info['id']) ||
$u->isBlocked() ||
) {
exit(json_encode(['js' => 'top.location="bk?exit=' . $code . '";']));
if ($u->info['bithday'] == '01.01.1800') {
unset($_GET['msg'], $_POST['msg'], $_POST['warnMsg']);
$_GET['r3'] = 1;
if ($u->info['online'] < time() - 60) {
Db::sql('update users set online = unix_timestamp() where id = ?', [$u->info['id']]);
$filter->setOnline($u->info['online'], $u->info['id']);
if (isset($_POST['delMsg']) && $u->isModerator()) {
$delmsgid = (int)$_POST['delMsg'];
if ($delmsgid > 0) {
Db::sql('update chat set `delete` = ? where id = ?', [$u->info['id'], $delmsgid]);
} else {
Db::sql('update users set molch3 = unix_timestamp() + 3600 * 3 where id = ?', [-$delmsgid]);
$r = [
'rnd' => $code,
'rn' => null,
'list' => null,
'msg' => null,
'js' => null,
'xu' => 0,
if ($u->info['battle'] > 0) {
$btl = Db::getValue('select count(*) from battle where id = ? and time_over = 0', [$u->info['battle']]);
if (empty($btl)) {
$r['js'] .= 'top.frames["main"].location="main.php";';
if (isset($_POST['msg']) && str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['msg']) != '') {
$msg = [];
$_POST['msg'] = str_replace('\x3C', '<', $_POST['msg']);
$_POST['msg'] = str_replace('\x3', '>', $_POST['msg']);
function tolink($buf): string
$x = explode(" ", $buf);
$newbuf = '';
for ($j = 0; $j < count($x); $j++) {
$uname = '<Внутренняя ссылка>';
if (strripos($x[$j], Config::get('host') . '/info')) {
$ulogin = explode('/info/', $x[$j]);
$ulogin = $ulogin[1];
$ulogin = Db::getValue('select login from users where id = ? or login = ?', [$ulogin, $ulogin]);
if (!empty($ulogin)) {
$uname = '<Информация о "' . $ulogin . '">';
} elseif (strripos($x[$j], 'audio_1610649509.mp3')) { //ТУТ аудио
$uname = '<Голосовое сообщение>';
} elseif (strripos($x[$j], '')) {
$ulogin = explode('/item/', $x[$j]);
$ulogin = $ulogin[1];
$ulogin = Db::getValue('select name from items_main where id = ?', [$ulogin]);
if (isset($ulogin)) {
$uname = '<Предмет "' . $ulogin . '">';
} else {
$uname = '<Библиотека предметов>';
} elseif (strripos($x[$j], Config::get('host') . '/news')) {
$ulogin = explode('/news', $x[$j]);
$ulogin = $ulogin[1];
$ulogin = ltrim($ulogin, '/');
$ulogin = Db::getValue('select title from events_news where id = ?', [$ulogin]);
if (isset($ulogin)) {
$uname = '<Новость "' . $ulogin . '">';
} else {
$uname = '<Новостная лента>';
} elseif (strripos($x[$j], Config::get('host') . '/lib')) {
$ulogin = explode('/lib', $x[$j]);
$ulogin = $ulogin[1];
$ulogin = ltrim($ulogin, '/');
$ulogin = rtrim($ulogin, '/');
$ulogin = Db::getValue('select title from library_content where url_name = ? and moder > 0', [$ulogin]);
if (isset($ulogin)) {
$uname = '<Библиотека "' . $ulogin . '">';
} else {
$uname = '<Библиотека>';
} elseif (strripos($x[$j], Config::get('host') . '/forum')) {
$ulogin = explode('/forum?read=', $x[$j]);
$ulogin = $ulogin[1];
$ulogin = explode('&', $ulogin);
$ulogin = $ulogin[0];
