var chat = { sml:new Array("smile",18,18, "laugh",15,15, "fingal",22,15, "eek",15,15, "smoke",20,20, "hi",31,28, "bye",15,15, "king",21,22, "king2",28,24, "smile",18,18, "boks2",28,21, "boks",62,28, "gent",15,21, "lady",15,19, "tongue",15,15, "smil",16,16, "rotate",15,15, "ponder",21,15, "bow",15,21, "angel",42,23, "angel2",26,25, "hello",25,27, "dont",26,26, "idea",26,27, "mol",27,22, "super",26,28, "beer",15,15, "drink",19,17, "baby",15,18, "tongue2",15,15, "sword",49,18, "agree",37,15, "loveya",27,15, "kiss",15,15, "kiss2",15,15, "kiss3",15,15, "kiss4",37,15, "rose",15,15, "love",27,28, "love2", 55,24, "confused",15,22, "yes",15,15, "no",15,15, "shuffle",15,20, "nono",22,19, "maniac",70,25, "privet",27,29, "ok",22,16, "ninja",15,15, "pif",46,26, "smash",30,26, "alien",13,15, "pirate",23,19, "gun",40,18, "trup",20,20, "mdr",56,15, "sneeze",15,20, "mad",15,15, "friday",57,28, "cry",16,16, "grust",15,15, "rupor",38,18, "fie",15,15, "nnn",82,16, "row",36,15, "red",15,15, "lick",15,15, "help",23,15, "wink",15,15, "jeer",26,16, "tease",33,19, "nunu",43,19, "inv",80,20, "duel",100,34, "susel",70,34, "nun",40,28, "kruger",34,27, "flowers",28,29, "horse",60,40, "hug",48,20, "str",35,25, "alch",39,26, "pal", 25, 21, "mag", 37, 37, "sniper", 37,37, "vamp", 27,27, "doc", 37,37, "doc2", 37,37, "sharp", 37,37, "naem", 37,37, "naem2", 37,37, "naem3", 37,37, "invis", 32,23, "chtoza", 33, 37, "beggar", 33,27, "sorry", 25,25, "sorry2", 25,25, "creator", 39, 25, "grace", 39, 25, "dustman", 30, 21, "carreat", 40, 21, "lordhaos", 30, 21, "ura", 31, 36, "elix", 30, 35, "dedmoroz", 32,32, "snegur", 45,45, "showng", 50, 35, "superng", 45,41, "podz", 31,27, "sten", 44, 30, "devil", 29, 20, "cat", 29, 27, "owl", 29,20, "lightfly", 29,20, "snowfight", 51, 24, "rocket", 43,35, "dance1", 45,23, "radio1", 36, 24, "victory", 51, 35, "dance2", 41, 31, "radio2", 29, 29, "nail", 32, 26, "rev", 40, 25, "obm", 37, 22, "yar", 40, 36, "rom", 38, 33, "sad", 23, 23), timers:[], timers0:'noTimer', chat_r:15, locks:[0,0], inObj:false, lmid:0, cid:[0], mxlm:100, canal_open:0, refleshData:{}, refleshChat:function( auto ) { if(this.chat_r < 15) { this.chat_r = 15; } if(this.locks[0] == 0) { delete this.refleshData.message; this.refleshData.lmid = this.lmid; = auto; this.refleshData.sys = this.system; = this.filter; this.refleshData.pgo = this.onlinePageSelect; this.refleshData.r2 = $('#online_r2').attr('checked'); if( auto == true ) { this.refleshData.r1 = $('#online_r1').attr('checked'); }else{ this.refleshData.r1 = 'checked'; $(window).stopTime('tmchon'); } $.ajax({ url: 'https://''/chat/', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: this.refleshData, success: function(data){ chat.readData(data); } }); } $(window).oneTime( ( 10 * this.chat_r ), 'tmchon', function(i) { $(window).stopTime('tmchon'); chat.refleshChat(true); }); }, tmrMsg:null, formSendMessage:function() { if( $('#msg_text').val() == '' ) { alert( 'Нельзя отправлять пустое сообщение!' ); }else if(this.locks[1] == 0) { //clearTimeout(this.tmrMsg); this.locks[1] = 1; //this.tmrMsg = setTimeout(function(){chat.locks[1] = 0;},850); if( this.translit == true ) { $('#msg_text').val( this.convert2( $('#msg_text').val() ) ); } this.refleshData.message = $('#msg_text').val(); this.refleshData.lmid = this.lmid; = false; this.refleshData.sys = this.system; //this.refleshData.pgo = this.onlinePageSelect; //this.refleshData.r2 = $('#online_r2').attr('checked'); //this.refleshData.r1 = $('#online_r1').attr('checked'); $.ajax({ url: 'https://''/chat/', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: this.refleshData, success: function(data){ chat.locks[1]=0; $('#msg_text').val(""); chat.readData(data); } }); }else{ alert('Внимание! Нельзя отправлять сообщения так часто!'); } }, testKeyPress:function(event) { if(event.keyCode==10 || event.keyCode==13) { chat.formSendMessage(); } }, /* Очистить чат */ clearChatline:function( type ) { if( $('#msg_text').val() == '' && type == false) { if( confirm('Очистить весь чат?') ) { this.clearChat(); } }else{ $('#msg_text').val(''); $('#msg_text').focus(); } }, /* включить фильтр чата */ filter:false, filterChatLine:function() { if( this.filter == false ) { $('#btn3c').attr('class','btn3c2'); $('#btn3c').attr('title','(Включено) Показывать в чате только сообщения адресованные мне'); this.filter = true; }else{ $('#btn3c').attr('class','btn3c'); $('#btn3c').attr('title','(Выключено) Показывать в чате только сообщения адресованные мне'); this.filter = false; } }, /* включить системные сообщения чата */ system:false, systemChatLine:function() { if( this.system == false ) { $('#btn4c').attr('class','btn4c2'); $('#btn4c').attr('title','(Включено) Показывать в чате системные сообщения'); this.system = true; }else{ $('#btn4c').attr('class','btn4c'); $('#btn4c').attr('title','(Выключено) Показывать в чате системные сообщения'); this.system = false; } }, /* включить медленное обновление чата */ speedchat:1, speedChatLine:function() { if( this.speedchat == 3 ) { $('#btn5c').attr('class','btn5c2'); $('#btn5c').attr('title','Обновление чата выключено!'); this.chat_r = 30; clearTimeout(this.timers[0]); this.speedchat = 2; }else if( this.speedchat == 2 ) { $('#btn5c').attr('class','btn5c'); $('#btn5c').attr('title','(Выключено) Медленное обновление чата (раз в минуту)'); this.chat_r = 15; clearTimeout(this.timers[0]); this.timers[0] = setTimeout('chat.refleshChat(true)',this.chat_r); this.speedchat = 1; }else{ $('#btn5c').attr('class','btn5c3'); $('#btn5c').attr('title','(Включено) Медленное обновление чата (раз в минуту)'); this.chat_r = 15; clearTimeout(this.timers[0]); this.timers[0] = setTimeout('chat.refleshChat(true)',this.chat_r); this.speedchat = 3; } }, /* включить транслит чата */ translit:false, translitChatLine:function() { if( this.translit == false ) { $('#btn6c').attr('class','btn6c2'); $('#btn6c').attr('title','(Включено) Преобразовать транслит в русский текст (правила перевода см. в энциклопедии)'); this.translit = true; }else{ $('#btn6c').attr('class','btn6c'); $('#btn6c').attr('title','(Выключено) Преобразовать транслит в русский текст (правила перевода см. в энциклопедии)'); this.translit = false; } }, convert2:function(txt) { var trn = new Array(); trn = txt.split(' '); for(var i=0;i=0) str = str.replace(this.map_en[i],this.map_ru[i]); newstr += str; return newstr; }, /* смайлики */ smileschat:false, smilesChatLine:function() { if( this.smileschat == false ) { $('#ttSmiles').css('display',''); $('#btn7c').attr('class','btn7c2'); $('#btn7c').attr('title','(Включено) Смайлики'); this.smileschat = true; }else{ $('#ttSmiles').css('display','none'); $('#btn7c').attr('class','btn7c'); $('#btn7c').attr('title','Смайлики'); this.smileschat = false; } }, addSmile:function(id) { if( top.mob_version != undefined ) { $('#chat_message').val($('#chat_message').val()+' :'+id+': '); //$('#chat_message').focus(); }else{ $('#msg_text').val($('#msg_text').val()+' :'+id+': '); $('#msg_text').focus(); } }, refleshSmiles:function() { //генерируем смайлики var i = 0, j = ''; while(i!=-1) { if(this.sml[i]!=undefined) { j += ' '; }else{ i = -4; } i += 3; } $('#smilesDiv').html(j); delete i; delete j; }, testKey:function(m,v) { var i = 0, r = v; v = false; while(i!=-1) { if(m != undefined && m[i]!=undefined) { if(m[i]==r) { v = i; i = -2; } }else{ i = -2; } i++; } delete r,m; return v; }, isNumber:function(s) { if(!isNaN(s)) { s = true; }else{ s = false; } return s; }, testSmile:function(txt) { txr = txt.split(':'); var i = 1, j = 0, smid = 0; while(i <= txr.length) { if( txr[i] != undefined) { smid = this.testKey(this.sml,txr[i]); imsml = txr[i].split('-'); if(((smid != false || smid == 0) && this.isNumber(txr[i]) != true) || (imsml != undefined && imsml[0] == '%usersmile%')) { if(j < 3 && this.isNumber(this.sml[smid]) != true && (this.sml[smid] != undefined || imsml[0] == '%usersmile%')) { if(imsml[0] == '%usersmile%') { txt = txt.replace("\:%usersmile%-"+imsml[1]+"\:",''); }else{ txt = txt.replace("\:"+txr[i]+"\:",''); } j++; } } } i++; } return txt; }, /* звук */ soundchat:0, soundChatLine:function() { if(pluginlist.indexOf("Flash") != -1) { if( this.soundchat == 0 ) { $('#btn8c').attr('class','btn8c2'); $('#btn8c').attr('title','(Включено \'тихо\') Звуковые уведомления'); this.soundchat = 1; }else if( this.soundchat == 1 ){ $('#btn8c').attr('class','btn8c3'); $('#btn8c').attr('title','(Включено \'громко\') Звуковые уведомления'); this.soundchat = 2; }else{ $('#btn8c').attr('class','btn8c'); $('#btn8c').attr('title','(Выключено) Звуковые уведомления'); this.soundchat = 0; } }else{ if(!! document.createElement('video').canPlayType ) { //html5 уведомления alert('Поддержка звуковых уведомлений временно заблокировано на стороне сервера.'); /* $('').appendTo('body'); $('#chatAudio')[0].play(); */ }else{ alert("Ваш браузер не поддерживает Flash-ролики, а так-же HTML5\nДля звуковых уведомлений установите плагин Adobe Flash Player, либо обновите браузер (Подробнее см. в энциклопедии)"); } //$('#soundTableTd').css({'display':'none'}); } }, getSwf:function(val) { var M$ = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!=-1 return (M$ ? window : document)[val] }, sendSound:function(s) { var svolm = 100; if(this.soundchat == 0) { svolm = 0; }else if(this.soundchat == 1) { svolm = 25; }else if(this.soundchat == 2) { svolm = 100; } /*if(window.Sound) { window.document["Sound"].SetVariable("Volume", svolm); window.document["Sound"].SetVariable("Sndplay", s); }else if(document.Sound) { document.Sound.SetVariable("Volume", svolm); document.Sound.SetVariable("Sndplay", s); }*/ var M$ = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!