
class DungeonEditor
    public $bs, $info, $see, $error, $gs = 1, $map = [0 => [] //карта
    ], $id_dng, $cord = ['x' => 0], $sg = [1 => [1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4], 2 => [1 => 2, 2 => 3, 3 => 4, 4 => 1], 3 => [1 => 3, 2 => 4, 3 => 1, 4 => 2], 4 => [1 => 4, 2 => 1, 3 => 2, 4 => 3]];

    public function start()
        global $u, $c, $code, $id;
        $this->info = ['id2' => $id, 'id' => 0, 'name' => 'Редактирование Пещеры', 'room' => 0, 'time_start' => time(), 'time_start' => 0, 'uid' => 0, 'type' => 0, 'bsid' => 0];

        $this->id_dng = $this->info['id2'];
        $this->gs = $u->info['psevdo_s'];
        if ($this->gs < 1 || $this->gs > 4) {
            $this->gs = 1;

        if ($this->info['bsid'] > 0) {
            $this->bs = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `bs_turnirs` WHERE `city` = "' . $u->info['city'] . '" AND `id` = "' . $this->info['bsid'] . '" AND `time_start` = "' . $this->info['time_start'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
            //Если БС закончена
            if (isset($this->bs['id']) && $this->bs['users'] - $this->bs['users_finish'] < 2) {
                \Location\DeathTower::finish($this->bs, false, null);

        /* генерируем вид персонажа (только карта)
            $this->gs = 1; //смотрим прямо
                        2; //смотрим лево
                        3; //смотрим вниз
                        4; //смотрим право
                        ( ( ( `y` >= '.$u->info['psevdo_y'].' && `y` <= '.($u->info['psevdo_y']+4).' ) && ( `x` >= '.($u->info['psevdo_x']-1).' && `x` <= '.($u->info['psevdo_x']+1).' ) ) || ( (`x` = '.($u->info['psevdo_x']+2).' || `x` = '.($u->info['psevdo_x']-2).') && ( `y` = '.($u->info['psevdo_y']+3).' || `y` = '.($u->info['psevdo_y']+4).' ) ) )

        $whr = [1 => ' ((`x` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + 2) . ' && `x` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] - 2) . ') && (`y` >= ' . $u->info['psevdo_y'] . ' && `y` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] + 4) . ')) ', //прямо
            3 => ' ((`x` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + 2) . ' && `x` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] - 2) . ') && (`y` <= ' . $u->info['psevdo_y'] . ' && `y` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] - 4) . ')) ', //вниз
            2 => ' ((`x` <= ' . $u->info['psevdo_x'] . ' && `x` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] - 4) . ') && (`y` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] + 2) . ' && `y` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] - 2) . ')) ', //лево
            4 => ' ((`x` >= ' . $u->info['psevdo_x'] . ' && `x` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + 4) . ') && (`y` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] + 2) . ' && `y` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] - 2) . ')) ' //право

        $i = 1;
        $sp = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `id_dng` = "' . $this->id_dng . '" AND ' . $whr[$this->gs] . ' ORDER BY `y` ASC , `x` ASC LIMIT 25');
        while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($sp)) {
            $this->map[0][$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']] = $pl;
        $this->map['good'] = $i; //целых клеток
        $this->map[1] = $this->genMatix();

    public function usersDng()
        global $u, $c;
        $r = '';
        /* отображение ботов (бесполезно в данном редакторе) */

    public function atack($id)
        global $u, $c, $code;
        /* нападение, какое нападение может быть в редакторе? :) На самого себя, со стулом? :) */

    public function takeinv($id)
        global $u, $c, $code;
        /* Это редактор, а не майнкрафт, здесь ничего собирать не нужно :) */

    public function takeit($id)
        global $u, $c, $code, $magic;
        /* В редакторе ничего не падает ;) */

    public function addItem($i)
        //добавляем предмет в пещеру (возможно выпал из бота или из сундука)
        /* А что еще? Пульт к управлению Землей?! */

    public function itemsMap()
        global $u, $c, $code;
        /* Да ничего здесь не падает! Говорю же! */

