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/* @var $u User */
use Core\Config;
use Core\Db;
use Model\EkrExchangeRates;
use User\UserIp;
if (!defined('GAME')) {
let elem = document.getElementById('se-pre-con');
function openMod(title, dat) {
const d = document.getElementById('useMagic');
if (!d) {
document.getElementById('modtitle').innerHTML = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top">' + title + '</td><td width="30" valign="top"><div align="right"><a title="Закрыть окно" onClick="closeMod(); return false;" href="#">x</a></div></td></tr></table>';
document.getElementById('moddata').innerHTML = dat; = '';
function closeMod() {
const d = document.getElementById('useMagic');
if (!d) {
document.getElementById('modtitle').innerHTML = '';
document.getElementById('moddata').innerHTML = ''; = 'none';
<script src='<?= Config::img() ?>/js/commoninf.js'></script>
.modpow {
background-color: #ddd5bf;
border: solid 1px #776f59;
position: absolute;
left: 50px;
top: 186px;
.mt {
background-color: #b1a993;
padding: 5px 10px;
.md {
padding: 10px;
<div id="useMagic" style="display:none;" class="modpow">
<div class="mt" id="modtitle"></div>
<div class="md" id="moddata"></div>
<div style="text-align: right;">
<INPUT TYPE="button" onclick="location.href='main.php?alhp=1';" class="btn" value="Обновить" title="Обновить">
<INPUT TYPE="button" onclick="location.href='main.php';" class="btn" value="Вернуться" title="Вернуться">
$exchangeToday = new EkrExchangeRates();
$ba = Db::getRow('select * from bank_alh where uid = ?', [$u->info['id']]);
if (isset($ba['id'])) {
<table style="width: 320px;">
<h4>На алхимических счетах:</h4>
<b><?= $ba['ekr'] ?></b> ЕКР
$ucur = round($exchangeToday->oneEkrInUSD() / 100 * (100 - $ba['procent']), 2);
Персональный курс: <b><?= $ucur ?></b> $ = 1 Еврокредит.
<form method="post" action="/main.php?alhp=1">
if (isset($_POST['buy_ekr'])) {
$uba = Db::getRow('select * from users where login = ? and banned = 0', [$_POST['buy_ekr']]);
$uba['uid'] = $uba['id'];
if (isset($uba['id'])) {
echo 'Покупатель: ' . User::getLogin($uba['uid']) . '<br>';
} else {
echo '<span style="color: red;">Персонаж заблокирован, либо не найден.</span><hr>';
echo '<hr>';
if (isset($uba['id'])) {
$_POST['buy4ekr'] = round($_POST['buy4ekr'], 2);
$bns = [
[0, 0, 0],
[10, 1, 0],
[50, 2, 0],
[100, 3, 0],
[200, 4, 0],
[300, 5, 0],
[400, 6, 0],
[500, 7, 0],
[600, 8, 0],
[700, 9, 0],
[800, 10, 0],
[900, 11, 0],
[1000, 13, 1],
[1100, 15, 2],
[1200, 17, 3],
[1300, 19, 4],
[1500, 21, 5],
[1700, 23, 6],
[2000, 25, 7],
[2500, 27, 8],
[3000, 30, 9],
$bns2 = [
[0, 0],
[10, 10],
[20, 10],
[30, 10],
[40, 10],
[50, 10],
[60, 10],
[70, 10],
[80, 10],
[90, 10],
[100, 20],
$ball = Db::getValue('select sum(ekr) from pay_operation where uid = ? and good > 0', [$uba['id']]);
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($bns)) {
if (isset($bns[$i][0]) && $ball > $bns[$i][0]) {
$b1 = $i;
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($bns2)) {
if (isset($bns2[$i][0]) && $_POST['buy4ekr'] >= $bns2[$i][0]) {
$b2 = $i;
//Бонус опытовый, первичный и накопительный
$out_ekr = $_POST['buy4ekr'];
$out_ekr0 = $_POST['buy4ekr'];
$out_ekr += round($out_ekr0 / 100 * $bns[$b1][1], 2);
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($bns2)) {
if (isset($bns2[$i][0]) && $out_ekr >= $bns2[$i][0]) {
