
namespace User;

use Core\Config;
use Core\Db;
use Helper\Conversion;
use Model\Constant\Stat;
use User;

 * Рисует коробочку персонажа с логином сверху.
class InfoBox
    private array $info;

    public function __construct(private readonly User $user, private readonly Stat $statname = new Stat())
        $this->info = $user->info;

    public function getInfoPers($uid, $i1, $sn = 0, $ivv = 0): array
        global $code;

        $rt = [];
        if ($uid != $this->info['id']) {
            $u = User::getInfo($uid);

            if ($sn == 0) {
                $sn = $this->user->getStats($uid, $i1);
        } else {
            $u = $this->info;
            if (isset($this->user->stats['hpAll'])) {
                $sn = $this->user->stats;
            } elseif ($sn == 0) {
                $sn = $this->user->getStats($uid, $i1);

        $tp_img = [
            1 => 4,
            2 => 5,
            14 => 6,
            3 => 7,
            5 => 8,
            7 => 9,
            17 => 10,
            16 => 11,
            13 => 12,
            10 => 13,
            9 => 14,
            8 => 15,
            11 => 17, //кольцо 2
            12 => 18, //кольцо 3

        if (isset($u['id'], $u['stats'])) {
            $rt = [0 => '', 1 => []];

            //Характеристики от предметов и их изображение
            $witm = [];
            $witm[1] = '<img width="60" height="60" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот шлем" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w9.gif">';
            $witm[2] = '<img width="60" height="40" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот наручи" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w13.gif">';
            $witm[3] = '<img width="60" height="60" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот оружие" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w3.gif">';
            $witm[4] = '<img width="60" height="80" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот броня" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w4.gif">';
            $witm[7] = '<img width="60" height="40" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот пояс" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w5.gif">';
            $witm[8] = '<img width="60" height="20" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот серьги" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w1.gif">';
            $witm[9] = '<img width="60" height="20" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот ожерелье" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w2.gif">';
            $witm[10] = '<img width="20" height="20" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот кольцо" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w6.gif">';
            $witm[11] = '<img width="20" height="20" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот кольцо" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w6.gif">';
            $witm[12] = '<img width="20" height="20" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот кольцо" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w6.gif">';
            $witm[13] = '<img width="60" height="40" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот перчатки" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w11.gif">';
            $witm[14] = '<img width="60" height="60" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот щит" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w10.gif">';
            $witm[16] = '<img width="60" height="80" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот поножи" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w19.gif">';
            $witm[17] = '<img width="60" height="40" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот обувь" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w12.gif">';
            //40-52 слот под магию
            $witm[53] = '<img width="40" height="20" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот правый карман" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w15.gif">';
            $witm[54] = '<img width="40" height="20" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот левый карман" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w15.gif">';
            $witm[55] = '<img width="40" height="20" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот центральный карман" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w15.gif">';
            $witm[56] = '<img width="40" height="20" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот смена" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w20.gif">';
            $witm[57] = '<img width="40" height="20" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот смена" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w20.gif">';
            $witm[58] = '<img width="40" height="20" style="display:block;" title="Пустой слот смена" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w20.gif">';
            $wj = [1 => false, 2 => false, 4 => false, 5 => false, 6 => false];

            $cl = Db::getRows('select items_users.id, name, img, type, inRazdel, info, level, magic_inci, class, item_id, uid, data, inOdet, magic_inc, overType
                                from items_users left join items_main on items_main.id = item_id where inOdet > 0 and uid = ?', [$u['id']]);

            foreach ($cl as $pl) {
                $td = Conversion::dataStringToArray($pl['data']);

                if (isset($td['modif'])) {
                    $pl['name'] = $pl['name'] . ' (мф)';

                if (isset($td['upatack_lvl'])) {
                    $pl['name'] = $pl['name'] . ' +' . $td['upatack_lvl'];

                if (isset($td['mod_lvl'])) {
                    $pl['name'] = $pl['name'] . ' [' . $td['mod_lvl'] . ']';

                if ($pl['inOdet'] == 1 || $pl['inOdet'] == 52 || ($pl['inOdet'] >= 4 && $pl['inOdet'] <= 6)) {
                    $wj[$pl['inOdet']] = $pl;

                $pl['name'] = $this->nameItemMf($pl, $td);

                $lvar = $this->getInfoItemInfo($pl, $td);

                if (isset($tp_img[$pl['inOdet']], $sn['items_img'][$tp_img[$pl['inOdet']]])) {
                    $uimg = 'rimg/r' . $sn['items_img'][$tp_img[$pl['inOdet']]];
                } else {
                    $uimg = 'i/items/' . $pl['img'];