    public function testLike($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
        //из $x1,$y1 в $x2,$y2
        //доступна-ли эта клетка для действий
        $r = 0;
        $c1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `x` = "' . $x1 . '" AND `y` = "' . $y1 . '" AND `id_dng` = "' . $this->info['id2'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
        $c2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `x` = "' . $x2 . '" AND `y` = "' . $y2 . '" AND `id_dng` = "' . $this->info['id2'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
        if (isset($c1['id']) && isset($c2['id'])) {
            if ($x1 == $x2 && $y1 == $y2) {
                $r = 1;
            } elseif (
                $x1 == $x2 - 1 && $c1['go_1'] == 1 ||   //право
                $x1 == $x2 + 1 && $c1['go_2'] == 1 ||   //лево
                $y1 == $y2 - 1 && $c1['go_3'] == 1 ||   //верх
                $y1 == $y2 + 1 && $c1['go_4'] == 1      //низ
                $r = 1;
        return $r;

    public function genObjects()
        global $u, $c, $code;
        //psition 0 - по центру , 1- сверху, 2- слева, 3- снизу, 4- справа
        $r = '';
        $whr = [1 => ' (((`u`.`x` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + 2) . ' && `u`.`x` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] - 2) . ') && (`u`.`y` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] + 1) . ' && `u`.`y` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] + 4) . ')) OR (`u`.`y` = ' . $u->info['psevdo_y'] . ' && `u`.`x` = ' . $u->info['psevdo_x'] . ')) ', //прямо
            3 => ' (((`u`.`x` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + 2) . ' && `u`.`x` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] - 2) . ') && (`u`.`y` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] - 1) . ' && `u`.`y` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] - 4) . ')) OR (`u`.`y` = ' . $u->info['psevdo_y'] . ' && `u`.`x` = ' . $u->info['psevdo_x'] . ')) ', //вниз
            2 => ' (((`u`.`x` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] - 1) . ' && `u`.`x` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] - 4) . ') && (`u`.`y` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] + 2) . ' && `u`.`y` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] - 2) . '))OR (`u`.`y` = ' . $u->info['psevdo_y'] . ' && `u`.`x` = ' . $u->info['psevdo_x'] . ')) ', //лево
            4 => ' (((`u`.`x` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + 1) . ' && `u`.`x` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + 4) . ') && (`u`.`y` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] + 2) . ' && `u`.`y` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] - 2) . ')) OR (`u`.`y` = ' . $u->info['psevdo_y'] . ' && `u`.`x` = ' . $u->info['psevdo_x'] . ')) ' //право
        $sp = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.* FROM `dungeon_obj` AS `u` WHERE `u`.`dn` = "0" AND `u`.`for_dn` = "' . $this->id_dng . '" AND ((`u`.`s` = "0" OR `u`.`s` = "' . $this->gs . '") OR `u`.`s2` = "' . $this->gs . '") AND ' . $whr[$this->gs] . ' LIMIT 76');
        # die('SELECT `u`.* FROM `dungeon_obj` AS `u` WHERE `u`.`dn` = "0" AND `u`.`for_dn` = "'.$this->id_dng.'" AND ((`u`.`s` = "0" OR `u`.`s` = "'.$this->gs.'") OR `u`.`s2` = "'.$this->gs.'") AND '.$whr[$this->gs].' LIMIT 76');
        $i = 0;
        $pos = [];
        while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($sp)) {