$b2_2 = $i;
$out_ekr += round($out_ekr0 / 100 * $bns2[$b2_2][1], 2);
if ($ball == 0) {
$out_ekr += round($out_ekr0 / 100 * 20, 2);
if (isset($_POST['buy4ekr']) && $_POST['buy4ekr'] < 0.01) {
echo '<span style="color: red;">Минимальная сумма продажи: 0.01 екр.</span><hr>';
} elseif ($_POST['buy4ekr'] > $ba['ekr']) {
echo '<span style="color: red;">Недостаточно средств на счете</span><hr>';
if (isset($_POST['buygoodluck'])) {
echo '<script>alert("Продажа на сумму ' . $_POST['buy4ekr'] . ' екр. была совершена успешно!");location.href="main.php?alhp=1";</script>';
$ba['ekr'] -= $_POST['buy4ekr'];
$ba['USD'] += round($_POST['buy4ekr'] * $ucur, 2);
Db::sql('update bank_alh set ekr = ?, USD = ? where id = ?', [$ba['ekr'], $ba['USD'], $ba['id']]);
$u->addEkr($out_ekr, $uba['id']);
$money = round($_POST['buy4ekr'] * $exchangeToday->oneEkrInRUB(), 2);
$money = round($money / 100 * (100 - $ba['procent']), 2);
$user = Db::getRow('select id, login, city, sex, room, host_reg from users where id = ?', [$uba['uid']]);
Db::sql('insert into pay_operation (uid, ekr, time, good, var, ref, ref2) values (?,?,unix_timestamp(),unix_timestamp(),?,?,0)',
[$uba['id'], $_POST['buy4ekr'], 'buy_ekr_alh' . $u->info['id'], $uba['host_reg']]);
$r = '<span class=date>' . date(
'd.m.Y H:i'
) . '</span> <img src="' . Config::img() . '/i/align/align50.gif" alt="Алхимик"><u> Алхимик <b>' . $u->info['login'] . '</b></u> сообщает: ';
if ($user['sex'] == 1) {
$r .= 'Уважаемая';
} else {
$r .= 'Уважаемый';
$bnss = '';
if (($out_ekr - round((int)$_POST['buy4ekr'], 2)) > 0) {
$bnss = ' (+' . ($out_ekr - round((int)$_POST['buy4ekr'], 2)) . ' ЕКР бонус!)';
$r .= ' <b>' . $user['login'] . '</b>, вам зачислено ' . $_POST['buy4ekr'] . ' ЕКР' . $bnss . '. Благодарим Вас за покупку!';
$cmsg = new ChatMessage();
(new Chat())->sendMsg($cmsg);
$text_msg = 'Алхимик <b>' . $u->info['login'] . '</b> совершил продажу <b>' .
$_POST['buy4ekr'] . '</b> ЕКР. (скидка ' . $ba['procent'] . '% , задолжность ' . $ba['USD'] . '$). Покупатель: ' . User::getLogin($uba['uid']) . '.</b>.';
$balance = Db::getValue('select sum(money) from balance_money where cancel = 0');
$balance += $money;
Db::sql('insert into balance_money (time, money, ip, comment2, balance, cancel) values (unix_timestamp(),?,?,?,?,unix_timestamp())',
[$money, UserIp::get(), $text_msg, $balance]);
//Рейтинг по вкладам
$ub = [];
$ui = [];
$sp = Db::getRows('select * from pay_operation where good > 0 order by id desc');
foreach ($sp as $pl) {
if (empty($ub[$pl['uid']])) {
$ui[] = $pl['uid'];
$ub[$pl['uid']][date('d.m.Y', $pl['good'])] = $pl['ekr'];
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($ui)) {
if (!isset($ui[$i])) {
$j = 1;
$k = 0;
$nj = 0;
while ($j <= 1000) {
$dt = date('d.m.Y', time() - (86400 * $j));
if (isset($ub[$ui[$i]][$dt])) {
$nj = 0;
} elseif ($j > 0 && $nj >= 6) {
$j = 1000;
} else {
Db::sql('replace into users_paybonus (id, level) values (?,?)', [$ui[$i], $k]);
} else {
echo 'Сумма екр.:';
if (!isset($_POST['buy4ekr'])) {
echo '&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <input name="buy4ekr" style="width:50px;" value="0.00" />
<input class="btn btn-danger" value="Далее" type="submit"><br>';
} else {
echo ' <b>' . round((int)$_POST['buy4ekr'], 2) . '</b> ЕКР +
<b>' . ($out_ekr - round((int)$_POST['buy4ekr'], 2)) . '</b> ЕКР бонус.
