
8361 lines
408 KiB

use Insallah\Db;
class battleClass
private $db;
public function __construct(Db $db)
$this->db = $db;
/** Äîëæíî áû óåõàòü â Priems.
* @param $u1
* @param $u2
* @param $type
* @return string
public function maginfoattack($u1, $u2, $type)
1 - îãîíü,
2 - âîçäóõ,
3 - âîäà,
4 - çåìëÿ
$v_l = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['login']);
//çàùèòà öåëè
$v_z = 0 + $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['zm' . $type];
//ïîäàâëåíèå çàùèòû îò ìàãèè
$v_p = round(($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['pzm' . $type] + $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['pzm']) * 0.4);
//ìîùíîñòü ìàãà
$v_m = 0 + $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['pm' . $type];
' magelogin=' . $v_l .
' onMouseOver=top.hi(this,maginfo(' . $v_z . ',' . $v_p . ',' . $v_m . ',this),event,3,1,1,1,null); onMouseOut=top.hic(); onMouseDown=top.hic(); ';
/** Óçíà¸ì òèï ïîåäèíêà â çàâèñèìîòè îò $x
* @param $x
* @return array
private function typeBattle($x)
$r = [0, 0, 'Îáû÷íûé ïîåäèíîê', 'Êðîâàâûé Ïîåäèíîê'];
if ($x >= 50000 && $x < 100000) {
$r = [25, 50, 'Âåëèêàÿ Áèòâà', 'Êðîâàâàÿ Áèòâà'];
} elseif ($x < 500000) {
$r = [50, 75, 'Âåëè÷àéøàÿ Áèòâà', 'Êðîâàâàÿ Ðåçíÿ'];
} elseif ($x < 1000000) {
$r = [75, 100, 'Èñòîðè÷åñêàÿ Áèòâà', 'Êðîâàâàÿ Ñå÷à'];
} elseif ($x < 2500000) {
$r = [100, 125, 'Ýïîõàëüíàÿ Áèòâà', 'Êðîâàâîå Ïîáîèùå'];
} elseif ($x >= 5000000) {
$r = [150, 150, 'Ñóäíûé Äåíü', 'Ñóäíûé Äåíü'];
return $r;
public $mncolor = [
1 => '006699',
2 => '006699',
3 => '006699',
4 => '006699',
5 => '006699',
6 => '006699',
7 => '006699',
]; //íå êðèò
public $mcolor = [
1 => 'A00000',
2 => '008080',
3 => '0000FF',
4 => 'A52A2A',
5 => '006699',
6 => '006699',
7 => '006699',
]; //íå êðèò
public $mname = [
'îãîíü' => 1,
'âîçäóõ' => 2,
'âîäà' => 3,
'çåìëÿ' => 4,
'ñâåò' => 5,
'òüìà' => 6,
'ñåðàÿ' => 7,
/** Ïåðå÷åíü ïðè¸ìîâ (?)
* <br>act:
* <br>1 - êîãäà ïåðñîíàæ ïîëó÷àåò ïîâðåæäåíèå
* <br>2 - êîãäà ïåðñîíàæ íàíîñèò óäàð
* <br>type_of:
* <br>1 - óâîðîò
* <br>2 - êðèò
* <br>3 - àòàêà
* <br>4 - çàùèòà
* <br>5 - ïðî÷åå
* @var array[]
private $prm = [
1 => ['name' => 'Ïðèêðûòüñÿ', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 5],
2 => ['name' => 'Âëîìèòü', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 3],
4 => ['name' => 'Ñèëüíûé óäàð', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 3],
7 => ['name' => 'Àêòèâíàÿ çàùèòà', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 4],
290 => ['name' => 'Âûòÿãèâàíèå äóøè', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 4],
//Èçëîì õàîñà
//291 => array( 'name' => 'Ãðàöèÿ Áîÿ', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4 ),
294 => ['name' => 'Çëîâîííàÿ Âîäà', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
295 => ['name' => 'Ïðîòêíóòü', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
296 => ['name' => 'Ãíèëàÿ Êðîâü', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
297 => ['name' => 'Ñîáðàòüñÿ', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 3],
298 => ['name' => 'Ïðèêàç Ñëàáîñòè', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 3],
141 => ['name' => 'Ïðèçðà÷íàÿ çàùèòà', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4],
147 => ['name' => 'Ïðèçðà÷íûé êèíæàë', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4],
148 => ['name' => 'Ïðèçðà÷íûé òîïîð', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4],
149 => ['name' => 'Ïðèçðà÷íûé óäàð', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4],
150 => ['name' => 'Ïðèçðà÷íîå ëåçâèå', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4],
142 => ['name' => 'Ïðèçðà÷íûé îãîíü', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4],
144 => ['name' => 'Ïðèçðà÷íûé âîçäóõ', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4],
146 => ['name' => 'Ïðèçðà÷íàÿ çåìëÿ', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4],
145 => ['name' => 'Ïðèçðà÷íàÿ âîäà', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4],
8 => ['name' => 'Òàíåö âåòðà', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 1],
9 => ['name' => 'Äèêàÿ óäà÷à', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 3],
10 => ['name' => 'Ïðåäâèäåíèå', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 1],
11 => ['name' => 'Óäà÷íûé óäàð', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 3],
45 => ['name' => 'Ïîëíàÿ çàùèòà', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 4],
47 => ['name' => 'Ñëåïàÿ óäà÷à', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 2],
48 => ['name' => 'Òàíåö ëåçâèé', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 1],
49 => ['name' => 'Âòîðîå äûõàíèå', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 1],
138 => ['name' => 'Ñîêðóøàþùèé óäàð', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 3],
140 => ['name' => 'Àáñîëþòíàÿ çàùèòà', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 4],
193 => ['name' => 'Óñèëåííûå óäàðû', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 3],
204 => ['name' => 'Îáðå÷¸ííîñòü', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 3],
211 => ['name' => 'Àãðåññèâíàÿ çàùèòà', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 4],
213 => ['name' => 'Êîâàðíûé Óõîä', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 4],
215 => ['name' => 'Ñêðûòàÿ ëîâêîñòü', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 1],
216 => ['name' => 'Ñêðûòàÿ ñèëà', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 2],
217 => ['name' => 'Ðàçãàäàòü òàêòèêó', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 3],
219 => ['name' => 'Òî÷íûé óäàð', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 3],
220 => ['name' => 'Ñòàâêà íà îïåðåæåíèå', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 3],
222 => ['name' => 'Ïîñëåäíèé óäàð', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 3],
225 => ['name' => 'Ìàãè÷åñêàÿ çàùèòà', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 4],
226 => ['name' => 'Âîçìåçäèå', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 4],
231 => ['name' => 'Ãëóõàÿ çàùèòà', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 3],
234 => ['name' => 'Îñòîðîæíîñòü', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4],
235 => ['name' => 'Øîêèðóþùèé óäàð', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 3],
342 => ['name' => 'Êðóãîâàÿ Çàùèòà', 'act' => 0, 'type_of' => 0],
343 => ['name' => 'Íàòèñê', 'act' => 0, 'type_of' => 0],
237 => ['name' => 'Ðàçâåäêà áîåì', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 3 /*, 'moment' => 3*/],
239 => ['name' => 'Ïîñòóïü ñìåðòè', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 3],
240 => ['name' => 'Õëåáíóòü êðîâè', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 5],
21 => ['name' => 'Îëåäåíåíèå [4]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
73 => ['name' => 'Îëåäåíåíèå [5]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
74 => ['name' => 'Îëåäåíåíèå [6]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
75 => ['name' => 'Îëåäåíåíèå [7]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
76 => ['name' => 'Îëåäåíåíèå [8]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
77 => ['name' => 'Îëåäåíåíèå [9]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
78 => ['name' => 'Îëåäåíåíèå [10]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
79 => ['name' => 'Îëåäåíåíèå [11]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
22 => ['name' => 'Îòðàâëåíèå [6]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
80 => ['name' => 'Îòðàâëåíèå [7]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
81 => ['name' => 'Îòðàâëåíèå [8]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
82 => ['name' => 'Îòðàâëåíèå [9]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
83 => ['name' => 'Îòðàâëåíèå [10]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
84 => ['name' => 'Îòðàâëåíèå [11]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
36 => ['name' => 'Ðåãåíåðàöèÿ [5]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
85 => ['name' => 'Ðåãåíåðàöèÿ [6]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
86 => ['name' => 'Ðåãåíåðàöèÿ [7]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
87 => ['name' => 'Ðåãåíåðàöèÿ [8]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
88 => ['name' => 'Ðåãåíåðàöèÿ [9]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
89 => ['name' => 'Ðåãåíåðàöèÿ [10]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
90 => ['name' => 'Ðåãåíåðàöèÿ [11]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
//ßäîâèòîå îáëàêî
23 => ['name' => 'ßäîâèòîå Îáëàêî [8]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
70 => ['name' => 'ßäîâèòîå Îáëàêî [9]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
71 => ['name' => 'ßäîâèòîå Îáëàêî [10]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
72 => ['name' => 'ßäîâèòîå Îáëàêî [11]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
269 => ['name' => 'Èíåé [8]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 9],
276 => ['name' => 'Èíåé [9]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 9],
277 => ['name' => 'Èíåé [10]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 9],
270 => ['name' => 'Äóõè Ëüäà', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 5, 'type_sec' => 5],
280 => ['name' => 'Õâàòêà Ëüäà', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
281 => ['name' => 'Æåðòâà Âîäå', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 5],
282 => ['name' => 'Ëåäÿíîå Ñïàñåíèå', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 5],
24 => ['name' => 'Ìåäèòàöèÿ', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 3],
//Ìàãè÷åñêèé áàðüåð
210 => ['name' => 'Ìàãè÷åñêèé Áàðüåð [4]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 8],
209 => ['name' => 'Ìàãè÷åñêèé Áàðüåð [7]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 8],
208 => ['name' => 'Ìàãè÷åñêèé Áàðüåð [8]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 8],
207 => ['name' => 'Ìàãè÷åñêèé Áàðüåð [9]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 8],
206 => ['name' => 'Ìàãè÷åñêèé Áàðüåð [10]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 8],
284 => ['name' => 'Ìàãè÷åñêèé Áàðüåð [11]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 8],
//Ñèëîâîå ïîëå
175 => ['name' => 'Ìàãè÷åñêèé Áàðüåð [7]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 8],
176 => ['name' => 'Ìàãè÷åñêèé Áàðüåð [8]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 8],
177 => ['name' => 'Ìàãè÷åñêèé Áàðüåð [9]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 8],
178 => ['name' => 'Ìàãè÷åñêèé Áàðüåð [10]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 8],
179 => ['name' => 'Ìàãè÷åñêèé Áàðüåð [11]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 8],
42 => ['name' => 'Ìåòåîðèò [6]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
121 => ['name' => 'Ìåòåîðèò [7]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
122 => ['name' => 'Ìåòåîðèò [8]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
123 => ['name' => 'Ìåòåîðèò [9]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
124 => ['name' => 'Ìåòåîðèò [10]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
125 => ['name' => 'Ìåòåîðèò [11]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
249 => ['name' => 'Êàìåííûé Ùèò', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4],
248 => ['name' => 'Ïåñ÷àíûé Ùèò', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4],
251 => ['name' => 'Çàçåìëåíèå: Ïëþñ', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
252 => ['name' => 'Çàçåìëåíèå: Ìèíóñ', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
//Òóìàííûé îáðàç
273 => ['name' => 'Òóìàííûé Îáðàç [10]', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 4],
286 => ['name' => 'Òóìàííûé Îáðàç [9]', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 4],
287 => ['name' => 'Òóìàííûé Îáðàç [8]', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 4],
288 => ['name' => 'Òóìàííûé Îáðàç [7]', 'act' => 1, 'type_of' => 4],
255 => ['name' => 'Âîçäóøíûé Ùèò', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 8],
////Ïåùåðíûå ïðèåìû
337 => ['name' => 'Âûïèòü Äóøó', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 5],
//Ïîæèðàþùåå Ïëàìÿ
33 => ['name' => 'Ïîæèðàþùåå Ïëàìÿ [6]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
56 => ['name' => 'Ïîæèðàþùåå Ïëàìÿ [7]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
57 => ['name' => 'Ïîæèðàþùåå Ïëàìÿ [8]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
58 => ['name' => 'Ïîæèðàþùåå Ïëàìÿ [9]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
59 => ['name' => 'Ïîæèðàþùåå Ïëàìÿ [10]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
60 => ['name' => 'Ïîæèðàþùåå Ïëàìÿ [11]', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
//Îãíåííûé Ùèò
245 => ['name' => 'Îãíåííûé Ùèò', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 9],
327 => ['name' => 'Æèâàÿ Âîäà', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 3],
328 => ['name' => 'Ñóøåíûé Ìóõîìîð', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
329 => ['name' => 'Ìåøî÷åê Ïûëè', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
330 => ['name' => 'Îòâàð êîãòåé ÏÃ', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
331 => ['name' => 'Îòâàð Âàñèëèñêà', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
332 => ['name' => 'Òî÷èëüíûé Êàìåíü', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
333 => ['name' => 'Âîëøåáíûé Ýëèêñèð', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 3],
334 => ['name' => 'Öåïü Çàùèòíèêà', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
335 => ['name' => 'Ýëèêñèð Áåçóìíîãî Êðèòîâèêà', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3,],
//1 ñåíòÿáðÿ, êâåñò
299 => ['name' => 'ßäîâèòûå ÿçâû', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
300 => ['name' => 'Ýëåìåíòàðíûé çàðÿä', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
301 => ['name' => 'Òåìíîå ðàíåíèå', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
302 => ['name' => 'Ïîäëå÷èòüñÿ', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
303 => ['name' => 'Øêóðà ïîãëîùåíèÿ', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 4],
304 => ['name' => 'Îñîáåííîå ïðîêëÿòüå!', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
305 => ['name' => 'Êðîâîæàäíîñòü', 'act' => 2, 'type_of' => 0, 'moment' => 0, 'moment_end' => 3],
/** Ñîõðàíÿåì ëîã â àðõèâ
* @return void
private function saveLogs()
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_logs_save` SELECT `id`,`time`,`battle`,`id_hod`,`text`,`vars`,`zona1`,`zonb1`,`zona2`,`zonb2`,`type` FROM `battle_logs` WHERE `battle` = ' . $this->info['id'] . ' AND `id_hod` <= ' . $this->hodID);
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `battle_logs` WHERE `battle` = ' . $this->info['id'] . 'all');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `battle_stat` WHERE `battle` < ' . ($this->info['id'] - 100));
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `battle_actions` WHERE `btl` = ' . $this->info['id']);
/** Êàíäèäàò íà ïåðåíîñ â Priems
* @param $uid
* @param $hp
* @param $false_t7
* @return false|float
public function hphe($uid, $hp, $false_t7 = false)
if (!isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]])) {
} else {
$hpnow = floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['hpNow']);
$hpall = $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['hpAll'];
if ($hp > 0) {
if ($hpnow + $hp > $hpall) {
$hpli = $hpnow + $hp - $hpall;
$hp -= $hpli;
if (isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['min_heal_proc']) && $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['min_heal_proc'] < -99) {
$hp = 0;
} else {
$hp = $hp / 100 * (100 + $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['min_heal_proc']);
//Îòíèìàåì òàêòèêó
if (!$false_t7) {
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic7'] <= 0) {
$hp = 0;
$this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic7'] = 0;
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic7'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic7'];
} else {
$gdhh = round($hp / $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['hpAll'] * 10, 2);
if ($gdhh == 0) {
$gdhh = 0.01;
$gdhd = round($this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic7'] / $gdhh * 100);
$this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic7'] = round(($this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic7'] - $gdhh),
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic7'] < 0) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic7'] = 0;
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic7'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic7'];
if ($gdhd < 100) {
$hp = floor($hp / 100 * $gdhd);
} elseif ($hp < 0) {
if ($hpnow + $hp < 0) {
$hpli = $hpnow + $hp;
$hp += -($hpli);
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['hpNow'] < 1) {
$hp = 0;
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['last_hp'] = -$hp;
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET
`last_hp` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['last_hp'] . ',
`tactic7` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic7'] . '
WHERE `id` = ' . $uid);
return floor($hp);
public function deleffm($pid, $uid, $id)
if ($id > 0) {
if (!mysql_query('DELETE FROM `eff_users` WHERE `id` = ' . $id . ' AND `v1` = "priem" AND `v2` != 0')) {
echo '[*Îøèáêà óäàëåíèÿ ïðèåì[' . $id . ',' . $pid . ',' . $uid . ']]';
} else {
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `eff_users` WHERE `uid` = ' . $uid . ' AND `v1` = "priem" AND `v2` = ' . $pid);
/** âîçìîæíîñòü èñïîëüçîâàòü óäàð
* @var int
private $na = 1;
/** % îïûòà â áîþ
* @var int
private $expCoef = 0;
/** Äîáàâî÷íûé îïûò â áîÿõ
* @var int
private $aBexp = 0;
/** Ñïèñîê uid êòî íàíåñ óäàð è ïî êîìó
* $ga[ {id êîãî óäàðèëè} ][ {id êòî óäàðèë} ]
* @var array
private $ag = [];
/** ID áîòîâ
* @var array
private $bots = [];
/** i áîòà ???
* @var array
private $iBots = [];
private $stnZbVs = 0;
private $stnZb = [];
/** Åñëè èãðîê íàíåñ óäàð (?) [êîíñòàíòà?]
* @var array
private $uAtc = [
'id' => 0,
'a' => [1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0],
'b' => 0,
/** ×åì ëóïèëè
* @var string[][]
private $lg_itm = [
0 => ['ãðóäüþ', 'ðåáðîì ðóêè', 'ëáîì', 'êóëàêîì', 'íîãîé', 'ëåâîé íîãîé', 'ïðàâîé íîãîé', 'êîëåíîì'],
1 => ['íîæîì', 'òûëüíîé ñòîðîíîé ëåçâèÿ íîæà', 'ðóêîÿòüþ íîæà', 'ëåçâèåì íîæà'],
2 => ['ñó÷êîâàòîé ïàëêîé', 'ïîëåíîì', 'òÿæåëîé äóáèíîé', 'äóáèíîé', 'ðóêîÿòüþ ìîëîòà'],
3 => ['ñåêèðîé', 'òîïîðîì', 'ëåçâèåì ñåêèðû', 'àëåáàðäîé', 'òÿæåëûì äåðæàêîì', 'äëèííîé ñåêèðîé'],
4 => ['íîæíàìè', 'ãàðäîé', 'ìå÷îì', 'ëåçâèåì ìå÷à', 'ðóêîÿòüþ ìå÷à', 'òóïûì ëåçâèåì', 'îñòðîé ñòîðîíîé ìå÷à', 'îãðîìíûì ìå÷îì',],
5 => ['ñó÷êîâàòîé ïàëêîé', 'ïîñîõîì', 'òÿæåëîé òðîñòüþ', 'êîðÿâûì ïîñîõîì', 'îñíîâàíèåì ïîñîõà'],
22 => ['êîñòûëåì'],
/** Êóäà ëóïèëè
* @var string[][]
private $lg_zon = [
1 => ['â íîñ', 'â ãëàç', 'â ÷åëþñòü', 'ïî ïåðåíîñèöå', 'â êàäûê', 'ïî çàòûëêó', 'â ïðàâûé ãëàç', 'â ëåâûé ãëàç', 'â ñêóëó',],
2 => ['â ãðóäü', 'â êîðïóñ', 'â ñîëíå÷íîå ñïëåòåíèå', 'â ñåðäöå', 'â îáëàñòü ëîïàòîê'],
3 => ['â áîê', 'ïî æåëóäêó', 'ïî ëåâîé ðóêå', 'ïî ïðàâîé ðóêå'],
4 => ['ïî <âûðåçàíî öåíçóðîé>', 'â ïàõ', 'â ïðîìåæíîñòü', 'ïî ëåâîé ÿãîäèöå', 'ïî ïðàâîé ÿãîäèöå'],
5 => ['ïî íîãàì', 'â îáëàñòü ïðàâîé ïÿòêè', 'â îáëàñòü ëåâîé ïÿòêè', 'ïî êîëåííîé ÷àøå÷êå', 'ïî èêðàì'],
/** Îøèáêà (òåêñò)
* @var
public $e;
/**Êýøèðîâàíèå äàííûõ
* @var bool
public $cached = false;
/** Îòîáðàæàåì ãëàâíîå îêíî:
* <br>1 - ìîæíî áèòü,
* <br>2 - îæèäàåì õîä ïðîòèâíèêà,
* <br>3 - Ïðîèãðàëè. Îæèäàåì çàâåðøåíèÿ ïîåäèíêà
* @var int
public $mainStatus = 1;
/** Èíôîðìàöèÿ î ïîåäèíêå
* @var array
public $info = [];
/** Èíôîðìàöèÿ î ïîëüçîâàòåëÿõ â ýòîì áîþ
* @var array
public $users = [];
/** Èíôîðìàöèÿ î ñòàòàõ ïîëüçîâàòåëåé â ýòîì áîþ
* @var array
public $stats = [];
/** Ñïèñîê ïîëüçîâàòåëåé è èõ id â stats èëè users.
* <br> Ïðèìåð id ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ = 555 , òî $uids[555] âûäàñò åãî ïîðÿäêîâûé íîìåð â ìàññèâå users \ stats
* @var array
public $uids = [];
/** Ñïèñîê óäàðîâ â ýòîì áîþ (äåéñòâóþùèõ)
* @var array
public $atacks = [];
/** Ñïèñîê uid êòî íàíåñ óäàð è ïî êîìó
* <br>$ga[ {id êòî óäàðèë} ][ {id êîãî óäàðèë} ]
* @var array
public $ga = [];
public $hodID = 0;
public $is = [];
public $items = [];
private $uclearc = [];
private $ucleari = [];
private $user = [];
* @param $uid
* @return void
private function clear_cache($uid)
if ($uid > 0 && !isset($this->uclearc[$uid])) {
$this->uclearc[$uid] = true;
$this->ucleari[] = $uid;
* @return void
public function clear_cache_start()
$q = 'delete from battle_cache where uid in (' . implode(', ', $this->ucleari) . ')';
/** Ïðîâåðêà óðîí ïðèåìîâ íàä çàùèòíûìè. Ïåðåíåñòè â Priems.
* <br> Ëîãèêà ðàáîòû óñêîëüçàåò îò ïîíèìàíèÿ.
* @param $pid
* @param $u1
* @param $u2
* @param $hp
* @return mixed
public function testYronPriemAttack($pid, $u1, $u2, $hp)
//Èãðîê 1 áüåò ïî Èãðîêó 2 ïðè ïîìîùè ïðèåìà ¹ pid íà hp åä. çäîðîâüÿ
/* Ïîëíàÿ çàùèòà */
//Ïîëó÷àåì ïðèåìû è ñìîòðèì êîãäà êàêîé äåéñòâóåò
foreach ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['effects'] as $effect) {
if (
isset($effect) &&
$effect['id_eff'] == 22 &&
$effect['v1'] == 'priem' &&
in_array($effect['v2'], [45, 140, 211])
) {
//Ïðèåìû îò êîòîðûõ óðîí = 1 , òî åñòü âûäàåì 0
$hp['y'] = -1;
$hp['r'] = 1;
$hp['k'] = 2;
$hp['m_y'] = 1;
$hp['m_k'] = 2;
return $hp;
/** Ðàñ÷åò îïûòà
* @param $y
* @param $s1
* @param $s2
* @param $id1
* @param $id2
* @return float|int
private function testExp($y, $s1, $s2, $id1, $id2)
global $c;
//ÒÓÒ òàáëèöà óìíîæåíèÿ îûòà
$oplevel = [ // Ìàêñèìóì äëÿ êàæäîãî óðîâíÿ.
0 => 1,
1 => 1,
2 => 1,
3 => 1,
4 => 2,
5 => 2,
6 => 2,
7 => 2,
8 => 3,
9 => 4,
10 => 5,
11 => 6,
12 => 7,
13 => 50,
14 => 75,
if ($y < 0) {
$y = 0;
if ($s2['hpNow'] < 0) {
$y = 0;
if ($s2['hpNow'] < $y) {
$y = $s2['hpNow'];
if ($y < 0) {
$y = 0;
$addExp = (int)($y * $oplevel[$this->users[$this->uids[$s2['id']]]['level']]);
if ($s2['hpAll'] - $y <= 0) {
$addExp = 100;
if ($addExp < 0) {
$addExp = 0;
if ($s2['levels'] != 'undefined' && $this->users[$this->uids[$s2['id']]]['pass'] != 'saintlucia') {
if ($this->info['razdel'] != 5 && $c['exp_limit_many']) {
$texp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`a`.`id`) FROM `battle_users` AS `a` WHERE `a`.`uid` = ' . $id1 . ' AND `a`.`battle` IN ( SELECT `b`.`battle` FROM `battle_users` AS `b` WHERE `b`.`uid` = ' . $id2 . ' AND `b`.`team` != `a`.`team` AND `b`.`time` > ' . (time() - 86400) . ' ) LIMIT 1'));
$texp = $texp[0];
if ($texp > 5) {
$addExp = $addExp * 0.00;
} elseif ($texp > 4) {
$addExp = $addExp * 0.50;
} elseif ($texp > 3) {
$addExp = $addExp * 0.75;
} elseif ($texp > 2) {
$addExp = $addExp * 1.00;
} elseif ($texp > 1) {
$addExp = $addExp * 1.00;
} else {
$addExp = $addExp * 1.00;
} else {
$addExp = 0;
return $addExp;
/** Äîáàâëÿåì îïûò \ íàíåñåííûé óðîí
* @param $id
* @param $y
* @param $id1
* @param $id2
* @param $mgregen
* @return void
public function takeExp($id, $y, $id1, $id2, $mgregen = false)
global $u;
if (isset($this->users[$this->uids[$id]])) {
$s1 = $this->stats[$this->uids[$id1]];
$s2 = $this->stats[$this->uids[$id2]];
if ($id1 != $id2) {
$e = $this->testExp($y, $s1, $s2, $id1, $id2);
} else {
$e = 0;
if (
(int)$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['bot_id'] == 0 &&
$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['dnow'] != 0 &&
$this->info['dungeon'] != 1
) {
$dun_limitForLevel = [ // Ìàêñèìóì äëÿ êàæäîãî óðîâíÿ.
4 => 750,
5 => 1500,
6 => 3500,
7 => 8000,
8 => 25000,
9 => 50000,
10 => 75000,
11 => 125000,
12 => 250000,
13 => 500000,
14 => 750000,
$dun_expFactor = [ // Ìàêñèìóì äëÿ êàæäîãî óðîâíÿ.
4 => 5,
5 => 5,
6 => 5,
7 => 5,
8 => 5,
9 => 3,
10 => 1,
11 => 1,
12 => 1,
13 => 1,
14 => 1,
if (isset($dun_expFactor[(int)$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['level']])) {
$e = $e * $dun_expFactor[(int)$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['level']];
if ($this->info['dungeon'] > 1 && $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['battle'] > 0) { // ïåùåðíûé ëèìèò
$dun_exp = []; // Òåêóùèé ëèìèò îïûòà èãðîêà â ïîäçåìåëüÿõ.
$rep = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `dungeonexp`,`id` FROM `rep` WHERE `id` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['id']));
$rep = explode(',', $rep['dungeonexp']);
foreach ($rep as $key => $val) {
$val = explode('=', $val);
if (isset($val[0]) && isset($val[1]) && $val[0] != '' && $val[1] != 0) {
$dun_exp[(int)$val[0]] = (int)$val[1];
} // òåêóùèé ëèìèò îïûòà â ïîäçåìêå
if (!isset($dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']])) {
$dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']] = 0;
if (!isset($dun_limitForLevel[(int)$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['level']])) { // Åñëè ëèìèò íå çàäàí, îïûò íå äàåì.
$e = 0;
} elseif (
isset($dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']]) &&
$dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']] >= $dun_limitForLevel[(int)$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['level']]
) { // Åñëè ëèìèò óæå äîñòèãíóò, îïûò íå äàåì.
$e = 0;
} elseif (
isset($dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']]) &&
$dun_limitForLevel[(int)$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['level']] > $dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']]
) { // Åñëè òåêóùàÿ ðåïóòàöèÿ íå äîñòèãëà ëèìèòà.
if (($dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']] + $e) > $dun_limitForLevel[(int)$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['level']]) {
// Åñëè îïûòà íàáðàíî äîñòàòî÷íî, äëÿ äîñòèæåíèÿ ëèìèòà.
$e = abs($e - abs($dun_limitForLevel[(int)$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['level']] - ($e + $dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']])));
$dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']] += $e;
} elseif ($dun_limitForLevel[(int)$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['level']] > ($dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']] + $e)) {
// Åñëè îïûòà íåäîñòàòî÷íî, äëÿ äîñòèæåíèÿ ëèìèòà.
$dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']] += $e;
} else {
$e = 0;
} else { // Â ëþáîé íåïîíÿòíîé ñèòóöàèè.
$e = 0;
} else // Îïûò â ïåùåðàõ.
if ($this->info['dungeon'] == 102) {
$e = floor($e * 0.002);
$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['battle_exp'] += floor($e);
if (!$mgregen) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['battle_yron'] += floor($y);
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$id1]]['notactic'] != 1) {
if ($s2['hpAll'] <= 1000) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$id2]]['this_animal'] == 0) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['tactic6'] += round(0.1 * (floor($y) / $s2['hpAll'] * 100),
} else {
$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['tactic6'] += round(0.1 * (floor($y) / $s2['hpAll'] * 100),
10) / 3;
} else {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$id2]]['this_animal'] == 0) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['tactic6'] += round(0.1 * (floor($y) / 1000 * 100), 10);
} else {
$this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['tactic6'] += round(0.1 * (floor($y) / 1000 * 100), 10) / 3;
$upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `last_hp` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['last_hp'] . ',`tactic6` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['tactic6'] . ',`battle_yron` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['battle_yron'] . ',`battle_exp` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['battle_exp'] . ' WHERE `id` = ' . (int)$id1);
if (!$upd) {
echo '[íå óäà÷à ïðè èñïîëüçîâàíèè ïðèåìà]';
} else {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$id1]]['battle_exp'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['battle_exp'];
$this->stats[$this->uids[$id1]]['tactic6'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['tactic6'];
if ($id1 == $u->info['id']) {
$u->info['tactic6'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['tactic6'];
$u->stats['tactic6'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['tactic6'];
$u->info['battle_exp'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['battle_exp'];
$u->info['battle_yron'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['battle_yron'];
$u->info['notactic'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['notactic'];
$u->stats['notactic'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$id1]]['notactic'];
unset($s1, $s2);
/** Äîáàâëÿåì íàíåñåííûé óðîí.