            if ($pl['fix_x_y'] == 0 || ($pl['fix_x_y'] == 1 && $pl['x'] == $u->info['psevdo_x']) || ($pl['fix_x_y'] == 2 && $pl['y'] == $u->info['psevdo_y']) || ($pl['fix_x_y'] == 3 && $pl['x'] == $u->info['psevdo_x'] && $pl['y'] == $u->info['psevdo_y'])) {
                if (($pl['os1'] == 0 && $pl['os2'] == 0 && $pl['os3'] == 0 && $pl['os4'] == 0) || ($this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']] == $pl['os1'] || $this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']] == $pl['os2'] || $this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']] == $pl['os3'] || $this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']] == $pl['os4'])) {
                    if (!isset($pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]])) {
                        $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]] = 0;
                    $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]]++;
                    $r .= ',' . ($i - 1) . ':{\'x\':' . $pl['x'] . ',\'y\':' . $pl['y'] . ',0:' . $pl['id'] . ',1:\'' . $pl['name'] . '\',2:' . (0 + $this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]) . ',3:\'action\',4:\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',5:' . $pl['type'] . ',6:0,7:' . $pl['w'] . ',8:' . $pl['h'] . ',9:' . $pl['left'] . ',10:' . $pl['top'] . ',11:' . $pl['date'] . ',12:' . $pl['type'] . ',13:' . $pl['type2'] . ',14:' . $pl['s'] . ',15:' . $pl['s2'] . ',16:' . $pl['os1'] . ',17:' . $pl['os2'] . ',18:' . $pl['os3'] . ',19:' . $pl['os4'] . ',20:' . $pl['fix_x_y'] . '}';
                } elseif ($this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']] == $pl['os1'] - 1 || $this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']] == $pl['os2'] - 1 || $this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']] == $pl['os3'] - 1 || $this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']] == $pl['os4'] - 1) {
                    $dt2 = explode(',', ltrim(rtrim($pl['date'], '\}'), '\{'));
                    $da = [];
                    $is = 0;
                    while ($is < count($dt2)) {
                        $dt2[$is] = explode(':', $dt2[$is]);
                        $da[$dt2[$is][0]] = $dt2[$is][1];
                    #if(isset($da['rl2']))$da['rl2'] = -round((int)$da['rl2'] * 0.70); // Слева
                    if (isset($da['rl2'])) $da['rl2'] = round((int)$da['rl2'] - 230); // Слева
                    if (isset($da['rl3'])) $da['rl3'] = round((int)$da['rl3'] + 160);
                    if (isset($da['rl4'])) $da['rl4'] = round((int)$da['rl4'] - 120);
                    $pl['date'] = str_replace('"', '', json_encode($da));
                    if (!isset($pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]])) {
                        $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]] = 0;
                    $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]]++;
                    $r .= ',' . ($i - 1) . ':{\'x\':' . $pl['x'] . ',\'y\':' . $pl['y'] . ',0:' . $pl['id'] . ',1:\'' . $pl['name'] . '\',2:' . (0 + $this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]) . ',3:\'action\',4:\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',5:' . $pl['type'] . ',6:0,7:' . $pl['w'] . ',8:' . $pl['h'] . ',9:' . $pl['left'] . ',10:' . $pl['top'] . ',11:' . $pl['date'] . ',12:' . $pl['type'] . ',13:' . $pl['type2'] . ',14:' . $pl['s'] . ',15:' . $pl['s2'] . ',16:' . $pl['os1'] . ',17:' . $pl['os2'] . ',18:' . $pl['os3'] . ',19:' . $pl['os4'] . ',20:' . $pl['fix_x_y'] . '}';
                } elseif ($this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']] == $pl['os1'] + 1 || $this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']] == $pl['os2'] + 1 || $this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']] == $pl['os3'] + 1 || $this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']] == $pl['os4'] + 1) {

                    $dt2 = explode(',', ltrim(rtrim($pl['date'], '\}'), '\{'));
                    $da = [];
                    $is = 0;
                    while ($is < count($dt2)) {
                        $dt2[$is] = explode(':', $dt2[$is]);
                        $da[$dt2[$is][0]] = $dt2[$is][1];
                    #if(isset($da['rl2']))$da['rl2'] = 355-round((int)$da['rl2'] * 0.30); // Справа
                    if (isset($da['rl2'])) $da['rl2'] = round((int)$da['rl2'] + 230); // Справа
                    if (isset($da['rl3'])) $da['rl3'] = round((int)$da['rl3'] - 160);
                    if (isset($da['rl4'])) $da['rl4'] = round((int)$da['rl4'] + 120);
                    $pl['date'] = str_replace('"', '', json_encode($da));
                    if (!isset($pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]])) {
                        $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]] = 0;
                    $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]]++;
                    $r .= ',' . ($i - 1) . ':{\'x\':' . $pl['x'] . ',\'y\':' . $pl['y'] . ',0:' . $pl['id'] . ',1:\'' . $pl['name'] . '\',2:' . (0 + $this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]) . ',3:\'action\',4:\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',5:' . $pl['type'] . ',6:0,7:' . $pl['w'] . ',8:' . $pl['h'] . ',9:' . $pl['left'] . ',10:' . $pl['top'] . ',11:' . $pl['date'] . ',12:' . $pl['type'] . ',13:' . $pl['type2'] . ',14:' . $pl['s'] . ',15:' . $pl['s2'] . ',16:' . $pl['os1'] . ',17:' . $pl['os2'] . ',18:' . $pl['os3'] . ',19:' . $pl['os4'] . ',20:' . $pl['fix_x_y'] . '}';
        return 'count:' . $i . $r;