<input name="buy4ekr" type="hidden" value="' . $_POST['buy4ekr'] . '">';
echo ' &nbsp; <br><br><input type="submit" name="buygoodluck" class="btn btn-success" value="Совершить продажу">';
if (isset($_POST['buy_ekr'])) { ?>
<input name="buy_ekr" type="hidden" value="<?= $_POST['buy_ekr'] ?>"/>
<?php } else { ?>Перести екр. персонажу:
<input name="buy_ekr" style="width:50px;" value="<?= $_POST['buy_ekr'] ?>"/>
<input class="btn btn-danger" value="Далее" type="submit"/>
<?php } ?>
echo "<br><h4><div align=left>Необходимые средства в работе алхимика</div></h4>";
$p['m1'] = 1;
$srok = [15 => '15 минут', 30 => '30 минут', 60 => 'один час', 180 => 'три часа', 360 => 'шесть часов', 720 => 'двенадцать часов', 1440 => 'одни сутки', 4320 => 'трое суток'];
if (isset($_GET['usemod']) && isset($_POST['usem1'])) {
//require_once('moder/usem1.php'); see Moderation->silence
if (isset($_POST['tologin'], $_POST['message'])) {
$cmsg = new ChatMessage();
'<span style="color: darkblue; ">Сообщение телеграфом от </span> <b>' . $u->info['login'] . '</b>: ' . $_POST['message']
(new Chat())->sendMsg($cmsg);
<a href="#"
onClick="openMod('<b>Заклятие молчания</b>','<form action=\'main.php?<?= 'alhp&usemod=' . PassGen::intCode(); ?>\' method=\'post\'>Логин персонажа: <input type=\'text\' style=\'width:144px;\' id=\'logingo\' name=\'logingo\'><br>Время заклятия: &nbsp; <select style=\'margin-left:2px;\' name=\'time\'><option value=\'1440\'>Сутки</option></select> <input type=\'submit\' name=\'usem1\' value=\'Исп-ть\'></form>');"><img
src="<?= Config::img() ?>/i/items/sleep.gif" title="Заклятие молчания"/></a>
<form method=post style="margin:5px;">
Логин персонажа <input type=text size=20 name="tologin">
сообщение <input type=text size=80 name="message">
&nbsp; <input type=submit class="btn btn-success" value="отправить">
echo '<br><h2>Список реальщиков:</h2><br>';
$sp = Db::getRows('select * from pay_operation where good > 0 group by uid');
foreach ($sp as $pl) {
$online = Db::getValue('select online from users where id = ?', [$pl['uid']]);
$lg = User::getLogin($pl['uid']);
if ($online > time() - 240) {
$lg = '<span style="color: green;">' . $lg . '</span>';
} else {
$lg .= ' (был тут ' . date('d.m.Y H:i', $online) . ')';
if ($u->info['admin'] > 0) {
$sum = Db::getValue('select sum(ekr) from pay_operation where good > 0 and uid = ?', [$pl['uid']]);
echo $lg . ' - ' . $sum . ' екр.<br>';
} else {
echo $lg . '<br>';