$ulogin = Db::getValue('select title from forum_msg where id = ? and `delete` = 0', [$ulogin]);
if (isset($ulogin)) {
$uname = '<Форум "' . $ulogin . '">';
} else {
$ulogin = explode('/forum?r=', $x[$j]);
$ulogin = $ulogin[1];
$ulogin = explode('&', $ulogin);
$ulogin = $ulogin[0];
$ulogin = Db::getValue('select name from forum_menu where id = ?', [$ulogin]);
if (isset($ulogin)) {
$uname = '<Конференция форума "' . $ulogin . '">';
} else {
$uname = '<Форум проекта>';
$newbuf .= preg_match(
"/(https:\\/\\/)?(new-combats+\\.tech(([ \"'>\r\n\t])|(\\/([^ \"'>\r\n\t]*)?)))/",
) ? str_replace($ok[2], "" . $uname . "", str_replace("https://", "", $x[$j])) . " " : $x[$j] . " ";
return $newbuf;
$strSearch = [
['\\', '"', "'", '<', '>', ' ', '>', '<', '\r', '\b', ' ', ''],
['::', '[s1;]', '[s2;]', '[s3;]', '[s4;]', ' ',],
$strReplace = [
['\\\\', '[s1;]', '[s2;]', '[s3;]', '[s4;]', ' ', '[s4;]', '[s3;]'],
['', '"', '"', '<', '>', ' ',],
$_POST['msg'] = $chat->expworld($_POST['msg'], 120);
$_POST['msg'] = str_replace($strSearch[0], $strReplace[0], $_POST['msg']);
$_POST['msg'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['msg']);
$_POST['msg'] = str_replace('%usersmile%', '', $_POST['msg']);
$_POST['msg'] = tolink($_POST['msg']);
$_POST['msg'] = str_replace($strSearch[1], $strReplace[1], $_POST['msg']);
$smg = Db::getRow('select * from chat where login = ? and time > unix_timestamp() - 20 order by time desc limit 1', [$u->info['login']]);
if ($u->info['exp'] < 499999999) {
$lmg = Db::getValue('select count(id) from chat where login = ? and time = unix_timestamp() - 5 limit 2', [$u->info['login']]);
} else {
$lmg = 0;
$testsmg = ' ' . $_POST['msg'] . ' ';
if (!empty($smg) && $testsmg == $smg['text'] && $u->info['exp'] > 100000) {
if ($u->info['molch1'] < time()) {
//Молчанка за флуд на 5 минут
$u->info['molch1'] = time() + 1200;
$r['js'] .= 'chat.sendMsg(["new","' . time() . '","6","","' . $u->info['login'] . '","Вы наказаны за спам на 20 минут ","Black","1","1","0"]);';
Db::sql('update users set molch1 = ? where id = ?', [$u->info['molch1'], $u->info['id']]);
Db::sql('update chat set `delete` = 1 where login = ?', [$u->info['login']]);
$_POST['msg'] = 'Я спамер ' . $u->info['login'] . ' и меня нужно заблокировать!';
$training_manager = TrainingManager::getInstance();
if (preg_match("/to\[(.*?)\]/", $_POST['msg'])) {
if (preg_match("/private\[(.*?)\]/", $_POST['msg'])) {
$cmsg = new ChatMessage();
$cmsg->setText("Я спамер {$u->info['login']} и меня нужно заблокировать " . Config::get('https') . '/info/' . $u->info['id']);
$cmsg->setText('Это супер проект! Всем успехов!');
} elseif ($lmg > 0) {
$r['js'] .= 'chat.sendMsg(["new","' . time() . '","6","","' . $u->info['login'] . '","Вы не можете отправлять так часто сообщения... ","Black","1","1","0"]);';
if ($u->info['molch1'] < time()) {
if ($u->info['molch1'] < -5) {
$u->info['molch1'] = time() + 300;
$r['js'] .= 'chat.sendMsg(["new","' . time() . '","6","","' . $u->info['login'] . '","Вы наказаны за флуд на 5 минут ","Black","1","1","0"]);';