* @param $uid
* @param $y
* @return void
* @todo Ïåðåíåñòè â êëàññ Priems.
public function takeYronNow($uid, $y)
global $u;
$this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['battle_yron'] += floor($y);
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['battle_yron'] += floor($y);
if ($uid == $u->info['id']) {
$u->info['battle_yron'] += floor($y);
$u->stats['battle_yron'] += floor($y);
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `battle_yron` = `battle_yron` + ' . mysql_real_escape_string(floor($y)) . ' WHERE `id` = ' . (int)$uid);
/** JS èíôîðìàöèÿ î èãðîêå. Äåéñòâèòåëüíî, ÷òî åù¸ õðàíèòü â _battles..
* @param $id
* @param $t
* @return false|string
public function myInfo($id, $t)
global $u;
if (isset($this->users[$this->uids[$id]]) || $u->info['id'] == $id) {
if ($u->info['id'] == $id || ($u->info['enemy'] == $id && $id > 0)) {
//Âñåãäà îáíîâëÿåì
$this->users[$this->uids[$id]] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT
FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`id` = "' . $id . '" LIMIT 1'));
$this->stats[$this->uids[$id]] = $u->getStats($this->users[$this->uids[$id]], 0, 0, false, false, true);
$ur = $this->users[$this->uids[$id]];
$st = $this->stats[$this->uids[$id]];
$itm = $this->stats[$this->uids[$id]]['items'];
$eff = $this->stats[$this->uids[$id]]['effects'];
$ef = '';
$i = 0;
if ($u->info['seff'] < 1) {
$ef .= '<div class=\"pimg\" pog=\"0\" col=\"0\" stl=\"0\" stt=\"Ñâåðíóòü\"><img src=\"\"/ onclick=\"top.useMagicBattle(\'Ñâåðíóòü\',7777,\'effs_show.gif\',1,2);\" onmouseover=\"top.hi(this,\'<strong>Ñâåðíóòü</strong>\',event,3,1,1,1,\'\');\" onmouseout=\"top.hic();\" onmousedown=\"top.hic();\"></div>';
while ($i != -1) {
$nseef = 0;
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$ur['id']]]['id'] != $u->info['id'] && $ur['id'] != 0) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$ur['id']]]['seeAllEff'] != 1) {
$nseef = 1;
if ($eff[$i]['v1'] == 'priem') {
$eff[$i]['priem'] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `priems` WHERE `id` = "' . $eff[$i]['v2'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($eff[$i]['priem']['id']) && $eff[$i]['priem']['neg'] == 1) {
$nseef = 0;
if (isset($eff[$i]) && $eff[$i] != 'delete') {
if ($nseef == 0) {
$ei = '<strong><u>' . $eff[$i]['name'] . '</u></strong>';
if ($eff[$i]['x'] > 1) {
$ei .= ' x' . $eff[$i]['x'] . ' ';
if ($eff[$i]['type1'] > 0 && $eff[$i]['type1'] < 7) {
$ei .= ' (Ýëèêñèð)';
} elseif (($eff[$i]['type1'] > 6 && $eff[$i]['type1'] < 11) || $eff[$i]['type1'] == 16) {
$ei .= ' (Çàêëÿòèå)';
} elseif ($eff[$i]['type1'] == 14) {
$ei .= ' (Ïðèåì)';
} elseif ($eff[$i]['type1'] == 15) {
$ei .= ' (Èçó÷åíèå)';
} elseif ($eff[$i]['type1'] == 17) {
$ei .= ' (Ïðîêëÿòèå)';
} elseif ($eff[$i]['type1'] == 18 || $eff[$i]['type1'] == 19) {
$ei .= ' (Òðàâìà)';
} elseif ($eff[$i]['type1'] == 20) {
$ei .= ' (Ïðèñòðàñòèå)';
} elseif ($eff[$i]['type1'] == 22) {
$ei .= ' (Îæèäàíèå)';
} else {
$ei .= ' (Ýôôåêò)';
$ei .= '<br>';
$out = '';
$time_still = ($eff[$i]['timeUse'] + ($eff[$i]['timeAce'] - $eff[$i]['timeUse']) + $eff[$i]['actionTime']);
if ($eff[$i]['timeAce'] == 0) {
$time_still += $eff[$i]['timeUse'];
$time_still -= time();
if ($eff[$i]['bp'] == 0 && $eff[$i]['timeUse'] != 77) {
if ($eff[$i]['type1'] != 13) {
$ei .= 'Îñòàëîñü: ' . $u->timeOut($time_still);
} else {
if ($eff[$i]['timeUse'] != 77 && $eff[$i]['hod'] < 1) {
$ei .= 'Îñòàëîñü: ' . $u->timeOut($time_still);
} elseif ($eff[$i]['hod'] >= 0) {
$ei .= 'Çàðÿäîâ: ' . $eff[$i]['hod'];
if ($eff[$i]['user_use'] != '') {
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$eff[$i]['user_use']]]['login2'] != '') {
$ei .= '<br>Àâòîð: <strong>' . $this->users[$this->uids[$eff[$i]['user_use']]]['login2'] . '</strong>';
} elseif ($this->users[$this->uids[$eff[$i]['user_use']]]['login'] != '') {
$ei .= '<br>Àâòîð: <strong>' . $this->users[$this->uids[$eff[$i]['user_use']]]['login'] . '</strong>';
//Äåéñòâèå ýôôåêòà
$tr = '';
$ti = $u->items['add'];
$x = 0;
$ed = $this->lookStats($eff[$i]['data']);
while ($x < count($ti)) {
$n = $ti[$x];
if (isset($ed['add_' . $n], $u->is[$n]) && $n != 'pog') {
$z = '';
if ($ed['add_' . $n] > 0) {
$z = '+';
$tr .= '<br>' . $u->is[$n] . ': ' . $z . $ed['add_' . $n];
if ($ed['add_mib1'] != 0) {
if ($ed['add_mab1'] != 0) {
$tr .= '<br>Áðîíÿ ãîëîâû: ' . $ed['add_mib1'] . '-' . $ed['add_mab1'];
} else {
$m1l = $ed['add_mib1'];
if ($m1l > 0) {
$m1l = '+' . $m1l;
$tr .= '<br>Áðîíÿ ãîëîâû: ' . $m1l;
if ($ed['add_mib2'] != 0) {
if ($ed['add_mab2'] != 0) {
$tr .= '<br>Áðîíÿ êîðïóñà: ' . $ed['add_mib2'] . '-' . $ed['add_mab2'];
} else {
$m1l = $ed['add_mib2'];
if ($m1l > 0) {
$m1l = '+' . $m1l;
$tr .= '<br>Áðîíÿ êîðïóñà: ' . $m1l;
if ($ed['add_mib3'] != 0) {
if ($ed['add_mab3'] != 0) {
$tr .= '<br>Áðîíÿ ïîÿñà: ' . $ed['add_mib3'] . '-' . $ed['add_mab3'];
} else {
$m1l = $ed['add_mib3'];
if ($m1l > 0) {
$m1l = '+' . $m1l;
$tr .= '<br>Áðîíÿ ïîÿñà: ' . $m1l;
if ($ed['add_mib4'] != 0) {
if ($ed['add_mab4'] != 0) {
$tr .= '<br>Áðîíÿ íîã: ' . $ed['add_mib4'] . '-' . $ed['add_mab4'];
} else {
$m1l = $ed['add_mib4'];
if ($m1l > 0) {
$m1l = '+' . $m1l;
$tr .= '<br>Áðîíÿ íîã: ' . $m1l;
$efix = 0;
if (isset($ed['add_pog2']) && $ed['add_pog2'] > 0) {
$efix = $ed['add_pog2'];
if (isset($ed['add_pog'])) {
$tr .= '<br>Ìàãè÷åñêèé áàðüåð ñïîñîáåí ïîãëîòèòü åùå <strong>' . $ed['add_pog'] . '</strong> åä. óðîíà';
if (isset($ed['add_pog2'])) {
$tr .= '<br>Ìàãè÷åñêèé áàðüåð ñïîñîáåí ïîãëîòèòü åùå <strong>' . $ed['add_pog2'] . '</strong> åä. óðîíà <small>(' . $ed['add_pog2p'] . '%)</small>';
if ($tr != '') {
$ei .= $tr;
if ($eff[$i]['info'] != '') {
$ei .= '<br><i>Èíôîðìàöèÿ:</i><br>' . $eff[$i]['info'];
$ef .= '<div class=\"pimg\" pog=\"' . $efix . '\" col=\"' . $eff[$i]['x'] . '\" stl=\"0\" stt=\"' . $ei . '\"><img src=\"' . $eff[$i]['img'] . '\"/></div>';
} elseif ($eff[$i] != 'delete') {
$i = -2;
} else {
$ef .= '<div class=\"pimg\" pog=\"0\" col=\"0\" stl=\"0\" stt=\"Ðàçâåðíóòü\"><img src=\"\"/ onclick=\"top.useMagicBattle(\'Ðàçâåðíóòü\',5555,\'effs_show.gif\',1,2);\" onmouseover=\"top.hi(this,\'<strong>Ðàçâåðíóòü</strong>\',event,3,1,1,1,\'\');\" onmouseout=\"top.hic();\" onmousedown=\"top.hic();\"></div>';
$ca = '';
if ($ur['clan'] > 0) {
$cl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `clan` WHERE `id` = ' . $ur['clan']));
if (isset($cl['id'])) {
$ca = '<img src=\"' . $cl['name_mini'] . '.gif\" title=\"' . $cl['name'] . '\">';
if ($ur['align'] > 0) {
$ca = '<img src=\"' . $ur['align'] . '.gif\">' . $ca;
if ($ur['login2'] == '') {
$ur['login2'] = $ur['login'];
if (floor($st['hpNow']) > $st['hpAll']) {
$st['hpNow'] = $st['hpAll'];
if (floor($st['mpNow']) > $st['mpAll']) {
$st['mpNow'] = $st['mpAll'];
$stsua = '<strong>' . $ur['login2'] . '</strong>';
$stsua .= '<br>Ñèëà: ' . $st['s1'];
$stsua .= '<br>Ëîâêîñòü: ' . $st['s2'];
$stsua .= '<br>Èíòóèöèÿ: ' . $st['s3'];
$stsua .= '<br>Âûíîñëèâîñòü: ' . $st['s4'];
if ($st['s5'] != 0) {
$stsua .= '<br>Èíòåëåêò: ' . $st['s5'];
if ($st['s6'] != 0) {
$stsua .= '<br>Ìóäðîñòü: ' . $st['s6'];
if ($st['s7'] != 0) {
$stsua .= '<br>Äóõîâíîñòü: ' . $st['s7'];
if ($u->info['admin'] > 0) {
$align = $ur['align'];
$tp_img = [
1 => 4,
2 => 5,
14 => 6,
3 => 7,
5 => 8,
7 => 9,
17 => 10,
16 => 11,
13 => 12,
10 => 13,
9 => 14,
8 => 15,
11 => 17, //êîëüöî 2
12 => 18 //êîëüöî 3
$info = 'info_reflesh(' . $t . ',' . $ur['id'] . ',"' . $ca . '<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"\'' . $ur['login2'] . '\',\'to\');return false;\">' . $ur['login2'] . '</a> [' . $ur['level'] . ']<a href=\"info/' . $ur['id'] . '\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"' . $ur['cityreg'] . '.gif\" title=\"Èíô. î ' . $ur['login2'] . '\"></a>&nbsp;","' . $ur['obraz'] . '",' . floor($st['hpNow']) . ',' . floor($st['hpAll']) . ',' . floor($st['mpNow']) . ',' . floor($st['mpAll']) . ',0,' . $ur['sex'] . ',"' . $ef . '","' . $stsua . '", "' . $align . '", "' . $ur['zag'] . '");shpb();';
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($itm)) {
if (isset($st['items_img'][$tp_img[$itm[$i]['inOdet']]])) {
$itm[$i]['img'] = $st['items_img'][$tp_img[$itm[$i]['inOdet']]];
//ãåíåðèðóåì ïðåäìåòû
$ttl = '<strong>' . $itm[$i]['name'] . '</strong>';
$td = $this->lookStats($itm[$i]['data']);
$lvar = '';
if ($td['add_hpAll'] > 0) {
$td['add_hpAll'] = '+' . $td['add_hpAll'];
$lvar .= '<br>Óðîâåíü æèçíè: ' . $td['add_hpAll'];
if ($td['sv_yron_max'] > 0 || $td['sv_yron_min'] > 0) {
$lvar .= '<br>Óðîí: ' . (0 + $td['sv_yron_min']) . '-' . (0 + $td['sv_yron_max']);
if ($td['add_mab1'] > 0) {
if ($td['add_mib1'] == $td['add_mab1'] && $pl['geniration'] == 1) {
$m1l = '+';
$lvar .= '<br>Áðîíÿ ãîëîâû: ' . $m1l . (0 + $td['add_mab1']);
} else {
$lvar .= '<br>Áðîíÿ ãîëîâû: ' . (0 + $td['add_mib1']) . '-' . (0 + $td['add_mab1']);
if ($td['add_mab2'] > 0) {
if ($td['add_mib2'] == $td['add_mab2'] && $pl['geniration'] == 1) {
$m1l = '+';
$lvar .= '<br>Áðîíÿ êîðïóñà: ' . $m1l . (0 + $td['add_mab2']);
} else {
$lvar .= '<br>Áðîíÿ êîðïóñà: ' . (0 + $td['add_mib2']) . '-' . (0 + $td['add_mab2']);
if ($td['add_mab3'] > 0) {
if ($td['add_mib3'] == $td['add_mab3'] && $pl['geniration'] == 1) {
$m1l = '+';
$lvar .= '<br>Áðîíÿ ïîÿñà: ' . $m1l . (0 + $td['add_mab3']);
} else {
$lvar .= '<br>Áðîíÿ ïîÿñà: ' . (0 + $td['add_mib3']) . '-' . (0 + $td['add_mab3']);
if ($td['add_mab4'] > 0) {
if ($td['add_mib4'] == $td['add_mab4'] && $pl['geniration'] == 1) {
$m1l = '+';
$lvar .= '<br>Áðîíÿ íîã: ' . $m1l . (0 + $td['add_mab4']);
} else {
$lvar .= '<br>Áðîíÿ íîã: ' . (0 + $td['add_mib4']) . '-' . (0 + $td['add_mab4']);
if ($itm[$i]['iznosMAX'] > 0) {
if ($itm[$i]['iznosMAXi'] == 999999999) {
$lvar .= '<br>Äîëãîâå÷íîñòü: <span style="color: brown;">íåðàçðóøèìî</span>';
} else {
$lvar .= '<br>Äîëãîâå÷íîñòü: ' . floor($itm[$i]['iznosNOW']) . '/' . floor($itm[$i]['iznosMAX']);
$ttl .= $lvar;
$ccv = '';
if ($itm[$i]['magic_inci'] != '' || $itm[$i]['magic_inc'] != '') {
if ($itm[$i]['magic_inc'] == '') {
$itm[$i]['magic_inc'] = $itm[$i]['magic_inci'];
$temp01 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `eff_main` WHERE `id2` = ' . $itm[$i]['magic_inc'] . ' AND `type1` = 12345 LIMIT 1');
if ($temp01) {
$mgi = mysql_fetch_array($temp01);
if (isset($mgi['id2'])) {
$ccv .= 'top.useMagicBattle(\'' . $mgi['mname'] . '\',' . $itm[$i]['id'] . ',\'' . $mgi['img'] . '\',1,2);';
$info .= 'abitms(' . (0 + $t) . ',' . (0 + $itm[$i]['uid']) . ',' . (0 + $itm[$i]['id']) . ',' . (0 + $itm[$i]['inOdet']) . ',"' . $itm[$i]['name'] . '","' . $ttl . '","' . $itm[$i]['img'] . '","' . $ccv . '");';
return $info;
} else {
return false;
//Ïðîâåðêà íà âûæèâøèõ
public function testUsersLive()
$tl = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->uids); $i++) {
if ($this->stats[$i]['id'] <= 0) {
if (isset($tml[$this->users[$i]['team']]) || floor($this->stats[$i]['hpNow']) < 1) {
$tml[$this->users[$i]['team']] = 1;
if ($tl > 1) {
return $tl > 1;
//Ìèíè ëîã
private function miniLogAdd(array $user, $text)
$time = time();
$vLog = 'at1=00000||at2=00000||zb1=0||zb2=0||bl1=0||bl2=0||time1=' . $time .
'||time2=' . $time .
'||s1=' . $user['sex'] .
'||t1=' . $user['team'] .
'||login1=' . $user['login'] .
$mas1 = [
'time' => $time,
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'id_hod' => ($this->hodID + 1),
'text' => $text,
'vars' => $vLog,
'zona1' => '',
'zonb1' => '',
'zona2' => '',
'zonb2' => '',
'type' => '1',
/** Ïðîâåðÿåì çàâåðøåíèå áîÿ.
* <br>[Îïòèìèçèðóé ìåíÿ]: ìíîãî ïîâòîðÿþùèõñÿ ýëåìåíòîâ.
* @return void
public function testFinish()
global $u;
mysql_query('START TRANSACTION;');
$test = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `team_win` = -1 LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE'));
if ($this->info['team_win'] == -1 && isset($test['id'])) {
$hp = [];
$tml = [];
$tmv = [];
$tl = 0;
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
while ($i < count($this->uids)) {
if ($this->stats[$i]['id'] > 0) {
if (floor($this->stats[$i]['hpNow']) < 1) {
$this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] = 0;
$hp[$this->users[$i]['team']] += floor($this->stats[$i]['hpNow']);
if (!isset($tml[$this->users[$i]['team']]) && floor($this->stats[$i]['hpNow']) >= 1) {
$tml[$this->users[$i]['team']] = 1;
$tmv[$j] = $this->users[$i]['team'];
if ($tl <= 1) {
$tmHpNow = [];
$tmNow = [];
$sp = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.`login`,`u`.`id`,`u`.`battle`,`s`.`team`,`s`.`hpNow` FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `s` ON `s`.`id` = `u`.`id` WHERE `u`.`battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '"');
while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($sp)) {
if (!isset($tmHpNow[$pl['team']])) {
$tmHpNow[$pl['team']] = 0;
$tmNow[] = $pl['team'];
$hpTm = floor($pl['hpNow']);
if ($hpTm < 0) {
$hpTm = 0;
if ($hpTm > 0) {
$tmHpNow[$pl['team']] += $pl['hpNow'];
$gdj = 0;
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($tmNow)) {
if (isset($tmNow[$i])) {
$j = $tmNow[$i];
if ($tmHpNow[$j] > 0) {
if ($gdj > 1) {
$tl = $gdj;
echo 'Ïîåäèíîê ìîæåò çàâåðøèòüñÿ íå êîððåêòíî... (Ñîîáùèòå Àäìèíèñòðàöèè îá ýòîì)';
if ($tl <= 1) {
//çàâåðøàåì ïîåäèíîê, êòî-òî îäèí ïîáåäèë, ëèáî íè÷üÿ
$i = 0;
$tmwin = 0;
while ($i < count($tmv)) {
if ($tmv[$i] >= 1 && $tml[$tmv[$i]] > 0) {
$tmwin = $tmv[$i];
if ($this->info['izlom'] == 0) {
$rs = '';
$ts = [];
$tsi = 0;
if ($this->info['id'] > 0) {
//äàííûå î èãðîêàõ â áîþ
unset($this->users, $this->stats, $this->uids, $this->bots, $this->iBots);
$trl = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.`no_ip`,`u`.`id`,`u`.`notrhod`,`u`.`login`,`u`.`login2`,`u`.`sex`,`u`.`online`,`u`.`admin`,`u`.`align`,`u`.`align_lvl`,`u`.`align_exp`,`u`.`clan`,`u`.`level`,`u`.`battle`,`u`.`obraz`,`u`.`win`,`u`.`lose`,`u`.`nich`,`u`.`animal`,`st`.`stats`,`st`.`hpNow`,`st`.`mpNow`,`st`.`exp`,`st`.`dnow`,`st`.`team`,`st`.`battle_yron`,`st`.`battle_exp`,`st`.`enemy`,`st`.`battle_text`,`st`.`upLevel`,`st`.`timeGo`,`st`.`timeGoL`,`st`.`bot`,`st`.`lider`,`st`.`btl_cof`,`st`.`tactic1`,`st`.`tactic2`,`st`.`tactic3`,`st`.`tactic4`,`st`.`tactic5`,`st`.`tactic6`,`st`.`tactic7`,`st`.`x`,`st`.`y`,`st`.`battleEnd`,`st`.`priemslot`,`st`.`priems`,`st`.`priems_z`,`st`.`bet`,`st`.`clone`,`st`.`atack`,`st`.`bbexp`,`st`.`res_x`,`st`.`res_y`,`st`.`res_s`,`st`.`id`,`st`.`last_hp`,`st`.`last_pr`,`u`.`sex`,`u`.`money`,`u`.`money3`,`u`.`money2`,`u`.`bot_id` FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" ORDER BY `st`.`bot` DESC');
$ir = 0;
$bi = 0;
$this->users = null;
$this->stats = null;
$this->uids = null;
$this->bots = null;
$this->iBots = null;
while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($trl)) {
//çàïèñûâàåì äàííûå
if ($pl['login2'] == '') {
$pl['login2'] = $pl['login'];
$this->users[$ir] = $pl;
$this->uids[$pl['id']] = $ir;
if ($pl['bot'] > 0) {
$this->bots[$bi] = $pl['id'];
$this->iBots[$pl['id']] = $bi;
//çàïèñûâàåì ñòàòû
$this->stats[$ir] = $u->getStats($pl, 0, 0, false, false, true);
} elseif (!isset($this->uids[$u->info['id']])) {
$rs = '';
$ts = [];
$tsi = 0;
if ($this->info['id'] > 0) {
//äàííûå î èãðîêàõ â áîþ
$trl = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.`no_ip`,`u`.`id`,`u`.`notrhod`,`u`.`login`,`u`.`login2`,`u`.`sex`,`u`.`online`,`u`.`admin`,`u`.`align`,`u`.`align_lvl`,`u`.`align_exp`,`u`.`clan`,`u`.`level`,`u`.`battle`,`u`.`obraz`,`u`.`win`,`u`.`lose`,`u`.`nich`,`u`.`animal`,`st`.`stats`,`st`.`hpNow`,`st`.`mpNow`,`st`.`exp`,`st`.`dnow`,`st`.`team`,`st`.`battle_yron`,`st`.`battle_exp`,`st`.`enemy`,`st`.`battle_text`,`st`.`upLevel`,`st`.`timeGo`,`st`.`timeGoL`,`st`.`bot`,`st`.`lider`,`st`.`btl_cof`,`st`.`tactic1`,`st`.`tactic2`,`st`.`tactic3`,`st`.`tactic4`,`st`.`tactic5`,`st`.`tactic6`,`st`.`tactic7`,`st`.`x`,`st`.`y`,`st`.`battleEnd`,`st`.`priemslot`,`st`.`priems`,`st`.`priems_z`,`st`.`bet`,`st`.`clone`,`st`.`atack`,`st`.`bbexp`,`st`.`res_x`,`st`.`res_y`,`st`.`res_s`,`st`.`id`,`st`.`last_hp`,`st`.`last_pr`,`u`.`sex`,`u`.`money`,`u`.`bot_id`,`u`.`money3`,`u`.`money2` FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
$pl = mysql_fetch_array($trl);
//çàïèñûâàåì äàííûå
if ($pl['login2'] == '') {
$pl['login2'] = $pl['login'];
$this->users[] = $pl;
$this->uids[$pl['id']] = $ir;
if ($pl['bot'] > 0) {
$this->bots[] = $pl['id'];
$this->iBots[$pl['id']] = $bi;
//çàïèñûâàåì ñòàòû
$this->stats[] = $u->getStats($pl, 0, 0, false, false, true);
if ($this->info['izlom'] > 0 && $tmwin == 1) {
// âûêèäûâàåì áîòîâ èç áîÿ
$i = 0;
$dlt = '';
$dlt2 = '';
$sp = mysql_query('SELECT `users`.`id`,`stats`.`bot`,`stats`.`team` FROM `users`,`stats` WHERE `users`.`battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `stats`.`id` = `users`.`id` LIMIT 250');
while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($sp)) {
if ($pl['bot'] == 1 && $pl['team'] != $u->info['team']) {
$dlt .= ' `id`="' . $pl['id'] . '" OR';
$dlt2 .= ' `uid`="' . $pl['id'] . '" OR';
if ($i > 0) {
$dlt = trim($dlt, 'OR');
$dlt2 = trim($dlt2, 'OR');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `users` WHERE ' . $dlt . ' LIMIT ' . $i);
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `stats` WHERE ' . $dlt . ' LIMIT ' . $i);
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `items_users` WHERE ' . $dlt2 . ' LIMIT ' . ($i * 100));
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `eff_users` WHERE ' . $dlt2 . ' LIMIT ' . ($i * 100));
unset($i, $dlt, $dlt2);
$j = 0;
$k = 0;
$obr = 0;
//Ýòî èçëîì, äîáàâëÿåì åùå áîòîâ
if ($this->get_chanse(20)) {
//Óíèêàëüíûå ìîíñòðû
if ($this->info['izlomLvl'] == 8) {
$bots = [
'Âàëåíòàéñêèé Îõîòíèê',
'Øèïîêðûë Õàîñà',
'Ëèê Õàîñà',
'Ôàíàòèê Õàîñà',
//$bots = array( 'Âàëåíòàéñêèé Îõîòíèê' );
$logins_bot = [];
echo '<div style="color: red; font-weight: bold; text-align: center">Ïðèáëèæàåòñÿ íå÷òî...</div>';
$id2 = rand(0, (count($bots) - 1));
$id = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `test_bot` WHERE `login` = "' . $bots[$id2] . '" AND `pishera` != "" AND `active` = "1" ORDER BY `level` DESC LIMIT 1'));
$bot = $u->addNewbot($id['id'], null, null, $logins_bot, null,
if (isset($id['id']) && $bot) {
$btxt = '';
if ($id['align'] > 0) {
$btxt = $btxt . '<img width=12 height=15 src=' . $id['align'] . '.gif >';
if ($id['clan'] > 0) {
$btxt = $btxt . '<img width=24 height=15 src=' . $id['clan'] . '.gif >';
$btxt = $btxt . '<strong>{u1}</strong>[' . $id['level'] . ']<a href=info/' . $id['id'] . ' target=_blank ><img width=12 height=11 src= ></a>';
if ($id['sex'] == 1) {
$btxt = $btxt . ' âìåøàëàñü â ïîåäèíîê.';
} else {
$btxt = $btxt . ' âìåøàëñÿ â ïîåäèíîê.';
'login' => $id['login'],
'sex' => $id['sex'],
'team' => 0,
], '{tm1} ' . $btxt);
$logins_bot = $bot['logins_bot'];
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle`="' . $this->info['id'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $bot['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team`="2" WHERE `id` = "' . $bot['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
$u->addAction(time(), 'win_bot_' . $id['id'], '', $this->users[$i]['id']);
if (rand(0, 10000) < 1500) {
} else {
//Îáû÷íûå ìîíñòðû
if ($this->info['izlomLvl'] == 8) {
$bots = [
'Ïðîêëÿòèå Ãëóáèí',
'Ïóñòûííèê Ìàíüÿê',
'Ïóñòûííèê Óáèéöà',
'Ðàáî÷èé Ìãëû',
'Ñìîòðèòåëü Ìãëû',
'Ñòîðîæ Ìãëû',
$logins_bot = [];
$id2 = rand(0, (count($bots) - 1));
$id = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `test_bot` WHERE `login` = "' . $bots[$id2] . '" AND `level` <= "' . $u->info['level'] . '" AND `pishera` != "" AND `active` = "1" ORDER BY `level` DESC LIMIT 1'));
$bot = $u->addNewbot($id['id'], null, null, $logins_bot, null,
($this->info['izlomRoundSee'] * 2));
if (isset($id['id']) && $bot) {
$btxt = '';
if ($id['align'] > 0) {
$btxt = $btxt . '<img width=12 height=15 src=' . $id['align'] . '.gif >';
if ($id['clan'] > 0) {
$btxt = $btxt . '<img width=24 height=15 src=' . $id['clan'] . '.gif >';
$btxt = $btxt . '<strong>{u1}</strong>[' . $id['level'] . ']<a href=info/' . $id['id'] . ' target=_blank ><img width=12 height=11 src= ></a>';
if ($id['sex'] == 1) {
$btxt = $btxt . ' âìåøàëàñü â ïîåäèíîê.';
} else {
$btxt = $btxt . ' âìåøàëñÿ â ïîåäèíîê.';
'login' => $id['login'],
'sex' => $id['sex'],
'team' => 0,
], '{tm1} ' . $btxt);
$logins_bot = $bot['logins_bot'];
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle`="' . $this->info['id'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $bot['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team`="2" WHERE `id` = "' . $bot['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
if (rand(0, 10000) < 1500) {
$id2 = rand(0, (count($bots) - 1));
$id = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `test_bot` WHERE `login` = "' . $bots[$id2] . '" AND `level` <= "' . $u->info['level'] . '" AND `pishera` != "" AND `active` = "1" ORDER BY `level` DESC LIMIT 1'));
$bot = $u->addNewbot($id['id'], null, null, $logins_bot, null, $this->info['izlomRoundSee']);
if (isset($id['id']) && $bot) {
$btxt = '';
if ($id['align'] > 0) {
$btxt = $btxt . '<img width=12 height=15 src=' . $id['align'] . '.gif >';
if ($id['clan'] > 0) {
$btxt = $btxt . '<img width=24 height=15 src=' . $id['clan'] . '.gif >';
$btxt = $btxt . '<strong>{u1}</strong>[' . $id['level'] . ']<a href=info/' . $id['id'] . ' target=_blank ><img width=12 height=11 src= ></a>';
if ($id['sex'] == 1) {
$btxt = $btxt . ' âìåøàëàñü â ïîåäèíîê.';
} else {
$btxt = $btxt . ' âìåøàëñÿ â ïîåäèíîê.';
'login' => $id['login'],
'sex' => $id['sex'],
'team' => 0,
], '{tm1} ' . $btxt);
$logins_bot = $bot['logins_bot'];
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle`="' . $this->info['id'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $bot['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team`="2" WHERE `id` = "' . $bot['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
if (rand(0, 10000) < 1500) {
if (rand(0, 100) < 70) {
$id2 = rand(0, (count($bots) - 1));
$id = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `test_bot` WHERE `login` = "' . $bots[$id2] . '" AND `level` <= "' . $u->info['level'] . '" AND `pishera` != "" AND `active` = "1" ORDER BY `level` DESC LIMIT 1'));
$bot = $u->addNewbot($id['id'], null, null, $logins_bot, null,
if (isset($id['id']) && $bot) {
$btxt = '';
if ($id['align'] > 0) {
$btxt = $btxt . '<img width=12 height=15 src=' . $id['align'] . '.gif >';
if ($id['clan'] > 0) {
$btxt = $btxt . '<img width=24 height=15 src=' . $id['clan'] . '.gif >';
$btxt = $btxt . '<strong>{u1}</strong>[' . $id['level'] . ']<a href=info/' . $id['id'] . ' target=_blank ><img width=12 height=11 src= ></a>';
if ($id['sex'] == 1) {
$btxt = $btxt . ' âìåøàëàñü â ïîåäèíîê.';
} else {
$btxt = $btxt . ' âìåøàëñÿ â ïîåäèíîê.';
'login' => $id['login'],
'sex' => $id['sex'],
'team' => 0,
], '{tm1} ' . $btxt);
$logins_bot = $bot['logins_bot'];
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle`="' . $this->info['id'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $bot['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team`="2" WHERE `id` = "' . $bot['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
if (rand(0, 10000) < 1500) {
//Êàæäûå 10 âîë = +1 ìîíñòð
$irb = floor($this->info['izlomRoundSee'] / 10);
while ($irb > 0) {
if (rand(0, 100) < 20) {
$id2 = rand(0, (count($bots) - 1));
$id = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `test_bot` WHERE `login` = "' . $bots[$id2] . '" AND `level` <= "' . $u->info['level'] . '" AND `pishera` != "" AND `active` = "1" ORDER BY `level` DESC LIMIT 1'));
$bot = $u->addNewbot($id['id'], null, null, $logins_bot, null,
if (isset($id['id']) && $bot) {
$btxt = '';
if ($id['align'] > 0) {
$btxt = $btxt . '<img width=12 height=15 src=' . $id['align'] . '.gif >';
if ($id['clan'] > 0) {
$btxt = $btxt . '<img width=24 height=15 src=' . $id['clan'] . '.gif >';
$btxt = $btxt . '<strong>{u1}</strong>[' . $id['level'] . ']<a href=info/' . $id['id'] . ' target=_blank ><img width=12 height=11 src= ></a>';
if ($id['sex'] == 1) {
$btxt = $btxt . ' âìåøàëàñü â ïîåäèíîê.';
} else {
$btxt = $btxt . ' âìåøàëñÿ â ïîåäèíîê.';
'login' => $id['login'],
'sex' => $id['sex'],
'team' => 0,
], '{tm1} ' . $btxt);
$logins_bot = $bot['logins_bot'];
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle`="' . $this->info['id'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $bot['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `team`="2" WHERE `id` = "' . $bot['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
if (rand(0, 10000) < 1500) {
if ($j == 0) {
//êîíåö èçëîìà
$this->finishBattle($tml, $tmv, null, $tl);
$fin1 = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `izlom_rating` (`uid`,`time`,`voln`,`level`,`bots`,`rep`,`obr`,`btl`) VALUES ("' . $u->info['id'] . '","' . time() . '","' . $this->info['izlomRoundSee'] . '","' . $this->info['izlomLvl'] . '","0","0","' . ($this->info['izlomObr'] - $this->info['izlomObrNow']) . '","' . $this->info['id'] . '")');
} else {
$this->info['izlomRound'] = $iz['round'];
mysql_query('UPDATE `battle` SET `izlomObrNow` = ' . $obr . ',`izlomObr` = `izlomObr` + ' . $obr . ',`timeout` = (`timeout`+5),`izlomRound` = "' . ($this->info['izlomRound'] + 1) . '",`izlomRoundSee` = `izlomRoundSee`+1 WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['hpNow'] += $this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['hpAll'] * 0.25;
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['mpNow'] += $this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['mpAll'] * 0.25;
$this->users[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['hpNow'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['hpAll'];
$this->users[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['mpNow'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['mpAll'];
$vLog = 'at1=00000||at2=00000||zb1=' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['zonb'] . '||zb2=' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['zonb'] . '||bl1=' . $this->atacks[$id]['b' . $a] . '||bl2=' . $this->atacks[$id]['b' . $b] . '||time1=' . $this->atacks[$id]['time'] . '||time2=' . $this->atacks[$id]['time2'] . '||s2=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['sex'] . '||s1=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['sex'] . '||t2=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['team'] . '||t1=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['team'] . '||login1=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['login2'] . '||login2=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['login2'] . '';
$mas = [
'time' => time(),
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'id_hod' => ($this->hodID + 1),
'vars' => $vLog,
'type' => 1,
if ($u->info['sex'] == 1) {
$mas['text'] = '<span class=date>' . date('H:i') . '</span> <strong>' . $u->info['login'] . '</strong> âîñïîëüçîâàëàñü ïðèåìîì &quot;<strong>Ïåðåäûøêà</strong>&quot;.';
} else {
$mas['text'] = '<span class=date>' . date('H:i') . '</span> <strong>' . $u->info['login'] . '</strong> âîñïîëüçîâàëñÿ ïðèåìîì &quot;<strong>Ïåðåäûøêà</strong>&quot;.';
if ($u->stats['hpNow'] < $u->stats['hpAll']) {
$hpSks = floor(($u->stats['hpAll'] * ((rand(15, 25)) / 100)));
if ($hpSks > floor($u->stats['hpAll'] - $u->stats['hpNow'])) {
$hpSks = floor($u->stats['hpAll'] - $u->stats['hpNow']);
$mas['text'] .= ' <font color=#0066aa><strong>+' . $hpSks . '</strong></font>';
} else {
$hpSks = 0;
$mas['text'] .= ' <font color=#0066aa><strong>--</strong></font>';
$mas['text'] .= ' [' . floor($u->info['hpNow'] + $hpSks) . '/' . $u->stats['hpAll'] . ']';
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `hpNow` = "' . ($u->info['hpNow'] + ($u->stats['hpAll'] * ((rand(15,
25)) / 100))) . '",`mpNow` = "' . ($u->info['mpNow'] + ($u->stats['mpAll'] * 0.25)) . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $u->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
} else {
//çàâåðøàåì áîé
$this->finishBattle($tml, $tmv, null, $tl);
if ($this->info['izlom'] > 0) {
$fin1 = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `izlom_rating` (`uid`,`time`,`voln`,`level`,`bots`,`rep`,`obr`,`btl`) VALUES ("' . $u->info['id'] . '","' . time() . '","' . $this->info['izlomRoundSee'] . '","' . $this->info['izlomLvl'] . '","0","0","' . ($this->info['izlomObr'] - $this->info['izlomObrNow']) . '","' . $this->info['id'] . '")');
if (isset($fin1)) {
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `eff_users` (`no_Ace`,`id_eff`,`overType`,`uid`,`name`,`data`,`timeUse`) VALUES ("1","31","23","' . $u->info['id'] . '","Êàñàíèå Õàîñà","nofastfinisheff=1","' . time() . '")');
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`new`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`) VALUES ('1','" . $u->info['city'] . "','" . $u->info['room'] . "','','" . $u->info['login'] . "','Âû ñîçäàëè ïðåäìåò &quot;Îáðàçåö&quot;x" . (($this->info['izlomObr'] - $this->info['izlomObrNow']) * 7) . "','" . time() . "','6','0')");
$i01 = 1;
while ($i01 <= (($this->info['izlomObr'] - $this->info['izlomObrNow'])) * 7) {
$u->addItem(1226, $u->info['id'], '|sudba=' . $u->info['login']);
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `actions`(`uid`, `time`, `city`, `room`, `vars`, `ip`, `vals`, `val`) VALUES ("' . $u->info['id'] . '","' . time() . '","capitalcity","' . $u->info['room'] . '","izlom"," ","","")');
} else {
mysql_query('START TRANSACTION;');
$test = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`team_win`, `testfinish` FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `team_win` != -1 LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE'));
if (isset($test['id'])) {
$this->finishBattle(null, null, 10, $tl);
/** Çàâåðøåíèå ïîåäèíêà.