                $witm[$pl['inOdet']] = '<img style="display:block;" src="' . Config::img() . '/' . $uimg . '" onMouseOver="top.hi(this,\'<center><strong>' . $pl['name'] . '</strong>' . $lvar . '</center>\',event,3,0,1,1,\'max-width:307px\')" onMouseOut="top.hic();" onMouseDown="top.hic();">';

                if ($i1 == 1) {
                    $witm[$pl['inOdet']] = '<a href="/item/' . $pl['item_id'] . '" target="_blank">' . $witm[$pl['inOdet']] . '</a>';
                } else {
                    if ($pl['inOdet'] >= 40 && $pl['inOdet'] <= 52 && !isset($_GET['inv'])) {
                        $useUrl = '';
                        if ($pl['magic_inc'] == '') {
                            $pl['magic_inc'] = $pl['magic_inci'];
                        if ($pl['magic_inc'] && $pl['type'] == 30) {
                            //используем эликсир
                            $pldate = '<table border=\\\'0\\\' width=\\\'100%\\\' cellspacing=\\\'0\\\' cellpadding=\\\'5\\\'><tr><td rowspan=2 width=\\\'80\\\' valign=\\\'middle\\\'><div align=\\\'center\\\'><img src=\\\'' . Config::img() . '/i/items/' . $pl['img'] . '\\\'></div></td><td valign=\\\'middle\\\' align=\\\'left\\\'>&quot;<strong>' . $pl['name'] . '</strong>&quot;<br>Использовать сейчас?</td></tr></table>';
                            $useUrl = 'top.useiteminv(\'' . (0 + $pl['id']) . '\',\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',1,\'' . $pldate . '\',\'' . (0 + $_GET['otdel']) . '\');';
                        } elseif ($pl['magic_inc'] && $pl['type'] == 29) {
                            //используем заклятие
                            //на персонажа
                            if (isset($td['useOnLogin'])) {
                                $inv1 = '';
                                if (isset($_GET['inv'])) {
                                    $inv1 = 'inv=1&otdel=' . ((int)$_GET['otdel']) . '&';
                                $useUrl = 'top.useMagic(\'' . $pl['name'] . '\',' . (0 + $pl['id']) . ',\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',1,\'main.php?' . $inv1 . 'use_pid=' . $pl['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . '\');';
                            } else {
                                //просто использование (на селя, либо без указания предмета\логина)
                                $pldate = '<table border=\\\'0\\\' width=\\\'100%\\\' cellspacing=\\\'0\\\' cellpadding=\\\'5\\\'><tr><td rowspan=2 width=\\\'80\\\' valign=\\\'middle\\\'><div align=\\\'center\\\'><img src=\\\'' . Config::img() . '/i/items/' . $pl['img'] . '\\\'></div></td><td valign=\\\'middle\\\' align=\\\'left\\\'>&quot;<strong>' . $pl['name'] . '</strong>&quot;<br>Использовать сейчас?</td></tr></table>';
                                $useUrl = 'top.useiteminv(\'' . (0 + $pl['id']) . '\',\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',\'' . $pl['img'] . '\',1,\'' . $pldate . '\',\'' . (0 + $_GET['otdel']) . '\');';
                        $witm[$pl['inOdet']] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="' . $useUrl . '">' . $witm[$pl['inOdet']] . '</a>';
                    } elseif ($pl['item_id'] == 998 && !isset($_GET['inv'])) {
                        $witm[$pl['inOdet']] = '<a href="main.php?use_snowball=' . $code . '">' . $witm[$pl['inOdet']] . '</a>';
                    } else {
                        $witm[$pl['inOdet']] = '<a href="main.php?otdel=' . $pl['inRazdel'] . '&inv=1&sid=' . $pl['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . '">' . $witm[$pl['inOdet']] . '</a>';

            $wj1i = '';
            $br = '<div align=\\\'center\\\' style=\\\'margin:4px;\\\'><img src=\\\'' . Config::img() . '/1x1.gif\\\' height=\\\'1\\\' width=\\\'111\\\' style=\\\'background-color:black;\\\'></div>';
            if ($wj[1]) {
                if (!empty($wj[52])) {
                    $wj1i .= $br;
                $td = Conversion::dataStringToArray($wj[1]['data']);
                $wj[1]['name'] = $this->nameItemMf($wj[1], $td);
                $wj1i .= '<strong>' . $wj[1]['name'] . '</strong>';
                $wj1i .= $this->getInfoItemInfo($wj[1], $td);
            if (!empty($wj[52])) {
                $td = Conversion::dataStringToArray($wj[52]['data']);
                $wj[52]['name'] = $this->nameItemMf($wj[52], $td);