} elseif ($u->info['molch1'] < 0) {
} else {
$u->info['molch1'] = -1;
Db::sql('update users set molch1 = ? where id = ?', [$u->info['molch1'], $u->info['id']]);
} elseif ((preg_match("/private\[(.*?)\]/", $_POST['msg'], $msg['to']) || preg_match(
"/private \[(.*?)\]/", $_POST['msg'], $msg['to']
)) && $u->info['exp'] < 150000 && !$u->isAdmin()) {
$r['js'] .= 'chat.sendMsg(["new","' . time() . '","6","","' . $u->info['login'] . '","Вы не можете отправлять приват до достижения 150000 опыта.","Black","1","1","0"]);';
} else {
//Записываем данные
$msg['spam'] = 0;
$msg['type'] = 1;
$msg['molch'] = 0;
$msg['cancel'] = 0;
$msg['delete'] = 0;
$msg['to'] = '';
$msg['da'] = 0;
//Нормируем типы сообщений
if (preg_match("/private\[(.*?)\]/", $_POST['msg'], $msg['to'])) {
$msg['to'] = $msg['to'][1];
$_POST['msg'] = str_replace('private[' . $msg['to'] . ']', 'private [' . $msg['to'] . ']', $_POST['msg']);
$msg['to'] = '';
} elseif (preg_match("/to\[(.*?)\]/", $_POST['msg'], $msg['to'])) {
$msg['to'] = $msg['to'][1];
$_POST['msg'] = str_replace('to[' . $msg['to'] . ']', 'to [' . $msg['to'] . ']', $_POST['msg']);
$msg['to'] = '';
if (preg_match("/private \[(.*?)\]/", $_POST['msg'], $msg['to'])) {
$msg['to'] = trim($msg['to']['1'], ' ');
$msg['type'] = 3;
$_POST['msg'] = str_replace('private [' . $msg['to'] . ']', ' ', $_POST['msg']);
} elseif (preg_match("/to \[(.*?)\]/", $_POST['msg'], $msg['to'])) {
$msg['to'] = trim($msg['to']['1'], ' ');
$msg['type'] = 2;
$_POST['msg'] = str_replace('to [' . $msg['to'] . ']', ' ', $_POST['msg']);
if ($u->info['admin'] == 0) { //ТУТ SPAM
if ($msg['to'] != '' && !isset($admq) && $msg['type'] == 3) {
$admq = Db::getValue('select id from users where login = ? and admin > 0', [$msg['to']]);
if (!isset($admq)) {
$msg['fspam'] = $filter->spamFiltr(str_replace('точка', '.', str_replace('ру', 'ru', $_POST['msg'])));
if ($msg['fspam'] != '0') {
$msg['spam'] = 1;
$msg['delete'] = 1;
$r['js'] .= 'chat.sendMsg(["new","' . time() . '","6","","' . $u->info['login'] . '","В нашем чате запрещается сообщать ссылки на атльтернативные проекты.
Повторные попытки могут привести к блокировке персонажа.","Black","1","1","0"]);';
if ($msg['spam'] == 1 && $u->info['molch1'] < time() && $u->info['admin'] == 0) {
$mban = $u->testAction(
'`uid` = "' . $u->info['id'] . '" AND `time` >= ' . strtotime(
'now 00:00:00'
) . ' AND `vars` = "msg_bans" LIMIT 1', 1
if (!isset($mban['id'])) {
$u->addAction(time(), 'msg_bans', '1');
$mban['vals'] = 0;
} else {
Db::sql('update actions set vals = vals + 1 where id = ?', [$mban['id']]);
$msg['delete'] = time();
if ($mban['vals'] + 1 < 2) {
$msg['fspam'] = str_replace('%', ',', $msg['fspam']);
$msg['fspam'] = '' . ltrim($msg['fspam'], '0,') . '';
$r['js'] .= 'chat.sendMsg(["new","' . time() . '","6","","' . $u->info['login'] . '","В нашем чате запрещается сообщать ссылки на атльтернативные проекты.
