
6570 lines
316 KiB
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2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
use Core\Config;
use Core\Database;
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
use Core\Db;
use Helper\Conversion;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
use JetBrains\PhpStorm\NoReturn;
use Model\ActionModel;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
use User\Effects;
use User\InfoBox;
2023-04-15 23:54:34 +00:00
use User\ItemsModel;
use User\Login;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
use User\Reputation;
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
use User\Stats;
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
use User\UserCalculatedStats;
use User\UserStats;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
class User
2023-07-10 23:23:49 +00:00
private static ?self $flag_one = null;
2023-01-10 18:53:10 +00:00
public array $aves = ['now' => 0, 'max' => 0];
public array $room = [];
public array $align_nm = [
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
1 => 'Свет',
2 => 'Хаос',
3 => 'Тьма',
7 => 'Нейтралитет',
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-01-10 18:53:10 +00:00
public array $rgd = [0 => 0, 1 => 0];
public array $city_name = [
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
'emeraldscity' => 'Emeralds city',
'abandonedplain' => 'Abandoned Plain',
'capitalcity' => 'Capital city',
'angelscity' => 'Angels city',
'newcapitalcity' => 'New Capital city',
'demonscity' => 'Demons city',
'fallenearth' => 'Fallen Earth',
'dreamscity' => 'Dreams City',
'suncity' => 'Sun City',
'devilscity' => 'Devils City',
2023-01-12 02:19:06 +00:00
public array $is = [ // не играть с кавычками! эти строчки уходят в яваскрипт и всё ломают!
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
'acestar' => 'Следующий каст будет критическим',
'spasenie' => 'Спасение после смерти',
'more_awards' => 'Повышеная награда %',
'exp' => 'Получаемый опыт (%)',
'align_bs' => 'Служитель закона',
'nopryh' => 'Прямое поподание',
'puti' => 'Запрет перемещения',
'align' => 'Склонность',
2023-01-12 02:19:06 +00:00
'hpAll' => "Уровень жизни (HP)",
'mpAll' => "Уровень маны (МP)",
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
'enAll' => 'Уровень энергии',
'sex' => 'Пол',
'lvl' => 'Уровень',
's1' => 'Сила',
's2' => 'Ловкость',
's3' => 'Интуиция',
's4' => 'Выносливость',
's5' => 'Интеллект',
's6' => 'Мудрость',
's7' => 'Духовность',
's8' => 'Воля',
's9' => 'Свобода духа',
's10' => 'Божественность',
's11' => 'Энергия',
'm1' => 'Мф. критического удара (%)',
'm2' => 'Мф. против критического удара (%)',
'm3' => 'Мф. мощности крит. удара (%)',
'm21' => 'Мф. абс. попадания (%)',
'm4' => 'Мф. увертывания (%)',
'm5' => 'Мф. против увертывания (%)',
'm6' => 'Мф. контрудара (%)',
'm7' => 'Мф. парирования (%)',
'm8' => 'Мф. блока щитом (%)',
'm9' => 'Мф. удара сквозь броню (%)',
'm14' => 'Мф. абс. критического удара (%)',
'm15' => 'Мф. абс. увертывания (%)',
'm16' => 'Мф. абс. парирования (%)',
'm17' => 'Мф. абс. контрудара (%)',
'm18' => 'Мф. абс. блока щитом (%)',
'm19' => 'Мф. абс. магический промах (%)',
'm20' => 'Мф. удача (%)',
'a1' => 'Мастерство владения ножами, кинжалами',
'a2' => 'Мастерство владения топорами, секирами',
'a3' => 'Мастерство владения дубинами, молотами',
'a4' => 'Мастерство владения мечами',
'a5' => 'Мастерство владения магическими посохами',
'a6' => 'Мастерство владения луками',
'a7' => 'Мастерство владения арбалетами',
'aall' => 'Мастерство владения оружием',
'mall' => 'Мастерство владения магией стихий',
'm2all' => 'Мастерство владения магией',
'mg1' => 'Мастерство владения магией огня',
'mg2' => 'Мастерство владения магией воздуха',
'mg3' => 'Мастерство владения магией воды',
'mg4' => 'Мастерство владения магией земли',
'mg5' => 'Мастерство владения магией Света',
'mg6' => 'Мастерство владения магией Тьмы',
'mg7' => 'Мастерство владения серой магией',
'tj' => 'Тяжелая броня',
'lh' => 'Легкая броня',
'minAtack' => 'Минимальный урон',
'maxAtack' => 'Максимальный урон',
'm10' => 'Мф. мощности урона',
'm11' => 'Мф. мощности магии стихий',
'm11a' => 'Мф. мощности магии',
'pa1' => 'Мф. мощности колющего урона',
'pa2' => 'Мф. мощности рубящего урона',
'pa3' => 'Мф. мощности дробящего урона',
'pa4' => 'Мф. мощности режущего урона',
'pm1' => 'Мф. мощности магии огня',
'pm2' => 'Мф. мощности магии воздуха',
'pm3' => 'Мф. мощности магии воды',
'pm4' => 'Мф. мощности магии земли',
'pm5' => 'Мф. мощности магии Света',
'pm6' => 'Мф. мощности магии Тьмы',
'pm7' => 'Мф. мощности серой магии',
'za' => 'Защита от урона',
'zm' => 'Защита от магии стихий',
'zma' => 'Защита от магии',
'za1' => 'Защита от колющего урона',
'za2' => 'Защита от рубящего урона',
'za3' => 'Защита от дробящего урона',
'za4' => 'Защита от режущего урона',
'zm1' => 'Защита от магии огня',
'zm2' => 'Защита от магии воздуха',
'zm3' => 'Защита от магии воды',
'zm4' => 'Защита от магии земли',
'zm5' => 'Защита от магии Света',
'zm6' => 'Защита от магии Тьмы',
'zm7' => 'Защита от серой магии',
'magic_cast' => 'Дополнительный каст за ход',
'pza' => 'Понижение защиты от урона',
'pzm' => 'Понижение защиты от магии',
'pza1' => 'Понижение защиты от колющего урона',
'min_heal_proc' => 'Эффект лечения (%)',
'notravma' => 'Защита от травм',
'yron_min' => 'Минимальный урон',
'yron_max' => 'Максимальный урон',
'zaproc' => 'Блокировка Физического Урона (%)',
'zmproc' => 'Блокировка Магического Урона (%)',
'zm2proc' => 'Защита от магии Воздуха (%)',
'pza2' => 'Понижение защиты от рубящего урона',
'pza3' => 'Понижение защиты от дробящего урона',
'pza4' => 'Понижение защиты от режущего урона',
'pzm1' => 'Понижение защиты от магии огня',
'pzm2' => 'Понижение защиты от магии воздуха',
'pzm3' => 'Понижение защиты от магии воды',
'pzm4' => 'Понижение защиты от магии земли',
'pzm5' => 'Понижение защиты от магии Света',
'pzm6' => 'Понижение защиты от магии Тьмы',
'pzm7' => 'Понижение защиты от серой магии',
'speedhp' => 'Регенерация здоровья (%)',
'speedmp' => 'Регенерация маны (%)',
'tya1' => 'Колющие атаки',
'tya2' => 'Рубящие атаки',
'tya3' => 'Дробящие атаки',
'tya4' => 'Режущие атаки',
'tym1' => 'Огненные атаки',
'mg2static_points' => 'Уровень заряда (Воздух)',
'tym2' => 'Электрические атаки',
'tym3' => 'Ледяные атаки',
'tym4' => 'Земляные атаки',
'hpProc' => 'Уровень жизни (%)',
'mpProc' => 'Уровень маны (%)',
'tym5' => 'Атаки Света',
'tym6' => 'Атаки Тьмы',
'tym7' => 'Серые атаки',
'min_use_mp' => 'Уменьшает расход маны',
'pog' => 'Поглощение урона',
'pog2' => 'Поглощение урона',
'pog2p' => 'Процент поглощение урона',
'pog2mp' => 'Цена поглощение урона',
'maxves' => 'Увеличивает рюкзак',
'bonusexp' => 'Увеличивает получаемый опыт',
'speeden' => 'Регенерация энергии (%)',
'antm3' => 'Мф. против мощности крита',
'repair_z' => 'Бесплатное извлечение заточек',
'repair_r' => 'Бесплатное извлечение рун',
'yza' => 'Уязвимость физическому урона (%)',
'yzm' => 'Уязвимость магии стихий (%)',
2023-01-10 18:53:10 +00:00
'yzma' => 'Уязвимость магии (%)',
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
'yza1' => 'Уязвимость колющему урона (%)',
'yza2' => 'Уязвимость рубящему урона (%)',
'yza3' => 'Уязвимость дробящему урона (%)',
2023-01-10 18:53:10 +00:00
'yza4' => 'Уязвимость режущему урона (%)',
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
'yzm1' => 'Уязвимость магии огня (%)',
'yzm2' => 'Уязвимость магии воздуха (%)',
'yzm3' => 'Уязвимость магии воды (%)',
'yzm4' => 'Уязвимость магии земли (%)',
'yzm5' => 'Уязвимость магии (%)',
'yzm6' => 'Уязвимость магии (%)',
'yzm7' => 'Уязвимость магии (%)',
2023-01-10 18:53:10 +00:00
'rep' => 'Репутация Рыцаря',
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
'repair_discount' => 'Скидка на ремонт вещей',
'hpVinos' => 'Бонус жизни',
'bronze' => 'Bronze Premium Account',
'silvers' => 'Silver Premium Account',
'gold' => 'Благодать Ангела',
'speed_dungeon' => 'Скорость передвижения по подземельям',
'zona' => 'Дополнительная зона атаки',
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-01-10 18:53:10 +00:00
public array $items = [
'tr' => [
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
'add' => [
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
'sv' => [
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-01-10 18:53:10 +00:00
public string $error2 = '';
public string $btl_txt = '';
public string $error = '';
public array $info = [];
public array $rep;
/** Для переводов персонажа */
public array|false $tfer;
public array $stats;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
private InfoBox $infoBox;
private Reputation $reputation;
private Stats $userStats;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
private function __construct(int $uid = 0)
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (empty($_SESSION['uid']) && empty($_COOKIE['login']) && empty($uid)) {
2023-08-31 13:59:41 +00:00
$user = match (true) {
!empty($uid) => $uid,
!empty($_SESSION['uid']) => $_SESSION['uid'],
default => $_COOKIE['login']
$this->info = self::getInfo($user);
2023-11-06 00:40:12 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
Database::init(); // для всяких mysql_*
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$this->userStats = new Stats($this);
//$this->getStats($this->info); // Бля, а вдруг?
$this->stats = $this->userStats->getStats($this->info);
if (Core\Config::get('securetime') > 0) {
if (!defined('IP')) {
define('IP', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if (isset($this->info['id']) && ($this->info['ip'] != IP || $this->info['banned'] > 0) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != '/') {
unset($this->info, $_COOKIE['login']);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (!isset ($_COOKIE['btl'], $this->info['battle']) || $this->info['battle'] != $_COOKIE['btl']) {
setcookie('btl', $this->info['battle'] ?? '', time() + 86400);
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
if (isset($this->info['id'])) {
if ($this->info['invis'] == 1 || $this->info['invis'] > time()) {
$this->info['cast_login'] = '<i>Невидимка</i>';
} else {
$this->info['cast_login'] = $this->info['login'];
if (isset($this->info['id']) && $this->info['battle'] == 0) {
$sb = $this->info['money2'];
if ($sb - 1 > $this->info['catch'] - $this->info['frg']) {
if ($this->info['frg'] == -1) {
$sm = $this->testAction('`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `vars` = "frg" LIMIT 1', 1);
if (!isset($sm['id']) && $this->info['frg'] == -1) {
'UPDATE `users` SET `catch` = "' . round(
) . '",`frg` = 0 WHERE `id` = ' . $this->info['id']
time(), 'frg', '[ ' . $this->info['login'] . ' ] ' . date(
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
'd.m.Y H:i:s'
) . ' [true] , balance: ' . $sb . ' / ' . $this->info['catch'] . ' / ' . $this->info['frg'] . ' '
} else {
'UPDATE `users` SET `catch` = "' . round(
$sb + $this->info['frg']
) . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
if ($sb - 10 > $this->info['catch'] - $this->info['frg']) {
time(), 'frgfalse', '[ ' . $this->info['login'] . ' ] ' . date(
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
'd.m.Y H:i:s'
) . ' [false] , [' . ($sb - ($this->info['catch'] - $this->info['frg'])) . '] , balance: ' . $sb . ' | ' . $this->info['catch'] . ' | ' . $this->info['frg'] . ' '
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->info['login2'] != '' && $this->info['battle'] == 0 && $this->info['zv'] == 0) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `login2` = \'\' WHERE `id` = ' . $this->info['id']);
$this->info['login2'] = '';
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$this->reputation = new Reputation($this->info['id']);
$this->rep = $this->reputation->get();
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->info['login2'] != '' && $this->info['zv'] == 0 && $this->info['battle'] == 0) {
$this->info['login2'] = '';
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `login2` = "" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($_GET['homeworld']) && $this->info['zv'] == 0 && $this->info['battle'] == 0 && $this->info['dnow'] == 0) {
$hgo = $this->testHome();
if (!isset($hgo['id']) && $this->info['room'] != 274 && $this->info['align'] != 2 && $this->info['inTurnir'] == 0) {
$this->addAction(time(), 'go_homeworld', '');
$rmt = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`lider`,`name`,`city`,`code`,`timeGO`,`file`,`level`,`align`,`clan`,`items`,`effects`,`destroy`,`close`,`roomGo`,`sex`,`FR`,`noatack`,`botgo`,`block_all`,`zvsee` FROM `room` WHERE `name` = "Центральная площадь" AND `city` = "' . $this->info['city'] . '" LIMIT 1'
if (isset($rmt['id'])) {
//Удаляем все ставки в БС
if ($this->room['file'] == 'bsenter') {
//Удаляем все ставки в БС
$sp_bs = mysql_query(
'SELECT `id`,`bsid`,`money` FROM `bs_zv` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `inBot` = "0" AND `finish` = "0"'
while ($pl_bs = mysql_fetch_array($sp_bs)) {
'UPDATE `bs_turnirs` SET `users` = `users` - 1 WHERE `id` = "' . $pl_bs['bsid'] . '" LIMIT 1'
unset($sp_bs, $pl_bs);
'UPDATE `bs_zv` SET `finish` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `inBot` = "0" AND `finish` = "0"'
$this->info['room'] = $rmt['id'];
'UPDATE `users` SET `room` = "' . $this->info['room'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
} else {
$this->error = 'В этом городе нельзя пользоваться кнопкой возрата';
} else {
$this->error = 'Вам запрещено пользоваться кнопкой возрата';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Заносим текст
if (isset($_GET['itmid']) && isset($_GET['addtext'])) {
$itm = mysql_fetch_array(
,`m`.`max_text` FROM `items_users` AS `i` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `m` ON `i`.`item_id` = `m`.`id` WHERE `i`.`id` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(
) . '" LIMIT 1'
if (isset($itm['id'])) {
if ($itm['max_text'] > 0 && $itm['max_text'] - $itm['use_text'] > 0) {
$txt = $_GET['addtext'];
$txt = str_replace(' ', '', $txt);
$txt = str_replace(' ', '', $txt);
if ($txt != '') {
$txt = substr($_GET['addtext'], 0, $itm['max_text'] - $itm['use_text']);
$sx = iconv_strlen($txt);
$itm['use_text'] += $sx;
if ($itm['use_text'] > $itm['max_text']) {
$itm['use_text'] = $itm['max_text'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `use_text` = "' . $itm['use_text'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $itm['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
'INSERT INTO `items_text` (`item_id`,`time`,`login`,`text`,`city`,`x`) VALUES ("' . $itm['id'] . '","' . time(
) . '","' . $this->info['login'] . '","' . mysql_real_escape_string(
htmlspecialchars($txt, null)
) . '","' . $this->info['city'] . '","' . $sx . '")'
$this->error = 'Запись успешно произведена';
} else {
$this->error = 'Нужно что-то написать...';
} else {
$this->error = 'Предмет для записи не подходит';
} else {
$this->error = 'Предмет для записи не найден';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Кидаем передачу
if (isset($_POST['trnLogin'], $_GET['transfer']) && $this->info['battle'] == 0) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$t = self::getInfo($_POST['trnLogin']);
if (isset($t['id'])) {
if ($this->info['login'] == $t['login']) {
$this->error = 'Вы не можете передать самому себе';
} elseif ($t['battle'] > 0) {
$this->error = 'Персонаж находится в бою';
} elseif ($t['room'] != $this->info['room']) {
$this->error = 'Вы должны находится в одной комнате с персонажем';
} else {
//создаем передачу
$tt = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`time`,`uid1`,`uid2`,`city`,`room`,`good1`,`good2`,`cancel1`,`cancel2`,`money1`,`money2`,`start1`,`start2`,`text`,`r0`,`r1`,`r2`,`finish1`,`finish2` FROM `transfers` WHERE (`uid1` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" OR `uid2` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '") AND (`cancel1` = "0" OR (`finish1` > 0 AND `uid1` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '") OR (`finish2` > 0 AND `uid2` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '")) AND (`cancel2` = "0" OR (`finish2` > 0 AND `uid2` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '") OR (`finish1` > 0 AND `uid1` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '")) ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1'
if (isset($tt['id'])) {
$this->error = 'Вы уже находитесь в передаче';
} else {
$tt = mysql_fetch_array(
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
'SELECT `id`,`time`,`uid1`,`uid2`,`city`,`room`,`good1`,`good2`,`cancel1`,`cancel2`,`money1`,`money2`,`start1`,`start2`,`text`,`r0`,`r1`,`r2`,`finish1`,`finish2` FROM `transfers` WHERE (`uid1` = "' . $t['id'] . '" OR `uid2` = "' . $t['id'] . '") AND (`cancel1` = "0" OR (`finish1` > 0 AND `uid1` = "' . $t['id'] . '") OR (`finish2` > 0 AND `uid2` = "' . $t['id'] . '")) AND (`cancel2` = "0" OR (`finish2` > 0 AND `uid2` = "' . $t['id'] . '") OR (`finish1` > 0 AND `uid1` = "' . $t['id'] . '")) ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1'
if (isset($tt['id'])) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$this->error = 'Персонаж уже проводит сделку';
} else {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$ins = mysql_query(
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
'INSERT INTO `transfers` (`uid1`,`uid2`,`city`,`room`,`time`,`text`,`start1`) VALUES ("' . $this->info['id'] . '","' . $t['id'] . '","' . $this->info['city'] . '","' . $this->info['room'] . '","' . time(
) . '","' . mysql_real_escape_string(
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
htmlspecialchars($_POST['textarea'], null)
) . '","' . time() . '")'
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($ins) {
'trasfer_' . $this->info['city'] . '_' . $this->info['room'] . '_' . $t['id'] . '',
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
} else {
$this->error = 'Персонаж не найден';
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Выделяем передачи
$this->tfer = Db::getRow(
'select *
from transfers
where (uid1 = ? or uid2 = ?)
and (cancel1 = 0 or (finish1 > 0 and uid1 = ?) or (finish2 > 0 and uid2 = ?))
and (cancel2 = 0 or (finish2 > 0 and uid2 = ?) or (finish1 > 0 and uid1 = ?))
order by id desc
limit 1',
[$this->info['id'], $this->info['id'], $this->info['id'], $this->info['id'], $this->info['id'], $this->info['id']]
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
if ($this->tfer) {
if ($this->tfer['uid1'] == $this->tfer['uid2']) {
$this->tfer = false;
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
if (isset($this->tfer['id']) && $this->tfer['cancel1'] == 0 && $this->tfer['cancel2'] == 0) {
if ($this->tfer['uid2'] == $this->info['id'] && $this->tfer['start2'] == 0 && isset($_GET['transfer'])) {
$this->tfer['start2'] = time();
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
'UPDATE `transfers` SET `start2` = "' . $this->tfer['start2'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->tfer['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
if ($this->tfer['uid2'] == $this->info['id'] && $this->tfer['start2'] == 0) {
$this->tfer = false;
} elseif ($this->tfer['time'] < time() - 1800) {
//если передача дольше 30 минут, то отмена
$upd = mysql_query(
'UPDATE `transfers` SET `cancel1` = "' . time() . '",`cancel2` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->tfer['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
if ($upd) {
unset($this->tfer, $upd);
} elseif ($this->info['room'] != $this->tfer['room'] || $this->info['city'] != $this->tfer['city'] || $this->info['battle'] > 0) {
$upd = mysql_query(
'UPDATE `transfers` SET `cancel1` = "' . time() . '",`cancel2` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->tfer['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
if ($upd) {
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `inTransfer` = "0" WHERE (`uid` = "' . $this->tfer['uid1'] . '" OR `uid` = "' . $this->tfer['uid2'] . '") AND `inTransfer` > 0'
unset($this->tfer, $upd);
} elseif (isset($_GET['exit_transfer'])) {
$upd = 1;
if ($this->tfer['uid2'] == $this->info['id']) {
$upd = 2;
$upd = mysql_query(
'UPDATE `transfers` SET `cancel' . $upd . '` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->tfer['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
if ($upd) {
$this->error = 'Вы успешно отказались от передачи.';
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `inTransfer` = "0" WHERE (`uid` = "' . $this->tfer['uid1'] . '" OR `uid` = "' . $this->tfer['uid2'] . '") AND `inTransfer` > 0'
//Добавляем сообщение в чат
unset($this->tfer, $upd);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Статистика персонажа на сегодня
$stat = $this->testAction(
'`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `time` >= ' . strtotime(
'now 00:00:00'
) . ' AND `vars` = "statistic_today" LIMIT 1', 1
if (!isset($stat['id'])) {
time(), 'statistic_today',
'e=' . $this->info['exp'] . '|w=' . $this->info['win'] . '|l=' . $this->info['lose'] . '|n=' . $this->info['nich']
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Одеваем боевой комплект
if (isset($_GET['usec1']) && $this->info['battle'] == 0) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$cmp = Db::getValue('select val from save_com where uid = ? and id = ?', [$this->info['id'], (int)$_GET['usec1']]);
if ($cmp) {
//снимаем все вещи
Db::sql('update items_users set inodet = 0 where uid = ?', [$this->info['id']]);
//одеваем вещи, если они не удалены
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$cm = Conversion::dataStringToArray($cmp);
foreach ($cm as $slot => $itemid) {
Db::sql('update items_users set inodet = ? where id = ? and uid = ? and inshop = 0', [(int)$slot, (int)$itemid, $this->info['id']]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
unset($cmp, $cm);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$this->room = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`extdlg`,`lider`,`name`,`city`,`code`,`timeGO`,`file`,`level`,`align`,`clan`,`items`,`effects`,`destroy`,`close`,`roomGo`,`sex`,`FR`,`noatack`,`botgo`,`block_all`,`zvsee`,`roomAjax` FROM `room` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['room'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$this->stats = $this->getStats($this->info['id'], 0);
if (!isset($_GET['obt_sel']) && $this->info['battle'] == 0 && $this->info['obraz'] != '0.gif') {
//Проверяем текущий образ
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$tr = true;
$o = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`sex`,`tr`,`img`,`login`,`level`,`admin`,`align`,`clan`,`itm` FROM `obraz` WHERE `img` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(
) . '" AND `sex` = "' . $this->info['sex'] . '" AND (`login` = "" OR `login` = "' . $this->info['login'] . '") LIMIT 1'
$t = $this->items['tr'];
$x = 0;
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($o['tr']);
if ($o['itm'] > 0) {
$o['itm'] = explode(',', $o['itm']);
$j = 0;
while ($j < count($o['itm'])) {
$itm_id = $o['itm'][$j];
if ($itm_id > 0) {
$itm_id = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "' . $itm_id . '" LIMIT 1'
$itm_id_true = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id` FROM `items_users` WHERE `item_id` = "' . $itm_id['id'] . '" AND
`delete` = 0 AND `inOdet` > 0 AND `inShop` = 0 AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '"
if (!isset($itm_id_true['id'])) {
$tr = false;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
while ($x < count($t)) {
$n = $t[$x];
if (isset($po['tr_' . $n]) && $po['tr_' . $n] > $this->stats[$n]) {
$tr = false;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->info['clan'] != $o['clan'] && $o['clan'] != 0) {
$tr = false;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ((!isset($o['id']) || !$tr) && $this->info['obraz'] == $o['img']) {
$this->info['obraz'] = '0.gif';
'UPDATE `users` SET `obraz` = "' . $this->info['obraz'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($_GET['obr_sel']) || isset($_GET['obraz'])) {
$sm = $this->testAction(
'`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `time` > ' . (time() - 86400) . ' AND `vars` = "sel_obraz" LIMIT 1',
if (!isset($sm['id'])) {
if (isset($_GET['obr_sel'])) {
$tr = true;
$o = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`sex`,`tr`,`img`,`login`,`level`,`admin`,`align`,`clan`,`itm` FROM `obraz` WHERE `id` = "' . ((int)$_GET['obr_sel']) . '" AND `sex` = "' . $this->info['sex'] . '" AND (`login` = "" OR `login` = "' . $this->info['login'] . '") LIMIT 1'
$t = $this->items['tr'];
$x = 0;
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($o['tr']);
if ($o['itm'] > 0) {
$o['itm'] = explode(',', $o['itm']);
$j = 0;
$tritm = '';
while ($j < count($o['itm'])) {
$itm_id = $o['itm'][$j];
if ($itm_id > 0) {
$itm_id = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "' . $itm_id . '" LIMIT 1'
$itm_id_true = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id` FROM `items_users` WHERE `item_id` = "' . $itm_id['id'] . '" AND
`delete` = 0 AND `inOdet` > 0 AND `inShop` = 0 AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '"
if (!isset($itm_id_true['id'])) {
$tr = false;
if ($j > 0) {
$tritm .= ', ';
$tritm .= '&quot;' . $itm_id['name'] . '&quot;';
if ($tritm != '' && !$tr) {
$this->error = 'Необходимы предметы: ' . $tritm;
while ($x < count($t)) {
$n = $t[$x];
if (isset($po['tr_' . $n]) && $po['tr_' . $n] > $this->stats[$n]) {
$tr = false;
$this->error = 'Недостаточно характеристик или параметров персонажа';
if (isset($o['id']) && $tr) {
if ($this->info['obraz'] != $o['img']) {
'UPDATE `users` SET `obraz` = "' . $o['img'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
$this->addAction(time(), 'sel_obraz', 'id=' . $o['id']);
$this->info['obraz'] = $o['img'];
} else {
if ($this->info['obraz'] == $o['img']) {
$this->info['obraz'] = '0.gif';
'UPDATE `users` SET `obraz` = "' . $this->info['obraz'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$this->error = 'Выбирать образ можно не чаще одного раза в сутки, следующая смена ' . date(
'd.m.Y H:i', $sm['time'] + 86400
$_GET['inv'] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->info['zv'] > 0) {
$zv = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id` FROM `zayvki` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['zv'] . '" AND `btl_id` = "0" AND `cancel` = "0" LIMIT 1'
if (!isset($zv['id'])) {
$this->info['zv'] = 0;
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `zv` = "0" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->info['wipe'] != 0) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif (isset($this->info['id'])) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$this->room = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`extdlg`,`lider`,`name`,`city`,`code`,`timeGO`,`file`,`level`,`align`,`clan`,`items`,`effects`,`destroy`,`close`,`roomGo`,`sex`,`FR`,`noatack`,`botgo`,`block_all`,`zvsee`,`roomAjax` FROM `room` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['room'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$this->infoBox = new InfoBox($this);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
/** Выборка из user+stats+room по id или login.