                $wj1i = '<strong>' . $wj[52]['name'] . '</strong>' . $wj1i;
                $wj1i .= $this->getInfoItemInfo($wj[52], $td);
                $wj[1]['img'] = $wj[52]['img'];
                $wj[1]['id'] = $wj[52]['id'];
                $wj[1]['inRazdel'] = $wj[52]['inRazdel'];

            $wj4i = '';
            if ($wj[6]) {
                $td = Conversion::dataStringToArray($wj[6]['data']);
                $wj[6]['name'] = $this->nameItemMf($wj[6], $td);
                $wj4i .= '<strong>' . $wj[6]['name'] . '</strong>';

                $wj4i .= $this->getInfoItemInfo($wj[6], $td);
                if ($wj[5] || $wj[4]) {
                    $wj4i .= $br;
            if ($wj[5]) {
                $wj4idd = $wj[5]['item_id'];
                $td = Conversion::dataStringToArray($wj[5]['data']);
                $wj[5]['name'] = $this->nameItemMf($wj[5], $td);
                $wj4i .= '<strong>' . $wj[5]['name'] . '</strong>';

                $wj4i .= $this->getInfoItemInfo($wj[5], $td);
                if ($wj[4]) {
                    $wj4i .= $br;
            if ($wj[4]) {
                $td = [];
                $td = Conversion::dataStringToArray($wj[4]['data']);
                $wj[4]['name'] = $this->nameItemMf($wj[4], $td);
                $wj4i .= '<strong>' . $wj[4]['name'] . '</strong>';

                $wj4i .= $this->getInfoItemInfo($wj[4], $td);

            if ($this->info['noplaw'] == 1 && !isset($_GET['hide_plaw']) || ($this->info['noplaw'] == 0 && isset($_GET['hide_plaw']))) {
                if ($wj[5]) {
                    $wj[4]['img'] = $wj[5]['img'];
                    $wj[4]['id'] = $wj[5]['id'];
                    $wj[4]['inRazdel'] = $wj[5]['inRazdel'];
            } else {
                if ($wj[6]) {
                    $wj[4]['img'] = $wj[6]['img'];
                    $wj[4]['id'] = $wj[6]['id'];
                    $wj[4]['inRazdel'] = $wj[6]['inRazdel'];
                } elseif ($wj[5]) {
                    $wj[4]['img'] = $wj[5]['img'];
                    $wj[4]['id'] = $wj[5]['id'];
                    $wj[4]['inRazdel'] = $wj[5]['inRazdel'];
            if ($wj[1] || $wj[2]) {
                if (isset($sn['items_img'][$tp_img[1]])) {
                    $uimg = 'rimg/r' . $sn['items_img'][$tp_img[1]];
                } else {
                    $uimg = 'i/items/' . $wj[1]['img'];
                $witm[1] = '<img style="display:block;" src="' . Config::img() . '/' . $uimg . '" onMouseOver="top.hi(this,\'<center>' . $wj1i . '</center>\',event,3,1,1,1,\'\');" onMouseOut="top.hic();" onMouseDown="top.hic();">';
                if ($i1 == 1) {
                    $witm[1] = '<a href="/item/' . $wj[1]['item_id'] . '" target="_blank">' . $witm[1] . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $witm[1] = '<a href="main.php?otdel=' . $wj[1]['inRazdel'] . '&inv=1&sid=' . $wj[1]['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . '">' . $witm[1] . '</a>';
            if ($wj[4] || $wj[5] || $wj[6]) {
                if (isset($sn['items_img'][$tp_img[5]])) {
                    $uimg = 'rimg/r' . $sn['items_img'][$tp_img[5]];
                } else {
                    $uimg = 'i/items/' . $wj[4]['img'];
                $witm[4] = '<img style="display:block;" src="' . Config::img() . '/' . $uimg . '" onMouseOver="top.hi(this,\'<center>' . $wj4i . '</center>\',event,3,1,1,1,\'\');" onMouseOut="top.hic();" onMouseDown="top.hic();">';
                if ($i1 == 1) {
                    if ($wj4idd > 0 && isset($wj[4]['item_id'])) {
                        $wj[4]['item_id'] = $wj4idd;
                    $witm[4] = '<a href="/item/' . $wj[4]['item_id'] . '" target="_blank">' . $witm[4] . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $witm[4] = '<a href="main.php?otdel=' . $wj[4]['inRazdel'] . '&inv=1&sid=' . $wj[4]['id'] . '&rnd=' . $code . '">' . $witm[4] . '</a>';
            /*------------ ГЕНЕРИРУЕМ ИНФ. О ПЕРСОНАЖЕ ---------------*/
            $nmmsgl1 = 0;
            if ($u['align'] >= 1 && $u['align'] < 2) {
                $nmmsgl1 = 1;
            } elseif ($u['align'] >= 3 && $u['align'] < 4) {
                $nmmsgl1 = 3;
            } elseif ($u['align'] >= 7 && $u['align'] < 8) {
                $nmmsgl1 = 7;
            } elseif ($u['align'] >= 50 || $u['admin'] > 0) {
                $nmmsgl1 = 60;