=-1 if(this.getSwf('Sound').SetVariable == undefined && !M$) { document.getElementById('Sound2').SetVariable("Volume",svolm); document.getElementById('Sound2').SetVariable("Sndplay",s); }else{ window.document["Sound"].SetVariable("Volume", svolm); window.document["Sound"].SetVariable("Sndplay", s); } }, clearChat:function() { if( this.canal_open == 0 ) { this.cid[this.canal_open] = 0; $('#canal'+this.canal_open).html(' '); } return true; }, clearInput:function() { $('#msg_text').val(''); }, iKeys:{ 'r':null, 'u':null, 'm':null, 't':0 }, users_u_city:0, readData:function(data) { //Чистим данные передачи this.refleshData = {}; if( data.online_list != undefined && data.online_list != 0 ) { //Выводим список онлайна this.readDataOnlineList( data.online_list , data.ura ); } if( data.room_name != undefined && data.room_name != 0 ) { //Обновляем название комнаты if( $('#online_r2').attr('checked') == 'checked' ) { $('#online_room').html( data.room_name + '
Общий онлайн: ' + data.ura + '' ); }else{ $('#online_room').html( data.room_name + ' (' + data.ura + ')' ); } } if( data.chat_list != undefined && data.chat_list != 0 ) { //Выводим чат this.readDataChatList( data.chat_list ); this.testScrollMessages(); } }, testScrollMessages:function() { if( $('#chat_list').get(0).scrollHeight > $('#chat_list').height() ) { this.messageGenXdel++; $('#msg' + this.messageGenXdel ).css('display','none'); this.testScrollMessages(); } }, playSoundMsg:false, readDataChatList:function( data ) { var i = 0, html = "", j = 0; while( i != -1 ) { if( data[i] != undefined ) { // if( parseInt(data[i][0]) > this.lmid ) { this.lmid = parseInt(data[i][0]); html = html + "" + this.messageGen( data[i] ) + ""; } // j++; }else{ if( this.playSoundMsg == true ) { this.sendSound(1); } this.playSoundMsg = false; i = -2; } i++; } $('#canal0').html( $('#canal0').html() + html ); }, messageGenX:0, messageGenXdel:0, messageGen:function( msg ) { var html = ''; // this.messageGenX++; // //html += "" + msg[2] + ": " + this.replaceText( this.testSmile( msg[3] ) ); // var foryou = 0; if( this.msgForyou( msg ) == true ) { foryou = 1; this.playSoundMsg = true; } html += this.msgTime( msg, foryou ); html += this.msgFrom( msg ); html += this.msgTo( msg ); html += this.msgText( msg ); // html = '
' + html + '
'; return html; }, onlinePageSelect:1, readDataOnlineList:function( data , ura ) { var i = 0, html = '', j = 0; while( i != -1 ) { if( data[i] != undefined ) { if( data[i][0] > 0 ) { html = html + this.loginLine( data[i][0] , data[i][1] , data[i][2] , data[i][3] , data[i][4] , data[i][5] , data[i][6] ) + '
'; }else{ html = html + this.loginLine( 0 , 'Невидимка' , '??' , 'capitalcity' , 0 , 0 , data[i][1] ) + '
'; } j++; }else{ i = -2; } i++; } var pa = Math.ceil(ura/50) , i = 1 , pgh = ''; if( this.onlinePageSelect > pa ) { this.onlinePageSelect = pa; } if( j < ura ) { //Выводим страницы while( i <= pa ) { if( this.onlinePageSelect == i ) { pgh += '[' + i + ']'; }else{ pgh += '[' + i + ']'; } i++; } pgh = '
' + pgh + '
'; html = pgh + '
' + html + '
