_isEnabled = true; $this->_isAjax = false; $this->_bodyId = ''; $this->_title = ''; $db = ! empty($GLOBALS['db']) ? $GLOBALS['db'] : ''; $table = ! empty($GLOBALS['table']) ? $GLOBALS['table'] : ''; $this->_menu = new PMA_Menu( $GLOBALS['server'], $db, $table ); $this->_menuEnabled = true; $this->_warningsEnabled = true; $this->_isPrintView = false; $this->_scripts = new PMA_Scripts(); $this->_addDefaultScripts(); $this->_headerIsSent = false; // if database storage for user preferences is transient, // offer to load exported settings from localStorage // (detection will be done in JavaScript) $this->_userprefsOfferImport = false; if ($GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->get('user_preferences') == 'session' && ! isset($_SESSION['userprefs_autoload']) ) { $this->_userprefsOfferImport = true; } } /** * Loads common scripts * * @return void */ private function _addDefaultScripts() { // Localised strings $params = array('lang' => $GLOBALS['lang']); if (isset($GLOBALS['db'])) { $params['db'] = $GLOBALS['db']; } $this->_scripts->addFile('jquery/jquery-1.8.3.min.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile( 'whitelist.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($params), false, true ); $this->_scripts->addFile('ajax.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('keyhandler.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('jquery/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('jquery/jquery.sprintf.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('jquery/jquery.cookie.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('jquery/jquery.event.drag-2.2.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('jquery/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('jquery/jquery.ba-hashchange-1.3.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('jquery/jquery.debounce-1.0.5.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('jquery/jquery.menuResizer-1.0.js'); // Cross-framing protection if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowThirdPartyFraming'] === false) { $this->_scripts->addFile('cross_framing_protection.js'); } $this->_scripts->addFile('rte.js'); if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['SendErrorReports'] !== 'never') { $this->_scripts->addFile('tracekit/tracekit.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('error_report.js'); } // Here would not be a good place to add CodeMirror because // the user preferences have not been merged at this point $this->_scripts->addFile('messages.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($params)); // Append the theme id to this url to invalidate // the cache on a theme change. Though this might be // unavailable for fatal errors. if (isset($_SESSION['PMA_Theme'])) { $theme_id = urlencode($_SESSION['PMA_Theme']->getId()); } else { $theme_id = 'default'; } $this->_scripts->addFile( 'get_image.js.php?theme=' . $theme_id ); $this->_scripts->addFile('doclinks.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('functions.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('navigation.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('indexes.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('common.js'); $this->_scripts->addCode($this->getJsParamsCode()); } /** * Returns, as an array, a list of parameters * used on the client side * * @return array */ public function getJsParams() { $db = ! empty($GLOBALS['db']) ? $GLOBALS['db'] : ''; $table = ! empty($GLOBALS['table']) ? $GLOBALS['table'] : ''; return array( 'common_query' => PMA_URL_getCommon('', '', '&'), 'opendb_url' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase'], 'safari_browser' => PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'SAFARI' ? 1 : 0, 'querywindow_height' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['QueryWindowHeight'], 'querywindow_width' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['QueryWindowWidth'], 'collation_connection' => $GLOBALS['collation_connection'], 'lang' => $GLOBALS['lang'], 'server' => $GLOBALS['server'], 'table' => $table, 'db' => $db, 'token' => $_SESSION[' PMA_token '], 'text_dir' => $GLOBALS['text_dir'], 'pma_absolute_uri' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['PmaAbsoluteUri'], 'pma_text_default_tab' => PMA_Util::getTitleForTarget( $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabTable'] ), 'pma_text_left_default_tab' => PMA_Util::getTitleForTarget( $GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable'] ), 'confirm' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['Confirm'] ); } /** * Returns, as a string, a list of parameters * used on the client side * * @return string */ public function getJsParamsCode() { $params = $this->getJsParams(); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $params[$key] = $key . ':"' . PMA_escapeJsString($value) . '"'; } return 'PMA_commonParams.setAll({' . implode(',', $params) . '});'; } /** * Disables the rendering of the header * * @return void */ public function disable() { $this->_isEnabled = false; } /** * Set the ajax flag to indicate whether * we are sevicing an ajax request * * @param bool $isAjax Whether we are sevicing an ajax request * * @return void */ public function setAjax($isAjax) { $this->_isAjax = ($isAjax == true); } /** * Returns the PMA_Scripts object * * @return PMA_Scripts object */ public function getScripts() { return $this->_scripts; } /** * Returns the PMA_Menu object * * @return PMA_Menu object */ public function getMenu() { return $this->_menu; } /** * Setter for the ID attribute in the BODY tag * * @param string $id Value for the ID attribute * * @return void */ public function setBodyId($id) { $this->_bodyId = htmlspecialchars($id); } /** * Setter for the title of the page * * @param string $title New title * * @return void */ public function setTitle($title) { $this->_title = htmlspecialchars($title); } /** * Disables the display of the top menu * * @return void */ public function disableMenu() { $this->_menuEnabled = false; } /** * Disables the display of the top menu * * @return void */ public function disableWarnings() { $this->_warningsEnabled = false; } /** * Turns on 'print view' mode * * @return void */ public function enablePrintView() { $this->disableMenu(); $this->setTitle(__('Print view') . ' - phpMyAdmin ' . PMA_VERSION); $this->_isPrintView = true; } /** * Generates the header * * @return string The header */ public function getDisplay() { $retval = ''; if (! $this->_headerIsSent) { if (! $this->_isAjax && $this->_isEnabled) { $this->sendHttpHeaders(); $retval .= $this->_getHtmlStart(); $retval .= $this->_getMetaTags(); $retval .= $this->_getLinkTags(); $retval .= $this->getTitleTag(); // The user preferences have been merged at this point // so we can conditionally add CodeMirror if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['CodemirrorEnable']) { $this->_scripts->addFile('codemirror/lib/codemirror.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('codemirror/mode/sql/sql.js'); $this->_scripts->addFile('codemirror/addon/runmode/runmode.js'); } if ($this->_userprefsOfferImport) { $this->_scripts->addFile('config.js'); } $retval .= $this->_scripts->getDisplay(); $retval .= $this->_getBodyStart(); if ($this->_menuEnabled && $GLOBALS['server'] > 0) { $nav = new PMA_Navigation(); $retval .= $nav->getDisplay(); } // Include possible custom headers if (file_exists(CUSTOM_HEADER_FILE)) { $retval .= '
'; ob_start(); include CUSTOM_HEADER_FILE; $retval .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $retval .= '
'; } // offer to load user preferences from localStorage if ($this->_userprefsOfferImport) { include_once './libraries/user_preferences.lib.php'; $retval .= PMA_userprefsAutoloadGetHeader(); } // pass configuration for hint tooltip display // (to be used by PMA_tooltip() in js/functions.js) if (! $GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowHint']) { $retval .= ''; } $retval .= $this->_getWarnings(); if ($this->_menuEnabled && $GLOBALS['server'] > 0) { $retval .= $this->_menu->getDisplay(); $retval .= sprintf( '%s', __('Click on the bar to scroll to top of page'), PMA_Util::getImage('s_top.png') ); } $retval .= '
'; $retval .= $this->getMessage(); } if ($this->_isEnabled && empty($_REQUEST['recent_table'])) { $retval .= $this->_addRecentTable( $GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table'] ); } } return $retval; } /** * Returns the message to be displayed at the top of * the page, including the executed SQL query, if any. * * @return string */ public function getMessage() { $retval = ''; $message = ''; if (! empty($GLOBALS['message'])) { $message = $GLOBALS['message']; unset($GLOBALS['message']); } else if (! empty($_REQUEST['message'])) { $message = $_REQUEST['message']; } if (! empty($message)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['buffer_message'])) { $buffer_message = $GLOBALS['buffer_message']; } $retval .= PMA_Util::getMessage($message); if (isset($buffer_message)) { $GLOBALS['buffer_message'] = $buffer_message; } } return $retval; } /** * Sends out the HTTP headers * * @return void */ public function sendHttpHeaders() { $https = $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->isHttps(); $mapTilesUrls = ' *.tile.openstreetmap.org *.tile.opencyclemap.org'; /** * Sends http headers */ $GLOBALS['now'] = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'; if (! defined('TESTSUITE')) { $use_captcha = ( !empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['CaptchaLoginPrivateKey']) && !empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['CaptchaLoginPublicKey']) ); /* Prevent against ClickJacking by disabling framing */ if (! $GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowThirdPartyFraming']) { header( 'X-Frame-Options: DENY' ); } header( "Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' " . ($use_captcha ? 'https://www.google.com ' : ' ') . $GLOBALS['cfg']['CSPAllow'] . ';' . "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' " . ($use_captcha ? 'https://www.google.com ' : ' ') . ";" . "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' " . ($use_captcha ? 