            $anan = [
                1 => 'cat',
                2 => 'owl',
                3 => 'wisp',
                4 => 'demon',
                5 => 'dog',
                6 => 'pig',
                7 => 'dragon',
            $anan2 = [
                1 => 'Кот',
                2 => 'Сова',
                3 => 'Светляк',
                4 => 'Чертяка',
                5 => 'Пёс',
                6 => 'Свин',
                7 => 'Дракон',
            $anml = '';
            if ($u['animal'] > 0) {
                $an = mysql_fetch_array(
                        'SELECT `id`,`type`,`name`,`uid`,`delete`,`inBattle`,`eda`,`exp`,`obraz`,`stats`,`level`,`sex`,`levelUp`,`pet_in_cage`,`max_exp`,`priems`,`bonus` FROM `users_animal` WHERE `id` = "' . $u['animal'] . '" AND `pet_in_cage` = 0 AND `delete` = "0" LIMIT 1'
                if (isset($an['id'])) {
                    $petimg = mysql_fetch_array(
                            'SELECT `id`,`img` FROM `obraz_pet` WHERE `uid` = "' . $u['id'] . '" AND `use` = 1 LIMIT 1'
                    if (isset($petimg['id'])) {
                        $anml = '<img height="40" width="120" src="' . Config::img() . '/pet/' . $petimg['img'] . '" onMouseOver="top.hi(this,\'<strong>' . $an['name'] . '</strong> <i>(' . $anan2[$an['type']] . ')</i><br>Уровень: ' . $an['level'] . '\',event,2,1,1,1,\'\');" onMouseOut="top.hic();" onMouseDown="top.hic();">';
                    } else {
                        $anml = '<img height="40" width="120" src="' . Config::img() . '/pet/' . $anan[$an['type']] . '.png" onMouseOver="top.hi(this,\'<strong>' . $an['name'] . '</strong><i>(' . $anan2[$an['type']] . ')</i><br>Уровень: ' . $an['level'] . '\',event,2,1,1,1,\'\');" onMouseOut="top.hic();" onMouseDown="top.hic();">';

            if (isset($sn['items_img'][2])) {
                $msl = '<img width="120" height="40" style="display:block" src="' . Config::img() . '/rimg/r' . $sn['items_img'][2] . '">';
            } else {
                if ($anml == '') {
                    $msl = '<img width="120" height="40" style="display:block" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/slot_bottom' . $nmmsgl1 . '.gif">';
                } else {
                    $msl = $anml;

            $oi = '';
            if ($i1 != 1) {
                $oi = 'onMouseOver="top.hi(this,\'' . $u['login'] . ' (Перейти в &quot;Инвентарь&quot;)\',event,3,1,1,1,\'\');" onMouseOut="top.hic();" onMouseDown="top.hic();"';
                $msl = '<table width="120" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
						  <td width="40" height="20">' . $witm[53] . '</td>
						  <td width="40" height="20">' . $witm[55] . '</td>
						  <td width="40" height="20">' . $witm[54] . '</td>
						  <td width="40" height="20">' . $witm[56] . '</td>
						  <td width="40" height="20">' . $witm[57] . '</td>
						  <td width="40" height="20">' . $witm[58] . '</td>
            $hpmp = '';
            $eff = '';
            //-------- генерируем эффекты

