array() //карта ) ,$id_dng,$cord = array('x' => 0),$sg = array(1 => array(1=>1,2=>2,3=>3,4=>4),2 => array(1=>2,2=>3,3=>4,4=>1),3 => array(1=>3,2=>4,3=>1,4=>2),4 => array(1=>4,2=>1,3=>2,4=>3)); public function start() { global $u,$c,$code; $this->info = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_now` WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['dnow'].'" LIMIT 1')); $this->id_dng = $this->info['id2']; $this->gs = $u->info['s']; if($this->gs<1 || $this->gs>4) { $this->gs = 1; } if($this->info['bsid']>0) { $this->bs = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `bs_turnirs` WHERE `city` = "'.$u->info['city'].'" AND `id` = "'.$this->info['bsid'].'" AND `time_start` = "'.$this->info['time_start'].'" LIMIT 1')); if(isset($this->bs['id'])) { //Если БС закончена /*if($this->bs['users']-$this->bs['users_finish'] < 2) { $u->bsfinish($this->bs,false,NULL); }*/ } } if(isset($_GET['itm_luck']) && $this->info['bsid'] == 0) { $this->itm_luck((int)$_GET['itm_luck']); }elseif(isset($_GET['itm_unluck']) && $this->info['bsid'] == 0) { $this->itm_unluck((int)$_GET['itm_unluck']); }elseif(isset($_GET['atack'])){ $this->atack((int)$_GET['atack']); }elseif(isset($_GET['take'])){ $this->takeinv((int)$_GET['take']); }elseif(isset($_GET['take_obj'])){ $this->takeit((int)$_GET['take_obj']); }elseif(isset($_GET['look'])){ if((int)$_GET['look']==1){ if($this->gs==1) { $this->gs = 2; }elseif($this->gs==2) { $this->gs = 3; }elseif($this->gs==3) { $this->gs = 4; }elseif($this->gs==4) { $this->gs = 1; } }elseif((int)$_GET['look']==2) { if($this->gs==1) { $this->gs = 4; }elseif($this->gs==2) { $this->gs = 1; }elseif($this->gs==3) { $this->gs = 2; }elseif($this->gs==4) { $this->gs = 3; } } mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `s` = "'.((int)$this->gs).'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); $u->info['s'] = $this->gs; }elseif(isset($_GET['go'])) { //перемещение $this->testGo((int)$_GET['go']); } /* генерируем вид персонажа (только карта) $this->gs = 1; //смотрим прямо 2; //смотрим лево 3; //смотрим вниз 4; //смотрим право ( ( ( `y` >= '.$u->info['y'].' && `y` <= '.($u->info['y']+4).' ) && ( `x` >= '.($u->info['x']-1).' && `x` <= '.($u->info['x']+1).' ) ) || ( (`x` = '.($u->info['x']+2).' || `x` = '.($u->info['x']-2).') && ( `y` = '.($u->info['y']+3).' || `y` = '.($u->info['y']+4).' ) ) ) */ $whr = array( 1 => ' ((`x` <= '.($u->info['x']+2).' && `x` >= '.($u->info['x']-2).') && (`y` >= '.$u->info['y'].' && `y` <= '.($u->info['y']+4).')) ', //прямо 3 => ' ((`x` <= '.($u->info['x']+2).' && `x` >= '.($u->info['x']-2).') && (`y` <= '.$u->info['y'].' && `y` >= '.($u->info['y']-4).')) ', //вниз 2 => ' ((`x` <= '.$u->info['x'].' && `x` >= '.($u->info['x']-4).') && (`y` <= '.($u->info['y']+2).' && `y` >= '.($u->info['y']-2).')) ', //лево 4 => ' ((`x` >= '.$u->info['x'].' && `x` <= '.($u->info['x']+4).') && (`y` <= '.($u->info['y']+2).' && `y` >= '.($u->info['y']-2).')) ' //право ); $i = 1; $sp = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `id_dng` = "'.$this->id_dng.'" AND '.$whr[$this->gs].' ORDER BY `y` ASC , `x` ASC LIMIT 25'); while($pl = mysql_fetch_assoc($sp)) { $this->map[0][$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']] = $pl; $i++; } $this->map['good'] = $i; //целых клеток $this->map[1] = $this->genMatix(); $this->lookDungeon(); } public function pickitem($obj,$itm,$for, $data = '',$dn_delete = false, $chat = 0) { global $u; $itm = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "'.$itm.'" LIMIT 1')); if( isset($itm['id']) ) { $tou = 0; //какому юзеру предназначено /* выделяем случайного юзера из команды */ $itmnm = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `name` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "'.$itmz[0].'" LIMIT 1')); $itmnm = $itmnm['name']; $asex = ''; if( $u->info['sex'] == 1 ) { $asex = 'а'; } if($for > 0 ) { $tou = $for; $rtxt = ''.$u->info['login'].' обнаружил'.$asex.' предмет "'.$itm['name'].'" в "'.$obj['name'].'"'; }else{ $rtxt = ''.$u->info['login'].' обнаружил'.$asex.' предмет "'.$itm['name'].'" в "'.$obj['name'].'", и вы решили разыграть его'; } if($dn_delete == true) { $dn_delete = 1; } else { $dn_delete = 0; } if($chat == 0) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`dn`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`,`typeTime`,`new`) VALUES ('".$u->info['dnow']."','".$u->info['city']."','".$u->info['room']."','','','".$rtxt."','".time()."','6','0','1','1')"); } $ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_items` (`dn_delete`,`data`,`dn`,`user`,`item_id`,`time`,`x`,`y`) VALUES ( "'.$dn_delete.'", "'.mysql_real_escape_string($data).'", "'.$u->info['dnow'].'", "'.$tou.'", "'.$itm['id'].'", "'.time().'", "'.$u->info['x'].'", "'.$u->info['y'].'")'); return $ins; } } public function n_lead($who, $lead) { global $u, $c, $code; $to = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `u`.`id`, `u`.`login`, `st`.`id`, `st`.`dnow` FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`login` = "'.mysql_real_escape_string($who).'" LIMIT 1')); if($this->info['uid'] != $lead) { $this->error = 'Вы не лидер...'; } elseif(!isset($to['id'])) { $this->error = 'Персонаж не найден...'; } elseif($to['id'] == $this->info['uid']) { $this->error = 'Вы и так лидер...'; } elseif($to['dnow'] != $this->info['id']) { $this->error = 'Персонаж не найден в вашей команде...'; } else { mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_now` SET `uid` = "'.$to['id'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); if($u->info['sex'] == 0) { $this->sys_chat(''.$u->info['login'].' передал лидерство в группе персонажу '.$to['login'].''); } else { $this->sys_chat(''.$u->info['login'].' передала лидерство в группе персонажу '.$to['login'].''); } //header('Location: main.php'); die(''); } } public function go_to_hell($who, $lead) { global $u, $c, $code; $to = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `u`.`id`, `u`.`login`, `st`.`id`, `st`.`dnow` FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`login` = "'.mysql_real_escape_string($who).'" LIMIT 1')); if($this->info['uid'] != $lead) { $this->error = 'Вы не лидер...'; } elseif(!isset($to['id'])) { $this->error = 'Персонаж не найден...'; } elseif($to['id'] == $this->info['uid']) { $this->error = 'Лидера нельзя выгнать...'; } elseif($to['dnow'] != $this->info['id']) { $this->error = 'Персонаж не найден в вашей команде...'; } else { $rb = 321; // Магический портал if($u->info['room']==304){ $rb = 209; // Вход в ледяную пещеру }elseif($u->info['room']==396){ $rb = 395; // Канализация (Ангелс) }elseif($u->info['room']==398){ $rb = 321; // Все пещеры }elseif($d->info['id2']==3){ $rb = 293; // Вход в Катакомбы }elseif($d->info['id2']==1){ $rb = 188; // Вход в Канализацию }elseif($d->info['id2']==13){ $rb = 275; // Гора Легиона }elseif($d->info['id2']==12){ $rb = 372; // Вход в Пещеру Тысячи Проклятий }elseif($d->info['id2']==444){ $rb = 321; // Вход в пещеру инкв }elseif($d->info['id2']==31){ $rb = 321; // Вход в пещеру инкв }elseif($d->info['id2']==101){ $rb = 321; // Вход в Бездну } $sp = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_now` WHERE `time_finish` = "0" LIMIT 50'); while($pl = mysql_fetch_assoc($sp)) { $cn = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `stats` WHERE `dnow` = "'.$pl['id'].'" LIMIT 1')); if(!isset($cn['id'])) { mysql_query('DELETE FROM `dungeon_bots` WHERE `dn` = "'.$pl['id'].'" AND `for_dn` = "0"'); mysql_query('DELETE FROM `dungeon_obj` WHERE `dn` = "'.$pl['id'].'" AND `for_dn` = "0"'); mysql_query('DELETE FROM `dungeon_items` WHERE `dn` = "'.$pl['id'].'" AND `for_dn` = "0"'); mysql_query('DELETE FROM `dungeon_bots` WHERE `dn` = "'.$pl['id'].'" AND `for_dn` = "0"'); mysql_query('DELETE FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `dn` = "'.$pl['id'].'"'); mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_now` SET `time_finish` = "'.time().'" WHERE `id` = "'.$pl['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); } } $city = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id`, `city` FROM `room` WHERE `id` = "'.$rb.'" LIMIT 1')); mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `dnow` = "0" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `room` = "'.$rb.'", `city`="'.$city['city'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); //удаляем все предметы которые пропадают после выхода из пещеры mysql_query('UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "'.time().'" WHERE `uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `dn_delete` = "1" LIMIT 1000'); mysql_query('UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "'.time().'" WHERE `uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND (`item_id` = "1189" OR `item_id` = "4447" OR `item_id` = "1174") LIMIT 1000'); if($u->info['sex'] == 0) { $this->sys_chat(''.$u->info['login'].' выгнал из похода персонажа '.$to['login'].''); } else { $this->sys_chat(''.$u->info['login'].' выгнала из похода персонажа '.$to['login'].''); } header('Location: /main.php'); } } public function usersDng($laba = false) { global $u,$c; $r = ''; $stt = array(); if( $laba == false ) { $sp = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.`id`,`st`.`id` FROM `stats` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `users` AS `st` ON (`st`.`id` = `u`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`dnow` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" LIMIT 10'); }else{ $sp = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.`id` FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `st` ON (`st`.`id` = `u`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`room` = 370 AND `st`.`dnow` = "'.$laba.'" AND `st`.`bot` = 0 LIMIT 6'); } while($pl = mysql_fetch_assoc($sp)) { $stt = $u->getStats($pl['id'],0); if($stt['mpAll']>0) { $pm = $stt['mpNow']/$stt['mpAll']*100; } $ph = $stt['hpNow']/$stt['hpAll']*100; $r .= '
  '.$u->microLogin($pl['id'],1).'   '.floor($stt['hpNow']).'/'.$stt['hpAll'].'