    public function genUsers()
        global $u, $c, $code;
        $r = '';
        $whr = [1 => ' ((`u`.`x` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + 2) . ' && `u`.`x` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] - 2) . ') && (`u`.`y` >= ' . $u->info['psevdo_y'] . ' && `u`.`y` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] + 4) . ')) ', //прямо
            3 => ' ((`u`.`x` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + 2) . ' && `u`.`x` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] - 2) . ') && (`u`.`y` <= ' . $u->info['psevdo_y'] . ' && `u`.`y` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] - 4) . ')) ', //вниз
            2 => ' ((`u`.`x` <= ' . $u->info['psevdo_x'] . ' && `u`.`x` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] - 4) . ') && (`u`.`y` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] + 2) . ' && `u`.`y` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] - 2) . ')) ', //лево
            4 => ' ((`u`.`x` >= ' . $u->info['psevdo_x'] . ' && `u`.`x` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + 4) . ') && (`u`.`y` <= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] + 2) . ' && `u`.`y` >= ' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] - 2) . ')) ' //право
        $i = 0;
        //отображаем ботов
        $sp = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.*,`st`.* FROM `dungeon_bots` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `test_bot` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id_bot` = `st`.`id`) WHERE ' . $whr[$this->gs] . ' AND `dn` = "0" AND `for_dn` = "' . $this->id_dng . '" AND `u`.`delete` = "0" LIMIT 50');
        while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($sp)) {
            if (!isset($pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]])) {
                $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]] = 0;
            $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]]++;
            $dlg = 0;
            if ($pl['dialog'] > 0) {
                $dlg = $pl['dialog'];
            $r .= ',' . ($i - 1) . ':{0:' . $pl['id2'] . ',1:\'' . $pl['login'] . '\',2:' . (0 + $this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]) . ',3:' . $pl['sex'] . ',4:\'' . str_replace('.gif', '', $pl['obraz']) . '\',5:\'bot\',6:' . $pos[$this->cord[$pl['y'] . '_' . $pl['x']]] . ',7:' . $dlg . '}';
        return 'count:' . $i . $r;

    public function botAtack($bot, $uid, $bs)
        global $u, $c, $code;
        $user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`battle` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $uid['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
        if ($user['battle'] > 0) {
            $btli = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = "' . $user['battle'] . '" AND `team_win` = "-1" LIMIT 1'));
        if (!isset($btli['id'])) {
            //Создаем поединок
            $btl_id = 0;
            $expB = 0;
            $btl = ['players' => '', 'timeout' => 180, 'type' => 0, 'invis' => 0, 'noinc' => 0, 'travmChance' => 0, 'typeBattle' => 0, 'addExp' => $expB, 'money' => 0];

            mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle` (`dungeon`,`dn_id`,`x`,`y`,`city`,`time_start`,`players`,`timeout`,`type`,`invis`,`noinc`,`travmChance`,`typeBattle`,`addExp`,`money`) VALUES (
							"' . $this->info['id2'] . '",
							"' . $this->info['id'] . '",
							"' . $bot['x'] . '",
							"' . $bot['y'] . '",
							"' . $u->info['city'] . '",
							"' . time() . '",
							"' . $btl['players'] . '",
							"' . $btl['timeout'] . '",
							"' . $btl['type'] . '",
							"' . $btl['invis'] . '",
							"' . $btl['noinc'] . '",
							"' . $btl['travmChance'] . '",
							"' . $btl['typeBattle'] . '",
							"' . $btl['addExp'] . '",
							"' . $btl['money'] . '")');
            $btl_id = mysql_insert_id();

            if ($btl_id > 0) {
                //Добавляем ботов
                $sp = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_bots` WHERE `for_dn` = "0" AND `dn` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `x` = "' . $bot['x'] . '" AND `y` = "' . $bot['y'] . '" LIMIT 50');
                $j = 0;
                $logins_bot = [];
                while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($sp)) {
                    mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_bots` SET `inBattle` = "' . $btl_id . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
                    $jui = 1;
                    while ($jui <= $pl['colvo']) {
                        $k = $u->addNewbot($pl['id_bot'], null, null, $logins_bot);
                        $logins_bot = $k['logins_bot'];
                        if ($k) {
                            $upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "' . $btl_id . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $k['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
                            if ($upd) {
                                $upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `x`="' . $bot['x'] . '",`y`="' . $bot['y'] . '",`team` = "1" WHERE `id` = "' . $k['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
                                if ($upd) {
                if ($j > 0) {
                    mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "' . $btl_id . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $user['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
                    mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team` = "2" WHERE `id` = "' . $user['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');