Запрещенные слова: ' . $msg['fspam'] . '. Предупреждения [' . ($mban['vals'] + 1) . '/1]","Black","1","1","0"]);';
} else {
$r['js'] .= 'chat.sendMsg(["new","' . time() . '","6","","' . $u->info['login'] . '","В нашем чате запрещается сообщать ссылки на атльтернативные проекты.
Вы наказаны за нарушение правил общения.","Black","1","1","0"]);';
$cmsg = new ChatMessage();
$cmsg->setText("Персонаж {$u->info['login']}[{$u->info['level']}] был наказан за нарушение правил общения.");
$molchTime = time() + 60 * 60;
Db::sql('update users set molch1 = ?, molch2 = ?, info_delete = ? where id = ?', [$molchTime, $molchTime, $molchTime, $u->info['id']]);
$rtxt = ' "' . $u->info['login'] . '" Автоинформатор: ' . $msg['text'] . ' [' . $msg['fspam'] . '].';
Delo::add(0, $u->info['login'], $u->info['id'], $rtxt);
if (!empty($pl['login'])) {
$qix = Db::getValue('select id from friends where ignor > 0 and login_ignor = ? and (user_ignor = ? or user = ?)', [$pl['login'], $u->info['login'], $u->info['id']]);
if (isset($qix)) {
if (is_array($msg['to'])) {// каким хером тут массив?
$msg['to'] = '';
$r['js'] .= 'chat.sendMsg(["new","' . time() . '","6","","' . $u->info['login'] . '","Вас добавили в игнор:
Вы не можете отправлять сообщения персонажу "' . htmlspecialchars($msg['to']) . '".","Black","1","1","0"]);';
if ($msg['type'] == 3 && $msg['to'] == 'klan') {
if ($u->info['clan'] == 0) {
$r['js'] .= 'chat.sendMsg(["new","' . time() . '","6","","' . $u->info['login'] . '","Вы не являетесь частью одного из Кланов
и не можете общаться по этому каналу.","Black","1","1","0"]);';
} else {
$msg['to'] = 'k' . $u->info['clan'];
$msg['da'] = 1;
if ($u->info['molch1'] > time()) {
if ($msg['to'] != '' && !isset($admq) && $msg['type'] === 3) {
$admq = Db::getValue('select id from users where login = ? and admin > 0', [$msg['to']]);
if (!isset($admq)) {
$msg['molch'] = 1;
if ($msg['cancel'] == 0) {
if (is_array($msg['to'])) {
$msg['to'] = '';
if ($msg['type'] == 3 && $msg['da'] > 0) {
$msg['type'] = -3;
$msw = $chat->smileText($_POST['msg'], $msg['to'], $u->info['room']);
$nosend = 0;
if ($msw) {
$_POST['msg'] = $msw;
$msg['to'] = '';
$msg['type'] = 21;
if ($msw == 'USER IS FALSE') {
$r['js'] .= 'chat.sendMsg(["new","' . time() . '","6","","' . $u->info['login'] . '","Персонажа нет в данной комнате.","Black","1","1","0"]);';
$nosend = 1;
} elseif (str_starts_with($_POST['msg'], '/e ')) {
$msg['type'] = 21;
$_POST['msg'] = ltrim($_POST['msg'], '/e ');
} elseif (str_starts_with($_POST['msg'], '/е ')) { // это кириллица!!
$msg['type'] = 21;
$_POST['msg'] = ltrim($_POST['msg'], '/е ');
} elseif (str_starts_with($_POST['msg'], ' /e ')) {
$msg['type'] = 21;
$_POST['msg'] = ltrim($_POST['msg'], ' /e ');
} elseif (str_starts_with($_POST['msg'], ' /е ')) { // это кириллица!!
