' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']); } const GAME = true; include('_incl_data/__config.php'); include('_incl_data/class/__db_connect.php'); /**@var $pdo PDO */ $zv = new FightRequest(); function send_chat($type, $from, $text, $time) { global $pdo; $pdo->prepare('insert into chat (text, city, login, type, new, time, room) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)')->execute([$text, 'capitalcity', $from, $type, 1, $time, 3]); } function inuser_go_btl($id) { if (isset($id['id'])) { echo file_get_contents('https://new-combats.com/jx/battle/refresh.php?uid=' . $id['id'] . '&cron_core=' . md5($id['id'] . '_brfCOreW@!_' . $id['pass']) . '&pass=' . $id['pass']); echo '
'; } } $sp = $pdo->query('select id, pass from users where battle in (select id from battle where team_win = -1 and time_over = 0 and time_start < unix_timestamp() - 3600 limit 100)'); foreach ($sp as $pl) { inuser_go_btl($pl); } $zv->testCronZv();