'https://www.google.com ' : ' ') . $GLOBALS['cfg']['CSPAllow'] . ";" . "img-src 'self' data: " . $GLOBALS['cfg']['CSPAllow'] . ($https ? "" : $mapTilesUrls) // for reCAPTCHA . ($use_captcha ? ' https://www.google.com' : ' ') . ";" ); header( "X-Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' " . ($use_captcha ? 'https://www.google.com ' : ' ') . $GLOBALS['cfg']['CSPAllow'] . ';' . "options inline-script eval-script;" . "img-src 'self' data: " . $GLOBALS['cfg']['CSPAllow'] . ($https ? "" : $mapTilesUrls) // for reCAPTCHA . ($use_captcha ? ' https://www.google.com' : ' ') . ";" ); if (PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'SAFARI' && PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER < '6.0.0' ) { header( "X-WebKit-CSP: allow 'self' " . ($use_captcha ? 'https://www.google.com ' : ' ') . $GLOBALS['cfg']['CSPAllow'] . ';' . "options inline-script eval-script;" . "img-src 'self' data: " . $GLOBALS['cfg']['CSPAllow'] . ($https ? "" : $mapTilesUrls) // for reCAPTCHA . ($use_captcha ? ' https://www.google.com' : ' ') . ";" ); } else { header( "X-WebKit-CSP: default-src 'self' " . ($use_captcha ? 'https://www.google.com ' : ' ') . $GLOBALS['cfg']['CSPAllow'] . ';' . "script-src 'self' " . ($use_captcha ? 'https://www.google.com ' : ' ') . $GLOBALS['cfg']['CSPAllow'] . " 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval';" . "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' " . ($use_captcha ? 'https://www.google.com ' : ' ') . ';' . "img-src 'self' data: " . $GLOBALS['cfg']['CSPAllow'] . ($https ? "" : $mapTilesUrls) // for reCAPTCHA . ($use_captcha ? ' https://www.google.com' : ' ') . ";" ); } } PMA_noCacheHeader(); if (! defined('IS_TRANSFORMATION_WRAPPER') && ! defined('TESTSUITE')) { // Define the charset to be used header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); } $this->_headerIsSent = true; } /** * Returns the DOCTYPE and the start HTML tag * * @return string DOCTYPE and HTML tags */ private function _getHtmlStart() { $lang = $GLOBALS['available_languages'][$GLOBALS['lang']][1]; $dir = $GLOBALS['text_dir']; $retval = ""; $retval .= ""; return $retval; } /** * Returns the META tags * * @return string the META tags */ private function _getMetaTags() { $retval = ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; if (! $GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowThirdPartyFraming']) { $retval .= ''; } return $retval; } /** * Returns the LINK tags for the favicon and the stylesheets * * @return string the LINK tags */ private function _getLinkTags() { $retval = '' . ''; // stylesheets $basedir = defined('PMA_PATH_TO_BASEDIR') ? PMA_PATH_TO_BASEDIR : ''; $common_url = PMA_URL_getCommon(array('server' => $GLOBALS['server'])); $theme_id = $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->getThemeUniqueValue(); $theme_path = $GLOBALS['pmaThemePath']; if ($this->_isPrintView) { $retval .= ''; } else { $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; } return $retval; } /** * Returns the TITLE tag * * @return string the TITLE tag */ public function getTitleTag() { $retval = ""; $retval .= $this->_getPageTitle(); $retval .= ""; return $retval; } /** * If the page is missing the title, this function * will set it to something reasonable * * @return string */ private function _getPageTitle() { if (empty($this->_title)) { if ($GLOBALS['server'] > 0) { if (! empty($GLOBALS['table'])) { $temp_title = $GLOBALS['cfg']['TitleTable']; } else if (! empty($GLOBALS['db'])) { $temp_title = $GLOBALS['cfg']['TitleDatabase']; } elseif (! empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['host'])) { $temp_title = $GLOBALS['cfg']['TitleServer']; } else { $temp_title = $GLOBALS['cfg']['TitleDefault']; } $this->_title = htmlspecialchars( PMA_Util::expandUserString($temp_title) ); } else { $this->_title = 'phpMyAdmin'; } } return $this->_title; } /** * Returns the close tag to the HEAD * and the start tag for the BODY * * @return string HEAD and BODY tags */ private function _getBodyStart() { $retval = "_bodyId)) { $retval .= " id='" . $this->_bodyId . "'"; } $retval .= ">"; return $retval; } /** * Returns some warnings to be displayed at the top of the page * * @return string The warnings */ private function _getWarnings() { $retval = ''; if ($this->_warningsEnabled) { $retval .= ""; } return $retval; } /** * Add recently used table and reload the navigation. * * @param string $db Database name where the table is located. * @param string $table The table name * * @return string */ private function _addRecentTable($db, $table) { $retval = ''; if ($this->_menuEnabled && strlen($table) && $GLOBALS['cfg']['NumRecentTables'] > 0 ) { $tmp_result = PMA_RecentTable::getInstance()->add($db, $table); if ($tmp_result === true) { $params = array('ajax_request' => true, 'recent_table' => true); $url = 'index.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($params); $retval = ''; } else { $error = $tmp_result; $retval = $error->getDisplay(); } } return $retval; } } ?>