* <br>Ýòà ôóíêöèÿ ïðèíåñ¸ò áîëüøå âñåãî ïðîáëåì.
* @param $t ???
* @param $v ???
* @param $nl ???
* @param $tl [unused] ???
* @return void
private function finishBattle($t, $v, $nl, $tl)
global $u, $c;
mysql_query('LOCK TABLES users,stats,battle,battle_last,battle_end,chat WRITE');
$frtu = false;
$test = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`team_win`,`testfinish` FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `team_win` != -1 LIMIT 1;'));
if ($test['testfinish'] != -1) {
$trtt = mysql_query('UPDATE `battle` SET `testfinish` = "-1" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
$relbf = $this->info['team_win'];
if ($nl != 10) {
$i = 0;
$dnr = 0;
if ($this->info['team_win'] == -1) {
$this->info['team_win'] = 0;
while ($i < count($v)) {
if ($v[$i] >= 1 && $t[$v[$i]] > 0) {
$this->info['team_win'] = $v[$i];
//äàííûå î èãðîêàõ â áîþ
$t = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.`stopexp`,`u`.`twink`,`u`.`city`,`u`.`room`,`u`.`no_ip`,`u`.`pass`,`u`.`id`,`u`.`notrhod`,`u`.`login`,`u`.`login2`,`u`.`sex`,`u`.`online`,`u`.`admin`,`u`.`align`,`u`.`align_lvl`,`u`.`align_exp`,`u`.`clan`,`u`.`level`,`u`.`battle`,`u`.`obraz`,`u`.`win`,`u`.`lose`,`u`.`nich`,`u`.`animal`,`st`.`stats`,`st`.`hpNow`,`st`.`mpNow`,`st`.`exp`,`st`.`dnow`,`st`.`team`,`st`.`battle_yron`,`st`.`battle_exp`,`st`.`enemy`,`st`.`battle_text`,`st`.`upLevel`,`st`.`timeGo`,`st`.`timeGoL`,`st`.`bot`,`st`.`lider`,`st`.`btl_cof`,`st`.`tactic1`,`st`.`tactic2`,`st`.`tactic3`,`st`.`tactic4`,`st`.`tactic5`,`st`.`tactic6`,`st`.`tactic7`,`st`.`x`,`st`.`y`,`st`.`battleEnd`,`st`.`priemslot`,`st`.`priems`,`st`.`priems_z`,`st`.`bet`,`st`.`clone`,`st`.`atack`,`st`.`bbexp`,`st`.`res_x`,`st`.`res_y`,`st`.`res_s`,`st`.`id`,`st`.`last_hp`,`st`.`last_pr`,`u`.`sex`,`u`.`money`,`u`.`bot_id`,`u`.`money3`,`u`.`money2` FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '"');
$i = 0;
$bi = 0;
while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($t)) {
//çàïèñûâàåì äàííûå
if ($pl['login2'] == '') {
$pl['login2'] = $pl['login'];
$this->users[$i] = $pl;
$this->uids[$pl['id']] = $i;
if ($pl['bot'] > 0) {
$this->bots[$bi] = $pl['id'];
$this->iBots[$pl['id']] = $bi;
//çàïèñûâàåì ñòàòû
$this->stats[$i] = $u->getStats($pl, 0, 0, false, false, true);
unset($pl, $t);
if ($this->info['time_over'] == 0) {
$tststrt = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `time_over` = "0" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($tststrt['id'])) {
if ($this->info['inTurnir'] == 0 || $this->info['type'] == 500) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `battle` SET `time_over` = "' . time() . '",`team_win` = "' . $this->info['team_win'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `battle_stat` SET `team_win` = "' . $this->info['team_win'] . '" WHERE `battle_id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '"');
//Çàíîñèì äàííûå î çàâåðøåíèè áîÿ
$i = 0;
$vl = '';
$vtvl = '';
$relu = 0;
while ($i < count($this->users)) {
$vl .= '("' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['city'] . '","' . $this->info['id'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '","' . time() . '","' . $this->users[$i]['team'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['level'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['align'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['clan'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['exp'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['bot'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['money'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['money2'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['money3'] . '"),';
if ($this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win'] && $this->info['team_win'] > 0) {
$vtvl .= '<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong>, ';
$this->info['players_c'] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `users` WHERE `login` NOT LIKE "%(çâåðü%" AND `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$this->info['players_c'] = $this->info['players_c'][0];
mysql_query('UPDATE `battle` SET `players_c` = "' . $this->info['players_c'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
if ($vtvl != '') {
$vtvl = rtrim($vtvl, ', ');
$vtvl = str_replace('"', '\\\\\"', $vtvl);
$vLog = 'time1=' . time();
$mass = [
'time' => time(),
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'id_hod' => $this->hodID,
'text' => 'test',
'vars' => $vLog,
'zona1' => '',
'zonb1' => '',
'zona2' => '',
'zonb2' => '',
'type' => '1',
$vtvl = 'Áîé çàêîí÷åí, ïîáåäà çà ' . $vtvl . '.';
} else {
$this->info['players_cc'] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`u`.`id`) FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `s` ON `s`.`id` = `u`.`id` WHERE `s`.`hpNow` > 0 AND `u`.`battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `s`.`team` != "' . $u->info['team'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$this->info['players_cc'] = $this->info['players_cc'][0];
$this->info['players_cc2'] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`u`.`id`) FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `s` ON `s`.`id` = `u`.`id` WHERE `s`.`hpNow` >= 1 AND `u`.`battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `s`.`team` != "' . $u->info['team'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$this->info['players_cc2'] = $this->info['players_cc2'][0];
$inf_test = ', users: ' . $this->info['players_cc'] . ' and ' . $this->info['players_cc2'] . '';
$vLog = 'time1=' . time();
$mass = [
'time' => time(),
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'id_hod' => $this->hodID,
'text' => 'test',
'vars' => $vLog,
'zona1' => '',
'zonb1' => '',
'zona2' => '',
'zonb2' => '',
'type' => '1',
$vtvl = 'Áîé çàêîí÷åí, íè÷üÿ.';
$ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_logs` (`time`,`battle`,`id_hod`,`text`,`vars`,`zona1`,`zonb1`,`zona2`,`zonb2`,`type`) VALUES ("' . $mass['time'] . '","' . $mass['battle'] . '","' . $mass['id_hod'] . '","' . $vtvl . '","' . $mass['vars'] . '","' . $mass['zona1'] . '","' . $mass['zonb1'] . '","' . $mass['zona2'] . '","' . $mass['zonb2'] . '","' . $mass['type'] . '")');
if ($this->info['type'] == 99) {
$vLog = 'time1=' . time();
$mass = [
'time' => time(),
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'id_hod' => $this->hodID,
'text' => 'test',
'vars' => $vLog,
'zona1' => '',
'zonb1' => '',
'zona2' => '',
'zonb2' => '',
'type' => '1',
$vtvl = 'È ïîáåäèòåëè ñòàëè êàëå÷èòü ïðîèãðàâøèõ...';
$ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_logs` (`time`,`battle`,`id_hod`,`text`,`vars`,`zona1`,`zonb1`,`zona2`,`zonb2`,`type`) VALUES ("' . $mass['time'] . '","' . $mass['battle'] . '","' . $mass['id_hod'] . '","' . $vtvl . '","' . $mass['vars'] . '","' . $mass['zona1'] . '","' . $mass['zonb1'] . '","' . $mass['zona2'] . '","' . $mass['zonb2'] . '","' . $mass['type'] . '")');
$i = 0;
$vtvl = '';
$tr_nm = [
1 => 'ëåãêóþ',
2 => 'ñðåäíþþ',
3 => 'òÿæåëóþ',
4 => 'íåèçëå÷èìóþ',
while ($i < count($this->users)) {
if ($this->users[$i]['team'] != $this->info['team_win']) {
$tr_pl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`v1` FROM `eff_users` WHERE `id_eff` = 4 AND `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `delete` = "0" ORDER BY `v1` DESC LIMIT 1'));
if (!isset($tr_pl['id']) || $tr_pl['v1'] < 3) {
if ($this->info['smert'] == 1) {
$tr_tp = 4;
} else {
$tr_tp = rand(1, 3);
if (isset($tr_pl['id'])) {
$tr_tp = rand(($tr_pl['v1'] + 1), 3);
if ($this->users[$i]['sex'] == 1) {
$vtvl = '<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> ïîëó÷èëà ïîâðåæäåíèå: <font color=red>' . $tr_nm[$tr_tp] . ' òðàâìó</font>.<br>' . $vtvl;
} else {
$vtvl = '<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> ïîëó÷èë ïîâðåæäåíèå: <font color=red>' . $tr_nm[$tr_tp] . ' òðàâìó</font>.<br>' . $vtvl;
$this->addTravm($this->users[$i]['id'], $tr_tp, rand(3, 5));
$ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_logs` (`time`,`battle`,`id_hod`,`text`,`vars`,`zona1`,`zonb1`,`zona2`,`zonb2`,`type`) VALUES ("' . $mass['time'] . '","' . $mass['battle'] . '","' . $mass['id_hod'] . '","' . $vtvl . '","' . $mass['vars'] . '","' . $mass['zona1'] . '","' . $mass['zonb1'] . '","' . $mass['zona2'] . '","' . $mass['zonb2'] . '","' . $mass['type'] . '")');
if ($vl != '') {
$vl = rtrim($vl, ',');
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_last` (`login`,`city`,`battle_id`,`uid`,`time`,`team`,`lvl`,`align`,`clan`,`exp`,`bot`,`money`,`money2`,`money3`) VALUES ' . $vl . '');
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_end` (`battle_id`,`city`,`time`,`team_win`) VALUES ("' . $this->info['id'] . '","' . $this->info['city'] . '","' . $this->info['time_start'] . '","' . $this->info['team_win'] . '")');
$vLog = 'time1=' . time();
$mass = [
'time' => time(),
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'id_hod' => $this->hodID,
'text' => 'test',
'vars' => $vLog,
'zona1' => '',
'zonb1' => '',
'zona2' => '',
'zonb2' => '',
'type' => '1',
$i = 0;
$vtvl = '';
$tr_nm = [
1 => 'ëåãêóþ',
2 => 'ñðåäíþþ',
3 => 'òÿæåëóþ',
4 => 'íåèçëå÷èìóþ',
while ($i < count($this->users)) {
if ($this->users[$i]['team'] != $this->info['team_win'] && $this->info['team_win'] > 0) {
$tr_pl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `eff_users` WHERE `v1` = "priem" AND `v2` = 292 AND `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `delete` = "0" LIMIT 1'));
$ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_logs` (`time`,`battle`,`id_hod`,`text`,`vars`,`zona1`,`zonb1`,`zona2`,`zonb2`,`type`) VALUES ("' . $mass['time'] . '","' . $mass['battle'] . '","' . $mass['id_hod'] . '","' . $vtvl2 . '","' . $mass['vars'] . '","' . $mass['zona1'] . '","' . $mass['zonb1'] . '","' . $mass['zona2'] . '","' . $mass['zonb2'] . '","' . $mass['type'] . '")');
if (isset($tr_pl['id'])) {
if (rand(0, 100) < $tr_pl['data']) {
$tr_tp = rand(($tr_pl['v1'] + 1), 3);
if ($this->users[$i]['sex'] == 1) {
$vtvl = '<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> ïîëó÷èëà ïîâðåæäåíèå (Èñêàëå÷èòü, àâòîð: <strong>' . $this->users[$this->uids[$tr_pl['user_use']]]['login'] . '</strong>): <font color=red>' . $tr_nm[$tr_tp] . ' òðàâìó</font>.<br>' . $vtvl;
} else {
$vtvl = '<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> ïîëó÷èë ïîâðåæäåíèå (Èñêàëå÷èòü, àâòîð: <strong>' . $this->users[$this->uids[$tr_pl['user_use']]]['login'] . '</strong>): <font color=red>' . $tr_nm[$tr_tp] . ' òðàâìó</font>.<br>' . $vtvl;
$this->addTravm($this->users[$i]['id'], $tr_tp, rand(3, 5));
if ($vtvl != '') {
if ($this->info['type'] != 99) {
$vtvl2 = 'È ïîáåäèòåëè ñòàëè êàëå÷èòü ïðîèãðàâøèõ...';
$ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_logs` (`time`,`battle`,`id_hod`,`text`,`vars`,`zona1`,`zonb1`,`zona2`,`zonb2`,`type`) VALUES ("' . $mass['time'] . '","' . $mass['battle'] . '","' . $mass['id_hod'] . '","' . $vtvl2 . '","' . $mass['vars'] . '","' . $mass['zona1'] . '","' . $mass['zonb1'] . '","' . $mass['zona2'] . '","' . $mass['zonb2'] . '","' . $mass['type'] . '")');
$ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_logs` (`time`,`battle`,`id_hod`,`text`,`vars`,`zona1`,`zonb1`,`zona2`,`zonb2`,`type`) VALUES ("' . $mass['time'] . '","' . $mass['battle'] . '","' . $mass['id_hod'] . '","' . $vtvl . '","' . $mass['vars'] . '","' . $mass['zona1'] . '","' . $mass['zonb1'] . '","' . $mass['zona2'] . '","' . $mass['zonb2'] . '","' . $mass['type'] . '")');
//Òóðíèð ÁÑ
if ($this->info['inTurnir'] > 0 && $this->info['dungeon'] != 15 && $u->info['room'] != 413) {
$bs = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `bs_turnirs` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['inTurnir'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
while ($i < count($this->users)) {
if ($this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] < 1 && $this->users[$i]['clone'] == 0 && $this->stats[$i]['clone'] == 0) {
//Äîáàâëÿåì â ëîã ÁÑ
if ($this->users[$i]['sex'] == 0) {
$text .= '{u1} ïîâåðæåí è âûáûâàåò èç òóðíèðà';
} else {
$text .= '{u1} ïîâåðæåíà è âûáûâàåò èç òóðíèðà';
//Âûêèäûâàåì ïðåäìåòû ñ ïåðñîíàæà
$spik = mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`item_id` FROM `items_users` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `delete` ="0"');
while ($plik = mysql_fetch_array($spik)) {
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_items` (`dn`,`item_id`,`time`,`x`,`y`) VALUES (
"' . $this->users[$i]['dnow'] . '","' . $plik['item_id'] . '","' . (time() - 600) . '","' . $this->users[$i]['x'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['y'] . '"
unset($spik, $plik);
$usrreal = '';
$usr_real = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`login`,`align`,`clan`,`battle`,`level` FROM `users` WHERE `login` = "' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '" AND `inUser` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (!isset($usr_real['id'])) {
$usr_real = $this->users[$i];
if (isset($usr_real['id'])) {
if ($usr_real['align'] > 0) {
$usrreal .= '<img src=' . $usr_real['align'] . '.gif width=12 height=15 >';
if ($usr_real['clan'] > 0) {
$usrreal .= '<img src=' . $usr_real['clan'] . '.gif width=24 height=15 >';
$usrreal .= '<strong>' . $usr_real['login'] . '</strong>[' . $usr_real['level'] . ']<a target=_blank href=' . $usr_real['id'] . ' ><img width=12 hiehgt=11 src= ></a>';
} else {
$mereal = '<i>Íåâèäèìêà</i>[??]';
$text = str_replace('{u1}', $usrreal, $text);
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `bs_logs` (`type`,`text`,`time`,`id_bs`,`count_bs`,`city`,`m`,`u`) VALUES (
"1", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($text) . '", "' . time() . '", "' . $bs['id'] . '", "' . $bs['count'] . '", "' . $bs['city'] . '",
"' . round($bs['money'] * 0.85, 2) . '","' . $i . '"
//Óäàëåíèå êëîíà
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `stats` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `actions` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '"');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `items_users` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '"');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `eff_users` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '"');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `users_delo` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '"');
//Îáíîâëåíèå ïåðñîíàæà
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `inUser` = "0" WHERE `login` = "' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '" OR `inUser` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
//Îáíîâëÿåì çàÿâêó
mysql_query('UPDATE `bs_zv` SET `off` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `inBot` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `off` = "0" LIMIT 1');
unset($text, $usrreal, $usr_real);
if ($this->users[$i]['pass'] != 'bstowerbot') {
} else {
if ($j > 0) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `bs_turnirs` SET `arhiv` = "' . $bs['arhiv'] . '",`users` = "' . $bs['users'] . '",`users_finish` = "' . $bs['users_finish'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $bs['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
unset($bs, $j);
//Íàãðàäà çà ñîáûòèÿ
if ($this->info['type'] == 500 && isset($tststrt['id'])) {
//Ïðåäìåòû êîòîðûå âûïàäàþò â öåíòð
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($this->users)) {
if ($this->users[$i]['no_ip'] == 'trupojor') {
$mon = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `aaa_monsters` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($mon['id'])) {
if ($this->info['team_win'] == 0) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `hpNow` = "' . $this->stats[$i]['hpAll'] . '",`mpNow` = "' . $this->stats[$i]['mpAll'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `chat` (`text`,`city`,`to`,`type`,`new`,`time`) VALUES ("<font color=red>Âíèìàíèå!</font> ' . mysql_real_escape_string(str_replace('{b}',
'<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> [' . $this->users[$i]['level'] . ']<a target=_blank href=info/' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . ' ><img width=12 height=11 src= ></a>',
$mon['nich_text'])) . ' ","' . $this->users[$i]['city'] . '","","6","1","' . time() . '")');
} elseif ($this->info['team_win'] != $this->users[$i]['team']) {
$j = 0;
$usrwin = '';
while ($j < count($this->users)) {
if ($this->users[$j]['no_ip'] != 'trupojor' && $this->users[$j]['bot'] == 0) {
if ($this->stats[$j]['hpNow'] > 0) {
$usrwin .= ', ';
if ($this->users[$j]['align'] > 0) {
$usrwin .= '<img width=12 height=15 src=' . $this->users[$j]['align'] . '.gif >';
if ($this->users[$j]['clan'] > 0) {
$usrwin .= '<img width=24 height=15 src=' . $this->users[$j]['clan'] . '.gif >';
$usrwin .= '<strong>' . $this->users[$j]['login'] . '</strong> [' . $this->users[$j]['level'] . ']<a target=_blank href=info/' . $this->users[$j]['id'] . ' ><img width=12 height=11 src= ></a>';
if ($usrwin != '') {
$usrwin = ltrim($usrwin, ', ');
} else {
$usrwin = '<i>Êîìàíäà ãåðîåâ</i>';
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `room` = "303" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
$truptimelast = time() + rand(1800, 3600);
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `res_x` = "' . $truptimelast . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `chat` (`text`,`city`,`to`,`type`,`new`,`time`) VALUES ("<font color=red>Âíèìàíèå!</font> ' . mysql_real_escape_string(str_replace('{b}',
'<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> [' . $this->users[$i]['level'] . ']<a target=_blank href=info/' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . ' ><img width=12 height=11 src= ></a>',
str_replace('{u}', $usrwin,
$mon['win_text']))) . ' ","' . $this->users[$i]['city'] . '","","6","1","' . time() . '")');
} else {
if ($mon['win_back'] == 1) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `room` = "303" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `hpNow` = "' . $this->stats[$i]['hpAll'] . '",`mpNow` = "' . $this->stats[$i]['mpAll'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `chat` (`text`,`city`,`to`,`type`,`new`,`time`) VALUES ("<font color=red>Âíèìàíèå!</font> ' . mysql_real_escape_string(str_replace('{b}',
'<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> [' . $this->users[$i]['level'] . ']<a target=_blank href=info/' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . ' ><img width=12 height=11 src= ></a>',
$mon['lose_text'])) . ' ","' . $this->users[$i]['city'] . '","","6","1","' . time() . '")');
// âûêèäûâàåì áîòîâ èç áîÿ
$i = 0;
$botsi = 0;
if (isset($tststrt['id'])) {
while ($i < count($this->users)) {
//Òóò âûêèäûâàåì þçåðîâ èç Ïðèçàâîãî õàîòà
if ($this->info['type'] == 33) {
$plde = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($plde['mail']) && $plde['mail'] == "") {
$pld = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `inUser` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($pld['id'])) {
if ($this->users[$i]['battle_yron'] >= 500) {
$u->addItem(4754, $pld['id'], '');
$u->addItem(4754, $pld['id'], '');
$u->addItem(4754, $pld['id'], '');
$u->addItem(4754, $pld['id'], '');
$u->addItem(4754, $pld['id'], '');
$pld['battle_text'] .= ' Çà Ãåðîè÷åñêîå Ñðàæåíèå âû ïîëó÷àåòå <strong>Ðåëèêâèÿ Àíãåëà (x5)</strong>. ';
mysql_query('UPDATE `users_achiv` SET `pg`= `pg`+1 WHERE `id` = "' . $pld['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
if ($this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win']) {
if (rand(1, 100) <= 5) {
$u->addItem(10020, $pld['id'], '');
$pld['battle_text'] .= ' è <strong>Æåòîí Óñïåõà</strong>. ';
} else {
$pld['battle_text'] .= ' Âû íè÷åãî íå ïîëó÷èëè. <strong>Íóæíî íàáèòü áîëüøå 500 óðîíà óðîíà</strong> .';
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`new`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`) VALUES ('1','" . $pld['city'] . "','" . $pld['room'] . "','','" . $pld['login'] . "','" . $pld['battle_text'] . "','-1','6','0')");
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `stats` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `items_users` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 100');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `eff_users` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 100');
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `inUser` = "0" WHERE `inUser` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
unset ($plde, $pld);
if ($this->users[$i]['bot'] == 1) {
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `stats` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `items_users` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 100');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `eff_users` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 100');
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['bot'] == 2) {
$this->users[$i]['battle'] = 0;
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "0" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `zv` = "0",`team` = "0",`exp` = `exp` + `battle_exp`,`battle_exp` = "0",`battle_yron` = "0",`enemy` = "0", `timeGo` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
//mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `zv` = "0",`team` = "0",`exp` = `exp` + `battle_exp`,`battle_exp` = "0",`timeGo` = "'.time().'" WHERE `id` = "'.$this->users[$i]['id'].'" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `eff_users` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 100');
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['bot'] > 0) {
$this->users[$i]['battle'] = 0;
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `battle` = "0" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `zv` = "0",`team` = "0",`exp` = `exp` + `battle_exp`,`battle_exp` = "0",`battle_yron` = "0",`enemy` = "0", `timeGo` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `eff_users` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 100');
if ($this->users[$i]['clone'] > 0 && $this->users[$i]['bot'] > 0 && isset($this->users[$this->uids[$this->users[$i]['clone']]]['id']) && $this->users[$this->uids[$this->users[$i]['clone']]]['team'] != $this->users[$i]['team']) {
//Äîáàâëÿåì ÷òî êëîí ïîáåæäåí
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$this->users[$i]['clone']]]['team'] == $this->info['team_win']) {
$u->addAction(time(), 'win_bot_clone', '', $this->users[$i]['clone']);
} elseif ($this->info['team_win'] == 0) {
$u->addAction(time(), 'nich_bot_clone', '', $this->users[$i]['clone']);
} else {
$u->addAction(time(), 'lose_bot_clone', '', $this->users[$i]['clone']);
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['bot'] > 0 && $this->users[$i]['bot_id'] > 0) {
//Äîáàâëÿåì ÷òî áîòà ïîáåäèëè
$j = 0;
while ($j < count($this->users)) {
if ($this->users[$j]['bot'] == 0 && $this->users[$j]['team'] != $this->users[$i]['team']) {
if ($this->users[$j]['team'] == $this->info['team_win']) {
$u->addAction(time(), 'win_bot_' . $this->users[$i]['bot_id'], '',
mysql_query('UPDATE `dialog_act` SET `now` = `now` + 1 WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$j]['id'] . '" AND
( `btl_bot` LIKE "' . $this->users[$i]['bot_id'] . '!%" OR `btl_bot` LIKE "%!' . $this->users[$i]['bot_id'] . '!%" )
AND `val` != 1
LIMIT 1');
} elseif ($this->info['team_win'] == 0) {
$u->addAction(time(), 'nich_bot_' . $this->users[$i]['bot_id'], '',
} else {
$u->addAction(time(), 'lose_bot_' . $this->users[$i]['bot_id'], '',
$botss = [];
if ($nl != 10) {
//Èç áîòà ïàäàþò ïðåäìåòû
if ($this->info['dungeon'] > 0) {
if ($this->info['team_win'] == $u->info['team'] && $this->info['dungeon'] == 102) {
$j1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `laba_obj` WHERE `type` = 2 AND `lib` = "' . $this->info['dn_id'] . '" AND `x` = "' . $this->info['x'] . '" AND `y` = "' . $this->info['y'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($j1['id'])) {
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `laba_obj` WHERE `id` = "' . $j1['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
//Âûïàäàåò øìîòêà
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `laba_obj` (`use`,`lib`,`time`,`type`,`x`,`y`,`vars`) VALUES (
"0","' . $j1['lib'] . '","' . time() . '","6","' . $j1['x'] . '","' . $j1['y'] . '","' . (0 + $botsi) . '"
} elseif ($this->info['team_win'] == $u->info['team']) {
//âûéãðàëè ëþäè, âûêèäûâàåì ïðåäìåòû èç ìîáîâ
$j1 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `dungeon_bots` WHERE `dn` = "' . $this->info['dn_id'] . '" AND `for_dn` = "0" AND `x` = "' . $this->info['x'] . '" AND `delete` = "0" AND `y`= "' . $this->info['y'] . '" LIMIT 100');
while ($tbot = mysql_fetch_array($j1)) {
$j2 = 0;
while ($j2 < $tbot['colvo']) {
if (isset($tbot['id2'])) {
$tbot2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `test_bot` WHERE `id` = "' . $tbot['id_bot'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$itms = explode('|', $tbot2['p_items']);
$tii = 0;
$testdrop = 0;
while ($tii < count($itms) && $testdrop == 0) {
$itmz = explode('=', $itms[$tii]);
if ($itmz[0] > 0) {
if (isset($itmz[2]) && $itmz[2] != '') {
$questDrop = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `actions` WHERE `vars` LIKE "%' . $itmz[2] . '%" AND `vals` = "go" AND `uid` = "' . $u->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($questDrop['id'])) { // Åñëè êâåñò åñòü, ïðåäìåò èìååò øàíñ âûïàñòü
} elseif (isset($itmz[2]) && $itmz[2] != '') {
$itmz[1] = 0;
} // Åñëè ïðåäìåò êâåñòîâûé, à êâåñòà ó èãðîêà íåò, òî ïðåäìåò âûïàäåò ñ âåðîÿòíîñòüþ 0
//Äîáàâëÿåì ýòîò ïðåäìåò â çîíó Õ è Ó
if ($itmz[1] * 100000 >= rand(1, 10000000)) {
$tou = 0; //êàêîìó þçåðó ïðåäíàçíà÷åíî
/* âûäåëÿåì ñëó÷àéíîãî þçåðà èç êîìàíäû */
$itmnm = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `name` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "' . $itmz[0] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$itmnm = $itmnm['name'];
$rtxt = 'Ó <strong>' . $tbot2['login'] . '</strong> áûë ïðåäìåò &quot;' . $itmnm . '&quot; è êòî óãîäíî ìîæåò ïîäíÿòü åãî';
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`dn`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`,`typeTime`,`new`) VALUES ('" . $this->info['dn_id'] . "','" . $this->users[0]['city'] . "','" . $this->users[0]['room'] . "','','','" . $rtxt . "','" . time() . "','6','0','1','1')");
$ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_items` (`dn`,`user`,`item_id`,`time`,`x`,`y`) VALUES (
"' . $this->info['dn_id'] . '",
"' . $tou . '",
"' . $itmz[0] . '",
"' . time() . '",
"' . $this->info['x'] . '",
"' . $this->info['y'] . '")');
if (!isset($questDrop['id'])) {
$testdrop = 1; //ÒÓÒ drop-drop //quest
//Êâåñò 1-15 ñåíòÿáðÿ,
if (date('m') == 9 && date('d') < 15) {
if ($this->get_chanse(99)) {
//Íå âûïàëî
} elseif ($this->info['dungeon'] == 12 || $this->info['dungeon'] == 101) {
$tou = 0; //êàêîìó þçåðó ïðåäíàçíà÷åíî
/* âûäåëÿåì ñëó÷àéíîãî þçåðà èç êîìàíäû */
$itmz = [
rand(4745, 4751),
$itmnm = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `name` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "' . $itmz[0] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$itmnm = $itmnm['name'];