'; if($stt['mpAll']>0) { $r .= '
'; } $r .= '
'; if( $this->info['uid'] == $pl['id'] ) { $r .= ''; } if($this->info['uid'] == $u->info['id'] && $pl['id'] == $u->info['id'] && $d->info['id2'] != 15) { $r .= ' '; $r .= ' '; } $r .= '

'; $r .= ''; } unset($stt,$ph,$pm); return $r; } public function atack($id) { global $u,$c,$code; $bot = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_bots` WHERE `id2` = "'.$id.'" AND `for_dn` = "0" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `delete` = "0" LIMIT 1')); if(isset($bot['id2'])){ if( ($u->info['x'] != $bot['x'] || $bot['y'] != $u->info['y']) && $this->testLike($u->info['x'],$u->info['y'],$bot['x'],$bot['y']) == 1 ){ //Создаем подеинок $tbtl = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `battle` WHERE `dn_id` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `team_win` = "-1" AND `x` = "'.$bot['x'].'" AND `y` = "'.$bot['y'].'" LIMIT 1')); if(isset($tbtl['id'])) { //вступаем в поединок mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "'.$tbtl['id'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team` = "1" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); /*#$this->error = 'Нападаем ... '; // */ //header('location: main.php'); die(''); } else { $btl_id = 0; //$expB = -77.77; $expB = 0; $btl = array( 'players'=>'', 'timeout'=>120, 'type'=>0, 'invis'=>0, 'noinc'=>0, 'travmChance'=>0, 'typeBattle'=>0, 'addExp'=>$expB, 'money'=>0 ); $ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle` (`dungeon`,`dn_id`,`x`,`y`,`city`,`time_start`,`players`,`timeout`,`type`,`invis`,`noinc`,`travmChance`,`typeBattle`,`addExp`,`money`) VALUES ( "'.$this->info['id2'].'", "'.$this->info['id'].'", "'.$bot['x'].'", "'.$bot['y'].'", "'.$u->info['city'].'", "'.time().'", "'.$btl['players'].'", "'.$btl['timeout'].'", "'.$btl['type'].'", "'.$btl['invis'].'", "'.$btl['noinc'].'", "'.$btl['travmChance'].'", "'.$btl['typeBattle'].'", "'.$btl['addExp'].'", "'.$btl['money'].'")'); $btl_id = mysql_insert_id(); if($btl_id>0) { //Добавляем ботов $sp = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_bots` WHERE `for_dn` = "0" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `x` = "'.$bot['x'].'" AND `y` = "'.$bot['y'].'" AND `delete` = "0" LIMIT 1001'); $j = 0; $logins_bot = array(); while($pl = mysql_fetch_assoc($sp)){ $jui = 1; mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_bots` SET `inBattle` = "'.$btl_id.'" WHERE `id2` = "'.$pl['id2'].'" LIMIT 1'); while($jui<=$pl['colvo']){ $k = $u->addNewbot($pl['id_bot'],NULL,NULL,$logins_bot); $logins_bot = $k['logins_bot']; if($k!=false){ $upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "'.$btl_id.'" WHERE `id` = "'.$k['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); if($upd){ $upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `x`="'.$bot['x'].'",`y`="'.$bot['y'].'",`team` = "2" WHERE `id` = "'.$k['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); if($upd){ $j++; } } } $jui++; } } unset($logins_bot); if($j>0){ mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "'.$btl_id.'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team` = "1" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); /*#$this->error = 'Нападаем ...';// */ // //header('location: main.php'); die(''); }else{ $this->error = 'Не удалось напасть, ошибка обьекта нападения ...'; } }else{ $this->error = 'Не удалось создать поединок ...'; } } }else{ $this->error = 'Не удалось напасть ...'; } } else { if(isset($this->bs['id']) || $this->info['id2'] == 15) { $bot = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `u`.*,`st`.* FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`id` = "'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'" LIMIT 1')); if(($u->info['x']!=$bot['x'] || $bot['y']!=$u->info['y']) && $this->testLike($u->info['x'],$u->info['y'],$bot['x'],$bot['y'])==1){ //Создаем подеинок $tbtl = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `battle` WHERE `dn_id` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `team_win` = "-1" AND `x` = "'.$bot['x'].'" AND `y` = "'.$bot['y'].'" LIMIT 1')); //die('Нападения временно запрещены. ['.$tbtl['id'].'] 5-10 мин.'); if(isset($tbtl['id'])){ //вступаем в поединок $lstm = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `u`.*,`st`.* FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`battle`="'.$tbtl['id'].'" ORDER BY `st`.`team` DESC LIMIT 1')); mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "'.$tbtl['id'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); $nextteam = $lstm['team']+1; mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team` = "'.$nextteam.'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `x` = "'.$bot['x'].'", `y` = "'.$bot['y'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); // if( $this->info['bsid'] > 0 ) { $me_real = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`login`,`align`,`clan`,`battle`,`level` FROM `users` WHERE `inUser` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `login` = "'.$u->info['login'].'" LIMIT 1')); $usr_real = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`login`,`align`,`clan`,`battle`,`level` FROM `users` WHERE `inUser` = "'.$bot['id'].'" AND `login` = "'.$bot['login'].'" LIMIT 1')); mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `tactic7`= 20.000 WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); //Заносим в лог БС if( $u->info['sex'] == 0 ) { $text = '{u1} вмешался в поединок напав на {u2} »»'; }else{ $text = '{u1} вмешалася в поединок напав на {u2} »»'; } if( isset($usr_real['id'])) { $usrreal = ''; if( $usr_real['align'] > 0 ) { $usrreal .= ''; } if( $usr_real['clan'] > 0 ) { $usrreal .= ''; } $usrreal .= ''.$usr_real['login'].'['.$usr_real['level'].']'; }else{ $mereal = 'Невидимка[??]'; } if( isset($me_real['id']) ) { $mereal = ''; if( $me_real['align'] > 0 ) { $mereal .= ''; } if( $me_real['clan'] > 0 ) { $mereal .= ''; } $mereal .= ''.$me_real['login'].'['.$me_real['level'].']'; }else{ $mereal = 'Невидимка[??]'; } $text = str_replace('{u1}',$mereal,$text); $text = str_replace('{u2}',$usrreal,$text); //Добавляем в лог БС mysql_query('INSERT INTO `bs_logs` (`type`,`text`,`time`,`id_bs`,`count_bs`,`city`,`m`,`u`) VALUES ( "1", "'.mysql_real_escape_string($text).'", "'.time().'", "'.$this->bs['id'].'", "'.$this->bs['count'].'", "'.$this->bs['city'].'", "'.round($this->bs['money']*0.85,2).'","'.$i.'" )'); // } // $this->error = 'Нападаем ... '; }else{ $btl_id = 0; //$expB = -77.77; if($this->info['id2'] == 1) { $expB = 200; } $btl = array( 'players'=>'', 'timeout'=>40, 'type'=>0, 'invis'=>0, 'noinc'=>0, 'travmChance'=>0, 'typeBattle'=>0, 'addExp'=>$expB, 'money'=>0, 'inTurnir' => 0 ); if( $this->info['bsid'] > 0 ) { $btl['inTurnir'] = $this->info['bsid']; } $ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle` (`inTurnir`,`dungeon`,`dn_id`,`x`,`y`,`city`,`time_start`,`players`,`timeout`,`type`,`invis`,`noinc`,`travmChance`,`typeBattle`,`addExp`,`money`) VALUES ( "'.$btl['inTurnir'].'", "'.$this->info['id2'].'", "'.$this->info['id'].'", "'.$bot['x'].'", "'.$bot['y'].'", "'.$u->info['city'].'", "'.time().'", "'.$btl['players'].'", "'.$btl['timeout'].'", "'.$btl['type'].'", "'.$btl['invis'].'", "'.$btl['noinc'].'", "'.$btl['travmChance'].'", "'.$btl['typeBattle'].'", "'.$btl['addExp'].'", "'.$btl['money'].'")'); $btl_id = mysql_insert_id(); mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `x` = "'.$bot['x'].'", `y` = "'.$bot['y'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `x` = "'.$bot['x'].'", `y` = "'.$bot['y'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$bot['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); if($btl_id>0) { //Добавляем ботов mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "'.$btl_id.'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team` = "1" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "'.$btl_id.'" WHERE `id` = "'.$bot['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team` = "2" WHERE `id` = "'.$bot['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); if($u->stats['hpNow'] < 1) { $u->stats['hpNow'] = 1; mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `hpNow` = "1" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `lose` = `lose` + 1 WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); } if($bot['hpNow'] < 1) { $bot['hpNow'] = 1; mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `hpNow` = "1" WHERE `id` = "'.$bot['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `lose` = `lose` + 1 WHERE `id` = "'.$bot['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); } if( $this->info['bsid'] > 0 ) { $me_real = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`login`,`align`,`clan`,`battle`,`level` FROM `users` WHERE `inUser` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `login` = "'.$u->info['login'].'" LIMIT 1')); $usr_real = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`login`,`align`,`clan`,`battle`,`level` FROM `users` WHERE `inUser` = "'.$bot['id'].'" AND `login` = "'.