416 lines
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416 lines
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/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
* Contains functions used by browse_foreigners.php
* @package PhpMyAdmin
if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) {
* Function to get html for relational field selection
* @param string $db current database
* @param string $table current table
* @param string $field field
* @param array $foreignData foreign column data
* @param string $fieldkey field key
* @param array $data data
* @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForRelationalFieldSelection($db, $table, $field, $foreignData,
$fieldkey, $data
) {
$gotopage = PMA_getHtmlForGotoPage($foreignData);
$showall = PMA_getHtmlForShowAll($foreignData);
$output = '<form action="browse_foreigners.php" method="post">'
. '<fieldset>'
. PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($db, $table)
. '<input type="hidden" name="field" value="' . htmlspecialchars($field)
. '" />'
. '<input type="hidden" name="fieldkey" value="'
. (isset($fieldkey) ? htmlspecialchars($fieldkey) : '') . '" />';
if (isset($_REQUEST['rownumber'])) {
$output .= '<input type="hidden" name="rownumber" value="'
. htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['rownumber']) . '" />';
$output .= '<span class="formelement">'
. '<label for="input_foreign_filter">' . __('Search:') . '</label>'
. '<input type="text" name="foreign_filter" '
. 'id="input_foreign_filter" value="'
. (isset($_REQUEST['foreign_filter'])
? htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['foreign_filter'])
: '')
. '" />'
. '<input type="submit" name="submit_foreign_filter" value="'
. __('Go') . '" />'
. '</span>'
. '<span class="formelement">' . $gotopage . '</span>'
. '<span class="formelement">' . $showall . '</span>'
. '</fieldset>'
. '</form>';
$output .= '<table width="100%">';
if (is_array($foreignData['disp_row'])) {
$header = '<tr>
<th>' . __('Keyname') . '</th>
<th>' . __('Description') . '</th>
<td width="20%"></td>
<th>' . __('Description') . '</th>
<th>' . __('Keyname') . '</th>
$output .= '<thead>' . $header . '</thead>' . "\n"
. '<tfoot>' . $header . '</tfoot>' . "\n"
. '<tbody>' . "\n";
$values = array();
$keys = array();
foreach ($foreignData['disp_row'] as $relrow) {
if ($foreignData['foreign_display'] != false) {
$values[] = $relrow[$foreignData['foreign_display']];
} else {
$values[] = '';
$keys[] = $relrow[$foreignData['foreign_field']];
$hcount = 0;
$odd_row = true;
$val_ordered_current_row = 0;
$val_ordered_current_equals_data = false;
$key_ordered_current_equals_data = false;
foreach ($keys as $key_ordered_current_row => $value) {
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['RepeatCells'] > 0
&& $hcount > $GLOBALS['cfg']['RepeatCells']
) {
$output .= $header;
$hcount = 0;
$odd_row = true;
$key_ordered_current_key = $keys[$key_ordered_current_row];
$key_ordered_current_val = $values[$key_ordered_current_row];
$val_ordered_current_key = $keys[$val_ordered_current_row];
$val_ordered_current_val = $values[$val_ordered_current_row];
$pmaString = $GLOBALS['PMA_String'];
$limitChars = $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars'];
if ($pmaString->strlen($val_ordered_current_val) <= $limitChars) {
$val_ordered_current_val = htmlspecialchars(
$val_ordered_current_val_title = '';
} else {
$val_ordered_current_val_title = htmlspecialchars(
$val_ordered_current_val = htmlspecialchars(
$val_ordered_current_val, 0, $limitChars
. '...'
if ($pmaString->strlen($key_ordered_current_val) <= $limitChars) {
$key_ordered_current_val = htmlspecialchars(
$key_ordered_current_val_title = '';
} else {
$key_ordered_current_val_title = htmlspecialchars(
$key_ordered_current_val = htmlspecialchars(
$key_ordered_current_val, 0, $limitChars
) . '...'
