query($query); } /** * @param $string * @param mysqli $mysqli * @return string * @deprecated */ function mysql_real_escape_string($string, mysqli $mysqli = null) { return getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)->escape_string($string); } /** * @param mysqli_result $result * @return bool|array * @deprecated */ function mysql_fetch_assoc(mysqli_result $result) { $result = $result->fetch_assoc(); if ($result === null) { $result = false; } return $result; } /** * @param mysqli_result $result * @return object|stdClass */ function mysql_fetch_object(mysqli_result $result) { $result = $result->fetch_object(); if ($result === null) { $result = false; } return $result; } /** * @param mysqli_result $result * @return bool|int * @deprecated */ function mysql_num_rows(mysqli_result $result) { $result = $result->num_rows; if ($result === null) { $result = false; } return $result; } /** * @param mysqli_result $result * @return bool|array */ function mysql_fetch_row(mysqli_result $result) { $result = $result->fetch_row(); if ($result === null) { $result = false; } return $result; } /** * @param mysqli $mysqli * @return int * @deprecated */ function mysql_affected_rows(mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_affected_rows(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)); } /** * @return void */ function mysql_client_encoding(mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_character_set_name(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)); } /** * @param mysqli $mysqli * @return bool * @deprecated */ function mysql_close(mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_close(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)); } /** * @return bool */ function mysql_create_db($database_name, mysqli $mysqli = null) { trigger_error('This function was deprecated in PHP 4.3.0 and is therefor not supported', E_USER_DEPRECATED); return false; } /** * @param mysqli $mysqli * @return int * @deprecated */ function mysql_errno(mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_errno(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)); } /** * Not implemented * * @return null * @todo implement * */ function mysql_db_name() { trigger_error('The function mysql_db_name() is not implemented', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } /** * @param mysqli $mysqli * @return string * @deprecated */ function mysql_error(mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_error(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)); } /** * @param mysqli_result $result * @param $result_type * @return void * @deprecated */ function mysql_fetch_array(mysqli_result $result, $result_type = MYSQL_BOTH) { return mysqli_fetch_array($result, $result_type); } /** * @param mysqli $mysqli * @return bool */ function mysql_ping(mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_ping(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)); } /** * @param $query * @param mysqli $mysqli * @deprecated */ function mysql_unbuffered_query($query, mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_query(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli), $query, MYSQLI_USE_RESULT); } /** * @return string * @deprecated */ function mysql_get_client_info() { return mysqli_get_client_info(); } /** * @param mysqli_result $result * @return void * @deprecated */ function mysql_free_result(mysqli_result $result) { return mysqli_free_result($result); } /** * @param mysqli $mysqli * @return bool|mysqli_result */ function mysql_list_dbs(mysqli $mysqli = null) { trigger_error('This function is deprecated. It is preferable to use mysql_query() to issue an SQL Query: SHOW DATABASES statement instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); return mysqli_query(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli), 'SHOW DATABASES'); } /** * @param $database_name * @param $table_name * @param null $mysqli * @return bool|mysqli_result */ function mysql_list_fields($database_name, $table_name, mysqli $mysqli = null) { trigger_error('This function is deprecated. It is preferable to use mysql_query() to issue an SQL SHOW COLUMNS FROM table [LIKE \'name\'] statement instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $mysqli = getLinkIdentifier($mysqli); $db = mysqli_escape_string($mysqli, $database_name); $table = mysqli_escape_string($mysqli, $table_name); return mysqli_query($mysqli, sprintf('SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s.%s', $db, $table)); } /** * @param mysqli $mysqli * @return bool|mysqli_result */ function mysql_list_processes(mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_query(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli), 'SHOW PROCESSLIST'); } /** * @param $charset * @param null $mysqli * @return bool */ function mysql_set_charset($charset, mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_set_charset(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli), $charset); } /** * @param null $mysqli * @return bool|string */ function mysql_info(mysqli $mysqli = null) { $result = mysqli_info(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)); if ($result === null) { $result = false; } return $result; } /** * Get current system status * * @param null $mysqli * @return bool|string */ function mysql_stat(mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_stat(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)); } /** * Return the current thread ID * * @param null $mysqli * @return bool|string */ function mysql_thread_id(mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_thread_id(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)); } /** * Get MySQL host info * * @param null $mysqli * @return bool|string */ function mysql_get_host_info(mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_get_host_info(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)); } /** * Get MySQL protocol info * * @param null $mysqli * @return bool|string * @deprecated */ function mysql_get_proto_info(mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_get_proto_info(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)); } /** * Get MySQL server info * * @param null $mysqli * @return bool|string */ function