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font-size: 14px; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: center; vertical-align: top; } .rating { border: 3px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; } .rating .al { text-align: left; } .rating .vam { vertical-align: middle; } .rating .ac { text-align: center; } .rating .b { font-weight: bold; } .rating .p { padding: 0 5px 0 5px; } .rating .btop { border-top: 3px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; } .rating .bright { border-right: 3px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; } .rating .bleft { border-left: 3px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; } .rating .bbottom { border-bottom: 3px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; } .rating .light { background: #F4E7CC; } .rinfo p { text-align: justify; text-indent: 25px; } .rinfo p span { color: red; font-weight: bold; } h2 { text-align: center; font-family: Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; margin: 10px auto 5px; } </style> <h2 style=" margin-top: 0;">Рейтинг Персонажей</h2> <br/> <center><a href="/rating_pers">РЕЙТИНГ</a> <table width="100%" class="rating" style="margin-top: 5px;"> <tr class="b bbottom"> <td class="bright p" width=100> Место </td> <td class="bright p al" style='padding-left: 20px;'> Персонаж </td> <td class="bright p" width=100> Рейтинг </td> <td class="p" width=200> <?php if ($url[2] == 'wins') { echo 'Победы'; } else { echo 'Опыт'; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i = 0; $html = ''; $bya = '`pos` ASC'; if ($url[2] == 'exp') { $bya = '`exp_real` DESC'; } elseif ($url[2] == 'wins') { $bya = '`win` DESC'; } $sp = mysql_query( 'SELECT * FROM `aaa_reting_list` WHERE `date` = ' . date( 'dmY' ) . ' ORDER BY ' . $bya . ' LIMIT 10' ); while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($sp)) { var_dump($pl); // if ($url[2] != 'exp' && $url[2] != 'wins') { $last_post = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( 'SELECT `pos` FROM `aaa_reting_list` WHERE `uid` = ' . $pl['uid'] . ' AND `date` != ' . $pl['date'] . ' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1' ) ); } // $i++; $vid = $i; if (isset($last_post['pos']) && $url[2] != 'exp' && $url[2] != 'wins') { $last_post = $last_post['pos']; if ($last_post < $pl['pos']) { $vid = '<img src="//img.new-combats.tech/down_red.png" height="16"> <b>' . $pl['pos'] . '</b> <sup style=\'color:red;\'>-' . ($pl['pos'] - $last_post) . '</sup>'; } elseif ($last_post > $pl['pos']) { $vid = '<img src="//img.new-combats.tech/up_green.png" height="16"> <b>' . $pl['pos'] . '</b> <sup style=\'color:green;\'>+' . ($last_post - $pl['pos']) . '</sup>'; } } // $usr = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( 'SELECT `id`,`login`,`level`,`align`,`align2`,`clan` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['uid'] . '" LIMIT 1' ) ); $clrt = ''; if ('id' . $usr['id'] == $url[2]) { $clrt = ' bgcolor="#c3a878"'; } $html .= "<tr" . $clrt . "><td class='vam p' style='font-size: 14pt;'><b>" . $vid . "</b><a name='" . $usr['id'] . "' /></td> <td class='vam al' style='padding-left: 20px;'><img src='//img.new-combats.tech/i/align/align" . $usr['align'] . ".gif' />"; if ($usr['align2'] > 0) { $html .= '<img src="//img.new-combats.tech/i/align/align' . $usr['align2'] . '.gif" /> '; } if ($usr['clan'] > 0) { $html .= '<img src="//img.new-combats.tech/i/clan/' . $usr['clan'] . '.gif" /> '; } $html .= '<b>' . $usr['login'] . '</b> [' . $usr['level'] . '] <a href="/info/' . $usr['id'] . '" target="_blank"><img src="//img.new-combats.tech/i/inf_capitalcity.gif" /></a></td> '; if ($url[2] != 'exp' && $url[2] != 'wins') { $html .= '<td class=\'vam p\' style=\'font-size: 14pt;\'><b>' . round( $pl['global'], 2 ) . '</b></td>'; } else { $html .= '<td class=\'vam p\' style=\'font-size: 14pt;\'>' . round( $pl['global'], 2 ) . '</td>'; } if ($url[2] == 'exp') { $html .= '<td class=\'vam p\' style=\'font-size: 14pt;\'><b>' . number_format( $pl['exp_real'], 0, ",", " " ) . '</b></td></tr>'; } elseif ($url[2] == 'wins') { $html .= '<td class=\'vam p\' style=\'font-size: 14pt;\'><b>' . number_format( $pl['win'], 0, ",", " " ) . '</b></td></tr>'; } else { $html .= '<td class=\'vam p\' style=\'font-size: 14pt;\'>' . number_format( $pl['exp_real'], 0, ",", " " ) . '</td></tr>'; } } //----------------------------------------- личный рейтинг if ($u->info) { $spu = mysql_query( 'SELECT * FROM `aaa_reting_list` WHERE `date` = "' . date( 'dmY' ) . '" AND `uid` = "' . $u->info['id'] . '" ORDER BY ' . $bya . ' LIMIT 1' ); while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($spu)) { // if ($url[2] != 'exp' && $url[2] != 'wins') { $last_post = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( 'SELECT `pos` FROM `aaa_reting_list` WHERE `uid` = "' . $pl['uid'] . '" AND `date` != "' . $pl['date'] . '" ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1' ) ); } // $i++; $vid = $pl['pos']; if (isset($last_post['pos']) && $url[2] != 'exp' && $url[2] != 'wins') { $last_post = $last_post['pos']; if ($last_post < $pl['pos']) { $vid = '<img src="//img.new-combats.tech/down_red.png" height="16"> <b>' . $pl['pos'] . '</b> <sup style=\'color:red;\'>-' . ($pl['pos'] - $last_post) . '</sup>'; } elseif ($last_post > $pl['pos']) { $vid = '<img src="//img.new-combats.tech/up_green.png" height="16"> <b>' . $pl['pos'] . '</b> <sup style=\'color:green;\'>+' . ($last_post - $pl['pos']) . '</sup>'; } } // $html .