$msg['type'] = 21;
$_POST['msg'] = ltrim($_POST['msg'], ' /е ');
if ($nosend == 0) {
//Именные смайлики
$_POST['msg'] = str_replace('%usersmile%-', '%usеrsmilе%-', $_POST['msg']);
$usml = explode(',', $u->info['add_smiles']);
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($usml)) {
$_POST['msg'] = str_replace(
':' . $usml[$i] . ':', ':%usersmile%-' . $usml[$i] . ':', $_POST['msg']
$cmsg = new ChatMessage();
if ($msg['type'] == 2 && mb_convert_case($msg['to'], MB_CASE_LOWER) == 'комментатор') {
$cmsg = new ChatMessage();
if (preg_match("/анекдот/i", mb_convert_case($_POST['msg'], MB_CASE_LOWER))) {
$text_com = '';
$sp_all = Db::getRow('select * from a_com_anekdot order by rand() limit 1');
if (isset($sp_all['id'])) {
$text_com = $sp_all['text'];
$text_com = str_replace("
", "
", $text_com);
$text_com = str_replace("
", "
", $text_com);
$text_com = str_ireplace("\r\n", "", $text_com);
$text_com = str_replace("", "", $text_com);
$text_com = 'Анекдот:
' . $text_com . '
} else {
$text_com = 'Анекдот из головы вылетел...';
Db::sql('insert into a_com_act (act, time, uid) values (0, unix_timestamp() + 60, ?)', [$u->info['id']]);
if ($text_com != '') {
} else {
include_once 'commentator.php';
if (!empty($comment)) {
if ($cmsg->getText()) {
Db::sql('update users set afk = default, dnd = default, timeMain = unix_timestamp() where id = ?', [$u->info['id']]);
$ar_id = 0;
$ar_lvl = 0;
$ar_all = '0';
//Получаем список онлайн
if (!empty($_GET['r1'])) {
// $_GET['r3'] передаётся из onlineList.js как переключатель "все пользователи\пользователи в комнате".
define('BOT_ROOM', 303);
$usl = [];
$cw = [];
$usid = [];
$onlineListQuery = 'select, pass, sex, dnow, timeMain, bot, atack, afk, dnd, banned, molch1,
room, city, cityreg, online, align, clan, login, level, inTurnir, battle, invis, inUser, x, y
from users left join stats on =
(room = ? and ' . (int)$_GET['r3'] . ' != 1) or
(' . (int)$_GET['r3'] . ' = 1 and pass not like ?)
) and
mail != ? and
room != ?
order by inUser desc, online desc, login desc';
$usersOnline = Db::getRows($onlineListQuery, [$u->info['room'], '%saint%', '', BOT_ROOM]);
foreach ($usersOnline as $onlineUser) {
$ysee = 1;
if ($onlineUser['inUser'] > 0) {
if ($onlineUser['inTurnir'] == 0) {
$ysee = 0;
} else {
if ($onlineUser['online'] < time() - 120) {
} else {
if ($onlineUser['inTurnir'] > 0) {
$ysee = 0;
if (!isset($usl[$onlineUser['login']])) {
$ysee = 1;
if (
(int)$_GET['r3'] != 1 &&
$u->info['dnow'] != $onlineUser['dnow']
) ||
$onlineUser['room'] >= 362 &&
$onlineUser['room'] <= 366 &&
(int)$_GET['r3'] != 1 &&
$onlineUser['x'] != $u->info['x'] ||
$onlineUser['y'] != $u->info['y'] ||
$onlineUser['room'] != $u->info['room']
) ||
) {
$ysee = 0;
if (isset($onlineUser['login'])) {
$usl[$onlineUser['login']] = $onlineUser['id'];
if (
$onlineUser['online'] > time() - 520 ||
$onlineUser['inUser'] > 0
