448 lines
16 KiB
448 lines
16 KiB
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
* SQL import plugin for phpMyAdmin
* @package PhpMyAdmin-Import
* @subpackage SQL
if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) {
/* Get the import interface */
require_once 'libraries/plugins/ImportPlugin.class.php';
* Handles the import for the SQL format
* @package PhpMyAdmin-Import
* @subpackage SQL
class ImportSql extends ImportPlugin
* Constructor
public function __construct()
* Sets the import plugin properties.
* Called in the constructor.
* @return void
protected function setProperties()
$props = 'libraries/properties/';
include_once "$props/plugins/ImportPluginProperties.class.php";
include_once "$props/options/groups/OptionsPropertyRootGroup.class.php";
include_once "$props/options/groups/OptionsPropertyMainGroup.class.php";
include_once "$props/options/items/SelectPropertyItem.class.php";
include_once "$props/options/items/BoolPropertyItem.class.php";
$importPluginProperties = new ImportPluginProperties();
$compats = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getCompatibilities();
if (count($compats) > 0) {
$values = array();
foreach ($compats as $val) {
$values[$val] = $val;
// create the root group that will be the options field for
// $importPluginProperties
// this will be shown as "Format specific options"
$importSpecificOptions = new OptionsPropertyRootGroup();
$importSpecificOptions->setName("Format Specific Options");
// general options main group
$generalOptions = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup();
// create primary items and add them to the group
$leaf = new SelectPropertyItem();
$leaf->setText(__('SQL compatibility mode:'));
$leaf = new BoolPropertyItem();
__('Do not use <code>AUTO_INCREMENT</code> for zero values')
// add the main group to the root group
// set the options for the import plugin property item
$this->properties = $importPluginProperties;
* This method is called when any PluginManager to which the observer
* is attached calls PluginManager::notify()
* @param SplSubject $subject The PluginManager notifying the observer
* of an update.
* @return void
public function update (SplSubject $subject)
* Handles the whole import logic
* @param array &$sql_data 2-element array with sql data
* @return void
public function doImport(&$sql_data = array())
global $error, $timeout_passed;
$buffer = '';
// Defaults for parser
$sql = '';
$start_pos = 0;
$i = 0;
$len= 0;
$big_value = 2147483647;
// include the space because it's mandatory
$delimiter_keyword = 'DELIMITER ';
$length_of_delimiter_keyword = strlen($delimiter_keyword);
if (isset($_POST['sql_delimiter'])) {
$sql_delimiter = $_POST['sql_delimiter'];
} else {
$sql_delimiter = ';';
// Handle compatibility options
$sql_modes = array();
if (isset($_REQUEST['sql_compatibility'])
&& 'NONE' != $_REQUEST['sql_compatibility']
) {
$sql_modes[] = $_REQUEST['sql_compatibility'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['sql_no_auto_value_on_zero'])) {
$sql_modes[] = 'NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO';
if (count($sql_modes) > 0) {
'SET SQL_MODE="' . implode(',', $sql_modes) . '"'
* will be set in PMA_importGetNextChunk()
* @global boolean $GLOBALS['finished']
$GLOBALS['finished'] = false;
while (! ($GLOBALS['finished'] && $i >= $len)
&& ! $error
&& ! $timeout_passed
) {
$data = PMA_importGetNextChunk();
if ($data === false) {
// subtract data we didn't handle yet and stop processing
$GLOBALS['offset'] -= strlen($buffer);
} elseif ($data === true) {
// Handle rest of buffer
} else {
// Append new data to buffer
$buffer .= $data;
// free memory
// Do not parse string when we're not at the end
// and don't have ; inside
if ((strpos($buffer, $sql_delimiter, $i) === false)
&& ! $GLOBALS['finished']
) {
// Convert CR (but not CRLF) to LF otherwise all queries
// may not get executed on some platforms
$buffer = preg_replace("/\r($|[^\n])/", "\n$1", $buffer);
// Current length of our buffer
$len = strlen($buffer);
// Grab some SQL queries out of it
while ($i < $len) {
$found_delimiter = false;
// Find first interesting character
$old_i = $i;
// this is about 7 times faster that looking for each sequence i
// one by one with strpos()
$match = preg_match(
'/(\'|"|#|-- |\/\*|`|(?i)(?<![A-Z0-9_])'
. $delimiter_keyword . ')/',
if ($match) {
// in $matches, index 0 contains the match for the complete
// expression but we don't use it
$first_position = $matches[1][1];
} else {
$first_position = $big_value;
* @todo we should not look for a delimiter that might be
* inside quotes (or even double-quotes)
// the cost of doing this one with preg_match() would be too high
$first_sql_delimiter = strpos($buffer, $sql_delimiter, $i);
if ($first_sql_delimiter === false) {
$first_sql_delimiter = $big_value;
} else {
$found_delimiter = true;
// set $i to the position of the first quote,
// comment.start or delimiter found
$i = min($first_position, $first_sql_delimiter);
if ($i == $big_value) {
// none of the above was found in the string
$i = $old_i;
if (! $GLOBALS['finished']) {
// at the end there might be some whitespace...
if (trim($buffer) == '') {
$buffer = '';
$len = 0;
// We hit end of query, go there!