    public function testGo($id)
        global $u, $c, $code;
        $go = 0;
        if ($id == 1) {
            $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][1];
        } elseif ($id == 2) {
            $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][3];
        } elseif ($id == 3) {
            //на право
            $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][4];
        } elseif ($id == 4) {
            //на лево
            $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][2];
        $thp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `x` = "' . $u->info['psevdo_x'] . '" AND `y` = "' . $u->info['psevdo_y'] . '" AND `id_dng` = "' . $this->info['id2'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
        $ng = [4 => 1, 2 => 2, 1 => 3, 3 => 4];
        if (isset($thp['id']) && $thp['go_' . $ng[$go]] == 0) {
            $go = 0;
        $tgo = [0 => 0, 1 => 0];
        if ($go == 1) {
            $tgo[1] += 1;
        } elseif ($go == 2) {
            $tgo[0] -= 1;
        } elseif ($go == 3) {
            $tgo[1] -= 1;
        } elseif ($go == 4) {
            $tgo[0] += 1;

        $tbot = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_bots` WHERE `x` = "' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + (int)$tgo[0]) . '" AND `y` = "' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] + (int)$tgo[1]) . '" AND `dn` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `for_dn` = "0" AND `delete` = "0" LIMIT 1'));
        if (isset($tbot['id2']) && $u->info['admin'] == 0) {
            $go = 0;

        $tmap = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `x` = "' . $u->info['psevdo_x'] . '" AND `y` = "' . $u->info['psevdo_y'] . '" AND `id_dng` = "' . $this->info['id2'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
        //наличие предмета
        if ($tmap['tr_items'] != '') {
            $ti = explode(',', $tmap['tr_items']);
            $i = 0;
            $trnit = '';
            while ($i < count($ti)) {
                $ti2 = explode('=', $ti[$i]);
                if ($ti2[0] > 0 && $ti2[1] > 0) {
                    $num_rows = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items_users` WHERE  `uid` = "' . $u->info['id'] . '" AND `delete` = "0" AND `inShop` = "0" AND `item_id` = "' . ((int)$ti2[0]) . '" LIMIT ' . ((int)$ti2[1]) . ''));
                    if ($num_rows < (int)$ti2[1]) {
                        $tgo = $ti2[2];
                        if ($tgo != '0000' && $tgo[$ng[$go] - 1] == 1) {
                            $go = 0;
                            $trm = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "' . ((int)$ti2[0]) . '" LIMIT 1'));
                            $trnit .= '&quot;' . $trm['name'] . '&quot;, ';
            if ($trnit != '') {
                $trnit = rtrim($trnit, ', ');
                $this->error = 'У вас нет подходящего предмета. Требуется ' . $trnit;

        $tmGo = $u->info['timeGo'] - time(); //сколько секунд осталось
        if ($tmGo > 0) {
            $go = 0;
            $this->error = 'Не так быстро...';

        if ($u->aves['now'] >= $u->aves['max']) {
            $go = 0;
            $this->error = 'Вы не можете перемещаться, рюкзак переполнен ...';

        if ($go > 0) {
            if ($go == 1) {
                $u->info['psevdo_y'] += 1;
            } elseif ($go == 2) {
                $u->info['psevdo_x'] -= 1;
            } elseif ($go == 3) {
                $u->info['psevdo_y'] -= 1;
            } elseif ($go == 4) {
                $u->info['psevdo_x'] += 1;
            $u->info['timeGo'] = time() + $tmap['timeGO'];
            $u->info['timeGoL'] = time();
            mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `x` = "' . $u->info['psevdo_x'] . '",`y` = "' . $u->info['psevdo_y'] . '",`timeGo` = "' . $u->info['timeGo'] . '",`timeGoL` = "' . $u->info['timeGoL'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $u->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');