) &&
$onlineUser['bot'] != 1 ||
$onlineUser['pass'] == '212121q'
) &&
$onlineUser['banned'] == 0 &&
$ysee == 1
) {
$usid[$onlineUser['login']] = true;
if ($onlineUser['invis'] != 1 && $onlineUser['invis'] < time()) {
if ($onlineUser['clan'] > 0) {
if ($u->info['clan'] > 0 && $onlineUser['clan'] != $u->info['clan']) {
if (!isset($cw['war'][$onlineUser['clan']][$u->info['clan']])) {
$onlineUser['cwar'] = Db::getRow('select id, type from clan_wars where clan1 in (?,?) and clan2 in (?,?) and clan1 != clan2 and time_finish > unix_timestamp()',
[$u->info['clan'], $onlineUser['clan'], $u->info['clan'], $onlineUser['clan'],]);
if (isset($onlineUser['cwar']['id'])) {
$cw['war'][$onlineUser['clan']][$u->info['clan']] = $onlineUser['cwar']['type'];
} else {
$cw['war'][$onlineUser['clan']][$u->info['clan']] = 0;
if ($cw['war'][$onlineUser['clan']][$u->info['clan']] > 0) {
$onlineUser['atack'] = $cw['war'][$onlineUser['clan']][$u->info['clan']];
if (!isset($cw[$onlineUser['clan']])) {
$onlineUser['clan'] = ClanInfo::getNameById($onlineUser['clan']);
} else {
$onlineUser['clan'] = $cw[$onlineUser['clan']];
if ($onlineUser['atack'] > time() || $onlineUser['atack'] == 1 || $onlineUser['atack'] == 2) {
if ($onlineUser['atack'] != 2) {
$onlineUser['atack'] = 1;
} else {
$onlineUser['atack'] = 0;
$trvm = Db::getValue('select name from eff_users where uid = ? and id_eff in (4,6) order by id_eff limit 1', [$onlineUser['id']]);
$r['list'] .= '"' . $r['xu'] . '":["' . $onlineUser['id'] . '","' . $onlineUser['login'] . '","' . $onlineUser['level'] . '","' . $onlineUser['align'] .
'","' . $onlineUser['clan'] . '","' . $onlineUser['cityreg'] . '","' . $onlineUser['city'] . '","' . $onlineUser['room'] .
'","' . $onlineUser['afk'] . '","' . $onlineUser['dnd'] . '","' . $onlineUser['banned'] . '","' . $onlineUser['molch1'] . '","' .
$onlineUser['battle'] . '","' . $onlineUser['atack'] . '","' . $trvm . '","' . ($onlineUser['sex'] * 0) . '"],';
$ar_id += $onlineUser['id'];
$ar_lvl += $onlineUser['level'];
$ar_all .= $onlineUser['align'] . $onlineUser['clan'] . $onlineUser['molch1'] . $onlineUser['banned'] . $onlineUser['battle'] . 1;
unset($onlineUser, $sp);
$r['list'] = rtrim($r['list'], ',');
$r['list'] = '{' . $r['list'] . '}';
//Получаем сообщения
if (isset($_GET['mid']) && !isset($_POST['mid'])) {
$_POST['mid'] = $_GET['mid'];
$i = 0;
$l = 0;
foreach ($chat->getMessages((int)$_POST['mid'], $u->info['login']) as $pl) {
if ($pl['delete'] > 0) {
$r['msg'] .= ',"m' . $i . '":["' . $pl['id'] . '","","delete","","","","","","","0","0","0","1","",""]';
$see = 1;
if ($pl['type'] == 8 && $u->isModerator()) {
$see = 0;
if (($pl['type'] > 0 && $pl['type'] < 4) || $pl['type'] == -3) {
$pl['room'] = $u->info['room'];
//fixme $pl['global'] - глобалка по всем городам. Если нет городов, то не нужна и глобалка. Теоретически.
