pump On PumpGo j start