$bot['login'].'" LIMIT 1')); //Заносим в лог БС if( $u->info['sex'] == 0 ) { $text = '{u1} напал на {u2} завязался бой »»'; }else{ $text = '{u1} напала на {u2} завязался бой »»'; } if( isset($usr_real['id'])) { $usrreal = ''; if( $usr_real['align'] > 0 ) { $usrreal .= ''; } if( $usr_real['clan'] > 0 ) { $usrreal .= ''; } $usrreal .= ''.$usr_real['login'].'['.$usr_real['level'].']'; }else{ $mereal = 'Невидимка[??]'; } if( isset($me_real['id']) ) { $mereal = ''; if( $me_real['align'] > 0 ) { $mereal .= ''; } if( $me_real['clan'] > 0 ) { $mereal .= ''; } $mereal .= ''.$me_real['login'].'['.$me_real['level'].']'; }else{ $mereal = 'Невидимка[??]'; } $text = str_replace('{u1}',$mereal,$text); $text = str_replace('{u2}',$usrreal,$text); //Добавляем в лог БС mysql_query('INSERT INTO `bs_logs` (`type`,`text`,`time`,`id_bs`,`count_bs`,`city`,`m`,`u`) VALUES ( "1", "'.mysql_real_escape_string($text).'", "'.time().'", "'.$this->bs['id'].'", "'.$this->bs['count'].'", "'.$this->bs['city'].'", "'.round($this->bs['money']*0.85,2).'","'.$i.'" )'); // } $this->error = 'Нападаем ... '; }else{ $this->error = 'Не удалось создать поединок ...'; } } }else{ $this->error = 'Не удалось напасть ...'; } }else{ $this->error = 'Не удалось напасть, слишком далеко (id'.$id.') ...'; } } } public function testDie() { global $u,$c,$code; $dies = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `dn` = "'.$u->info['dnow'].'" AND `vars` = "die" LIMIT 1')); $dies = $dies[0]; if( $u->stats['hpNow'] < 1 || $dies > 2 ) { if( $dies < 2 ) { mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_actions` (`dn`,`uid`,`x`,`y`,`time`,`vars`,`vals`) VALUES ( "'.$u->info['dnow'].'","'.$u->info['id'].'","'.$u->info['x'].'","'.$u->info['y'].'","'.time().'","die","" )'); //21:50 Ярополк трагически погиб и находится в комнате "Этаж 2 - Водосток" $dnow = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT id2 FROM `dungeon_now` WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['dnow'].'" LIMIT 1')); $room = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT name FROM `dungeon_map_info` WHERE `x` = "'.$u->info['res_x'].'" AND `y` = "'.$u->info['res_y'].'" AND `id_dng` = "'.$dnow['id2'].'" LIMIT 1')); if( $u->info['sex'] == 0 ) { $this->sys_chat(''.$u->info['login'].' трагически погиб и находится в комнате "'.$room['name'].'"'); }else{ $this->sys_chat(''.$u->info['login'].' трагически погибла и находится в комнате "'.$room['name'].'"'); } mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `hpNow` = "1",`x` = "'.$u->info['res_x'].'",`y` = "'.$u->info['res_y'].'",`s` = "'.$u->info['res_s'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); //header('location: main.php'); die(''); }else{ mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_actions` (`dn`,`uid`,`x`,`y`,`time`,`vars`,`vals`) VALUES ( "'.$u->info['dnow'].'","'.$u->info['id'].'","'.$u->info['x'].'","'.$u->info['y'].'","'.time().'","die","" )'); //21:50 Ярополк трагически погиб и находится в комнате "Этаж 2 - Водосток" if( $u->info['sex'] == 0 ) { $this->sys_chat(''.$u->info['login'].' трагически погиб без права на воскрешение'); }else{ $this->sys_chat(''.$u->info['login'].' трагически погибла без права на воскрешение'); } $_GET['exitd'] = true; } } } //Предметы для БС public $itbs = array( 0 => 558, 1 => 722, 2 => 718, 3 => 700, 4 => 291, 5 => 545, 6 => 533, 7 => 536, 8 => 628, 9 => 710, 10 => 654, 11 => 684, 12 => 689, 13 => 552, 14 => 552, 15 => 716, 16 => 320, 17 => 290, 18 => 543, 19 => 528, 20 => 540, 21 => 627, 22 => 709, 23 => 653, 24 => 681, 25 => 687, 26 => 523, 27 => 523, 28 => 712, 29 => 1151, 30 => 544, 31 => 541, 32 => 525, 33 => 539, 34 => 633, 35 => 707, 36 => 647, 37 => 680, 38 => 685, 39 => 567, 40 => 717, 41 => 706, 42 => 527, 43 => 537, 44 => 626, 45 => 708, 46 => 723, 47 => 651, 48 => 683, 49 => 686, 50 => 2862, 51 => 2863, 52 => 2864 ); public function sys_chat($rtxt) { global $u; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`dn`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`,`typeTime`,`new`) VALUES ('".$u->info['dnow']."','".$u->info['city']."','".$u->info['room']."','','','".$rtxt."','".time()."','6','0','1','1')"); } public function takeit($id) { global $u,$c,$code,$magic; $obj = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_obj` WHERE `id` = "'.$id.'" AND `for_dn` = "0" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1')); if(isset($obj['id'])) { $tbot = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_bots` WHERE `x` = "'.$obj['x'].'" AND `y` = "'.$obj['y'].'" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `for_dn` = "0" AND `delete` = "0" LIMIT 1')); $i = 0; # Создаем МАССИВ { $act_sl['save_pos'] = "save_pos" }или { $act_sl['port'] = "10:20" } $act_sl = array(); $act_sm = explode('|',$obj['action']); while( $i < count($act_sm) ) { $s = explode(':',$act_sm[$i]); if(isset($s[1]) && $s[1] !='' ){ $act_sl[$s[0]] = $s[1]; } else { $act_sl[$s[0]] = $s[0]; } $i++; } if( isset($tbot['id2']) ) { $this->error = 'Не удалось, что-то или кто-то мешает ...'; } elseif($this->testLike($u->info['x'],$u->info['y'],$obj['x'],$obj['y'])!=1) { $this->error = 'Не удалось, слишком далеко ...!'; } else { $a = explode('|',$obj['action']); $r = ''; $i = 0; while( $i < count($a) ) { $s = explode(':',$a[$i]); if( $s[0] == 'kill_bot' ) { //Требуется убить ботов $t = explode(',',$s[1]); $tr_gd = 0; //Проверяем кого нужно убить и убили-ли $j = 1; $jn = 0; while($j < count($t)) { $itm = explode('.',$t[$j]); //[0] - x , [1] - y $bot_itm = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `u`.`id2`,`st`.`login` FROM `dungeon_bots` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `test_bot` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id_bot` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`dn` = "'.$u->info['dnow'].'" AND `u`.`x` = "'.$itm[0].'" AND `u`.`y` = "'.$itm[1].'" AND `u`.`delete` = "0" LIMIT 10')); if(isset($bot_itm['id2'])){ $jn++; } $j++; } if($jn == 0) { $tr_gd = 1; } unset($itm,$bot_itm,$jn); if($tr_gd == 0) { if($t[0]=='0'){ $r .= 'Не удалось, что-то или кто-то мешает ...'; }else{ $r .= $t[0]; } $i = count($a); } }elseif($s[0]=='kill_bot_d') { //Требуется убить ботов (все боты нападают , если что-то не так ) $t = explode(',',$s[1]); $tr_gd = 0; //Проверяем кого нужно убить и убили-ли $j = 1; $jn = 0; $tuz = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `x`,`y`,`id`,`hpNow` FROM `stats` WHERE `dnow` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND ( (`x` = '.($pl['x']+1).' AND `y` = '.($pl['y']).') OR (`x` = '.($pl['x']-1).' AND `y` = '.($pl['y']).') OR (`x` = '.($pl['x']).' AND `y` = '.($pl['y']+1).') OR (`x` = '.($pl['x']).' AND `y` = '.($pl['y']-1).') ) LIMIT 1')); while($j < count($t)) { $itm = explode('.',$t[$j]); //[0] - x , [1] - y $bot_itm_sp = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.*,`st`.* FROM `dungeon_bots` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `test_bot` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id_bot` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`dn` = "'.$u->info['dnow'].'" AND `u`.`x` = "'.$itm[0].'" AND `u`.`y` = "'.$itm[1].'" AND `u`.`delete` = "0" LIMIT 50'); while( $bot_itm = mysql_fetch_assoc($bot_itm_sp) ) { $jn++; $this->botAtack($bot_itm,$u->info,1); } $j++; } if($jn == 0) { $tr_gd = 1; } unset($itm,$bot_itm,$jn); if($tr_gd == 0) { if($t[0]=='0'){ $r .= 'Не удалось, что-то или кто-то мешает ...'; }else{ $r .= $t[0]; } $r .= ' Монстры начали атаковать вас!'; $i = count($a); } }elseif($s[0]=='ditm') { //требует предмет для действия $j = 0; $t = explode(',',$s[1]); $tr_gd = 1; while($j" (x'.$itm[1].') был утрачен...
'; $j++; } }elseif($s[0]=='tritm') { //требует предмет для действия $j = 0; $t = explode(',',$s[1]); $j = 0; $tr_gd = 1; while($j" (x'.$itm[1].')
'; } $j++; } if(rand(0,10000)>$itm[2]*100) { $tr_gd = 0; $r .= 'Странно, но ничего не произошло...
'; } if($tr_gd == 1) { //все отлично }else{ $i = count($a); } } elseif($s[0] == 'repl_ptp') { require_once('dnaction/_dungeon_replace.php'); die(); //header('Location: ../../modules_data/location/_dungeon_replace.php'); }elseif($s[0]=='add_eff') { //Кастуем эффект $t = explode(',',$s[1]); $j = 0; while($jtestAction('`vars` = "add_eff_'.$this->info['id'].'_'.$obj['id'].'" AND `uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT '.(1+(int)$itm[2]).'',2); //кол-во прошлых попыток $ch = $ch[0]; $ch2 = $u->testAction(' `vars` = "add_eff_'.$this->info['id'].'_'.$obj['id'].'" LIMIT '.(1+(int)$itm[4]).'',2); //кол-во прошлых попыток (все юзеры) $ch2 = $ch2[0]; if(($ch2 < $itm[4] || $itm[4]==0) && $ch < $itm[2]) { if($itm[1]*100 >= rand(0,10000)) { //удачно $eff_d = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id2`,`mname` FROM `eff_main` WHERE `id2` = "'.$itm[0].'" LIMIT 1')); if(isset($eff_d['id2'])) { //добавляем эффект $us = $magic->add_eff($u->info['id'],$itm[0],1); if($us[0]==1) { $r .= '
На Вас наложили заклятие "'.$eff_d['mname'].'".
'; }else{ $r .= '
Что-то пошло не так... Ощущается чье-то присутствие...
'; } }else{ $r .= '
Что-то пошло не так... Слышен чей-то вой...
'; } unset($eff_d,$us); }else{ //не удачно $r .= '
Не удалось...
'; } $u->addAction(time(),'add_eff_'.$this->info['id'].'_'.$obj['id'],$u->info['city']); }else{ //уже нельзя юзать $r .= '
Что-то пошло не так...