* @param int|string $user
* @return array
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public static function getInfo(int|string $user): array
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$cell = is_numeric($user) ? 'id' : 'login';
$query = 'select
*, as id,
users.level as level,
users.align as align, as sex,
users.clan as clan,
stats.timeGo as timeGo, as name,
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
stats.lider as lider, as room_name
from users
left join stats on =
left join room on =
where users.' . $cell . ' = ?';
$result = Db::getRow($query, [$user]);
2023-11-06 00:40:12 +00:00
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
$result['testStats2'] = new UserCalculatedStats(new UserStats(Conversion::dataStringToArray($result['stats'])));
2023-11-06 00:40:12 +00:00
return $result ?: [];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
private function infoTasks()
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
if (empty($this->info)) {
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
$this->info['achiv'] = Db::getRow('select * from users_achiv where id = ?', [$this->info['id']]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (!isset($this->info['achiv']['id'])) {
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
Db::sql('insert into users_achiv (id) value (?)', [$this->info['id']]);
$this->info['achiv'] = Db::getRow('select * from users_achiv where id = ?', [$this->info['id']]);
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
if (isset($this->info['id']) && $this->info['exp'] > 300000 && $this->info['twink'] > 0) {
$this->info['exp'] = 300000;
Db::sql('update stats set exp = ? where id = ?', [$this->info['exp'], $this->info['id']]);
if (isset($this->info['id']) && $this->info['inUser']) {
$md = [
$this->info = $this->getUserInfoById($this->info['inUser']);
if ($this->info['molch1'] < $md[0]) {
$this->info['molch1'] = $md[0];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
if ($this->info['molch2'] < $md[1]) {
$this->info['molch2'] = $md[1];
if ($this->info['molch3'] < $md[2]) {
$this->info['molch3'] = $md[2];
if ($this->info['admin'] < $md[3]) {
$this->info['admin'] = $md[3];
if ($this->info['nadmin'] < $md[4]) {
$this->info['nadmin'] = $md[4];
if ($this->info['banned'] < $md[5]) {
$this->info['banned'] = $md[5];
$this->info['noreal'] = 1;
$this->info['align_real'] = $md[7];
$this->info['__id'] = $md[8];
$this->info['__level'] = $md[9];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
public function getStats($uid, $i1 = null, $res = 0, $reimg = false, $btl_cache = false, $minimal = false): array
$result = new Stats($this);
2023-12-19 01:58:37 +00:00
return $result->getStats($uid, $i1, $reimg, $btl_cache);
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
public function getUserInfoById($id)
return Db::getRow('select * from users left join stats on = where = ?', [$id]);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function testAction($filter, $tp): array
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($tp == 1) {
$query = 'select * from actions where ' . $filter;
} elseif ($tp == 2) {
$query = 'select count(*) from actions where ' . $filter;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
} else {
return [];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$arr = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query));
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
return !empty($arr) ? $arr : [];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-10-16 13:12:16 +00:00
//Удаление определенного типа предметов
public function addAction($time, $vars, $vls, $uid = null): bool
$info = $this->info;
if ($uid) {
$info['id'] = $uid;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
ActionModel::new($info, $vls, $vars, $time);
return true;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-07-31 17:06:51 +00:00
public function testHome(): array
2023-07-31 17:06:51 +00:00
$timeforwait = 3600;
if (isset($st['os3']) && $st['os3'] > 0) {
$timeforwait = 3600 - (($st['os6'] * 5) * 60);
2023-07-31 17:06:51 +00:00
$hgo = $this->testAction(
'`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `time` >= ' . (time() - $timeforwait) . ' AND `vars` = "go_homeworld" LIMIT 1',
if ($this->info['level'] == 0 || $this->info['active'] != '' || $this->info['inTurnir'] > 0 || $this->info['inTurnirnew'] > 0 || $this->info['zv'] > 0 || $this->info['dnow'] > 0) {
$hgo['id'] = true;
2023-07-31 17:06:51 +00:00
if (isset($this->info['noreal']) || $this->info['dnow'] > 0) {
$hgo['id'] = true;
2023-07-31 17:06:51 +00:00
if (!isset($hgo['id'])) {
$ku = mysql_fetch_array(
mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `katok_zv` WHERE `uid` = ' . $this->info['id'])
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-07-31 17:06:51 +00:00
if (isset($ku['id'])) {
$hgo['id'] = true;
return $hgo ?? [];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function wipe()
if ($this->info['wipe'] > 0 && $this->info['battle'] == 0) {
//wipe = 1 , значит обнуляем статы и умения
if ($this->info['wipe'] < 4) {
$st = Conversion::dataStringToArray($this->info['stats']);
$n1 = $this->info['ability']; //способности
$n2 = $this->info['skills']; //владение магией и оружием
$n3 = $this->info['sskills']; //особенности
$n4 = $this->info['nskills']; //???
if ($this->info['wipe'] == 1 || $this->info['wipe'] == 2) {
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 11) {
if ($i <= 4) {
$n1 += $st['s' . $i] - 3;
$st['s' . $i] = 3;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$n1 += $st['s' . $i];
$st['s' . $i] = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$n1 -= $this->info['level'];
$st['s4'] = 3 + $this->info['level'];
if ($this->info['level'] >= 9) {
$st['s4'] += 1;
$n1 -= 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->info['level'] >= 10) {
$st['s4'] += 2;
$n1 -= 2;
if ($this->info['level'] >= 11) {
$st['s4'] += 4;
$n1 -= 4;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->info['wipe'] == 1 || $this->info['wipe'] == 3) {
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 7) {
$n2 += $st['a' . $i];
$n2 += $st['mg' . $i];
$st['a' . $i] = 0;
$st['mg' . $i] = 0;
if ($this->info['wipe'] == 1 || $this->info['wipe'] == 3.5)#---Сброс особенностей
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 11) {
$n3 += $st['os' . $i];
$st['os' . $i] = 0;
//сохраняем данные
$st = Conversion::arrayToDataString($st);
$upd = mysql_query(
'UPDATE `stats` SET `wipe`="0",`stats`="' . $st . '",`ability`="' . $n1 . '",`skills`="' . $n2 . '",`sskills`="' . $n3 . '",`nskills`="' . $n4 . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
if ($upd) {
$this->info['stats'] = $st;
$this->info['ability'] = $n1;
$this->info['skills'] = $n2;
$this->info['sskills'] = $n3;
$this->info['nskills'] = $n4;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-10-16 13:12:16 +00:00
//Выводим вещи котоыре нужно отремонтировать
//Расчет урона от оружия
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function allActionsStart()
global $magic;
if (!isset($_GET['use_snowball'])) {
$this->stats = $this->getStats($this->info, 0);
//Начинаем лепить снежок на ЦП
if (!isset($this->stats['items'][$this->stats['wp13id']]['id']) || $this->stats['items'][$this->stats['wp13id']]['item_id'] != 998) {
}//варежки одеты, все ок
if ($this->room['name'] != 'Центральная площадь') {
$this->error2 = 'Собирать снег можно только на Центральной площади';
} else {
$smt = $this->testAction(
'`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `time`>=' . (time() - 120) . ' AND `vars` = "create_snowball_cp" LIMIT 1',
if (isset($smt['id'])) {
$this->error2 = 'Нельзя лепить несколько снежков одновременно ;)';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$smt = $this->testAction(
'`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `time`>=' . strtotime(
'now 00:00:00'
) . ' AND `vars` = "create_snowball_cp" LIMIT 25',
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$smt = $smt[0];
if ($smt < 10) {
$this->addAction(time(), 'create_snowball_cp', $this->info['city']);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$magic->addEffect($this->info['id'], 24);
$this->error2 = 'Начинаем лепить снежок, осталось ' . (10 - $smt) . ' раз на сегодня ...';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$this->error2 = 'Вы уже слепили 10 снежка за сегодня ...';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-10-16 13:12:16 +00:00
//Расчет защиты
public static function getLoginById(int $uid): string
return Db::getValue('select login from users where id = ?', [$uid]) ?: '';
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
//Расчет защиты (магия)
/** Singletone.
* @param int $uid
* @return User
public static function start(int $uid = 0): User
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (!isset(self::$flag_one)) {
self::$flag_one = new self($uid);
return self::$flag_one;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public static function setOnline(int $uid): void
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
Db::sql('update users set online = unix_timestamp() where id = ?', [$uid]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
/** Возврат имени персонажа со всеми регалиями
* @param int $uid id персонажа.
* @return string
public static function getLogin(int $uid): string
'align' => $align,
'login' => $login,
'level' => $level,
'name_mini' => $clanName,
] = Db::getRow(
from users left join clan as c on = users.clan
where = ?',
if (!isset($login)) {
return "uid:$uid";
return (new Login($align, $clanName, $level, $login))->fullLogin;
public function dayquest(int $id): string
$test = Db::getRow('select id, vals from actions where uid = ? and vars = ?', [$id, 'day_quest']);
$q = [
'1' => 'Убийство Трупожоров',
'2' => 'Победы в хаотических боях',
'3' => 'Спуск в Подземелия',
'4' => 'Набрать в хаотических поединках 100 000 Опыта',
'5' => 'Открыть Сундук Трупожора',
'6' => 'Посетить Излом Хаоса',
'7' => 'Сдача 3 заданий в пещерах',
'8' => 'Поучаствовать в Башне Смерти',
if (!isset($test['id'])) {
$n = "<a href='main.php?getq=1'><b style='color:green'>Получить задание</b></a>";
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$n = "<a href='main.php?putq=1'><b style='color:green'>Сдать задание</b></a>";
$n = $n . "<br><b style='color:green'>" . $q[$test['vals']] . "</b>";
return $n;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function testAlign($an, int $uid): int
$r = 1;
if (floor($an) > 0) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$a = Db::getValue('select align from users_align where uid = ?', [$uid]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (floor((float)$a) != $an) {
$r = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
return $r;
public function abilsRoom(string $type): string
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$r = '';
if ($this->info['clan'] > 0 || !in_array($this->room['name'], ['Зал Света', 'Зал Нейтралов', 'Зал Тьмы'])) {
//Нельзя использовать персонажам в клане
return '';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($type == 'test') {
if (isset($_GET['vhp'])) {
$v = Db::getValue('select time from vortex where uid = ? and type = 1 order by time desc limit 1');
if ($v > time() - 60 * 60) {
//Уже юзали
$this->error = 'Необходимо подождать еще ' . Conversion::secondsToTimeout($v + 60 * 60 - time());
} else {
if ($this->stats['hpNow'] < 1) {
$this->stats['hpNow'] = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$this->error = 'Вы успешно восстановили ' . round($this->stats['hpAll'] - $this->stats['hpNow']) . ' HP.';
'insert into vortex (uid, room, time, val, type) values (?,?,unix_timestamp(),?,1)',
[$this->info['id'], $this->info['room'], round($this->stats['hpAll'] - $this->stats['hpNow'])]
$this->stats['hpNow'] = $this->stats['hpAll'];
Db::sql('update stats set hpnow = ? where id = ?', [$this->stats['hpNow'], $this->info['id']]);
} elseif (isset($_GET['vmp'])) {
$v = Db::getValue('select time from vortex where uid = ? and type = 2 order by time desc limit 1');
if ($v > time() - 60 * 60) {
//Уже юзали
$this->error = 'Необходимо подождать еще ' . Conversion::secondsToTimeout($v + 60 * 60 - time());
} else {
if ($this->stats['mpNow'] < 1) {
$this->stats['mpNow'] = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$this->error = 'Вы успешно восстановили ' . round($this->stats['mpAll'] - $this->stats['mpNow']) . ' MP.';
'insert into vortex (uid, room, time, val, type) values (?,?,unix_timestamp(),?,2)',
[$this->info['id'], $this->info['room'], round($this->stats['mpAll'] - $this->stats['mpNow'])]
$this->stats['mpNow'] = $this->stats['mpAll'];
Db::sql('update stats set mpnow = ? where id = ?', [$this->stats['mpNow'], $this->info['id']]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif ($type == 'look') {
$vid = 0;
if ($this->room['name'] == 'Зал Света') {
$vid = 6;
} elseif ($this->room['name'] == 'Зал Тьмы') {
$vid = 7;
} elseif ($this->room['name'] == 'Зал Нейтралов') {
$vid = 10;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$v = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT * FROM `vortex` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `type` = 1 ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 1'
if (isset($v['id']) && $v['time'] + 60 * 60 > time()) {
2023-12-01 21:27:45 +00:00
$r .= '<img style="cursor:pointer;filter:alpha(opacity=47);opacity:0.47;-moz-opacity:0.47;-khtml-opacity:0.47;" onClick="alert(\'Возможно воспользоваться через ' . Conversion::secondsToTimeout(
$v['time'] + 60 * 60 - time()
) . '\');" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/healvortex_' . $vid . '.png" width="40" height="25" title="Клодец HP (Задержка)"> ';
} else {
$r .= '<a href="main.php?vhp"><img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/healvortex_' . $vid . '.png" width="40" height="25" title="Клодец HP"></a> ';
$v = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT * FROM `vortex` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `type` = 2 ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 1'
if (isset($v['id']) && $v['time'] + 60 * 60 > time()) {
2023-12-01 21:27:45 +00:00
$r .= '<img style="cursor:pointer;filter:alpha(opacity=47);opacity:0.47;-moz-opacity:0.47;-khtml-opacity:0.47;" onClick="alert(\'Возможно воспользоваться через ' . Conversion::secondsToTimeout(
$v['time'] + 60 * 60 - time()
) . '\');" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/manavortex_' . $vid . '.png" width="40" height="25" title="Клодец MP (Задержка)"> ';
} else {
$r .= '<a href="main.php?vmp""><img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/manavortex_' . $vid . '.png" width="40" height="25" title="Клодец MP"></a> ';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
return $r;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function insertAlign($an, $uid): void
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($an <= 0) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
Db::sql('replace into users_align (uid, time, align) values (?,unix_timestamp(),?)', [$uid, floor($an)]);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function deleteAlign($an, $uid): void
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($an <= 0) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
Db::sql('delete from users_align where uid = ? and align = ?', [$uid, floor($an)]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function repobmen(int $id, $type): string
//echo 'обмен';
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$pl = ItemsModel::getOwnedItemById($this->info['id'], $id);
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($pl['data']);
if ((!isset($po['frompisher']) || $po['tr_lvl'] < 4) && $pl['type'] != 31) {
$e = 'Не удалось обменять предмет на репутацию.';
} else {
$e = 'Обмен предмета "' . $pl['name'] . '" на репутацию Сapitalcity прошел удачно.';
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$this->rep['repcapitalcity'] = $this->reputation->addRep('repcapitalcity', 1);
return $e;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function lookKeys($m, $i): array
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$e = explode('|', $m);
$r = [];
while ($i < count($e)) {
$j = explode('=', $e[$i]);
$r[$i] = $j[0];
return $r;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function zago($v): float
if ($v > 1700) {
$v = 1700;
return round((1 - (pow(0.5, ($v / 399.51)))) * 100, 2);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function zmgo($v)
if ($v > 1000) {
$v = 1000;
return (1 - (pow(0.5, ($v / 250)))) * 100;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function inform(string $v)
$r = '';
$y = [];
$w1 = 0;
$w2 = 0;
$i = 0;
if ($v == 'yrontest' || $v == 'yrontest-krit') {
/* первое оружие или кулак */
if (is_array($this->stats['items'])) {
while ($i < count($this->stats['items'])) {
if ($this->stats['items'][$i]['inOdet'] == 3 && $w1 == 0 && $this->stats['items'][$i]['type'] >= 18 && $this->stats['items'][$i]['type'] <= 28) {
$w1 = $this->stats['items'][$i];
} elseif ($this->stats['items'][$i]['inOdet'] == 14 && $w2 == 0 && $this->stats['items'][$i]['type'] >= 18 && $this->stats['items'][$i]['type'] <= 28) {
$w2 = $this->stats['items'][$i];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($w1['id']) && $w1['inOdet'] != 14) {
$tp = 0;
$t = 0;
$i = 1;
$d = Conversion::dataStringToArray($w1['data']);
while ($i <= 4) {
if (isset($d['tya' . $i]) && $t < $d['tya' . $i]) {
$t = $d['tya' . $i];
$tp = $i;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$y = $this->weaponAtc($w1, $this->stats, $tp);
if ($v == 'yrontest-krit') {
$y[0] = $y[2];
$y[1] = $y[3];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($y[0] < 1) {
$y[0] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($y[1] < 1) {
$y[1] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$r .= '<span title="' . $w1['name'] . '">' . $y[0] . '-' . $y[1] . '</span>';
} else {
//урон кулаком
$y[0] = ceil(
2 + $this->info['level'] + $this->stats ['s1'] - round($this->stats['s1'] / 5)
) + $this->stats['minAtack'] + $this->stats['yron_min'];
$y[1] = ceil($y[0] + 3) + $this->stats['maxAtack'] + $this->stats['yron_max'];
if ($y[0] < 1) {
$y[0] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($y[1] < 1) {
$y[1] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$r .= $y[0] . '-' . $y[1];
/* второе оружие */
if (isset($w2['id'])) {
$tp = 0;
$t = 0;
$i = 1;
$d = Conversion::dataStringToArray($w2['data']);
while ($i <= 4) {
if ($t < $d['tya' . $i]) {
$t = $d['tya' . $i];
$tp = $i;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$y = $this->weaponAtc($w2, $this->stats, $tp);
if ($v == 'yrontest-krit') {
$y[0] = $y[2];
$y[1] = $y[3];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($y[0] < 1) {
$y[0] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($y[1] < 1) {
$y[1] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$r .= ' / <span title="' . $w2['name'] . '">' . $y[0] . '-' . $y[1] . '</span>';
/* --- */
} elseif ($v == 'yron') {
/* первое оружие или кулак */
while ($i < count($this->stats['items'])) {
if ($this->stats['items'][$i]['inOdet'] == 3 && $w1 == 0 && $this->stats['items'][$i]['type'] >= 18 && $this->stats['items'][$i]['type'] <= 28) {
$w1 = $this->stats['items'][$i];
} elseif ($this->stats['items'][$i]['inOdet'] == 14 && $w2 == 0 && $this->stats['items'][$i]['type'] >= 18 && $this->stats['items'][$i]['type'] <= 28) {
$w2 = $this->stats['items'][$i];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($w1['id']) && $w1['inOdet'] != 14) {
$tp = 0;
$t = 0;
$i = 1;
$d = Conversion::dataStringToArray($w1['data']);
while ($i <= 4) {
if (isset($d['tya' . $i]) && $t < $d['tya' . $i]) {
$t = $d['tya' . $i];
$tp = $i;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$y = $this->weaponAtc($w1, $this->stats, $tp);
if ($y[0] < 1) {
$y[0] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($y[1] < 1) {
$y[1] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$r .= '<span title="' . $w1['name'] . '">' . $y[0] . '-' . $y[1] . '</span>';
} else {
//урон кулаком
$y[0] = ceil($this->stats['s1'] * 1.4) + $this->stats['minAtack'] + $this->stats['yron_min'];
$y[1] = ceil(0.4 + $y[0] / 0.9) + $this->stats['maxAtack'] + $this->stats['yron_max'];
if ($y[0] < 1) {
$y[0] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($y[1] < 1) {
$y[1] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$r .= $y[0] . '-' . $y[1];
/* второе оружие */
if (isset($w2['id'])) {
$tp = 0;
$t = 0;
$i = 1;
$d = Conversion::dataStringToArray($w2['data']);
while ($i <= 4) {
if ($t < $d['tya' . $i]) {
$t = $d['tya' . $i];
$tp = $i;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$y = $this->weaponAtc($w2, $this->stats, $tp);
if ($y[0] < 1) {
$y[0] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($y[1] < 1) {
$y[1] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$r .= ' / <span title="' . $w2['name'] . '">' . $y[0] . '-' . $y[1] . '</span>';
} else {
/* первое оружие или кулак */
$ry = 0;
while ($i < count($this->stats['items'])) {
if ($this->stats['items'][$i]['inOdet'] == 3 && $w1 == 0 && $this->stats['items'][$i]['type'] >= 18 && $this->stats['items'][$i]['type'] <= 28) {
$w1 = $this->stats['items'][$i];
} elseif ($this->stats['items'][$i]['inOdet'] == 14 && $w2 == 0 && $this->stats['items'][$i]['type'] >= 18 && $this->stats['items'][$i]['type'] <= 28) {
$w2 = $this->stats['items'][$i];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($w1['id']) && $w1['inOdet'] != 14) {
$tp = 0;
$t = 0;
$i = 1;
$d = Conversion::dataStringToArray($w1['data']);
$y = 0;
if (isset($d['sv_' . $v])) {
$y += $d['sv_' . $v];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($this->stats[$v])) {
$y += $this->stats[$v];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$ry = $y;
$r .= '<span title="' . $w1['name'] . '">' . $y . '</span>';
} else {
$r .= $this->stats[$v];
$ry = $this->stats[$v];
/* второе оружие */
if (isset($w2['id'])) {
$tp = 0;
$t = 0;
$i = 1;
$d = Conversion::dataStringToArray($w2['data']);
$y = @$this->stats[$v] + @$d['sv_' . $v];
if ($y != $ry) {
$r .= ' / <span title="' . $w2['name'] . '">' . $y . '</span>';
} else {
$r = str_replace('title="' . $w1['name'] . '"', '', $r);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
return $r;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
private function weaponAtc($item, $st, $x)
$tp = 0;
if (isset($item['id'])) {
$itm = Conversion::dataStringToArray($item['data']);
//начинаем расчет урона
if (!isset($st['minAtack'])) {
$st['minAtack'] = 0;
if (!isset($st['maxAtack'])) {
$st['maxAtack'] = 0;
if (!isset($st['yron_min'])) {
$st['yron_min'] = 0;
if (!isset($st['yron_max'])) {
$st['yron_max'] = 0;
if (!isset($itm['yron_min'])) {
$itm['yron_min'] = 0;
if (!isset($itm['yron_max'])) {
$itm['yron_max'] = 0;
if (!isset($itm['sv_yron_min'])) {
$itm['sv_yron_min'] = 0;
if (!isset($itm['sv_yron_max'])) {
$itm['sv_yron_max'] = 0;
$min = $itm['sv_yron_min'] + $st['minAtack'] + $itm['yron_min'] + $st['yron_min'];
$max = $itm['sv_yron_max'] + $st['maxAtack'] + $itm['yron_max'] + $st['yron_max'];
//Тип урона: 0 - нет урона, 1 - колющий, 2 - рубящий, 3 - дробящий, 4 - режущий, 5 - огонь, 6 - воздух, 7 - вода, 8 - земля, 9 - свет, 10 - тьма, 11 - серая
if ($item['type'] == 18) {
$sss = ceil($st['s2'] * 0.75);
} elseif ($item['type'] == 19) {
$sss = ceil($st['s1'] * 0.75);
} elseif ($item['type'] == 20) {
$sss = ceil($st['s4'] * 1.5);
} elseif ($item['type'] == 21) {
2023-08-12 01:31:29 +00:00
$sss = ceil($st['s3'] * 0.75);
} else {
//без профильного урона
$sss = ceil($st['s1'] * 0.1);
2023-07-31 17:06:51 +00:00
2023-08-12 01:31:29 +00:00
//Обычный урон
$p['B'][0] = ceil($st['s1'] * 1);
$p['B'][1] = ceil(0.4 + $p['B'][0] / 0.9);
$p['B'][0] = 2 + $st['level'] + $st['s1'] - round($st['s1'] / 5);
$p['B'][1] = $p['B'][0] + 3;
$p['B']['rnd'] = rand($p['B'][0], $p['B'][1]);
//Добавочный минимальный урон
$p['W'][0] = $min;
$p['W'][1] = $max;
$p['W']['rnd'] = rand($p['W'][0], $p['W'][1]);
// Коэф. оружия
$p['T'] = 1;
$bn = 0;
if ($item['type'] == 21) {
// меч
$p['M'] = $st['pa4'];
$bn = $st['a4'];
//ТУТ $p['M'] = $st['pa'.$x];
} elseif ($item['type'] == 20) {
// дубина
$p['M'] = $st['pa3'];
$bn = $st['a3'];
} elseif ($item['type'] == 19) {
// топор
$p['M'] = $st['pa2'];
$bn = $st['a2'];
} elseif ($item['type'] == 18) {
// нож
$p['M'] = $st['pa1'];
$bn = $st['pa1'];
} elseif ($item['type'] == 22) {
// посох
$p['M'] = $st['pa3'];
$bn = $st['a5'];
2023-07-31 17:06:51 +00:00
2023-08-12 01:31:29 +00:00
$min = (($p['B'][0] + $sss + $p['W'][0]) * $p['T'] * (1 + 0.005 * $bn)) * (1 + $p['M'] / 100);
$max = (($p['B'][1] + $sss + $p['W'][1]) * $p['T'] * (1 + 0.005 * $bn)) * (1 + $p['M'] / 100);
$kmin = ceil((2 * (1 + $st['m3'] / 100)) * $min);
$kmax = ceil((2 * (1 + $st['m3'] / 100)) * $max);
$tp = [0 => ceil($min), 1 => ceil($max), 2 => ceil($kmin), 3 => ceil($kmax)];
2023-08-12 01:31:29 +00:00
return $tp;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Удаление определенного типа предметов
public function rep_zv(int $id, int $e): string
$r = '0 / 0';
if ($id == 1) {
//Храм знаний
if ($e > 9999) {
$r = 'Посвященный третьего круга, ' . $e . ' / ??';
} elseif ($e > 999) {
$r = 'Посвященный второго круга, ' . $e . ' / 9999';
} elseif ($e > 99) {
$r = 'Посвященный первого круга, ' . $e . ' / 999';
} else {
$r = $e . ' / 99';
} elseif ($id == 2 || $id == 3 || $id == 4 || $id == 6 || $id == 7 || $id == 8) {
//Capital city
if ($e > 24999) {
$r = 'Рыцарь второго круга, ' . $e . ' / ??';
} elseif ($e > 9999) {
$r = 'Рыцарь первого круга, ' . $e . ' / 24999';
} else {
$r = $e . ' / 10000';
2023-08-12 01:31:29 +00:00
} elseif ($id == 5) {
//Алтарь Крови
if ($e > 99) {
$r = 'Посвященный первого круга ' . $e . ' / 999';
} else {
$r = $e . ' / 99';
} elseif ($id == 9) {
//Dreams city
if ($e > 9999) {
$r = 'Посвященный третьего круга, [' . $e . ']';
} elseif ($e > 4999) {
$r = 'Посвященный второго круга,' . $e . ' / 9999';
} elseif ($e > 999) {
$r = 'Посвященный первого круга, ' . $e . ' / 4999';
} else {
$r = $e . ' / 999';
} elseif ($id == 10) {
//Гора легиона
if ($e > 9999) {
$r = 'Посвященный второго круга,[' . $e . ']';
} elseif ($e > 999) {
$r = 'Посвященный первого круга, ' . $e . ' / 4999';
} else {
$r = $e . ' / 999';
} elseif ($id == 11) {
//Излом Хаоса
if ($e > 9999) {
$r = 'Легенда Излома Хаоса, [' . $e . ']';
} elseif ($e > 4999) {
$r = 'Чемпион Излома Хаоса,' . $e . ' / 9999';
} elseif ($e > 999) {
$r = 'Знаток Излома Хаоса, ' . $e . ' / 4999';
} else {
$r = $e . ' / 999';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
return $r;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function getNum($v)
$plid = $v;
$pi = iconv_strlen($plid);
if ($pi < 5) {
$i = 0;
while ($i <= 5 - $pi) {
$plid = '0' . $plid;
return $plid;
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
public function addNewbot($id, $botDate = null, $clon = null, $logins_bot = null, $luser = null, $round = null): array|int
if ($clon != null) {
$r = 0;
if (!is_array($clon)) {
$clon = $this->getUserInfoById((int)$clon);
if (isset($clon['id'])) {
if (!isset($clon['loclon'])) {
$clon['login'] .= ' (Клон)';
//копируем пользователя
"insert into users (align, login, level, pass, city, cityreg, name, sex, timereg, obraz, bot_id, inturnir) values (?,?,?,uuid(),'Неведомые земли','Неведомые земли',?,?,?,?,?,?)",
2023-11-06 00:40:12 +00:00
$clon['align'] ?? 0,
2023-11-06 00:40:12 +00:00
$clon['inTurnir'] ?? 0,
if ($round > 0) {
//Улучшаем мф. и статы и НР 1 раунд = +10%
$statss = Conversion::dataStringToArray($clon['stats']);
$statss['s1'] = ceil($statss['s1'] * (1 + 0.1 * ($round)));
$statss['s2'] = ceil($statss['s2'] * (1 + 0.1 * ($round)));
$statss['s3'] = ceil($statss['s3'] * (1 + 0.1 * ($round)));
$statss['s4'] = ceil($statss['s4'] * (1 + 0.1 * ($round)));
$statss['hpAll'] = ceil($statss['hpAll'] * (1 + 0.1 * ($round)));
$statss['mpAll'] = ceil($statss['mpAll'] * (1 + 0.1 * ($round)));
$statss['m1'] = ceil($statss['m1'] * (1 + 0.1 * ($round)));
$statss['m2'] = ceil($statss['m2'] * (1 + 0.1 * ($round)));
$statss['m3'] = ceil($statss['m3'] * (1 + 0.1 * ($round)));
$statss['m4'] = ceil($statss['m4'] * (1 + 0.1 * ($round)));
$statss['m5'] = ceil($statss['m5'] * (1 + 0.1 * ($round)));
$statss['za'] = ceil($statss['za'] * (1 + 0.1 * ($round)));
$statss['zm'] = ceil($statss['zm'] * (1 + 0.1 * ($round)));
$clon['stats'] = Conversion::arrayToDataString($statss);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$uid = (int)Db::lastInsertId();
//копируем статы
Db::sql('insert into stats (clone, id, stats, hpnow, uplevel, bot, priems) values (?,?,?,1000000,?,1,?)', [$clon['id'], $uid, $clon['stats'], $clon['upLevel'], $clon['priems']]);
//копируем предметы
"insert into items_users (uid, item_id, data, inodet, iznosmax, kolvo) select ?, item_id, replace(data, 'toclan', 'to_clan_'), inodet, iznosmax, kolvo from items_users where inodet > 0 and uid = ?",
[$uid, $clon['id']]
//копируем эффекты
"insert into eff_users (uid, id_eff, data, name, overtype, timeuse, x) select ?, id_eff, data, name, overtype, timeuse, x from eff_users where uid = ? and deactivetime < unix_timestamp() and v1 != 'priem'",
[$uid, $clon['id']]
$r = $uid;
return $r;
} else {
$bot = Db::getRow('select id, login, stats, uplevel, itemsuse from test_bot where id = ?', [$id]);
if (!isset($bot['id'])) {
return [];
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
if (isset($logins_bot[$bot['login']])) {
$bot['login'] = $bot['login'] . ' (' . $logins_bot[$bot['login']] . ')';
} else {
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$logins_bot[$bot['login']] = 1;
"insert into users (align, login, level, pass, city, cityreg, name, sex, hobby, timereg, obraz, bot_id)
select align, ?, level, uuid(), 'Неведомые земли', 'Неведомые земли', name, sex, hobby, replace(time_reg, 100, unix_timestamp()), obraz, id
from test_bot where id = ?",
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
[$bot['login'], $id]
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$uid = Db::lastInsertId();
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
if ($round > 0) { //Улучшаем мф. и статы и НР 1 раунд = +20%
$statss = Conversion::dataStringToArray($bot['stats']);
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$statss['s1'] = ceil($statss['s1'] * (1 + 0.20 * ($round)));
$statss['s2'] = ceil($statss['s2'] * (1 + 0.20 * ($round)));
$statss['s3'] = ceil($statss['s3'] * (1 + 0.20 * ($round)));
$statss['s4'] = ceil($statss['s4'] * (1 + 0.20 * ($round)));
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$statss['hpAll'] = ceil($statss['hpAll'] * (1 + 0.20 * ($round)));
$statss['mpAll'] = ceil($statss['mpAll'] * (1 + 0.20 * ($round)));
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$statss['m1'] = ceil($statss['m1'] * (1 + 0.20 * ($round)));
$statss['m2'] = ceil($statss['m2'] * (1 + 0.20 * ($round)));
$statss['m3'] = ceil($statss['m3'] * (1 + 0.20 * ($round)));
$statss['m4'] = ceil($statss['m4'] * (1 + 0.20 * ($round)));
$statss['m5'] = ceil($statss['m5'] * (1 + 0.20 * ($round)));
$statss['za'] = ceil($statss['za'] * (1 + 0.20 * ($round)));
$statss['zm'] = ceil($statss['zm'] * (1 + 0.20 * ($round)));
$bot['stats'] = Conversion::arrayToDataString($statss);
Db::sql('insert into stats (id, stats, hpnow, uplevel, bot) values (?,?,1000000,?,1)', [$uid, $bot['stats'], $bot['upLevel']]);
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$bot['id'] = $uid;
$bot['logins_bot'] = $logins_bot;
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
//Выдаем предметы
$iu = explode(',', $bot['itemsUse']);
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$i = 0;
$w3b = 0;
foreach ($iu as $item) {
$iditem = ItemsModel::addItem($item, $bot['id']);
$inslot = Db::getValue('select inslot from items_main where id = ?', [$item]) ?? 2000;
if ($inslot === 3) {
if ($w3b === 1) {
$inslot = 14;
} else {
$w3b = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
Db::sql('update items_users set inodet = ? where id = ?', [$inslot, $iditem]);
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
return $bot;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
//Расчет урона от оружия
//Расчет защиты
//Расчет защиты (магия)
public function newAct($test): bool
$r = true;
if ($test != $this->info['nextAct'] && $this->info['nextAct'] != '0') {
$r = false;
} else {
$na = md5(time() . '_nextAct_' . rand(0, 100));
$upd = mysql_query(
'UPDATE `stats` SET `nextAct` = "' . $na . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
if (!$upd) {
$r = false;
} else {
$this->info['nextAct'] = $na;
return $r;
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-07-31 17:06:51 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function addKr($amount, $uid = 0): void
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($uid === 0) {
$uid = $this->info['id'];
$this->info['money'] += $amount;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
Db::sql('update users set money = money + ? where id = ?', [$amount, $uid]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function bronFx($br): string
$r = '';
if ($br[0] > 0) {
$r .= $br[0] - 1;
} else {
$r .= 0;
$r .= 'd';
if ($br[0] > 0) {
$r .= $br[1] - $br[0];
} else {
$r .= 0;
return $r;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
* $iid Уникальный id прдемета и одновремено флаг что
* покупка из комка.