$rtxt = 'Ó <strong>' . $tbot2['login'] . '</strong> áûë ïðåäìåò &quot;' . $itmnm . '&quot; è êòî óãîäíî ìîæåò ïîäíÿòü åãî';
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`dn`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`,`typeTime`,`new`) VALUES ('" . $this->info['dn_id'] . "','" . $this->users[0]['city'] . "','" . $this->users[0]['room'] . "','','','" . $rtxt . "','" . time() . "','6','0','1','1')");
$ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_items` (`dn`,`user`,`item_id`,`time`,`x`,`y`) VALUES (
"' . $this->info['dn_id'] . '",
"' . $tou . '",
"' . $itmz[0] . '",
"' . time() . '",
"' . $this->info['x'] . '",
"' . $this->info['y'] . '")');
//Ñòðàíè÷êè ñàíû÷à,
if (rand(1, 100) <= 99) {
//Íå âûïàëî
} elseif ($this->info['dungeon'] == 12 || $this->info['dungeon'] == 3 ||
$this->info['dungeon'] == 101 || $this->info['dungeon'] == 16 ||
$this->info['dungeon'] == 9 || $this->info['dungeon'] == 10 ||
$this->info['dungeon'] == 13 || $this->info['dungeon'] == 106) {
$tou = 0; //êàêîìó þçåðó ïðåäíàçíà÷åíî
// âûäåëÿåì ñëó÷àéíîãî þçåðà èç êîìàíäû
$itmz = rand(3143, 3192);
$itmnm = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `name` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = "' . $itmz . '" LIMIT 1'));
$itmnm = $itmnm['name'];
$rtxt = 'Ó <strong>' . $tbot2['login'] . '</strong> áûë ïðåäìåò &quot;' . $itmnm . '&quot; è êòî óãîäíî ìîæåò ïîäíÿòü åãî';
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`dn`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`,`typeTime`,`new`) VALUES ('" . $this->info['dn_id'] . "','" . $this->users[0]['city'] . "','" . $this->users[0]['room'] . "','','','" . $rtxt . "','" . time() . "','6','0','1','1')");
$ins = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_items` (`dn`,`user`,`item_id`,`time`,`x`,`y`) VALUES (
"' . $this->info['dn_id'] . '",
"' . $tou . '",
"' . $itmz . '",
"' . time() . '",
"' . $this->info['x'] . '",
"' . $this->info['y'] . '")');
mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_bots` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" AND `inBattle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" WHERE `dn` = "' . $this->info['dn_id'] . '" AND `for_dn` = "0" AND `delete` = "0" ');
} else {
//âûêèäûâàåì âñåõ èãðîêîâ â êëåòêó RESTART
$dnr = 1;
if ($this->info['dungeon'] != 102) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_bots` SET `inBattle` = "0" WHERE `dn` = "' . $this->info['dn_id'] . '" AND `for_dn` = "0" AND `x` = "' . $this->info['x'] . '" AND `y`= "' . $this->info['y'] . '"');
$gm = [];
$gms = [];
$bm = [];
$bms = [];
//Êâåñòîâûé ðàçäåë
//Êâåñòîâûé ðàçäåë
//çàâåðøàåì ïîåäèíîê
$i = $this->uids[$u->info['id']];
if ($this->info['team_win'] >= 0) {
if ($this->stats[$i]['pbe'] > 0) {
//Áîíóñ ïîêóïàòåëÿ
$this->expCoef += $this->stats[$i]['pbe'];
if (
$this->info['razdel'] == 5 &&
(($c['m'] >= 6 && $c['m'] <= 8) || ($c['w'] == 0 || $c['w'] == 6))
) {
//Ëåòî è âûõîäíûå
$this->expCoef += 5;
$this->stats[$i]['exp'] += $this->expCoef;
$this->stats[$i]['exp'] += $this->aBexp * $c['exp'];
if ($this->stats[$i]['os4'] > 0) {
$this->stats[$i]['exp'] += $this->stats[$i]['os4'];
$act01 = 0;
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = round($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] + ($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] / 100 * (1 + $this->info['addExp'] + $this->stats[$i]['exp'])));
if ($this->info['type'] == 564) {
//Áîé ñ êîïèåé
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = 0;
if ($this->info['dungeon'] == 104) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = ($u->info['level'] * 2) * (count($this->uids) - 1);
} elseif ($this->info['dungeon'] > 0 && $this->users[$i]['dnow'] != 0 && $this->info['dungeon'] != 1 && $this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win']) {
$dun_limitForLevel = [
4 => 750,
5 => 1500,
6 => 3500,
7 => 8000,
8 => 25000,
9 => 50000,
10 => 75000,
11 => 100000,
12 => 100000,
13 => 100000,
14 => 100000,
// Ìàêñèìóì äëÿ êàæäîãî óðîâíÿ.
if ($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] > 0) {
$dun_exp = []; // Òåêóùèé ëèìèò îïûòà èãðîêà â ïîäçåìåëüÿõ.
$rep = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `dungeonexp`,`id` FROM `rep` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$rep = explode(',', $rep['dungeonexp']);
foreach ($rep as $key => $val) {
$val = explode('=', $val); // òåêóùèé ëèìèò îïûòà â ïîäçåìêå
if (isset($val[0]) && isset($val[1]) && $val[0] != '' && $val[1] != 0) {
$dun_exp[(int)$val[0]] = (int)$val[1];
if (!isset($dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']])) {
$dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']] = 0;
if (!isset($dun_limitForLevel[(int)$this->users[$i]['level']])) { // Åñëè ëèìèò íå çàäàí, îïûò íå äàåì.
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = 0;
} elseif (
isset($dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']]) &&
$dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']] >= $dun_limitForLevel[(int)$this->users[$i]['level']]
) { // Åñëè ëèìèò óæå äîñòèãíóò, îïûò íå äàåì.
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = 0;
} elseif (
isset($dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']]) &&
$dun_limitForLevel[(int)$this->users[$i]['level']] > $dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']]
) { // Åñëè òåêóùàÿ ðåïóòàöèÿ íå äîñòèãëà ëèìèòà.
if (($dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']] + $this->users[$i]['battle_exp']) > $dun_limitForLevel[(int)$this->users[$i]['level']]) {
// Åñëè îïûòà íàáðàíî äîñòàòî÷íî, äëÿ äîñòèæåíèÿ ëèìèòà.
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = abs($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] - abs($dun_limitForLevel[(int)$this->users[$i]['level']] - ($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] + $dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']])));
$dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']] += $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'];
} elseif ($dun_limitForLevel[(int)$this->users[$i]['level']] > ($dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']] + $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'])) {
// Åñëè îïûòà íåäîñòàòî÷íî, äëÿ äîñòèæåíèÿ ëèìèòà.
$dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']] += $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'];
} else {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = 0;
} else { // Â ëþáîé íåïîíÿòíîé ñèòóöàèè.
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = 0;
if ($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] > 0 && isset($dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']]) && $dun_exp[$this->info['dungeon']] > 0) {
$dunexp = [];
foreach ($dun_exp as $key => $val) {
$dunexp[$key] = $key . '=' . $val; // òåêóùèé ëèìèò îïûòà â ïîäçåìêå
$dun_exp = implode(",", $dunexp);
mysql_query('UPDATE `rep` SET `dungeonexp` = "' . $dun_exp . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
unset($dunexp, $dun_exp);
$sinf = '';
if ($c['exp_mega']) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] += floor($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] / 100 * $c['exp_mega_val'][$this->users[$i]['level']]);
if ($this->info['team_win'] == 0 && $this->info['type'] != 564) {
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] <= 1) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = floor($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] * 0.50);
} else {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = ceil($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] * 0.10);
$this->users[$i]['nich'] += 1;
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `swin` = 0, `slose` = 0 WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win'] && $this->info['type'] != 564) {
$gm[$i] = $this->info['money'];
$gms[$i] = $this->info['money3'];
$this->users[$i]['win'] += 1;
$act01 = 1;
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `swin` = `swin` + 1, `slose` = 0 WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
} elseif ($this->info['type'] != 564) {
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] <= 1) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = ceil($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] * 0.33);
} else {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = ceil($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] * 0.10);
$bm[$i] = $this->info['money'];
$bms[$i] = $this->info['money3'];
$this->users[$i]['lose'] += 1;
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `swin` = 0, `slose` = `slose` + 1 WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
$act01 = 2;
//Ðàññ÷èòûâàåì êîë-âî âûèãðûøíûõ ñóìì è êòî ñêîëüêî ïîëó÷èë (äëÿ åêð.)
if ($this->info['money3'] > 0 && isset($gms[$i]) && $this->info['type'] != 564) {
$mn = [
'l' => 0, //ñêîëüêî ïðîèãðàâøèõ èãðîêîâ
'w' => 0, //ñêîëüêî âûèãðûâøèõ èãðîêîâ
'm' => 0 //ñóììà âûèãðûøà (îáùàÿ)
if ($act01 == 1) {
$mn['l'] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `battle_users` WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `team` != "' . $this->users[$i]['team'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$mn['l'] = $mn['l'][0];
$mn['w'] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `battle_users` WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `team` = "' . $this->users[$i]['team'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$mn['w'] = $mn['w'][0];
$mn['m'] = round(($mn['l'] * $this->info['money3']) / 100 * 87, 2);
$gms[$i] = round(($mn['m'] / $mn['w']), 2);
//çàíîñèì äàííûå â ÁÄ
//Ïîëîìêà ïðåäìåòîâ
if ($act01 == 1) {
if ($this->users[$i]['dnow'] == 0) {
if ($this->users[$i]['hpNow'] < 1) {
$lom = 0.05;
} elseif ($act01 == 2) {
$lom = 0.55;
} else {
$lom = 0.05;
//$lom = round($lom*2.75,2);
$nlom = [0 => rand(0, 18), 1 => rand(0, 18), 2 => rand(0, 18), 3 => rand(0, 18)];
if ($this->info['type'] == 564) {
$lom = 0;
if ($this->stats[$i]['silver'] >= 4) {
$lom = 0;
mysql_query('UPDATE `items_users` SET `iznosNOW` = `iznosNOW`+' . $lom . ' WHERE `inOdet` < "18" AND `inOdet` > "0" AND `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `inOdet`!="0" AND `inOdet`!=' . $nlom[0] . ' AND `inOdet`!=' . $nlom[1] . ' AND `inOdet`!=' . $nlom[2] . ' AND `inOdet`!=' . $nlom[3] . ' LIMIT 18');
$prc = '';
if ($this->users[$i]['align'] == 2) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = floor($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] / 2);
if ($this->users[$i]['animal'] > 0) {
$ulan = $u->testAction('`uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `vars` = "animal_use' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1',
if (isset($ulan['id']) && $this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win'] && $this->users[$i]['level'] > $ulan['vals']) {
$a004 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `max_exp`,`name` FROM `users_animal` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['animal'] . '" AND `pet_in_cage` = "0" AND `delete` = "0" LIMIT 1'));
//33% îò îïûòà ïåðåõîäèò çâåðþ, íî íå áîëåå ìàêñèìóìà
$aexp = (round($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] / 100 * 33));
if ($aexp > $a004['max_exp']) {
$aexp = $a004['max_exp'];
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`new`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`
'1','" . $this->users[$i]['city'] . "','" . $this->users[$i]['room'] . "','','" . $this->users[$i]['login'] . "'
,'Âàø ïèòîìåö &quot;" . $a004['name'] . "&quot; ïîëó÷èë îïûò: <strong>" . $aexp . "</strong>','-1','6','0')");
$upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `users_animal` SET `exp` = `exp` + ' . $aexp . ' WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['animal'] . '" AND `level` < ' . $this->users[$i]['level'] . ' LIMIT 1');
if ($upd) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = round($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] / 100 * 67);
$this->info['addExp'] -= 33.333;
$prsusers = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT SUM(`price1`) FROM `battle_users` WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$btlstatus = $this->typeBattle($prsusers[0]);
if ($this->info['smert'] == 1) {
$btlstatus = [150, 150, 'Æåñòî÷àéøåå Ñðàæåíèå', 'Æåñòî÷àéøåå Ñðàæåíèå'];
if ($this->stats[$i]['clanpos'] > 0) {
if ($this->stats[$i]['clanpos'] == 1) {
$this->info['addExp'] += 0;
} elseif ($this->stats[$i]['clanpos'] == 2) {
$this->info['addExp'] += 0;
} elseif ($this->stats[$i]['clanpos'] == 3) {
$this->info['addExp'] += 0;
//Ñòàòóñíàÿ áèòâà
if ($btlstatus[0] > 0) {
if ($this->info['type'] == 99) {
$this->info['addExp'] += $btlstatus[1];
} else {
$this->info['addExp'] += $btlstatus[0];
if ($this->users[$i]['align'] == 2 || $this->users[$i]['haos'] > time()) {
$this->stats[$i]['exp'] = -($this->info['addExp'] + 50);
if ($this->info['addExp'] + $this->stats[$i]['exp'] != 0) {
$prc = ' (' . (100 + $this->info['addExp'] + $this->stats[$i]['exp']) . '%)';
if ($this->info['money'] > 0) {
if (isset($gm[$i])) {
$prc .= ' Âû âûéãðàëè <strong>' . $gm[$i] . ' êð.</strong> çà ýòîò áîé.';
$u->addDelo(4, $this->users[$i]['id'],
'&quot;<font color="olive">System.battle</font>&quot;: Ïåðñîíàæ âûéãðàë <strong>' . $gm[$i] . ' êð.</strong> (Â áîþ ¹' . $this->info['id'] . ').',
time(), $this->info['city'], 'System.battle', 0, 0);
$this->users[$i]['money'] += $gm[$i];
} elseif (isset($bm[$i])) {
$prc .= ' Âû çàïëàòèëè <strong>' . $bm[$i] . ' êð.</strong> çà ýòîò áîé.';
$u->addDelo(4, $this->users[$i]['id'],
'&quot;<font color="olive">System.battle</font>&quot;: Ïåðñîíàæ <i>ïðîèãðàë</i> <strong>' . $gm[$i] . ' êð.</strong> (Â áîþ ¹' . $this->info['id'] . ').',
time(), $this->info['city'], 'System.battle', 0, 0);
$this->users[$i]['money'] -= $bm[$i];
if ($c['money_haot'] && $this->users[$i]['exp'] <= 200000000) {
if ($act01 == 1 && $this->info['razdel'] == 5 && $this->users[$i]['level'] >= 8) {
//Ñêîëüêî íóæíî îïûòà íàáèòü
$trexp = [
8 => 1200,
9 => 3000,
10 => 4500,
11 => 12000,
12 => 20000,
13 => 30000,
14 => 30000,
15 => 30000,
16 => 30000,
17 => 30000,
18 => 30000,
19 => 30000,
20 => 30000,
21 => 30000,
$trexp = $trexp[$this->users[$i]['level']];
//Êàêàÿ öåíà ôóëëà äîëæíà áûòü
$trmn = [
8 => 1000,
9 => 3000,
10 => 2500,
11 => 3000,
12 => 3000,
13 => 3000,
14 => 3000,
15 => 3000,
16 => 3000,
17 => 3000,
18 => 3000,
19 => 3000,
20 => 3000,
21 => 3000,
$trmn = $trmn[$this->users[$i]['level']];
//Ñêîëüêî åêð äàåòñÿ
$admn = [
8 => 0.05, //0.05
9 => 0.065, //0.065
10 => 0.075, //0.075
11 => 0.085, //0.085
12 => 0.1, //0.1
13 => 0.1,
14 => 0.1,
15 => 0.1,
16 => 0.1,
17 => 0.1,
18 => 0.1,
19 => 0.1,
20 => 0.1,
21 => 0.1,
$admn = $admn[$this->users[$i]['level']];
if ($c['m'] >= 6 && $c['m'] <= 8) {
//Ëåòíèé ïåðèîä
if ($c['w'] == 0 || $c['w'] == 5 || $c['w'] == 6) {
//Âûõîäíûå äíè
$admn = $admn * 2;
} elseif ($c['w'] == 0 || $c['w'] == 5 || $c['w'] == 6) {
//Âûõîäíûå äíè
$admn = $admn * 2;
if ($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] < $trexp) {
//íåäîñòàòî÷íî îïûòà íàáèòî çà áîé
$prc .= ', Íàãðàäà <strong>0 ÅÊÐ</strong> çà ýòîò áîé (Ìàëî îïûòà íàáèëè).';
//íåäîñòàòî÷íî ñòîèìîñòü êð âåùåé
} elseif ($admn > 0) {
if ($this->info['type'] != 33) {
$prc .= ', Íàãðàäà <strong>' . $admn . ' ÅÊÐ</strong> çà ýòîò áîé.';
$u->addDelo(4, $this->users[$i]['id'],
'&quot;<font color="olive">System.battle</font>&quot;: Ïåðñîíàæ ïîëó÷èë <strong>' . $admn . ' ÅÊÐ</strong> ( áîþ ¹' . $this->info['id'] . ').',
time(), $this->info['city'], 'System.battle', 0, 0);
$this->users[$i]['money2'] += $admn;
if ($this->info['money3'] > 0) {
if (isset($gms[$i])) {
$prc .= ' Âû âûéãðàëè <strong>' . $gms[$i] . ' $.</strong> çà ýòîò áîé.';
$u->addDelo(4, $this->users[$i]['id'],
'&quot;<font color="olive">System.battle</font>&quot;: Ïåðñîíàæ âûéãðàë <strong>' . $gms[$i] . ' $.</strong> (Â áîþ ¹' . $this->info['id'] . ').',
time(), $this->info['city'], 'System.battle', 0, 0);
$this->users[$i]['money3'] += $gms[$i];
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `money3` = `money3` + "' . $gms[$i] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
} elseif (isset($bms[$i])) {
$prc .= ' Âû çàïëàòèëè <strong>' . $bms[$i] . ' $.</strong> çà ýòîò áîé.';
$u->addDelo(4, $this->users[$i]['id'],
'&quot;<font color="olive">System.battle</font>&quot;: Ïåðñîíàæ <i>ïðîèãðàë</i> <strong>' . $gms[$i] . ' $.</strong> (Â áîþ ¹' . $this->info['id'] . ').',
time(), $this->info['city'], 'System.battle', 0, 0);
$this->users[$i]['money3'] -= $bms[$i];
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `money3` = `money3` - "' . $bms[$i] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
$lime = [
8 => 18000,
9 => 28000,
10 => 84000,
11 => 100,
12 => 100,
13 => 100,
14 => 100,
15 => 100,
16 => 100,
17 => 100,
18 => 100,
19 => 100,
20 => 100,
21 => 100,
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] < 8) {
$lime = 5400;
} else {
$lime = $lime[$this->users[$i]['level']];
if ($this->stats[$i]['silver'] >= 5) {
$lime += round($lime);
if ($this->users[$i]['stopexp'] == 1) {
$lime = 0;
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = 0;
if ($lime < $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] && $c['limitedexp']) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = $lime;
if ($btlstatus[0] > 0) {
if ($this->info['type'] == 99) {
$prc .= ' (' . $btlstatus[3] . ')';
} else {
$prc .= ' (' . $btlstatus[2] . ')';
if ($this->info['dungeon'] == 1 && $this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win']) {
//êàíàëèçàöèÿ ëèìèò
$rep = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `dl1`,`id` FROM `rep` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if ($rep['dl' . $this->info['dungeon']] > 0) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] += 3 * count($this->users);
if ($rep['dl' . $this->info['dungeon']] > $this->users[$i]['battle_exp']) {
$rep['dl' . $this->info['dungeon']] -= $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'];
} else {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = $rep['dl' . $this->info['dungeon']];
$rep['dl' . $this->info['dungeon']] = 0;
mysql_query('UPDATE `rep` SET `dl' . $this->info['dungeon'] . '` = "' . $rep['dl' . $this->info['dungeon']] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $rep['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
} else {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = 0;
if ($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] < 1) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = 0;
if (
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] < 1 &&
$this->users[$i]['twink'] == 0 &&
$this->info['money'] == 0 &&
$this->info['money3'] == 0 &&
$this->info['kingfight'] == 0 &&
) {
$prc = '';
if ($this->user[$i]['host_reg'] == 'real_bot_user') {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = round($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] / 3);
if ($sinf != '') {
$sinf = ' ( ' . $sinf . ' )';
//--------------Ëèìèò 8-9--------------
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 8 && $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] >= 23000) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = 23000;
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 9 && $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] >= 31000) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = 31000;
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 10 && $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] >= 52000) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = 52000;
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] >= 11 && $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] >= 75000) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = 75000;
if ($this->info['type'] != 33) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_text'] = 'Áîé çàêîí÷åí. Âñåãî âàìè íàíåñåíî óðîíà: <strong>' . floor($this->users[$i]['battle_yron']) . ' HP</strong>. Ïîëó÷åíî îïûòà: <strong>' . (0 + $this->users[$i]['battle_exp']) . '</strong>' . $prc . '.' . $sinf; //stats
/*Âûïàäåíèå çóáîâ â êîíöå áîÿ */
if ($c['nolevel']) {
$rex95 = substr($this->users[$i]['exp'], -1);
if ($this->users[$i]['money4'] < 1000 && $this->users[$i]['exp'] == 12499) {
$rex95 = 6;
$rex95 = 5;
} else {
$rex95 = 5;
if ($c['zuby'] && $this->info['dungeon'] == 0 && ($this->info['clone'] == 0 || $this->users[$i]['level'] < 5) && $rex95 != 9 && $this->info['type'] != 564) {
if ($this->users[$i]['align'] != 2 && $this->users[$i]['level'] >= 0 && $this->users[$i]['level'] < 8 && $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] > 0) {
$rzb = 0;
if ($this->get_chanse(50)) {
$rzb += rand(1, 3);
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] > 15) {
$rzb += 1;
$chzbs = 100;
if ($this->stats[$i]['silver'] > 0) {
$chzbs = 150;
if ($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] > 9) {
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] > 1) {
//Íîðìàëüíûé çóá
if ($this->get_chanse(25 / 100 * $chzbs)) {
$rzb += 10;
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 1 && $this->get_chanse(30 / 100 * $chzbs)) {
$rzb += 10;
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] > 3 && $this->get_chanse(5 / 100 * $chzbs)) {
$rzb += 100;
if ($this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win']) {
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] < 8) {
$rzb += 1;
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['team'] == 0) {
if ($this->get_chanse(25 / 100 * $chzbs) && $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] > 2) {
$rzb = rand(0, 1);
} else {
$rzb = 0;
} else {
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] >= 1) {
$rzb = 0;
} else {
if ($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] < 3) {
$rzb = 0;
} elseif ($this->user[$i]['lose'] > $this->user[$i]['win']) {
if ($this->get_chanse(5 / 100 * $chzbs)) {
$rzb = rand(0, 1);
} else {
$rzb = 0;
} elseif ($this->get_chanse(10 / 100 * $chzbs)) {
$rzb = rand(0, 1);
$rzb = 0;
if ($rex95 == 6) {
$rzb = $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] > 10 ? rand(0, 1) : 0;
if ($rzb > 0 && rand(0, 1000) <= 500) {
$rzb = rand(1, 3);
if ($rzb > 0) {
if ($this->stats[$i]['silver'] >= 5) {
$rzb = $rzb * 2;
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `money4` = `money4` + "' . $rzb . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
$this->users[$i]['battle_text'] .= ' Âû ïîëó÷èëè <small>' . $u->zuby($rzb,
1) . '</small> çà ýòîò áîé.';
if ($this->info['priz'] > 0) {
//Ïðèçîâîé õàîò
2-3 ëâë = 1 æåòîí
4-5 ëâë = 1 æåòîíà
6-7 ëâë = 2 æåòîíîâ
8-9 ëâë = 3 æåòîíîâ
 ñëó÷àè ïîáåäû (õ3)
$tmon = [
2 => 1,
3 => 1,
4 => 1,
5 => 1,
6 => 1,
7 => 2,
8 => 3,
9 => 3,
10 => 5,
11 => 5,
$tmon = $tmon[$this->users[$i]['level']];
$tmonc = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `battle` WHERE `id` IN ( SELECT `battle_id` FROM `battle_last` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" ) AND `priz` > 0 AND `time_start` > "' . strtotime(date('d.m.Y')) . '"'));
$tmonc = $tmonc[0];
if ($this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win']) {
//Ïðè âûèãðûøå óâåëè÷èâàåì
if ($tmonc < 1) {
$tmonc = 1;
} elseif ($tmonc > 96) {
$tmonc = 96;
$tmon = ($tmon * $tmonc);
$tmoni = 1;
while ($tmoni <= floor($tmon / 2)) {
$u->addItem(4754, $this->users[$i]['id'], ''); //
$this->users[$i]['battle_text'] .= ' Çà ïðèçîâîé õàîò âû ïîëó÷àåòå <strong>Ïðèçîâîé Æåòîí (x' . floor($tmon / 2) . ')</strong>. (×åì áîëüøå ïðèçîâûõ õàîòîâ âû ïðèìèòå çà ñóòêè, òåì áîëüøå áóäåò âûäàâàòüñÿ æåòîíîâ ïðè ïîáåäå! Ïðèçîâûõ õàîòîâ ïîñåùåíî ñåãîäíÿ ' . ($tmonc) . '/96 )';
unset($tmon, $tmoni);
//Ñíèæåíèå âðåìåíè Ïðàâî íà ïîäâèã Òèòóë çà ïîáåäó â õàîòå
if ($this->info['dungeon'] == 0 && $this->info['razdel'] == 5 && $this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win']) {
$u->repexp_add($this->users[$i]['id'], 2); //Ðåïóòàöèÿ çà ïîá â õàîòå +2
$check = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `eff_users` WHERE `id_eff` = 478 AND `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `delete` = 0 ORDER BY `overType` DESC LIMIT 1;'));
if (isset($check['id'])) {
$urcheck = 10000;
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 8) {
$urcheck = 3000;
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 9) {
$urcheck = 7000;
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 10) {
$urcheck = 12000;
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['level'] >= 11) {
$urcheck = 18000;
if ($this->users[$i]['battle_yron'] >= $urcheck) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `eff_users` SET `timeUse` = `timeUse` - 300 WHERE `id_eff`=478 AND `delete` = 0 AND `uid` =' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . ' LIMIT 1');
$this->users[$i]['battle_text'] .= ' Çà ïîáåäó â õàîòå è íàíåñåíèå óðîíà â <strong>' . $urcheck . '</strong> è áîëåå âû ïîëó÷àåòå <strong>-5 ìèí.</strong> ê ïðàâó íà ïîäâèã!';
mysql_query('UPDATE `users_achiv` SET `vx`= `vx`+1 WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'); //
//Íàãðàäà çà êëàí âàð
if ($this->info['dungeon'] == 0 && $this->info['type'] == 250 && $this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win']) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `users_achiv` SET `kw`= `kw`+1 WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
if (date('w') == 0 || date('w') == 6 || date('w') == 4) {
$u->repexp_add($this->users[$i]['id'], 25); //Êëàíîâûå âîéíû(ïîáåäà) 25
//Íàãðàäà çà êëàí âàð
if ($this->info['dungeon'] == 0 && $this->info['type'] == 99 && $this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win']) {
if (date('w') == 0 || date('w') == 6 || date('w') == 5) {
$u->repexp_add($this->users[$i]['id'], 10); //Êðîâàâûå âîéíû(ïîáåäà) 10
//Íîâàÿ âûäà÷à íà òðóïîæîðà
if ($this->info['dungeon'] == 0 && $this->info['type'] == 500 && $this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win'] && $this->users[$i]['no_ip'] != 'trupojor' && $this->users[$i]['bot'] == 0) {
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] > 9) {
$mid = 903093;
} else {
$mid = 89489;
$mon = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `aaa_monsters` WHERE `uid` = "' . $mid . '" LIMIT 1'));
if ($this->users[$i]['battle_yron'] >= 2000) {
$ritem = rand(1, 100);
if ($ritem <= 20) {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4459@1';
} elseif ($ritem <= 40) {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4460@1';
} elseif ($ritem <= 60) {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4461@1';
} elseif ($ritem <= 80) {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4462@1';
} else {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4463@1';
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['battle_yron'] >= 1500) {
$ritem = rand(1, 100);
if ($ritem <= 20) {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4459@1';
} elseif ($ritem <= 40) {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4460@1';
} elseif ($ritem <= 60) {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4461@1';
} elseif ($ritem <= 80) {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4462@1';
} else {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4463@1';