$i = strlen($buffer) - 1;
// Grab current character
$ch = $buffer[$i];
// Quotes
if (strpos('\'"`', $ch) !== false) {
$quote = $ch;
$endq = false;
while (! $endq) {
// Find next quote
$pos = strpos($buffer, $quote, $i + 1);
* Behave same as MySQL and accept end of query as end
* of backtick.
* I know this is sick, but MySQL behaves like this:
* SELECT * FROM `table
* is treated like
* SELECT * FROM `table`
if ($pos === false && $quote == '`' && $found_delimiter) {
$pos = $first_sql_delimiter - 1;
} elseif ($pos === false) { // No quote? Too short string
// We hit end of string => unclosed quote,
// but we handle it as end of query
if ($GLOBALS['finished']) {
$endq = true;
$i = $len - 1;
$found_delimiter = false;
// Was not the quote escaped?
$j = $pos - 1;
while ($buffer[$j] == '\\') {
// Even count means it was not escaped
$endq = (((($pos - 1) - $j) % 2) == 0);
// Skip the string
$i = $pos;
if ($first_sql_delimiter < $pos) {
$found_delimiter = false;
if (! $endq) {
// Aren't we at the end?
if ($GLOBALS['finished'] && $i == $len) {
} else {
// Not enough data to decide
if ((($i == ($len - 1) && ($ch == '-' || $ch == '/'))
|| ($i == ($len - 2) && (($ch == '-' && $buffer[$i + 1] == '-')
|| ($ch == '/' && $buffer[$i + 1] == '*'))))
&& ! $GLOBALS['finished']
) {
// Comments
if ($ch == '#'
|| ($i < ($len - 1) && $ch == '-' && $buffer[$i + 1] == '-'
&& (($i < ($len - 2) && $buffer[$i + 2] <= ' ')
|| ($i == ($len - 1) && $GLOBALS['finished'])))
|| ($i < ($len - 1) && $ch == '/' && $buffer[$i + 1] == '*')
) {
// Copy current string to SQL
if ($start_pos != $i) {
$sql .= substr($buffer, $start_pos, $i - $start_pos);
// Skip the rest
$start_of_comment = $i;
// do not use PHP_EOL here instead of "\n", because the export
// file might have been produced on a different system
$i = strpos($buffer, $ch == '/' ? '*/' : "\n", $i);
// didn't we hit end of string?
if ($i === false) {
if ($GLOBALS['finished']) {
$i = $len - 1;
} else {
// Skip *
if ($ch == '/') {
// Skip last char
// We need to send the comment part in case we are defining
// a procedure or function and comments in it are valuable
$sql .= substr(
$i - $start_of_comment
// Next query part will start here
$start_pos = $i;
// Aren't we at the end?
if ($i == $len) {
} else {
// Change delimiter, if redefined, and skip it
// (don't send to server!)
if (($i + $length_of_delimiter_keyword < $len)
&& strtoupper(
substr($buffer, $i, $length_of_delimiter_keyword)
) == $delimiter_keyword
) {
// look for EOL on the character immediately after 'DELIMITER '
// (see previous comment about PHP_EOL)
$new_line_pos = strpos(
$i + $length_of_delimiter_keyword
// it might happen that there is no EOL
if (false === $new_line_pos) {
$new_line_pos = $len;
$sql_delimiter = substr(
$i + $length_of_delimiter_keyword,
$new_line_pos - $i - $length_of_delimiter_keyword
$i = $new_line_pos + 1;
// Next query part will start here
$start_pos = $i;
// End of SQL
if ($found_delimiter
|| ($GLOBALS['finished']
&& ($i == $len - 1))
) {
$tmp_sql = $sql;
if ($start_pos < $len) {
$length_to_grab = $i - $start_pos;
if (! $found_delimiter) {
$tmp_sql .= substr($buffer, $start_pos, $length_to_grab);
// Do not try to execute empty SQL
if (! preg_match('/^([\s]*;)*$/', trim($tmp_sql))) {
$sql = $tmp_sql;
substr($buffer, 0, $i + strlen($sql_delimiter)),
$buffer = substr($buffer, $i + strlen($sql_delimiter));
// Reset parser:
$len = strlen($buffer);
$sql = '';
$i = 0;
$start_pos = 0;
// Any chance we will get a complete query?
//if ((strpos($buffer, ';') === false)
//&& ! $GLOBALS['finished']) {
if (strpos($buffer, $sql_delimiter) === false
&& ! $GLOBALS['finished']
) {
} else {
$start_pos = $i;
} // End of parser loop
} // End of import loop
// Commit any possible data in buffers
PMA_importRunQuery('', substr($buffer, 0, $len), false, $sql_data);
PMA_importRunQuery('', '', false, $sql_data);