/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * @fileoverview functions used wherever an sql query form is used * * @requires jQuery * @requires js/functions.js * */ var $data_a; /** * decode a string URL_encoded * * @param string str * @return string the URL-decoded string */ function PMA_urldecode(str) { return decodeURIComponent(str.replace(/\+/g, '%20')); } /** * endecode a string URL_decoded * * @param string str * @return string the URL-encoded string */ function PMA_urlencode(str) { return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/\%20/g, '+'); } /** * Get the field name for the current field. Required to construct the query * for grid editing * * @param $this_field jQuery object that points to the current field's tr */ function getFieldName($this_field) { var this_field_index = $this_field.index(); // ltr or rtl direction does not impact how the DOM was generated // check if the action column in the left exist var left_action_exist = !$('#table_results').find('th:first').hasClass('draggable'); // number of column span for checkbox and Actions var left_action_skip = left_action_exist ? $('#table_results').find('th:first').attr('colspan') - 1 : 0; var field_name = $('#table_results').find('thead').find('th:eq(' + (this_field_index - left_action_skip) + ') a').text(); // happens when just one row (headings contain no a) if (field_name === '') { var $heading = $('#table_results').find('thead').find('th:eq(' + (this_field_index - left_action_skip) + ')').children('span'); // may contain column comment enclosed in a span - detach it temporarily to read the column name var $tempColComment = $heading.children().detach(); field_name = $heading.text(); // re-attach the column comment $heading.append($tempColComment); } field_name = $.trim(field_name); return field_name; } /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('sql.js', function () { $('a.delete_row.ajax').die('click'); $('#bookmarkQueryForm').die('submit'); $('input#bkm_label').unbind('keyup'); $("#sqlqueryresults").die('makegrid'); $("#togglequerybox").unbind('click'); $("#button_submit_query").die('click'); $("input[name=bookmark_variable]").unbind("keypress"); $("#sqlqueryform.ajax").die('submit'); $("input[name=navig].ajax").die('click'); $("#pageselector").die('change'); $("#table_results.ajax").find("a[title=Sort]").die('click'); $("#displayOptionsForm.ajax").die('submit'); $('a.browse_foreign').die('click'); $('th.column_heading.pointer').die('hover'); $('th.column_heading.marker').die('click'); }); /** * @description

Ajax scripts for sql and browse pages

* * Actions ajaxified here: * * * @name document.ready * @memberOf jQuery */ AJAX.registerOnload('sql.js', function () { // Delete row from SQL results $('a.delete_row.ajax').live('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var question = $.sprintf(PMA_messages.strDoYouReally, escapeHtml($(this).closest('td').find('div').text())); var $link = $(this); $link.PMA_confirm(question, $link.attr('href'), function (url) { $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); $.get(url, {'ajax_request': true, 'is_js_confirmed': true}, function (data) { if (data.success) { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); $link.closest('tr').remove(); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); }); }); // Ajaxification for 'Bookmark this SQL query' $('#bookmarkQueryForm').live('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); $.post($(this).attr('action'), 'ajax_request=1&' + $(this).serialize(), function (data) { if (data.success) { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); }); /* Hides the bookmarkoptions checkboxes when the bookmark label is empty */ $('input#bkm_label').keyup(function () { $('input#id_bkm_all_users, input#id_bkm_replace') .parent() .toggle($(this).val().length > 0); }).trigger('keyup'); /** * Attach the {@link makegrid} function to a custom event, which will be * triggered manually everytime the table of results is reloaded * @memberOf jQuery */ $("#sqlqueryresults").live('makegrid', function () { PMA_makegrid($('#table_results')[0]); }); /** * Append the "Show/Hide query box" message to the query input form * * @memberOf jQuery * @name appendToggleSpan */ // do not add this link more than once if (! $('#sqlqueryform').find('a').is('#togglequerybox')) { $('') .html(PMA_messages.strHideQueryBox) .appendTo("#sqlqueryform") // initially hidden because at this point, nothing else // appears under the link .hide(); // Attach the toggling of the query box visibility to a click $("#togglequerybox").bind('click', function () { var $link = $(this); $link.siblings().slideToggle("fast"); if ($link.text() == PMA_messages.strHideQueryBox) { $link.text(PMA_messages.strShowQueryBox); // cheap trick to add a spacer between the menu tabs // and "Show query box"; feel free to improve! $('#togglequerybox_spacer').remove(); $link.before('