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['battle_yron'] >= 1000) {
$ritem = rand(1, 100);
if ($ritem <= 25) {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4460@1';
} elseif ($ritem <= 50) {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4461@1';
} elseif ($ritem <= 75) {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4462@1';
} else {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4463@1';
} else {
$mon['win_itm'] = '4392@1';
$timewait = 0;
if ($this->users[$i]['battle_yron'] > 0) {
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `eff_users` (`no_Ace`,`id_eff`,`overType`,`uid`,`name`,`data`,`timeUse`) VALUES ("1","478","111","' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '","Ïðàâî íà ïîäâèã","pravonapodvig=1","' . time() . '")');
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `actions`(`uid`, `time`, `city`, `room`, `vars`, `ip`, `vals`, `val`) VALUES ("' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '","' . (time() - $timewait) . '","capitalcity","' . $this->users[$i]['room'] . '","end_trup"," ","","")');
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `eff_users` (`no_Ace`,`id_eff`,`overType`,`uid`,`name`,`data`,`timeUse`) VALUES ("1","479","112","' . $u->info['id'] . '","Çàùèòà îò íàïàäåíèÿ","zashitatk=1","' . time() . '")');
$ritem = rand(1, 1000);
if ($ritem == 555) {
$mon['win_itm'] = $mon['win_itm'] . ',5022@1';
$this->addGlobalItems($mid, $this->users[$i]['id'], $mon['win_itm'], $mon['win_eff'],
$mon['win_ico'], 1, $mon['win_money1'], $mon['win_money2']); //$mon['win_exp']
if ($this->info['dungeon'] == 0 && $this->info['razdel'] == 5 && $u->info['battle_yron'] >= 2000) {
//Ðåëèêâèÿ Àíãåëà ang_g
if ($this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win']) {
//Ïðè âûèãðûøå óâåëè÷èâàåì
$tmoni = 2;
} else {
$tmoni = 1;
$tmon = $tmoni;
$effblago = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `eff_users` WHERE `uid` = ' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . ' AND `delete` = 0 AND `id_eff`= 414 LIMIT 1'));
if (isset ($effblago['id'])) {
$limitg = 50;
} else {
$limitg = 25;
while ($tmoni >= 1) {
if ($u->info['ang_g'] < $limitg) {
$u->addItem(4754, $this->users[$i]['id'], '');
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `ang_g`=`ang_g`+1 WHERE `id` =' . $this->users[$i]['id']);
} else {
if ($this->info['type'] != 33) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_text'] .= ' Çà õàîò âû ïîëó÷àåòå <strong>Ðåëèêâèÿ Àíãåëà (' . $tmon . ')</strong>. Âñåãî [' . ($u->info['ang_g'] + $tmon) . '/' . $limitg . '] â äåíü. ';
unset($tmon, $tmoni, $effblago, $limitg);
if ($this->info['razdel'] == 5 || $this->info['razdel'] == 4) {
if (date('d.m') == '31.10' || (date('m') == 11 && date('d') < 7)) {
//Õýëëîóèí 4504
$this->users[$i]['battle_text'] .= ' Âû ïîëó÷àåòå <strong>Òûêâà (x1)</strong>.';
$u->addItem(4504, $this->users[$i]['id'], '|sudba=1');
//Äîáàâëÿåì âîèíñòâåííîñòü
if ($this->info['dungeon'] == 0 && $this->info['razdel'] == 5 && $this->users[$i]['exp'] >= 1500
) {
if ($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] > 100 * $this->users[$i]['level']) {
$rzbvo = $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] * 6 / 1000;
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 8) {
if ($rzbvo >= 100) {
$rzbvo = 100;
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 9) {
if ($rzbvo >= 150) {
$rzbvo = 150;
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 10) {
if ($rzbvo >= 200) {
$rzbvo = 200;
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 11) {
if ($rzbvo >= 250) {
$rzbvo = 250;
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 12) {
if ($rzbvo >= 250) {
$rzbvo = 250;
if ($this->info['type'] != 33) {
$this->users[$i]['battle_text'] .= ' Âû ïîëó÷èëè ' . $rzbvo . ' âîèíñòâåííîñòè çà ýòîò áîé.';
mysql_query('UPDATE `rep` SET `rep3` = `rep3` + ' . $rzbvo . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $this->users[$i]['id']);
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `actions`(`uid`, `time`, `city`, `room`, `vars`, `ip`, `vals`, `val`) VALUES ("' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '","' . time() . '","capitalcity","' . $this->users[$i]['room'] . '","end_xaot"," ","' . $zadID . '","")');
if ($this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] >= 1) {
$this->stats[$i]['test_heal'] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT SUM(`yrn`) FROM `battle_stat` WHERE `uid2` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$this->stats[$i]['test_heal'] = $this->stats[$i]['test_heal'][0];
$this->stats[$i]['test_start'] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `hpStart` FROM `battle_users` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$this->stats[$i]['test_start'] = $this->stats[$i]['test_start']['hpStart'];
$this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] = ($this->stats[$i]['test_start'] - $this->stats[$i]['test_heal']);
if ($this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] < 1) {
$this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] = 1;
} else {
$this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] = 0;
$this->users[$i]['last_b'] = $this->info['id']; //stats
$this->users[$i]['last_a'] = $act01;
$this->users[$i]['battle'] = -1; //users
$this->users[$i]['battle_yron'] = 0; //stats
$this->users[$i]['exp'] += $this->users[$i]['battle_exp']; //users
//Äîáàâëÿåì êëàí îïûò (Âñå êðîìå ïåùåð)
if ($this->users[$i]['clan'] > 0) {
$cpr = 1;
if ($this->info['typeBattle'] == 9) {
$cpr = 25;
} elseif ($this->info['typeBattle'] == 50) {
$cpr = 65;
if ($this->stats[$i]['silver'] >= 5) {
$cpr = floor($cpr / 100 * 150);
mysql_query('UPDATE `clan` SET `exp` = `exp` + "' . round($this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] / 100 * $cpr) . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['clan'] . '" LIMIT 1');
$this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] = 0; //stats
if ($this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->info['team_win']) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `rep` SET `n_capitalcity` = `n_capitalcity` + ' . $this->users[$i]['bn_capitalcity'] . ' ,`n_demonscity` = `n_demonscity` + ' . $this->users[$i]['bn_demonscity'] . ' ,`n_demonscity` = `n_demonscity` + ' . $this->users[$i]['bn_suncity'] . ' WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
$this->users[$i]['bn_demonscity'] = 0;
$this->users[$i]['bn_capitalcity'] = 0;
$this->users[$i]['bn_suncity'] = 0;
//çàâåðøåíèå ýôôåêòîâ ñ ôèíèøåì
$spe = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `eff_users` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `file_finish` != "" AND `v1` = "priem" LIMIT 30');
while ($ple = mysql_fetch_array($spe)) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priems/' . $ple['file_finish'] . '.php')) {
require('../../_incl_data/class/priems/' . $ple['file_finish'] . '.php');
//îáíîâëÿåì äàííûå
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `eff_users` WHERE `v1` = "priem" AND `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 50');
if ($dnr == 1) {
if ($this->users[$i]['room'] == 370) {
$dies = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `dn` = "' . $this->users[$i]['dnow'] . '" AND `vars` = "dielaba" LIMIT 1'));
$dies = $dies[0];
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_actions` (`dn`,`uid`,`x`,`y`,`time`,`vars`,`vals`) VALUES (
"' . $this->users[$i]['dnow'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['x'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['y'] . '","' . time() . '","dielaba",""
} else {
$dies = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `dungeon_actions` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `dn` = "' . $this->users[$i]['dnow'] . '" AND `vars` = "die" LIMIT 1'));
$dies = $dies[0];
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_actions` (`dn`,`uid`,`x`,`y`,`time`,`vars`,`vals`) VALUES (
"' . $this->users[$i]['dnow'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['x'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['y'] . '","' . time() . '","die",""
if ($dies < 2 || $this->info['dungeon'] == 15) {
$tshbn = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `items_users` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `delete` = 0 AND `item_id` = "4910" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($tshbn['id'])) {
//âûáðàñûâàåì øàéáó
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `items_users` WHERE `id` = "' . $tshbn['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `dungeon_obj` (
"Øàéáà","' . $this->info['dn_id'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['x'] . '","' . $this->users[$i]['y'] . '","shaiba.png","0","fileact:15/shaiba","0",
//òåëåïîðòèðóåì â ðåñòàðò (êîîðäèíàòà 0õ0)
$this->users[$i]['x'] = $this->users[$i]['res_x'];
$this->users[$i]['y'] = $this->users[$i]['res_y'];
$this->users[$i]['s'] = $this->users[$i]['res_s'];
$r_n = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `name` FROM `room` WHERE `id` = "' . (int)$this->users[$i]['room'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if ($this->users[$i]['room'] == 370) {
if ($this->users[$i]['sex'] == 0) {
$rtxt = '<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> òðàãè÷åñêè ïîãèá è íàõîäèòñÿ â íà÷àëå ëàáèðèíòà';
} else {
$rtxt = '<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> òðàãè÷åñêè ïîãèáëà è íàõîäèòñÿ â íà÷àëå ëàáèðèíòà';
} else {
if ($this->users[$i]['sex'] == 0) {
$rtxt = '<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> òðàãè÷åñêè ïîãèá è íàõîäèòñÿ â êîìíàòå &quot;' . $r_n['name'] . '&quot;';
} else {
$rtxt = '<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> òðàãè÷åñêè ïîãèáëà è íàõîäèòñÿ â êîìíàòå &quot;' . $r_n['name'] . '&quot;';
} elseif ($this->info['dungeon'] == 102) {
$nld = '';
$lab = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`users` FROM `laba_now` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if ($lab['users'] < 2) {
//Óäàëÿåì ïîäçåìåëüå
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `laba_now` WHERE `id` = "' . $lab['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `laba_map` WHERE `id` = "' . $lab['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `laba_obj` WHERE `lib` = "' . $lab['id'] . '"');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `laba_act` WHERE `lib` = "' . $lab['id'] . '"');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `laba_itm` WHERE `lib` = "' . $lab['id'] . '"');
} else {
mysql_query('UPDATE `laba_now` SET `users` = "' . $lab['users'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $lab['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `dnow` = "0" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `room` = "369" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
//óäàëÿåì âñå ïðåäìåòû êîòîðûå ïðîïàäàþò ïîñëå âûõîäà èç ïåùåðû
mysql_query('UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `delete` < 1234567890 AND `inShop` = "0" AND (`dn_delete` = "1" OR `data` LIKE "%fromlaba=1%")');
if ($this->users[$i]['login'] != '') {
if ($this->users[$i]['sex'] == 0) {
$rtxt = '<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> òðàãè÷åñêè ïîãèá áåç ïðàâà íà âîñêðåøåíèå è ïîêèäàåò ïîäçåìåëüå' . $nld;
} else {
$rtxt = '<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> òðàãè÷åñêè ïîãèáëà áåç ïðàâà íà âîñêðåøåíèå è ïîêèäàåò ïîäçåìåëüå' . $nld;
} else {
$tinf = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `uid` FROM `dungeon_now` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['dn_id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$nld = '';
if ($tinf['uid'] == $this->users[$i]['id']) {
$tinf = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `stats` WHERE `dnow` = "' . $this->info['dn_id'] . '" AND `hpNow` >= 1 LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($tinf['id'])) {
$tinf = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`login` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = "' . $tinf['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$nld .= ', íîâûì ëèäåðîì ñòàíîâèòñÿ &quot;' . $tinf['login'] . '&quot;';
mysql_query('UPDATE `dungeon_now` SET `uid` = "' . $tinf['id'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['dn_id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
$rooms = [
374 => 372, //ÏÒÏ (Êýïèòàë ñèòè)
189 => 188, //Âîäîñòîê (Êýïèòàë ñèòè)
392 => 393, //Øàõòû (Êýïèòàë ñèòè)
398 => 397, //Øàõòû (Àíãåëñ ñèòè)
243 => 395, //Âîäîñòîê (Àíãåëñ ñèòè)
360 => 242, //Áåçäíà (Àíãåëñ ñèòè)
19 => 293 //Êàòàêîìáû
// $n_rm = $rooms[$this->users[$i]['room']];
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `dnow` = "0" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `room` = "321" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
//óäàëÿåì âñå ïðåäìåòû êîòîðûå ïðîïàäàþò ïîñëå âûõîäà èç ïåùåðû
mysql_query('UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `dn_delete` = "1" LIMIT 1000');
mysql_query('UPDATE `items_users` SET `delete` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `uid` = "' . $u->info['id'] . '" AND `item_id` = "1189" OR `item_id` = "4447" OR `item_id` = "1174") LIMIT 1000');
if ($this->users[$i]['sex'] == 0) {
$rtxt = '<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> òðàãè÷åñêè ïîãèá áåç ïðàâà íà âîñêðåøåíèå è ïîêèäàåò ïîäçåìåëüå' . $nld;
} else {
$rtxt = '<strong>' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . '</strong> òðàãè÷åñêè ïîãèáëà áåç ïðàâà íà âîñêðåøåíèå è ïîêèäàåò ïîäçåìåëüå' . $nld;
if ($rtxt != '') {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`dn`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`,`typeTime`,`new`) VALUES ('" . $this->info['dn_id'] . "','" . $this->users[$i]['city'] . "','" . $this->users[$i]['room'] . "','','','" . $rtxt . "','" . time() . "','6','0','1','1')");
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `login2` = "" WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '"');
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `login2` = "", `money` = "' . $this->users[$i]['money'] . '", `money2` = "' . $this->users[$i]['money2'] . '",`win` = "' . $this->users[$i]['win'] . '",`lose` = "' . $this->users[$i]['lose'] . '",`nich` = "' . $this->users[$i]['nich'] . '",`battle` = "-1" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
if ($u->info['id'] == $this->users[$i]['id']) {
$u->info['battle_text'] = $this->users[$i]['battle_text'];
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `hpNow` = "' . $this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] . '",`mpNow` = "' . $this->stats[$i]['mpNow'] . '",`bn_capitalcity` = 0,`bn_demonscity` = 0,`smena` = 3,`tactic7` = "-100",`x`="' . $this->users[$i]['x'] . '",`y`="' . $this->users[$i]['y'] . '",`priems_z`="0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0",`last_pr`="0",`tactic1`="0",`tactic2`="0",`tactic3`="0",`tactic4`="0",`tactic5`="0",`tactic6`="0.00000000",`tactic7`="10",`exp` = "' . $this->users[$i]['exp'] . '",`battle_exp` = "' . $this->users[$i]['battle_exp'] . '",`battle_text` = "' . $this->users[$i]['battle_text'] . '",`battle_yron` = "0",`enemy` = "0",`last_b`="' . $this->info['id'] . '",`regHP` = "' . time() . '",`regMP` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
if ($this->info['turnir'] == 0) {
//ïèøåì â ÷àò
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`new`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`) VALUES ('1','" . $this->users[$i]['city'] . "','" . $this->users[$i]['room'] . "','','" . $this->users[$i]['login'] . "','" . $this->users[$i]['battle_text'] . "','-1','6','0')");
} else {
mysql_query('UPDATE `turnirs` SET `winner` = "' . $this->info['team_win'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['turnir'] . '" LIMIT 1');
//çàâåðøàåì ñàì áîé
mysql_query('UPDATE `battle` SET `time_over` = "' . time() . '",`team_win` = "' . $this->info['team_win'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
// Æðàòü õî÷åò
if ($this->users[$i]['animal'] > 0) {
$a = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `users_animal` WHERE `uid` = ' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . ' AND `id` = ' . $this->users[$i]['animal'] . ' AND `pet_in_cage` = 0 AND `delete` = 0 LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($a['id'])) {
if ($a['eda'] < 1) {
$u->send('', $this->users[$i]['room'], $this->users[$i]['city'], '',
$this->users[$i]['login'], '<strong>' . $a['name'] . '</strong> íóæäàåòñÿ â åäå...',
time(), 6, 0, 0, 0, 1);
mysql_query("UPDATE `stats` SET `battle_text` = '',`last_b` = 0 WHERE `id` = " . $this->users[$i]['id']);
mysql_query("UPDATE `battle_users` SET `finish` = 1 WHERE `uid` = " . $this->users[$i]['id']);
if ($u->info['battle'] != 0 && !isset($u->info['battle_lsto'])) {
echo '<script>document.getElementById(\'teams\').style.display=\'none\';var battleFinishData = "' . $u->info['battle_text'] . '";</script>';
} else {
mysql_query('UPDATE `battle` SET `testfinish` = 0 WHERE `id` = ' . $this->info['id']);
mysql_query('UNLOCK TABLES');
//Âûäàåì ïðåäìåòû
private $ainm = [];
* @param $uid
* @param int $itemId
* @param string $data
* @return void
private function addGlobalItem($uid, $itemId, $data)
$room = $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['room'];
$login = $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['login'];
$q = "insert into items_local (room, time, item_id, data, tr_login, colvo) values
($room, unix_timestamp(), $itemId, $data, $login, 1)";
private function addGlobalItems($bid, $uid, $itm, $eff, $ico, $exp, $cr, $ecr)
global $u;
//Âûïàäåíèå äðîïà íà ÖÏ
if ($bid == 1008) {
//Ñòàðûé Íîâûé Ãîä
$jit = 0;
$iit = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users` WHERE `online` > unix_timestamp() - 120'));
$iit = floor($iit[0] / 20);
$iit = rand(1, $iit);
while ($jit < $iit) {
if (rand(0, 100) < 50) {
$svtk = array_fill(0, 71, 1000);
1461, 1462, 1463, 4037,
4038, 4039, 4040, 911,
1172, 1173, 2142, 2141,
2143, 2870, 2144);
$svtk = $svtk[rand(0, count($svtk) - 1)];
if ($svtk == 1000) {
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, $svtk, '|nosale=1|srok=259200');
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, $svtk, '|nosale=1|srok=259200');
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, $svtk, '|nosale=1|srok=259200');
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, $svtk, '|nosale=1|srok=259200');
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, $svtk, '|nosale=1|srok=259200');
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, $svtk, '|nosale=1|srok=259200');
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, $svtk, '|nosale=1|srok=259200');
} elseif ($bid == 1007) {
//Õýëëîóèí, Òûêâîãîëîâûé CAPITAL CITY
$jit = 0;
$iit = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users` WHERE `online` > unix_timestamp() - 120'));
$iit = floor($iit[0] / 20);
$iit = rand(1, $iit);
while ($jit < $iit) {
if (rand(0, 100) < 50) {
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, 4504, '');
} elseif ($bid == 1006) {
if (rand(0, 100) < 10) {
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, 4451, 'srok=86400');
} elseif ($bid == 1000) {
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, 4460, 'srok=2592000');
} elseif ($bid == 1001) {
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, 4461, 'srok=2592000');
} elseif ($bid == 1002) {
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, 4462, 'srok=2592000');
} elseif ($bid == 1003) {
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, 4463, 'srok=2592000');
} elseif ($bid == 1004) {
$this->addGlobalItem($uid, 4459, 'srok=2592000');
if ($exp >= 0) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['battle_exp'] += round($exp * $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['battle_yron'] / $this->stats[$this->uids[$bid]]['hpAll']);
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `battle_exp` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['battle_exp']) . '" WHERE `id` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($uid) . '" LIMIT 1');
if ($cr != '' && $cr > 0) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['hpNow'] > 0) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `money` = (`money` + ' . mysql_real_escape_string($cr) . ') WHERE `id` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($uid) . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`new`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`) VALUES ('1','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['city'] . "','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['room'] . "','','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['login'] . "','<font color=#cb0000><strong>Âû ïîëó÷èëè êðåäèòû:</strong> " . mysql_real_escape_string($cr) . " <strong>êð.</strong></font>','-1','6','0')");
if ($ecr != '' && $ecr > 0) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['hpNow'] > 0) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['money2'] += $ecr;
$resulttp = mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `money2` = (`money2` + ' . mysql_real_escape_string($ecr) . ') WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
if (!$resulttp) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`new`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`) VALUES ('1','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['city'] . "','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['room'] . "','','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['login'] . "','<font color=#cb0000><strong>Òðóïîæîð áûë ïóñò!!!</strong></font>','-1','6','0')");
$u->addDelo(4, $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['id'],
'&quot;<span style="color: olive;">System.battle</span>>&quot;: (Â áîþ òðóïîæîð), ÏÓÑÒ!!! ',
$this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['city'], 'System.battle', 0, 0);
} else {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`new`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`) VALUES ('1','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['city'] . "','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['room'] . "','','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['login'] . "','<font color=#cb0000><strong>Âû ïîëó÷èëè Åâðî-êðåäèòû:</strong> " . mysql_real_escape_string($ecr) . " <strong>åêð.</strong></font>','-1','6','0')");
$u->addDelo(4, $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['id'],
'&quot;<span style="color: olive;">System.battle</span>&quot;: Ïåðñîíàæ ïîëó÷èë <strong>' . $ecr . ' ÅÊÐ</strong> ( áîþ òðóïîæîð), ñåé÷àñ: <strong>' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['money2'] . ' ÅÊÐ</strong>',
time(), $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['city'], 'System.battle', 0, 0);
if ($ico != '') {
0(òèï, 1 - çíà÷îê, 2 - ïîäâèã)@
1(âðåìÿ â ìèíóòàõ)@
2(íàçâàíèå êàðòèíêè)@
4(òðåáóåò îñòàòüñÿ â æèâûõ 0 èëè 1, ëèáî èãðîê óìåð -1)@
5(òðåáóåò íàáèòü ñ áîòàì óðîíà â % Íàïðèìåð 0.001)@
6(äåéñòâèÿ íàïðèìåð: add_s1=5|add_hpAll=50)@
7(Òðåáóåò äðóãîé çíà÷îê, íàçâàíèå êàðòèíêè)@
8(ïëþñóåò çíà÷îê 0 èëè 1)@
9(óäàëÿåì ïðîøëûé çíà÷îê 0 or 1)
$i = 0;
$txt = '';
$ico = explode('#', $ico);
while ($i < count($ico)) {
$ico_e = explode('@', $ico[$i]);
if (isset($ico_e[3])) {
$add = 1;
if ($ico_e[4] == 1 && floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['hpNow']) < 1) {
$add = 0;
if ($add == 1) {
$ins = false;
if ($ico_e[8] == 0) {
$ins = true;
if ($ico_e[9] == 1) {
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `users_ico` WHERE `uid` = ' . (int)$uid . ' AND `img` = ' . mysql_real_escape_string($ico_e[2]));
} else {
$old_ico = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `users_ico` WHERE `uid` = ' . (int)$uid . ' AND (`endTime` > unix_timestamp() OR `endTime` = 0) AND `img` = ' . mysql_real_escape_string($ico_e[2]) . ' LIMIT 1'));
if (!isset($old_ico['id'])) {
$ins = true;
} else {
if ($old_ico['id'] > 0) {
$txt .= ', &quot;' . $ico_e[3] . ' (<small>Îáíîâëåíèå</small>)&quot;';
mysql_query('UPDATE `users_ico` SET `x` = `x` + 1,`endTime` = ' . (time() + $ico_e[1] * 60) . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $old_ico['id']);
} else {
$ins = true;
if ($ins) {
if ($ico_e[9] == 1) {
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `users_ico` WHERE `uid` = ' . mysql_real_escape_string($uid) . ' AND `img` = ' . mysql_real_escape_string($ico_e[2]));
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `users_ico` (`uid`,`time`,`text`,`img`,`endTime`,`type`,`bonus`) VALUES (
' . mysql_real_escape_string($uid) . ',
' . mysql_real_escape_string($ico_e[3]) . ',
' . mysql_real_escape_string($ico_e[2]) . ',
' . mysql_real_escape_string(time() + $ico_e[1] * 60) . ',
' . mysql_real_escape_string($ico_e[0]) . ',
' . mysql_real_escape_string($ico_e[6]) . '
$txt .= ', &quot;' . $ico_e[3] . '&quot;';
if ($txt != '') {
$txt = ltrim($txt, ', ');
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`new`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`) VALUES ('1','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['city'] . "','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['room'] . "','','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['login'] . "','<font color=#cb0000><strong>Âû ñîâåðøèëè ïîäâèã:</strong> " . mysql_real_escape_string($txt) . "</font>','-1','6','0')");
if ($itm != '') {
$i = 0;
$txt = '';
$itm = explode(',', $itm);
while ($i < count($itm)) {
$itm_e = explode('@', $itm[$i]);
if ($itm_e[0] > 0) {
$j = 0;
while ($j < $itm_e[1]) {
$u->addItem($itm_e[0], $uid, '|' . $itm_e[2]);
if (!isset($this->ainm[$itm_e[0]])) {
$this->ainm[$itm_e[0]] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `items_main` WHERE `id` = ' . mysql_real_escape_string($itm_e[0])));
if (isset($this->ainm[$itm_e[0]]['id'])) {
//Äîáàâëÿåì òåêñò î äîáàâëåíèè ïðåäìåòà
$txt .= ', <strong>' . $this->ainm[$itm_e[0]]['name'] . '</strong>';
if ($itm_e[1] > 1) {
$txt .= ' <strong>(x' . $itm_e[1] . ')</strong>';
if ($txt != '') {
$txt = ltrim($txt, ', ');
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chat` (`new`,`city`,`room`,`login`,`to`,`text`,`time`,`type`,`toChat`) VALUES ('1','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['city'] . "','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['room'] . "','','" . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['login'] . "','<font color=#cb0000><strong>Âû ïîëó÷èëè ïðåäìåòû:</strong> " . mysql_real_escape_string($txt) . "</font>','-1','6','0')");
/** Óäàð
* @return void
private function addNewAtack()
global $u;
if (!isset($this->ga[$u->info['id']][$u->info['enemy']])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['hpNow'] > 0) {
$us = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]];
$i = 1;
$no = 0;
while ($i <= $us['zona']) {
if ($this->uAtc['a'][$i] == 0) {
$no = 1;
if ($this->uAtc['b'] == 0) {
$no = 1;
if ($no == 0) {
//íàíîñèì óäàð
if ($u->info['enemy'] > 0) {
if (!isset($this->ga[$u->info['enemy']][$u->info['id']])) {
if (
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['hpNow'] >= 1 &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['enemy']]]['hpNow'] >= 1
) {
//íàíîñèì íîâûé óäàð
$a = $this->uAtc['a'][1] .
