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2022-12-19 20:22:19 +00:00
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
* Functions used to generate GIS visualizations.
* @package PhpMyAdmin
if (!defined('PHPMYADMIN')) {
require_once 'libraries/sql.lib.php';
* Returns a modified sql query with only the label column
* and spatial column(wrapped with 'ASTEXT()' function).
* @param string $sql_query original sql query
* @param array $visualizationSettings settings for the visualization
* @return string the modified sql query.
function PMA_GIS_modifyQuery($sql_query, $visualizationSettings)
$modified_query = 'SELECT ';
$analyzed_query = PMA_SQP_analyze(PMA_SQP_parse($sql_query));
// If select clause is not *
if (trim($analyzed_query[0]['select_expr_clause']) != '*') {
// If label column is chosen add it to the query
if (isset($visualizationSettings['labelColumn'])
&& $visualizationSettings['labelColumn'] != ''
) {
// Check to see whether an alias has been used on the label column
$is_label_alias = false;
foreach ($analyzed_query[0]['select_expr'] as $select) {
if ($select['alias'] == $visualizationSettings['labelColumn']) {
$modified_query .= sanitize($select) . ' AS `'
. $select['alias'] . '`, ';
$is_label_alias = true;
// If no alias have been used on the label column
if (! $is_label_alias) {
foreach ($analyzed_query[0]['select_expr'] as $select) {
if ($select['column'] == $visualizationSettings['labelColumn']) {
$modified_query .= sanitize($select) . ', ';
// Check to see whether an alias has been used on the spatial column
$is_spatial_alias = false;
foreach ($analyzed_query[0]['select_expr'] as $select) {
if ($select['alias'] == $visualizationSettings['spatialColumn']) {
$sanitized = sanitize($select);
$modified_query .= 'ASTEXT(' . $sanitized . ') AS `'
. $select['alias'] . '`, ';
// Get the SRID
$modified_query .= 'SRID(' . $sanitized . ') AS `srid` ';
$is_spatial_alias = true;
// If no alias have been used on the spatial column
if (! $is_spatial_alias) {
foreach ($analyzed_query[0]['select_expr'] as $select) {
if ($select['column'] == $visualizationSettings['spatialColumn']) {
$sanitized = sanitize($select);
$modified_query .= 'ASTEXT(' . $sanitized
. ') AS `' . $select['column'] . '`, ';
// Get the SRID
$modified_query .= 'SRID(' . $sanitized . ') AS `srid` ';
// If select clause is *
} else {
// If label column is chosen add it to the query
if (isset($visualizationSettings['labelColumn'])
&& $visualizationSettings['labelColumn'] != ''
) {
$modified_query .= '`' . $visualizationSettings['labelColumn'] .'`, ';
// Wrap the spatial column with 'ASTEXT()' function and add it
$modified_query .= 'ASTEXT(`' . $visualizationSettings['spatialColumn']
. '`) AS `' . $visualizationSettings['spatialColumn'] . '`, ';
// Get the SRID
$modified_query .= 'SRID(`' . $visualizationSettings['spatialColumn']
. '`) AS `srid` ';
// Append the rest of the query
$from_pos = stripos($sql_query, 'FROM');
$modified_query .= substr($sql_query, $from_pos);
return $modified_query;
* Local function to sanitize the expression taken
* from the results of PMA_SQP_analyze function.
* @param array $select Select to sanitize.
* @return string Sanitized string.
function sanitize($select)
$table_col = $select['table_name'] . "." . $select['column'];
$db_table_col = $select['db'] . "." . $select['table_name']
. "." . $select['column'];
if ($select['expr'] == $select['column']) {
return "`" . $select['column'] . "`";
} elseif ($select['expr'] == $table_col) {
return "`" . $select['table_name'] . "`.`" . $select['column'] . "`";
} elseif ($select['expr'] == $db_table_col) {
return "`" . $select['db'] . "`.`" . $select['table_name']
. "`.`" . $select['column'] . "`";
return $select['expr'];
* Formats a visualization for the GIS query results.
* @param array $data Data for the status chart
* @param array &$visualizationSettings Settings used to generate the chart
* @param string $format Format of the visulaization
* @return string|void HTML and JS code for the GIS visualization
function PMA_GIS_visualizationResults($data, &$visualizationSettings, $format)
include_once './libraries/gis/pma_gis_visualization.php';
include_once './libraries/gis/pma_gis_factory.php';
if (! isset($data[0])) {
// empty data
return __('No data found for GIS visualization.');
} else {
$visualization = new PMA_GIS_Visualization($data, $visualizationSettings);
if ($visualizationSettings != null) {
foreach ($visualization->getSettings() as $setting => $val) {
if (! isset($visualizationSettings[$setting])) {
$visualizationSettings[$setting] = $val;
if ($format == 'svg') {
return $visualization->asSvg();
} elseif ($format == 'png') {
return $visualization->asPng();
} elseif ($format == 'ol') {
return $visualization->asOl();
* Generate visualization for the GIS query results and save it to a file.