public function price($vl): string
if ($vl == round($vl)) {
$vl = $vl . '.00';
$vl = explode('.', $vl);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
return $vl[0] . '.<small>' . $vl[1] . '</small>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
#[NoReturn] public function __clone()
trigger_error('Дублирование не допускается.', E_USER_ERROR);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function freeStatsMod($id, $s, $uid): void
$itm = Db::getValue('select data from items_users where id = ? and uid = ? and inshop = 0 and inodet = 0', [$id, $uid]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (!isset($itm)) {
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($itm);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($_GET['mf'] == 's1' || $_GET['mf'] == 's2' || $_GET['mf'] == 's3' || $_GET['mf'] == 's5') {
if (isset($po['mf_stats']) && $po['mf_stats'] > 0 && isset($po['add_' . $_GET['mf']])) {
$po['mf_stats'] = (int)$po['mf_stats'];
$po['mf_stats'] -= 1;
$po['add_' . $_GET['mf']] += 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
} elseif ($_GET['mf'] == 'm1' || $_GET['mf'] == 'm2' || $_GET['mf'] == 'm4' || $_GET['mf'] == 'm5') {
if (isset($po['mf_mod']) && $po['mf_mod'] > 0 && isset($po['add_' . $_GET['mf']])) {
$po['mf_mod'] = (int)$po['mf_mod'];
$po['mf_mod'] -= 1;
$po['add_' . $_GET['mf']] += 1;
} elseif ($_GET['mf'] == 'mib1' || $_GET['mf'] == 'mib2' || $_GET['mf'] == 'mib3' || $_GET['mf'] == 'mib4') {
$s = $_GET['mf'];
$s = str_replace('mib', '', $s);
$s = (int)$s;
if (isset($po['mf_mib']) && $po['mf_mib'] > 0 && (isset($po['add_mib' . $s]) || isset($po['add_mab' . $s]))) {
$po['mf_mib'] = (int)$po['mf_mib'];
$po['mf_mib'] -= 1;
if (isset($po['add_mab' . $s])) {
$po['add_mab' . $s] += 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (isset($po['add_mib' . $s])) {
$po['add_mib' . $s] += 1;
Db::sql('update items_users set data = ? where id = ?', [Conversion::arrayToDataString($po), $id]);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($_GET['mf'] == 's1' || $_GET['mf'] == 's2' || $_GET['mf'] == 's3' || $_GET['mf'] == 's5' ||
$_GET['mf'] == 'm1' || $_GET['mf'] == 'm2' || $_GET['mf'] == 'm4' || $_GET['mf'] == 'm5') {
Db::sql('update items_users set data = ? where id = ?', [Conversion::arrayToDataString($po), $id]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function freeStatsItem(int $id, int $s, int $uid): void
$itm = Db::getValue('select data from items_users where id = ? and uid = ? and inshop = 0 and inodet = 0', [$id, $uid]);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (!$itm || $s != 1 && $s != 2 && $s != 3 && $s != 5) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($itm);
if (isset($po['free_stats']) && $po['free_stats'] > 0) {
$po['free_stats'] = (int)$po['free_stats'];
$po['free_stats'] -= 1;
$po['add_s' . $s] += 1;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$po = Conversion::arrayToDataString($po);
Db::sql('update items_users set data = ? where id = ?', [$po, $id]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function freeStats2Item(int $id, int $s, int $uid, int $tp): void
$itm = Db::getRow('select id, data, so from items_users where id = ? and uid = ? and inshop = 0 and inodet = 0', [$id, $uid]);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (!isset($itm['id']) || $itm['so'] <= 0) {
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($itm['data']);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($tp == 1) {
if ($s == 1 || $s == 2 || $s == 3 || $s == 5) {
if (10 + 25 * $po['add_s' . $s] <= $itm['so']) {
$itm['so'] -= 10 + 25 * $po['add_s' . $s];
$po['add_s' . $s]++;
$this->error = 'Характеристика улучшена...';
} else {
$this->error = 'Не хватает очков развития...';
} elseif ($tp == 2) {
if ($s > 0 && $s < 13) {
if ($s == 1) {
$s = 'm1';
} elseif ($s == 2) {
$s = 'm2';
} elseif ($s == 3) {
$s = 'm4';
} elseif ($s == 4) {
$s = 'm5';
} elseif ($s == 5) {
$s = 'mab1';
} elseif ($s == 6) {
$s = 'mab2';
} elseif ($s == 7) {
$s = 'mab3';
} elseif ($s == 8) {
$s = 'mab4';
} elseif ($s == 9) {
$s = 'm10';
} elseif ($s == 10) {
$s = 'za';
} elseif ($s == 11) {
$s = 'm11a';
} elseif ($s == 12) {
$s = 'zm';
$s2 = $s == 9 || $s == 12 ? 4 + 4 * $po['add_' . $s] : 5 + 5 * $po['add_' . $s];
if (4 + 4 * $po['add_' . $s] <= $itm['so']) {
$itm['so'] -= $s2;
if ($s == 'mab1') {
} elseif ($s == 'mab2') {
} elseif ($s == 'mab3') {
} elseif ($s == 'mab4') {
$po['add_' . $s]++;
} else {
$this->error = 'Не хватает очков развития...';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
Db::sql('update items_users set data = ?, so = ? where id = ?', [Conversion::arrayToDataString($po), $itm['so'], $id]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function obj_addItem(int $id): void
$itm = Db::getRow('select id, ingroup, item_id, uid from items_users where uid = ? and inodet = 0 and inshop = 0 and id = ?', [$this->info['id'], $id]);
if ($this->info['transfers'] < 1) {
$this->error = 'На сегодня лимит передач исчерпан.';
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
} elseif (!isset($itm['id'])) {
$this->error = 'Предмет не найден в рюкзаке';
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($itm['inGroup'] > 0 && $this->itemsX($id) > 1) {
Db::sql('update items_users set inshop = 1 where inshop != 30 and uid = ? and item_id = ? and ingroup = ?', [$this->info['id'], $itm['item_id'], $itm['inGroup']]);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
} else {
Db::sql('update items_users set inshop = 1 where inshop != 30 and uid = ? and id = ? and inodet = 0', [$this->info['id'], $id]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function itemsX(int $id, $uid = null, $item_id = null): bool|int
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
//fixme какая-то дичь тут.
$item = Db::getRow('select uid, item_id, ingroup, inshop from items_users where id = ?', [$id]);
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
return Db::getValue(
'select count(id) from items_users where inshop = ? and item_id = ? and uid = ? and ingroup = ?',
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
[$item['inShop'], $item['item_id'], $item['uid'], $item['ingroup']]
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function obj_takeItem($id): void
$itm = Db::getRow('select id, ingroup from items_users where id = ? and uid = ? and inodet = 0 and inshop = 0');
if ($this->info['transfers'] < 1) {
$this->error = 'На сегодня лимит передач исчерпан.';
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
} elseif (!isset($itm['id'])) {
$this->error = 'Предмет не найден в сундуке';
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($itm['inGroup'] > 0 && $this->itemsX($id) > 1) {
Db::sql('update items_users set inshop = 0 where inshop != 30 and uid = ? and (id = ? or ingroup = ?) and inodet = 0', [$this->info['id'], $id, $itm['inGroup']]);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
} else {
Db::sql('update items_users set inshop = 0 where inshop != 30 and uid = ? and id = ? and inodet = 0', [$this->info['id'], $id]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function itemsSmSave(int $id, int $s, int $uid): void
$itm = Db::getValue('select data from items_users where id = ? and uid = ? and inshop = 0 and inodet = 0', [$id, $uid]);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (!$itm) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($itm['data']);
if (isset($po['sudba']) && $po['sudba'] == '0') {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (isset($po['sm_skill']) && $s > 100) {
$mx2 = 1;
$mx1 = 0;
$mx3 = Conversion::dataStringToArray($this->info['stats']);
while ($mx2 <= 7) {
$mx1 += ($mx3['a' . $mx2] + $mx3['mg' . $mx2]) - ($po['add_a' . $mx2] + $po['add_mg' . $mx2]);
$mx1 += $this->info['skills'];
if ($mx1 > 0) {
$s = $s - 100;
if ($s > 5 && $s <= 12) {
$po['add_mg' . ($s - 5)]++;
} elseif ($s > 0) {
$po['add_a' . $s]++;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif (isset($po['sm_abil']) && $s < 11 && $s > 0) {
$mx2 = 1;
$mx1 = 0;
$mx3 = Conversion::dataStringToArray($this->info['stats']);
while ($mx2 <= 7) {
$mx1 += $mx3['s' . $mx2] - $po['add_s' . $mx2];
$mx1 += $this->info['ability'];
if ($mx1 > 0) {
$po['add_s' . $s]++;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
Db::sql('update items_users set data = ? where id = ?', [Conversion::arrayToDataString($po), $id]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
//Сверяем требования предмета для его использования
public function runeItem($id, $name = 0, $ruid = 0): void
if ($id == null) {
if ($ruid < 1 && isset($_GET['use_rune'])) {
$ruid = $_GET['use_rune'];
echo "
<script language='JavaScript'>
var elem = document.getElementById('se-pre-con');
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$rune = mysql_fetch_array(
,`m`.`name`,`m`.`type`,`m`.`level` FROM `items_users` AS `i` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `m` ON `i`.`item_id` = `m`.`id` WHERE
`i`.`id` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($ruid) . '"
AND `i`.`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `i`.`delete` = "0" AND `i`.`inShop` = "0" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$it_type = 0;
if (isset($_GET['item_rune'])) {
$name = $_GET['item_rune'];
$vi = 0;
$vid = '';
if (isset($_GET['item_rune_id'])) {
$sp = mysql_query(
,`m`.`type`,`m`.`2h`,`m`.`inslot`,`m`.`name`,`m`.`img` FROM `items_users` AS `i` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `m` ON (`i`.`item_id` = `m`.`id`)
WHERE `i`.`inShop` = "0" AND
( (`m`.`inslot` > 0 AND `m`.`inslot` < 18) OR "' . $rune['type'] . '" = "37" OR `m`.`inslot` = "51" )
AND `i`.`delete` = "0" AND `i`.`inOdet` = "0" AND `i`.`id` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(
) . '" AND `i`.`uid` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($this->info['id']) . '"'
$vi = -1;
} else {
$sp = mysql_query(
,`m`.`type`,`m`.`2h`,`m`.`inslot`,`m`.`name`,`m`.`img` FROM `items_users` AS `i` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `m` ON (`i`.`item_id` = `m`.`id`)
( (`m`.`inslot` > 0 AND `m`.`inslot` < 18) OR "' . $rune['type'] . '" = "37" OR `m`.`inslot` = "51" ) AND
`i`.`inShop` = "0" AND `i`.`delete` = "0" AND `i`.`inOdet` = "0" AND `m`.`name` LIKE "%' . mysql_real_escape_string(
str_replace('"', '&quot;', $name)
) . '%" AND `i`.`uid` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($this->info['id']) . '"'
while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($sp)) {
$vibor .= '<img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/' . $pl['img'] . '"><hr>';
if (!isset($id['id'])) {
$dt = Conversion::dataStringToArray($pl['data']);
$id = [];
$id = $pl;
$id_type = $pl['type'];
if ($vi != -1) {
$vid .= '`iu`.`id` = "' . $pl[0] . '" OR';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($vi > 0) {
$itm_inv = $this->genInv(80, ' ' . rtrim($vid, 'OR') . ' ');
echo '<button style="float:right" class="btn" type="button" onclick="top.frames[\'main\'].location=\'main.php?inv=1&otdel=' . floor(
) . '\'">Вернуться</button><strong>Выберите предмет для использования &quot;' . $rune['name'] . '&quot;:</strong><br><br><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" align="center" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#A5A5A5">' . $itm_inv[2] . '</table>';
} else {
if ($id['id'] > 0) {
if ($ruid < 1 && isset($_GET['use_rune'])) {
$ruid = $_GET['use_rune'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$idtrue = false;
$rune = mysql_fetch_array(
,`m`.`name`,`m`.`type`,`m`.`level` FROM `items_users` AS `i` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `m` ON `i`.`item_id` = `m`.`id` WHERE `i`.`id` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(
) . '" AND `i`.`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `i`.`delete` = "0" AND `i`.`inShop` = "0" LIMIT 1'
if ($rune['level'] > $this->info['level'] && $rune['type'] == 31) {
$this->error = 'У вас слишком маленький уровень чтобы использовать эту руну';
} elseif ($rune['type'] == 31) {
//Встраиваем руну
if ($idt['type'] == 7) {
$idt['type'] = 6;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($idt['type'] == 5) {
$idt['type'] = 6;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($idt['type'] == 4) {
$idt['type'] = 6;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$data = Conversion::dataStringToArray($id['data']);
$type_rune = [
'хи' => 9, //Серьги
'хэ' => 10, //Ожерелье
'ви' => 11, //Кольцо
'во' => 12, //Перчатки
'кэ' => 14, //Поножи
'ки' => 15, //Обувь
'ми' => 1, //Шлем
'си' => 3, //Наручи
'мо' => 6, //Броня
'со' => 8, //Пояс
$type_rune = $type_rune[substr($rune['name'], -2, 2)];
if ($type_rune != $id['type'] && $type_rune != '') {
$type_rune2 = [
'хи' => 'серьги', //Серьги
'хэ' => 'ожерелья', //Ожерелье
'ви' => 'кольцо', //Кольцо
'во' => 'перчатки', //Перчатки
'кэ' => 'поножи', //Поножи
'ки' => 'обувь', //Обувь
'ми' => 'шлем', //Шлем
'си' => 'наручи', //Наручи
'мо' => 'броню', //Броня
'со' => 'пояс', //Пояс
$this->error = 'Встроить данную руну возможно только в ' . $type_rune2[substr(
$rune['name'], -2, 2
)] . ' (Тип предмета: ' . $id['type'] . '. Требуемый тип: ' . $type_rune . ')';
} elseif (isset($data['nomodif'])) {
$this->error = 'Улучшить данный предмет невозможно';
} elseif (isset($data['art']) && $data['tr_lvl'] < 0) {
$this->error = 'Встраивание усилений в артефакты ниже 10-го уровня недоступно';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
if (isset($data['rune']) && $data['rune'] > 0) {
$ritm = mysql_fetch_array(
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'SELECT * FROM `items_main_data` WHERE `items_id` = "' . $data['rune_id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$j = 0;
$data_r = Conversion::dataStringToArray($ritm['data']);
while ($j < count($this->items['add'])) {
if (isset($data_r['add_' . $this->items['add'][$j]])) {
$data['add_' . $this->items['add'][$j]] -= $data_r['add_' . $this->items['add'][$j]];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$data['rune'] = $rune['id'];
$data['rune_id'] = $rune['item_id'];
$data['rune_name'] = $rune['name'];
$data['rune_lvl'] = $rune['level'];
//Добавляем характеристики руны
$add = Conversion::dataStringToArray($rune['data']);
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($this->items['add'])) {
if (isset($add['add_' . $this->items['add'][$i]])) {
$data['add_' . $this->items['add'][$i]] += $add['add_' . $this->items['add'][$i]];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$data = Conversion::arrayToDataString($data);
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rune['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `data` = "' . $data . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $id['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
$this->error = 'Встраивание руны прошло успешно';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$rune = mysql_fetch_array(
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
,`m`.`name`,`m`.`level`,`m`.`type` FROM `items_users` AS `i` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `m` ON `i`.`item_id` = `m`.`id` WHERE `i`.`id` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(
) . '" AND `i`.`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `i`.`delete` = "0" AND `i`.`inShop` = "0" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
if (!isset($rune['id'])) {
$this->error = 'Усиление которое вы использовали не найдено';
} elseif ($rune['type'] == 62 && $rune['item_id'] == 6167) {
$idt = mysql_fetch_array(
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'SELECT `id`,`name`,`img`,`type`,`inslot`,`2h`,`2too`,`iznosMAXi`,`inRazdel`,`price1`,`price2`,`price3`,`magic_chance`,`info`,`massa`,`level`,`magic_inci`,`overTypei`,`group`,`group_max`,`ts`,`srok`,`class`,`class_point`,`anti_class`,`anti_class_point`,`max_text`,`useInBattle`,`lbtl`,`lvl_itm`,`lvl_exp`,`lvl_aexp` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "' . $id['item_id'] . '" LIMIT` 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$data = Conversion::dataStringToArray($id['data']);
$add = Conversion::dataStringToArray($rune['data']);
if (isset($data['nomodif'])) {
$this->error = 'Улучшить данный предмет невозможно';
} elseif (isset($data['art']) && $data['tr_lvl'] < 0) {
$this->error = 'Встраивание усилений в артефакты ниже 10-го уровня недоступно';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
if (isset($data['spell']) && $data['spell'] > 0) {
if (isset($data['spell_st_val_hp'])) {
$data['add_hpAll'] -= $data['spell_st_val_hp'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($data['addspell_mpAll'])) {
$data['add_mpAll'] -= $data['addspell_mpAll'];
if (isset($data['spell_id'])) {
if (isset($data['spell_name'])) {
if (isset($data['spell_lvl'])) {
if (isset($data['spell_st_name'])) {
$data['add_' . $data['spell_st_name']] -= $data['spell_st_val'];
if ($data['add_' . $data['spell_st_name']] == 0) {
unset($data['add_' . $data['spell_st_name']]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($data['spell_st_val'])) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Новая чарка
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$srune = mysql_query('select * from new_charov where 1');
$irun = 0;
while ($nrune = mysql_fetch_array($srune)) {
$ntrune[$irun] = $nrune;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($irun > 0) {
$addrune = $ntrune[rand(1, $irun)];
$addrunes = rand($addrune['min'], $addrune['max']);
if (isset($data['add_' . $addrune['gname']])) {
$data['add_' . $addrune['gname']] += $addrunes;
} else {
$data['add_' . $addrune['gname']] = $addrunes;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$data['spell'] = $rune['id'];
if (!isset($data['sudba'])) {
$data['sudba'] = '0';
$data['spell_name'] = 'Зачарованно'; //$info
$data['spell_st_name'] = $addrune['gname'];
$data['spell_st_val'] = $addrunes;
$data['spell_id'] = $rune['item_id'];
$data['spell_lvl'] = 8;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$data = Conversion::arrayToDataString($data);
unset($srune, $irun, $nrune, $ntrune, $addrune, $addrunes);
$tid = mysql_query(
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rune['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `data` = "' . $data . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $id['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
if (isset($tid)) {
$this->error = 'Чарование прошло успешно!';
} else {
$this->error = 'Что то пошло не так!';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif ($rune['type'] == 62) {
$idt = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`name`,`img`,`type`,`inslot`,`2h`,`2too`,`iznosMAXi`,`inRazdel`,`price1`,`price2`,`price3`,`magic_chance`,`info`,`massa`,`level`,`magic_inci`,`overTypei`,`group`,`group_max`,`ts`,`srok`,`class`,`class_point`,`anti_class`,`anti_class_point`,`max_text`,`useInBattle`,`lbtl`,`lvl_itm`,`lvl_exp`,`lvl_aexp` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "' . $id['item_id'] . '" LIMIT` 1'
if ($idt['type'] == 7) {
$idt['type'] = 6;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($idt['type'] == 5) {
$idt['type'] = 6;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($idt['type'] == 4) {
$idt['type'] = 6;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//$id['type'] = $idt['type'];
//Встраиваем руну
$data = Conversion::dataStringToArray($id['data']);
$add = Conversion::dataStringToArray($rune['data']);
if (isset($data['nomodif'])) {
$this->error = 'Улучшить данный предмет невозможно';
} elseif (isset($data['art']) && $data['tr_lvl'] < 0) {
$this->error = 'Встраивание усилений в артефакты ниже 10-го уровня недоступно';
} elseif (isset($add['onimposed'])) {
//Встраиваем магию
//Новая чарка
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
$utp = explode(',', $add['onItemType']);
while ($i < count($utp)) {
if ($utp[$i] == $id['type']) {
if ($j > 0) {
unset($data['imposed'], $data['imposed_name'], $data['bm_a1']);
$imposed = [
'imposed' => 1,
'imposed_name' => $add['onSpellName'],
'bm_a1' => $add['onSpellFile'],
if (!isset($add['onSpellFile'])) {
if (isset($add['onSpell_mpAll'])) {
$imposed['addspell_mpAll'] = $add['onSpell_mpAll'];
$imposed['add_mpAll'] = $data['add_mpAll'] + $add['onSpell_mpAll'] - $data['addspell_mpAll'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$imposed['sudba'] = 1;
$data = array_merge($data, $imposed);
$data = Conversion::arrayToDataString($data);
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rune['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `data` = "' . $data . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $id['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
$this->error = 'Наложены чары "' . $add['onSpellName'] . '" на предмет &quot;' . $id['name'] . '&quot;';
} else {
$this->error = 'Предмет &quot;' . $id['name'] . '&quot; не подходит для усиления.,.';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
if (isset($data['spell']) && $data['spell'] > 0) {
//Отнимаем эффект от прошлых чарок
$litm = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT * FROM `items_main_data` WHERE `items_id` = "' . $id['item_id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$data_l = Conversion::dataStringToArray($litm['data']);
$pvr = [
'i' => 0,
'spell' => [],
'rune' => [],
'atack' => [],
'podgon' => [],
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($data['podgon'])) {
if ($data['tr_lvl'] > $id['level']) {
$id['level'] = $data['tr_lvl'];
$pvr['podgon']['hpAll'] = 6 * $id['level'] + 6;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($data['addspell_hpAll'])) {
$pvr['podgon']['hpAll'] += $data['addspell_hpAll'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($data['rune_id']) && $data['rune_id'] > 0) {
$ritm = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT * FROM `items_main_data` WHERE `items_id` = "' . $data['rune_id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
$j = 0;
$data_r = Conversion::dataStringToArray($ritm['data']);
while ($j < count($this->items['add'])) {
if (isset($data_r['add_' . $this->items['add'][$j]])) {
$pvr['rune'][$this->items['add'][$j]] = $data_r['add_' . $this->items['add'][$j]];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($data['spell_st_val_hp'])) {
$data['add_hpAll'] -= $data['spell_st_val_hp'];
//$i = 0;
//while( $i < count($data)) {
if (!isset($data['spell_st_name'])) {
$delk = count($this->items['add']);
$this->items['add'][] = 'mib1';
$this->items['add'][] = 'mib2';
$this->items['add'][] = 'mib3';
$this->items['add'][] = 'mib4';
$this->items['add'][] = 'mab1';
$this->items['add'][] = 'mab2';
$this->items['add'][] = 'mab3';
$this->items['add'][] = 'mab4';
$j = 0;
while ($j < count($this->items['add'])) {
if (isset($data['add_' . $this->items['add'][$j]])) {
if ($data_l['add_' . $this->items['add'][$j]] != $data['add_' . $this->items['add'][$j]] - $pvr['rune'][$this->items['add'][$j]] - $pvr['podgon'][$this->items['add'][$j]]) {
//echo ''.$this->items['add'][$j].' -> '.$data_l['add_'.$this->items['add'][$j]].' / '.$data['add_'.$this->items['add'][$j]].'<br>';
if (!isset($data_l['add_' . $this->items['add'][$j]])) {
unset($data['add_' . $this->items['add'][$j]]);
} else {
$data['add_' . $this->items['add'][$j]] = $data_l['add_' . $this->items['add'][$j]];
$i = 0;
while ($i < 8) {
unset($this->items['add'][$delk + $i]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Новая чарка
$i = 0;
$utp = explode(',', $add['onItemType']);
while ($i < count($utp)) {
if ($utp[$i] == $id['type']) {
// Определили нужный тип оружия.