$this->uAtc['a'][2] .
$this->uAtc['a'][3] .
$this->uAtc['a'][4] .
$b = $this->uAtc['b'];
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `battle_act` WHERE `battle` = ' . $this->info['id'] . ' AND ((`uid2` = ' . $u->info['id'] . ' AND `uid1` = ' . $u->info['enemy'] . ') OR (`uid1` = ' . $u->info['id'] . ' AND `uid2` = ' . $u->info['enemy'] . ')) LIMIT 2');
$d = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_act` (`battle`,`time`,`uid1`,`uid2`,`a1`,`b1`) VALUES (' . $this->info['id'] . ',' . time() . ',' . $u->info['id'] . ',' . $u->info['enemy'] . ',' . $a . ',' . $b . ')');
if (!$d) {
$this->e = 'Íå óäàëîñü íàíåñòè óäàð ïî ïðîòèâíèêó...';
} else {
$this->ga[$u->info['id']][$u->info['enemy']] = mysql_insert_id();
} else {
//îòâå÷àåì íà óäàð ïðîòèâíèêà
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['hpNow'] >= 1 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['enemy']]]['hpNow'] >= 1) {
if (isset($this->atacks[$this->ga[$u->info['enemy']][$u->info['id']]]['id'])) {
$this->atacks[$this->ga[$u->info['enemy']][$u->info['id']]]['a2'] = $this->uAtc['a'][1] . $this->uAtc['a'][2] . $this->uAtc['a'][3] . $this->uAtc['a'][4] . $this->uAtc['a'][5];
$this->atacks[$this->ga[$u->info['enemy']][$u->info['id']]]['b2'] = $this->uAtc['b'];
} else {
$this->e = 'Âûáåðèòå çîíû óäàðà è áëîêà';
} else {
$this->e = 'Äëÿ âàñ ïîåäèíîê çàêîí÷åí, îæèäàéòå ïîêà çàâåðøàò äðóãèå...';
/** Çàïóñêàåì ìàãè÷åñêèå ïðåäìåòû, åñëè â íèõ ÷òî-òî âñòðîåíî.
* Åù¸ îäèí äåáèëüíûé ôàéë ñ èíêëþäàìè. Íåèñïîëüçóåìûå ïåðåìåííûå ìîãóò ïåðåäàâàòüñÿ â èíêëþäû.
* <br>Ôàéëû: /class/priems/*
* @param int $uid1
* @param int $uid2
* @param int $end åñëè > 0, òî ïîäêëþ÷àåòñÿ *.end.php, èíà÷å *.php
* @return void
private function magicItems($uid1, $uid2, $end)
if (!isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]])) {
foreach ($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['items'] as $item) {
if (!$item['id'] || !$this->lookStats($item['data'])['bm_a1']) {
$file = $this->lookStats($item['data'])['bm_a1'] . $end > 0 ? '.end.php' : '.php';
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priems/' . $file)) {
require_once '../../_incl_data/class/priems/' . $file;
private $rehodeff = [];
//Ïîãëîùåíèå óðîíà
private $poglast = [];
public function testPogB($uid, $yr, $pliid, $test = 0)
$yr2 = $yr;
$checktuman = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT id FROM `eff_users` WHERE `uid` = ' . $uid . '
AND v2 in (273, 286, 287, 288)
AND `delete` =0 LIMIT 1')); //ïðîâåðêà íà òóìàííûé îáðàç
//if ( !isset($checktuman['id']))
if ($yr > 0 && !isset($checktuman['id'])) {
global $priem;
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['set_pog2'])) {
$j = $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['set_pog2'][$i];
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1]['id'] == $pliid || $test == 1) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1]['data'] = str_replace('add_pog2=' . $j['y'],
'add_pog2=$', $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1]['data']);
$dt3 = $this->lookStats($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1]['data']);
$dt3['add_pog2p'] = min(floor($j['y'] / $yr2 * 100), $dt3['add_pog2p']);
if (isset($dt3['add_pog2mp'])) {
if ((round(round($yr2 / 100 * (100 - $dt3['add_pog2p'])) * $dt3['add_pog2mp'])) > $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['mpNow']) {
//íå õâàòèëî ìàíû, ñ÷èòàåì ñêîëüêî õâàòèò % îò ïîãëîùåííîãî óðîíà
$j['yhj'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['mpNow'] / (round(round($yr2 / 100 * (100 - $dt3['add_pog2p'])) * $dt3['add_pog2mp'])) * 100;
$j['yhj'] = floor($j['yhj']); //Ñêîëüêî % ìû ìîæåì ïîãëîòèòü
$dt3['add_pog2p'] = floor($dt3['add_pog2p'] / 100 * $j['yhj']);
if ($test == 1) {
$priem->minMana($uid, round(round($yr2 / 100 * $dt3['add_pog2p']) * $dt3['add_pog2mp']));
if (!isset($this->poglast[$uid])) {
$this->poglast[$uid] = 0;
$this->poglast[$uid] += $yr2;
if ($test == 1) {
$j['y'] -= round($this->poglast[$uid] / 100 * $dt3['add_pog2p']);
round(round($this->poglast[$uid] / 100 * $dt3['add_pog2p']) * $dt3['add_pog2mp']));
if (isset($dt3['add_pog2p'])) {
$yr2 = round($yr2 / 100 * (100 - $dt3['add_pog2p']));
if ($j['y'] < 0 || ($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['mpNow'] <= 0 && $dt3['add_pog2mp'] > 0)) {
$dt2 = $this->lookStats($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1]['data']);
if (isset($dt2['endPog']) && $dt2['endPog'] == 1) {
//óäàëÿåì ïðèåì
//Äîáàâëÿåì â ëîã
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1]['priem'] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `priems` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1]['v2'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$this->delPriem($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1],
$this->users[$this->uids[$uid]], 4, $uid);
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1] = 'delete';
$j['y'] = 0;
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['set_pog'][$i]['y'] = $j['y'];
if (isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1]['data'])) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1]['data'] = str_replace('add_pog2=$',
'add_pog2=' . $j['y'], $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1]['data']);
mysql_query('UPDATE `eff_users` SET `data` = ' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1]['data'] . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['effects'][$j['id'] - 1]['id']);
if ($j['y'] - $this->poglast[$uid] + $yr2 < 0) {
$yr -= $yr + ($j['y'] - $this->poglast[$uid] + $yr2);
$yr2 = $yr;
$i = count($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['set_pog2']) + 1;
return $yr2;
/** Òåñòèðóåì óäàðû è ò.ä */
private function newRazmen($id)
$at = [1 => [0], 2 => [0]];
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
if ($this->atacks[$id]['out1'] == 0) {
$at[1] = $this->usersTestAtack($id, $uid1, $uid2);
if ($this->atacks[$id]['out2'] == 0) {
$at[2] = $this->usersTestAtack($id, $uid2, $uid1);
return $at;
/** Èãðîê1 íàíîñèò óäàð Èãðîê2 (ñëîìàíî?) */
private function usersTestAtack($id, $uid1, $uid2)
$r = [];
$block = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,];
//Ïðîâåðêà áëîêîâ
$i = 1;
if ($uid1 == $this->atacks[$id]['uid1']) {
$a = 2;
$j = $this->atacks[$id]['b2'];
$atack = [
} elseif ($uid2 == $this->atacks[$id]['uid1']) {
$a = 1;
$j = $this->atacks[$id]['b1'];
$atack = [
if ($this->atacks[$id]['out' . $a] == 0) {
while ($i <= $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zonb']) {
//echo '{'.$j.'}';
$block[$j] = 1;
if ($j > 5 || $j < 1) {
$j = 1;
//Ïðîâåðêà óäàðîâ
$i = 1;
while ($i <= $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['zona']) {
if (!isset($atack[$i]) || $atack[$i] == 0) {
$atack[$i] = rand(1, 5);
if ($atack[$i] > 0) {
if ($block[$atack[$i]] == 1) {
//óäàð áûë çàáëîêèðîâàí
$r['atack'][] = [$atack[$i], 3, 0];
} else {
//Óäàð ïðîøåë
$r['atack'][] = [$atack[$i], 1, 0];
return $r;
//Ïðîâåðêà çîíû è áëîêà
* @param $id
* @param $uid1
* @param $uid2
* @param $atack
* @return bool (bool) óäàð áûë çàáëîêèðîâàí
public function testRazmenblock1($id, $uid1, $uid2, $atack)
$block = [];
//Ïðîâåðêà áëîêîâ
$i = 1;
$j = 0;
if ($uid1 == $this->atacks[$id]['uid1']) {
$j = $this->atacks[$id]['b2'];
} elseif ($uid2 == $this->atacks[$id]['uid1']) {
$j = $this->atacks[$id]['b1'];
if ($this->atacks[$id]['out2'] == 0) {
while ($i <= $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zonb']) {
//echo '{'.$j.'}';
$block[$j] = 1;
if ($j > 5 || $j < 1) {
$j = 1;
//Ïðîâåðêà óäàðîâ
return $atack > 0 && $block[$atack] == 1;
//Ïåðâè÷íûé ðàñ÷åò ìô. ýôôåêòîâ (ïðèìåð)
* private function firstRazmen($id, $at)
* {
* $uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
* $uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
* $i = 1;
* while ($i <= 2) {
* if ($i == 1) {
* $u1 = $uid1;
* $u2 = $uid2;
* } else {
* $u1 = $uid2;
* $u2 = $uid1;
* }
* //Ðàñ÷åò óâîðîòà Öåëè îò Àòàêóþùåãî
* $i++;
* }
* return $at;
* }
/** Äëÿ yhod_user.
* @var int
private $import_user = 0;
/** Ïðîâåðêà óõîäà óäàðà â èãðîêà */
private function yhod_user($uid1, $uid2, $type)
// 1 - êòî áüåò . 2 - â êîãî áüþò . òèï
//Óäàë ëåòèò ïðÿìî â ïðîòèâíèêà
if ($this->import_user == 0) {
$r = $uid1;
$rand_user = false;
if ($type == 2) {
//Ñëó÷àéíûé ïåðñîíàæ èç ñâîåé êîìàíäû (â òîì ÷èñëå èãðîê)
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($this->users)) {
if ($this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->users[$this->uids[$uid2]]['team']) {
$rand_user[] = $this->users[$i]['id'];
} elseif ($type == 4) {
//Ñëó÷àéíûé ïåðñîíàæ, ëþáîé
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($this->users)) {
//if( $this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->users[$this->uids[$uid1]]['team'] ) {
$rand_user[] = $this->users[$i]['id'];
} elseif ($type == 5) {
//Ñëó÷àéíûé ïåðñîíàæ, ëþáîé (êðîìå èãðîêà)
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($this->users)) {
if ($this->users[$i]['team'] == $this->users[$this->uids[$uid2]]['team'] && $uid2 != $this->users[$i]['id']) {
$rand_user[] = $this->users[$i]['id'];
} elseif ($type == 6) {
//Ñëó÷àéíûé ïåðñîíàæ èç êîìàíäû ïðîòèâíèêà
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($this->users)) {
if ($this->users[$i]['team'] != $this->users[$this->uids[$uid2]]['team']) {
$rand_user[] = $this->users[$i]['id'];
} elseif ($type > 100) {
//Óäàð èäåò â êîíêðåòíîãî èãðîêà
if (!isset($this->users[$this->uids[$type]]) || $this->users[$this->uids[$type]]['id'] != $type) {
$r = $uid2;
} else {
$r = $type;
if (!empty($rand_user)) {
$r = $rand_user[rand(0, (count($rand_user) - 1))];
$this->import_user = $r;
} else {
$r = $this->import_user;
return $r;
/** Ðàñ÷åò óâîðîòà èãðîêîâ */
private function mf1Razmen($id, $at, $v, $pat = false, $rjd = 0)
if ($pat) {
$pat = $at;
$at = $pat['p'];
} else {
$pat = false;
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$uid1 = $this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid2'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'],
} elseif ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$uid2 = $this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'],
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
if ($i == 1) {
$a = 1;
$b = 2;
$u1 = $uid1;
$u2 = $uid2;
} else {
$a = 2;
$b = 1;
$u1 = $uid2;
$u2 = $uid1;
//Ðàñ÷åò óâîðîòà Öåëè (u2) îò Àòàêóþùåãî (u1)
$j = 0;
$wp01 = 3;
$k01 = 0;
if ($rjd > 0) {
$j = $rjd - 1;
while ($j < count($at[$a]['atack']) && $j < 8) {
if ($k01 == 0 && isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['wp3id'])) {
//Ëåâàÿ ðóêà
$wp01 = 3;
$k01 = 1;
} else {
//Ïðàâàÿ ðóêà
if (
isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['wp14id']) &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['items'][$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['wp14id']]['type'] != 13
) {
$wp01 = 14;
} else {
$wp01 = 3;
$k01 = 0;
$witm_type01 = 0;
$witm01 = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['items'][$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['wp' . $wp01 . 'id']];
$witm_data01 = $this->lookStats($witm01['data']);
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][2] == $v) {
$tyv = $this->mfs(2, [
'u1' => $u1,
'u2' => $u2,
'mf' => $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['m4'],
'amf' => (int)$this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['m15'],
'smf' => ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['m5'] + $witm_data01['sv_m5']),
'asmf' => $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['m21'],
], $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['level'], $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['level']);
if ($tyv == 1 && $this->atacks[$id]['out' . $b] == 0) {
//óâåðíóëñÿ, ãàä :)
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['nopryh'] = floor(0 + (int)$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['nopryh']);
if (!isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['nopryh']) || $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['nopryh'] <= 0) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] = 2;
} else {
unset($witm01, $witm_type01, $wp01, $k01);
if ($pat) {
$pat['p'] = $at;
$at = $pat;
return $at;
/** Ðàñ÷åò êðèòà èãðîêîâ */
private function mf2Razmen($id, $at, $v, $pat = false, $rjd = 0)
global $u;
if ($pat) {
$pat = $at;
$at = $pat['p'];
} else {
$pat = false;
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$uid1 = $this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid2'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'],
} elseif ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$uid2 = $this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'],
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
if ($i == 1) {
$a = 1;
$u1 = $uid1;
$u2 = $uid2;
} else {
$a = 2;
$u1 = $uid2;
$u2 = $uid1;
//Ðàñ÷åò êðèòà Àòàêóþùåãî (u1) ïî Öåëè (u2)
$j = 0;
$wp01 = 0;
$k01 = 0;
if ($rjd > 0) {
$j = $rjd - 1;
while ($j < count($at[$a]['atack']) && $j <= 8) {
if ($k01 == 0 && isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['wp3id'])) {
//Ëåâàÿ ðóêà
$wp01 = 3;
$k01 = 1;
} else {
//Ïðàâàÿ ðóêà
if (
isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['wp14id']) &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['items'][$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['wp14id']]['type'] != 13
) {
$wp01 = 14;
} else {
$wp01 = 3;
$k01 = 0;
$witm_type01 = 0;
$witm01 = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['items'][$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['wp' . $wp01 . 'id']];
$witm_data01 = $this->lookStats($witm01['data']);
if ($this->mfs(1, [
'u1' => $u1,
'u2' => $u2,
'mf' => $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['m1'] + $witm_data01['sv_m1'],
'amf' => $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['m14'],
'smf' => $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['m2'],
'aamf1' => (int)$this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['enemy_am1'],
], $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['level'], $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['level']) == 1) {
//êðèòàíóë, ãàä :)
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 3) {
//â áëîê
$at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] = 4; //Òóò òåñò
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] != 2 && $at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] != 6 && $at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] != 7 && $at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] != 8) {
//îáû÷íûé êðèò
$at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] = 5;
} else {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] = 1;
unset($witm01, $witm_type01, $k01, $wp01);
if ($pat) {
$pat['p'] = $at;
$at = $pat;
return $at;
/**Ðàñ÷åò ïàðèðîâàíèÿ èãðîêîâ*/
private function mf3Razmen($id, $at, $v, $pat = false, $rjd = 0)
if ($pat) {
$pat = $at;
$at = $pat['p'];
} else {
$pat = false;
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$uid1 = $this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid2'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'],
} elseif ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$uid2 = $this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'],
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
if ($i == 1) {
$a = 1;
$b = 2;
$u1 = $uid1;
$u2 = $uid2;
} else {
$a = 2;
$b = 1;
$u1 = $uid2;
$u2 = $uid1;
//Ðàñ÷åò ïàðèðîâàíèÿ Öåëè (u2) îò Àòàêóþùåãî (u1)
//print_r( $at[$i] );
$j = 0;
if ($rjd > 0) {
$j = $rjd - 1;
while ($j < count($at[$a]['atack']) && $j < 8) {
if ((!isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['no_pr1']) || $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['no_pr1'] == 0) && $at[$a]['atack'][$j][2] == $v) {
if ($this->mfs(3, [
'u1' => $u1,
'u2' => $u2,
'1' => $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['m7'],
'2' => $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['m7'],
], $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['level'],
$this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['level']) == 1 && $this->atacks[$id]['out' . $b] == 0) {
//Ïàðèðîâàë, ãàä :)
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['nopryh'] = floor(0 + (int)$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['nopryh']);
if ((!isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['nopryh']) || $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['nopryh'] == 0) && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['nopryh_act'] < 1) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] = 6;
if ($pat) {
$pat['p'] = $at;
$at = $pat;
return $at;
/**Ðàñ÷åò áëîêà ùèòîì èãðîêîâ (ñêîðåå âñåãî ñëîìàíî) */
private function mf4Razmen($id, $at, $v, $pat = false, $rjd = 0)
if ($pat) {
$pat = $at;
$at = $pat['p'];
} else {
$pat = false;
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$uid1 = $this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid2'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'],
} elseif ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$uid2 = $this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'],
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
if ($i == 1) {
$a = 1;
$b = 2;
$u1 = $uid1;
$u2 = $uid2;
} else {
$a = 2;
$b = 1;
$u1 = $uid2;
$u2 = $uid1;
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['sheld1'] > 0) {
//Ðàñ÷åò áëîêà ùèòîì Öåëè (u2) îò Àòàêóþùåãî (u1)
//print_r( $at[$i] );
$j = 0;
while ($j < count($at[$a]['atack']) && $j < 8) {
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][2] == $v && $this->mfs(5,
($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['m8'] / 2 + $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['m18']),
$this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['level']) == 1 && $this->atacks[$id]['out' . $b] == 0) {
//áëîêèðîâàë ùèòîì, ãàä :)
$at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] = 7;
if ($pat) {
$pat['p'] = $at;
$at = $pat;
return $at;
/**Ðàñ÷åò êîíòðóäàðà èãðîêîâ*/
private function mf5Razmen($id, $at, $v, $rjd = 0)
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$uid1 = $this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid2'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'],
} elseif ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$uid2 = $this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'],
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
if ($i == 1) {
$a = 1;
$b = 2;
$u1 = $uid1;
$u2 = $uid2;
} else {
$a = 2;
$b = 1;
$u1 = $uid2;
$u2 = $uid1;
//Ðàñ÷åò êîíòðóäàðà Öåëè (u2) ïî Àòàêóþùåìó (u1)
$j = 0;
if ($rjd > 0) {
$j = $rjd - 1;
while ($j < count($at[$a]['atack']) && $j < 8) {
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][2] == $v && $at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 2 && $this->mfs(6, [
'u1' => $u1,
'u2' => $u2,
'a' => $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['m6'],
'b' => $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['m6'],
], $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['level'], $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['level']) == 1) {
//êîíòðóäàð, ãàä :)
$at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] = 8;
$rnd_a = rand(1, 5);
$rjd = count($at[$b]['atack']);
if (!$this->testRazmenblock1($id, $u2, $u1, $rnd_a)) {
$at[$b]['atack'][] = [$rnd_a, 1, 0, 1]; // 3 , 0 , 1
} else {
$at[$b]['atack'][] = [$rnd_a, 3, 0, 1]; // 3 , 0 , 1
$at = $this->contrRestart($id, $at, 1, $rjd);
return $at;
//Âûäåëåíèå èç ëîã òåêñòà
public function addlt($a, $id, $s, $rnd = null)
global $log_text;
if (is_null($rnd)) {
$rnd = rand(0, (count($log_text[$s][$id]) - 1));
return '{' . $a . 'x' . $id . 'x' . $rnd . '}';
private function addNewStatDb($id)
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_stat`
( `battle`,`uid1`,`uid2`,`time`,`type`,`a`,`b`,`ma`,`mb`,`type_a`,`type_b`,`yrn`,`yrn_krit`,`tm1`,`tm2` ) VALUES (
' . $this->info['id'] . ',
' . $id['uid1'] . ',
' . $id['uid2'] . ',
' . $id['time'] . ',
' . $id['type'] . ',
' . $id['a'] . ',
' . $id['b'] . ',
' . $id['ma'] . ',
' . $id['mb'] . ',
' . $id['type_a'] . ',
' . $id['type_b'] . ',
' . $id['yrn'] . ',
' . $id['yrn_krit'] . ',
' . $id['tm1'] . ',
' . $id['tm2'] . '
//Äîáàâëÿåì ñòàòèñòèêó
public function addNewStat($stat)
if (isset($stat[1])) {
if (isset($stat[2])) {
//Äîáàâëÿåì ðàçìåíû â ëîã
private function addlogRazmen($id, $at)
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
$dies = [
1 => 0,
2 => 0,
//ìàññèâ äëÿ ñòàòèñòèêè
$stat = [
1 => [
'uid1' => 0,
'uid2' => 0,
'time' => time(),
'type' => 0,
'a' => '00000',
'b' => '0',
'type_a' => '',
'type_b' => '0',
'yrn' => 0,
'yrn_krit' => 0,
'ma' => 0,
'mb' => 0,
'tm1' => 0,
'tm2' => 0,
2 => [
'uid1' => 0,
'uid2' => 0,
'time' => time(),
'type' => 0,
'a' => '00000',
'b' => '0',
'type_a' => '',
'type_b' => '0',
'yrn' => 0,
'yrn_krit' => 0,
'ma' => 0,
'mb' => 0,
'tm1' => 0,
'tm2' => 0,
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
if ($i == 1) {
$a = 1;
$b = 2;
$u1 = $uid1;
$u2 = $uid2;
} else {
$a = 2;
$b = 1;
$u1 = $uid2;
$u2 = $uid1;
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$u2 = $this->yhod_user($u1, $u2, $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['yhod']);
$s1 = $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['sex'];
$s2 = $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['sex'];
$stat[$a]['uid1'] = $u1;
$stat[$a]['uid2'] = $u2;
$stat[$a]['ma'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['zona'];
$stat[$a]['mb'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['zonb'];
$stat[$a]['tm1'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['team'];
$stat[$a]['tm2'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['team'];
$stat[$a]['a'] = $this->atacks[$id]['a' . $a];
$stat[$a]['b'] = $this->atacks[$id]['b' . $a];
$vLog =
'at1=00000||at2=00000||zb1=' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['zonb'] .
'||zb2=' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['zonb'] .
'||bl1=' . $this->atacks[$id]['b' . $a] .
'||bl2=' . $this->atacks[$id]['b' . $b] .
'||time1=' . $this->atacks[$id]['time'] .
'||time2=' . $this->atacks[$id]['time2'] .
'||s' . $a . '=' . $s1 .
'||s' . $b . '=' . $s2 .
'||t2=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['team'] .
'||t1=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['team'] .
'||login1=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['login2'] .
'||login2=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['login2'];
$mas = [
'text' => '',
'time' => time(),
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'id_hod' => $this->hodID,
'vars' => $vLog,
'type' => 1,
if (!isset($at[$a]['atack'])) { //ÒÓÒ òåñò ïðîïóñêà
if ($this->atacks[$id]['tpo' . $a] == 2) {
$mas['text'] .= '{u1} ïîòðàòèë ñâîé õîä íà ìàãèþ.';
} else {
if ($this->info['razdel'] == 0 && $this->info['dn_id'] == 0 && $this->info['izlom'] == 0) {
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_out` (`battle`,`uid1`,`uid2`,`time`,`out`) VALUES (
' . $this->info['id'] . ',' . $u1 . ',' . $u2 . ', unix_timestamp(), 1)');
if (isset($u1)) {
$mas['text'] .= '{u1} ïðîïóñòèë ñâîé õîä.';
//Ïðîâåðêà ñáðîñ òóìàíîê
mysql_query('update eff_users set `delete` = unix_timestamp() where `uid` = ' . $u1 . ' AND `delete` = 0 AND `v1` = "priem" AND v2 in (288, 287, 286, 273) LIMIT 1');
$mas['text'] = '{tm1} ' . $mas['text'];
} else {
$j = 0;
while ($j < count($at[$a]['atack']) && $j < 8) {
$mas['text'] = '';
$wt = [
21 => 4,
22 => 5,
20 => 2,
28 => 2,
19 => 3,
18 => 1,
26 => 22,
$par = [
'zona' => '{zn2_' . $at[$a]['atack'][$j][0] . '} ',
'kyda' => $this->lg_zon[$at[$a]['atack'][$j][0]][rand(0,
(count($this->lg_zon[$at[$a]['atack'][$j][0]]) - 1))],
'chem' => $this->lg_itm[$wt[$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['wt']]][rand(0,
(count($this->lg_itm[$wt[$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['wt']]]) - 1))],
$this->atacks[$id]['uid_' . $u1 . '_t' . $at[$a]['atack'][$j][1]]++;
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 1 || $at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 5) {
//u1 óäàðèë îáû÷íûì óäàðîì u2
//u1 óäàðèë êðèòè÷åñêèì óäàðîì u2
$mas['text'] .=
$par['zona'] . '{u2} ' .
$this->addlt($b, 1, $s2) .
$this->addlt($b, 2, $s2) .
$this->addlt($a, 3, $s1) . ' {u1} ' .
$this->addlt($a, 4, $s1) .
$this->addlt($a, 5, $s1) .
$this->addlt($a, 6, $s1) . ' ' .
$this->addlt(1, 7, $s1, $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['t']) . ' ' .
$par['chem'] . ' ' . $par['kyda'] . '. ';
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 2) {
//u2 óâåðíóëñÿ îò u1
$mas['text'] .=
$par['zona'] . '{u1} ' .
$this->addlt($a, 8, $s1) .
$this->addlt($a, 9, $s1) . ' {u2} <strong style="color: #0071a3;">' .
$this->addlt($b, 11, $s2) . '</strong> ' .
$par['chem'] . ' ' . $par['kyda'] . '. ';
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 3) {
//u2 çàáëîêèðîâàë óäàð u1
$mas['text'] .= $par['zona'] . '{u1} ' .
$this->addlt($a, 8, $s1) .
$this->addlt($a, 9, $s1) . ' {u2} <strong style="color: #356d37;">' .
$this->addlt($b, 10, $s2) . '</strong> ' .
$this->addlt(1, 7, $s1, $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['t']) . ' ' .
$par['chem'] . ' ' . $par['kyda'] . '. ';
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 4) {
//u1 ïðîáèë áëîê u2 êðèòîì
if (isset($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['t'])) {
$mas['text'] .=
$par['zona'] . '{u2} ' .
$this->addlt($b, 1, $s2) .
$this->addlt($b, 2, $s2) .
$this->addlt($a, 3, $s1) . ' {u1} ' .
$this->addlt($a, 4, $s1) .
$this->addlt($a, 5, $s1) . ', <u style="color: #f00;">ïðîáèâ áëîê</u>, ' .
$this->addlt($a, 6, $s1) . ' ' .
$this->addlt(1, 7, $s1, $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['t']) . ' ' .
$par['chem'] . ' ' . $par['kyda'] . '. ';
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 6) {
//u2 ïàðèðîâàë óäàð u1
$mas['text'] .=
$par['zona'] . '{u1} ' .
$this->addlt($a, 8, $s1) .
$this->addlt($a, 9, $s1) . ' {u2} íåîæèäàííî <strong style="color: #c59400">ïàðèðîâàë</strong> ' .
$this->addlt(1, 7, $s1, $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['t']) . ' ' .
$par['chem'] . ' ' . $par['kyda'] . '. ';
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 7) {
//u2 áëîêèðîâàë ùèòîì óäàð u1
$mas['text'] .=
$par['zona'] . '{u1} ' .
$this->addlt($a, 8, $s1) .
$this->addlt($a, 9, $s1) . ' {u2}, âîñïîëüçîâàâøèñü <u style="color: #356d37">ñâîèì ùèòîì</u>, ' .
$this->addlt($b, 10, $s2) . ' ' .
$this->addlt(1, 7, $s1, $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['t']) . ' ' .
$par['chem'] . ' ' . $par['kyda'] . '. ';
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 8) {
//u2 óâåðíóëñÿ îò óäàðà u1 è íàíåñ ïî íåìó êîíòðóäàð
$mas['text'] .=
$par['zona'] . '{u1} ' .
$this->addlt($a, 8, $s1) .
$this->addlt($a, 9, $s1) . ' {u2} <strong style="color: #0071a3">' .
$this->addlt($b, 11, $s2) . '</strong> ' .
