info['admin'] > 0 */) { $need_count = 0; $actions = []; $resource = []; $action = explode('|', $file[1]); foreach ($action as $value) { $temp = explode(':', $value); $actions[$temp[0]] = $temp[1]; } if (isset($actions['resource'])) { $action = explode(',', $actions['resource']); foreach ($action as $value) { $temp = explode('x', $value); $resource[] = [ 'item' => (int)$temp[0], 'count' => (int)$temp[1], ]; $need_count = $need_count + (int)$temp[1]; } } $actions['resource'] = $resource; unset($action, $temp, $value, $resource); # Обьекты для строительства if (isset($_GET['buildend'])) { //identid $obj = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( 'SELECT * FROM `dungeon_obj` WHERE `id` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string( $actions['identid'] ) . '" LIMIT 1' ) ); $txt = ''; if (!isset($obj['id'])) { $txt = 'Объект строительства был поврежден темной магией...'; } else { if ($obj['x'] == $u->info['x'] && $obj['y'] == $u->info['y']) { $txt = 'Объект уже был построен ранее! Вернитесь на клетку назад для использования объекта!'; } else { mysql_query( 'UPDATE `dungeon_obj` SET `x` = "' . $u->info['x'] . '", `y` = "' . $u->info['y'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $obj['id'] . '" LIMIT 1' ); mysql_query( 'UPDATE `dungeon_obj` SET `x` = "' . $u->info['x'] . '", `y` = "' . $u->info['y'] . '" WHERE `dn` > 0 AND `name` = "' . $obj['name'] . '" AND `img` = "' . $obj['img'] . '" AND `action` = "' . $obj['action'] . '" AND `x` = "' . $obj['x'] . '" AND `y` = "' . $obj['y'] . '"' ); $txt = 'Строительство "' . $obj['name'] . '" завершилось, вернитесь на клетку назад...'; $cmsg = new ChatMessage(); $cmsg->setText('Игрок "' . $u->info['login'] . '" завершил строительство объекта "' . mysql_real_escape_string($actions['name']) . '".'); $cmsg->setType(6); (new Chat())->sendMsg($cmsg); } } echo '
' . $txt . '
'; } # пожертвование if (isset($_POST['itemid'], $_POST['action'])) { $help = mysql_fetch_assoc( mysql_query( 'SELECT COUNT(`id`) as count, item_id FROM `items_users` WHERE `item_id` = ' . $_POST['itemid'] . ' AND `uid` = ' . $u->info['id'] . ' AND (`delete` = "0" OR `delete` = "1000") AND `inOdet` = "0" AND `inShop` = "0" LIMIT 1' ) ); if ($help) { $item = mysql_fetch_assoc( mysql_query( 'SELECT im.`name`, im.`img` FROM `items_main` as im WHERE im.`id` = ' . $help['item_id'] . ' LIMIT 1' ) ); if (isset($item) && $item['name'] != '') { foreach ($actions['resource'] as $key => $val) { if ($_POST['itemid'] == $val['item']) { $current = mysql_fetch_assoc( mysql_query( 'SELECT SUM(b.`count`) as count, im.`name`, im.`img` FROM `items_main` as im LEFT JOIN `building` as `b` ON b.item_id = WHERE b.`building` = "' . $actions['ident'] . '" AND im.`id` = ' . $val['item'] . ' LIMIT 1' ) ); if ($current['count'] == null) { $current['count'] = 0; } else { $current['count'] = (int)$current['count']; } if ($current['count'] + (int)$help['count'] <= $val['count']) { # Если ваших ресурсов меньше чем требуется. } else { # Если ваших ресурсов больше чем требуется. $help['count'] = +($val['count'] - $current['count']); } if ($help['count'] > 0) { mysql_query( 'UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time( ) . '" WHERE `item_id` = ' . $help['item_id'] . ' AND `uid` = ' . $u->info['id'] . ' AND (`delete` = "0" OR `delete` = "1000") AND `inOdet` = "0" AND `inShop` = "0" ORDER BY `delete` DESC LIMIT ' . $help['count'] . '' ); mysql_query( 'INSERT INTO building (id, building, uid, clan_id, item_id, count) VALUES (NULL, "' . $actions['ident'] . '", ' . $u->info['id'] . ', ' . $u->info['clan'] . ', ' . $help['item_id'] . ', ' . $help['count'] . ')' ); $d->error = 'Вы пожертвовали на строительство [' . $item['name'] . '] в количестве ' . $help['count'] . 'шт.'; } } } # # mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_actions` (`dn`,`time`,`x`,`y`,`uid`,`vars`,`vals`) VALUES ("'.$u->info['dnow'].'","'.time().'","'.$u->info['x'].'","'.$u->info['y'].'","'.$u->info['id'].'","building_resource","count_'.$help.'")'); # #("'.$u->info['dnow'].'","'.time().'","'.$u->info['x'].'","'.$u->info['y'].'","'.$u->info['id'].'","building_resource","count_'.$help.'")'); } } } unset($_POST, $help, $item); # отображение $count = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query('SELECT SUM(count) as count FROM `building` WHERE `building` = "' . $actions['ident'] . '" LIMIT 1') ); if (isset($count[0]) and $count[0] != null) { $count = $count[0]; } else { $count = 0; } $r = ''; # Текущее состояние строительства. foreach ($actions['resource'] as $key => $val) { if ($count == 0) { $current = mysql_fetch_assoc( mysql_query( 'SELECT im.`name`, im.`img` FROM `items_main` as im WHERE im.`id` = ' . $val['item'] . ' LIMIT 1' ) ); $current['count'] = 0; } else { $current = mysql_fetch_assoc( mysql_query( 'SELECT SUM(b.`count`) as count, im.`name`, im.`img` FROM `items_main` as im LEFT JOIN `building` as `b` ON b.item_id = WHERE b.`building` = "' . $actions['ident'] . '" AND im.`id` = ' . $val['item'] . ' LIMIT 1' ) ); } if (isset($current) && $current['name'] != '') { $actions['resource'][$key]['current'] = (int)$current['count']; $actions['resource'][$key]['name'] = $current['name']; $actions['resource'][$key]['img'] = $current['img']; } else { $actions['resource'][$key]['current'] = 0; $actions['resource'][$key]['name'] = "Неизвестный предмет"; $actions['resource'][$key]['img'] = ""; } } unset($key, $val, $current); foreach ($actions['resource'] as $row) { $current_uid = mysql_fetch_assoc( mysql_query( 'SELECT COUNT(`id`) as count FROM `items_users` WHERE `item_id` = ' . $row['item'] . ' AND `uid` = ' . $u->info['id'] . ' AND (`delete` = "0" OR `delete` = "1000") AND `inOdet` = "0" AND `inShop` = "0" LIMIT 1' ) ); if (isset($current_uid) && $current_uid['count'] == null) { $current_uid['count'] = 0; } // Сколько можем внести $r .= ''; if ($row['current'] >= $row['count']) { $input = ''; } else { $input = ''; } $r .= ''; unset($input, $current_uid); } if (round($count / ($need_count / 100)) >= 100) { $r .= ''; } $r .= '
Прогресс строительства %
' . round( $count / ($need_count / 100) ) . '/' . (100) . '

'; $r .= '
[' . $row['name'] . ']
' . $input . ''; $r .= '
' . round( $row['current'] / ($row['count'] / 100) ) . '/' . (100) . '

'; $r .= '

'; unset($row); /* *
Прогресс строительства */ # Идет строительство "'.$actions['name'].'", но нам нехватает ресурсов, помоги добрый странник. $d->information = '
' . $r; }