$itm_twohand = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `2h` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "' . $id['item_id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
if (isset($itm_twohand['2h']) && $itm_twohand['2h'] == 1) {
$tw = '2';
} else {
$tw = '';
$j = 0;
while ($j < count($this->items['add'])) {
if (isset($add[$tw . 'add' . $utp[$i] . '_' . $this->items['add'][$j]])) {
$rnda[count($rnda)] = $this->items['add'][$j];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($add['imposed']) && $add['imposed'] != '') {
$imposed = [
'imposed' => '1', // Активно
'imposed_id' => $rune['id'], // ID чарки свитка
'imposed_name' => $rune['name'], // Наименование чар, которое отображается на предмете
'imposed_level' => $rune['level'], // Цвет подсветки заклинания при отображении. По умолчанию: 0;
'bm_a1' => $add['imposed'], // Имя файла заклинания.
'sudba' => $this->info['login'], // Цвет подсветки заклинания при отображении. По умолчанию: 0;
if (isset($add['imposed_name'])) {
$imposed['imposed_name'] = $add['imposed_name'];
if (isset($add['imposed_level'])) {
$imposed['imposed_level'] = $add['imposed_level'];
$rnda[0] = 1;
if (count($rnda) >= 0) {
$rnda = $rnda[rand(0, count($rnda) - 1)];
if ($rnda == 'mib1' || $rnda == 'mib2' || $rnda == 'mib3' || $rnda == 'mib4') {
$rnda = str_replace('mib', 'mab', $rnda);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (!isset($this->is[$rnda]) && isset($imposed)) {
$data = array_merge($data, $imposed);
$data = Conversion::arrayToDataString($data);
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rune['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `data` = "' . $data . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $id['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
$this->error = 'Наложены чары "' . $imposed['imposed_name'] . '" на предмет &quot;' . $id['name'] . '&quot;';
} elseif (!isset($this->is[$rnda])
&& $rnda != 'mib1' && $rnda != 'mib2' && $rnda != 'mib3' && $rnda != 'mib4'
&& $rnda != 'mab1' && $rnda != 'mab2' && $rnda != 'mab3' && $rnda != 'mab4'
) {
$this->error = 'Попробуйте зачарить предмет снова. ( ' . $rnda . ' )';
} else {
$data['add_' . $rnda] += $add[$tw . 'add' . $utp[$i] . '_' . $rnda];
if ($rnda == 'mab1' || $rnda == 'mab2' || $rnda == 'mab3' || $rnda == 'mab4') {
$data['add_' . str_replace(
'mab', 'mib', $rnda
)] += $add[$tw . 'add' . $utp[$i] . '_' . $rnda];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$data['spell'] = $rune['id'];
if (!isset($data['sudba'])) {
$data['sudba'] = '0';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($data['spell_st_name'])) {
$data['add_' . $data['spell_st_name']] -= $data['spell_st_val'];
if ($data['spell_st_name'] == 'mab1' || $data['spell_st_name'] == 'mab2' || $data['spell_st_name'] == 'mab3' || $data['spell_st_name'] == 'mab4') {
$data['add_' . str_replace(
'mab', 'mib', $data['spell_st_name']
)] -= $data['spell_st_val'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($data['add_' . $data['spell_st_name']] == 0) {
unset($data['add_' . $data['spell_st_name']]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$data['spell_id'] = $rune['item_id'];
$data['spell_name'] = $rune['name'];
$data['spell_lvl'] = $rune['level'];
$data['spell_st_name'] = $rnda;
$data['spell_st_val'] = $add[$tw . 'add' . $utp[$i] . '_' . $rnda];
if (isset($add['addspell_hpAll'])) {
$data['spell_st_val_hp'] = $add['addspell_hpAll'];
$data['add_hpAll'] += $add['addspell_hpAll'];
} else {
$data = Conversion::arrayToDataString($data);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$this->is['mab1'] = 'Броня головы';
$this->is['mab2'] = 'Броня корпуса';
$this->is['mab3'] = 'Броня пояса';
$this->is['mab4'] = 'Броня ног';
$this->error = 'Увеличина характеристика предмета &quot;' . $id['name'] . '&quot;, ' . $this->is[$rnda] . ': +' . $add[$tw . 'add' . $utp[$i] . '_' . $rnda];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
unset($this->is['mab1'], $this->is['mab2'], $this->is['mab3'], $this->is['mab4']);
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rune['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `data` = "' . $data . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $id['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
} else {
$this->error = 'Что-то не так, невозможно зачаровать данным свитком';
$i = 100499;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($i < 100500) {
$this->error = 'Данный предмет не подходит для зачарования...';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif ($rune['type'] == 47) {
$add = Conversion::dataStringToArray($id['data']);
$data = Conversion::dataStringToArray($rune['data']);
if ($add['art'] == 1) {
if ($id['iznosNOW'] > 0) {
$id['iznosNOW'] -= $data['repairLevel'];
if ($id['iznosNOW'] < 0) {
$id['iznosNOW'] = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `iznosNOW` = "' . $id['iznosNOW'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $id['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rune['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
$this->error = 'Предмет ' . $id['name'] . ' успешно отремонтирован.';
} else {
$this->error = 'Предмет не нуждаеться в ремонте...';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$this->error = 'Свиток ремонтирует только артефакты...';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif ($rune['type'] == 46) {
$idt = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`name`,`img`,`type`,`inslot`,`2h`,`2too`,`iznosMAXi`,`inRazdel`,`price1`,`price2`,`price3`,`magic_chance`,`info`,`massa`,`level`,`magic_inci`,`overTypei`,`group`,`group_max`,`ts`,`srok`,`class`,`class_point`,`anti_class`,`anti_class_point`,`max_text`,`useInBattle`,`lbtl`,`lvl_itm`,`lvl_exp`,`lvl_aexp` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = ' . $id['item_id']
if ($idt['type'] == 5) {
$idt['type'] = 6;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$id['type'] = $idt['type'];
if ($id_type < 18 || $id_type > 24) {
$add = Conversion::dataStringToArray($rune['data']);
if (isset($add['uptimeitem'])) {
$data = Conversion::dataStringToArray($id['data']);
if ($data['srok'] > 0 || $id['srok'] > 0) {
if (!isset($data['srok'])) {
$data['srok'] = $id['srok'];
if ($data['srok'] + $id['time_create'] - time() > 86400 + 30) {
$this->error = 'Нельзя использовать на предметы с сроком годности 30 и более дней.';
} elseif ($id['inslot'] > 0 && $id['inslot'] < 20) {
2023-12-01 21:27:45 +00:00
$this->error = 'Срок годности предмета &quot;' . $id['name'] . '&quot; продлен на ' . Conversion::secondsToTimeout(
) . '.';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($data['sleep_moroz'])) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$data = Conversion::arrayToDataString($data);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rune['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `data` = "' . $data . '",`time_create` = `time_create` + ' . floor(
) . ' WHERE `id` = "' . $id['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
} else {
$this->error = 'Предмет данного типа нельзя продлить...';
} else {
$this->error = 'Это работает только на предметы с сроком годности...';
} else {
$this->error = 'Затачивать можно только оружие...';
} else {
$data = Conversion::dataStringToArray($id['data']);
$add = Conversion::dataStringToArray($rune['data']);
if (isset($data['upatack_id'])) {
$this->error = 'Предмет уже заточен, вытащите заточку в Ремонтной мастерской.';
} elseif (isset($data['nomodif'])) {
$this->error = 'Улучшить данный предмет невозможно';
} elseif ($add['uptype'] != $id_type || $add['uptype'] == 0) {
$this->error = 'Заточка не подходит к данному предмету...';
} else {
if (isset($data['upatack_id']) && $data['upatack_id'] > 0) {
$ritm = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT * FROM `items_main_data` WHERE `items_id` = "' . $data['upatack_id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
$data_r = Conversion::dataStringToArray($ritm['data']);
if ($id_type == 22) {
$data['add_m11'] -= $data_r['upatack']; //*2
$data['sv_yron_min'] -= $data_r['upatack'];
$data['sv_yron_max'] -= $data_r['upatack'];
$data['upatack'] = $rune['id'];
$data['upatack_id'] = $rune['item_id'];
$data['upatack_name'] = $rune['name'];
$data['upatack_lvl'] = $add['upatack'];
$data['upatack_lvl'] = $add['upatack'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Добавляем характеристики руны
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($this->items['add'])) {
if (isset($add['add_' . $this->items['add'][$i]])) {
$data['add_' . $this->items['add'][$i]] += $add['add_' . $this->items['add'][$i]];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$data['sv_yron_min'] += $add['upatack'];
$data['sv_yron_max'] += $add['upatack'];
2023-12-01 21:05:11 +00:00
'&quot;<span style="color: #4863A0; ">System.remont.upatack</span>&quot;: Заточка &quot;' . $data['upatack_name'] . '&quot; была успешно <strong>встроена</strong> в предмет &quot;' . $id['name'] . '&quot; [itm:' . $id['id'] . ']',
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$data = Conversion::arrayToDataString($data);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rune['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `1price` = "' . $id['1price'] . '",`2price` = "' . $id['2price'] . '",`data` = "' . $data . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $id['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
$this->error = 'Заточка &quot;' . $id['name'] . '&quot; прошла успешно';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif ($rune['type'] == 48) {
$data = Conversion::dataStringToArray($id['data']);
$add = Conversion::dataStringToArray($rune['data']);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($data['tya1'] >= 90 || $data['tya2'] >= 90 || $data['tya3'] >= 90 || $data['tya4'] >= 90) {
$this->error = 'Предмет уже имеет 90 своего профиля';
} elseif (isset($data['nomodif'])) {
$this->error = 'Улучшить данный предмет невозможно';
} elseif ($add['uptype'] != $id_type || $add['uptype'] == 0) {
$this->error = 'Заточка не подходит к данному предмету...';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
if ($add['tya1'] == 1) {
$data['tya1'] += $add['tya1'];
if ($data['tya3'] > 10) {
$data['tya3'] -= $add['tya1'];
} elseif ($add['tya2'] == 1) {
$data['tya2'] += $add['tya2'];
if ($data['tya4'] > 10) {
$data['tya4'] -= $add['tya2'];
} elseif ($add['tya3'] == 1) {
$data['tya3'] += $add['tya3'];
if ($data['tya1'] > 10) {
$data['tya1'] -= $add['tya3'];
} elseif ($add['tya4'] == 1) {
$data['tya4'] += $add['tya4'];
if ($data['tya2'] > 10) {
$data['tya2'] -= $add['tya4'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-12-01 21:05:11 +00:00
'&quot;<span style="color: #4863A0; ">System.remont.upatack</span>&quot;: Заточка &quot;' . $data['upatack_name'] . '&quot; была успешно <strong>встроена</strong> в предмет &quot;' . $id['name'] . '&quot; [itm:' . $id['id'] . ']',
2023-12-01 21:05:11 +00:00
$this->error = 'Заточка &quot;' . $id['name'] . '&quot; прошла успешно! Колка:' . $data['tya1'] . ' Руб:' . $data['tya2'] . ' Дробь:' . $data['tya3'] . ' Реж:' . $data['tya4'] . ' ';
$data = Conversion::arrayToDataString($data);
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rune['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `1price` = "' . $id['1price'] . '",`2price` = "' . $id['2price'] . '",`data` = "' . $data . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $id['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif ($rune['type'] == 50) {
//Страничка саныча
if ($id['item_id'] == 3196 || $id['item_id'] == 3197 || $id['item_id'] == 3198) {
if ($id['iznosNOW'] > 0) {
$this->error = 'Восстановление &quot;' . $id['name'] . '&quot; прошла успешно! [' . round(
) . '/' . round($id['iznosMAX']) . ']';
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rune['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `iznosNOW` = "' . $id['iznosNOW'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $id['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$this->error = 'Предмет &quot;' . $id['name'] . '&quot; имеет макисмальное значение прочности! [' . round(
) . '/' . round($id['iznosMAX']) . ']';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$this->error = 'Данный предмет не подходит для восстановления!!';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif ($rune['type'] == 68) {
$idt = mysql_fetch_array(
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'SELECT `id`,`name`,`img`,`type`,`inslot`,`2h`,`2too`,`iznosMAXi`,`inRazdel`,`price1`,`price2`,`price3`,`magic_chance`,`info`,`massa`,`level`,`magic_inci`,`overTypei`,`group`,`group_max`,`ts`,`srok`,`class`,`class_point`,`anti_class`,`anti_class_point`,`max_text`,`useInBattle`,`lbtl`,`lvl_itm`,`lvl_exp`,`lvl_aexp` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "' . $id['item_id'] . '" LIMIT` 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
if ($idt['type'] == 5) {
$idt['type'] = 6;
$id['type'] = $idt['type'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Встраиваем руну
$data = Conversion::dataStringToArray($id['data']);
$add = Conversion::dataStringToArray($rune['data']);
if (isset($data['nomodif'])) {
$this->error = 'Улучшить данный предмет невозможно';
} elseif (!isset($data['close']) && $data['close'] != 0) {
$this->error = 'Не подходит к данному предмету, он не закрыт...';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$data['unopen'] = $rune['id'];
$data['unopen_id'] = $rune['item_id'];
$data['unopen_name'] = $rune['name'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$data['open'] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$data = Conversion::arrayToDataString($data);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rune['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `data` = "' . $data . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $id['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
$this->error = 'Открытие &quot;' . $id['name'] . '&quot; прошло успешно';
} elseif ($rune['type'] == 37) {
$idt = mysql_fetch_array(
mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "' . $id['item_id'] . '" LIMIT 1')
if ($idt['type'] != 37) {
$data = Conversion::dataStringToArray($id['data']);
$add = Conversion::dataStringToArray($rune['data']);
if ($id['gift'] == '' || $id['gift'] == '0') {
if (isset($data['notransfer'])) {
$this->error = 'Предмет нельзя передавать...';
} elseif (isset($data['sudba']) && $data['sudba'] != 0) {
$this->error = 'Предмет связан общей судьбой...';
} else {
if (isset($add['item_inbox']) && $add['item_inbox'] > 0) {
$this->error = 'В упаковке уже что-то есть, осталось сделать подарок!';
} elseif ($id['inTransfer'] > 0 || $id['inShop'] > 0 || $id['inGroup'] > 0) {
$this->error = 'Нельзя передать этот предмет, он в передаче, на прилавке или в группе...';
} else {
//Закидываем предмет в упаковку
$add['item_inbox'] = $id['id'];
$add['open'] = 1;
$add['nosale'] = 1;
$add = Conversion::arrayToDataString($add);
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `inGroup` = 0,`data` = "' . $add . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rune['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `uid` = -1 WHERE `id` = "' . $id['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
$this->error = 'Предмет &quot;' . $idt['name'] . '&quot; упакован в коробку.';
} else {
$this->error = 'Даренное не дарят...';
} else {
$this->error = 'Вы не сможете упаковать упаковку...';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
} else {
$this->error = '(' . $rune['type'] . ') Усиление которое вы использовали не найдено...';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$this->error = 'Подходящего предмета не нашлось...';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function genInv($type, $sort): array
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
global $code;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$i = 0; // счетчик, просто обнуняем.
$j = 0; // Всего предметов while ++
$k = 1; // 0 или 1
$rt = [0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => '']; // Количество? Непонятно
$clr = [0 => 'c8c8c8', 1 => 'd4d4d4']; // Цвет фона для предметов
$sort = explode('ORDER BY', $sort);
$where = $sort[0];
$sort = isset($sort[0], $sort[1]) ? ($sort[1] != '' ? $sort[1] : '') : ' `lastUPD` DESC';
$cl = mysql_query(
'SELECT count(`iu`.item_id) as inGroupCount, `im`.`id`,
`iu`.`blvl` FROM `items_users` AS `iu` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `im` ON (`im`.`id` = `iu`.`item_id`) WHERE ' . $where . ' GROUP BY `im`.id,
`iu`.item_id, `iu`.inGroup HAVING `iu`.inGroup > 0 UNION ALL SELECT count(`iu`.item_id) as inGroupCount, `im`.`id`,
`im`.`img`, `im`.`type`,
`im`.`2too`, `im`.`iznosMAXi`,
`im`.`inRazdel`, `im`.`price1`,
`im`.`price2`, `im`.`pricerep`,
`im`.`magic_chance`, `im`.`info`,
`im`.`magic_inci`, `im`.`overTypei`,
`im`.`class`, `im`.`class_point`,
`im`.`anti_class`, `im`.`anti_class_point`,
`im`.`lbtl`, `im`.`lvl_itm`,
`iu`.`item_id`, `iu`.`1price`,
`iu`.`uid`, `iu`.`use_text`,
`iu`.`inOdet`, `iu`.`inShop`,
`iu`.`iznosMAX`, `iu`.`gift`,
`iu`.`geniration`, `iu`.`magic_inc`, `iu`.`maidin`,
`iu`.`lastUPD`, `iu`.`timeOver`, `iu`.`overType`, `iu`.`secret_id`, `iu`.`time_create`, `iu`.`time_sleep`,
`iu`.`inTransfer`, `iu`.`post_delivery`,
`iu`.`blvl` FROM `items_users` AS `iu` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `im` ON (`im`.`id` = `iu`.`item_id`) WHERE `iu`.inGroup=0 AND ' . $where . ' GROUP BY `iu`.id, `iu`.item_id ORDER BY ' . $sort . '
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($type == 15) {
$anm = mysql_fetch_array(
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'SELECT `id`,`type`,`name`,`uid`,`delete`,`inBattle`,`eda`,`exp`,`obraz`,`stats`,`level`,`sex`,`levelUp`,`pet_in_cage`,`max_exp`,`priems`,`bonus` FROM `users_animal` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['animal'] . '" AND `pet_in_cage` = 0 AND `delete` = "0" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($cl)) {
if ($type == 30) {
$ChSudba = Conversion::dataStringToArray($pl['data']);
if (isset($ChSudba['sudba']) || $ChSudba['sudba'] != 0 || $ChSudba['nosale'] == 1) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['1price'] > 0) {
$pl['price1'] = $pl['1price'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$is1 = '';
$is2 = '';
$d = [];
$d[0] = 0;
$d[1] = 1;
$d[2] = 0;
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($pl['data']);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$see1 = 1;
if ($type == 15) { //кормушка зверя
if ($anm['type'] == 3 && substr_count($pl['img'], 'wisp') == 0) {
$see1 = 0; //светляк
} elseif ($anm['type'] == 2 && substr_count($pl['img'], 'owl') == 0) {
$see1 = 0; //сова
} elseif ($anm['type'] == 1 && substr_count($pl['img'], 'cat') == 0) {
$see1 = 0; //кот
} elseif ($anm['type'] == 4 && substr_count($pl['img'], 'chrt') == 0) {
$see1 = 0; //чертяка
} elseif ($anm['type'] == 5 && substr_count($pl['img'], 'dog') == 0) {
$see1 = 0; //собака
} elseif ($anm['type'] == 6 && substr_count($pl['img'], 'pig') == 0) {
$see1 = 0; //свинья
} elseif ($anm['type'] == 7 && substr_count($pl['img'], 'dragon') == 0) {
$see1 = 0; //дракон
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif (isset($po['nosale']) && $type == 2) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif (isset($po['noremont']) && $type == 4) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 5 && $pl['gift'] != '') {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif (($type == 9 || $type == 10) && $pl['gift'] == '') {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 5 && isset($po['sudba']) && $po['sudba'] != '0') {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 5 && $pl['inTransfer'] > 0) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 6 && !isset($po['fshop'])) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 67 && isset($po['art'])) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 67 && isset($po['sudba'])) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 67 && $pl['gift'] != '') {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 11) { // Храм Знаний (плавка предметов)
if (
$pl['inTransfer'] > 0 ||
(!empty($po['sudba']) && $po['sudba'] != $this->info['login']) ||
!in_array($pl['type'], [1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 72, 1035]) ||
($po['tr_lvl'] < 4 && $pl['item_id'] != 1035)
) {
$see1 = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif ($type == 14) { // Храм Знаний (плавка рун)
if ($pl['inTransfer'] > 0 || !in_array($pl['type'], [31, 6001, 6002, 6003])) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 12) {
if ($pl['inslot'] != 3 && $pl['inslot'] != 14 && $pl['type'] != 31) {
$see1 = 0;
if (!isset($po['frompisher']) && $pl['type'] != 31) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 56 && ($pl['inslot'] != 5 || isset($po['podgon']))) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif (isset($po['musor']) && $po['musor'] > 0 && $pl['iznosNOW'] >= $pl['iznosMAX']) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 57) {
if ($pl['type'] < 18 || $pl['type'] > 28 || $pl['type'] == 25) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 58) {
//Вытаскивание рун
if (!isset($po['rune_id'])) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 65) {
if (isset($po['sudba']) && $po['sudba'] != '0') {
$see1 = 0;
if (isset($po['toclan'])) {
$po['toclan1'] = explode('#', $po['toclan']);
$po['toclan1'] = $po['toclan1'][0];
if ($po['toclan1'] != $this->info['clan']) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 67) {
$po['toclan1'] = explode('#', $po['toclan']);
$po['toclan1'] = $po['toclan1'][0];
if ($po['toclan1'] > 0) {
$see1 = 0;
if ($po['frompisher'] > 0) {
$see1 = 0;
if ($pl['gift'] > 0) {
$see1 = 0;
if ($po['sudba'] > 0) {
$see1 = 0;
} elseif ($type == 69) {
$po['toclan1'] = explode('#', $po['toclan']);
$po['toclan1'] = $po['toclan1'][0];
if ($po['toclan1'] > 0) {
$see1 = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($po['frompisher'] == 0) {
$see1 = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['gift'] > 0) {
$see1 = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($see1 == 1) {
if ($k == 1) {
$k = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$k = 1;
if (($pl['type'] >= 18 && $pl['type'] <= 24) || $pl['type'] == 26 || $pl['type'] == 27) { //Зоны блока +
if (!isset($po['zonb'])) {
$po['zonb'] = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//правая часть
$mx = '';
if (isset($po['upatack_lvl'])) {
$mx .= ' +' . $po['upatack_lvl'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['modif'])) {
$mx .= ' (мф)';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$col = $this->itemsX($pl['id']);
if ($col > 1 && $pl['inGroup'] != 0) {
$pl['kolvo'] = $col;
$mx .= ' (x' . $col . ')';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['tr_align']) && !isset($po['tr_align_bs'])) {
$pl['name'] .= '<img width=12 height=15 src=' . Config::img() . '/i/align/align' . $po['tr_align'] . '.gif >';
} elseif (isset($po['tr_align_bs'])) {
if ($po['tr_align_bs'] == '1') {
$pl['name'] .= '<img width=12 height=15 src=' . Config::img() . '/i/align/align1.75.gif >';
} elseif ($po['tr_align_bs'] == '3') {
$pl['name'] .= '<img width=12 height=15 src=' . Config::img() . '/i/align/align3.01.gif >';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['renameadd']) && $po['renameadd'] != '') {
$pl['name'] .= ' (<small>Предмет: ' . $po['renameadd'] . '</small>)';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['icos'])) {
$pl['name'] = '<span class=icos_' . $po['icos'] . ' >' . $pl['name'] . ' <span><small>&nbsp;' . $po['icos'] . '&nbsp;</small></span></span>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$is2 = '<a oncontextmenu="top.addTo(\'' . $pl['id'] . '\',\'item\'); return false;" class="inv_name" href="/item/' . $pl['item_id'] . '" target="_blank">' . $pl['name'] . '' . $mx . '</a>';
$is2 .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
if ($pl['massa'] > 0) {
$is2 .= ' (Масса: ' . ($pl['massa'] * $col) . ')';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['gift'] != '') {
$ttl = '';
if ($pl['gift'] == 1) {
$ttl = 'Вы не можете передать этот предмет кому-либо';
} else {
$ttl = 'Этот предмет вам подарил ' . $pl['gift'] . '. Вы не сможете передать этот предмет кому-либо еще';
$is2 .= ' <img title="' . $ttl . '" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/podarok.gif">';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['art'])) {
$is2 .= ' <img title="Артефакт" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/artefact.gif">';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['sudba'])) {
if ($po['sudba'] == '0') {
$is2 .= ' <img title="Этот предмет будет связан общей судьбой с первым, кто наденет его. Никто другой не сможет его использовать." src="' . Config::img() . '/i/destiny0.gif">';
} elseif ($po['sudba'] == '1') {
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$is2 .= ' <img title="Этот предмет будет связан общей судьбой с первым, кто возьмет предмет. Никто другой не сможет его использовать." src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/destiny0.gif">';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$is2 .= ' <img title="Этот предмет связан общей судьбой с ' . $po['sudba'] . '. Никто другой не сможет его использовать." src="' . Config::img() . '/i/desteny.gif">';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['price1'] > 0) { //цена
$pex = explode('.', $pl['price1']);
if ($pex[1] == '00') {
$pl['price1'] = $pex[0];
if ($_GET['toRent'] == 2) {
$is2 .= '<br><strong>Цена: ' . ($pl['price1']) . ' кр.</strong>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$is2 .= '<br><strong>Цена: ' . ($pl['price1'] * $col) . ' кр.</strong>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['pricerep'] > 0) {
$is2 .= ' <small><strong>(' . round(
$pl['pricerep'] * $col, 2
) . ' Воинственности)</strong></small>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['iznosMAX'] > 0) { //долговечность
$izcol = '';
if (floor($pl['iznosNOW']) >= (floor($pl['iznosMAX']) - ceil($pl['iznosMAX']) / 100 * 20)) {