    public function testGone($id)
        global $u, $c, $code;
        $go = 0;
        if ($id == 1) {
            $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][1];
        } elseif ($id == 2) {
            $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][3];
        } elseif ($id == 3) {
            //на право
            $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][4];
        } elseif ($id == 4) {
            //на лево
            $go = $this->sg[$this->gs][2];
        $thp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_map` WHERE `x` = "' . $u->info['psevdo_x'] . '" AND `y` = "' . $u->info['psevdo_y'] . '" AND `id_dng` = "' . $this->info['id2'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
        $ng = [4 => 1, 2 => 2, 1 => 3, 3 => 4];
        if (isset($thp['id']) && $thp['go_' . $ng[$go]] == 0) {
            $go = 0;
        $tgo = [0 => 0, 1 => 0];
        if ($go == 1) {
            $tgo[1] += 1;
        } elseif ($go == 2) {
            $tgo[0] -= 1;
        } elseif ($go == 3) {
            $tgo[1] -= 1;
        } elseif ($go == 4) {
            $tgo[0] += 1;

        $tbot = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_bots` WHERE `x` = "' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + (int)$tgo[0]) . '" AND `y` = "' . ($u->info['psevdo_y'] + (int)$tgo[1]) . '" AND `dn` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `for_dn` = "0" AND `delete` = "0" LIMIT 1'));
        if (isset($tbot['id2']) && $u->info['admin'] == 0) {
            $go = 0;

        return $go;

    public function testSt($id, $s)
        $r = 0;
        //заменяем отображение стен в зависимости от угла обзора
        $s = $this->sg[$this->gs][$s];
        if (isset($this->map[1][$id]['id'])) {
            $r = $this->map[1][$id]['st'][($s - 1)];
        return $r;

    public function lookDungeon()
        global $u, $c, $code, $pd;
        /* Генерируем изображение карты */
        /* LEVEL 1 */
        if ($this->testSt(2, 4) > 0 || $this->testSt(3, 2) > 0) {
            $pd[28] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(1, 4) > 0 || $this->testSt(2, 2) > 0) {
            $pd[27] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(2, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(5, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[26] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(3, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(6, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[25] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(1, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(4, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[24] = 1;

        /* LEVEL 2 */
        if ($this->testSt(5, 4) > 0 || $this->testSt(6, 2) > 0) {
            $pd[23] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(4, 4) > 0 || $this->testSt(5, 2) > 0) {
            $pd[22] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(5, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(8, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[21] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(6, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(7, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[20] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(4, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(9, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[19] = 1;

        /* LEVEL 3 */
        if ($this->testSt(8, 4) > 0 || $this->testSt(7, 2) > 0) {
            $pd[18] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(9, 4) > 0 || $this->testSt(8, 2) > 0) {
            $pd[17] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(8, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(12, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[16] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(7, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(13, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[15] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(9, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(11, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[14] = 1;

        /* LEVEL 4 */
        if ($this->testSt(12, 4) > 0 || $this->testSt(13, 2) > 0) {
            $pd[13] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(12, 2) > 0 || $this->testSt(11, 4) > 0) {
            $pd[12] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(13, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(17, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[11] = 1;
        } //8
        if ($this->testSt(11, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(16, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[10] = 1;
        } //7
        if ($this->testSt(12, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(15, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[9] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(14, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(18, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[6] = 1;
        } //2
        if ($this->testSt(10, 1) > 0 || $this->testSt(19, 3) > 0) {
            $pd[5] = 1;
        } //1
        if ($this->testSt(16, 4) > 0 || $this->testSt(15, 2) > 0) {
            $pd[4] = 1;
        if ($this->testSt(15, 4) > 0 || $this->testSt(17, 2) > 0) {
            $pd[3] = 1;

        /* Генерируем предметы на карте */

        /* Генерируем персонажей и ботов на карте */


    public function getMatrix($y, $x)
        global $u;
        $this->cord[($u->info['psevdo_y'] + $y) . '_' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + $x)] = $this->cord['x'];
        return $this->map[0][($u->info['psevdo_y'] + $y) . '_' . ($u->info['psevdo_x'] + $x)];