'; } unset($ch,$ch2); $j++; } }elseif($s[0]=='mfast') { //Добавляем баф //Ловушки и бафы $j = 0; $t = explode(',',$s[1]); while($jtestAction('`vars` = "bafit_'.$this->info['id'].'_'.$obj['id'].'" LIMIT '.(1+(int)$itm[2]).'',2); //кол-во прошлых попыток $ch = $ch[0]; if($ch<$itm[3]) { if($itm[2]*1000>=rand(1,100000)) { if($itm[0] == 'hpNow') { $mm = explode('r',$itm[1]); if($mm[1]!=0) { $itm[1] = rand($mm[0],$mm[1]); } if($itm[1]<0) { $r .= '
Вы попали в ловушку... Здоровье: '.$itm[1].' HP
'; }elseif($itm[1]>0){ $r .= '
Вы прикоснулись к магии... Здоровье: +'.$itm[1].' HP
'; } $u->info['hpNow'] += $itm[1]; if($u->info['hpNow']<1) { $r .= '
Вы перемещены в точку возрождения...
'; mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `hpNow` = "'.$u->info['hpNow'].'",`x` = "'.$u->info['res_x'].'",`y` = "'.$u->info['res_y'].'",`s` = "'.$u->info['res_s'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); }else{ mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `hpNow` = "'.$u->info['hpNow'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); } } } $u->addAction(time(),'bafit_'.$this->info['id'].'_'.$obj['id'],$u->info['city']); } //записываем попытку $j++; } }elseif($s[0]=='save_pos') { if( isset($act_sl['port']) ) { $itm = explode('=',$act_sl['port']); $obj['x'] = $itm[0]; $obj['y'] = $itm[1]; } #$r .= 'Позиция сохранена. Теперь после смерти вы оживете здесь.'; mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `res_x` = "'.$obj['x'].'",`res_y` = "'.$obj['y'].'",`res_s` = "'.$u->info['s'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); }elseif($s[0]=='look_text') { $itm = explode('=',$s[1]); $r .= $itm[rand(0,count($itm)-1)]; }elseif($s[0]=='save_pos_xy'){ $itm = explode('=',$s[1]); $u->info['res_x'] = $itm[0]; $u->info['res_y'] = $itm[1]; $upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `res_x` = "'.$u->info['x'].'",`res_y` = "'.$u->info['y'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); if($upd){ $r .= 'Вы куда-то переместились... на этот раз удачно...
'; }else{ $r .= 'Что-то здесь не так ...'; } }elseif($s[0]=='port'){ //телепортирует пользователя $itm = explode('=',$s[1]); $u->info['x'] = $itm[0]; $u->info['y'] = $itm[1]; $upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `x` = "'.$u->info['x'].'",`y` = "'.$u->info['y'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); if($upd) { $r .= 'Вы куда-то переместились... на этот раз удачно...
'; }else{ $r .= 'Что-то здесь не так ...'; } } elseif($s[0] == 'save_port') { $itm = explode('=', $s[1]); $u->info['res_x'] = $itm[0]; $u->info['res_y'] = $itm[1]; $upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `res_x` = "'.$u->info['res_x'].'", `res_y` = "'.$u->info['res_y'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); } elseif($s[0]=='itm') { //Добавляем предмет $j = 0; $t = explode(',',$s[1]); while($jtestAction('`uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `vars` = "takeit_'.$this->info['id'].'_'.$obj['id'].'" LIMIT '.(1+(int)$itm[2]).'',2); //кол-во прошлых попыток $ch = $ch[0]; if($ch>=$itm[2]) { //закончились попытки $r = 'ничего не произошло...
'; }else{ if($itm[1]*1000>=rand(1,100000)) { //Случайный предмет (Башня смерти) if($itm[0] == 'random1') { $itm[0] = $this->itbs[rand(0,count($this->itbs))]; } //удачная попытка $it = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items_main` WHERE `id`="'.((int)$itm[0]).'" LIMIT 1')); if(isset($it['id'])) { $r .= 'Вы обнаружили предмет "'.$it['name'].'".
'; $this->addItem(array('uid'=>$u->info['id'],'iid'=>$it['id'],'time'=>time(),'x'=>$u->info['x'],'y'=>$u->info['y'],'bid'=>0,'del'=>(int)$itm[4])); } }else{ //неудачная попытка $r .= 'Вы ничего не нашли ...
'; } $u->addAction(time(),'takeit_'.$this->info['id'].'_'.$obj['id'],$u->info['city']); } //записываем попытку $j++; } }elseif($s[0]=='itm1') { //Добавляем предмет , только 1 предмет из всех и все юзеры могут тоже $nj = 0; $t = explode(',',$s[1]); $j = rand(0,count($t)); if($nj == 0) { $itm = explode('=',$t[$j]); $ch = $u->testAction('`uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `vars` = "takeit_'.$this->info['id'].'_'.$obj['id'].'" LIMIT '.(1+(int)$itm[2]).'',2); //кол-во прошлых попыток $ch = $ch[0]; if($ch>=$itm[2]) { //закончились попытки $r .= 'Странно, но ничего не произошло...
'; }else{ if($itm[1]*1000>=rand(1,100000)) { //Случайный предмет (Башня смерти) if($itm[0] == 'random1') { $itm[0] = $this->itbs[rand(0,count($this->itbs))]; } //удачная попытка $it = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items_main` WHERE `id`="'.((int)$itm[0]).'" LIMIT 1')); if(isset($it['id'])) { $r .= 'Вы обнаружили предмет "'.$it['name'].'".
'; $u->addAction(time(),'takeit_'.$this->info['id'].'_'.$obj['id'],$u->info['city']); $this->addItem(array('uid'=>$u->info['id'],'iid'=>$it['id'],'time'=>time(),'x'=>$u->info['x'],'y'=>$u->info['y'],'bid'=>0,'del'=>(int)$itm[4])); $nj++; } }else{ //неудачная попытка $u->addAction(time(),'takeit_'.$this->info['id'].'_'.$obj['id'],$u->info['city']); $r .= 'Вы ничего не нашли ...
'; } } } }elseif($s[0]=='itm2') { //Добавляем предмет , только 1 предмет из всех и только 1 юзер может поднять $nj = 0; $t = explode(',',$s[1]); $j = rand(0,count($t)-1); if($nj == 0) { $itm = explode('=',$t[$j]); $ch = $u->testAction('`vars` = "takeit_'.$this->info['id'].'_'.$obj['id'].'" LIMIT '.(1+(int)$itm[2]).'',2); //кол-во прошлых попыток $ch = $ch[0]; if($ch>=$itm[2]) { //закончились попытки $r .= 'Ничего не произошло...
'; }else{ if($itm[1]*1000>=rand(1,100000)) { //Случайный предмет (Башня смерти) if($itm[0] == 'random1') { $itm[0] = $this->itbs[rand(0,count($this->itbs))]; } //удачная попытка $it = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items_main` WHERE `id`="'.((int)$itm[0]).'" LIMIT 1')); if(isset($it['id'])) { $r .= 'Вы обнаружили предмет "'.$it['name'].'".
'; $u->addAction(time(),'takeit_'.$this->info['id'].'_'.$obj['id'],$u->info['city']); $this->addItem(array('uid'=>$u->info['id'],'iid'=>$it['id'],'time'=>time(),'x'=>$u->info['x'],'y'=>$u->info['y'],'bid'=>0,'del'=>(int)$itm[4])); $nj++; } }else{ //неудачная попытка $u->addAction(time(),'takeit_'.$this->info['id'].'_'.$obj['id'],$u->info['city']); $r .= 'Вы ничего не нашли ...
'; } } } }elseif($s[0]=='fileact') { require('dnaction/'.$s[1].'.php'); } $i++; } $r = rtrim($r,'\'); if($r=='') { $r = 'В этот раз не удалось найти что-либо еще'; } $this->error = $r; } }else{ $this->error = 'Предмет не найден ...'; } } public function addItem($i) { //добавляем предмет в пещеру (возможно выпал из бота или из сундука) $ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_items` (`dn`,`user`,`item_id`,`time`,`x`,`y`,`bot`,`del`) VALUES ("'.$this->info['id'].'","'.$i['uid'].'","'.$i['iid'].'","'.$i['time'].'","'.$i['x'].'","'.$i['y'].'","'.$i['bid'].'","'.((int)$i['del']).'")'); return $ins; } public function takeinv($id) { global $u,$c,$code; $obj = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_items` WHERE `id` = "'.$id.'" AND `for_dn` = "0" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1')); if(isset($obj['id'])) { $this->test_luck($id); $fxv = array( 'luck_count' => mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `vars` = "luck_itm'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'" LIMIT 1')), 'user_count' => mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stats` WHERE `dnow` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1')) ); if($obj['user'] == 0 && $fxv['user_count'][0] > $fxv['luck_count'][0] && $fxv['user_count'][0] > 1 && $this->info['bsid'] == 0 ) { $this->error = 'Вы не можете сейчас поднять этот предмет, дождитесь завершения розыгрыша. Осталось '.$u->timeOut($obj['time']-time()+300); }elseif($u->info['x']!=$obj['x'] || $obj['y']!=$u->info['y']) { $this->error = 'Предмет не найден ...'; }else{ if($obj['take']>0) { $this->error = 'Кто-то опередил вас ...'; }else{ if($obj['user']>0 && $obj['user']!=$u->info['id'] && $obj['time']>time()-300) { $uo = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`login`,`sex` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "'.$obj['user'].'" LIMIT 1')); } if(isset($uo['id'])) { $this->error = 'Предмет предназначен для "'.$uo['login'].'". Вы сможете забрать этот предмет, если '; if($uo['sex']==1) { $this->error .= 'она '; }else{ $this->error .= 'он '; } $this->error .= ' не поднимет его в течении '.ceil(5-(time()-$obj['time'])/60).' мин.'; unset($uo); }else{ $upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_items` SET `take` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$obj['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); if($upd){ $it = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "'.$obj['item_id'].'" LIMIT 1')); if(isset($it['id'])){ $data = '|noremont=1|frompisher='.$this->info['id2']; if($it['ts']!=0){ $data .= '|sudba='.$u->info['login']; } if($obj['data'] != '') { $data .= $obj['data']; } $data = str_replace('|sudba=-1','|sudba='.$u->info['login'].'',$data); $idl = $u->addItem($obj['item_id'],$u->info['id'],$data,$obj); if( $obj['del'] > 0 ) { mysql_query('UPDATE `items_users` SET `dn_delete` = 1 WHERE `id` = "'.$idl.'" LIMIT 1'); } unset($idl); if($this->info['bsid'] == 0) { $rtxt = ''.$u->info['login'].' поднял предмет "'.$it['name'].'"'; if( $obj['quest'] > 0 ) { $rtxt .= ' (Квест)'; } mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`dn`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`,`typeTime`,`new`) VALUES ('".$u->info['dnow']."','".$u->info['city']."','".$u->info['room']."','','','".$rtxt."','".time()."','6','0','1','1')"); } $this->error = 'Вы подняли "'.$it['name'].'"'; }else{ $this->error = 'Не удалось найти предмет ...'; } }else{ $this->error = 'Не удалось добавить предмет в инвентарь ...'; } } } } } } //Розыгрыш предмета public function test_luck($id) { global $u; $fxv = array( 'itm' => mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `im`.*,`ish`.* FROM `dungeon_items` AS `ish` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `im` ON (`im`.`id` = `ish`.`item_id`) WHERE `ish`.`dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `ish`.`id` = "'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'" AND `ish`.`take` = "0" AND `ish`.`delete` = "0" AND `ish`.`x` = "'.$u->info['x'].'" AND `ish`.`y` = "'.$u->info['y'].'" LIMIT 1')), 'luck_count' => mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `vars` = "luck_itm'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'" LIMIT 1')), 'user_count' => mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stats` WHERE `dnow` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1')) ); $fxv['luck_count'] = $fxv['luck_count'][0]; $fxv['user_count'] = $fxv['user_count'][0]; if( $fxv['itm']['user'] > 0 ) { }elseif( $fxv['luck_count'] >= $fxv['user_count'] || $fxv['itm']['time']+300 < time() ) { $fxv['sp'] = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `vars` = "luck_itm'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'" ORDER BY `vals` DESC LIMIT '.$fxv['luck_count'].''); $fxv['winner'] = array(); $fxv['win_val'] = 0; unset($fxv['pl'],$fxv['sp']); if( count($fxv['winner']) > 1 ) { //Розыгрыш еще раз между победителями $this->error .= '
Розыгрыш завершен!