$izcol = 'brown';
if ($pl['iznosMAXi'] == 999999999) {
$is2 .= '<br>Долговечность: <font color="brown">неразрушимо</font >';
} else {
$is2 .= '<br>Долговечность: <font color="' . $izcol . '">' . floor(
) . '/' . ceil($pl['iznosMAX']) . '</font>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($po['battleUseZd'] > 0) {
2023-12-01 21:27:45 +00:00
$is2 .= '<br>Задержка использования: ' . Conversion::secondsToTimeout($po['battleUseZd']) . '';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['srok']) && $po['srok'] > 0) {
$pl['srok'] = $po['srok'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['srok'] > 0) { //Срок годности предмета
2023-12-01 21:27:45 +00:00
$is2 .= '<br>Срок годности: ' . Conversion::secondsToTimeout($pl['srok']) . ' (до ' . date(
'd.m.Y H:i', $pl['time_create'] + $pl['srok']
) . ')';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['magic_chance'] > 0) {
$is2 .= '<br>Вероятность срабатывания: ' . min([$pl['magic_chance'], 100]) . '%';
if ((int)$pl['magic_inci'] > 0) { //Продолжительность действия магии:
$efi = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id2`,`mname`,`type1`,`img`,`mdata`,`actionTime`,`type2`,`type3`,`onlyOne`,`oneType`,`noAce`,`see`,`info`,`overch`,`bp`,`noch` FROM `eff_main` WHERE `id2` = "' . ((int)$pl['magic_inci']) . '" LIMIT 1'
if (isset($efi['id2']) && $efi['actionTime'] > 0) {
2023-12-01 21:27:45 +00:00
$is2 .= '<br>Продолжительность действия: ' . Conversion::secondsToTimeout($efi['actionTime']);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$notr = 0;
if (isset($po['sudba']) && $po['sudba'] != '0' && $po['sudba'] != $this->info['login']) {
$tr = '';
$t = $this->items['tr'];
$x = 0;
while ($x < count($t)) {
$n = $t[$x];
if (isset($po['tr_' . $n]) && $po['tr_' . $n] != 0) {
if ($n == 'sex') {
if ($this->info['sex'] != $po['tr_' . $n]) {
$tr .= '<font color="red">';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif ($po['tr_' . $n] > $this->stats[$n]) {
if ($n == 'align_bs' && $this->info['inTurnir'] > 0) {
if ($po['tr_align_bs'] == '1') {
$pal = !($this->info['align_real'] <= 1 || $this->info['align_real'] >= 2);
} elseif ($po['tr_align_bs'] == '3') {
$tar = !($this->info['align_real'] <= 3 || $this->info['align_real'] >= 4);
if ($n == 'rep') {
$temp = explode('::', $po['tr_' . $n]);
if ($this->rep['rep' . $temp[1]] < $temp[0]) {
$tr .= '<font color="red">';
} elseif ($n == 'align_bs' && $this->info['inTurnir'] > 0 && ($pal = false || $tar = false)) {
$tr .= '<font color="red">';
} elseif ($n != 'align' && $n != 'align_bs' || floor(
) != $po['tr_' . $n]) {
$tr .= '<font color="red">';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$tr .= '<br />• ';
if ($n == 'rep') {
$temp = explode('::', $po['tr_' . $n]);
$tr .= $this->is[$n] . ' ' . ucfirst(
str_replace('city', ' city', $temp[1])
) . ': ' . $temp[0];
} elseif ($n != 'align' && $n != 'align_bs') {
if ($n == 'sex') {
if ($po['tr_' . $n] == 1) {
$tr .= $this->is[$n] . ': Женский';
} else {
$tr .= $this->is[$n] . ': Мужской';
} else {
$tr .= $this->is[$n] . ': ' . $po['tr_' . $n];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$tr .= $this->is[$n] . ': ' . $this->align_nm[$po['tr_' . $n]];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($n == 'sex') {
if ($this->info['sex'] != $po['tr_' . $n]) {
$tr .= '</font>';
} elseif ($po['tr_' . $n] > $this->stats[$n]) {
if ($n == 'align_bs' && $this->info['inTurnir'] > 0 && ($pal = false || $tar = false)) {
$tr .= '</font>';
} elseif ($n != 'align' && $n != 'align_bs' || floor(
) != $po['tr_' . $n]) {
$tr .= '</font>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($tr != '') {
$is2 .= '<br><strong>Требуется минимальное:</strong>' . $tr;
//<strong>Действует на:</strong>
$tr = '';
$t = $this->items['add'];
if (isset($po['mf_stats']) && $po['mf_stats'] > 0) {
$tr .= '<br>Свободные характеристики: ' . $po['mf_stats'];
if (isset($po['mf_mod']) && $po['mf_mod'] > 0) {
$tr .= '<br>Свободные модификаторы: ' . $po['mf_mod'];
if (isset($po['mf_mib']) && $po['mf_mib'] > 0) {
$tr .= '<br>Свободные улучшения брони: ' . $po['mf_mib'];
2023-01-28 02:24:37 +00:00
$x = 0;
while ($x < count($t)) {
$n = $t[$x];
if (isset($po['add_' . $n], $this->is[$n])) {
$z = '+';
if ($po['add_' . $n] < 0) {
$z = '';
$tr .= '<br>• ' . $this->is[$n] . ': ' . $z . '' . $po['add_' . $n];
if (isset($po['mf_stats']) && $po['mf_stats'] > 0 && ($n == 's1' || $n == 's2' || $n == 's3' || $n == 's5')) {
$tr .= ' <a href="main.php?inv=1&otdel=' . $_GET['otdel'] . '&rstv=' . $pl['id'] . '&mf=' . $n . '"><img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/up.gif" width="11" height="11"></a>';
if (isset($po['mf_mod']) && $po['mf_mod'] > 0 && ($n == 'm1' || $n == 'm2' || $n == 'm4' || $n == 'm5')) {
$tr .= ' <a href="main.php?inv=1&otdel=' . $_GET['otdel'] . '&rstv=' . $pl['id'] . '&mf=' . $n . '"><img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/up.gif" width="11" height="11"></a>';
//действует на (броня)
$i = 1;
$bn = [1 => 'головы', 2 => 'корпуса', 3 => 'пояса', 4 => 'ног'];
while ($i <= 4) {
if (isset($po['add_mab' . $i])) {
if ($po['add_mab' . $i] == $po['add_mib' . $i] && $pl['geniration'] == 1) {
$z = '+';
if ($po['add_mab' . $i] < 0) {
$z = '';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$tr .= '<br>• Броня ' . $bn[$i] . ': ' . $z . '' . $po['add_mab' . $i];
} else {
$tr .= '<br>• Броня ' . $bn[$i] . ': ' . $po['add_mib' . $i] . '-' . $po['add_mab' . $i];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['mf_mib']) && $po['mf_mib'] > 0) {
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$tr .= ' <a href="main.php?inv=1&otdel=' . $_GET['otdel'] . '&rstv=' . $pl['id'] . '&mf=mib' . $i . '"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/up.gif" width="11" height="11"></a>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($tr != '') {
$is2 .= '<br><strong>Действует на:</strong>' . $tr;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//<strong>Свойства предмета:</strong>
$tr = '';
$t = $this->items['sv'];
if (isset($po['sv_yron_min'], $po['sv_yron_max'])) {
$tr .= '<br>• Урон: ' . $po['sv_yron_min'] . ' - ' . $po['sv_yron_max'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$x = 0;
while ($x < count($t)) {
$n = $t[$x];
if (isset($po['sv_' . $n])) {
$z = '+';
if ($po['sv_' . $n] < 0) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$z = '';
$tr .= '<br>• ' . $this->is[$n] . ': ' . $z . '' . $po['sv_' . $n];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['2too'] == 1) {
$tr .= '<br>• Второе оружие';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['2h'] == 1) {
$tr .= '<br>• Двуручное оружие';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['zonb'])) {
$tr .= '<br>• Зоны блокирования: ';
if ($po['zonb'] > 0) {
$x = 1;
while ($x <= $po['zonb']) {
$tr .= '+';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$tr .= '—';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($tr != '') {
$is2 .= '<br><strong>Свойства предмета:</strong>' . $tr;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
if ($notr == 0) {
$d[0] = 1;
if ($pl['magic_inci'] != '' || $pl['magic_inc'] != '') {
$d[2] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$tr = '';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (floor($pl['iznosNOW']) >= ceil($pl['iznosMAX'])) {
$d[0] = 0;
$d[2] = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Апгрейды вещей
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Встроенная магия
if ($pl['magic_inci'] != '' || $pl['magic_inc'] != '') {
if ($pl['magic_inc'] == '') {
$pl['magic_inc'] = $pl['magic_inci'];
$mgi = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT * FROM `eff_main` WHERE `id2` = "' . $pl['magic_inc'] . '" AND `type1` = "12345" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
if (isset($mgi['id2'])) {
$is2 .= '<div> Встроено заклятие <img height=18 title="' . $mgi['mname'] . '" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/eff/' . $mgi['img'] . '"> ' . $mgi['minfo'] . '</div>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['rune']) && $po['rune'] > 0) {
$rnc = explode(' ', $po['rune_name']);
if ($rnc[0] == 'Игнис') {
$rnc = '#9b5d40';
} elseif ($rnc[0] == 'Аква') {
$rnc = '#3a2b64';
} elseif ($rnc[0] == 'Аура') {
$rnc = '#20a3b0';
} elseif ($rnc[0] == 'Тера') {
$rnc = '#4c7718';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$rnc = '#4c4c4c';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$tr .= '<br>&bull; Встроенная руна: <small><font color=green>&bull; <u><strong>' . $po['rune_name'] . '</strong></u></font></small>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['spell']) && $po['spell'] > 0) {
$rnc = explode(' ', $po['spell_name']);
if ($rnc[2] == '[0]') {
$rnc = '#282828';
} elseif ($rnc[2] == '[1]') {
$rnc = '#624542';
} elseif ($rnc[2] == '[2]') {
$rnc = '#77090b';
} elseif ($rnc[2] == '[3]') {
$rnc = '#d99800';
} else {
$rnc = '#d99800';
$po['spell_name'] = str_replace('Зачаровать ', '', $po['spell_name']);
$this->is['mab1'] = 'Броня головы';
$this->is['mab2'] = 'Броня корпуса';
$this->is['mab3'] = 'Броня пояса';
$this->is['mab4'] = 'Броня ног';
$tr .= '<br>&bull; Встроенно зачарование: <small><font color=' . $rnc . '><u><strong>' . $po['spell_name'] . '</strong></u> (' . $this->is[$po['spell_st_name']] . ': +' . $po['spell_st_val'] . ')</font></small>';
unset($this->is['mab1'], $this->is['mab2'], $this->is['mab3'], $this->is['mab4']);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['imposed']) && $po['imposed'] > 0) {
if ($po['imposed_lvl'] == 0) {
$rnc = 'maroon';
} elseif ($po['imposed_lvl'] == 1) {
$rnc = '#624542';
} elseif ($po['imposed_lvl'] == 2) {
$rnc = '#77090b';
} elseif ($po['imposed_lvl'] == 3) {
$rnc = '#d99800';
} else {
$rnc = '#282828';
$po['imposed_name'] = str_replace('Чары ', '', $po['imposed_name']);
$tr .= '<br>&bull; <font color=' . $rnc . '>Наложены заклятия:</font> ' . $po['imposed_name'] . ' ';
if ($tr != '') {
$is2 .= '<br><strong>Улучшения предмета:</strong>';
$is2 .= $tr;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['free_stats']) && $po['free_stats'] > 0) {
$is2 .= '<br><strong>Распределение статов:</strong>';
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$is2 .= '<div style="margin-left:20px;"><small>Сила: ' . $po['add_s1'] . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufs=1"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>Ловкость: ' . $po['add_s2'] . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufs=2"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>Интуиция: ' . $po['add_s3'] . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufs=3"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>Интеллект: ' . $po['add_s5'] . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufs=5"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a></small></div>';
$is2 .= '&bull; Осталось распределений: ' . $po['free_stats'] . '';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['sm_abil'])) {
//Возможно сохранять и распределять скилы
$mx2 = 1;
$mx1 = 0;
$mx3 = Conversion::dataStringToArray($this->info['stats']);
while ($mx2 <= 7) {
$mx1 += $mx3['s' . $mx2] - $po['add_s' . $mx2];
$mx1 += $this->info['ability'];
if ($mx1 > 0) {
$is2 .= '<br><strong>Распределение характеристик:</strong>';
if (isset($po['sudba']) && $po['sudba'] == '0') {
$mx1 = 0;
$is2 .= '<div style="margin-left:20px;"><small>&bull; Распределение характеристик будет доступно после первого одевания</small></div>';
} else {
$is2 .= '<div style="margin-left:20px;"><small>
Сила: ' . (0 + $po['add_s1']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsmst=1"><img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Ловкость: ' . (0 + $po['add_s2']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsmst=2"><img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Интуиция: ' . (0 + $po['add_s3']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsmst=3"><img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Выносливость: ' . (0 + $po['add_s4']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsmst=4"><img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Интеллект: ' . (0 + $po['add_s5']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsmst=5"><img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Мудрость: ' . (0 + $po['add_s6']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsmst=6"><img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
$is2 .= 'Осталось распределений: ' . $mx1;
unset($mx1, $mx2, $mx3);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
if (isset($po['sm_skill'])) {
//Возможно сохранять и распределять скилы
$mx2 = 1;
$mx1 = 0;
$mx3 = Conversion::dataStringToArray($this->info['stats']);
while ($mx2 <= 7) {
$mx1 += ($mx3['a' . $mx2] + $mx3['mg' . $mx2]) - ($po['add_a' . $mx2] + $po['add_mg' . $mx2]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$mx1 += $this->info['skills'];
if ($mx1 > 0) {
$is2 .= '<br><strong>Распределение владений оружием и магией:</strong>';
if (isset($po['sudba']) && $po['sudba'] == '0') {
$mx1 = 0;
$is2 .= '<div style="margin-left:20px;"><small>&bull; Распределение владений будет доступно после первого одевания</small></div>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$is2 .= '<div style="margin-left:20px;"><small>
Мастерство владения мечами: ' . (0 + $po['add_a1']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsms=1"><img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
Мастерство владения дубинами, булавами: ' . (0 + $po['add_a2']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsms=2"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Мастерство владения ножами, кастетами: ' . (0 + $po['add_a3']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsms=3"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Мастерство владения топорами, секирами: ' . (0 + $po['add_a4']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsms=4"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Мастерство владения магическими посохами: ' . (0 + $po['add_a5']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsms=5"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Мастерство владения стихией Огня: ' . (0 + $po['add_mg1']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsms=6"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Мастерство владения стихией Воздуха: ' . (0 + $po['add_mg2']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsms=7"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Мастерство владения стихией Воды: ' . (0 + $po['add_mg3']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsms=8"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Мастерство владения стихией Земли: ' . (0 + $po['add_mg4']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsms=9"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Мастерство владения магией Света: ' . (0 + $po['add_mg5']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsms=10"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Мастерство владения магией Тьмы: ' . (0 + $po['add_mg6']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsms=11"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
Мастерство владения серой магией: ' . (0 + $po['add_mg7']) . ' <a href="?inv=1&itmid=' . $pl['id'] . '&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&ufsms=12"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/plus.gif"></a><br>
$is2 .= 'Осталось распределений: ' . $mx1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
unset($mx1, $mx2, $mx3);
if (isset($po['complect']) || isset($po['complect2'])) {
$is2 .= '<br><i>Дополнительная информация:</i>';
if (isset($po['complect'])) {
//не отображается
$com1 = ['name' => 'Неизвестный Комплект', 'x' => 0, 'text' => ''];
$spc = mysql_query(
'SELECT `id`,`com`,`name`,`x`,`data` FROM `complects` WHERE `com` = "' . $po['complect'] . '" ORDER BY `x` ASC LIMIT 20'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
while ($plc = mysql_fetch_array($spc)) {
$com1['name'] = $plc['name'];
$com1['text'] .= '&nbsp; &nbsp; &bull; <font color="green">' . $plc['x'] . '</font>: ';
//действие комплекта
$i1c = 0;
$i2c = 0;
$i1e = Conversion::dataStringToArray($plc['data']);
while ($i1c < count($this->items['add'])) {
if (isset($i1e[$this->items['add'][$i1c]])) {
$i3c = $i1e[$this->items['add'][$i1c]];
if ($i3c > 0) {
$i3c = '+' . $i3c;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($i2c > 0) {
$com1['text'] .= '&nbsp; &nbsp; ' . $this->is[$this->items['add'][$i1c]] . ': ' . $i3c;
} else {
$com1['text'] .= $this->is[$this->items['add'][$i1c]] . ': ' . $i3c;
$com1['text'] .= '<br>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
unset($i1c, $i2c, $i3c);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$is2 .= '<br>&bull; Часть комплекта: <strong>' . $com1['name'] . '</strong><br><small>';
$is2 .= $com1['text'];
$is2 .= '</small>';
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
if (isset($po['complect2'])) {
//не отображается
$com1 = ['name' => 'Неизвестный Комплект', 'x' => 0, 'text' => ''];
$spc = mysql_query(
'SELECT `id`,`com`,`name`,`x`,`data` FROM `complects` WHERE `com` = "' . $po['complect2'] . '" ORDER BY `x` ASC LIMIT 20'
while ($plc = mysql_fetch_array($spc)) {
$com1['name'] = $plc['name'];
$com1['text'] .= '&nbsp; &nbsp; &bull; <font color="green">' . $plc['x'] . '</font>: ';
//действие комплекта
$i1c = 0;
$i2c = 0;
$i1e = Conversion::dataStringToArray($plc['data']);
while ($i1c < count($this->items['add'])) {
if (isset($i1e[$this->items['add'][$i1c]])) {
$i3c = $i1e[$this->items['add'][$i1c]];
if ($i3c > 0) {
$i3c = '+' . $i3c;
if ($i2c > 0) {
$com1['text'] .= '&nbsp; &nbsp; ' . $this->is[$this->items['add'][$i1c]] . ': ' . $i3c;
} else {
$com1['text'] .= $this->is[$this->items['add'][$i1c]] . ': ' . $i3c;
$com1['text'] .= '<br>';
unset($i1c, $i2c, $i3c);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$is2 .= '<br>&bull; Часть комплекта (подгонка): <strong>' . $com1['name'] . '</strong><br><small>';
$is2 .= $com1['text'];
$is2 .= '</small>';
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['max_text'] > 0) {
$sm_sp = mysql_query(
'SELECT `id`,`item_id`,`time`,`login`,`type`,`text`,`city`,`x` FROM `items_text` WHERE `item_id` = "' . $pl['id'] . '" ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 500'
$sma = 0;
$smt = '';
$ixi = 0;
while ($sm_pl = mysql_fetch_array($sm_sp)) {
if ($sm_pl['type'] == 0) {
$smt .= '<font class="date">' . date(
'd.m.Y H:i', $sm_pl['time']
) . '</font> <strong>' . $sm_pl['login'] . '</strong>. ' . $sm_pl['text'] . '<br>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$smt .= $sm_pl['text'] . '<br>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($ixi == 2) {
$smt .= '<div style="display:none" id="close_text_itm' . $pl['id'] . '">';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$sma += $sm_pl['x'];
$smt .= '</div>';
if ($pl['max_text'] - $pl['use_text'] > 0) {
$is2 .= '<div>Количество символов: ' . ($pl['max_text'] - $pl['use_text']) . '</div>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($sma > 0) {
$is2 .= '<div>На предмете записан текст:<br>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><div style="background-color:#e8e8e8;padding:5px;"><CODE>' . $smt . '</CODE></div></td>
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
<td width="20" align="center" valign="top"><img style="cursor:pointer" onClick="seetext(' . $pl['id'] . ')" src="' . Config::img() . '/expand.gif" height="35" width="10"></td>
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
unset($sm_sp, $sma, $sm_pl);
} elseif (isset($po['onitm_text'])) {
$is2 .= '<div>На предмете записан текст:<br>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
<td><div style="background-color:#e8e8e8;padding:5px;"><CODE>' . $po['onitm_text'] . '</CODE></div></td>
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['gravi'])) {
$is2 .= '<br>На поверхности выгравирована надпись: <strong>' . $po['gravi'] . '</strong>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$is2 .= '<small style="">';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['info'] != '') {
$is2 .= '<div><strong>Рекомендации:</strong></div><div>' . $pl['info'] . '</div>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['info']) && $po['info'] != '') {
$is2 .= '<div>' . $po['info'] . '</div>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-01-28 02:24:37 +00:00
if (isset($po['toclan'])) {
$po['toclan1'] = explode('#', $po['toclan']);
$clpo = mysql_fetch_array(
mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `clan` WHERE `id` = "' . $po['toclan1'][0] . '" LIMIT 1')
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
if (isset($clpo['id'])) {
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет принадлежит клану <img style="vertical-align:bottom" src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/clan/' . $clpo['name_mini'] . '.gif" width="24" height"15"> <strong>' . $clpo['name'] . '</strong>';
$plpo = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`login`,`cityreg` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $po['toclan1'][1] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
if (isset($plpo['id'])) {
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$is2 .= ' <font color=grey>(Дар игрока <strong>' . $plpo['login'] . '</strong><a href="info/' . $plpo['id'] . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/inf_' . $plpo['cityreg'] . '.gif" width="9"></a>)</font>';
if ($plpo['login'] == $this->info['login']) {
if (isset($_GET['backmyitm'])) {
$pl['inOdet'] = 0;
$pl['uid'] = $plpo['id'];
unset($po['toclan1'], $po['toclan']);
$pl['data'] = Conversion::arrayToDataString($po);
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `data` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(
) . '",`inOdet` = 0,`uid` = "' . $pl['uid'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$is2 .= '<br>(Вы владелец предмета: <a href="main.php?clan&deposit&backmyitm=' . $pl['id'] . '">Вернуть предмет себе</a>)';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$is2 .= '</div>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['noremont'])) {
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет не подлежит ремонту</div>';
if (isset($po['nosale'])) {
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет нельзя продать</div>';
if (isset($po['nomodif'])) {
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет нельзя улучшать</div>';
if (isset($po['nodelete'])) {
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет нельзя выбросить</div>';
if (isset($po['frompisher'])) {
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет из подземелья</div>';
if (isset($po['sleep_moroz']) && $po['sleep_moroz'] > 0) {
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет не портится во время сна</div>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['fromlaba']) && $po['fromlaba'] > 0) {
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет из лабиринта</div>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['vip_sale']) && $po['vip_sale'] > 0) {
if ($this->stats['slvtm'] > time() && $this->stats['silver'] > 1) {
if ($pl['time_create'] != $this->stats['slvtm']) {
$pl['time_create'] = $this->stats['slvtm'];
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `time_create` = "' . $pl['time_create'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2023-12-01 21:27:45 +00:00
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет будет недоступен через ' . Conversion::secondsToTimeout(
$pl['time_create'] - time()
) . '</div>';
} else {
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет недоступен, приобретите конкретный VIP</div>';
if (($pl['time_create'] - time() + 86400 * 30) < 1) {
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет рассыпался у Вас на глазах...</div>';
} else {
2023-12-01 21:27:45 +00:00
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет исчезнет через ' . Conversion::secondsToTimeout(
$pl['time_create'] - time() + 86400 * 30
) . '</div>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['dn_delete'] > 0) {
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет будет удален при выходе из подземелья</div>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['zazuby']) && $po['zazuby'] > 0) {
$is2 .= '<div style="color:brown;">Предмет куплен за зубы</div>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$is2 .= '</small>';
if ($col > 1000) {
$is1 .= '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/' . $pl['img'] . '"></td>
<td align="right"><span style="position:relative;margin-bottom:5px;"><small style="position:absolute;background-color:grey;padding:1px;bottom:1px;right:1px;background-color:#E0E0E0;"><strong>x' . $col . '</strong></small></span></td>
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$is1 .= '<img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/' . $pl['img'] . '" style="margin-bottom:5px;">';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$is1 .= '<br>';
if ($type == 81) {
$is1 .= '<small><a href="main.php?inv=1&otdel=' . floor($_GET['otdel']) . '&use_rune=' . floor(
) . '&item_rune=0&item_rune_id=' . $pl['id'] . '">Выбрать данный предмет</a></small>';
} elseif ($type == 80) {
$itemrun = mysql_fetch_array(
mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items_users` WHERE `id` ="' . $pl['id'] . '" LIMIT 1')
$it = Conversion::dataStringToArray($itemrun['data']);
if (!isset($it['rune_name']) || $_GET['otdel'] == 2) //отдел 2(заточки)
$is1 .= '<small><a href="main.php?inv=1&otdel=' . floor($_GET['otdel']) . '&use_rune=' . floor(
) . '&item_rune=0&item_rune_id=' . $pl['id'] . '">Выбрать данный предмет</a></small>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$is1 .= '<small><strong>Установленна:<br>' . $it['rune_name'] . '</strong></small>';
unset($itemrun, $it);
} elseif ($type == 69) {
if (!isset($po['hprs'])) {
$po['hprs'] = 0.001;
if (!isset($po['hprp'])) {
$po['hprp'] = 0.0001;
$prs1 = $this->floordec($po['hprs'] * $col, 2);
$rps1 = $this->floordec($po['hprp'] * $col);