//Проверки на доступ к просмотру
if (
(($pl['type'] == 3 || $pl['type'] == 4) && $pl['global'] == 1) ||
(($pl['type'] == 5 || $pl['type'] == 6 || $pl['type'] == 8 && $u->isModerator()) && $pl['global'] == 1) ||
($pl['type'] == 7 && $pl['room'] == $u->info['room']) ||
($pl['type'] == 6 && $pl['global'] == 1) ||
$pl['type'] == 9 ||
$pl['type'] == 10
) &&
$pl['to'] != '' && $pl['login'] != $u->info['login'] && $pl['to'] != $u->info['login']
) {
$n = 0;
$ex = explode(',', $pl['to']);
$j = 0;
while ($j < count($ex)) {
if (trim($ex[$j], ' ') == $u->info['login']) {
if ($n == 0) {
$see = 0;
unset($n, $j, $ex);
//Клановое сообщение (по всем городам)
if ($pl['type'] == -3 && ($pl['to'] == 'k' . $u->info['clan'] || $u->isAdmin())) {
$pl['type'] = 3;
if ($pl['to'] == 'k' . $u->info['clan']) {
$pl['to'] = 'klan';
$see = 1;
} elseif ($pl['type'] == -3) {
$see = 0;
//Системное сообщение только в этой комнате
if (
$pl['type'] == 6 &&
$pl['room'] > 0 &&
$pl['room'] != $u->info['room'] &&
$pl['to'] == ''
) {
$see = 0;
//Сообщение с молчанкой
if ($pl['molch'] > 0) {
$see = 0;
//Сообщение отправлено в другой комнате
if (
($pl['type'] == 1 || $pl['type'] == 2) &&
($pl['room'] != $u->info['room']) &&
($pl['global'] == 0 || $_COOKIE['chatCfg11'] == 0)
) {
$see = 0;
if ($pl['global'] == 1 && $pl['type'] != -3) {
$see = 1;
//Пещерное сообщение
if ($pl['dn'] > 0 && $u->info['dnow'] != $pl['dn']) {
$see = 0;
if ($pl['login'] != $u->info['login'] && $pl['nosee'] != 0 && $u->info['id'] != $pl['nosee'] && !$u->isModerator()) {
$see = 0;
} else {
if ($pl['nosee'] != 0 && $pl['login'] != $u->info['login']) {
$noseein = 'скрыто';
if ($u->info['id'] == $pl['nosee']) {
$noseein = 'ваш реферал';
$pl['text'] = '[' . $noseein . '] ' . $pl['text'] . '';
if ($u->isModerator()) {
$see = 1;
if ($see == 1 && $pl['login'] != '') {
$qix = Db::getValue('select id from friends where ignor > 0 and login_ignor = ? and (user_ignor = ? or user = ?)', [$pl['login'], $u->info['login'], $u->info['id']]);
if (isset($qix)) {
$see = 0;
$see = 1; //временно.