'); } else { $link.text(PMA_messages.strHideQueryBox); } // avoid default click action return false; }); } /** * Event handler for sqlqueryform.ajax button_submit_query * * @memberOf jQuery */ $("#button_submit_query").live('click', function (event) { $(".success,.error").hide(); //hide already existing error or success message var $form = $(this).closest("form"); // the Go button related to query submission was clicked, // instead of the one related to Bookmarks, so empty the // id_bookmark selector to avoid misinterpretation in // import.php about what needs to be done $form.find("select[name=id_bookmark]").val(""); // let normal event propagation happen }); /** * Event handler for hitting enter on sqlqueryform bookmark_variable * (the Variable textfield in Bookmarked SQL query section) * * @memberOf jQuery */ $("input[name=bookmark_variable]").bind("keypress", function (event) { // force the 'Enter Key' to implicitly click the #button_submit_bookmark var keycode = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : (event.which ? event.which : event.charCode)); if (keycode == 13) { // keycode for enter key // When you press enter in the sqlqueryform, which // has 2 submit buttons, the default is to run the // #button_submit_query, because of the tabindex // attribute. // This submits #button_submit_bookmark instead, // because when you are in the Bookmarked SQL query // section and hit enter, you expect it to do the // same action as the Go button in that section. $("#button_submit_bookmark").click(); return false; } else { return true; } }); /** * Ajax Event handler for 'SQL Query Submit' * * @see PMA_ajaxShowMessage() * @memberOf jQuery * @name sqlqueryform_submit */ $("#sqlqueryform.ajax").live('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $form = $(this); if (codemirror_editor) { $form[0].elements['sql_query'].value = codemirror_editor.getValue(); } if (! checkSqlQuery($form[0])) { return false; } // remove any div containing a previous error message $('div.error').remove(); var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); var $sqlqueryresults = $('#sqlqueryresults'); PMA_prepareForAjaxRequest($form); $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize(), function (data) { if (data.success === true) { // success happens if the query returns rows or not // // fade out previous messages, if any $('div.success, div.sqlquery_message').fadeOut(); if ($('#result_query').length) { $('#result_query').remove(); } // show a message that stays on screen if (typeof data.action_bookmark != 'undefined') { // view only if ('1' == data.action_bookmark) { $('#sqlquery').text(data.sql_query); // send to codemirror if possible setQuery(data.sql_query); } // delete if ('2' == data.action_bookmark) { $("#id_bookmark option[value='" + data.id_bookmark + "']").remove(); // if there are no bookmarked queries now (only the empty option), // remove the bookmark section if ($('#id_bookmark option').length == 1) { $('#fieldsetBookmarkOptions').hide(); $('#fieldsetBookmarkOptionsFooter').hide(); } } $sqlqueryresults .show() .html(data.message); } else if (typeof data.sql_query != 'undefined') { $('
') .html(data.sql_query) .insertBefore('#sqlqueryform'); // unnecessary div that came from data.sql_query $('div.notice').remove(); } else { $sqlqueryresults .show() .html(data.message); } PMA_highlightSQL($('#result_query')); if (typeof data.ajax_reload != 'undefined') { if (data.ajax_reload.reload) { if (data.ajax_reload.table_name) { PMA_commonParams.set('table', data.ajax_reload.table_name); PMA_commonActions.refreshMain(); } else { PMA_reloadNavigation(); } } } else if (typeof data.reload != 'undefined') { // this happens if a USE or DROP command was typed PMA_commonActions.setDb(data.db); var url; if (data.db) { if (data.table) { url = 'table_sql.php'; } else { url = 'db_sql.php'; } } else { url = 'server_sql.php'; } PMA_commonActions.refreshMain(url, function () { if ($('#result_query').length) { $('#result_query').remove(); } if (data.sql_query) { $('