$is1 .= '<small style="font-size:11px;"><a href="?sale1kr=' . $pl['id'] . '">Обменять на ' . $prs1 . ' кр.</a><br><a href="?sale1rep=' . $pl['id'] . '">Обменять на ' . $rps1 . ' ед. репутации</a>';
$is1 .= '</small>';
} elseif ($type == 68) {
$is1 .= '<small style="font-size:11px;"><a href="?r=3&itm_take=' . $pl['id'] . '">Забрать</a><br><a href="?r=3&itm_cancel=' . $pl['id'] . '">Отказаться</a>';
if ($pl['lastUPD'] > 0) {
2023-12-01 21:27:45 +00:00
$is1 .= '<br><br>(' . Conversion::secondsToTimeout(($pl['lastUPD'] + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60) - time()) . ')';
$is1 .= '</small>';
} elseif ($type == 67) {
$is1 .= '<small style="font-size:11px;"><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="itmToUser(' . $pl['id'] . ')">передать за ' . (round(
1 + $pl['price1'] / 100 * 7
) * $col) . ' кр.</a></small>';
} elseif ($type == 66) {
$pos = explode('#', $po['toclan']);
$us_1 = $pos[1];
if ($pl['uid'] < 1) {
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?clan&deposit&take_itm=' . $pl['id'] . '">Взять предмет</a></small>';
} else {
$yui = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`login`,`cityreg` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(
) . '" LIMIT 1'
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$is1 .= '<small>Предмет у игрока<br><strong>' . $yui['login'] . '</strong><a href="info/' . $yui['id'] . '" target="_blank"><img width="10" src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/inf_' . $yui['cityreg'] . '.gif"></a></small>';
if ($this->info['tt'][14][0] == 1 || ($this->info['id'] == $us_1)) {
$is1 .= '<br><small style=""><a href="?clan&deposit&ungive_itm=' . $pl['id'] . '">Изъять предмет</a></small>';
} elseif ($type == 65) {
if (!isset($po['toclan'])) {
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?clan&deposit&give_itm=' . $pl['id'] . '">Пожертвовать</a></small>';
} else {
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?clan&deposit&give_itm=' . $pl['id'] . '">Вернуть</a></small>';
} elseif ($type == 62) {
$upgitm = mysql_fetch_array(
mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items_upgrade` WHERE `iid` = "' . $pl['item_id'] . '" LIMIT 1')
if (!isset($upgitm['id'])) {
$is1 .= '<small style="">Улучшение невозможно</small>';
} else {
$prcup = '';
if ($upgitm['price1'] > 0) {
$prcup .= $upgitm['price1'] . ' кр.';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($upgitm['price2'] > 0) {
if ($prcup != '') {
$prcup .= ' и ';
$prcup .= $upgitm['price2'] . ' екр.';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?r=8&upgradelvl=' . $pl['id'] . '">Улучшить за ' . $prcup . '</a></small>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif ($type == 63) {
$prcup = '';
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?r=9&upgradelvlcom=' . $pl['id'] . '">комплект</a></small>';
} elseif ($type == 64) {
$prcup = '';
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?r=9">Выбрать другой предмет</a></small>';
} elseif ($type == 61) { //улучшение предмета
if ($pl['price1'] > $pl['1price']) {
$pl['1price'] = $pl['price1'];
$prpod = $pl['1price'] / 2.37;
if ($pl['price2'] > $pl['2price']) {
$pl['2price'] = $pl['price2'];
$prpod2 = 30 * ($pl['2price'] / 2.37);
if ($prpod2 > $prpod) {
$prpod = $prpod2;
if (!isset($po['add_s1']) && !isset($po['add_s2']) && !isset($po['add_s3']) && !isset($po['add_s5'])) {
$prpod = $prpod / 2.37;
$prpod = round($prpod + $prpod / 100 * (37.795 * ($po['upgrade'] + 1)));
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?upgrade=' . $pl['id'] . '&r=6&t=2&rnd=' . $code . '">Усилить за ' . $prpod . ' кр.</a></small>';
} elseif ($type == 60) { //модифицирование
if ($pl['price1'] > $pl['1price']) {
$pl['1price'] = $pl['price1'];
$prpod = $pl['1price'] / 2;
if ($pl['price2'] > $pl['2price']) {
$pl['2price'] = $pl['price2'];
$prpod2 = 30 * ($pl['2price'] / 2.37);
if ($prpod2 > $prpod) {
$prpod = $prpod2;
if (!isset($po['add_s1']) && !isset($po['add_s2']) && !isset($po['add_s3']) && !isset($po['add_s5'])) {
$prpod = $prpod / 2;
$prpod = round($prpod);
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?modif=' . $pl['id'] . '&r=7&t=2&rnd=' . $code . '">Модифицировать за ' . $prpod . ' кр.</a></small>';
} elseif ($type == 59) { //дезинтеграция
if ($po['tr_lvl'] > $pl['level']) {
$pl['level'] = $po['tr_lvl'];
$prpod = 250;
$prpod_ekr = $pl['level'] * 0.25;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->stats['repair_z'] >= 1) {
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?ubeff=' . $pl['id'] . '&r=3&t=2&rnd=' . $code . '">Бесплатная дезинтеграция</a></small>';
} else {
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?ubeff=' . $pl['id'] . '&r=3&t=2&rnd=' . $code . '">Дезинтегрировать за ' . $prpod . ' Кр.</a></small>
<!--<br><small style=""><a href="?ubeff_ekr=' . $pl['id'] . '&r=3&t=2&rnd=' . $code . '">Дезинтегрировать за ' . $prpod_ekr . ' Екр.</a></small>-->';
} elseif ($type == 58) { //вытаскивание рун
if ($po['tr_lvl'] > $pl['level']) {
$pl['level'] = $po['tr_lvl'];
$prpod = 2500;
$prpod_ekr = $pl['level'] * 0.15;
if ($this->stats['repair_r'] >= 1) {
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?unrune=' . $pl['id'] . '&r=4&t=2&rnd=' . $code . '">Бесплатно извлечь руны</a></small>';
} else {
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?unrune=' . $pl['id'] . '&r=4&t=2&rnd=' . $code . '">Извлечь руны за ' . $prpod . ' Кр.</a></small><br>
<!--<small style=""><a href="?unrune_ekr=' . $pl['id'] . '&r=4&t=2&rnd=' . $code . '">Извлечь руны за ' . $prpod_ekr . ' Екр.</a>
</small> -->';
} elseif ($type == 57) {
$prpod = 30;
if ($pl['type'] == 22) {
$prpod = 35;
} elseif ($pl['type'] == 18) {
$prpod = 15;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['gravi'])) {
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a onclick="top.un_grava(\'' . $pl['id'] . '\',\'' . $pl['name'] . '\',\'' . $prpod . '.00\',\'data\')" href="javascript:void(0)">Изменить надпись за ' . $prpod . ' кр.</a></small>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a onclick="top.grava(\'' . $pl['id'] . '\',\'' . $pl['name'] . '\',\'' . $prpod . '.00\',\'data\')" href="javascript:void(0)">Выгравировать надпись за ' . $prpod . ' кр.</a></small>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif ($type == 56) { //Подгонка
if ($po['tr_lvl'] > $pl['level']) {
$pl['level'] = $po['tr_lvl'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$prpod = 5 * $pl['level'] + 10;
$prhp = 6 * $pl['level'] + 6;
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?podgon=' . $pl['id'] . '&r=5&t=2&rnd=' . $code . '">Подогнать за ' . $prpod . ' кр.</a></small>';
} elseif ($type == 15) { //кормушка зверя
$is1 .= '<a href="main.php?pet=1&obj_corm=' . $pl['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . '">Кормить</a>';
} elseif ($type == 11) {
$pl['rep'] = 0;
if ($this->rep['rep1'] < 100) {
if ($po['tr_lvl'] >= 4 && $po['tr_lvl'] <= 6) {
$pl['rep'] = 1;
if ($pl['item_id'] == 1035) {
$pl['rep'] = 2;
} elseif ($this->rep['rep1'] > 99 && $this->rep['rep1'] < 1000) {
if ($po['tr_lvl'] >= 7 && $po['tr_lvl'] <= 8) {
$pl['rep'] = 1;
if ($pl['item_id'] == 1035) {
$pl['rep'] = 1;
} elseif ($this->rep['rep1'] > 999) {
if ($po['tr_lvl'] >= 9 && $po['tr_lvl'] <= 10) {
$pl['rep'] = 1;
if ($pl['item_id'] == 1035) {
$pl['rep'] = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
if ($pl['item_id'] == 1035) {
$pl['rep'] = 2;
$is1 .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="takeItRun(\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',' . $pl['id'] . ',' . $pl['rep'] . ')">Выбрать</a>';
} elseif ($type == 14) {
$is1 .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="massTakeItRun(\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',' . $pl['id'] . ',0)">Выбрать</a>';
} elseif ($type == 12) {
$is1 .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="takeItRun(\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',' . $pl['id'] . ',1)">Выбрать</a>';
} elseif ($type == 10) {
//Общага (отображение предметов в общаге (под стеклом))
$is1 .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="obj_take" data-code="' . $code . '" data-room="' . ((int)$_GET['room']) . '" rel="' . $pl['id'] . '">В рюкзак</a>';
} elseif ($type == 9) {
//Общага (отображение предметов в инвентаре (под стеклом))
$is1 .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="obj_add" data-code="' . $code . '" data-room="' . ((int)$_GET['room']) . '" rel="' . $pl['id'] . '">Под стекло</a>';
} elseif ($type == 8) {
//Общага (отображение предметов в инвентаре)
$is1 .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="obj_add" data-code="' . $code . '" data-room="' . ((int)$_GET['room']) . '" rel="' . $pl['id'] . '">В сундук</a>';
} elseif ($type == 7) {
//Общага (отображение предметов в общаге)
$is1 .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="obj_take" data-code="' . $code . '" data-room="' . ((int)$_GET['room']) . '" rel="' . $pl['id'] . '">В рюкзак</a>';
} elseif ($type == 6) {
//Цветочный магазин
$is1 .= '<a href="main.php?otdel=2&add_item_f=' . $pl['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . '">Добавить</a>';
} elseif ($type == 5) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$is1 .= '<a onClick="saleitem(' . $pl['id'] . ',1) return false;" href="javascript:void(0)">подарить</a><br><a onClick="saleitem(' . $pl['id'] . ',2) return false;" href="#">передать</a><br><small style="font-size:10px">(налог: 1 кр.)</small>';
} elseif ($type == 12) {
//передача почта
$skcd = round($col * ($pl['price1'] * 0.06 - 0.01 * $this->stats['os1']), 2);
if ($skcd < 0.06) {
$skcd = 0.06;
$is1 .= '<a href="main.php?otdel=' . $_GET['otdel'] . '&setlogin=' . $_REQUEST['setlogin'] . '&setobject=' . $pl['id'] . '&room=2&tmp=' . $code . '" onclick="return confirm(\'Передать предмет ' . $pl['name'] . '?\')">передать&nbsp;за&nbsp;' . (1 + $skcd) . '&nbsp;кр.</A>';
} elseif ($type == 13) {
//Забираем шмот
if ($pl['1price'] > 0) {
$mess = "Отказаться от предмета? Предмет будет уничтожен!";
$pl['name'] = 'Деньги ' . $pl['1price'] . ' кр.';
} else {
$mess = "Отказаться от предмета? Предмет будет возвращен отправителю";
$date1 = $pl['delete'] - time();
$is1 .= '<BR><NOBR><A href="?room=4&to_box=' . $pl['id'] . '&tmp=' . $code . '">Забрать</A></NOBR>
<BR><NOBR><A onclick="return confirm(\'' . $mess . '\')" href="?room=4&del_box=' . $pl['id'] . '&tmp=' . $code . '">Отказаться</A></NOBR><SMALL><BR><BR>(' . date(
"j дн. H ч.", $date1
) . ' )</small></TD>';
} elseif ($type == 4) {
$r1 = round($pl['price1'] * 0.1 / 100, 2);
$r2 = round($pl['price1'] * 0.1 / 10, 2);
$r3 = round($pl['price1'] * $pl['iznosNOW'] * 0.10 / 100, 2);
2023-01-10 18:58:20 +00:00
if ($this->stats['repair_discount'] >= 1) {
$r1 = round(($r1 / 100 * 25), 2);
$r2 = round(($r2 / 100 * 25), 2);
$r3 = round(($r3 / 100 * 25), 2);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($r1 < 0.01) {
$r1 = 0.01;
if ($r2 < 0.01) {
$r2 = 0.01;
if ($r3 < 0.01) {
$r3 = 0.01;
$is1 .= '<small style=""><a href="?remon=' . $pl['id'] . '&t=1&rnd=' . $code . '">Ремонт 1 ед. за ' . $r1 . ' кр.</a><br>';
if ($pl['iznosNOW'] >= 10) {
$is1 .= '<a href="?remon=' . $pl['id'] . '&t=2&rnd=' . $code . '">Ремонт 10 ед. за ' . $r2 . ' кр.</a><br>';
$is1 .= '<a href="?remon=' . $pl['id'] . '&t=3&rnd=' . $code . '">Полный ремонт за ' . $r3 . ' кр.</a></small>';
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
} elseif ($type == 3) {
$is1 .= '<input type="button" onClick="document.getElementById(\'itemgift\').value=' . $pl['id'] . ';document.F1.submit();" value="Подарить" />';
} elseif ($type == 2) {
global $shopProcent;
$shpCena = $pl['1price'];
if ($pl['1price'] == 0) {
$shpCena = $pl['price1'];
$plmx = 0;
if ($pl['iznosMAXi'] != $pl['iznosMAX'] && $pl['iznosMAX'] != 0) {
$plmx = $pl['iznosMAX'];
} else {
$plmx = $pl['iznosMAXi'];
if ($pl['iznosNOW'] > 0) {
$prc1 = floor($pl['iznosNOW']) / ceil($plmx) * 100;
} else {
$prc1 = 0;
$shpCena = $this->shopSaleM($shpCena, $pl);
$shpCena = $shpCena / 100 * (100 - $prc1);
if ($pl['iznosMAXi'] < 999999999) {
if ($pl['iznosMAX'] > 0 && $pl['iznosMAXi'] > 0 && $pl['iznosMAXi'] > ceil($pl['iznosMAX'])) {
$shpCena = $shpCena / 100 * (ceil($pl['iznosMAX']) / $pl['iznosMAXi'] * 100);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$shpCena = $this->round2($shpCena / 100 * (100 - $shopProcent));
if ($shpCena < 0) {
$shpCena = 0;
if ($pl['kolvo'] > 0) {
$shpCena = $shpCena * $pl['kolvo'];
if (isset($po['toclan'])) {
$po['toclan1'] = explode('#', $po['toclan']);
$us_1 = $po['toclan1'][1];
if ($us_1 != $this->info['id']) {
$d_s = false;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$d_s = true;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$d_s = true;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($d_s) { // Продать за кр тут
$is1 .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="if(confirm(\'Продать предмет &quot;' . $pl['name'] . '&quot; за ' . $shpCena . ' кр.?\')){ location = \'main.php?sale&sd4=' . $this->info['nextAct'] . '&item=' . $pl['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . '\'; }">Продать за ' . $shpCena . ' кр.</a>';
if ($pl['pricerep'] > 0) {
$is1 .= '<br><a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="if(confirm(\'Обменять предмет &quot;' . $pl['name'] . '&quot; на ' . floor(
$pl['pricerep'] * $pl['kolvo'] / 2
) . ' воинственности?\')){ location = \'main.php?sale&sd4=' . $this->info['nextAct'] . '&item_rep=' . $pl['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . '\'; }">Обменять на ' . floor(
$pl['pricerep'] * $pl['kolvo'] / 2
) . ' Воинc. </a>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$is1 .= 'Это не ваш предмет.';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif ($type == 16) {
$shpCena = $pl['price2'];
if ($pl['2price'] > 0) {
$shpCena = $pl['2price'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$shpCena = $this->shopSaleM($shpCena, $pl);
if ($pl['kolvo'] > 0) {
$shpCena = $shpCena * $pl['kolvo'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$plmx = 0;
if ($pl['iznosMAXi'] != $pl['iznosMAX'] && $pl['iznosMAX'] != 0) {
$plmx = $pl['iznosMAX'];
} else {
$plmx = $pl['iznosMAXi'];
if ($pl['iznosNOW'] > 0) {
$prc1 = floor($pl['iznosNOW']) / ceil($plmx) * 100;
} else {
$prc1 = 0;
$shpCena = $shpCena / 100 * (100 - $prc1);
if ($pl['iznosMAX'] > 0 && $pl['iznosMAXi'] > 0 && $pl['iznosMAXi'] > $pl['iznosMAX']) {
$shpCena = $shpCena / 100 * ($pl['iznosMAX'] / $pl['iznosMAXi'] * 100);
$shpCena = $this->round2($shpCena * $this->berezCena());
if ($shpCena < 0) {
$shpCena = 0;
if (isset($po['toclan'])) {
$po['toclan1'] = explode('#', $po['toclan']);
$us_1 = $po['toclan1'][1];
if ($us_1 != $this->info['id']) {
$d_s = false;
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
} else {
$d_s = true;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$d_s = true;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($d_s) {
$is1 .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="if(confirm(\'Продать предмет &quot;' . $pl['name'] . '&quot; за ' . $shpCena . ' екр.?\')){ location = \'main.php?sale&sd4=' . $this->info['nextAct'] . '&item=' . $pl['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . '\'; }">Продать за ' . $shpCena . ' екр.</a>';
} else {
$is1 .= 'Это не ваш предмет.';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif ($type == 30) {
if (isset($po['toclan'])) {
$po['toclan1'] = explode('#', $po['toclan']);
$us_1 = $po['toclan1'][1];
$d_s = !($us_1 != $this->info['id']);
} else {
$d_s = true;
if ($d_s) {
$is1 .= '<form method="POST"><input type="hidden" value="' . $pl['id'] . '" name="iid"><input type="text" value="" name="summTR"><input type="submit" value="Сдать в магазин" name="PresTR"></form>';
} else {
$is1 .= 'Это не ваш предмет.';
} elseif ($type == 31) {
$is1 .= '<form method="POST"><input type="hidden" value="' . $pl['id'] . '" name="iid"><input type="submit" value="Забрать" name="PresTR"> </form>';
} else {
if ($d[2] == 1) { //можно использовать
$inv1 = '';
if (isset($_GET['inv'])) {
$inv1 = 'inv=1&';
if ($pl['item_id'] == 74) {
$is1 .= '<a onclick="top.addNewSmile(' . $pl['id'] . ',0) return false;" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Использовать">исп-ть</a>';
} else {
$useUrl = '';
if ($pl['magic_inc'] == '') {
$pl['magic_inc'] = $pl['magic_inci'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['magic_inc'] && $pl['type'] == 30) {
//используем эликсир
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$pldate = '<table border=\\\'0\\\' width=\\\'100%\\\' cellspacing=\\\'0\\\' cellpadding=\\\'5\\\'><tr><td rowspan=2 width=\\\'80\\\' valign=\\\'middle\\\'><div align=\\\'center\\\'><img src=\\\'' . Config::img(
) . '/i/items/' . $pl['img'] . '\\\'></div></td><td valign=\\\'middle\\\' align=\\\'left\\\'>&quot;<strong>' . $pl['name'] . '</strong>&quot;<br>Использовать сейчас?</td></tr></table>';
$useUrl = 'top.useiteminv(\'' . (0 + $pl['id']) . '\',\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',1,\'' . $pldate . '\',\'' . (0 + $_GET['otdel']) . '\');';
} elseif ($pl['magic_inc'] && $pl['type'] == 29) { //используем заклятие
if (isset($po['useOnLogin']) && !isset($po['zazuby'])) { //на персонажа
$useUrl = 'top.useMagic(\'' . $pl['name'] . '\',' . (0 + $pl['id']) . ',\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',1,\'main.php?' . $inv1 . 'otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&use_pid=' . $pl['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . '\');';
} else { //просто использование (на себя, либо без указания предмета\логина)
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$pldate = '<table border=\\\'0\\\' width=\\\'100%\\\' cellspacing=\\\'0\\\' cellpadding=\\\'5\\\'><tr><td rowspan=2 width=\\\'80\\\' valign=\\\'middle\\\'><div align=\\\'center\\\'><img src=\\\'' . Config::img(
) . '/i/items/' . $pl['img'] . '\\\'></div></td><td valign=\\\'middle\\\' align=\\\'left\\\'>&quot;<strong>' . $pl['name'] . '</strong>&quot;<br>Использовать сейчас?</td></tr></table>';
$useUrl = 'top.useiteminv(\'' . (0 + $pl['id']) . '\',\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',1,\'' . $pldate . '\',\'' . (0 + $_GET['otdel']) . '\',' . (0 + $_GET['otdel']) . ');';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//на предмет
if ($useUrl != '') {
$is1 .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="' . $useUrl . '" title="Использовать">исп-ть</a>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$d[2] = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($pl['max_text'] > 0 && $pl['max_text'] - $pl['use_text'] > 0) {
$is1 .= '<a onclick="top.addNewText(' . $pl['id'] . ',' . ($pl['max_text'] - $pl['use_text']) . ',' . $pl['inRazdel'] . ') return false;" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Записать текст на предмете">Записать</a><br>';
if ($pl['type'] == 31 || $pl['type'] == 46 || $pl['type'] == 48 || $pl['type'] == 50 || $pl['type'] == 62 || $pl['type'] == 68 || $pl['type'] == 37 || $pl['type'] == 47) {
if ($d[2] == 1) {
$is1 .= '<br>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (($pl['type'] != 37 || !isset($po['item_inbox']) || $po['item_inbox'] == 0) && $pl['item_id'] != 10038 && $pl['item_id'] != 10039 && $pl['item_id'] != 10040) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$is1 .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="top.useRune(' . $pl['id'] . ',\'' . $pl['name'] . '\',\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',\'main.php?inv=1&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&use_rune=' . $pl['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . "\')return false;\" title=\"Использовать\">исп-ть</a>'";
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//можно одеть
if ($d[0] == 1 && $pl['type'] != 30 && $pl['type'] != 31 && (($pl['type'] != 38 && $pl['type'] != 39 && $pl['type'] != 37) || $pl['gift'] != '') && !isset($po['noodet']) && $pl['inslot'] > 0) {
if ($d[2] == 1) {
$is1 .= '<br>';
$is1 .= '<a href="main.php?otdel=' . $pl['inRazdel'] . '&inv=1&oid=' . $pl['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . '" title="Надеть">надеть</a>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['open']) && $d[0] == 1) {
if ($d[2] == 1) {
$is1 .= '<br>';
$is1 .= '<a href="main.php?otdel=' . $pl['inRazdel'] . '&inv=1&open=1&oid=' . $pl['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . '" title="Открыть">Открыть</a>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['close'])) {
if ($d[2] == 1) {
$is1 .= '<br>';
$is1 .= '<small><strong>Предмет закрыт</strong></small>';
if ($pl['group'] > 0) {
$is1 .= '<br>';
if ($this->itemsX($pl['id']) < $pl['group_max']) {
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$is1 .= '<a href="main.php?inv=1&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&stack=' . $pl['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . '" title="Собрать"><img src="' . Config::img(
) . '/i/stack.gif" /></a>';
if ($this->itemsX($pl['id']) > 1) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$tbl = '<table style="border: 0; width: 100%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr><td style="text-align: center; width: 70px;" rowspan="2">
<img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/' . $pl['img'] . '" alt=""></td>
<td>Разделить предмет <strong>' . $pl['name'] . '</strong>?</td></tr></table>';
$link = '/main.php?inv=1otdel=' . (int)$_GET['otdel'] . '&unstack=' . $pl['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code;
$onclickStr = sprintf("top.unstack('%d','%s','%s',1,'%s','%d'); return false;", $pl['id'], $pl['img'], $pl['name'], $tbl, (int)$_GET['otdel']);
$is1 = "<a onclick='$onclickStr' href='$link' title='Разделить'><img src='" . Config::img() . "/i/unstack.gif' alt=''></a>";
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['toclan'])) {
$po['toclan1'] = explode('#', $po['toclan']);
$us_1 = $po['toclan1'][1];
if ($us_1 != $this->info['id']) {
$d[1] = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-01-10 18:58:20 +00:00
$is1 .= ' <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="top.addfastpanel(\'' . $pl['id'] . '\',\'' . $pl['name'] . '\',\'' . $pl['type'] . '\',\'' . $pl['1price'] . '\',\'' . $pl['2price'] . '\',\'' . $this->city_name[$pl['maidin']] . '\',\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',\'' . $pl['item_id'] . '\',\'' . $pl['iznosNOW'] . '\',\'' . $pl['iznosMAX'] . '\',\'' . intval(
) . '\',\'' . $d[0] . '\',\'' . $d[2] . '\',\'0\');" title="Добавить в избранное"><img width="16" height="15" src="' . Config::img() . '/add_itm2.gif"></a> ';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($d[1] == 1) { //можно выкинуть
if (!isset($po['nodelete'])) {
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$is1 .= ' <a onClick="top.drop(' . $pl['id'] . ',\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',\'' . $pl['name'] . '\',1,\'<table border=\\\'0\\\' width=\\\'100%\\\' cellspacing=\\\'0\\\' cellpadding=\\\'5\\\'><tr><td rowspan=2><img src=\\\'' . Config::img(
) . '/i/items/' . $pl['img'] . '\\\'></td><td align=\\\'left\\\'>Предмет <strong>' . $pl['name'] . '</strong> будет утерян, вы уверены ?</td></tr></table>\',\'' . intval(
) . Config::img() . ' / i / clear . gif"></a>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//собираем все в одно (:
$rt[2] .= '<tr class="item"><td align="center" bgcolor="#' . $clr[$k] . '"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="100" align="center" style="border-right:#A5A5A5 1px solid; padding:5px;">' . $is1 . '</td><td valign="top" align="left" style="padding-left:3px; padding-bottom:3px; padding-top:7px;"><div align="left">' . $is2 . '</div></td></tr></table></td></tr>';
$rt[1] += $pl['massa'];
$rt[0] = $i;
$rt['collich'] = $j;
return $rt;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
private function floordec($zahl, $decimals = 2): float|int
return floor($zahl * pow(10, $decimals)) / pow(10, $decimals);
2023-08-11 15:28:54 +00:00
private function shopSaleM($val, $itm): float
2023-07-31 17:06:51 +00:00
$procs = [
0, //0
0, //1
0, //2
0, //3
0, //4
0, //5
0, //6
0, //7
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($itm['data']);
$proc = $procs[$po['tr_lvl']];
if ($itm['type'] >= 28) {
$proc = 50;
if ($itm['type'] == 46) {
$proc = 0;
if (Config::get('shop_all') > 0) {
$proc = 100 - Config::get('shop_all');
} elseif (Config::get('shop_all_type1') > 0 && !isset($this->info['inBerezka'])) {
$proc = 100 - Config::get('shop_all_type1');
} elseif (Config::get('shop_all_type2') > 0 && isset($this->info['inBerezka'])) {
$proc = 100 - Config::get('shop_all_type2');
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
return round(($val / 100 * (100 - $proc)), 2);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function round2($v): float|string
$v = explode('.', $v);
$v = doubleval($v[0] . '.' . $v[1][0] . $v[1][1]);
$f = explode('.', $v);
if (!isset($f[1])) {
$v = $v . '.00';
return $v;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function berezCena(): float
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
return round((Config::get('shop_type2') / 100), 2);
public function testBattle($id): bool
return !($id == 0 || Db::getValue('select count(*) from battle where id = ? and team_win > -1', [$id]) > 0);
public function stack($id)
$where = '';
$itm = mysql_fetch_array(
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
`iu`.`blvl`, count(`iuu`.id) as inGroupCount
FROM `items_users` AS `iu`
LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `im` ON (`im`.`id` = `iu`.`item_id`)
LEFT JOIN `items_users` as `iuu` ON (`iuu`.inGroup = `iu`.inGroup AND `iuu`.item_id = `im`.id AND `iuu`.inShop = 0)
WHERE `iu`.`id` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(
) . '" AND `iu`.`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `iuu`.`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `iu`.`delete` = "0" AND `iu`.`inOdet` = "0" AND `iu`.`inShop` = "0" AND `im`.`group` = "1" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (isset($itm['id']) && $itm['iznosNOW'] == 0) { //группируем похожие свободные предметы с этим
// создаем группу
if ($itm['inGroup'] == 0) { // Если предмет не в группе, собираем все похожие предметы по группам.