'; }elseif(count($fxv['winner']) == 1) { $fxv['user_win'] = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`login`,`sex` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "'.$fxv['winner'][0].'" LIMIT 1')); $fxv['text'] = ''.$fxv['user_win']['login'].' выигрывает в споре за предмет "'.$fxv['itm']['name'].'"'; $this->sys_chat($fxv['text']); mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_items` SET `time` = "'.time().'",`user` = "'.$fxv['user_win']['id'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$fxv['itm']['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); $this->error .= '
Розыгрыш завершен! Победитель '.$fxv['user_win']['login'].'!
'; } }else{ $this->error .= '
У остальных участников осталось '.$u->timeOut($fxv['itm']['time']+300-time()).' мин. до конца розыгрыша
'; } unset($fxv); } public function itm_luck($id) { global $u; $fxv = array( 'itm' => mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `im`.*,`ish`.* FROM `dungeon_items` AS `ish` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `im` ON (`im`.`id` = `ish`.`item_id`) WHERE `ish`.`dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `ish`.`id` = "'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'" AND `ish`.`take` = "0" AND `ish`.`delete` = "0" AND `ish`.`x` = "'.$u->info['x'].'" AND `ish`.`y` = "'.$u->info['y'].'" LIMIT 1')), 'luck' => mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `vars` = "luck_itm'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'" LIMIT 1')), 'luck2' => mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `vars` = "luck_itm'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'" LIMIT 1')) ); if( $u->stats['silver'] >= 3 ) { //дополнительный бросок $fxv['luck2'][0]--; } if( $fxv['itm']['user'] > 0 ) { $this->error = 'Розыгрыш предмет уже завершился...'; }elseif( !isset($fxv['itm']['id']) ) { $this->error .= '
Предмет не найден
'; }elseif( $fxv['luck2'][0] > 0 ) { $this->error .= '
Вы уже учавствуете в розыгрыше "'.$fxv['itm']['name'].'", ожидаем других участников еще '.$u->timeOut($fxv['itm']['time']-time()+300).'
'; }else{ $luck_users = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `vars` = "luck_itm'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'" LIMIT 1')); $luck_users = $luck_users[0]; if( $luck_users < 1 ) { mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_items` SET `time` = "'.time().'" WHERE `id` = "'.$fxv['itm']['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); } $rndl = rand(1,100); mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_actions` (`uid`,`dn`,`x`,`y`,`time`,`vars`,`vals`) VALUES ( "'.$u->info['id'].'","'.$u->info['dnow'].'","'.$u->info['x'].'","'.$u->info['y'].'","'.time().'", "luck_itm'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'","'.$rndl.'" )'); if( $u->info['sex'] == 0 ) { $fxv['text'] = ''.$u->info['login'].' выбросил *'.$rndl.'* в споре за предмет "'.$fxv['itm']['name'].'"'; }else{ $fxv['text'] = ''.$u->info['login'].' выбросила *'.$rndl.'* в споре за предмет "'.$fxv['itm']['name'].'"'; } $this->sys_chat($fxv['text']); $this->error .= '
Вы выбросили '.$rndl.' в споре за "'.$fxv['itm']['name'].'"
'; } $this->test_luck($id); unset($fxv); } public function itm_unluck($id) { global $u; $fxv = array( 'itm' => mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `im`.*,`ish`.* FROM `dungeon_items` AS `ish` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `im` ON (`im`.`id` = `ish`.`item_id`) WHERE `ish`.`dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `ish`.`id` = "'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'" AND `ish`.`take` = "0" AND `ish`.`delete` = "0" AND `ish`.`x` = "'.$u->info['x'].'" AND `ish`.`y` = "'.$u->info['y'].'" LIMIT 1')), 'luck' => mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `vars` = "luck_itm'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'" LIMIT 1')) ); if( $fxv['itm']['user'] > 0 ) { $this->error = 'Розыгрыш предмет уже завершился...'; }elseif( !isset($fxv['itm']['id']) ) { $this->error .= '
Предмет не найден
'; }elseif( isset($fxv['luck']['id']) ) { if( $fxv['luck']['vals'] == 0 ) { $this->error .= '
Вы уже отказались от участия в розыгрыше "'.$fxv['itm']['name'].'"
'; }else{ $this->error .= '
Вы уже учавствуете в розыгрыше "'.$fxv['itm']['name'].'", ожидаем других участников еще '.$u->timeOut($fxv['itm']['time']-time()+300).'
'; } }else{ $luck_users = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `vars` = "luck_itm'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'" LIMIT 1')); $luck_users = $luck_users[0]; if( $luck_users < 1 ) { mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_items` SET `time` = "'.time().'" WHERE `id` = "'.$fxv['itm']['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); } if( $u->info['sex'] == 0 ) { $fxv['text'] = ''.$u->info['login'].' отказался от спора за предмет "'.$fxv['itm']['name'].'"'; }else{ $fxv['text'] = ''.$u->info['login'].' отказалась от спора за предмет "'.$fxv['itm']['name'].'"'; } $this->sys_chat($fxv['text']); mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_actions` (`uid`,`dn`,`x`,`y`,`time`,`vars`,`vals`) VALUES ( "'.$u->info['id'].'","'.$u->info['dnow'].'","'.$u->info['x'].'","'.$u->info['y'].'","'.time().'", "luck_itm'.mysql_real_escape_string($id).'","0" )'); $this->error .= '
Вы отказались от участия в розыгрыше "'.$fxv['itm']['name'].'"
'; } unset($fxv); } public function itemsMap() { global $u,$c,$code; $r = ''; $live_users = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `stats` WHERE `dnow` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1')); $live_users = $live_users[0]; $sp = mysql_query('SELECT `im`.*,`ish`.* FROM `dungeon_items` AS `ish` LEFT JOIN `items_main` AS `im` ON (`im`.`id` = `ish`.`item_id`) WHERE `ish`.`dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `ish`.`take` = "0" AND `ish`.`delete` = "0" AND ( `ish`.`onlyfor` = "0" OR `ish`.`onlyfor` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" ) AND `ish`.`x` = "'.$u->info['x'].'" AND `ish`.`y` = "'.$u->info['y'].'" LIMIT 100'); while($pl = mysql_fetch_assoc($sp)) { $action = 'main.php?take='.$pl['id'].''; $tk = 0; $luck_users = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `vars` = "luck_itm'.mysql_real_escape_string($pl['id']).'" LIMIT 1')); $luck_users = $luck_users[0]; if( $pl['user'] == 0 && $live_users > 1 && ( $pl['time']+300 > time() || $luck_users < 1 ) ) { $fxv = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `vars` = "luck_itm'.$pl['id'].'" LIMIT 1')); if( !isset($fxv['id']) ) { //Розыгрыш if( $this->info['bsid'] == 0 ) { $action = 'javascript: top.fartgame(\''.$pl['id'].'\',\''.$pl['img'].'\',\''.$pl['name'].'\',1,\'\');'; $tk = 1; } }else{ //$action = 'javascript:alert(\'Вы уже учавствуете в розыгрыше данного предмета\');'; } } //href="'.$action.'" if($tk == 0) { $r .= ''; } elseif($tk == 1) { $r .= ''; } } if($r!='') { $r = '

В комнате разбросаны вещи:

'.$r; //
Подобрать все
} return $r; } public function testLike($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) { //из $x1,$y1 в $x2,$y2 //доступна-ли эта клетка для действий $r = 0; $c1 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `x` = "'.$x1.'" AND `y` = "'.$y1.'" AND `id_dng` = "'.$this->info['id2'].'" LIMIT 1')); $c2 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `x` = "'.$x2.'" AND `y` = "'.$y2.'" AND `id_dng` = "'.$this->info['id2'].'" LIMIT 1')); if(isset($c1['id']) && isset($c2['id'])) { if($x1==$x2 && $y1==$y2) { $r = 1; }elseif($x1==$x2-1 && $c1['go_1']==1) //право { $r = 1; }elseif($x1==$x2+1 && $c1['go_2']==1) //лево { $r = 1; }elseif($y1==$y2-1 && $c1['go_3']==1) //верх { $r = 1; }elseif($y1==$y2+1 && $c1['go_4']==1) //низ { $r = 1; } } return $r; } public function genObjects() { global $u,$c,$code; ////i:{id,name,mapPoint,action,img,type}, //'count':1,0:{0:1234,1:'Сундук',2:5,3:'',4:'test.gif',5:0,6:position,7:width,8:heigh,9:left,10:top}, //psition 0 - по центру , 1- сверху, 2- слева, 3- снизу, 4- справа $r = ''; $whr = array( 1 => ' (((`u`.`x` <= '.($u->info['x']+2).' && `u`.`x` >= '.($u->info['x']-2).') && (`u`.`y` >= '.($u->info['y']+1).' && `u`.`y` <= '.($u->info['y']+4).')) OR (`u`.`y` = '.$u->info['y'].' && `u`.`x` = '.$u->info['x'].')) ', //прямо 3 => ' (((`u`.`x` <= '.($u->info['x']+2).' && `u`.`x` >= '.($u->info['x']-2).') && (`u`.`y` <= '.($u->info['y']-1).' && `u`.`y` >= '.($u->info['y']-4).')) OR (`u`.`y` = '.$u->info['y'].' && `u`.`x` = '.$u->info['x'].')) ', //вниз 2 => ' (((`u`.`x` <= '.($u->info['x']-1).' && `u`.`x` >= '.($u->info['x']-4).') && (`u`.`y` <= '.($u->info['y']+2).' && `u`.`y` >= '.($u->info['y']-2).'))OR (`u`.`y` = '.$u->info['y'].' && `u`.`x` = '.$u->info['x'].')) ', //лево 4 => ' (((`u`.