= "<tr style='border-right: 0px; border-left: 0px;'><td style='border-right: 0px; border-left: 0px;'><b style='color:red;'><big>Ваш рейтинг:</big></b></td><td style='border-right: 0px; border-left: 0px;'></td><td style='border-right: 0px; border-left: 0px;'></td><td style='border-right: 0px; border-left: 0px;'></td></tr>"; $usr = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( 'SELECT `id`,`login`,`level`,`align`,`align2`,`clan` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['uid'] . '" LIMIT 1' ) ); $clrt = ''; if ('id' . $usr['id'] == $url[2]) { $clrt = ' bgcolor="#c3a878"'; } $html .= "<tr" . $clrt . "><td class='vam p' style='font-size: 14pt;'><b>" . $vid . "</b><a name='" . $usr['id'] . "' /></td> <td class='vam al' style='padding-left: 20px;'><img src='//img.new-combats.tech/i/align/align" . $usr['align'] . ".gif' />"; if ($usr['align2'] > 0) { $html .= '<img src="//img.new-combats.tech/i/align/align' . $usr['align2'] . '.gif" /> '; } if ($usr['clan'] > 0) { $html .= '<img src="//img.new-combats.tech/i/clan/' . $usr['clan'] . '.gif" /> '; } $html .= '<b>' . $usr['login'] . '</b> [' . $usr['level'] . '] <a href="/info/' . $usr['id'] . '" target="_blank"><img src="//img.new-combats.tech/i/inf_capitalcity.gif" /></a></td> '; if ($url[2] != 'exp' && $url[2] != 'wins') { $html .= '<td class=\'vam p\' style=\'font-size: 14pt;\'><b>' . round( $pl['global'], 2 ) . '</b></td>'; } else { $html .= '<td class=\'vam p\' style=\'font-size: 14pt;\'>' . round( $pl['global'], 2 ) . '</td>'; } if ($url[2] == 'exp') { $html .= '<td class=\'vam p\' style=\'font-size: 14pt;\'><b>' . number_format( $pl['exp_real'], 0, ",", " " ) . '</b></td></tr>'; } elseif ($url[2] == 'wins') { $html .= '<td class=\'vam p\' style=\'font-size: 14pt;\'><b>' . number_format( $pl['win'], 0, ",", " " ) . '</b></td></tr>'; } else { $html .= '<td class=\'vam p\' style=\'font-size: 14pt;\'>' . number_format( $pl['exp_real'], 0, ",", " " ) . '</td></tr>'; } } echo $html; unset($html); } ?> </table> <div class="rinfo"> <p> <center style="font-size: 14px;">Рейтинг игроков обновляется 1 раз в сутки в 00:00 по серверу.<br> Полное обнуление рейтинга игроков осуществляется 1 раз в месяц, 1-го числа каждого месяца. </center> </p> <p> <center style="font-size: 14px;"><b>Очки рейтинга начисляются в зависимости от выполнения Ежедневных Событий</b></center> </p> </div> <!-- End of text --> </TD> <!--td width=15% valign=top><img src="encicl/images/new_ico.gif" width=86 height=89 border=0></td--> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> </TBODY></TABLE> <td width="1" valign="top" bgcolor="#edd7ae"><img src="/new/register/vesch_right.jpg" width="26" height="421"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" valign="top"><img src="/new/register/vesch_bot2.jpg" width="850" height="56"/></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td width="1%" valign="top" background="/new/register/bgr2.jpg"><img src="/new/register/topr.jpg" width="83" height="593"/><br/> <img src="/new/register/right2.jpg" width="83" height="114"/></td> <td width="39%" valign="top"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td height="507" background="/new/register/topbgr.jpg"> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> </td> <td colspan="3" valign="top"><img src="/new/register/bottom.jpg" width="1000" height="163"/></td> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> </td> <td colspan="3" align="left" valign="top"> <table width="970" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="225" align="left" valign="top"> </td> <td width="546" align="center" valign="top"> <style> A.copi { font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 7pt; color: #005348; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } a.copi:link { color: #005348; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } A.copi:visited { color: #005348; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } A.copi:hover, A.copi:active { color: #329700; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } </style> <br><span style="color:#EBD88B; font-family:'Philosopher', sans-serif;font-size: 18px;">Бойцовский Клуб © 2018</span> </td> <td width="199" align="right" valign="top"><img src="/new/register/pix.gif" width="10" height="30"/><br/> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="display:none;"></div> </body> </html>