* @param array $data data for the status chart
* @param array $visualizationSettings settings used to generate the chart
* @param string $format format of the visulaization
* @param string $fileName file name
* @return file File containing the visualization
function PMA_GIS_saveToFile($data, $visualizationSettings, $format, $fileName)
include_once './libraries/gis/pma_gis_visualization.php';
include_once './libraries/gis/pma_gis_factory.php';
if (isset($data[0])) {
$visualization = new PMA_GIS_Visualization($data, $visualizationSettings);
if ($format == 'svg') {
} elseif ($format == 'png') {
} elseif ($format == 'pdf') {
* Function to get html for the lebel column and spatial column
* @param string $column the column type. i.e either "labelColumn"
* or "spatialColumn"
* @param array $columnCandidates the list of select options
* @param array $visualizationSettings visualization settings
* @return string $html
function PMA_getHtmlForColumn($column, $columnCandidates, $visualizationSettings)
$html = '<tr><td><label for="labelColumn">';
$html .= ($column=="labelColumn") ? __("Label column") : __("Spatial column");
$html .= '</label></td>';
$html .= '<td><select name="visualizationSettings[' . $column . ']" id="'
. $column . '">';
if ($column == "labelColumn") {
$html .= '<option value="">' . __("-- None --") . '</option>';
$html .= PMA_getHtmlForOptionsList(
$columnCandidates, array($visualizationSettings[$column])
$html .= '</select></td>';
$html .= '</tr>';
return $html;
* Function to get HTML for the option of using open street maps
* @param boolean $isSelected the default value
* @return string HTML string
function PMA_getHtmlForUseOpenStreetMaps($isSelected)
$html = '<tr><td class="choice" colspan="2">';
$html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="visualizationSettings[choice]"'
. 'id="choice" value="useBaseLayer"';
if ($isSelected) {
$html .= ' checked="checked"';
$html .= '/>';
$html .= '<label for="choice">';
$html .= __("Use OpenStreetMaps as Base Layer");
$html .= '</label>';
$html .= '</td></tr>';
return $html;
* Function to generate HTML for the GIS visualization page
* @param array $url_params url parameters
* @param array $labelCandidates list of candidates for the label
* @param array $spatialCandidates list of candidates for the spatial column
* @param array $visualizationSettings visualization settings
* @param String $sql_query the sql query
* @param String $visualization HTML and js code for the visualization
* @param boolean $svg_support whether svg download format is supported
* @param array $data array of visualizing data
* @return string HTML code for the GIS visualization
function PMA_getHtmlForGisVisualization(
$url_params, $labelCandidates, $spatialCandidates, $visualizationSettings,
$sql_query, $visualization, $svg_support, $data
) {
$html = '<div id="div_view_options">';
$html .= '<fieldset>';
$html .= '<legend>' . __('Display GIS Visualization') . '</legend>';
$html .= '<div style="width: 400px; float: left;">';
$html .= '<form method="post" action="tbl_gis_visualization.php">';
$html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($url_params);
$html .= '<table class="gis_table">';
$html .= PMA_getHtmlForColumn(
"labelColumn", $labelCandidates, $visualizationSettings
$html .= PMA_getHtmlForColumn(
"spatialColumn", $spatialCandidates, $visualizationSettings
$html .= '<tr><td></td>';
$html .= '<td class="button"><input type="submit"';
$html .= ' name="displayVisualizationBtn" value="';
$html .= __('Redraw');
$html .= '" /></td></tr>';
if (! $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->isHttps()) {
$isSelected = isset($visualizationSettings['choice']) ? true : false;
$html .= PMA_getHtmlForUseOpenStreetMaps($isSelected);
$html .= '</table>';
$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="displayVisualization" value="redraw">';
$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="sql_query" value="';
$html .= htmlspecialchars($sql_query) . '" />';
$html .= '</form>';
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<div style="float:left;">';
$html .= '<form method="post" class="disableAjax"';
$html .= ' action="tbl_gis_visualization.php">';
$html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($url_params);
$html .= '<table class="gis_table">';
$html .= '<tr><td><label for="fileName">';
$html .= __("File name") . '</label></td>';
$html .= '<td><input type="text" name="fileName" id="fileName" /></td></tr>';
$html .= '<tr><td><label for="fileFormat">';
$html .= __("Format") . '</label></td>';
$html .= '<td><select name="fileFormat" id="fileFormat">';
$html .= '<option value="png">PNG</option>';
$html .= '<option value="pdf">PDF</option>';
if ($svg_support) {
$html .= '<option value="svg" selected="selected">SVG</option>';
$html .= '</select></td></tr>';
$html .= '<tr><td></td>';
$html .= '<td class="button"><input type="submit" name="saveToFileBtn" value="';
$html .= __('Download') . '" /></td></tr>';
$html .= '</table>';
$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="saveToFile" value="download">';
$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="sql_query" value="';
$html .= htmlspecialchars($sql_query) . '" />';
$html .= '</form>';
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<div style="clear:both;">&nbsp;</div>';
$html .= '<div id="placeholder" style="width:';
$html .= htmlspecialchars($visualizationSettings['width']) . 'px;height:';
$html .= htmlspecialchars($visualizationSettings['height']) . 'px;">';
$html .= $visualization;
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<div id="openlayersmap"></div>';
$html .= '<input type="hidden" id="pmaThemeImage" value="';
$html .= $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . '" />';
$html .= '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">';
$html .= 'function drawOpenLayers()';
$html .= '{';
if (! $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->isHttps()) {
$html .= PMA_GIS_visualizationResults($data, $visualizationSettings, 'ol');
$html .= '}';
$html .= '</script>';
$html .= '</fieldset>';
$html .= '</div>';
return $html;