uid = $uid; } public function getByVals(string $vals) { return Db::getRow('select * from actions where uid = ? and vals = ?', [$this->uid, $vals]); } public function getLastByVals(string $vals) { return Db::getRow( 'select * from actions where uid = ? and vals = ? order by time desc limit 1', [$this->uid, $vals] ); } public function getLastByValsAndTime(string $vals, int $time) { return Db::getRow( 'select * from actions where uid = ? and vals = ? and time > unix_timestamp() - ? order by time desc limit 1', [$this->uid, $vals, $time] ); } public function deleteByVals(string $vals) { Db::sql('delete from actions where uid = ? and vals = ?', [$this->uid, $vals]); } public static function new(array $user, string $vals, string $vars, int $time = 0) { if (!$time) { $time = time(); } Db::sql( 'insert into actions (uid, time, city, room, vars, ip, vals, val) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', [ $user['id'], $time, $user['city'], $user['room'], $vars, UserIp::get(), $vals, '', ] ); } public static function getAll(string $filter = ''): array { return Db::getRows('select * from actions'); } }