$par['chem'] . ' ' . $par['kyda'] . ' è íàíåñ êîíòðóäàð. ';
$stat[$a]['type_a'] .= '' . $at[$a]['atack'][$j][1];
if (
(!isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['notravma']) || $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['notravma'] == 0) &&
isset($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['travma']) &&
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['travma'][0] > 0 &&
floor($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hp']) <= 0
) {
$tr_pl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`v1` FROM `eff_users` WHERE `id_eff` = 4 AND `uid` = ' . $u2 . ' AND `delete` = 0 ORDER BY `v1` DESC LIMIT 1'));
if (!isset($tr_pl['id']) || $tr_pl['v1'] < 3) {
if (isset($tr_pl['id'])) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['travma'][0] = rand(($tr_pl['v1'] + 1), 3);
$tr_pl2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `eff_users` WHERE `uid` = ' . $u2 . ' AND `delete` = 0 AND `name` LIKE "%Çàùèòà îò òðàâì%" limit 1'));
if (!isset($tr_pl2['id']) && $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['travma'][0] <= 3) {
$mas['text'] = rtrim($mas['text'], '. ');
$mas['text'] .= ', <font color=red>íàíåñÿ ïðîòèâíèêó <strong>';
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['travma'][0] == 1) {
$mas['text'] .= 'Ëåãêóþ';
$this->addTravm($u2, 1, rand(3, 5));
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['travma'][0] == 2) {
$mas['text'] .= 'Ñðåäíþþ';
$this->addTravm($u2, 2, rand(3, 5));
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['travma'][0] == 3) {
$mas['text'] .= 'Òÿæåëóþ';
$this->addTravm($u2, 3, rand(3, 5));
$mas['text'] .= ' òðàâìó</strong></font>. ';
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['pb'] == 1 && isset($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hp'])) {
$mas['text'] = rtrim($mas['text'], '. ');
$mas['text'] .= ' <i>ïðîáèâ áðîíþ</i>. ';
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][3] == 1) {
$mas['text'] .= '(êîíòðóäàð) ';
if (isset($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron'])) {
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['w'] == 3) {
$mas['textWP'] = '(ïðàâàÿ&nbsp;ðóêà)';
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['w'] == 14) {
$mas['textWP'] = '(ëåâàÿ&nbsp;ðóêà)';
} else {
$mas['textWP'] = '(íåïîíÿòíî&nbsp;÷åì)';
if (
($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 4 || $at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 5 || $at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 1) &&
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'] < 1
) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['r'] = '--';
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 4 || $at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 5) {
$stat[$a]['yrn_krit'] += -$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['r'];
$mas['text'] .= ' <font title=' . $mas['textWP'] . ' color=#ff0000><strong>' . $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['r'] . '</strong></font>';
} else {
$mas['text'] .= ' <font title=' . $mas['textWP'] . ' color=#0066aa><strong>' . $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['r'] . '</strong></font>';
$stat[$a]['yrn'] += -$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['r'];
if (isset($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hp'])) {
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['align'] == 9) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hp'] = $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hp'] / ($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hpAll'] / 100);
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hpAll'] = '100%';
$mas['text'] .= ' [' . floor($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hp']) . '/' . floor($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hpAll']) . ']';
if ($mas['text'] != '') {
$mas['text'] = '{tm1} ' . $mas['text'];
if (count($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['plog']) > 0) {
$il = 0;
while ($il <= count($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['plog'])) {
if (isset($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['plog'][$il])) {
//Äîáàâëÿåì ñòàòèñòèêó + çàïèñûâàåì â áàòòë_þçåðñ ÍÐ èãðîêîâ
//Âûâîä â ëîã ñìåðòè ïåðñîíàæà
if (floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpNow']) < 1) {
$dies[1] = 1;
if (floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['hpNow']) < 1) {
$dies[2] = 1;
if ($dies[1] > 0 || $dies[2] > 0) {
$rtngwin = [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160];
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, -1, -2, -5, -10, -20, -40];
if ($this->info['typeBattle'] == 99) {
if ($btlstatus[0] == 0) {
//Êðîâàâûå áîè îáû÷íûå
$rtngwin = [2, 4, 6, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320];
if ($this->info['razdel'] == 5) {
//íå õàîò
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, -2, -4, -10, -20, -40, -80];
} else {
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
} elseif ($btlstatus[0] == 25) {
//Êðîâàâàÿ áèòâà
$rtngwin = [3, 6, 9, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480];
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, -2, -4, -10, -20, -40, -80];
} elseif ($btlstatus[0] == 50) {
//Êðîâàâàÿ ðåçíÿ
$rtngwin = [4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024];
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, -2, -4, -10, -20, -40, -80];
} elseif ($btlstatus[0] == 75) {
//Êðîâàâàÿ ñå÷à
$rtngwin = [5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280];
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, -2, -4, -10, -20, -40, -80];
} elseif ($btlstatus[0] == 100) {
//Êðîâàâîå ïîáîèùå
$rtngwin = [6, 12, 24, 48, 98, 196, 392, 784, 1568];
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, -2, -4, -10, -20, -40, -80];
} elseif ($btlstatus[0] == 150) {
//Ñóäíûé äåíü
$rtngwin = [7, 14, 28, 56, 112, 224, 448, 896, 1792];
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, -2, -4, -10, -20, -40, -80];
} else {
if ($btlstatus[0] == 0) {
//Îáû÷íûé ïîåäèíîê
if ($this->info['razdel'] != 5) {
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
} elseif ($btlstatus[0] == 25) {
//âåëèêàÿ áèòâà
$rtngwin = [2, 4, 6, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320];
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, -2, -4, -10, -20, -40, -80];
} elseif ($btlstatus[0] == 50) {
//âåëè÷àéøàÿ áèòâà
$rtngwin = [3, 6, 9, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480];
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, -2, -4, -10, -20, -40, -80];
} elseif ($btlstatus[0] == 75) {
//èñòîðè÷åñêàÿ áèòâà ñå÷à
$rtngwin = [4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024];
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, -2, -4, -10, -20, -40, -80];
} elseif ($btlstatus[0] == 100) {
//ýïîõàëüíàÿ áèòâà
$rtngwin = [5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280];
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, -2, -4, -10, -20, -40, -80];
} elseif ($btlstatus[0] == 150) {
//ñóäíûé äåíü
$rtngwin = [7, 14, 28, 56, 112, 224, 448, 896, 1792];
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, -2, -4, -10, -20, -40, -80];
if ($this->info['dn_id'] > 0 || $this->info['izlom'] != 0 || $this->info['turnir'] != 0) {
//Ïåùåðíûå áîè íå ñ÷èòàþòñÿ è Èçëîìû òîæå, íó è Òóðíèðû
$rtngwin = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
$rtnglos = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
} elseif ($this->info['clan1'] > 0 && $this->info['clan2'] > 0) {
//Êëàíîâàÿ âîéíà
$rtngwin = [3, 6, 9, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480];
$rtnglos = [-1, -2, -4, -8, -16, -32, -64, -128, -256];
if ($dies[1] == 1) {
if ($this->info['dn_id'] > 0) {
//íå äàåòñÿ ðåïóòàöèÿ
} else {
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['level'] >= 4) {
$rtng1 += $rtnglos[$this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['level'] - 4];
$rtng2 += $rtngwin[$this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['level'] - 4];
//Ïåðñîíàæ 1 ïîãèá îò ðóê ïåðñîíàæ 2
if ($dies[2] == 1) {
if ($this->info['dn_id'] > 0) {
//íå äàåòñÿ ðåïóòàöèÿ
} else {
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['level'] >= 4) {
$rtng1 += $rtnglos[$this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['level'] - 4];
$rtng2 += $rtngwin[$this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['level'] - 4];
//Ïåðñîíàæ 2 ïîãèá îò ðóê ïåðñîíàæ 1
//Çàïèñûâàåì ðåéòèíã
if (
$this->info['type'] != 564 &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['inTurnir'] == 0 &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['inTurnir'] == 0 &&
$this->info['dn_id'] == 0 &&
$this->info['izlom'] == 0
) {
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['bot'] == 0) {
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `users_reting` (`uid`,`time`,`val`,`align`,`clan`) VALUES (
' . $u1 . ',
' . $rtng1 . ',
' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['align'] . ',
' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['clan'] . ')
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['bot'] == 0) {
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `users_reting` (`uid`,`time`,`val`,`align`,`clan`) VALUES (
' . $u2 . ',
' . $rtng2 . ',
' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['align'] . ',
' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['clan'] . ')
unset($rtng1, $rtng2);
//Äîáàâëÿåì â ëîã äåéñòâèÿ ïðèåìà
public function priemAddLog($id, $a, $b, $u1, $u2, $prm, $text, $hodID, $tm1 = 0, $tm2 = 0)
if ($tm1 === 0) {
if (isset($this->atacks[$id])) {
$tm1 = $this->atacks[$id]['time'];
} else {
$tm1 = time();
if ($tm2 === 0) {
if (isset($this->atacks[$id])) {
$tm2 = $this->atacks[$id]['time2'];
} else {
$tm2 = time();
$vLog =
'prm=' . $prm .
'||at1=00000||at2=00000||zb1=' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['zonb'] .
'||zb2=' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['zonb'] .
'||bl1=' . $this->atacks[$id]['b' . $a] .
'||bl2=' . $this->atacks[$id]['b' . $b] .
'||time1=' . $tm1 .
'||time2=' . $tm2 .
'||s' . $a . '=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['sex'] .
'||s' . $b . '=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['sex'] .
'||t2=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['team'] .
'||t1=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['team'] .
'||login1=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['login2'] .
'||login2=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['login2'];
$mas = [
'text' => $text,
'time' => time(),
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'id_hod' => $hodID,
'vars' => $vLog,
'type' => 1,
//Äîáàâëÿåì â ëîã äåéñòâèÿ ïðèåìà (áåç àòàêè)
public function priemAddLogFast($u1, $u2, $prm, $text, $hodID, $tm)
$vLog =
'prm=' . $prm .
'||time1=' . $tm .
'||time2=' . $tm .
'||s1=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['sex'] .
'||s2=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['sex'] .
'||t2=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['team'] .
'||t1=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['team'] .
'||login1=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['login2'] .
'||login2=' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['login2'];
$mas = [
'text' => $text,
'time' => time(),
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'id_hod' => ($this->hodID + $hodID),
'vars' => $vLog,
'type' => 1,
//Ñ÷èòàåì êîíòðó
private function contrRestart($id, $at, $v, $rjd = 0)
$at = $this->mf1Razmen($id, $at, $v, true, $rjd);
$at = $this->mf3Razmen($id, $at, $v, true, $rjd);
//$at = $this->mf5Razmen($id,$at,$v,true,$rjd);
//áëîê ùèòîì (åñëè åñòü ùèò, êîíå÷íî)
$at = $this->mf4Razmen($id, $at, $v, true, $rjd);
//Ïðîâåðÿåì óðîí
//$at = $this->yronRazmen($id,$at);
$at = $this->mf2Razmen($id, $at, $v, true, $rjd);
return $this->yronRazmen($id, $at, true, $rjd);
//Ðàñ÷èòûâàåì åä. óðîíà
public function yronGetrazmen($uid1, $uid2, $wp, $zona)
global $u;
$r = ['r' => '--',];
//Îïðåäåëÿåì òèï óðîíà
$witm = 0;
$witm_type = 0;
if ($wp > 0) {
$witm = $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['items'][$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['wp' . $wp . 'id']];
$witm_data = $this->lookStats($witm['data']);
$witm_type = $this->weaponTx($witm);
if ($witm_type == 0 || $witm_type == 12) {
$witm_type2 = '';
} else {
$witm_type2 = $witm_type;
$r['t'] = $witm_type2;
//Ðàñ÷åò áðîíè
$bron = [
1 => [$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['mib1'], $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['mab1']],
2 => [$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['mib2'], $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['mab2']],
3 => [$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['mib2'], $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['mab2']],
4 => [$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['mib3'], $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['mab3']],
5 => [$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['mib4'], $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['mab4']],
//Óâåëè÷èâàåì ïàðàìåòðû îò òåêóùåãî îðóæèÿ êîòîðûì áüåì
$iii = 1;
while ($iii <= 7) {
if (isset($witm_data['sv_a' . $iii]) && $witm_data['sv_a' . $iii] != 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['a' . $iii] += $witm_data['sv_a' . $iii];
if (isset($witm_data['sv_mg' . $iii]) && $witm_data['sv_mg' . $iii] != 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['mg' . $iii] += $witm_data['sv_mg' . $iii];
$iii = 1;
while ($iii <= 4) {
if (isset($witm_data['sv_aall']) && $witm_data['sv_aall'] != 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['a' . $iii] += $witm_data['sv_aall'];
$iii = 1;
while ($iii <= 4) {
if (isset($witm_data['sv_mall']) && $witm_data['sv_mall'] != 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['mg' . $iii] += $witm_data['sv_mall'];
$iii = 1;
while ($iii <= 7) {
if (isset($witm_data['sv_m2all']) && $witm_data['sv_m2all'] != 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['mg' . $iii] += $witm_data['sv_m2all'];
if (isset($witm_data['sv_m3']) && $witm_data['sv_m3'] != 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['m3'] += $witm_data['sv_m3'];
$iii = 1;
while ($iii <= 7) {
if (isset($witm_data['sv_pa' . $iii]) && $witm_data['sv_pa' . $iii] != 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['pa' . $iii] += $witm_data['sv_pa' . $iii] + $witm_data['sv_m10'];
if (isset($witm_data['sv_pm' . $iii]) && $witm_data['sv_pm' . $iii] != 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['pm' . $iii] += $witm_data['sv_pm' . $iii] + $witm_data['sv_m11a'];
if ($iii < 5) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['pm' . $iii] += $witm_data['sv_m11'];
//ìîùíîñòü + ïîäàâëåíèå ìîùíîñòè ïðîòèâíèêîì
$wAp = 0;
if ($witm_type == 12) {
//óäàð êóëàêîì
$wAp += $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['m10'];
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$uid1]]['align'] == 7) {
$wAp += 15;
} elseif ($witm_type < 5) {
$wAp += $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['pa' . $witm_type];
$wAp -= $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['antpa' . $witm_type];
} else {
$wAp += $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['m10'] + $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['pm' . ($witm_type - 4)] + $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['m11a'] + $witm_data['sv_pm' . ($witm_type - 4)];
$wAp -= $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['antpm' . ($witm_type - 4)];
//Âëàäåíèå äàííûì îðóæèåì
$vladenie = 0;
//Ïðîáîé áðîíè
$proboi = 0;
$witm_data['m9'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['m9'];
if (rand(1, 100) < floor($witm_data['m9'] / 2)) {
$proboi = floor($witm_data['m9'] / 2);
$r['pb'] = 1;
$y = $this->yrn(
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['minAtack'], //ìèí. óðîí (äîáàâî÷íûé)
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['maxAtack'], //ìàêñ. óðîí
$bron[$zona][0], //áðîíÿ ìèí.
$bron[$zona][1], //áðîíÿ ìàêñ
$vladenie, //âëàäåíèÿ
$wAp, //ìîùíîñòü óðîíà
(round($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['m3'])), //ìîùíîñòü êðèòà
(($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['za' . $witm_type2]) - $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['pza']),
//çàùèòà îò óðîíà
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['ozash'], //ïîäàâëåíèå çàùèòû
$proboi, //ïðîáîé áðîíè
0, //õç
($witm_data['sv_yron_min'] + $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['yron_min']),
($witm_data['sv_yron_max'] + $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['yron_max']),
(($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zm' . ($witm_type2 - 4)]) - round($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['pzm'] * 0.8)),
//çàùèòà îò óðîíà
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['omzash'], //ïîäàâëåíèå çàùèòû
$r['y'] = round(rand($y['min'] + $proboi, $y['max'] + round($proboi / 2)));
$r['k'] = round(rand($y['Kmin'] + round($proboi / 4), $y['Kmax'] + round($proboi / 8)));
$r['m_y'] = $y['max'];
$r['m_k'] = $y['Kmax'];
$r['bRND'] = $y['bRND'];
$r['w_type'] = $witm_type;
//òèï îò îðóæèÿ
if ($witm['type'] == 18) {
$tp = 1;
} elseif ($witm['type'] == 19) {
$tp = 2;
} elseif ($witm['type'] == 20) {
$tp = 3;
} elseif ($witm['type'] == 21) {
$tp = 4;
if ($tp != $witm_type && $wp > 0) // ÒÓÒ
$r['y'] = round($r['y'] / 3);
$r['r'] = round($r['r'] / 3);
$r['k'] = round($r['k'] / 3);
$r['m_k'] = round($r['m_k'] / 3);
$r['m_y'] = round($r['m_y'] / 3);
if (isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zaproc'])) {
$r['y'] = round($r['y'] - $r['y'] * $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zaproc'] / 100);
$r['r'] = round($r['r'] - $r['r'] * $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zaproc'] / 100);
$r['k'] = round($r['k'] - $r['k'] * $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zaproc'] / 100);
$r['m_k'] = round($r['m_k'] - $r['m_k'] * $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zaproc'] / 100);
$r['m_y'] = round($r['m_y'] - $r['m_y'] * $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zaproc'] / 100);
if ($r['k'] < 1) {
$r['k'] = 2;
if ($r['y'] < 1) {
$r['y'] = 1;
if ($r['r'] >= 0) {
$r['r'] = -1;
if ($r['k'] < 1) {
$r['k'] = 1;
if ($r['m_k'] < 1) {
$r['m_k'] = 1;
if ($r['m_y'] < 1) {
$r['m_y'] = 1;
return $r;
//Ñ÷èòàåì óðîí
private function yronRazmen($id, $at, $pat = false, $rjd = 0)
if ($pat) {
$pat = $at;
$at = $pat['p'];
} else {
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$yhod = [1 => 1, 2 => 0];
} elseif ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$yhod = [1 => 0, 2 => 1];
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
if ($i == 1) {
$a = 1;
$u1 = $uid1;
$u2 = $uid2;
} else {
$a = 2;
$u1 = $uid2;
$u2 = $uid1;
//Ñ÷èòàåì ñâîéñòâà îò ïðåäìåòîâ
//Ðàñ÷åò óäàðà (u2) ïî (u1)
$j = 0;
$k = 0;
if ($rjd > 0) {
$j = $rjd - 1;
while ($j < count($at[$a]['atack']) && $j < 8) {
if ($k == 0 && isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['wp3id'])) {
//Ëåâàÿ ðóêà
$wp = 3;
$k = 1;
} else {
//Ïðàâàÿ ðóêà
if (
isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['wp14id']) &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['items'][$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['wp14id']]['type'] != 13
) {
$wp = 14;
} else {
$wp = 3;
$k = 0;
$witm = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['items'][$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['wp' . $wp . 'id']];
$witm_type = $this->weaponTx($witm);
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['wt'] = $witm['type'];
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yhod'] = $yhod[$a];
if (!isset($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']) && (
$at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 1 ||
$at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 4 ||
$at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 5)
) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron'] = $this->yronGetrazmen($u1, $u2, $wp, $at[$a]['atack'][$j][0]);
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 4) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y_old'] = $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'];
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'] = round($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['k'] / 2);
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 5) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y_old'] = $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'];
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'] = $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['k'];
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['2h'] = $witm['2h'];
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['w'] = $wp;
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'] < 1) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['r'] = '--';
} else {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['r'] = '-' . $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'];
} else {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block'] = $this->yronGetrazmen($u1, $u2, $wp, $at[$a]['atack'][$j][0]);
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 4) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['y_old'] = $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['y'];
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['y'] = round($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['k'] / 2);
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 5) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['y_old'] = $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['y'];
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['y'] = $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['k'];
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['2h'] = $witm['2h'];
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['w'] = $wp;
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['y'] < 1) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['r'] = '--';
} else {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['r'] = '-' . $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['block']['y'];
if ($pat) {
$pat['p'] = $at;
$at = $pat;
return $at;
//Îáíîâëåíèå çäîðîâüÿ
private function updateHealth($id, $at)
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$uid1 = $this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid2'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'],
} elseif ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$uid2 = $this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'],
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
if ($i == 1) {
$a = 1;
$b = 2;
$u1 = $uid1;
$u2 = $uid2;
} else {
$a = 2;
$b = 1;
$u1 = $uid2;
$u2 = $uid1;
//Ðàññ÷åò äîïîëíèòåëüíûõ òàêòèê
if ($this->atacks[$id]['out' . $b] > 0) {
//Èãðîê ${'u'.$a} ïîëó÷àåò òàêòèêè, âîçìîæíî
//âûäàåì òàêòèêó êîíòðóäàðà
if (rand(0, 100) < min(floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['m6'] / 5), 20) &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['this_animal'] == 0) {
//âûäàåì òàêòèêó ùèòà
if (rand(0, 100) < min(floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['m8'] / 4), 20) &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['this_animal'] == 0) {
//Ðàñ÷åò óäàðà Öåëè (u2) ïî Àòàêóþùåìó (u1)
$j = 0;
while ($j < count($at[$a]['atack']) && $j < 8) {
//Äîáàâëÿåì òàêòèêè
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 1) {
//u1 óäàðèë îáû÷íûì óäàðîì u2
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['this_animal'] == 0) {
if (
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['2h'] == 1 &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['this_animal'] == 0
) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['tactic1'] += 2;
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 2) {
//u2 óâåðíóëñÿ îò u1
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 3) {
//u2 çàáëîêèðîâàë óäàð u1
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['this_animal'] == 0) {
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 4) {
//u1 ïðîáèë áëîê u2 êðèòîì
if (
!isset($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['notactic2']) &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['this_animal'] == 0
) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['tactic4']++; //òàêòèêà çà ïðîáèâ áëîê
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 5) {
//u1 óäàðèë êðèòè÷åñêèì óäàðîì u2
if (!isset($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['notactic2'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['this_animal'] == 0) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['tactic2'] += 2;
if (
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['2h'] == 1 &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['this_animal'] == 0
) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['tactic2'] += 1;
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 6) {
//u2 ïàðèðîâàë óäàð u1
if (
!isset($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['notactic5']) &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['this_animal'] == 0
) {
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 7) {
//u2 áëîêèðîâàë ùèòîì óäàð u1 //ÒÓÒ ÙÈÒ
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['this_animal'] == 0) {
} elseif ($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 8) {
//u2 óâåðíóëñÿ îò óäàðà u1 è íàíåñ ïî íåìó êîíòðóäàð
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['this_animal'] == 0) {
if (isset($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']) && (
$at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 1 ||
$at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 4 ||
$at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 5)) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['hpNow'] <= $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y']) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['hpNow'];
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['hpNow'] <= $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['k']) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['k'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['hpNow'];
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'] < 0) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'] = 1;
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['r'] = -1;
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['k'] = 1;
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['hpNow'] < 1) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'] = 0;
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['r'] = -1;
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['k'] = 0;
//Äîáàâëÿåì íàíåñåííûé óðîí è îïûò
$this->takeExp($u1, $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'], $u1, $u2);
//Îòíèìàåì ÍÐ
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['hpNow'] -= $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'];
$this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['last_hp'] = -$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['y'];
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hp'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['hpNow'];
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hp'] < 1) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hp'] = 0;
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hpAll'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['hpAll'];
if ($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hp'] > $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hpAll']) {
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hp'] = $at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['hpAll'];
if (
rand(0, 100) <= 50 &&
($at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 4 || $at[$a]['atack'][$j][1] == 5) &&
!isset($at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['travma']) &&
rand(0, 1000) < 500 &&
$this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['level'] > 1 &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]] > 1
) {
$trvm_chns = floor(rand(0, 200) / 10);
if ($trvm_chns > 3 || $trvm_chns < 1) {
$trvm_chns = 0;
$at[$a]['atack'][$j]['yron']['travma'] = [$trvm_chns, 'Îáûêíîâåííàÿ òðàâìà'];
return $at;
//Äîáàâëÿåì íîâóþ ñòàòèñòèêó èãðîêà
private function addstatuser($id)
if (!$id && !is_numeric($id)) {
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_users`
( `battle`,`uid`,`time_enter`,`login`,`level`,`align`,`clan`,`hpAll`,`hp`,`hpStart`,`team` )
' . $this->info['id'] . ',
' . $id . ',
' . $this->users[$this->uids[$id]]['login'] . ',
' . $this->users[$this->uids[$id]]['level'] . ',
' . $this->users[$this->uids[$id]]['align'] . ',
' . $this->users[$this->uids[$id]]['clan'] . ',
' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$id]]['hpAll'] . ',
' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$id]]['hp'] . ',
' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$id]]['hpNow'] . ',
' . $this->users[$this->uids[$id]]['team'] . '
//Ïðîâåðÿåì ïðèåìû
public function priemsRazmen($id, $at)
if ($at == 'fast') {
$uid1 = $id[0];
$uid2 = $id[1];
} else {
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
if ($i == 1) {
$u1 = $uid1;
} else {
$u1 = $uid2;
//Ïîëó÷àåì ïðèåìû è ñìîòðèì êîãäà êàêîé äåéñòâóåò
$eff = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['effects'];
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'] = [];
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($eff)) {
if (isset($eff[$j]) && $eff[$j]['id_eff'] == 22 && $eff[$j]['v1'] == 'priem' && $eff[$j]['v2'] > 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][] = [
//Ïðèåìû êîòîðûå èñïîëüçóþòñÿ ìîìåíòàëüíî
private function priemsRazmenMoment($id, $at)
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
if ($i == 1) {
$u1 = $uid1;
$u2 = $uid2;
} else {
$u1 = $uid2;
$u2 = $uid1;
if (!isset($at['p']['p_cast'])) {
$at['p'] = $at;
$at['p']['p_cast'] = true;
//Ïðèåìû óõîäà îò óäàðà
if (!isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['nopryh']) || $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['nopryh'] == 0) {
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][5] == 1) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
$pr_moment = true;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðèåìû êðèòà
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][5] == 2) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
$pr_moment = true;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðèåìû àòàêè
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][5] == 3) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
$pr_moment = true;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
if (isset($fx_priem)) {
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðèåìû çàùèòû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][5] == 4) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
$pr_moment = true;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðî÷èå ïðèåìû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][5] == 5) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
$pr_moment = true;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//return $at;
//Ïðèåìû êîòîðûå èñïîëüçóþòñÿ ìîìåíòàëüíî (â êîíöå õîäà)
private function priemsRazmenMomentEnd($id, $at)
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
if ($i == 1) {
$u1 = $uid1;
$u2 = $uid2;
} else {
$u1 = $uid2;
$u2 = $uid1;
if (!isset($at['p']['p_cast'])) {
$at['p'] = $at;
$at['p']['p_cast'] = true;
//Ïðèåìû óõîäà îò óäàðà
if (!isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['nopryh']) || $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['nopryh'] == 0) {
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][6] == 1) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
$pr_moment = true;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðèåìû êðèòà
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][6] == 2) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
$pr_moment = true;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðèåìû àòàêè
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][6] == 3) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
$pr_moment = true;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
if (isset($fx_priem)) {
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðèåìû çàùèòû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][6] == 4) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
$pr_moment = true;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðî÷èå ïðèåìû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][6] == 5) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
$pr_moment = true;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//return $at;
//Èñïîëüçóåì ïðèåìû
private function priemsTestRazmen($id, $at)
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
if ($i == 1) {
$u1 = $uid1;
$u2 = $uid2;
} else {
$u1 = $uid2;
$u2 = $uid1;
if (!isset($at['p']['p_cast'])) {
$at['p'] = $at;
$at['p']['p_cast'] = true;
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] == 220 || $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] == 237
|| $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] == 286 || $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] == 287 || $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] == 288
|| $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] == 213) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðèåìû óõîäà îò óäàðà
if (!isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['nopryh']) || $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['nopryh'] == 0) {
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 1) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðèåìû êðèòà
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 2) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðèåìû àòàêè
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 3) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
if (isset($fx_priem)) {
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðèåìû çàùèòû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 4) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
if (isset($fx_priem)) {
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðî÷èå ïðèåìû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 5) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
if (isset($fx_priem)) {
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
$u1 = $i == 1 ? $uid1 : $uid2;
if (!isset($at['p']['p_cast'])) {
$at['p'] = $at;
$at['p']['p_cast'] = true;
//Ïðî÷èå ïðèåìû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 8) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðî÷èå ïðèåìû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 9) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_used_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
return $at;
//Ïîâòîðíàÿ ïðîâåðêà ïðèåìîâ
private function priemsRestartRazmen($id, $at)
if (isset($at['p'])) {
$uid1 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'];
$uid2 = $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'];
Åñëè âîçíèêíóò ïðîáëåìû ñ ïðèåìàìè, ïðèäåòñÿ ïåðåïèñàòü àëãîðèòì, ñåé÷àñ îí âûãëÿäèò òàê:
Öèêë 1. Ïðîâåðÿåì ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ
Öèêë 2 âíóòðè Öèêëà 1. Ïðîâåðÿåì ïðèåìû ïîòîðûå ïîëüçîâàòåëü èñïîëüçîâàë
Ïðèäåòñÿ ñäåëàòü:
Öèêë 1. Ïðîâåðÿåì ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ
Öèêë 2 âíóòðè Öèêëà 1. Ïðîâåðÿåì ïðèåìû óâîðîòà
Öèêë 3. Ïðîâåðÿåì ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ
Öèêë 4 âíóòðè Öèêëà 3. Ïðîâåðÿåì ïðèåìû êðèòà
è ò.ä.
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
if ($i == 1) {
$u1 = $uid1;
$u2 = $uid2;
} else {
$u1 = $uid2;
$u2 = $uid1;
if (!isset($at['p']['p_cast'])) {
$at['p'] = $at;
$at['p']['p_cast'] = true;
//Ïðèåìû óõîäà îò óäàðà
if (!isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['nopryh']) || $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['nopryh'] == 0) {
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 1) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_tested_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðèåìû êðèòà
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 2) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_tested_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðèåìû çàùèòû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 4) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_tested_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðèåìû àòàêè
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 3) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_tested_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðî÷èå ïðèåìû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 5) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_tested_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u1, $j);
//Ïðî÷èå ïðèåìû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 8) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_tested_this = $u2;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u2, $j);
//Ïðî÷èå ïðèåìû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 9) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_tested_this = $u2;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$at = $fx_priem($id, $at, $u2, $j);
return $at['p'];
//Ïðîâåðêà óðîíà ïðèåìîâ
public $um_priem = [];
* Òðîãàòü î÷åíü îñòîðîæíî. Ýòîò øàéòàí êàê-òî ïðîâåðÿåò ïðè¸ìû íà âðàãå
* è ðàññ÷èòûâàåò óðîí ó÷èòûâàÿ è ýòè ïðè¸ìû òîæå.