') .html(data.sql_query) .prependTo('#page_content'); PMA_highlightSQL($('#page_content')); } }); } $sqlqueryresults.show().trigger('makegrid'); $('#togglequerybox').show(); PMA_init_slider(); if (typeof data.action_bookmark == 'undefined') { if ($('#sqlqueryform input[name="retain_query_box"]').is(':checked') !== true) { if ($("#togglequerybox").siblings(":visible").length > 0) { $("#togglequerybox").trigger('click'); } } } } else if (data.success === false) { // show an error message that stays on screen $('#sqlqueryform').before(data.error); $sqlqueryresults.hide(); } PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); }); // end $.post() }); // end SQL Query submit /** * Paginate results with Page Selector dropdown * @memberOf jQuery * @name paginate_dropdown_change */ $("#pageselector").live('change', function (event) { var $form = $(this).parent("form"); $form.submit(); }); // end Paginate results with Page Selector /** * Ajax Event handler for the display options * @memberOf jQuery * @name displayOptionsForm_submit */ $("#displayOptionsForm.ajax").live('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $form = $(this); $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + '&ajax_request=true', function (data) { $("#sqlqueryresults") .html(data.message) .trigger('makegrid'); PMA_init_slider(); }); // end $.post() }); //end displayOptionsForm handler }); // end $() /** * Starting from some th, change the class of all td under it. * If isAddClass is specified, it will be used to determine whether to add or remove the class. */ function PMA_changeClassForColumn($this_th, newclass, isAddClass) { // index 0 is the th containing the big T var th_index = $this_th.index(); var has_big_t = !$this_th.closest('tr').children(':first').hasClass('column_heading'); // .eq() is zero-based if (has_big_t) { th_index--; } var $tds = $this_th.closest('table').find('tbody tr').find('td.data:eq(' + th_index + ')'); if (isAddClass === undefined) { $tds.toggleClass(newclass); } else { $tds.toggleClass(newclass, isAddClass); } } AJAX.registerOnload('sql.js', function () { $('a.browse_foreign').live('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); window.open(this.href, 'foreigners', 'width=640,height=240,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); $anchor = $(this); $anchor.addClass('browse_foreign_clicked'); }); /** * vertical column highlighting in horizontal mode when hovering over the column header */ $('th.column_heading.pointer').live('hover', function (e) { PMA_changeClassForColumn($(this), 'hover', e.type == 'mouseenter'); }); /** * vertical column marking in horizontal mode when clicking the column header */ $('th.column_heading.marker').live('click', function () { PMA_changeClassForColumn($(this), 'marked'); }); /** * create resizable table */ $("#sqlqueryresults").trigger('makegrid'); }); /* * Profiling Chart */ function makeProfilingChart() { if ($('#profilingchart').length === 0 || $('#profilingchart').html().length !== 0 || !$.jqplot || !$.jqplot.Highlighter || !$.jqplot.PieRenderer ) { return; } var data = []; $.each(jQuery.parseJSON($('#profilingChartData').html()), function (key, value) { data.push([key, parseFloat(value)]); }); // Remove chart and data divs contents $('#profilingchart').html('').show(); $('#profilingChartData').html(''); PMA_createProfilingChartJqplot('profilingchart', data); } /* * initialize profiling data tables */ function initProfilingTables() { if (!$.tablesorter) { return; } $('#profiletable').tablesorter({ widgets: ['zebra'], sortList: [[0, 0]], textExtraction: function (node) { if (node.children.length > 0) { return node.children[0].innerHTML; } else { return node.innerHTML; } } }); $('#profilesummarytable').tablesorter({ widgets: ['zebra'], sortList: [[1, 1]], textExtraction: function (node) { if (node.children.length > 0) { return node.children[0].innerHTML; } else { return node.innerHTML; } } }); } AJAX.registerOnload('sql.js', function () { makeProfilingChart(); initProfilingTables(); });