    public function genMatix()
        $r = [];
        if ($this->gs == 1) {
            //1; //смотрим прямо
            $r[1] = $this->getMatrix(0, -1);
            $r[2] = $this->getMatrix(0, 0);
            $r[3] = $this->getMatrix(0, 1);
            $r[4] = $this->getMatrix(1, -1);
            $r[5] = $this->getMatrix(1, 0);
            $r[6] = $this->getMatrix(1, 1);
            $r[7] = $this->getMatrix(2, 1);
            $r[8] = $this->getMatrix(2, 0);
            $r[9] = $this->getMatrix(2, -1);
            $r[10] = $this->getMatrix(3, -2);
            $r[11] = $this->getMatrix(3, -1);
            $r[12] = $this->getMatrix(3, 0);
            $r[13] = $this->getMatrix(3, 1);
            $r[14] = $this->getMatrix(3, 2);
            $r[15] = $this->getMatrix(4, 0);
            $r[16] = $this->getMatrix(4, -1);
            $r[17] = $this->getMatrix(4, 1);
            $r[18] = $this->getMatrix(4, 2);
            $r[19] = $this->getMatrix(4, -2);
        } elseif ($this->gs == 2) {
            //2; //смотрим лево
            $r[1] = $this->getMatrix(-1, 0);
            $r[2] = $this->getMatrix(0, 0);
            $r[3] = $this->getMatrix(1, 0);
            $r[4] = $this->getMatrix(-1, -1);
            $r[5] = $this->getMatrix(0, -1);
            $r[6] = $this->getMatrix(1, -1);
            $r[7] = $this->getMatrix(1, -2);
            $r[8] = $this->getMatrix(0, -2);
            $r[9] = $this->getMatrix(-1, -2);
            $r[10] = $this->getMatrix(-2, -3);
            $r[11] = $this->getMatrix(-1, -3);
            $r[12] = $this->getMatrix(0, -3);
            $r[13] = $this->getMatrix(1, -3);
            $r[14] = $this->getMatrix(2, -3);
            $r[15] = $this->getMatrix(0, -4);
            $r[16] = $this->getMatrix(-1, -4);
            $r[17] = $this->getMatrix(1, -4);
            $r[18] = $this->getMatrix(2, -4);
            $r[19] = $this->getMatrix(-2, -4);
        } elseif ($this->gs == 3) {
            //3; //смотрим вниз
            $r[1] = $this->getMatrix(0, 1);
            $r[2] = $this->getMatrix(0, 0);
            $r[3] = $this->getMatrix(0, -1);
            $r[4] = $this->getMatrix(-1, 1);
            $r[5] = $this->getMatrix(-1, 0);
            $r[6] = $this->getMatrix(-1, -1);
            $r[7] = $this->getMatrix(-2, -1);
            $r[8] = $this->getMatrix(-2, 0);
            $r[9] = $this->getMatrix(-2, 1);
            $r[10] = $this->getMatrix(-3, 2);
            $r[11] = $this->getMatrix(-3, 1);
            $r[12] = $this->getMatrix(-3, 0);
            $r[13] = $this->getMatrix(-3, -1);
            $r[14] = $this->getMatrix(-3, -2);
            $r[15] = $this->getMatrix(-4, 0);
            $r[16] = $this->getMatrix(-4, 1);
            $r[17] = $this->getMatrix(-4, -1);
            $r[18] = $this->getMatrix(-4, -2);
            $r[19] = $this->getMatrix(-4, 2);
        } elseif ($this->gs == 4) {
            //4; //смотрим право
            $r[1] = $this->getMatrix(1, 0);
            $r[2] = $this->getMatrix(0, 0);
            $r[3] = $this->getMatrix(-1, 0);
            $r[4] = $this->getMatrix(1, 1);
            $r[5] = $this->getMatrix(0, 1);
            $r[6] = $this->getMatrix(-1, 1);
            $r[7] = $this->getMatrix(-1, 2);
            $r[8] = $this->getMatrix(0, 2);
            $r[9] = $this->getMatrix(1, 2);
            $r[10] = $this->getMatrix(2, 3);
            $r[11] = $this->getMatrix(1, 3);
            $r[12] = $this->getMatrix(0, 3);
            $r[13] = $this->getMatrix(-1, 3);
            $r[14] = $this->getMatrix(-2, 3);
            $r[15] = $this->getMatrix(0, 4);
            $r[16] = $this->getMatrix(1, 4);
            $r[17] = $this->getMatrix(-1, 4);
            $r[18] = $this->getMatrix(-2, 4);
            $r[19] = $this->getMatrix(2, 4);
        return $r;