'; } $('#online_users').html( html ); }, selectOnlinePage:function( id ) { this.onlinePageSelect = id; this.refleshChat( false ); }, loginLine:function( id , login , level , cityreg , align , clan , fight ) { var r = ''; if( fight > 0 ) { r += ''; }else{ r += ''; } r += ''; if( clan > 0 ) { r += ''; } if( id == 0 ) { r += '' + login + '[' + level + ']'; }else{ r += '' + login + '[' + level + ']'; } r += ''; return r; }, readMessagesSound:false, readMessages:function(data) { var i = 0; this.readMessagesSound = false; while( i != -1 ) { if(data[i] != undefined) { var ch = 0; //Канал чата if( this.lmid < data[i][0] ) { this.lmid = data[i][0]; } this.addMessage( '#canal' + ch , data[i] ); i++; }else{ if( i > 0 ) { this.scrollChatTo(0,0); } i = -1; } } if( this.readMessagesSound == true ) { this.sendSound(1); this.readMessagesSound = false; } }, addMessage:function(ch, data) { if($('#msg_' + data[0]).attr('id') == undefined) { var msg = '', foryou = this.msgForyou( data ); if( this.filter == false || this.msgTestyou(data) == true || foryou == true) { if(foryou) { this.readMessagesSound = true; } msg += this.msgTime( data, foryou ); msg += this.msgFrom( data ); msg += this.msgTo( data ); msg += this.msgText( data ); msg = '
' + msg + '
'; $(ch).html( $(ch).html() + msg ); } } }, msgTestyou:function(data) { if(['login'] == data[1] ) { return true; }else{ return false; } }, msgForyou:function(data) { var r = false; if( != data[2] ) { var i = 0, ua = data[4].split( ',' ), to = ''; while( i < ua.length ) { if( ua[i] != undefined ) { ua[i] = GameEngine.trim(ua[i]); if( == ua[i]) { r = true; } } i++; } } return r; }, msgTime:function(data, foryou) { var r = ''; if( data[7] == 1 ) { r += 'd.m.Y H:i', data[1] ); r = '  ' + r + ''; }else if( data[7] == 2 ) { r += 'H:i', data[1] ); r = '  ' + r + ''; }else if( data[7] == 3 ) { r += 'd.m.Y H:i', data[1] ); r = '  ' + r + ''; }else{ r += 'H:i', data[1] ); if( foryou == true || data[5] == 4 ) { r = '  ' + r + ''; }else{ r = '  ' + r + ''; } } return r; }, msgFrom:function(data) { var r = ''; if(data[5] >= 1 && data[5] < 4) { if( data[8] != 0 ) { r += ' [' + data[2] + ']'; }else{ r += ' [' + this.loginChat(data[2],'to',null) + ']'; } } return r; }, msgTo:function(data) { var r = ''; if( data[5] > 1 && data[5] < 4 ) { if( data[5] == 2 ) { r = ' to [' + data[4] + ']'; }else if( data[5] == 3 ) { var i = 0, ua = data[4].split( ',' ), to = ''; while( i < ua.length ) { if( ua[i] != undefined ) { ua[i] = GameEngine.trim(ua[i]); /*if(['login'] == ua[i]) { to += this.loginChat( data[1], 3 ); //foryou }else{*/ to += this.loginChat( ua[i], 3 ); //} if( i+1 < ua.length ) { to += ', '; } } i++; } r = ' private [' + to + ']'; } if( data[5] == 2 ) { r = ' ' + r + ''; } } return r; }, replaceAll:function(t,v,s) { return t.split(v).join(s); }, msgText:function(data) { var r = ''; var text = data[3]; /* */ var reg = text.match(/(.*?)<\/login>/g); if( reg != null && reg[0] != undefined ) { var i = 0; while( i != -1 ) { if( reg[i] != undefined ) { text = this.replaceAll( text , reg[i] , this.loginChat(this.replaceAll( this.replaceAll( reg[i] , '' , '' ) , '' , '' ), 'to', null) ); i++; }else{ i = -1; } } } if( data[4] == 4 || data[4] == 5 ) { text = this.replaceAll( text , '{w}' , 'Внимание!'); } text = this.testSmile(text); r += ' ' + text + ''; return r; }, readOnlineList:function(data) { var r = ''; var i = 0; while( i != -1 ) { if(data[i] != undefined) { r += this.userInfo(data[i][0],data[i][1],data[i][2],data[i][3],data[i][4],data[i][5]) + '