$items = mysql_num_rows(
'SELECT `iu`.id, `iu`.inGroup, `iu`.`item_id` FROM `items_users` AS `iu` WHERE `iu`.`uid`="' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `iu`.`delete`="0"AND `iu`.`inGroup`="0" AND `iu`.item_id="' . $itm['item_id'] . '"'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$items = ceil($items / $itm['group_max']);
} else { // Добираем предметы в группу до полного количества, из предметов с inGroup == 0
$curG = mysql_num_rows(
'SELECT `iu`.id, `iu`.inGroup, `iu`.`item_id` FROM `items_users` AS `iu` WHERE `iu`.`uid`="' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `iu`.`delete`="0"AND `iu`.`inGroup`="' . $itm['inGroup'] . '" AND `iu`.item_id="' . $itm['item_id'] . '"'
); // Текущее количество предметов в выбранной группе
$curNG = mysql_num_rows(
'SELECT `iu`.id, `iu`.inGroup, `iu`.`item_id` FROM `items_users` AS `iu` WHERE `iu`.`uid`="' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `iu`.`delete`="0"AND `iu`.`inGroup`="0" AND `iu`.item_id="' . $itm['item_id'] . '"'
); // Текущее количество предметов которые без группы
$needG = $itm['group_max'] - $curG; // Задаем требуемое количество для добора, если нужно больше 0 и требуемое количество меньше
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($needG > 0 && $curNG == 0) {
$curItem = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `iu`.id, `iu`.inGroup, count(`iu`.inGroup) as itemsInGroup, `iu`.`item_id` FROM `items_users` AS `iu` WHERE `iu`.`inGroup`!="' . $itm['inGroup'] . '" AND `iu`.`uid`="' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `iu`.`delete`="0" AND `iu`.item_id="' . $itm['item_id'] . '" GROUP BY `iu`.inGroup HAVING itemsInGroup <= "' . $needG . '" ORDER BY itemsInGroup DESC LIMIT 1'
if (isset($curItem['id'])) {
$where = ' `iu`.`inGroup` = "' . $curItem['inGroup'] . '" AND ';
$itm['group_max'] = $needG;
$items = 1;
$s = 0;
do {
if (!isset($curG) && $curNG == 0) {
$itm['inGroup'] = $this->stackGroupCheck($this->info['id'], $itm['inGroup'], $itm['item_id']);
$sp = mysql_query(
'SELECT `im`.`id`,
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
`iu`.`blvl` FROM `items_users` AS `iu` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `im` ON (`im`.`id` = `iu`.`item_id`) WHERE ' . $where . ' `iu`.`kolvo` = "1" AND `iu`.`item_id` = "' . $itm['item_id'] . '" AND `iu`.`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `iu`.`delete` = "0" AND `iu`.`inOdet` = "0" AND `iu`.`inShop` = "0" AND `im`.`group` = "1" ORDER BY `iu`.`inGroup` ASC LIMIT ' . $itm['group_max'] . ''
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($sp)) {
$pl['data'] = Conversion::dataStringToArray($pl['data']);
$pl['data'] = Conversion::arrayToDataString($pl['data']);
$itm['data'] = Conversion::dataStringToArray($itm['data']);
$itm['data'] = Conversion::arrayToDataString($itm['data']);
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
if ($pl['data'] == $itm['data'] && $pl['name'] == $itm['name'] && $itm['iznosMAX'] == $pl['iznosMAX'] && $pl['iznosNOW'] == 0 && ($pl['timeOver'] == 0 || $pl['timeOver'] > time(
)) && $pl['gift'] == $itm['gift']) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$upd = mysql_query(
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD` = "' . time() . '", `inGroup` = "' . $itm['inGroup'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
if ($upd) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $itm['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
} while ($s < $items);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
private function stackGroupCheck($uid, $group, $item): int
{ // Находит неиспользованный ID группы предметов.
$g = 0;
$i = 0;
do { //fixme ужасный цикл, ужасный запрос.
$gr = Db::getValue('select ingroup from items_users where uid = ? and ingroup = ? and item_id = ?', [$uid, $i, $item]);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (empty($gr)) {
$g = 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
} while ($g == 0);
return $i;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function testItems($uid, $sn, $dt)
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($uid != $this->info['id']) {
$u = self::getInfo($uid);
if ($sn == 0) {
$sn = $this->getStats($uid);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
} else {
$u = $this->info;
if (isset($this->stats['hpAll'])) {
$sn = $this->stats;
} elseif ($sn == 0) {
$sn = $this->getStats($uid);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (!isset($u['id'])) {
return 0;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$snIt = 0;
//Проверяем одетые вещи и вещи с сроком годности
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$itm = Db::getRow(
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00, as iduid,
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
from items_users
left join items_main on = item_id
inodet != 0 or
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
data like '%srok%' or
data like '%vip_sale%' or
data like '%sudba=1%' or
iznosnow > 0 or
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
srok > 0 or
(timeover !=0 and timeover < unix_timestamp())
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
) and uid = ?",
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
2023-11-05 02:46:07 +00:00
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
$t = $this->items['tr'];
$x = 0;
$notr = 0;
2023-11-05 02:46:07 +00:00
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
if (empty($itm['data'])) {
if ($this->info['twink'] > 0) {
//Не дороже 100 екр.
if ($itm['price2'] > 1 || $itm['2price'] > 1) {
2023-11-05 02:46:07 +00:00
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
if (isset($itm['iznosNOW'], $itm['iznosMAX'], $itm['iznosMAXi']) &&
$itm['iznosNOW'] >= ceil($itm['iznosMAX']) &&
$itm['iznosMAXi'] != 999999999) {
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
if ($notr > 0 && $itm['inOdet'] != 0) {
//снимаем предмет
$this->snatItem($itm['id'], $u['id']);
} else {
2023-11-05 02:46:07 +00:00
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($itm['data']);
$po['lvl'] = $u['level'];
//проверяем требования
$j = 1;
while ($j <= 4) {
if (!isset($po['tr_s' . $j]) && $itm['type'] != 26) {
$po['tr_s' . $j] = 0;
2023-11-05 02:46:07 +00:00
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
while ($x < count($t)) {
$n = $t[$x];
if (isset($po['tr_' . $n]) && $n == 'sex') {
if ($po['tr_' . $n] != $this->info['sex']) {
2023-11-05 02:46:07 +00:00
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
} elseif (isset($po['tr_' . $n])) {
if ($po['tr_' . $n] > $this->stats[$n] && $n != 'align' && $n != 'align_bs') {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
if ($this->info['twink'] > 0) {
//Не дороже 100 екр.
if ($itm['price2'] > 1 || $itm['2price'] > 1) {
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
//Нельзя руны + чарки
if (isset($po['rune']) && $po['rune'] > 0) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
if (isset($po['spell_id']) && $po['spell_id'] > 0) {
2023-11-05 02:46:07 +00:00
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
if (isset($po['sudba']) && $po['sudba'] == 1) {
$po['sudba'] = $u['login'];
Db::sql('update items_users set data = ? where id = ? and uid = ?', [Conversion::arrayToDataString($po), $itm['iduid'], $u['id']]);
if (isset($po['srok']) && $po['srok'] > 0) {
$itm['srok'] = $po['srok'];
if (isset($po['vip_sale']) && $sn['silver'] < 2 && ($itm['time_create'] - time()) < 0) {
if ($itm['item_id'] == 4704) {
$po['musor2'] = 4708;
ItemsModel::itemDecay($itm['id'], $itm['overType'], $u['id'], (int)$po['musor2'], $itm['type'], $itm['name']);
if ($itm['iznosNOW'] >= ceil($itm['iznosMAX']) && $itm['iznosMAXi'] != 999999999) {
if ($notr > 0 && $itm['inOdet'] != 0) {
//снимаем предмет
$this->snatItem($itm['id'], $u['id']);
//проверяем срок годности
if ($itm['iznosNOW'] >= ceil($itm['iznosMAX']) && $itm['iznosMAXi'] != 999999999 && isset($po['musor']) && $po['musor'] > 0) {
//предмет сломался
$this->itemDestroy($itm['id'], $u['id'], (int)$po['musor']);
if ($itm['time_create'] + $itm['srok'] <= time() && $itm['srok'] > 0 && $itm['time_sleep'] == 0) {
if ($itm['inOdet'] != 0) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$this->snatItem($itm['id'], $u['id']);
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
//удаляем предмет
if ($itm['item_id'] == 4704) {
$po['musor2'] = 4708;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
ItemsModel::itemDecay($itm['id'], $itm['overType'], $u['id'], (int)$po['musor2'], $itm['type'], $itm['name']);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-09 17:24:47 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($snIt > 0) {
$this->testItems($uid, $sn, 1);
} elseif ($dt == 0) {
return -2;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function snatItem(?int $id, int $uid = 0): int
if (empty($id)) {
return 0;
$sql = 'select count(*) from items_users where id = ? and inodet != 0';
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$args = [$id];
if ($uid > 0) {
$sql .= ' and uid = ?';
$args[] = $uid;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (empty(Db::getValue($sql, $args))) {
return 0;
Db::sql('update items_users set lastupd = unix_timestamp(), inodet = 0 where id = ?', [$id]);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (isset($_GET['remitem']) || isset($_GET['sid'])) {
$this->info['autospell'] = 1;
Db::sql('update users set autospell = 1 where id = ?', [$this->info['id']]);
return 1;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
private function itemDestroy(int $id, int $uid = 0, int $id2 = 0): void
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($id == 0) {
$sql = 'delete from items_users where id = ?';
$args = [$id];
if ($uid > 0) {
$sql .= ' and uid = ?';
$args[] = $uid;
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
Db::sql($sql, $args);
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
Delo::add(2, 'system.inventory', $uid, "Предмет [id:$id] был сломан.");
if ($id2 > 1) {
//Добавляем пустую бутылку
ItemsModel::addItem($id2, $uid, 'noodet=1|noremont=1');
public function btlMagicList(): string
$sv = array_fill(1, 12, '<img class="nopriemuse" title="Пустой слот магия" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w101.gif" alt="">');
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
foreach ($this->stats['items'] as $stat) {
if (!in_array($stat['inslot'], [40, 51])) {
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (empty($stat['useInBattle']) || $stat['btl_zd'] > 0 || $stat['iznosNOW'] >= $stat['iznosMAX'] || empty($stat['magic_inci'])) {
$vl = ' class="nopriemuse"';
} else {
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($stat['data']);
if ($po['useOnLogin'] == 1) {
$jsvars = "'{$stat['name']}','{$stat['id']}','{$stat['img']}',1,1,'','{$stat['useInBattle']}'";
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
} else {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$jsvars = "'{$stat['name']}','{$stat['id']}','{$stat['img']}',1,2";
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$vl = 'style="cursor:pointer" onclick="top.useMagicBattle(' . $jsvars . ')"';
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$iznos = "Долговечность: {$stat['iznosNOW']} / {$stat['iznosMAX']}";
$img = Config::img() . '/i/items/' . $stat['img'];
$sv[$stat['inOdet'] - 39] = "<img alt='' '$vl' title='$iznos' src='$img'>";
$r = '<table style="border:0;border-spacing:0;border-collapse:collapse;">' .
'<tr>' .
'<td>' . $sv[1] . '</td>' .
'<td>' . $sv[2] . '</td>' .
'<td>' . $sv[3] . '</td>' .
'<td>' . $sv[4] . '</td>' .
'<td>' . $sv[5] . '</td>' .
'<td>' . $sv[6] . '</td>' .
'<td>' . $sv[7] . '</td>' .
'<td>' . $sv[8] . '</td>' .
'<td>' . $sv[9] . '</td>' .
'<td>' . $sv[10] . '</td>' .
'<td>' . $sv[11] . '</td>' .
'<td>' . $sv[12] . '</td>' .
'</tr>' .
return str_replace('"', '\"', $r);
/** Отрисовка коробочки персонажа с логином. */
public function getInfoPers($uid, $i1, $sn = 0, $ivv = 0): array
if (empty($this->infoBox)) {
$this->infoBox = new InfoBox($this); //fixme почему-то не дружит с конструктором.
return $this->infoBox->getInfoPers($uid, $i1, $sn, $ivv);
public function endEffect($id, $u): int
$e = Db::getRow('select id, uid, id_eff, name, sleeptime, data, type1 from eff_users left join eff_main on id_eff = id2 where id = ? and deactivetime < unix_timestamp()', [$id]);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (!isset($e['id'])) {
return 0;
$sleep = $this->testAction('`vars` = "sleep" AND `uid` = "' . $e['uid'] . '" LIMIT 1', 1);
if ($e['id_eff'] == 2) {
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$et = Db::getRow(
"select id, time from actions where uid = ? and vars like '%read%' and vals = (select id from items_main where name = ? limit 1)",
[$e['uid'], str_replace('Изучение: ', '', $e['name'])]
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$et = isset($et['id']) && $et['time'] >= time();
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
} else {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$et = false;
if ($et || $e['sleeptime'] != 0 || $sleep['vars'] == 'sleep') {
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
return 0;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
Effects::removeById($e['uid'], $e['id']);
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($e['data']);
if (isset($po['finish_file']) && file_exists('_incl_data/class/Magic/' . $po['finish_file'] . '.php')) {
require_once '_incl_data/class/Magic/' . $po['finish_file'] . '.php';
if (isset($u['id']) && ($e['type1'] < 11 || $e['type1'] > 16 && $e['type1'] < 23) && $e['noch'] == 0) {
$text = "Закончилось действие эффекта «<strong>{$e['name']}</strong>»";
$cmsg = new ChatMessage();
(new Chat())->sendMsg($cmsg);
if ($u['battle'] > 0) {
$lastHOD = Db::getValue('select if(type != 6, id_hod + 1, id_hod) as id_hod from battle_logs where battle = ? order by id_hod desc limit 1', [$u['battle']]);
if (!empty($lastHOD)) {
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
"insert into battle_logs (time, battle, id_hod, text, vars, zona1, zonb1, zona2, zonb2, type) values (unix_timestamp(),?,?,?,?,'','','','',6)",
[$u['battle'], $lastHOD, "{tm1}$text у игрока {u1}", "login1={$u['login']}||t1={$u['team']}||time=" . time()]
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
return 1;
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
public function info_remont(): string
$r = '';
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
$sp = Db::getRows(
'select iznosnow, iznosmax, name from items_users left join items_main on item_id = where uid = ? and inshop = 0 and inodet between 1 and 18 limit 18',
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
foreach ($sp as $pl) {
if (
!isset($pl['iznosMAX']) ||
!isset($pl['iznosNOW']) ||
$pl['iznosNOW'] <= ceil($pl['iznosMAX'] * 0.80)
) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$r .= '<strong>' . $pl['name'] . '</strong> [<span style="color: brown">' . floor($pl['iznosNOW']) . '/' .
ceil($pl['iznosMAX']) . '</span>] требуется ремонт<br>';
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
return '<div style="font-size: smaller;">' . $r . '</div>';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function snatItemAll(int $uid): int
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($uid < 1) {
return 0;
Db::sql('update items_users set lastupd = unix_timestamp(), inodet = 0 where inodet != 0 and uid = ?', [$uid]);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
return 1;
public function odetItem(int $id, int $uid)
$sql = "select, data, 2price, ingroup, gift, gtxt1, `group`, price2, name, type, inslot, 2too, 2h
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
from items_users
left join items_main on item_id =
where = ? and inodet = 0 and inshop = 0";
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$args = [$id];
if ($uid) {
$sql .= ' and items_users.uid = ?';
$args[] = $uid;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$itm = Db::getRow($sql, $args);
unset($sql, $args);
if (isset($itm['id'])) {
if ($itm['group'] == 1 && $this->itemsX($itm['id']) > 1) {
$this->unstack($itm['id'], 1);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$tr = Conversion::dataStringToArray($itm['data']);
$notr = $this->trItem($tr);
$msb = '';
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (
isset($tr['maks_itm_one']) &&
$tr['maks_itm_one'] > 0 &&
Db::getValue('select true from items_users where uid = ? and inodet > 0 and data like ? limit 1', [$this->info['id'], "%maks_itm_one={$tr['maks_itm_one']}%"])
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
) {
$this->error = 'Возможное использование максимум одного предмета!';
if ($this->info['twink'] > 0) {
//Не дороже 100 екр.
if ($itm['price2'] > 100 || $itm['2price'] > 100) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Нельзя руны + чарки
if (isset($tr['rune']) && $tr['rune'] > 0) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($tr['spell_id']) && $tr['spell_id'] > 0) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-08-12 01:31:29 +00:00
if (isset($tr['vip_sale']) && $this->stats['silver'] < 2) {
if (isset($tr['sudba'])) {
if ($tr['sudba'] != '0' && $tr['sudba'] != $this->info['login']) {
} elseif ($tr['sudba'] == '0') {
$tr['sudba'] = $this->info['login'];
$itm['data'] = Conversion::arrayToDataString($tr);
$msb = ',`data`="' . $itm['data'] . '"';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($tr['tr_align_bs']) && $this->info['inTurnir'] > 0) {
if ($tr['tr_align_bs'] == '1') {
if ($this->info['align_real'] <= 1 || $this->info['align_real'] >= 2) {
} else {
$notr = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
if ($this->info['align_real'] <= 3 || $this->info['align_real'] >= 4) {
} else {
$notr = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($notr > 0) {
//Не хватает характеристик или не совпадают условия
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$this->error = isset($tr['open']) && isset($_GET['open']) ? 'Вы не можете открыть данный предмет' : 'Нельзя одеть больше одного предмета данного типа';
return 0;
} elseif (isset($tr['open']) && isset($_GET['open']) && isset($tr['items_in_file'])) {
$io = '';
if ($itm['inGroup'] > 0) {
Db::sql('update items_users set lastupd = unix_timestamp(), ingroup = 0 where id = ?', [$itm['id']]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-08-11 15:28:54 +00:00
if (file_exists('_incl_data/class/Magic/' . $tr['items_in_file'] . '.php')) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
require_once '_incl_data/class/Magic/' . $tr['items_in_file'] . '.php';
if (!isset($no_open_itm)) {
$this->deleteItem($itm['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->error = 'Вы успешно открыли &quot;' . $itm['name'] . '&quot;:<br>' . $io . '...';
} else {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$this->error = 'Предмет &quot;' . $itm['name'] . '&quot; невозможно открыть...';
} elseif (isset($tr['open']) && isset($_GET['open'])) {
//открываем предмет
$io = '';
$i = 0;
$itms = explode(',', $tr['items_in']);
if ($itm['type'] == 37) {
//Распаковываем упаковку
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$itmin = Db::getRow('select * from items_users where id = ?', [$tr['item_inbox']]);
$itmmn = Db::getRow('select * from items_main where id = ?', [$itmin['item_id']]);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($itm['gift'] == '' || $itm['gift'] == '0') {
$this->error = 'Предмет должен быть подарен, прежде чем его открывать!';
} elseif (!isset($itmin['id'])) {
$this->error = 'В упаковке ничего нет, скорее всего предмет кто-то вытащил от туда...';
} else {
$io .= $itmmn['name'];
if ($itmin['item_id'] == 4867) {
//Не откроешь
$this->deleteItem($itm['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->deleteItem($itmin['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->error = 'Не удалось открыть подарок. Содержимое испорчено.';
} elseif ($itmin['item_id'] == 4868) {
//Летучая мышь
Db::sql('update stats set hpnow = 1, mpnow = 1 where id = ?', [$this->info['id']]);
$this->deleteItem($itm['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->deleteItem($itmin['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->error = 'Вы потеряли все HP...';
} elseif ($itmin['item_id'] == 4870) {
//Минута молчания
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
Db::sql('update users set molch1 = if(molch1 > unix_timestamp(), molch1 + 3600, unix_timestamp() + 3600) where id = ?', [$this->info['id']]);
$this->deleteItem($itm['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->deleteItem($itmin['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->error = 'Вы оказались под действие заклятия молчания...';
} elseif ($itmin['item_id'] == 4873) {
//Крысиный яд
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$a = Db::getValue('select name from users_animal where uid = ? and id = ? and pet_in_cage = 0', [$this->info['id'], $this->info['animal']]);
$this->deleteItem($itm['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->deleteItem($itmin['id'], $this->info['id']);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if ($a) {
$this->error = 'Ваш зверь &quot;' . $a . '&quot; странно позеленел...';
Db::sql('update users_animal set eda = 0, yad = unix_timestamp() + 7 * 86400 where id = ?', [$this->info['animal']]);
} else {
$this->error = 'Кто-то пытался отравить вашего зверя, которого у вас нет :)';
} elseif ($itmin['item_id'] == 4869) {
//Неасчастный случай (легкая травма на 1 час)
$this->deleteItem($itm['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->deleteItem($itmin['id'], $this->info['id']);
'INSERT INTO `eff_users`
(`overType`,`timeUse`,`hod`,`name`,`data`,`uid`, `id_eff`, `img2`, `timeAce`, `v1`) VALUES (
"0","' . (time() + 3600) . '","-1",
"Неверие в человечество","add_s' . rand(1, 3) . '=-' . rand(
5, 15
) . '","' . $this->info['id'] . '",
"4", "bad_present_travma1.gif","0", "1"
$this->error = 'Вы травмированы. В том числе и физически...';
} elseif ($itmin['item_id'] == 4872) {
//Трагедия (средняя травма на 1 час)
$this->deleteItem($itm['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->deleteItem($itmin['id'], $this->info['id']);
'INSERT INTO `eff_users`
(`overType`,`timeUse`,`hod`,`name`,`data`,`uid`, `id_eff`, `img2`, `timeAce`, `v1`) VALUES (
"0","' . (time() + 3600) . '","-1",
"Неверие в человечество","add_s' . rand(1, 3) . '=-' . rand(
16, 25
) . '","' . $this->info['id'] . '",
"4", "bad_present_travma2.gif","0", "2"
$this->error = 'Вы травмированы. В том числе и физически...';
} elseif ($itmin['item_id'] == 4876) {
//Катастрофа (тяжелая травма на 1 час)
$this->deleteItem($itm['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->deleteItem($itmin['id'], $this->info['id']);
'INSERT INTO `eff_users`
(`overType`,`timeUse`,`hod`,`name`,`data`,`uid`, `id_eff`, `img2`, `timeAce`, `v1`) VALUES (
"0","' . (time() + 3600) . '","-1",
"Неверие в человечество","add_s' . rand(1, 3) . '=-' . rand(
26, 35
) . '","' . $this->info['id'] . '",
"4", "bad_present_travma3.gif","0", "3"
$this->error = 'Вы травмированы. В том числе и физически...';
} elseif ($itmin['item_id'] == 4878) {
//Недвижимость (add_puti=7200)
$this->deleteItem($itm['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->deleteItem($itmin['id'], $this->info['id']);
'INSERT INTO `eff_users`
(`overType`,`timeUse`,`hod`,`name`,`data`,`uid`, `id_eff`, `img2`, `timeAce`, `v1`) VALUES (
"0","' . (time() + 7200) . '","-1",
"Недвижимость","add_puti=1","' . $this->info['id'] . '",
"4", "bad_present_chains.gif","0", "3"
$this->error = 'Вы не можете передвигаться...';
} elseif ($itmin['item_id'] == 4874) {
//Сюрприз для мага на час
$this->deleteItem($itm['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->deleteItem($itmin['id'], $this->info['id']);
'INSERT INTO `eff_users`
(`overType`,`timeUse`,`hod`,`name`,`data`,`uid`, `id_eff`, `img2`, `timeAce`, `v1`) VALUES (
"0","' . (time() + 3600) . '","-1",
"Сюрприз для Мага","add_s5=-50","' . $this->info['id'] . '",
"4", "bad_present_dmage.gif","0", "3"
$this->error = 'Вам нехорошо...';
} elseif ($itmin['item_id'] == 4871) {
//Сюрприз для воина на час
$this->deleteItem($itm['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->deleteItem($itmin['id'], $this->info['id']);
'INSERT INTO `eff_users`
(`overType`,`timeUse`,`hod`,`name`,`data`,`uid`, `id_eff`, `img2`, `timeAce`, `v1`) VALUES (
"0","' . (time() + 3600) . '","-1",
"Сюрприз для Воина","add_s1=-50","' . $this->info['id'] . '",
"4", "bad_present_dfighter.gif","0", "3"
$this->error = 'Вам нехорошо...';
} elseif (mysql_query(
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '",`lastUPD` = "' . time(
) . '",`gift` = "' . $itm['gift'] . '",`gtxt1` = "' . $itm['gtxt1'] . '",`gtxt2` = "Предмет из упаковки. Дата запаковки: ' . date(
'd.m.Y H:i:s', $itmin['time_create']
) . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $itmin['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
)) {
//Удаляем упаковку
$this->deleteItem($itm['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->error = 'Вы успешно открыли &quot;' . $itm['name'] . '&quot;, внутри было найдено:<br>' . $io . '...';
} else {
$this->error = 'Неудалось открыть подарок, что же там?';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
while ($i < count($itms)) {
if (isset($itms[$i])) {
$x = 0;
$itms[$i] = explode('*', $itms[$i]);
$x += (int)$itms[$i][1];
$itms[$i] = $itms[$i][0];
$s = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`name`,`img`,`type`,`inslot`,`2h`,`2too`,`iznosMAXi`,`inRazdel`,`price1`,`price2`,`price3`,`magic_chance`,`info`,`massa`,`level`,`magic_inci`,`overTypei`,`group`,`group_max`,`ts`,`srok`,`class`,`class_point`,`anti_class`,`anti_class_point`,`max_text`,`useInBattle`,`lbtl`,`lvl_itm`,`lvl_exp`,`lvl_aexp` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id`="' . ((int)$itms[$i]) . '" LIMIT 1'
if (isset($s['id'])) {
$j = 1;
while ($j <= $x) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$pid = ItemsModel::addItem($s['id'], $this->info['id']);
if ($pid > 0) {
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD` = "' . time(
) . '",`gift` = "' . $itm['gift'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $pid . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
$io .= '' . $s['name'] . ' (x' . $x . '), ';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($itm['inGroup'] > 0) {
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD` = "' . time() . '",`inGroup` = "0", `delete` = "0" WHERE `id` = "' . $itm['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$this->deleteItem($itm['id'], $this->info['id']);
$this->error = 'Вы успешно открыли &quot;' . $itm['name'] . '&quot;, внутри было найдено:<br>' . $io . '...';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$inSlot = $itm['inslot'];
$s = mysql_query(
'SELECT `iu`.`id`,
`iu`.`inOdet` FROM `items_users` AS `iu` WHERE `iu`.`inOdet`!="0" AND `iu`.`uid`="' . $uid . '" AND `iu`.`delete`="0"'
$d = [];
while ($p = mysql_fetch_array($s)) {
$d[$p['inOdet']] = $p['id'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
//Если в слот оружия и можно одеть в левую руку
if ($itm['2too'] == 1 && $inSlot == 3 && isset($d[3])) {
$inSlot = 14;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($inSlot == 3 || $inSlot == 14) {
//Проверяем есть-ли двуручное оружие
//И естественно снимаем его, даже если руки пусты, отправляя туда NULL и ломая игру. Сука!