            $efs = Db::getRows('select id, uid, img, img2, timeUse, timeAce, info, name, data, type1, see, actionTime
                                        from eff_users left join eff_main on id_eff = id2 where uid = ? and deactiveTime < unix_timestamp() order by deactiveTime desc, timeUse',

            foreach ($efs as $e) {
                $esee = 1;
                if ($e['see'] == 0 && $i1 == 1) {
                    $esee = 0;
                if ($e['see'] == 2 && ($u['battle'] != $this->info['battle'] || $this->info['battle'] == 0)) {
                    $esee = 0;
                if ($e['see'] == 3 && $i1 == 0) {
                    $esee = 0;
                if ($e['img'] == '') {
                    $esee = 0;

                if (($e['timeUse'] + $e['timeAce'] + $e['actionTime'] >= time() || $e['timeUse'] == 77) && $esee == 1) {
                    $ei = '<strong><u>' . $e['name'] . '</u></strong>';

                    match (true) {
                        $e['type1'] > 0 && $e['type1'] < 7 => $ei .= ' (Эликсир)',
                        $e['type1'] > 6 && $e['type1'] < 11 || $e['type1'] == 16 => $ei .= ' (Заклятие)',
                        $e['type1'] == 14 => $ei .= ' (Прием)',
                        $e['type1'] == 15 => $ei .= ' (Изучение)',
                        $e['type1'] == 17 => $ei .= ' (Проклятие)',
                        $e['type1'] == 18 || $e['type1'] == 19 => $ei .= ' (Травма)',
                        $e['type1'] == 20 => $ei .= ' (Пристрастие)',
                        $e['type1'] == 22 => $ei .= ' (Ожидание)',
                        default => $ei .= ' (Эффект)',

                    $ei .= '<br>';

                    if ($e['type1'] != 13 && $e['timeUse'] != 77) {
                        $ei .= 'Осталось: ' . Conversion::secondsToTimeout($e['timeUse'] + $e['timeAce'] + $e['actionTime'] - time());

                    //Действие эффекта
                    $tr = '';
                    $x = 0;
                    $ed = Conversion::dataStringToArray($e['data']);
                    while ($x < count($this->statname->sysBonusNames)) {
                        $n = $this->statname->sysBonusNames[$x];
                        if (isset($ed['add_' . $n])) {
                            $z = '';
                            if ($ed['add_' . $n] > 0) {
                                $z = '+';
                            $tr .= '<br>' . $this->statname->bonusNames[$n] . ': ' . $z . $ed['add_' . $n];
                    if ($tr != '') {
                        $ei .= $tr;
                    if ($e['info'] != '') {
                        $ei .= '<br><i>Информация:</i><br>' . $e['info'];
                    if ($e['img2'] != '' && $e['img'] == 'icon_none.gif') {
                        $e['img'] = $e['img2'];
                    if ($e['type1'] == 18 || $e['type1'] == 19) {
                        $e['img'] = $e['img2'];
                    $eff .= '<img width="38" height="23" style="margin:1px;display:block;float:left;" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/eff/' . $e['img'] . '"onMouseOver="top.hi(this,\'' . $ei . '\',event,0,1,1,1,\'\');" onMouseOut="top.hic(event);" onMouseDown="top.hic(event);" >';
                } elseif ($e['timeUse'] + $e['timeAce'] + $e['actionTime'] < time() && $e['timeUse'] != 77) {
                    //удаляем эффект
                    $ed = Conversion::dataStringToArray($e['data']);
                    if (!isset($ed['finish_file']) || $this->info['id'] == $e['uid']) {
                        $this->user->endEffect($e['id'], $u);


            $hptop = 0;
            $lh = [0 => 'hp_none'];