`x` >= '.($u->info['x']+1).' && `u`.`x` <= '.($u->info['x']+4).') && (`u`.`y` <= '.($u->info['y']+2).' && `u`.`y` >= '.($u->info['y']-2).')) OR (`u`.`y` = '.$u->info['y'].' && `u`.`x` = '.$u->info['x'].')) ' //право ); $sp = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.* FROM `dungeon_obj` AS `u` WHERE `u`.`dn` = "'.$u->info['dnow'].'" AND `u`.`for_dn` = "0" AND ((`u`.`s` = "0" OR `u`.`s` = "'.$this->gs.'") OR `u`.`s2` = "'.$this->gs.'") AND '.$whr[$this->gs].' LIMIT 150'); $i = 0; $pos = array(); while( $pl = mysql_fetch_assoc($sp) ) { if($pl['fix_x_y'] == 0 || ($pl['fix_x_y'] == 1 && $pl['x'] == $u->info['x']) || ($pl['fix_x_y'] == 2 && $pl['y'] == $u->info['y']) || ($pl['fix_x_y'] == 3 && $pl['x'] == $u->info['x'] && $pl['y'] == $u->info['y'])) { if(($pl['os1']==0 && $pl['os2']==0 && $pl['os3']==0 && $pl['os4']==0) || ($this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']] == $pl['os1'] || $this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']] == $pl['os2'] || $this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']] == $pl['os3'] || $this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']] == $pl['os4'])) { $i++; if(!isset($pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]])){ $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]] = 0; } $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]]++; $r .= ','.($i-1).':{0:'.$pl['id'].',1:\''.$pl['name'].'\',2:'.(0+$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]).',3:\'action\',4:\''.$pl['img'].'\',5:'.$pl['type'].',6:0,7:'.$pl['w'].',8:'.$pl['h'].',9:'.$pl['left'].',10:'.$pl['top'].',11:'.$pl['date'].'}'; }elseif( $this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']] == $pl['os1']-1 || $this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']] == $pl['os2']-1 || $this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']] == $pl['os3']-1 || $this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']] == $pl['os4']-1 ) { $dt2 = explode(',',ltrim(rtrim($pl['date'],'\}'),'\{')); $da = array(); $is = 0; while($is < count($dt2)) { $dt2[$is] = explode(':',$dt2[$is]); $da[$dt2[$is][0]] = $dt2[$is][1]; $is++; } if(isset($da['use'])) unset($da['use']); // Справа if(isset($da['rl2']))$da['rl2'] = -round((int)$da['rl2'] * 1.55); // Слева if(isset($da['rl3']))$da['rl3'] = round((int)$da['rl3'] +160); if(isset($da['rl4']))$da['rl4'] = round((int)$da['rl4'] -120); $pl['date'] = str_replace('"', '', json_encode($da)); $i++; if(!isset($pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]])){ $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]] = 0; } $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]]++; $r .= ','.($i-1).':{0:'.$pl['id'].',1:\''.$pl['name'].'\',2:'.(0+$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]).',3:\'\',4:\''.$pl['img'].'\',5:'.$pl['type'].',6:0,7:'.$pl['w'].',8:'.$pl['h'].',9:'.$pl['left'].',10:'.$pl['top'].',11:'.$pl['date'].'}'; } else if( $this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']] == $pl['os1']+1 || $this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']] == $pl['os2']+1 || $this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']] == $pl['os3']+1 || $this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']] == $pl['os4']+1 ) { $dt2 = explode(',',ltrim(rtrim($pl['date'],'\}'),'\{')); $da = array(); $is = 0; while($is < count($dt2)) { $dt2[$is] = explode(':',$dt2[$is]); $da[$dt2[$is][0]] = $dt2[$is][1]; $is++; } if(isset($da['use'])) unset($da['use']); // Справа if(isset($da['rl2']))$da['rl2'] = 355-round((int)$da['rl2'] * 0.30); // Справа if(isset($da['rl3']))$da['rl3'] = round((int)$da['rl3'] -160); if(isset($da['rl4']))$da['rl4'] = round((int)$da['rl4'] +120); $pl['date'] = str_replace('"', '', json_encode($da)); $i++; if(!isset($pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]])){ $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]] = 0; } $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]]++; $r .= ','.($i-1).':{0:'.$pl['id'].',1:\''.$pl['name'].'\',2:'.(0+$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]).',3:\'\',4:\''.$pl['img'].'\',5:'.$pl['type'].',6:0,7:'.$pl['w'].',8:'.$pl['h'].',9:'.$pl['left'].',10:'.$pl['top'].',11:'.$pl['date'].'}'; } } } $r = 'count:'.$i.$r; return $r; } public function botAtack($bot,$uid,$bs) { global $u,$c,$code; $user = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`battle` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "'.$uid['id'].'" LIMIT 1')); if($user['battle']>0){ $btli = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = "'.$user['battle'].'" AND `team_win` = "-1" LIMIT 1')); } if( !isset($btli['id']) ) { //Создаем поединок $btl_id = 0; $expB = 0; $btl = array('players'=>'', 'timeout'=>120, 'type'=>0, 'invis'=>0, 'noinc'=>0, 'travmChance'=>0, 'typeBattle'=>0, 'addExp'=>$expB, 'money'=>0 ); $ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle` (`dungeon`,`dn_id`,`x`,`y`,`city`,`time_start`,`players`,`timeout`,`type`,`invis`,`noinc`,`travmChance`,`typeBattle`,`addExp`,`money`) VALUES ("'.$this->info['id2'].'", "'.$this->info['id'].'", "'.$bot['x'].'", "'.$bot['y'].'", "'.$u->info['city'].'", "'.time().'", "'.$btl['players'].'", "'.$btl['timeout'].'", "'.$btl['type'].'", "'.$btl['invis'].'", "'.$btl['noinc'].'", "'.$btl['travmChance'].'", "'.$btl['typeBattle'].'", "'.$btl['addExp'].'", "'.$btl['money'].'")'); $btl_id = mysql_insert_id(); if( $btl_id > 0 ) { //Добавляем ботов $sp = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_bots` WHERE `for_dn` = "0" AND `delete` = "0" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `id2` = "'.$bot['id2'].'" LIMIT 1'); // Только тот, который напал и жив ли он? $j = 0; $logins_bot = array(); while($pl = mysql_fetch_assoc($sp)) { mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_bots` SET `inBattle` = "'.$btl_id.'" WHERE `id2` = "'.$bot['id2'].'" LIMIT 1'); $jui = 1; while($jui<=$pl['colvo']) { $k = $u->addNewbot($pl['id_bot'],NULL,NULL,$logins_bot); $logins_bot = $k['logins_bot']; if( $k!=false ) { $upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "'.$btl_id.'" WHERE `id` = "'.$k['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); if($upd) { $upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team` = "2" WHERE `id` = "'.$k['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); if($upd) { $j++; } } } $jui++; } } unset($logins_bot); if( $j>0 ) { mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "'.$btl_id.'" WHERE `id` = "'.$user['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team` = "1" WHERE `id` = "'.$user['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); } } } else { $btl_id = $btli['id']; //Добавляем ботов $sp = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_bots` WHERE `for_dn` = "0" AND `delete` = "0" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `id2` = "'.$bot['id2'].'" LIMIT 1'); $j = 0; $logins_bot = array(); $logins_bot_text =array(); $logins_bot_vars =array('time1='.time().''); while( $pl = mysql_fetch_assoc($sp) ) { mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_bots` SET `inBattle` = "'.$btl_id.'" WHERE `id2` = "'.$bot['id2'].'" LIMIT 1'); $jui = 1; while($jui<=$pl['colvo']){ $k = $u->addNewbot($pl['id_bot'],NULL,NULL,$logins_bot); $logins_bot = $k['logins_bot']; $logins_bot_text[] = ' '.$k['login'].''; if($k!=false){ $upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "'.$btl_id.'" WHERE `id` = "'.$k['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); if($upd){ $upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team` = "2" WHERE `id` = "'.$k['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); if($upd){ $j++; } } } $jui++; } if( $j>0 ){ $logins_bot_text = '{tm1} В поединок вмешались: '.implode(', ',$logins_bot_text).'.'; $logins_bot_vars = implode('||',$logins_bot_vars); $battle_log = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `battle_logs` WHERE `battle`='.$btl_id.' ORDER BY `id_hod` DESC LIMIT 1')); if($battle_log['id_hod']>0){ mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_logs` (`time`,`battle`,`id_hod`,`text`,`vars`,`zona1`,`zonb1`,`zona2`,`zonb2`,`type`) VALUES ("'.time().'","'.$btl_id.'","'.($battle_log['id_hod']+1).'","'.$logins_bot_text.'","'.$logins_bot_vars.'","","","","",1)'); } } } unset($logins_bot); if( $j > 0 ) { mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "'.$btl_id.'" WHERE `id` = "'.$user['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team` = "1" WHERE `id` = "'.$user['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); } } } public function genUsers() { global $u,$c,$code; ////i:{id,login,mapPoint,sex,obraz,type,users_p}, //'count':1,0:{0:1015,1:'Test1',2:5,3:0,4:'1',5:'user',6:1}, $r = ''; $whr = array( 1 => ' ((`u`.