if ($this->stats['items'][$this->stats['wp3id']]['2h'] == 1 || $this->stats['items'][$this->stats['wp14id']]['2h'] == 1 || $itm['2h'] == 1) {
$this->snatItem($this->stats['items'][$this->stats['wp3id']]['id'], $uid);
$this->snatItem($this->stats['items'][$this->stats['wp14id']]['id'], $uid);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($d[$inSlot])) {
if ($inSlot == 10) {
if (!isset($d[12])) {
$inSlot = 12;
} elseif (!isset($d[11])) {
$inSlot = 11;
} elseif ($inSlot == 40) {
$i = 40;
while ($i <= 51) {
if (!isset($d[$i])) {
$inSlot = $i;
$i = 52;
} elseif ($i == 50) {
$inSlot = 50;
} elseif ($inSlot == 53) {
if (!isset($d[53])) {
$inSlot = 53;
} elseif (!isset($d[54])) {
$inSlot = 54;
} elseif ($inSlot == 56) {
if (!isset($d[56])) {
$inSlot = 56;
} elseif (!isset($d[57])) {
$inSlot = 57;
} elseif (!isset($d[58])) {
$inSlot = 58;
} else {
$inSlot = 58;
} elseif ($inSlot == 59) {
if (!isset($d[59])) {
$inSlot = 59;
} elseif (!isset($d[60])) {
$inSlot = 60;
} elseif (!isset($d[61])) {
$inSlot = 61;
} elseif (!isset($d[62])) {
$inSlot = 62;
if (isset($d[$inSlot])) {
$this->snatItem($d[$inSlot], $uid);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$upd = mysql_query(
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD` = "' . time() . '", `inOdet` = "' . $inSlot . '"' . $msb . ' WHERE `id` = "' . $itm['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
if ($itm['inGroup'] > 0) {
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD` = "' . time() . '", `inGroup` = 0, `delete` = 0 WHERE `id` = "' . $itm['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
if ($upd) {
//Если предмет привязывается после одевания
$this->info['autospell'] = 1;
'UPDATE `users` SET `autospell` = "1" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
return 1;
} else {
$this->error = '(!) Ошибка обновления данных';
return 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$this->error = 'Предмет не найден в вашем рюкзаке';
return 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function unstack($id, $x = null)
$id = (int)$id;
$itm = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `iu`.id, `iu`.inGroup, `im`.`id` as item_id,
`im`.`name`, count(`iuu`.id) as inGroupCount
FROM `items_users` AS `iu` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `im` ON (`im`.`id` = `iu`.`item_id`) LEFT JOIN `items_users` as `iuu` ON (`iuu`.inGroup = `iu`.inGroup AND `iuu`.item_id = `im`.id )
WHERE `iuu`.`uid`="' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `iu`.`uid`="' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `iu`.`delete`="0" AND `im`.`group` = "1" AND `iu`.`inOdet`="0" AND `iu`.`inShop`="0" AND `iu`.id=' . mysql_real_escape_string(
) . '
if (isset($itm['id']) && $itm['inGroup'] > 0 && $itm['inGroupCount'] > 0) {
if ($x == 0 or $x == null) {
$x = $this->itemsX($itm['id']); //кол-во распада
$inGroup = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
$inGroup = $this->stackGroupCheck($this->info['id'], $itm['inGroup'], $itm['item_id']);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$sp = mysql_query(
'SELECT `im`.`id`,
`iu`.`blvl` FROM `items_users` AS `iu` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `im` ON (`im`.`id` = `iu`.`item_id`) WHERE `iu`.`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `iu`.`delete` = "0" AND `iu`.`inGroup` = "' . $itm['inGroup'] . '" AND `iu`.`item_id` = "' . $itm['item_id'] . '" AND `iu`.`inOdet` = "0" AND `iu`.`inShop` = "0" AND `im`.`group` = "1" LIMIT ' . $x . ''
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($sp)) {
$upd = mysql_query(
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `inGroup` = "' . $inGroup . '", `lastUPD` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
if ($upd) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->itemsX($itm['id']) == 1) {
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `inGroup` = "0", `lastUPD` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $itm['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->itemsX($pl['id']) == 1) {
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `inGroup` = "0", `lastUPD` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
private function trItem($po): int
$notr = 0;
foreach ($this->items['tr'] as $trn) {
if (!isset($po["tr_$trn"])) {
if (
$trn === 'sex' && $this->info['sex'] != $po["tr_$trn"] ||
$trn !== 'align' && $po["tr_$trn"] > $this->stats[$trn]
) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
return $notr;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function deleteItem($id, $uid = 0, $coldel = 0)
if ($uid != 0) {
$au = 'AND `iu`.`uid`="' . mysql_real_escape_string($uid) . '"';
} else {
$au = '';
$itm = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `im`.*,
FROM `items_users` AS `iu` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `im` ON (`im`.`id` = `iu`.`item_id`) WHERE `iu`.`id`="' . mysql_real_escape_string(
) . '" AND `iu`.`inOdet`="0" AND `iu`.`inShop`="0" ' . $au . ' AND (`iu`.`delete`="0" OR `iu`.`delete`="1000") LIMIT 1'
if (isset($itm['id'])) {
if ($coldel == 0) {
//Удаляем целиком
$upd = mysql_query(
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD`="' . time() . '",`delete`="' . time() . '" WHERE `id`="' . $itm['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
$col = $this->itemsX($itm['id']);
if ($col > 0) {
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD`="' . time() . '",`delete`="' . time() . '",`inGroup` = "0" WHERE `inGroup`="' . $itm['id'] . '" LIMIT ' . $col
} else {
//Удаляем конкретное кол-во
$col = $this->itemsX($itm['id']);
if ($col > 1) {
if ($col <= $coldel) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD`="' . time() . '",`delete`="' . time() . '" WHERE `id`="' . $itm['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD`="' . time() . '",`delete`="' . time() . '",`inGroup` = "0" WHERE `inGroup`="' . $itm['id'] . '" AND `delete` = "1000" LIMIT ' . $coldel
} else {
//Удаляем целиком
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD`="' . time() . '",`delete`="' . time() . '" WHERE `id`="' . $itm['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD`="' . time() . '",`delete`="' . time() . '",`inGroup` = "0" WHERE `inGroup`="' . $itm['id'] . '" AND `delete` = "1000" LIMIT ' . $col
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
if (isset($_GET['deleteall7'])) {
$st = Conversion::dataStringToArray($itm['data']);
$whr = '';
if (isset($st['frompisher'])) {
$whr .= 'AND `data` LIKE "%frompisher=' . $st['frompisher'] . '%"';
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$col = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `items_users` WHERE `item_id`="' . $itm['item_id'] . '" AND `inOdet` = 0 AND `delete` < 100000 AND `uid` = "' . $itm['uid'] . '" AND `data` NOT LIKE "%nodelete%"' . $whr
$col = $col[0];
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD`="' . time() . '",`delete`="' . time(
) . '" WHERE `item_id`="' . $itm['item_id'] . '" AND `inOdet` = 0 AND `delete` < 100000 AND `uid` = "' . $itm['uid'] . '" AND `data` NOT LIKE "%nodelete%"' . $whr
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$this->error = 'Предметы "' . $itm['name'] . ' (x' . ($col + 1) . ')" выброшены';
2023-12-01 21:05:11 +00:00
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
'&quot;<span style="color: maroon; ">System.inventory</span>&quot;: Предметы &quot;<strong>' . $itm['name'] . ' (x' . $col . ')</strong>&quot; [itm:' . $itm['id'] . '=' . time(
) . '] были <strong>выброшены</strong>.',
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
} else {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$this->error = 'Предмет "' . $itm['name'] . '" выброшен';
2023-12-01 21:05:11 +00:00
'&quot;<span style="color: maroon; ">System.inventory</span>&quot;: Предмет &quot;<strong>' . $itm['name'] . '</strong>&quot; [itm:' . $itm['id'] . '] был <strong>выброшен</strong>.',
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
return 1;
} else {
$this->error = 'Предмет не найден в вашем рюкзаке';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function testLevel()
$rt = 0;
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
if ($this->info['expstopu'] > 2 && $this->info['exp'] > Config::get('expstopu')) {
$this->info['exp'] = Config::get('expstopu');
Db::sql('update stats set exp = ? where id = ?', [Config::get('expstopu'), $this->info['id']]);
} elseif ($this->info['exp'] > Config::get('expstop') && $this->info['expstopu'] < 3) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->info['upexpdate'] == 0) {
$this->info['upexpdate'] = time();
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
Db::sql('update stats set upexpdate = unix_timestamp() where id = ?', [$this->info['id']]);
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
} elseif (time() >= ($this->info['upexpdate'] + 400 * 60 * 60 * 24)) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$this->info['upexpdate'] = time();
$this->info['expstopu'] = $this->info['expstopu'] + 1;
2023-01-10 18:53:10 +00:00
'update stats set upexpdate = unix_timestamp(), expstopu = expstopu + 1 where id = ?',
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->info['expstopu'] < 3) {
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$this->info['exp'] = Config::get('expstop');
Db::sql('update stats set exp = ? where id = ?', [Config::get('expstop'), $this->info['id']]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($this->stats['levels']['upLevel'])) {
$telvl = [];
foreach (Db::getRows('select uplevel, exp from levels') as $row) {
$telvl[$row['uplevel']] = $row['exp'];
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->info['exp'] >= $telvl[$this->info['upLevel']]) {
[$lvl, $lvln] = Db::getRows('select * from levels where uplevel >= ? order by uplevel limit 2', [$this->info['upLevel']]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$i = 0;
$ult = 0;
$sex1 = '';
if ($this->info['sex'] == 1) {
$sex1 = 'ла';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
while ($i != 1) {
if ($this->info['exp'] < $lvl['exp'] || !isset($lvln['upLevel'])) {
$i = 1;
} else {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($lvl['nextLevel'] > $this->info['level']) {
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
//повышаем выносливость
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$a4 = 1;
if ($lvl['nextLevel'] == 9) {
$a4 = 2;
} elseif ($lvl['nextLevel'] == 10) {
$a4 = 3;
} elseif ($lvl['nextLevel'] == 11) {
$a4 = 5;
} elseif ($lvl['nextLevel'] == 12) {
$a4 = 30;
$this->stats['s4'] += $a4;
$ult = 1;
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
if ($this->info['twink'] == 0 && (round(
) > 0 && ($this->info['dieline'] == 0 || $this->info['dieline'] < $lvl['exp']))) {
$mtest = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`uid`,`uid2`,`ip` FROM `mults` WHERE (`uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `uid2` = "' . ((int)$this->info['host_reg']) . '") OR (`uid2` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . ((int)$this->info['host_reg']) . '") LIMIT 1'
$rlog = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`login`,`catch`,`host_reg` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . ((int)$this->info['host_reg']) . '" LIMIT 1'
$rlogs = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`ref_data` FROM `stats` WHERE `id` = "' . ((int)$this->info['host_reg']) . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (!isset($mtest['id']) && isset($rlog['id'])) {
$rtg = true;
} else {
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$rtg = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT * FROM `ref_mult` WHERE `uid1` = "' . $rlog['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($rtg['id'])) {
if ($this->info['id'] == $rtg['uid2']) {
$rtg = true;
} else {
$rtg = false;
} else {
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'INSERT INTO `ref_mult` (`uid1`,`uid2`,`time`) VALUES (
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
"' . $rlog['id'] . '" , "' . $this->info['id'] . '","' . time() . '"
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$rtg = true;
$cmsg = new ChatMessage();
if (($rtg || !isset($mtest['id'])) && isset($rlog['id'])) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$rfs['data'] = explode('|', $rlogs['ref_data']);
2023-07-11 15:16:35 +00:00
$bonus = [
9 => 30,
10 => 75,
11 => 150,
12 => 250,
2023-07-11 15:16:35 +00:00
$ekr = $bonus[$lvl['nextlevel']];
2023-07-11 15:16:35 +00:00
if (isset($ekr)) {
$this->addEkr($ekr, $rlog['id']);
2023-07-11 15:16:35 +00:00
//Реферал 1-го уровня
$krtxt = ", $ekr екр.";
'Ваш реферал <strong>' . $this->info['login'] . '</strong> достиг' . $sex1 . ' уровня ' . $lvl['nextLevel'] . '! Вам зачисленно ' . $krtxt
(new Chat())->sendMsg($cmsg);
2023-07-11 15:16:35 +00:00
$rlog['catch'] += $ekr;
'UPDATE `users` SET `catch` = "' . $rlog['catch'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rlog['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
if ((int)$rlog['host_reg'] > 0) {
//Реферал 2-го уровня
$llogin = $rlog['login'];
$ekr = round($ekr * 0.4, 2);
$rlog = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`login`,`catch`,`host_reg` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . ((int)$rlog['host_reg']) . '" LIMIT 1'
if (isset($rlog['id'])) {
'Ваш реферал <strong>' . $this->info['login'] . '</strong> (2-го уровня от &quot;' . $llogin . '&quot; ) достиг' . $sex1 . ' уровня ' . $lvl['nextLevel'] . '! Вам зачисленно ' . $krtxt
(new Chat())->sendMsg($cmsg);
$rlog['catch'] += $ekr;
$this->addEkr($ekr, $rlog['id']);
if ((int)$rlog['host_reg'] > 0) {
//Реферал 3-го уровня
$llogin2 = $rlog['login'];
$ekr = round($ekr * 0.2, 2);
$rlog = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`login`,`catch`,`host_reg` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . ((int)$rlog['host_reg']) . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-07-11 15:16:35 +00:00
if (isset($rlog['id'])) {
'Ваш реферал <strong>' . $this->info['login'] . '</strong> (3-го уровня от &quot;' . $llogin2 . '&quot; (Реферал ' . $llogin . ') ) достиг' . $sex1 . ' уровня ' . $lvl['nextLevel'] . '! Вам зачисленно ' . $krtxt
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-07-11 15:16:35 +00:00
(new Chat())->sendMsg($cmsg);
$rlog['catch'] += $ekr;
$this->addEkr($ekr, $rlog['id']);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
"UPDATE `users` SET `referals` = `referals` + 5 WHERE `id` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string(
) . "' LIMIT 1"
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif (isset($rlog['id'])) {
'Ваш реферал <strong>' . $this->info['login'] . '</strong> достиг' . $sex1 . ' уровня ' . $lvl['nextLevel'] . '! <small style="color: red">(Персонаж не активирован, либо у вас совпадают IP! Разрешено не более 1 такого реферала!)</small>'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
(new Chat())->sendMsg($cmsg);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$tst = Conversion::dataStringToArray($this->info['stats']);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$tst['s4'] += $lvl['vinos'];
$tst['s7'] += $lvl['duh'];
$this->info['stats'] = Conversion::arrayToDataString($tst);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$this->info['level'] = $lvl['nextLevel'];
$this->stats['levels'] = $lvln;
$this->info['ability'] += $lvl['ability'];
$this->info['skills'] += $lvl['skills'];
$this->info['sskills'] += $lvl['sskills'];
$this->info['nskills'] += $lvl['nskills'];
if ($this->info['twink'] == 0) {
$this->info['money'] = $lvl['money'] + $this->info['money'];
$this->info['money2'] = $lvl['money2'] + $this->info['money2'];
$lvl = $lvln;
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$lvln = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `bprice`,`upLevel`,`nextLevel`,`exp`,`money`,`money_bonus1`,`money_bonus2`,`ability`,`skills`,`nskills`,`sskills`,`expBtlMax`,`hpRegen`,`mpRegen`,`money2` FROM `levels` WHERE `upLevel`="' . ($lvl['upLevel'] + 1) . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$this->info['upLevel'] += 1;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($ult == 1) {
$chat = new Chat();
$cmsg = new ChatMessage();
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->info['level'] == 4 || $this->info['level'] == 8) {
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
//Убрать задержки на пещеры
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'DELETE FROM `actions` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `vars` LIKE "psh%"'
$cmsg->setText('Обязательно используйте свитки и эликсиры в своем инвентаре!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.');
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
'<strong>' . $this->info['login'] . '</strong> достиг' . $sex1 . ' уровня ' . $this->info['level'] . '!'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($rt > 0) {
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$this->info['stopexp'] = 0;
$upd = mysql_query(
'UPDATE `users_twink` SET `stopexp` = "' . $this->info['stopexp'] . '" WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($upd) {
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'UPDATE `stats` SET `ability` = "' . $this->info['ability'] . '",`skills` = "' . $this->info['skills'] . '",`nskills` = "' . $this->info['nskills'] . '",`sskills` = "' . $this->info['sskills'] . '",`stats` = "' . $this->info['stats'] . '",`upLevel` = "' . $this->info['upLevel'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$this->info['money'] = $this->r2($this->info['money']);
return 1;
if ($this->info['animal'] > 0) {
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
//уровень зверя
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$a = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`type`,`name`,`uid`,`delete`,`inBattle`,`eda`,`exp`,`obraz`,`stats`,`level`,`sex`,`levelUp`,`pet_in_cage`,`max_exp`,`priems`,`bonus` FROM `users_animal` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `id` = "' . $this->info['animal'] . '" AND `pet_in_cage` = "0" AND `delete` = "0" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($a['id']) && $a['level'] < 12) {
$ea = [
0 => 0,
1 => 110,
2 => 410,
3 => 1300,
4 => 2500,
5 => 5000,
6 => 12500,
7 => 30000,
8 => 100000,
9 => 3000000,
10 => 10000000,
11 => 50000000,
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
12 => 150000000,
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$mx = [
0 => 140,
1 => 400,
2 => 500,
3 => 650,
4 => 700,
5 => 1400,
6 => 3000,
7 => 6000,
8 => 10000,
9 => 16000,
10 => 24000,
11 => 40000,
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
12 => 60000,
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$iz = 0;
while ($iz != -1) {
if ($ea[$a['level'] + 1] <= $a['exp']) {
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
//поднимаем уровень
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$a['max_exp'] = $mx[$a['level']];
} else {
if ($iz > 0) {
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$a['stats'] = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`type`,`exp`,`level`,`stats`,`bonus` FROM `levels_animal` WHERE `type` = "' . $a['type'] . '" AND `level` = "' . $a['level'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$a['stats'] = $a['stats']['stats'];
$cmsg = new ChatMessage();
$cmsg->setText('<strong>' . $a['name'] . '</strong> достиг ' . $a['level'] . ' уровня!');
(new Chat())->sendMsg($cmsg);
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'UPDATE `users_animal` SET `stats` = "' . $a['stats'] . '",`level`="' . $a['level'] . '",`max_exp`="' . $a['max_exp'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $a['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$iz = -2;
if ($iz > 1000) {
$iz = -2;
2023-07-31 17:06:51 +00:00
//получаем уровень
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function addEkr($amount, $uid = 0): void
if ($uid === 0) {
$uid = $this->info['id'];
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$this->info['money2'] += $amount;
Db::sql('update users set money2 = money2 + ? where id = ?', [$amount, $uid]);
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
public function r2($v): string
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
return number_format($v, 2, '.', ' ');
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function addVoinstvennost($amount, $uid = 0): void
if ($uid === 0) {
$uid = $this->info['id'];
Db::sql('update rep set rep3 = rep3 + ? where id = ?', [$amount, $uid]);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
* @param $uid
* @param $st
* @param $i1
* @return array|int[]
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
public function regen($uid, $st, $i1): array
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($uid != $this->info['id']) {
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$where = is_numeric($uid) ? " = $uid" : "login = $uid";
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
$u = Db::getRow("select battle, stats.* from users left join stats on = where $where");
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (!isset($st['hpAll'])) {
$st = $this->getStats($uid, $i1);
} else {
$u = $this->info;
$st = isset($this->stats['hpAll']) ? $this->stats : $this->getStats($uid, $i1);
if (!empty($u['battle'])) {
return [0, 0];
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$sth = $u['minHP'] ?: 300; //Стандартное время восстановления в минутах HP
$stm = $u['minMP'] ?: 300; //Стандартное время восстановления в минутах MP
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
if (empty($st['speedhp'])) {
$st['speedhp'] = 0;
if (empty($st['speedmp'])) {
$st['speedmp'] = 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
//Тестеры первой волны
//тесты боев
# А не эта ли херня делала очень быструю регенерацию, которую считают нормой?
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$st['speedhp'] += 150;
$st['speedmp'] += 150;
$sh = ($st['hpAll'] / (60 * $sth));
$sh += ($sh / 100) * (1 + $st['speedhp'] + $st['levels']['hpRegen']);
$st['hpNow'] += $sh * (time() - $u['regHP']);
$st['hpNow'] = $st['hpNow'] > 0 ? min($st['hpNow'], $st['hpAll']) : 0;
$sm = ($st['mpAll'] / (60 * $stm));
$sm += ($sm / 100) * (1 + $st['speedmp'] + $st['levels']['mpRegen']);
$st['mpNow'] += $sm * (time() - $u['regMP']);
$st['mpNow'] = $st['mpNow'] > 0 ? min($st['mpNow'], $st['mpAll']) : 0;
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
//Заносим новые данные в базу
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($u['hpNow'] < $st['hpAll'] || $u['mpNow'] < $st['mpAll']) {
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'update stats set
reghp = unix_timestamp(),
regmp = unix_timestamp(),
hpnow = ?,
mpnow = ?
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
where id = ?', [$st['hpNow'], $st['mpNow'], $u['id']]
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($this->info['id'] == $u['id']) {
$this->stats['regHP'] = time();
$this->stats['regMP'] = time();
$this->stats['hpNow'] = $st['hpNow'];
$this->stats['mpNow'] = $st['mpNow'];
return [$sh, $sm, 'hpNow' => $st['hpNow'], 'mpNow' => $st['mpNow']];
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
public function ungive_itm_cl($id, $user, $cl): string
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$itm_ = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `iu`.*, `im`.* FROM `items_users` AS `iu` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `im` ON `iu`.`item_id` = `im`.`id` WHERE `iu`.`uid` >= 0 AND `iu`.`delete` = 0 AND `iu`.`id` = "' . $id . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$res = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `clan` WHERE `id` = "' . $cl . '" LIMIT 1'));
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$user_itm = mysql_fetch_array(
mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`bot`,`clone` FROM `stats` WHERE `id` = "' . $itm_['uid'] . '" LIMIT 1')
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if ($user_itm['bot'] > 0 || $user_itm['clone'] > 0 || !isset($user_itm['id'])) {
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
$r = '<font color="#FF0000"><strong>Вы не можете изьять данный предмет, он не принадлежит клану</strong></font><br />';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} elseif (isset($itm_['id'])) {
if ($user['inTurnir'] == 0 && $user['inTurnirnew'] == 0) {
if ($itm_['inOdet'] != 0) {
$o = ', `inOdet` = 0';
} else {
$o = '';
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
$r = '<font color="#FF0000"><strong>Вы успешно изъяли предмет &quot;' . $itm_['name'] . '&quot;</strong></font><br />';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$col = $this->itemsX(((int)$id));
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
'INSERT INTO `clan_operations` (`clan`, `time`, `type`, `text`, `val`, `uid`) VALUES ("' . $res['id'] . '", "' . time(
) . '", "6", "' . $user['login'] . '", "' . $itm_['name'] . ' (x' . $col . ') Ид : [' . $id . '] | У персонажа : [' . $itm_['uid'] . ']", "' . $user['id'] . '")'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD` = "' . time() . '", `uid` = "-21' . $res['id'] . '" ' . $o . ' WHERE `id` = "' . $id . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
$r = '<font color="#FF0000"><strong>Во время участия в турнире запрещено использовать клановое хранилище.</strong></font><br />';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
$r = '<font color="#FF0000"><strong>Предмет не найден.</strong></font><br />';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
return $r;
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
public function take_itm_cl($id, $user, $cl): string
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$itm_ = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `iu`.*, `im`.* FROM `items_users` AS `iu` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `im` ON `iu`.`item_id` = `im`.`id` WHERE `iu`.`uid` = "-21' . $user['clan'] . '" AND `iu`.`delete` = 0 AND `iu`.`id` = "' . $id . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$res = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `clan` WHERE `id` = "' . $cl . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($itm_['id'])) {
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($itm_['data']);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['toclan'])) {
$cls = explode('#', $po['toclan']);
$cls = $cls[1];
if ($user['inTurnir'] == 0 && $user['inTurnirnew'] == 0) {
$col = $this->itemsX(((int)$id));
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
'INSERT INTO `clan_operations` (`clan`, `time`, `type`, `text`, `val`, `uid`) VALUES ("' . $res['id'] . '", "' . time(
) . '", "5", "' . $user['login'] . '", "' . $itm_['name'] . ' (x' . $col . ') Ид : [' . $id . '] Хозяин : [' . $cls . ']", "' . $user['id'] . '")'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD` = "' . time() . '", `uid` = "' . $user['id'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $id . '" LIMIT 1'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
$r = '<font color="#FF0000"><strong>Вы успешно взяли предмет &quot;' . $itm_['name'] . '&quot; из хранилища</strong></font><br />';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
$r = '<font color="#FF0000"><strong>Во время участия в турнире запрещено использовать клановое хранилище.</strong></font><br />';
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
} else {
2023-01-10 16:29:32 +00:00
$r = '<font color="#FF0000"><strong>Предмет не найден.</strong></font><br />' . $id;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
return $r;
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
public function rem_itm_cl($user, $cl, $type): void
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$itms = mysql_query(
'SELECT * FROM `items_users` WHERE (`uid` = "-21' . $user['clan'] . '" OR `data` LIKE "%toclan=' . $user['clan'] . '#%")'
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($itms)) {
$po = Conversion::dataStringToArray($pl['data']);
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
if (isset($po['toclan'])) {
$cls = explode('#', $po['toclan']);
$cls = $cls[1];
if ($cls == $user['id']) {
if ($pl['uid'] != $user['id']) {
if ($pl['inOdet'] != 0) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `items_users` SET `inOdet` = 0 WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['id'] . '"');
$pl['data'] = Conversion::arrayToDataString($po);
2023-11-02 13:57:39 +00:00
$col = $this->itemsX((int)$pl['id']);
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$it_n = mysql_fetch_array(
mysql_query('SELECT `name` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['item_id'] . '"')
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD` = "' . time() . '", `uid` = "' . $user['id'] . '", `data` = "' . $pl['data'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['id'] . '"'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
'INSERT INTO `clan_operations` (`clan`, `time`, `type`, `text`, `val`, `uid`) VALUES ("' . $res['id'] . '", "' . time(
) . '", "' . $type . '", "' . $user['login'] . '", "' . $it_n['name'] . ' (x' . $col . ') Ид : [' . $pl['id'] . ']", "' . $user['id'] . '")'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
} elseif ($pl['uid'] == $user['id']) {
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
$col = $this->itemsX(((int)$pl['id']));
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
$it_n = mysql_fetch_array(
mysql_query('SELECT `name` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['item_id'] . '"')
'UPDATE `items_users` SET `lastUPD` = "' . time() . '", `uid` = "-21' . $user['clan'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['id'] . '"'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2023-12-17 02:32:09 +00:00
'INSERT INTO `clan_operations` (`clan`, `time`, `type`, `text`, `val`, `uid`) VALUES ("' . $res['id'] . '", "' . time(
) . '", "9", "' . $user['login'] . '", "' . $it_n['name'] . ' (x' . $col . ') Ид : [' . $pl['id'] . ']", "' . $user['id'] . '")'
2022-12-30 19:03:37 +00:00
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
public function isModerator(): bool
return $this->isAdmin() || $this->info['align'] > 3 && $this->info['align'] < 4;
public function isAdmin(): bool
return $this->info['admin'] > 0;
/** Игрок имеет меньше 30% хп.
* @return bool
public function isWeakened(): bool
return $this->stats['hpNow'] < ceil($this->stats['hpMax'] / 100 * 30);
2023-08-15 22:48:29 +00:00
public function isBlocked(): bool
return $this->info['banned'] > 0;
2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00