'; i++; }else{ if( top.mob_version != undefined ) {['ou'] = i; }else{ $('#online_room_count').html( '(' + i + ')' ); } i = -1; } } return r; }, align_name:{ 0:'', 1:'Светлый', 2:'Хаосник', 3:'Тёмный', 7:'Нейтральный' }, userInfo:function(id,login,level,align,clan,device) { var r = ''; if( > 0 ) { r += ''; } r += ''; r += '' + login + ''; r += '[' + level + ']'; r += ''; if( device != 0 ) { var name_device = [ 'Компьютер', '', 'Apple iPhone', '', '', 'Android Phone' ]; r += ' '; } return r; }, replaceText:function(txt) { txt = GameEngine.str_replace("[s2;]","'",txt); txt = GameEngine.str_replace("[s1;]",""",txt); txt = GameEngine.str_replace("[s3;]","<",txt); txt = GameEngine.str_replace("[s4;]",">",txt); txt = GameEngine.str_replace("[s6;]","⁄",txt); txt = GameEngine.str_replace("[s5;]","\",txt); return txt; }, loginChat:function(login,typeTo,login2) { login = GameEngine.trim(login); if(login2 == null) { login2 = login; } if(typeTo == 3) { typeTo = 'private' }else if(typeTo == 2) { typeTo = 'to'; } login = ''+login+''; return login; }, context_open:false, context_global_open:false, context_lock:[0,0], contextMenuGlobal:function(fm,e) { if( this.context_lock[1] == 0 ) { this.contextmenu_close(); if (!e) e = window.event; fm = 0; var menu = null; if(fm == 'main') { }else if(fm == 'chat') { }else if(fm == 'online') { }else{ menu = [ [1,'Настройки меню',''], [0], [1,'Закрыть','chat.contextmenu_global_close();'] ]; } var i = 0, menu_html = ''; while( i < menu.length ) { if( menu[i][0] == 0 ) { menu_html += '
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' + '
' + '
' + /*'
' +*/ '
'+ '
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' +*/ '
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'+login+' ['+level+']
'; return r; }, toUserAll:function(users,type) { var i = 0, ua = users.split( ',' ); while( i < ua.length ) { if( ua[i] != undefined ) { ua[i] = GameEngine.trim(ua[i]); this.toUser(ua[i],type); } i++; } }, toUser:function(login,type2) { var loginaddT = login; var s = ''; if( top.mob_version != undefined ) { $('#chat_message').focus(); s = $('#chat_message').val(); }else{ if($('#'+$(this.inObj).attr('id')).attr('id') == undefined) { $('#msg_text').focus(); s = $('#msg_text').val(); }else{ $(this.inObj).focus(); //s = $(inObj).val(); } } var reg555 = new RegExp("private\\s*\\[(.*?)\\]",""); var reg551 = new RegExp("to\\s*\\[(.*?)\\]",""); var test1 = s.match(reg555); if(s.match(reg555)==null) { type = "to"; }else if(s.match(reg551)==null) { type = "private"; } var type3 = 'to'; var reg2 = new RegExp(""+type+"(\\s*)\\[(.*?)\\]",""); var cs = s.replace(reg2,""+type+"$1[,$2,]"); var slogin = login.replace(/([\^.*{}$%?\[\]+|\/\(\)])/g,"\\$1"); var reg = new RegExp(""+type+"\\s*\\[.*,\\s*"+slogin+"\\s*,.*\\]",""); var result = ''; var reg3 = new RegExp(""+type+"\\s*\\[(.*?)\\]",""); while (res = s.match(reg3)) { result += res[1]+','; s = s.replace(reg3,''); } result = result.replace(/,$/,''); var prar = result.split(','); for (i=0;i