if ($see == 1) {
if ($pl['time'] < 0) {
if ($pl['to'] == '') {
$lmsch = Chat::getLastMessageId();
if ($lmsch > 0) {
Chat::setCurrentTimeAndIdById($pl['id'], $lmsch);
$pl['id'] = $lmsch;
} else {
} else {
$pl['time'] = time();
if ($pl['spam'] > 0) {
$r['msg'] .= ',"' . $i . '":{"s":"' . $pl['id'] . '"}';
} else {
$reimg = [];
if (preg_match_all(
"/\[img\[(.*?)\]\]\[1\]/", $pl['text'], $reimg
) && ($u->isAdmin() || $pl['type'] == 5 || $pl['type'] == 6 || $pl['type'] == 10 || $pl['type'] == 11)) {
$k = 0;
while ($k <= count($reimg[1])) {
$pl['text'] = str_replace(
'[img[' . $reimg[1][$k] . ']][1]',
', $pl['text']
if (preg_match_all(
"/\[img\[(.*?)\]\]/", $pl['text'], $reimg
) && ($u->info['admin'] > 0 || $pl['type'] == 5 || $pl['type'] == 6 || $pl['type'] == 10 || $pl['type'] == 11)) {
$k = 0;
while ($k <= count($reimg[1])) {
$pl['text'] = str_replace(
'[img[' . $reimg[1][$k] . ']]', '
if (preg_match_all("/item\[(.*?)\]/", $pl['text'], $reimg)) {
$k = 0;
while ($k <= count($reimg[1])) {
$pl['text'] = str_replace(
'item[' . $reimg[1][$k] . ']',
if (preg_match_all("/\.(?:mp3)$/i", $pl['text'], $reimg)) //ТУТ аудио audio
$k = 0;
while ($k <= count($reimg[1])) {
$pl['text'] = str_replace(
'item[' . $reimg[1][$k] . ']',
'Аудио запись',
if (preg_match_all("/item \[(.*?)\]/", $pl['text'], $reimg)) {
$k = 0;
while ($k <= count($reimg[1])) {
$pl['text'] = str_replace(
'item [' . $reimg[1][$k] . ']',
if ($pl['type'] != 3 && ($pl['invis'] == 1 || $pl['invis'] > time())) {
$pl['login'] = 'Невидимка';
if ($u->isAdmin()) {
$pl['login'] .= ' (' . $pl['login'] . ')';
if ($pl['invis'] > 0 && ($pl['type'] == 1 || $pl['type'] == 2)) {
$pl['color'] = 'Black';
$r['msg'] .= ',"m' . $i . '":["' . $pl['id'] . '","' . $pl['time'] . '","' . $pl['type'] . '","' . $pl['login'] . '","' .
$pl['to'] . '","' . $pl['text'] . '","' . $pl['color'] . '","' . $pl['toChat'] . '","' . $pl['typeTime'] . '","' . $pl['sound'] .
'","' . $pl['global'] . '","' . $pl['molch'] . '","' . $pl['active'] . '","' . date('H:i', $pl['time']) . '","' .
date('d.m.Y H:i', $pl['time']) . '","' . $pl['frv'] . '","' . $pl['invis'] . '"]';
if ($l < $pl['id']) {
$l = $pl['id'];
$r['msg'] = '{"ld":"' . (0 + $l) . '","id":"' . $i . '"' . $r['msg'] . '}';
//Генерируем ключ
$r['key'] = md5($u->room['name'] . '+' . $ar_id . '+' . $ar_lvl . '+' . $ar_all);
unset($ar_id, $ar_lvl);
if (empty($_COOKIE['chatCfg12'])) {
$_GET['key'] = time();
if ($r['key'] == $_GET['key']) {
//Список онлайн остается неизменным
unset($r['rn'], $r['list'], $r['key'], $r['xu']);
} elseif (!empty($_GET['r1'])) {
$r['rn'] = $u->room['name'];
$posts = Db::getValue('select count(id) from items_users where uid = ? and inOdet = 0 and inShop = 0 and lastUPD < unix_timestamp()', ['-51' . $u->info['id']]);
if ($posts > 0) {
$r['js'] .= ' $("#postdiv").show();';
} else {
$r['js'] .= ' $("#postdiv").hide();';
//Предложение на обмен
$transfer = Db::getRow('select id, uid1 from transfers where uid2 = ? and start2 = 0 and cancel1 = 0 and cancel2 = 0', [$u->info['id']]);
if (isset($transfer['id'])) {
$utf = User::getLoginById($transfer['uid1']);
if (!empty($utf) && $u->info['battle'] == 0) {
$r['js'] .= 'top.intransferNew(' . $transfer['id'] . ',"' . $utf . '");';
} else {
Db::sql('update transfers set cancel2 = unix_timestamp() where id = ?', [$transfer['id']]);
unset($c, $u, $db);
echo json_encode($r);