            if ($sn['hpNow'] == 0 || $sn['hpAll'] == 0) {
                $lh[1] = 0;
            } else {
                $lh[1] = floor((0 + $sn['hpNow']) / (0 + $sn['hpAll']) * 120);
            if ($lh[1] > 0) {
                $lh[0] = 'hp_1';
            if ($lh[1] > 32) {
                $lh[0] = 'hp_2';
            if ($lh[1] > 65) {
                $lh[0] = 'hp_3';
            if ($sn['mpAll'] > 0) {
                $lm = ['hp_none', floor($sn['mpNow'] / $sn['mpAll'] * 120)];
                if ($lm[1] > 0) {
                    $lm[0] = 'hp_mp';
                $hpmp .= '<div id="vmp' . $u['id'] . '" title="Уровень маны" align="center" class="seemp" style="position:absolute; top:10px; left:-5px; width:120px; height:10px; z-index:12;">' .
                    floor($sn['mpNow']) . '/' . (0 + $sn['mpAll']) . '</div>
							 <div title="Уровень маны" class="hpborder" style="position:absolute; top:10px; width:120px; height:9px; z-index:13;">
							    <img src="' . Config::img() . '/1x1.gif" height="9" width="1">
							 <div class="' . $lm[0] . ' senohp" style="height:9px; position:absolute; top:10px; width:' . $lm[1] . 'px; z-index:11;" id="lmp' . $u['id'] . '">
							    <img src="' . Config::img() . '/1x1.gif" height="9" width="1"></div>
							 <div title="Уровень маны" class="hp_none" style="position:absolute; top:10px; width:120px; height:10px; z-index:10;"></div>';
            } else {
                $hptop = 5;
            $hpmp = '<div id="vhp' . $u['id'] . '" title="Уровень жизни" align="center" class="seehp" style="position:absolute; top:' . $hptop . 'px;  left:-5px; width:120px; height:10px; z-index:12;">' . floor(
                ) . '/' . (0 + $sn['hpAll']) . '</div>
						 <div title="Уровень жизни" class="hpborder" style="position:absolute; top:' . $hptop . 'px; width:120px; height:9px; z-index:13;"><img src="' . Config::img() . '/1x1.gif" height="9" width="1"></div>
						 <div class="' . $lh[0] . ' senohp" style="height:9px; width:' . $lh[1] . 'px; position:absolute; top:' . $hptop . 'px; z-index:11;" id="lhp' . $u['id'] . '"><img src="' . Config::img() . '/1x1.gif" height="9" width="1"></div>
						 <div title="Уровень жизни" class="hp_none" style="position:absolute; top:' . $hptop . 'px; width:120px; height:10px; z-index:10;"><img src="' . Config::img() . '/1x1.gif" height="10"></div>' . $hpmp;
            //Собираем НР и МР
            $hpmp = "<div style='position:relative;'>$hpmp</div>";

            $pb = '';
            if ($u['banned'] > 0) {
                $pb .= '<div style="margin:0 2px 0 2px; color: red; background-color: #fae0e0;"><strong>Персонаж заблокирован</strong></div>';
            if (isset($u['allLock']) && $u['allLock'] > time()) {
                $pb .= '<div style="margin:0 2px 0 2px; color: red; background-color: #fae0e0;"><strong>Временный запрет передач!</strong></div>';

            $swm = 0; //свитки магии
            $l = 40;
            while ($l <= 52) {
                if (isset($witm[$l])) {
                } else {
                    $witm[$l] = '<img title="Пустой слот заклинания" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w101.gif">';

            $ssm = 0; //слоты сумки
            $l = 59;
            while ($l <= 62) {
                if (isset($witm[$l])) {
                } else {
                    $witm[$l] = '<img width="60" height="60" title="Пустой слот сумка" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/items/w/w83.gif">';

            $witmg = '';

            if ($ssm > 0 && $i1 == 0) {
                $witmg .= '<table style="padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;" width="240" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
             <td width="60" height="60">' . $witm[59] . '</td>
             <td width="60">' . $witm[60] . '</td>
             <td width="60">' . $witm[61] . '</td>
             <td width="60">' . $witm[62] . '</td>

            if ($swm > 0 && $i1 == 0) {
                $witmg .= '<table width="240" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
             <td width="40" height="25">' . $witm[40] . '</td>
             <td width="40">' . $witm[41] . '</td>
             <td width="40">' . $witm[42] . '</td>
             <td width="40">' . $witm[43] . '</td>
             <td width="40">' . $witm[44] . '</td>
             <td width="40">' . $witm[50] . '</td>
             <td height="25">' . $witm[45] . '</td>
             <td>' . $witm[46] . '</td>
             <td>' . $witm[47] . '</td>
             <td>' . $witm[48] . '</td>
             <td>' . $witm[49] . '</td>
             <td>' . $witm[51] . '</td>
            $zag = '';
            if ($u['zag'] != '' && $i1 == 1) {
                $rt[0] .= '<style> .inf2s { position:relative; filter: alpha(opacity=10); -moz-opacity: 0.10; opacity: 0.10; } .inf2s:hover { background-color:#e2e0e0;filter: alpha(opacity=70); -moz-opacity: 0.70; opacity: 0.70; } </style>';

                $zag = '<img width="243" height="283" style="position:absolute;top:-1px;left:-1px;" src="' . Config::img() . '/i/zag/' . $u['zag'] . '">';