mysql_get_server_info(mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_get_server_info(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)); } /** * Get table name of field * * @param $result * @param $i * @return bool */ function mysql_tablename($result, $i) { trigger_error('Not implemented', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } /** * Get the ID generated in the last query * * @param null $mysqli * @return int|string * @deprecated */ function mysql_insert_id(mysqli $mysqli = null) { return mysqli_insert_id(getLinkIdentifier($mysqli)); } /** * Get result data * * @param $result * @param $row * @param int $field * @return mixed * @deprecated */ function mysql_result($result, $row, $field = 0) { $result->data_seek($row); $row = $result->fetch_array(); if (!isset($row[$field])) { return false; } return $row[$field]; } /** * Get number of fields in result * * @param mysqli_result $result * @return int * @deprecated */ function mysql_num_fields(mysqli_result $result) { return mysqli_num_fields($result); } /** * List tables in a MySQL database * * @param null $mysqli * @return bool|string */ function mysql_list_tables($database_name, mysqli $mysqli = null) { trigger_error('This function is deprecated. It is preferable to use mysql_query() to issue an SQL SHOW TABLES [FROM db_name] [LIKE \'pattern\'] statement instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $mysqli = getLinkIdentifier($mysqli); $db = mysqli_escape_string($mysqli, $database_name); return mysqli_query($mysqli, sprintf('SHOW TABLES FROM %s', $db)); } /** * Get column information from a result and return as an object * * @param mysqli_result $result * @param int $field_offset * @return bool|object * @deprecated */ function mysql_fetch_field(mysqli_result $result, $field_offset = 0) { if ($field_offset) { mysqli_field_seek($result, $field_offset); } return mysqli_fetch_field($result); } /** * Returns the length of the specified field * * @param mysqli_result $result * @param int $field_offset * @return bool * @deprecated */ function mysql_field_len(mysqli_result $result, $field_offset = 0) { trigger_error('This function is not implemented', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } /** * @return bool */ function mysql_drop_db() { trigger_error('This function is deprecated since PHP 4.3.0 and therefore not implemented', E_USER_DEPRECATED); return false; } /** * Move internal result pointer * * @param mysqli_result $result * @param int $row_number * @return void */ function mysql_data_seek(mysqli_result $result, $row_number = 0) { return mysqli_data_seek($result, $row_number); } /** * Get the name of the specified field in a result * * @param $result * @param $field_offset * @return bool */ function mysql_field_name($result, $field_offset = 0) { $props = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($result, $field_offset); return is_object($props) ? $props->name : false; } /** * Get the length of each output in a result * * @param mysqli_result $result * @return array|bool */ function mysql_fetch_lengths(mysqli_result $result) { return mysqli_fetch_lengths($result); } /** * Get the type of the specified field in a result * @param mysqli_result $result * @param $field_offset * @return string */ function mysql_field_type(mysqli_result $result, $field_offset = 0) { $unknown = 'unknown'; $info = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($result, $field_offset); if (empty($info->type)) { return $unknown; } switch ($info->type) { case MYSQLI_TYPE_FLOAT: case MYSQLI_TYPE_DOUBLE: case MYSQLI_TYPE_DECIMAL: case MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL: return 'real'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_BIT: return 'bit'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY: return 'tinyint'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_TIME: return 'time'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_DATE: return 'date'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_DATETIME: return 'datetime'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: return 'timestamp'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_YEAR: return 'year'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_STRING: case MYSQLI_TYPE_VAR_STRING: return 'string'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_SHORT: case MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG: case MYSQLI_TYPE_LONGLONG: case MYSQLI_TYPE_INT24: return 'int'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_CHAR: return 'char'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_ENUM: return 'enum'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY_BLOB: case MYSQLI_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB: case MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG_BLOB: case MYSQLI_TYPE_BLOB: return 'blob'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_NULL: return 'null'; case MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDATE: case MYSQLI_TYPE_INTERVAL: case MYSQLI_TYPE_SET: case MYSQLI_TYPE_GEOMETRY: default: return $unknown; } } /** * Get name of the table the specified field is in * * @param mysqli_result $result * @param $field_offset * @return bool */ function mysql_field_table(mysqli_result $result, $field_offset = 0) { $info = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($result, $field_offset); if (empty($info->table)) { return false; } return $info->table; } /** * Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result * * @param mysqli_result $result * @param int $field_offset * @return bool * @todo implement * */ function mysql_field_flags(mysqli_result $result, $field_offset = 0) { trigger_error('This function is not implemented', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } /** * Set result pointer to a specified field offset * * @param mysqli_result $result * @param int $field_offset * @return bool */ function mysql_field_seek(mysqli_result $result, $field_offset = 0) { return mysqli_field_seek($result, $field_offset); } /** * Selects a database and executes a query on it * * @param $database * @param $query * @param mysqli $mysqli * @return bool * @todo implement * */ function mysql_db_query($database, $query, mysqli $mysqli = null) { trigger_error('This function is deprecated since PHP 5.3.0 and therefore not implemented', E_USER_DEPRECATED); return false; } }