178 lines
6.2 KiB
178 lines
6.2 KiB
# Получаем IP
use Core\Config;
use Core\Db;
use Model\ActionModel;
use User\ItemsModel;
use User\UserIp;
const GAME = true;
if (!in_array(UserIp::get(), ['', '', '', $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']])) {
die(UserIp::get() . '<br>' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']);
function e($t)
(new Chat())->debug($t, true);
if (isset($_GET['cron_core'])) {
$id = [
'id' => $_GET['uid'],
'pass' => $_GET['pass'],
if (md5($id['id'] . '_brfCOreW@!_' . $id['pass']) == $_GET['cron_core']) {
$uzr = mysql_fetch_array(
'SELECT `id`,`login`,`pass` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' . $id['id'] . ' AND `pass` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($id['pass']) . '"'));
if (isset($uzr['id'])) {
$CRON_CORE = true;
$_COOKIE['login'] = $uzr['login'];
//$_COOKIE['pass'] = $uzr['pass'];
$_POST['id'] = 'reflesh';
if (isset($_GET['atack'])) {
$_POST['atack'] = $_GET['atack'];
if (isset($_GET['block'])) {
$_POST['block'] = $_GET['block'];
if (isset($_GET['usepriem'])) {
$_POST['usepriem'] = $_GET['usepriem'];
if (isset($_GET['useitem'])) {
$_POST['useitem'] = $_GET['useitem'];
if (!isset($uzr['id'])) {
header('location: main.php');
$magic = new Magic();
$u = User::start();
$filter = new Filter();
$q = new Quests;
$tjs = '';
#--------для общаги, и позже для почты
$sleep = ActionModel::getOne(["uid = {$u->info['id']}", 'vars = sleep'], 'id');
if ($u->room['file'] != "objaga" && $sleep > 0) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `actions` SET `vars` = "unsleep" WHERE `id` = ' . $sleep);
$trololo = $u->room['file'] == "objaga" || $u->room['file'] == "post" ? 0 : 1;
#--------для общаги, и позже для почты
if ($u->info['online'] < time() - 60) {
$filter->setOnline($u->info['online'], $u->info['id']);
Db::sql('update users set online = unix_timestamp(), timeMain = unix_timestamp() where id = ?', [$u->info['id']]);
} elseif ($u->info['timeMain'] < time() - 60) {
Db::sql('update users set online = unix_timestamp(), timeMain = unix_timestamp() where id = ?', [$u->info['id']]);
if (!isset($u->info['id']) || ($u->info['joinIP'] == 1 && $u->info['ip'] != $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']) || $u->info['banned'] > 0) {
if (isset($_GET['atak_user']) && $u->info['battle'] == 0 && $_GET['atak_user'] != $u->info['id']) {
if ($u->room['noatack'] == 0) {
$ua = Db::getValue('select clan from users where id = ?', [$_GET['atak_user']]);
$cruw = Db::getValue(
'select id from clan_wars where ((clan1 = ? and clan2 = ?) or (clan1 = ? and clan2 = ?)) and time_finish > unix_timestamp() limit 1',
$ua, $u->info['clan'], $u->info['clan'], $ua,
if (isset($cruw)) {
$cruw = 1;
$ua = Db::getRow(
'select * from stats left join users on stats.id = users.id where (atack > unix_timestamp() or atack = 1 or 1 = ?) and stats.id = ?',
[$cruw, $_GET['atak_user']]
if (isset($ua['id']) && $ua['online'] > time() - 520) {
$usta = $u->getStats($ua['id'], 0); // статы цели
$minHp = $usta['hpAll'] / 100 * 33; // минимальный запас здоровья цели при котором можно напасть
if ($ua['room'] == $u->info['room'] && ($minHp < $usta['hpNow'] || $ua['battle'] > 0)) {
$magic->atackUser($u->info['id'], $ua['id'], $ua['team'], $ua['battle'], $ua['bbexp'], 50);
$rtxt = '[img[items/pal_button8.gif]] "' . $u->info['login'] . '" совершил' . $sx . ' нападение по метке на персонажа "' . $ua['login'] . '".';
$cmsg = new ChatMessage();
(new Chat())->sendMsg($cmsg);
header('location: main.php');
} else {
$u->error = $ua['room'] != $u->info['room'] ?
'Персонаж находится в другой комнате' :
'Персонаж имеет слишком малый уровень жизней.';
} else {
//На персонажа нельзя напасть
$u->error = 'Персонаж не в игре, либо на нем нет метки';
$u->error = 'Вам запрещается атаковать без разрешения...';
if ($u->info['battle_text'] != '') {
//Показываем системку и заносим данные
if ($u->info['last_b'] > 0) {
'insert into battle_last (battle_id, uid, time, act, align, clan, exp) values (?,?,unix_timestamp(),?,?,?,?)',
Db::sql('update stats set battle_text = ?, last_b = 0 where id = ?', ['', $u->info['id']]);
$act = -2;
$act2 = 0;
$u->stats = $u->getStats($u->info['id'], 0);
$u->aves = ItemsModel::inventoryWeightAndItemQuantity();
if (!isset($u->stats['act'])) {
$u->stats['act'] = 0;
if ($u->stats['act'] == 1) {
$act = 1;
$u->rgd = $u->regen($u->info['id'], 0, 0);
//Проверка уровня
$ul = $u->testLevel();
if ($ul == 1) {
$act = 1;
if (
(isset($_GET['zayvka']) && $u->info['battle'] == 0) ||
(isset($_GET['zayvka']) && ($_GET['r'] == 6 || $_GET['r'] == 7 || !isset($_GET['r'])) && $u->info['battle'] > 0) &&
!isset($u->tfer['id'])) {