                $j2 = 0;
                while ($j2 <= 17) {
                    $witm[$j2] = '<div class="inf2s">' . $witm[$j2] . '</div>';

            if ($pb != '') {
                $pb = '<div align="center" style="width:246px;"><!-- blocked -->' . $pb . '</div>';
            $rt[0] .= '<div id="lgnthm" style="width:246px; padding:0 3px 0 3px;" align="center">' . User::getLogin($u['id']) . '</div>' . $pb . '
				<div class="personag" style="width:240px; background-color:#CCC; padding:3px; margin-right:11px; border-bottom:1px solid #666666; border-right:1px solid #666666; border-left:1px solid #FFFFFF; border-top:1px solid #FFFFFF;">
				<table width="240" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
					<td width="60" valign="top">
					<table bgcolor="#e1e1e1" width="60" height="280" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
						<td height="60"><div style="position:relative">' . $zag . $witm[1] . '</div></td>
						<td height="40">' . $witm[2] . '</td>
						<td height="60">' . $witm[3] . '</td>
						<td height="80">' . $witm[4] . '</td>
						<td height="40">' . $witm[7] . '</td>
					<td height="280" valign="top">
					<table bgcolor="#e1e1e1" width="120" height="280" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
						<td height="20" bgcolor="#CCC" valign="top">
						<!-- HP and MP -->
						' . $hpmp . '
						<!-- -->
						<td valign="top">';
            if ($zag == '') {
                if ($i1 == 0) {
                    if (!isset($_GET['inv'])) {
                        $invg = [0 => 'main.php?inv=1', 1 => 'Рюкзак'];
                    } else {
                        $invg = [0 => 'main.php?skills=1', 1 => 'Умения'];
                } else {
                    $o = mysql_fetch_array(
                            'SELECT `id` FROM `obraz` WHERE `img` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string(
                            ) . '" AND `sex` = "' . $this->info['sex'] . '" LIMIT 1'
                    $invg = [0 => '/shadow/' . $o['id'] . '" target="_blank', 1 => 'Галерея образов'];
                $uobr = 'i/obraz/' . $u['sex'] . '/' . $u['obraz'];
                if (isset($sn['items_img'][1])) {
                    $uobr = 'rimg/r' . $sn['items_img'][1];
                $rt[0] .= '<div style="position:relative;height:220px;">
								<!-- образ -->
									<div style="position:absolute; width:120px; height:220px; z-index:1;"><a href="' . $invg[0] . '"><img onMouseOver="top.hi(this,\'Перейти в &quot;<strong>' . $invg[1] . '</strong>&quot;\',event,2,1,1,1,\'\');" onMouseOut="top.hic();" onMouseDown="top.hic();" width="120" height="220" src="' . Config::img() . '/' . $uobr . '" ' . $oi . '></a></div>
									<div style="position:absolute; width:120px; height:auto; z-index:3;" align="left">' . $eff . '</div>' . $anml . '
            } else {
                if ($i1 == 0) {
                    if (!isset($_GET['inv'])) {
                        $invg = [0 => 'main.php?inv=1', 1 => 'Рюкзак'];
                    } else {
                        $invg = [0 => 'main.php?skills=1', 1 => 'Умения'];
                } else {
                    $invg = [0 => 'https://lib.new-combats.com/obraz.php?namez=' . $u['zag'] . '" target="_blank', 1 => 'Галерея образов'];
                $rt[0] .= '<div class="inf2s" style="position:relative;height:220px;">
								<!-- образ -->
									<div style="position:absolute; width:120px; height:220px; z-index:1;"><a href="' . $invg[0] . '"><img onMouseOver="top.hi(this,\'Перейти в &quot;<strong>' . $invg[1] . '</strong>&quot;\',event,2,1,1,1,\'\');" onMouseOut="top.hic();" onMouseDown="top.hic();" width="120" height="220" src="' . Config::img() . '/1x1.gif" ' . $oi . '></a></div>
									<div style="position:absolute; width:120px; height:auto; z-index:3;" align="left">' . $eff . '</div>' . $anml . '