`x` <= '.($u->info['x']+2).' && `u`.`x` >= '.($u->info['x']-2).') && (`u`.`y` >= '.$u->info['y'].' && `u`.`y` <= '.($u->info['y']+4).')) ', //прямо 3 => ' ((`u`.`x` <= '.($u->info['x']+2).' && `u`.`x` >= '.($u->info['x']-2).') && (`u`.`y` <= '.$u->info['y'].' && `u`.`y` >= '.($u->info['y']-4).')) ', //вниз 2 => ' ((`u`.`x` <= '.$u->info['x'].' && `u`.`x` >= '.($u->info['x']-4).') && (`u`.`y` <= '.($u->info['y']+2).' && `u`.`y` >= '.($u->info['y']-2).')) ', //лево 4 => ' ((`u`.`x` >= '.$u->info['x'].' && `u`.`x` <= '.($u->info['x']+4).') && (`u`.`y` <= '.($u->info['y']+2).' && `u`.`y` >= '.($u->info['y']-2).')) ' //право ); // $tmsu = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `katok_now` WHERE `clone` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1')); // $sp = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.*,`st`.* FROM `stats` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `users` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`dnow` = "'.$u->info['dnow'].'" AND '.$whr[$this->gs].' AND `u`.`id` != "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 100'); $i = 0; $pos = array(); while($pl = mysql_fetch_assoc($sp)){ $i++; if(!isset($pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]])){ $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]] = 0; } $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]]++; $noat = 0; if( $this->info['bsid'] > 0 ) { $noat = 1; } if( $this->info['id2'] == 15 ) { //Хоккей $r .= ','.($i-1).':{8:'.$noat.',0:'.$pl['id'].',1:\''.$pl['login'].'\',2:'.(0+$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]).',3:'.$pl['sex'].',4:\''.str_replace('.gif','',$pl['obraz']).'\',5:\'user\',6:'.$pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]].''; // $tms = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `katok_now` WHERE `clone` = "'.$pl['id'].'" LIMIT 1')); if($tms['team'] == $tmsu['team']) { $r .= ',9:1'; }else{ $r .= ',9:2'; } $r .= ''; // $r .= '}'; }else{ $r .= ','.($i-1).':{9:0,8:'.$noat.',0:'.$pl['id'].',1:\''.$pl['login'].'\',2:'.(0+$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]).',3:'.$pl['sex'].',4:\''.str_replace('.gif','',$pl['obraz']).'\',5:\'user\',6:'.$pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]].'}'; } } //отображаем ботов // //$sp = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.*,`st`.* FROM `dungeon_bots` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `test_bot` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id_bot` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`dn` = "'.$u->info['dnow'].'" AND `u`.`atack` = "0" AND `u`.`delete` = "0" AND `u`.`inBattle` = "0" AND `u`.`go_bot` > 0 ORDER BY `u`.`go_bot` ASC LIMIT 35'); // Выбираем Ботов в подземельи, которые Не в бою, Живые, и не дальше чем -\+30 по X и -\+35 по Y (дабы не гонять всех ботов, меньше выборка). $sp = mysql_query('SELECT `db`.*, `tb`.* FROM `dungeon_bots` AS `db` LEFT JOIN `test_bot` AS `tb` ON (`db`.`id_bot` = `tb`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `stats` as `st` ON (`st`.`dnow` = `db`.`dn`) WHERE `db`.`dn` = "'.$u->info['dnow'].'" AND `db`.`x` > `st`.`x`-30 AND `db`.`x` < `st`.`x`+30 AND `db`.`y` > `st`.`y`-35 AND `db`.`y` < `st`.`y`+35 AND `db`.`atack` = "0" AND `db`.`delete` = "0" AND `db`.`inBattle` = "0" AND `db`.`go_bot` > 0 GROUP BY `db`.`id2` ORDER BY `db`.`go_bot` ASC LIMIT 100'); while($pl = mysql_fetch_assoc($sp)){ //перемещение бота, каждые 3-10 сек. if( $pl['go_bot'] > 0 && $pl['go_bot'] <= time() ) { $tgx = rand(-1,1); $tgy = rand(-1,1); if($tgx!=0 && $tgy!=0) { if(rand(0,1)==1){ $tgy = 0; }else{ $tgx = 0; } } $vlb = $this->testLike($pl['x'],$pl['y'],$pl['x']+$tgx,$pl['y']+$tgy); //Кто-то рядом $tuz = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `x`,`y`,`id`,`hpNow` FROM `stats` WHERE `dnow` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND ( (`x` = '.($pl['x']+1).' AND `y` = '.($pl['y']).') OR (`x` = '.($pl['x']-1).' AND `y` = '.($pl['y']).') OR (`x` = '.($pl['x']).' AND `y` = '.($pl['y']+1).') OR (`x` = '.($pl['x']).' AND `y` = '.($pl['y']-1).') ) LIMIT 1')); if(isset($tuz['id']) && $this->testLike($pl['x'],$pl['y'],$tuz['x'],$tuz['y'])==1){ $tuz['x']=$pl['x']; $tuz['y']=$pl['y']; mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `x` = "'.$tuz['x'].'" , `y` = "'.$tuz['y'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$tuz['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); $this->botAtack($pl,$tuz,1);//Тут $sps = mysql_query('SELECT `db`.*, `tb`.* FROM `dungeon_bots` AS `db` LEFT JOIN `test_bot` AS `tb` ON (`db`.`id_bot` = `tb`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `stats` as `st` ON (`st`.`dnow` = `db`.`dn`) WHERE `db`.`dn` = "'.$u->info['dnow'].'" AND `db`.`x` ="'.$tuz['x'].'" AND `db`.`y` ="'.$tuz['y'].'" AND `db`.`atack` = "0" AND `db`.`delete` = "0" AND `db`.`inBattle` = "0" GROUP BY `db`.`id2` ORDER BY `db`.`go_bot` ASC LIMIT 50'); while($pll = mysql_fetch_assoc($sps)){ $this->botAtack($pll,$tuz,1); } }elseif($vlb == 1){ // Передвижение ботов. $pl['go_bot'] = time()+10+rand(1,5); $pl['x'] += $tgx; $pl['y'] += $tgy; mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_bots` SET `x` = "'.$pl['x'].'",`y` = "'.$pl['y'].'",`go_bot` = "'.$pl['go_bot'].'" WHERE `id2` = "'.$pl['id2'].'" LIMIT 1'); } unset($tgx,$tgy,$vlb,$tuz); } } $sp = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.*,`st`.* FROM `dungeon_bots` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `test_bot` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id_bot` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`dn` = "'.$u->info['dnow'].'" AND '.$whr[$this->gs].' AND `u`.`delete` = "0" LIMIT 50'); while($pl = mysql_fetch_assoc($sp)){ $i++; if(!isset($pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]])){ $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]] = 0; } $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]]++; $dlg = 0; if($pl['dialog']>0){ $dlg = $pl['dialog']; } $noat = 1; if( $pl['noatack'] == 1 && $this->info['bsid'] == 0 ) { $noat = 0; } $r .= ','.($i-1).':{9:0,0:'.$pl['id2'].',1:\''.$pl['login'].'\',2:'.(0+$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]).',3:'.$pl['sex'].',4:\''.str_replace('.gif','',$pl['obraz']).'\',5:\'bot\',6:'.$pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'].'_'.$pl['x']]].',7:'.$dlg.',8:'.$noat.'}'; } $r = 'count:'.$i.$r; //$wd = $this->cord['2_0']; return $r; } public function testGo($id) { global $u,$c,$code; $go = 0; if($id==1) { //вперед $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][1]; }elseif($id==2) { //назад $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][3]; }elseif($id==3) { //на право $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][4]; }elseif($id==4) { //на лево $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][2]; } $thp = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `x` = "'.$u->info['x'].'" AND `y` = "'.$u->info['y'].'" AND `id_dng` = "'.$this->info['id2'].'" LIMIT 1')); $ng = array( 4=>1, 2=>2, 1=>3, 3=>4 ); if(isset($thp['id']) && $thp['go_'.$ng[$go]]==0) { $go = 0; } $tgo = array(0=>0,1=>0); if($go==1) { $tgo[1] += 1; }elseif($go==2) { $tgo[0] -= 1; }elseif($go==3) { $tgo[1] -= 1; }elseif($go==4) { $tgo[0] += 1; } $tbot = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_bots` WHERE `x` = "'.($u->info['x']+(int)$tgo[0]).'" AND `y` = "'.($u->info['y']+(int)$tgo[1]).'" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `for_dn` = "0" AND `delete` = "0" LIMIT 1')); if(isset($tbot['id2']) && $u->info['admin']==0) { $go = 0; } $tmap = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `x` = "'.$u->info['x'].'" AND `y` = "'.$u->info['y'].'" AND `id_dng` = "'.$this->info['id2'].'" LIMIT 1')); //наличие предмета if($tmap['tr_items']!='') { $ti = explode(',',$tmap['tr_items']); $i = 0; $trnit = ''; while($i0 && $ti2[1]>0) { $num_rows = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items_users` WHERE `uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `delete` = "0" AND `inShop` = "0" AND `item_id` = "'.((int)$ti2[0]).'" LIMIT '.((int)$ti2[1]).'')); if($num_rows < (int)$ti2[1]) { $tgo = $ti2[2]; if($tgo!='0000') { if($tgo[$ng[$go]-1]==1) { $go = 0; $trm = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "'.((int)$ti2[0]).'" LIMIT 1')); $trnit .= '"'.$trm['name'].'", '; } } } } $i++; } if($trnit!='') { $trnit = rtrim($trnit,', '); $this->error = 'У вас нет подходящего предмета. Требуется '.