$exception, "script_name" => $script_name, "pma_version" => PMA_VERSION, "browser_name" => PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT, "browser_version" => PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER, "user_os" => PMA_USR_OS, "server_software" => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], "user_agent_string" => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "locale" => $_COOKIE['pma_lang'], "configuration_storage" => empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'][1]['pmadb']) ? "disabled" : "enabled", "php_version" => phpversion(), "microhistory" => $_REQUEST['microhistory'], ); if (! empty($_REQUEST['description'])) { $report['steps'] = $_REQUEST['description']; } if ($pretty_print) { /* JSON_PRETTY_PRINT available since PHP 5.4 */ if (defined('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT')) { return json_encode($report, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } else { return PMA_prettyPrint($report); } } else { return $report; } } /** * Sanitize a url to remove the identifiable host name and extract the * current scriptname from the url fragment * * It returns two things in an array. The first is the uri without the * hostname and identifying query params. The second is the name of the * php script in the url * * @param String $url the url to sanitize * * @return Array the uri and script name */ function PMA_sanitizeUrl($url) { $components = parse_url($url); if (isset($components["fragment"]) && preg_match("", $components["fragment"], $matches) ) { $uri = str_replace($matches[0], "", $components["fragment"]); $url = "http://dummy_host/" . $uri; $components = parse_url($url); } // get script name preg_match("<([a-zA-Z\-_\d]*\.php)$>", $components["path"], $matches); $script_name = $matches[1]; // remove deployment specific details to make uri more generic parse_str($components["query"], $query_array); unset($query_array["db"]); unset($query_array["table"]); unset($query_array["token"]); unset($query_array["server"]); $query = http_build_query($query_array); $uri = $script_name . "?" . $query; return array($uri, $script_name); } /** * Sends report data to the error reporting server * * @param Array $report the report info to be sent * * @return String the reply of the server */ function PMA_sendErrorReport($report) { $data_string = json_encode($report); if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $context = array("http" => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => $data_string, 'header' => "Content-Type: multipart/form-data\r\n", ) ); if (strlen($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProxyUrl'])) { $context['http'] = array( 'proxy' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['ProxyUrl'], 'request_fulluri' => true ); if (strlen($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProxyUser'])) { $auth = base64_encode( $GLOBALS['cfg']['ProxyUser'] . ':' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['ProxyPass'] ); $context['http']['header'] .= 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' . $auth . "\r\n"; } } $response = file_get_contents( SUBMISSION_URL, false, stream_context_create($context) ); } else if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $curl_handle = curl_init(SUBMISSION_URL); if (strlen($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProxyUrl'])) { curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_PROXY, $GLOBALS['cfg']['ProxyUrl']); if (strlen($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProxyUser'])) { curl_setopt( $curl_handle, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $GLOBALS['cfg']['ProxyUser'] . ':' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['ProxyPass'] ); } } curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:')); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $response = curl_exec($curl_handle); curl_close($curl_handle); } return $response; } /** * Returns number of lines in given javascript file. * * @param string $filename javascript filename * * @return Number of lines */ function PMA_countLines($filename) { global $LINE_COUNT; if (!defined('LINE_COUNTS')) { // ensure that the file is inside the phpMyAdmin folder $depath = 1; foreach (explode('/', $filename) as $part) { if ($part == '..') { $depath--; } elseif ($part != '.') { $depath++; } if ($depath < 0) { return 0; } } $linecount = 0; $handle = fopen('./js/' . $filename, 'r'); while (!feof($handle)) { $line = fgets($handle); if ($line === false) { break; } $linecount++; } fclose($handle); return $linecount; } else { return $LINE_COUNT[$filename]; } } /** * returns the translated linenumber and the file name from the cumulative line * number and an array of files * * uses the $LINE_COUNT global array of file names and line numbers * * @param Array $filenames list of files in order of concatenation * @param Integer $cumulative_number the cumulative line number in the * concatenated files * * @return Array the filename and linenumber * Returns two variables in an array: * - A String $filename the filename where the requested cumulative number * exists * - Integer $linenumber the translated line number in the returned file */ function PMA_getLineNumber($filenames, $cumulative_number) { $cumulative_sum = 0; foreach ($filenames as $filename) { $filecount = PMA_countLines($filename); if ($cumulative_number <= $cumulative_sum + $filecount + 2) { $linenumber = $cumulative_number - $cumulative_sum; break; } $cumulative_sum += $filecount + 2; } return array($filename, $linenumber); } /** * translates the cumulative line numbers in the stactrace as well as sanitize * urls and trim long lines in the context * * @param Array $stack the stacktrace * * @return Array $stack the modified stacktrace */ function PMA_translateStacktrace($stack) { foreach ($stack as &$level) { foreach ($level["context"] as &$line) { if (strlen($line) > 80) { $line = substr($line, 0, 75) . "//..."; } } if (preg_match("", $level["url"], $matches)) { parse_str($matches[1], $vars); List($file_name, $line_number) = PMA_getLineNumber( $vars["scripts"], $level["line"] ); $level["filename"] = $file_name; $level["line"] = $line_number; } else { unset($level["context"]); List($uri, $script_name) = PMA_sanitizeUrl($level["url"]); $level["uri"] = $uri; $level["scriptname"] = $script_name; } unset($level["url"]); } unset($level); return $stack; } /** * generates the error report form to collect user description and preview the * report before being sent * * @return String the form */ function PMA_getErrorReportForm() { $html = ""; $html .= '
' .'
'; $html .= '

' . __( 'phpMyAdmin has encountered an error. We have collected data about' .' this error as well as information about relevant configuration' .' settings to send to the phpMyAdmin team to help us in' .' debugging the problem.' ) .'

'; $html .= '
' .'
            . htmlspecialchars(PMA_getReportData())
'; $html .= '
' .''; $html .= '' .''; $html .= '
'; $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs(); $reportData = PMA_getReportData(false); if (! empty($reportData)) { $html .= PMA_getHiddenFields($reportData); } $html .= '
'; return $html; } /** * generates the error report form to collect user description and preview the * report before being sent * * @return String the form */ function PMA_hasLatestLineCounts() { $line_counts_time = filemtime("js/line_counts.php"); $js_time = filemtime("js"); return $line_counts_time >= $js_time; } /** * pretty print a variable for the user * * @param mixed $object the variable to pretty print * @param String $namespace the namespace to use for printing values * * @return String the human readable form of the variable */ function PMA_prettyPrint($object, $namespace="") { if (! is_array($object)) { if (empty($namespace)) { return "$object\n"; } else { return "$namespace: \"$object\"\n"; } } $output = ""; foreach ($object as $key => $value) { if ($namespace == "") { $new_namespace = "$key"; } else { $new_namespace = $namespace . "[$key]"; } $output .= PMA_prettyPrint($value, $new_namespace); } return $output; }