            $rt[0] .= '</td>
						<td height="40"><div align="center">' . $msl . '</div></td>
					<td width="60" valign="top">
					<table bgcolor="#e1e1e1" width="60" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
						<td height="20">' . $witm[8] . '</td>
						<td height="20">' . $witm[9] . '</td>
						<td height="20"><table width="60" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
							  <td width="20" height="20">' . $witm[10] . '</td>
							  <td width="20">' . $witm[11] . '</td>
							  <td width="20">' . $witm[12] . '</td>
						<td height="40">' . $witm[13] . '</td>
						<td height="60">' . $witm[14] . '</td>
						<td height="80">' . $witm[16] . '</td>
						<td height="40">' . $witm[17] . '</td>
				</table>' . $witmg . '</div>';

            if ($i1 == 0 && $u['battle'] == 0) {
                $rt[0] .= '<script>top.lafstReg[' . $u['id'] . '] = 0; top.startHpRegen("main",' . $u['id'] . ',' . (0 + $sn['hpNow']) . ',' . (0 + $sn['hpAll']) . ',' . (0 + $sn['mpNow']) . ',' . (0 + $sn['mpAll']) . ',' . (time() - $u['regHP']) . ',' . (time() - $u['regMP']) . ',' . (0 + $this->user->rgd[0]) . ',' . (0 + $this->user->rgd[1]) . ',1)</script>';
            if ($ivv == 0 && $i1 == 0) {
                $rt[0] .= $this->user->info_remont();
        return $rt;

    private function nameItemMf($pl, $po)
        $r = $pl['name'];
        if (isset($po['icos'])) {
            $r = "<span class=icos_{$po['icos']}>{$pl['name']} <span style='font-size:8px;'>&nbsp;{$po['icos']}&nbsp;</span></span>";

        if (!empty($po['rune']) && $po['rune'] > 0) {
            $r .= "<br><span style='color: green;'>Руна: <strong>{$po['rune_name']}</strong></span>";
        if (isset($po['spell'])) {
            $rnc = match (explode(' ', $po['spell_name'])[2]) {
                '[0]' => '#282828',
                '[1]' => '#624542',
                '[2]' => '#77090b',
                default => '#d99800',
            $r .= "<br><span style='color: $rnc;'>Руна: <strong>{$po['spell_name']}</strong></span>";
        return $r;

    private function getInfoItemInfo($pl, $po): string

        $lvar = '';

        if (isset($po['sv_yron_max']) && $po['sv_yron_max'] > 0) {
            $lvar .= '<br>Урон: ' . $po['sv_yron_min'] . '-' . $po['sv_yron_max'];

        $x = 0;
        while ($x < count($this->statname->sysBonusNames)) {
            $n = $this->statname->sysBonusNames[$x];
            if (isset($po['add_' . $n])) {
                $z = '+';
                if ($po['add_' . $n] < 0) {
                    $z = '';
                $lvar .= '<br>' . $this->statname->bonusNames[$n] . ': ' . $z . $po['add_' . $n];

        if (isset($pl['2h']) && $pl['2h'] == 1) {
            $lvar .= '<br>• Двуручное оружие';
        if (isset($po['zonb'])) {
            $lvar .= '<br>Зоны блокирования: ';
            if ($po['zonb'] > 0) {
                $lvar .= str_repeat('+', $po['zonb']);
            } else {
                $lvar .= '—';

        if (isset($po['add_mib1'], $po['add_mab1']) && $po['add_mib1'] > 0 && $po['add_mib1'] <= $po['add_mab1']) {
            $lvar .= '<br>Броня головы: ' . (int)$po['add_mib1'] . '-' . (int)$po['add_mab1'];
        if (isset($po['add_mib2'], $po['add_mab2']) && $po['add_mib2'] > 0 && $po['add_mib2'] <= $po['add_mab2']) {
            $lvar .= '<br>Броня корпуса: ' . (int)$po['add_mib2'] . '-' . (int)$po['add_mab2'];
        if (isset($po['add_mib3'], $po['add_mab3']) && $po['add_mib3'] > 0 && $po['add_mib3'] <= $po['add_mab3']) {
            $lvar .= '<br>Броня пояса: ' . (int)$po['add_mib2'] . '-' . (int)$po['add_mab2'];
        if (isset($po['add_mib4'], $po['add_mab4']) && $po['add_mib4'] > 0 && $po['add_mib4'] <= $po['add_mab4']) {
            $lvar .= '<br>Броня ног: ' . (int)$po['add_mib2'] . '-' . (int)$po['add_mab2'];

        if (isset($pl['iznosMAX']) && $pl['iznosMAX'] > 0) {
            $lvar .= '<br>Долговечность: ' . (int)($pl['iznosMAX'] - $pl['iznosNOW']);

        if (!empty($po['battleUseZd']) && $po['battleUseZd'] > 0) {
            $lvar .= '<br>Задержка использования: ' . Conversion::secondsToTimeout($po['battleUseZd']);

        if (isset($po['gravi'])) {
            $lvar .= '<hr><strong>&quot;<i>' . $po['gravi'] . '</i>&quot;</strong>';

        return $lvar;