if (! empty($data)) {
= $val_ordered_current_key == $data;
= $key_ordered_current_key == $data;
$output .= '<tr class="noclick ' . ($odd_row ? 'odd' : 'even') . '">';
$odd_row = ! $odd_row;
$output .= PMA_getHtmlForColumnElement(
'class="nowrap"', $key_ordered_current_equals_data,
$key_ordered_current_key, $key_ordered_current_val,
$key_ordered_current_val_title, $field
$output .= PMA_getHtmlForColumnElement(
'', $key_ordered_current_equals_data, $key_ordered_current_key,
$key_ordered_current_val, $key_ordered_current_val_title, $field
$output .= '<td width="20%">'
. '<img src="' . $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . 'spacer.png" alt=""'
. ' width="1" height="1" /></td>';
$output .= PMA_getHtmlForColumnElement(
'', $val_ordered_current_equals_data, $key_ordered_current_key,
$val_ordered_current_val, $val_ordered_current_val_title, $field
$output .= PMA_getHtmlForColumnElement(
'class="nowrap"', $val_ordered_current_equals_data,
$val_ordered_current_key, $val_ordered_current_val,
$val_ordered_current_val_title, $field
$output .= '</tr>';
} // end while
$output .= '</tbody>'
. '</table>';
return $output;
* Function to get html for each column element
* @param string $cssClass class="nowrap" or ''
* @param bool $currentEqualsData whether current equals data
* @param string $currentKey current key
* @param string $currentVal current value
* @param string $currentTitle current title
* @param string $field field
* @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForColumnElement($cssClass, $currentEqualsData, $currentKey,
$currentVal, $currentTitle, $field
) {
$output = '<td ' . $cssClass . '>'
. ($currentEqualsData ? '<strong>' : '')
. '<a href="#" title="' . __('Use this value')
. ($currentTitle != ''
? ': ' . $currentTitle
: '')
. '" onclick="formupdate(\'' . md5($field) . '\', \''
. PMA_jsFormat($currentKey, false)
. '\'); return false;">';
if ($cssClass !== '') {
$output .= htmlspecialchars($currentKey);
} else {
$output .= $currentVal;
$output .= '</a>' . ($currentEqualsData ? '</strong>' : '') . '</td>';
return $output;
* Function to get javascript code to handle display selection for relational
* field values
* @return string
function PMA_getJsScriptToHandleSelectRelationalFields()
$element_name = PMA_getElementName();
$fieldkey = PMA_getFieldKey();
$error = PMA_getJsError();
$code = <<<EOC
function formupdate(fieldmd5, key) {
var \$inline = window.opener.jQuery('.browse_foreign_clicked');
if (\$inline.length != 0) {
// for grid editing,
// puts new value in the previous element which is
// a span with class curr_value, and trigger .change()
// for zoom-search editing, puts new value in the previous
// element which is an input field
return false;
if (opener && opener.document && opener.document.insertForm) {
var field = 'fields';
var field_null = 'fields_null';
var element_name_alt = field + '[$fieldkey]';
if (opener.document.insertForm.elements[element_name]) {
// Edit/Insert form
opener.document.insertForm.elements[element_name].value = key;
if (opener.document.insertForm.elements[null_name]) {
opener.document.insertForm.elements[null_name].checked = false;
return false;
} else if (opener.document.insertForm.elements[element_name_alt]) {
// Search form
opener.document.insertForm.elements[element_name_alt].value = key;
return false;
return $code;
* Function to get formatted error message for javascript
* @return string
function PMA_getJsError()
return PMA_jsFormat(
'The target browser window could not be updated. '
. 'Maybe you have closed the parent window, or '
. 'your browser\'s security settings are '
. 'configured to block cross-window updates.'
* Function to get the field key
* @return string
function PMA_getFieldKey()
if (! isset($_REQUEST['fieldkey']) || ! is_numeric($_REQUEST['fieldkey'])) {
$fieldkey = 0;
} else {
$fieldkey = $_REQUEST['fieldkey'];
return $fieldkey;
* Function to get the element name
* @return string
function PMA_getElementName()
// When coming from Table/Zoom search
if (isset($_REQUEST['fromsearch'])) {
// In table or zoom search, input fields are named "criteriaValues"
$element_name = " var field = 'criteriaValues';\n";
} else {
// In insert/edit, input fields are named "fields"
$element_name = " var field = 'fields';\n";
if (isset($_REQUEST['rownumber'])) {
$element_name .= " var element_name = field + '[multi_edit]["
. htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['rownumber']) . "][' + fieldmd5 + ']';\n"
. " var null_name = field_null + '[multi_edit]["
. htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['rownumber']) . "][' + fieldmd5 + ']';\n";
} else {
$element_name .= "var element_name = field + '[]'";
return $element_name;
* Function to get html for show all case
* @param array $foreignData foreign data
* @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForShowAll($foreignData)
$showall = '';
if (is_array($foreignData['disp_row'])) {
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowAll']
&& ($foreignData['the_total'] > $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxRows'])
) {
$showall = '<input type="submit" name="foreign_navig" value="'
. __('Show all') . '" />';
return $showall;
* Function to get html for the goto page option
* @param array $foreignData foreign data
* @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForGotoPage($foreignData)
$gotopage = '';
isset($_REQUEST['pos']) ? $pos = $_REQUEST['pos'] : $pos = 0;
if (is_array($foreignData['disp_row'])) {
$session_max_rows = $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxRows'];
$pageNow = @floor($pos / $session_max_rows) + 1;
$nbTotalPage = @ceil($foreignData['the_total'] / $session_max_rows);
if ($foreignData['the_total'] > $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxRows']) {
$gotopage = PMA_Util::pageselector(
__('Page number:')
return $gotopage;
* Function to get foreign limit
* @param string $foreign_navig foreign navigation
* @return string
function PMA_getForeignLimit($foreign_navig)
if (isset($foreign_navig) && $foreign_navig == __('Show all')) {
return null;
isset($_REQUEST['pos']) ? $pos = $_REQUEST['pos'] : $pos = 0;
return 'LIMIT ' . $pos . ', ' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxRows'] . ' ';