$trnit; } } $tmGo = $u->info['timeGo']-time(); //сколько секунд осталось if($tmGo>0) { $go = 0; $this->error = 'Не так быстро...'; } if($u->aves['now']>=$u->aves['max']) { $go = 0; $this->error = 'Вы не можете перемещаться, рюкзак переполнен ...'; } if($go>0) { if($go==1) { $u->info['y'] += 1; }elseif($go==2) { $u->info['x'] -= 1; }elseif($go==3) { $u->info['y'] -= 1; }elseif($go==4) { $u->info['x'] += 1; } if( $u->stats['speed_dungeon'] > 0 ) { $tmap['timeGO'] = round($tmap['timeGO']/100*(100-$u->stats['speed_dungeon'])); if( $tmap['timeGO'] < 2 ) { $tmap['timeGO'] = 1; } } $u->info['timeGo'] = time()+$tmap['timeGO']; $u->info['timeGoL'] = time(); $tmap0 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`teleport` FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `id_dng` = "'.$tmap['id_dng'].'" AND `x` = "'.$u->info['x'].'" AND `y` = "'.$u->info['y'].'" LIMIT 1')); if( $tmap0['teleport'] > 0 ){ $tmap1 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`x`,`y` FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `id` = "'.$tmap0['teleport'].'" LIMIT 1')); if( isset($tmap1['id']) ) { $u->info['x'] = $tmap1['x']; $u->info['y'] = $tmap1['y']; $this->error = 'Вы переместились в другую комнату...'; } } $upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `x` = "'.$u->info['x'].'",`y` = "'.$u->info['y'].'",`timeGo` = "'.$u->info['timeGo'].'",`timeGoL` = "'.$u->info['timeGoL'].'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" LIMIT 1'); unset($id); } } public function testGone($id) { global $u,$c,$code; $go = 0; if($id==1) { //вперед $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][1]; }elseif($id==2) { //назад $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][3]; }elseif($id==3) { //на право $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][4]; }elseif($id==4) { //на лево $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][2]; } $thp = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `x` = "'.$u->info['x'].'" AND `y` = "'.$u->info['y'].'" AND `id_dng` = "'.$this->info['id2'].'" LIMIT 1')); $ng = array( 4=>1, 2=>2, 1=>3, 3=>4 ); if(isset($thp['id']) && $thp['go_'.$ng[$go]]==0) { $go = 0; } $tgo = array(0=>0,1=>0); if($go==1) { $tgo[1] += 1; }elseif($go==2) { $tgo[0] -= 1; }elseif($go==3) { $tgo[1] -= 1; }elseif($go==4) { $tgo[0] += 1; } $tbot = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_bots` WHERE `x` = "'.($u->info['x']+(int)$tgo[0]).'" AND `y` = "'.($u->info['y']+(int)$tgo[1]).'" AND `dn` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `for_dn` = "0" AND `delete` = "0" LIMIT 1')); if(isset($tbot['id2']) && $u->info['admin']==0) { $go = 0; } $tmap = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `x` = "'.$u->info['x'].'" AND `y` = "'.$u->info['y'].'" AND `id_dng` = "'.$this->info['id2'].'" LIMIT 1')); //наличие предмета /* if($tmap['tr_items']!='') { $ti = explode(',',$tmap['tr_items']); $i = 0; $trnit = ''; while($i0 && $ti2[1]>0) { $num_rows = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items_users` WHERE `uid` = "'.$u->info['id'].'" AND `delete` = "0" AND `inShop` = "0" AND `item_id` = "'.((int)$ti2[0]).'" LIMIT '.((int)$ti2[1]).'')); if($num_rows < (int)$ti2[1]) { $tgo = $ti2[2]; if($tgo!='0000') { if($tgo[$ng[$go]-1]==1) { $go = 0; } } } } $i++; } } */ return $go; } public function testSt($id,$s) { $r = 0; //заменяем отображение стен в зависимости от угла обзора $s = $this->sg[$this->gs][$s]; if(isset($this->map[1][$id]['id'])) { $r = $this->map[1][$id]['st'][($s-1)]; } return $r; } public function lookDungeon() { global $u,$c,$code,$pd; /* Генерируем изображение карты */ /* LEVEL 1 */ // Исправления от 29/10/2014 относительно D5, 2 этаж, ПТП. Покрутиться и все гуд. и от 22/11/2014 для обратных стен. Если стена к нам задницей, мы её не видим. if($this->testSt(2,4)>0 /* || $this->testSt(3,2)>0 */){ $pd[28] = 1; } if(/*$this->testSt(1,4)>0 ||*/ $this->testSt(2,2)>0){ $pd[27] = 1; } if($this->testSt(2,1)>0 /*|| $this->testSt(5,3)>0*/){ $pd[26] = 1; } if($this->testSt(3,1)>0/* || $this->testSt(6,3)>0*/){ $pd[25] = 1; } if($this->testSt(1,1)>0 /*|| $this->testSt(4,3)>0*/){ $pd[24] = 1; } /* LEVEL 2 */ if($this->testSt(5,4)>0 /*|| $this->testSt(6,2)>0*/){ $pd[23] = 1; } if(/*$this->testSt(4,4)>0 || */$this->testSt(5,2)>0){ $pd[22] = 1; } if($this->testSt(5,1)>0 /*|| $this->testSt(8,3)>0*/){ $pd[21] = 1; } if($this->testSt(6,1)>0 /*|| $this->testSt(7,3)>0*/){ $pd[20] = 1; } if($this->testSt(4,1)>0/* || $this->testSt(9,3)>0*/){ $pd[19] = 1; } /* LEVEL 3 */ if($this->testSt(8,4)>0 /*|| $this->testSt(7,2)>0*/){ $pd[18] = 1; } if(/*$this->testSt(9,4)>0 || */$this->testSt(8,2)>0){ $pd[17] = 1; } if($this->testSt(8,1)>0 /* || $this->testSt(12,3)>0*/){ $pd[16] = 1; } if($this->testSt(7,1)>0 /* || $this->testSt(13,3)>0*/){ $pd[15] = 1; } if($this->testSt(9,1)>0 /*|| $this->testSt(11,3)>0*/){ $pd[14] = 1; } /* LEVEL 4 */ if($this->testSt(12,4)>0 || $this->testSt(13,2)>0){ $pd[13] = 1; } if($this->testSt(12,2)>0 || $this->testSt(11,4)>0){ $pd[12] = 1; } if($this->testSt(13,1)>0 || $this->testSt(17,3)>0){ $pd[11] = 1; } //8 if($this->testSt(11,1)>0 || $this->testSt(16,3)>0){ $pd[10] = 1; } //7 if($this->testSt(12,1)>0/* || $this->testSt(15,3)>0*/){ $pd[9] = 1; } if($this->testSt(14,1)>0 || $this->testSt(18,3)>0){ $pd[6] = 1; } //2 if($this->testSt(10,1)>0 || $this->testSt(19,3)>0){ $pd[5] = 1; } //1 if($this->testSt(16,4)>0 || $this->testSt(15,2)>0){ $pd[4] = 1; } if($this->testSt(15,4)>0 || $this->testSt(17,2)>0){ $pd[3] = 1; } /* Генерируем предметы на карте */ /* Генерируем персонажей и ботов на карте */ } public function getMatrix($y,$x) { global $u; $this->cord['x']++; $this->cord[($u->info['y']+$y).'_'.($u->info['x']+$x)] = $this->cord['x']; return $this->map[0][($u->info['y']+$y).'_'.($u->info['x']+$x)]; } public function genMatix() { $r = array(); if($this->gs == 1) { //1; //смотрим прямо $r[1] = $this->getMatrix(0,-1); # слева от меня $r[2] = $this->getMatrix(0,0); # подомной $r[3] = $this->getMatrix(0,1); # справа от меня $r[4] = $this->getMatrix(1,-1); # слева +1 вперед $r[5] = $this->getMatrix(1,0); # передомной +1 $r[6] = $this->getMatrix(1,1); # справа +1 вперед $r[7] = $this->getMatrix(2,1); # справа +2 вперед $r[8] = $this->getMatrix(2,0); # передомной +2 $r[9] = $this->getMatrix(2,-1); # слева +2 вперед $r[10] = $this->getMatrix(3,-2); # слева через одну, +3 вперед $r[11] = $this->getMatrix(3,-1); # слева +3 вперед $r[12] = $this->getMatrix(3,0); # передомной +3 $r[13] = $this->getMatrix(3,1); # справа +3 вперед $r[14] = $this->getMatrix(3,2); # справа через одну, +3 вперед $r[15] = $this->getMatrix(4,0); # передомной +4 $r[16] = $this->getMatrix(4,-1); # слева +4 вперед $r[17] = $this->getMatrix(4,1); # справа +4 вперед $r[18] = $this->getMatrix(4,2); # справа через одну, +4 вперед $r[19] = $this->getMatrix(4,-2); # слева через одну, +4 вперед }elseif($this->gs == 2) { //2; //смотрим лево $r[1] = $this->getMatrix(-1,0); $r[2] = $this->getMatrix(0,0); $r[3] = $this->getMatrix(1,0); $r[4] = $this->getMatrix(-1,-1); $r[5] = $this->getMatrix(0,-1); $r[6] = $this->getMatrix(1,-1); $r[7] = $this->getMatrix(1,-2); $r[8] = $this->getMatrix(0,-2); $r[9] = $this->getMatrix(-1,-2); $r[10] = $this->getMatrix(-2,-3); $r[11] = $this->getMatrix(-1,-3); $r[12] = $this->getMatrix(0,-3); $r[13] = $this->getMatrix(1,-3); $r[14] = $this->getMatrix(2,-3); $r[15] = $this->getMatrix(0,-4); $r[16] = $this->getMatrix(-1,-4); $r[17] = $this->getMatrix(1,-4); $r[18] = $this->getMatrix(2,-4); $r[19] = $this->getMatrix(-2,-4); }elseif($this->gs == 3) { //3; //смотрим вниз $r[1] = $this->getMatrix(0,1); $r[2] = $this->getMatrix(0,0); $r[3] = $this->getMatrix(0,-1); $r[4] = $this->getMatrix(-1,1); $r[5] = $this->getMatrix(-1,0); $r[6] = $this->getMatrix(-1,-1); $r[7] = $this->getMatrix(-2,-1); $r[8] = $this->getMatrix(-2,0); $r[9] = $this->getMatrix(-2,1); $r[10] = $this->getMatrix(-3,2); $r[11] = $this->getMatrix(-3,1); $r[12] = $this->getMatrix(-3,0); $r[13] = $this->getMatrix(-3,-1); $r[14] = $this->getMatrix(-3,-2); $r[15] = $this->getMatrix(-4,0); $r[16] = $this->getMatrix(-4,1); $r[17] = $this->getMatrix(-4,-1); $r[18] = $this->getMatrix(-4,-2); $r[19] = $this->getMatrix(-4,2); }elseif($this->gs == 4) { //4; //смотрим право $r[1] = $this->getMatrix(1,0); $r[2] = $this->getMatrix(0,0); $r[3] = $this->getMatrix(-1,0); $r[4] = $this->getMatrix(1,1); $r[5] = $this->getMatrix(0,1); $r[6] = $this->getMatrix(-1,1); $r[7] = $this->getMatrix(-1,2); $r[8] = $this->getMatrix(0,2); $r[9] = $this->getMatrix(1,2); $r[10] = $this->getMatrix(2,3); $r[11] = $this->getMatrix(1,3); $r[12] = $this->getMatrix(0,3); $r[13] = $this->getMatrix(-1,3); $r[14] = $this->getMatrix(-2,3); $r[15] = $this->getMatrix(0,4); $r[16] = $this->getMatrix(1,4); $r[17] = $this->getMatrix(-1,4); $r[18] = $this->getMatrix(-2,4); $r[19] = $this->getMatrix(2,4); } return $r; } } $d = new dungeon; $d->start(); ?>