* @param $uid1
* @param $uid2
* @param $priem
* @param $yron
* @param $profil
* @param $stabil [deprecated]
* @param $test [deprecated]
* @param $inlog
* @return float|int|mixed
public function testYronPriem($uid1, $uid2, $priem, $yron, $profil, $stabil, $test = false, $inlog = 0)
profil = {
-1 - óðîí îðóæèåì
-2 - óðîí ìàãèåé
0 - íåèçâåñòíî
1-4 - ïðîôèëüíûé îðóæèÿ
5-12 - ïðîôèëüíûé ìàãèÿ
stabil - óðîí íå ïîäâåðæåí ìîùíîñòÿì è ò.ä
$u1 = $uid1;
$u2 = $uid2;
//Ïðîâåðÿåì ïðèåìû çàùèòû èãðîêà $u1 íà óðîí èãðîêà $u2
//Ïîëó÷àåì ïðèåìû è ñìîòðèì êîãäà êàêîé äåéñòâóåò
if (!isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'])) {
$eff = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['effects'];
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($eff)) {
if (isset($eff[$j]) && $eff[$j]['id_eff'] == 22 && $eff[$j]['v1'] == 'priem' && $eff[$j]['v2'] > 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][] = [
//Ïðèåìû çàùèòû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 4) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_momental_this = $u2;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
$yron = $fx_moment($u2, $u1, $j, $yron, $profil);
//Ïðî÷èå ïðèåìû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 5) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_momental_this = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
if (isset($fx_moment)) {
$yron = $fx_moment($u1, $u2, $j, $yron, $profil, $inlog);
//Ïðî÷èå ïðèåìû (âëèÿåò íà óðîí îò ìîìåíòàëüíûõ ïðèåìîâ)
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][7] == 5) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_momental_this_seven = $u1;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
if (isset($fx_moment_seven)) {
$yron = $fx_moment_seven($u1, $u2, $j, $yron, $profil, $inlog);
//Ïðî÷èå ïðèåìû
$j = 0;
while ($j <= count($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 8) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_momental_this = $u2;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
if (isset($fx_moment)) {
$yron = $fx_moment($u2, $u1, $j, $yron, $profil, $inlog);
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][2] > 0 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][4] == 9) {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php')) {
$pr_momental_this = $u2;
require('priem/' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['u_priem'][$j][1] . '.php');
if (isset($fx_moment)) {
$yron = $fx_moment($u2, $u1, $j, $yron, $profil, $inlog);
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['zaproc'] > 0) {
$yron = round($yron - $yron * $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zaproc'] / 100);
if ($yron < 1) {
$yron = 1;
return $yron;
//Îïûò + íàáèòûé óðîí çà óäàð ïðèåìîì\ìàãèåé
* @param $u1
* @param $u2
* @param $yron
* @param $type [deprecated]
* @return void
public function priemYronSave($u1, $u2, $yron, $type = 0)
//$type 0 - óðîí , 1 - õèë
if (isset($this->uids[$u1])) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['hpAll'] <= 1000) {
$adt6 = round(0.1 * (floor($yron) / $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['hpAll'] * 100), 10);
} else {
$adt6 = round(0.1 * (floor($yron) / 1000 * 100), 10);
if ($yron > $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['hpNow']) {
$yron = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['hpNow'];
if ($yron > 0) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['battle_yron'] += $yron;
$this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['battle_exp'] += round($this->testExp($yron,
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]], $this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]], $u1, $u2));
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]]['this_animal'] == 0) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['tactic6'] += $adt6;
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['tactic6'] += $adt6;
} else {
$this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['tactic6'] += $adt6 / 3;
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['tactic6'] += $adt6 / 3;
} else {
$adt6 = 0;
$this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['last_hp'] = -$yron;
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET
`tactic6` = `tactic6` + ' . $adt6 . ',
`battle_yron` = `battle_yron` + ' . $yron . ',
`battle_exp` = `battle_exp` + ' . round($this->testExp($yron, $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]],
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u2]], $u1, $u2)) . '
WHERE `id` = ' . $u1);
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET
`last_hp` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['last_hp'] . '
WHERE `id` = ' . $u2);
1 => [
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'uid1' => $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['id'],
'uid2' => $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['id'],
'time' => time(),
'type' => 0,
'a' => '10000',
'b' => 0,
'type_a' => 1,
'type_b' => 0,
'ma' => 1,
'mb' => 1,
'yrn' => $yron,
'yrn_krit' => 0,
'tm1' => $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['team'],
'tm2' => $this->users[$this->uids[$u2]]['team'],
//Íàíîñèì óäàð ìåæäó èãðîêàìè
public function startAtack($id)
global $c, $u, $priem;
if (!isset($this->atacks[$id]) || $this->atacks[$id]['lock'] != 0) {
}//Ïðèåì ðàçãàäàòü òàêòèêó
$i = 1;
$j = 2;
$k = 0;
while ($i <= 2) {
$untac = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `eff_users` WHERE `v1` = "priem" AND `v2` = 217 AND `uid` = ' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid' . $i] . ' AND `delete` = 0'));
$agrs = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `eff_users` WHERE `v1` = "priem" AND `v2` = 211 AND `uid` = ' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid' . $j] . ' AND `delete` = 0'));
if (isset($untac['id']) && !isset($agrs['id'])) {
// AND `a`.`v2` != 235 // AND `a`.`v2` != 273 AND `a`.`v2` != 286 AND `a`.`v2` != 287 AND `a`.`v2` != 288
$pvr['sp'] = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `eff_users` WHERE
`uid` = ' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid' . $j] . '
AND `delete` = 0
AND `v1` = "priem"
and `v2` not in (222, 238, 228, 229, 139, 188, 226, 211, 49, 233, 227, 220, 191, 332, 333,
334, 335, 236, 201, 261, 262, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 284, 263, 258, 29, 30, 31, 32, 526, 249,
248, 187, 245, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 285, 36, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 269, 276, 277, 270,
174, 324, 217)
AND `name` NOT LIKE "%Èììóíèòåò%"
LIMIT 30');
while ($pvr['pl'] = mysql_fetch_array($pvr['sp'])) {
$pvr['pl']['priem'] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `priems` WHERE `id` = "' . $pvr['pl']['v2'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($pvr['pl']['priem']['id']) && $pvr['pl']['priem']['neg'] == 0) {
$this->delPriem($pvr['pl'], $this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid' . $j]]], 100);
//Âîññòàíîâëåíèå ìàííû 1% çà õîä
if ($this->atacks[$id]['out1'] == 0) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['s6'] / 4 < $this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['level']) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['mpNow'] += floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['level'] + $this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['hod_minmana']);
} else {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['mpNow'] += floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['s6'] / 4 + $this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['hod_minmana']);
$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['mpNow'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['mpNow'];
if ($this->atacks[$id]['out2'] == 0) {
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['s6'] / 4 < $this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['level']) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['mpNow'] += floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['level'] + $this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['hod_minmana']);
} else {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['mpNow'] += floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['s6'] / 4 + $this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['hod_minmana']);
$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['mpNow'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['mpNow'];
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['antm3'] != 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['m3'] -= round($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['antm3']);
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['antm3'] != 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['m3'] -= round($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['antm3']);
//Ðàñ÷åò êîëè÷åñòâà áëîêîâ è ïðîòèâíèêîâ
$this->testZonb($this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid2']);
//Çàïóñêàåì ìàãèþ ïðåäìåòîâ
$this->magicItems($this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'], $id);
$this->magicItems($this->atacks[$id]['uid2'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], $id);
// Ïîëó÷àåì ïðèåìû èãðîêîâ
$this->priemsRazmen($id, $at);
$this->priemsRazmenMoment($id, $at);
$this->priemsRazmen($id, $at);
$at = $this->newRazmen($id);
// Òåñòèðóåì êàêèå åùå ìîãóò áûòü âàðèàíòû ïðè óäàðå
// Óâîðîò, ïàðèðîâàíèå, êðèò, ïðîáèòü áëîê, áëîê ùèòîì
// Áëîê ùèòîì (åñëè åñòü ùèò, êîíå÷íî)
$at = $this->mf2Razmen($id, $at, $v); //êðèò
$at = $this->mf3Razmen($id, $at, $v); //ïàðèðîâàíèå
$at = $this->mf4Razmen($id, $at, $v); //áëîê ùèòîì
$at = $this->mf1Razmen($id, $at, $v); //óâîðîò
$at = $this->mf5Razmen($id, $at, $v); //êîíòðóäàð
$at = $this->yronRazmen($id, $at); //ðàñ÷åò óðîíà
// Ïðîâåðÿåì ïðèåìû
// Ïîëó÷àåì ïðèåìû èãðîêîâ
$at = $this->priemsTestRazmen($id, $at);
// Ñîáèðàåì ðàçìåí (ïåðåñ÷èòûâàåì è ðàñ÷èòûâàåì óðîí è ò.ä)
$at = $this->priemsRestartRazmen($id, $at); //Ïîâòîðíàÿ ïðîâåðêà ïðèåìîâ (åñëè òðåáóåòñÿ)
//Ìèíóñóåì ïîãëîùåííûé óðîí
if (count($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['set_pog']) > 0) {
$this->testPogB($this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], 1, $id, 1);
if (count($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['set_pog']) > 0) {
$this->testPogB($this->atacks[$id]['uid2'], 1, $id, 1);
// Îáíîâëÿåì ÍÐ è äîáàâëÿåì òàêòèêè
$at = $this->updateHealth($id, $at);
// Çàíîñèì â ëîãè + çàïèñûâàåì ñòàòèñòèêó áîÿ
$this->addlogRazmen($id, $at);
//Çàïóñêàåì ìàãèþ ïðåäìåòîâ
$this->magicItems($this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'], $id);
$this->magicItems($this->atacks[$id]['uid2'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], $id);
//Âîçðàùàåì çîíû áëîêà
$this->restZonb($this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid2']);
//îáíîâëÿåì çàäåðæêè ïðèåìîâ
$zd1 = explode('|', $this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['priems_z']);
$zd2 = explode('|', $this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['priems_z']);
$prmos = [];
$i5 = 0;
while ($i5 < 51) {
if (isset($zd1[$i5]) && $zd1[$i5] > 0) {
//Åñëè ïðèåìû íå òðåáóþò õîä
$zd1[$i5] -= 1;
} else {
$zd1[$i5] = 0;
if (isset($zd2[$i5]) && $zd2[$i5] > 0) {
//Åñëè ïðèåìû íå òðåáóþò õîä
$zd2[$i5] -= 1;
} else {
$zd2[$i5] = 0;
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['enemy'] == $this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['id']) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['enemy'] = -$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['enemy'];
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['enemy'] == $this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['id']) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['enemy'] = -$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['enemy'];
$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['priems_z'] = implode('|', $zd1);
$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['priems_z'] = implode('|', $zd2);
if ($this->atacks[$id]['uid1'] == $u->info['id']) {
$u->info['priems_z'] = implode('|', $zd1);
} elseif ($this->atacks[$id]['uid2'] == $u->info['id']) {
$u->info['priems_z'] = implode('|', $zd2);
//Ïðîâåðÿåì òàêòèêè
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 6) {
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['tactic' . $i] > 25) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['tactic' . $i] = 25;
} elseif ($this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['tactic' . $i] <= 0) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['tactic' . $i] = 0;
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['tactic' . $i] > 25) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['tactic' . $i] = 25;
} elseif ($this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['tactic' . $i] <= 0) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['tactic' . $i] = 0;
//Îáíîâëÿåì çàäåðæêè ïðåäìåòîâ
mysql_query('UPDATE `items_users` SET `btl_zd` = `btl_zd` - 1 WHERE (`uid` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'] . '" OR `uid` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'] . '") AND `btl_zd` > 0 AND `inOdet` > 0 LIMIT 100');
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `notrhod` = "-1" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'] . '" OR `id` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'] . '" LIMIT 2');
//Îáíîâëÿåì çàäåðæêè ïèðîæêîâ
mysql_query('UPDATE `pirogi` SET `hod` = `hod` - 1 WHERE `btl` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND (`uid` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'] . '" OR `uid` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'] . '")');
mysql_query('UPDATE `tactic` SET `hod` = `hod` - 1 WHERE `btl` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND (`uid` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'] . '" OR `uid` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'] . '")');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `pirogi` WHERE `btl` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `hod` < 1');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `tactic` WHERE `btl` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `hod` < 1');
//Îáíîâëÿåì çàäåðæêè ïèðîæêîâ
mysql_query('UPDATE `spells` SET `hod` = `hod` - 1 WHERE `btl` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND (`uid` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'] . '" OR `uid` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'] . '")');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `spells` WHERE `btl` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `hod` < 1');
//Îáíîâëÿåì äàííûå â battle_users
mysql_query('UPDATE `battle_users` SET `hp` = "' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['hpNow'] . '"
WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `battle_users` SET `hp` = "' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['hpNow'] . '"
WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'] . '" LIMIT 1');
//Âîññòàíîâëåíèå ìàííû 25% îò ìóäðîñòè çà õîä
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$this->save_stats($this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid2'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'],
} elseif ($this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['yhod'] > 0) {
$this->save_stats($this->yhod_user($this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'],
$this->priemsRazmenMomentEnd($id, $at);
//Ìèíóñóåì çàðÿä ïðèåìà \ ýôôåêòà
$j = 1;
while ($j <= 2) {
$eff = $this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid' . $j]]]['effects'];
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($eff)) {
if (isset($eff[$i])) {
if ($eff[$i]['timeUse'] == 77 && $eff[$i]['hod'] > -1) {
$eff[$i]['priem'] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `priems` WHERE `id` = ' . $eff[$i]['v2']));
if (round($eff[$i]['priem']['minmana'] * $eff[$i]['x']) != 0) {
//Îòíèìàåì ìàíó ó òîãî êòî êàñòîâàë
round($eff[$i]['priem']['minmana'] * $eff[$i]['x']));
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$eff[$i]['user_use']]]['mpNow'] <= 0) {
$eff[$i]['hod'] = 0;
if (strripos($eff[$i]['data'], 'minprocmanahod')) {
$pvr = [
'x1' => 0,
'x2' => 0,
'd' => explode('|', $eff[$i]['data']),
'i' => 0,
'uid' => $eff[$i]['uid'],
'color' => '',
'color2' => '',
'effx' => '',
'x' => $eff[$i]['name'],
while ($pvr['i'] < count($pvr['d'])) {
if (isset($pvr['d'][$pvr['i']])) {
$pvr['d1'] = explode('=', $pvr['d'][$pvr['i']]);
if ($pvr['d1'][0] == 'minprocmanahod') {
$pvr['d1'] = explode('x', $pvr['d1'][1]);
$pvr['x1'] = $pvr['d1'][0];
$pvr['x2'] = $pvr['d1'][1];
$pvr['mp'] = round($this->stats[$this->uids[$pvr['uid']]]['mpAll'] / 100 * rand($pvr['x1'],
$pvr['mpSee'] = 0;
$pvr['mpNow'] = floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$pvr['uid']]]['mpNow']);
$pvr['mpAll'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$pvr['uid']]]['mpAll'];
$pvr['mpTr'] = $pvr['mpAll'] - $pvr['mpNow'];
if ($pvr['mpTr'] > 0) {
//Òðåáóåòñÿ õèëë
if ($pvr['mpTr'] < $pvr['mp']) {
$pvr['mp'] = $pvr['mpTr'];
$pvr['mpSee'] = '+' . $pvr['mp'];
$pvr['mpNow'] += $pvr['mp'];
if ($pvr['mpNow'] > $pvr['mpAll']) {
$pvr['mpNow'] = $pvr['mpAll'];
} elseif ($pvr['mpNow'] < 0) {
$pvr['mpNow'] = 0;
if ($pvr['mpSee'] == 0) {
$pvr['mpSee'] = '--';
$this->stats[$this->uids[$pvr['uid']]]['mpNow'] = $pvr['mpNow'];
$this->users[$this->uids[$pvr['uid']]]['mpNow'] = $pvr['mpNow'];
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `mpNow` = ' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$pvr['uid']]]['mpNow'] . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $pvr['uid']);
$pvr['text'] = $this->addlt(1, 21, $this->users[$this->uids[$pvr['uid']]]['sex']);
$pvr['text2'] = '{tm1} ' . $pvr['text'] . ' íà <font Color=#006699><strong>' . $pvr['mpSee'] . '</strong></font> [' . $pvr['mpNow'] . '/' . $pvr['mpAll'] . '] (Ìàíà)';
$this->priemAddLog($id, 1, 2, $pvr['uid'], 0,
'<font color^^^^#' . $pvr['color2'] . '>' . $pvr['x'] . '</font>',
if (isset($this->rehodeff[$eff[$i]['id']])) {
$eff[$i]['hod'] = $this->rehodeff[$eff[$i]['id']];
if ($eff[$i]['hod'] > 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid' . $j]]]['effects']['hod'] = $eff[$i]['hod'];
mysql_query('UPDATE `eff_users` SET `hod` = "' . $eff[$i]['hod'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $eff[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
} else {
//óäàëÿåì ïðèåì
if ($eff[$i]['v2'] > 0) {
if ($j == 1) {
$jn = 2;
} else {
$jn = 1;
$this->delPriem($eff[$i], $this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid' . $j]]],
3, $this->atacks[$id]['uid' . $jn]);
} elseif ($eff[$i]['timeUse'] == 77 && $eff[$i]['hod'] == -2) {
$eff[$i]['priem'] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `priems` WHERE `id` = "' . $eff[$i]['v2'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$priem->hodUsePriem($eff[$i], $eff[$i]['priem']);
} else {
$eff[$i]['priem'] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `priems` WHERE `id` = "' . $eff[$i]['v2'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($eff[$i]['priem']['minmana']) && round($eff[$i]['priem']['minmana'] * $eff[$i]['x']) != 0) {
//Îòíèìàåì ìàíó ó òîãî êòî êàñòîâàë
round($eff[$i]['priem']['minmana'] * $eff[$i]['x']));
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$eff[$i]['user_use']]]['mpNow'] <= 0) {
$eff[$i]['hod'] = 0;
if (isset($this->rehodeff[$eff[$i]['id']])) {
$eff[$i]['hod'] = $this->rehodeff[$eff[$i]['id']];
if ($eff[$i]['v2'] > 0) {
if ($j == 1) {
$jn = 2;
} else {
$jn = 1;
$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid' . $j]]], 3,
$this->atacks[$id]['uid' . $jn]);
} elseif ($eff[$i]['timeUse'] > 100 && $eff[$i]['hod'] > -1 && $c['effz'] > 0) {
if (isset($this->rehodeff[$eff[$i]['id']])) {
$eff[$i]['hod'] = $this->rehodeff[$eff[$i]['id']];
if ($eff[$i]['hod'] > 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid' . $j]]]['effects']['hod'] = $eff[$i]['hod'];
mysql_query('UPDATE `eff_users` SET `hod` = "' . $eff[$i]['hod'] . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $eff[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
} else {
//óäàëÿåì ïðèåì
if ($eff[$i]['v2'] > 0) {
if ($j == 1) {
$jn = 2;
} else {
$jn = 1;
$this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid' . $j]]], 3,
$this->atacks[$id]['uid' . $jn]);
if ($c['propsk_die'] > 0 && $this->info['razdel'] == 0 && $this->info['dn_id'] == 0 && $this->info['izlom'] == 0) {
$cn1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `battle_out` WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `uid1` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$cn2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `battle_out` WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `uid1` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if ($cn1[0] > 3) {
$pvr['text2'] = '{tm1} Ïåðñîíàæ {u1} áûë óáèò èç-çà áîëüøîãî êîëè÷åñòâà ïðîïóñêîâ õîäà.';
$this->priemAddLog($id, 1, 2, $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'], 0, '',
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `hpNow` = 0 WHERE `id` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'] . '" LIMIT 1');
if ($cn2[0] > $c['propsk_die']) {
$pvr['text2'] = '{tm1} Ïåðñîíàæ {u1} áûë óáèò èç-çà áîëüøîãî êîëè÷åñòâà ïðîïóñêîâ õîäà.';
$this->priemAddLog($id, 1, 2, $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'], 0, '',
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `hpNow` = 0 WHERE `id` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'] . '" LIMIT 1');
//Îáíîâëÿåì òåêóùåãî ïðîòèâíèêà
if ($u->info['id'] == $this->atacks[$id]['uid1']) {
$u->info['enemy'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]]['enemy'];
if ($u->info['id'] == $this->atacks[$id]['uid2']) {
$u->info['enemy'] = $this->users[$this->uids[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']]]['enemy'];
//Óäàëÿåì ðàçìåí èç áàçû //ÒÓÒ âîçìîæåí ëàã óäàëåíèÿ
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `battle_act` WHERE ( `uid1` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'] . '" AND `uid2` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'] . '" ) OR
( `uid2` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid1'] . '" AND `uid1` = "' . $this->atacks[$id]['uid2'] . '" )');
unset($old_s1, $old_s2);
unset($this->ga[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']][$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']], $this->ga[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']][$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]);
unset($this->ag[$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']][$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']], $this->ag[$this->atacks[$id]['uid2']][$this->atacks[$id]['uid1']]);
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `battle_act` WHERE `id` = ' . $id);
unset($old_s1, $old_s2);
//Ñîõðàíåíèå äàííûå
private function save_stats($uid)
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET
`hpNow` = ' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['hpNow'] . ',
`mpNow` = ' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['mpNow'] . ',
`tactic1` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic1'] . ',
`tactic2` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic2'] . ',
`tactic3` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic3'] . ',
`tactic4` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic4'] . ',
`tactic5` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic5'] . ',
`tactic6` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic6'] . ',
`tactic7` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['tactic7'] . ',
`enemy` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['enemy'] . ',
`battle_yron` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['battle_yron'] . ',
`last_hp` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['last_hp'] . ',
`battle_exp` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['battle_exp'] . ',
`priems_z` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['priems_z'] . '
WHERE `id` = ' . $uid);
//Âûâîäèì ëîã áîÿ
public function lookLog()
global $u;
$hodID = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id_hod` FROM `battle_logs` WHERE `battle` = ' . $this->info['id'] . ' ORDER BY `time`'));
if ($hodID['id_hod'] <= 1) {
$u->info['alog'] = 0;
if ($_POST['idlog'] < 1) {
$_POST['idlog'] = 0;
$talog = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `alog` FROM `stats` WHERE `id` = ' . $u->info['id']));
$sp = mysql_query('SELECT
FROM `battle_logs`
WHERE `battle` = ' . $this->info['id'] . ' AND `id_hod` >= ' . $talog['alog'] . ' ORDER BY `id` DESC');
if (isset($sp) && $this->info['team_win'] != -1) {
$sp = mysql_query('SELECT
FROM `battle_logs_save`
WHERE `battle` = ' . $this->info['id'] . ' AND `id_hod` >= ' . $talog['alog'] . ' ORDER BY `id` DESC');
$jin = 0;
$forYou2 = 0;
$js = '';
$pll = 0;
if ($_POST['idlog'] < 1) {
$_POST['idlog'] = 0;
$talog = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `alog` FROM `stats` WHERE `id` = ' . $u->info['id']));
$sp = mysql_query('SELECT
FROM `battle_logs`
WHERE `battle` = ' . $this->info['id'] . ' AND `id_hod` >= ' . $talog['alog'] . ' ORDER BY `id` DESC');
if (isset($sp) && $this->info['team_win'] != -1) {
$sp = mysql_query('SELECT
FROM `battle_logs_save`
WHERE `battle` = ' . $this->info['id'] . ' AND `id_hod` >= ' . $talog['alog'] . ' ORDER BY `id` DESC');
$jin = 0;
$forYou2 = 0;
while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($sp)) {
if ($jin == 0) {
$u->info['alog'] = $pl['id_hod'];
$rt = $pl['text'];
$pl['vars'] = str_replace('^^^^', 'rvnO', $pl['vars']);
$rt = str_replace('{tm1}', '<span class=\"date {fru}\">' . date('H:i', $pl['time']) . '</span>', $rt);
$rt = str_replace('{tm2}', '<span class=\"date {fru}\">' . date('H:i', $pl['time']) . '</span>', $rt);
$rt = str_replace('{tm3}',
'<span class=\"date {fru}\">' . date('d.m.Y H:i', $pl['time']) . '</span>', $rt);
$rt = str_replace('{tm4}',
'<span class=\"date {fru}\">' . date('d.m.Y H:i', $pl['time']) . '</span>', $rt);
$pl['text'] = $rt;
if ($pll < $pl['id']) {
$pll = $pl['id'];
$js = 'add_log(' . $pl['id'] . ',' . $forYou2 . ',"' . $pl['text'] . '",' . $pl['id_hod'] . ',0,0,"' . str_replace('"',
'&quot;', $pl['vars']) . '");' . $js;
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `alog`=' . $u->info['alog'] . ' WHERE `id` =' . $u->info['id']);
$js .= 'id_log=' . $pll . ';';
return $js;
//Íîâûé ëîã Ìîé Ëîã
public function lookmLog()
$u = user::start();
$js = '';
$pll = 0;
if ($this->info['type'] != 9) {
$hodID = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id`,`id_hod` FROM `battle_logs` WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" ORDER BY `time` LIMIT 1'));
if ($hodID['id_hod'] <= 1) {
$u->info['mlog'] = 0;
if (isset($hodID['id']) && $this->info['team_win'] != -1) {
$hodID = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `battle_logs_save` WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" ORDER BY `time` LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($hodID['id'])) {
$hodID = $hodID['id'];
} else {
$hodID = 0;
$tmlog = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `mlog` FROM `stats` WHERE `id` = "' . $u->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$spm = mysql_query('SELECT
FROM `battle_logs`
WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `id_hod` >= ' . $tmlog['mlog'] . ' AND `vars` LIKE "%' . $u->info['login'] . '%" ORDER BY `id` DESC');
if (isset($spm) && $this->info['team_win'] != -1) {
$spm = mysql_query('SELECT
FROM `battle_logs_save`
WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `id_hod` >= ' . $tmlog['mlog'] . ' AND `vars` LIKE "%' . $u->info['login'] . '%" ORDER BY `id` DESC');
$jin = 0;
$forYou2 = 0;
while ($plm = mysql_fetch_array($spm)) {
if ($jin == 0) {
$u->info['mlog'] = $plm['id_hod'];
$rt = $plm['text'];
$plm['vars'] = str_replace('^^^^', 'rvnO', $plm['vars']);
$rt = str_replace('{tm1}', '<span class=\"date {fru}\">' . date('H:i', $plm['time']) . '</span>', $rt);
$rt = str_replace('{tm2}', '<span class=\"date {fru}\">' . date('H:i', $plm['time']) . '</span>', $rt);
$rt = str_replace('{tm3}', '<span class=\"date {fru}\">' . date('d.m.Y H:i', $plm['time']) . '</span>',
$rt = str_replace('{tm4}', '<span class=\"date {fru}\">' . date('d.m.Y H:i', $plm['time']) . '</span>',
$plm['text'] = $rt;
if ($pll < $plm['id']) {
$pll = $plm['id'];
$js = 'add_mlog(' . $plm['id'] . ',' . $forYou2 . ',"' . $plm['text'] . '",' . $plm['id_hod'] . ',0,0,"' . str_replace('"',
'&quot;', $plm['vars']) . '");' . $js;
$js .= 'id_mlog=' . $pll . ';';
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `mlog`=' . $u->info['mlog'] . ' WHERE `id` =' . $u->info['id']);
return $js;
//Äîáàâëÿåì â ëîã
public function add_log($mass)
if ($mass['time'] != '' && $mass['text'] != '') {
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_logs` (`time`,`battle`,`id_hod`,`text`,`vars`,`type`) VALUES (' . $mass['time'] . ',' . $mass['battle'] . ',' . $mass['id_hod'] . ',' . $mass['text'] . ',' . $mass['vars'] . ',' . $mass['type'] . ')');
if (rand(2, 10) == 10) {
private function get_comment()
$boycom = [
'À òàíöóåøü òû ëó÷øå.',
'À ìû ÷òî, â ïðÿòêè òóò èãðàåì?',
'À âû ðàçâå ïèíãâèíîâ íèêîãäà íå âèäåëè?',
'À, âåäü êîãäà-òî, âû áûëè êðàñèâûìè… À òåïåðü? Íó è ðîæè! Æóòü!',
'À ïîòîì åùå òðóï ïèíàòü áóäóò.',
'À ÿ â÷åðà íî÷üþ çà ñîñåäÿìè ïîäãëÿäûâàë. Îíè òî÷íî òàê æå êóâûðêàëèñü',
'À âåäü âû æèâûõ ëþäåé äóáàñèòå...',
'À âîò ÿ â÷åðà â çîîïàðêå áûë...',
'À âû â ñòðîéáàòå íå ñëóæèëè?',
'À âû âèäåëè, ÷òîáû òàê íà óëèöå äåëàëè!?',
'À âû çíàëè ÷òî ¸æèêè ðàçìíîæàþòñÿ â èíòåðíåòå?',
'À æèòü-òî, êàê õî÷åòñÿ:',
'À èç-çà ÷åãî âû ñîáñòâåííî äåð¸òåñü?',
'À ÷åãî ðæ¸òå, âû åù¸ îñòàëüíûõ íå âèäåëè',
'À ÷òî ïðîèçîéä¸ò åñëè òû èñïóãàåøñÿ äî ïîëóñìåðòè äâàæäû?!',
'Áîëüøå òàê íå äåëàé. Òû æå íå ñàäèñò?',
'Áåç êîììåíòàðèåâ...',
'Áîëüíî âåäü!',
'Áûñòðî òû çà ìîíèòîð ñïðÿòàëñÿ!',
'Âñå õîòÿò ïîïàñòü â ðàé, íî íèêòî íå õî÷åò óìèðàòü!',
'Â÷åðà ñ òàêîé äåâ÷îíêîé ïîçíàêîìèëñÿ.',
'Âñåãî 5 ìèíóò çíàêîìû, à äåðóòñÿ, ñëîâíî ñóïðóãè ñ 20-òè ëåòíèì ñòàæåì...',
'Âñå. ß òàê áîëüøå íå ìîãó.',
'Â êîíöå êîíöîâ, êòî-òî ïîáåäèò?',
'Âû ÷åãî, ñ äåðåâà óïàëè?',
'Âîçÿòñÿ êàê ñîííûå ìóõè... äàâàéòå ÿ âàì ëó÷øå àíåêäîò ðàññêàæó: ...',
'Âîò âèäèøü, êàê ïîëåçíî ÷èñòèòü çóáû íà íî÷ü?',
'Âîò âû âñå ðóêàìè ìàõàåòå, à çà âàìè óæå î÷åðåäü',
'Âîò ïîïàä¸òå âû â ïëåí è âàñ òàì áóäóò äîëãî áèòü. Íî âû íè÷åãî íå ðàññêàæåòå... è íå ïîòîìó, ÷òî âû òàêîé ñòîéêèé, ïðîñòî âû íè÷åãî íå çíàåòå',
'Âû áû ëó÷øå ïîøëè ïîòðåíèðîâàëèñü!',
'Âû âñå åùå ðàçìèíàåòåñü? Ïîçîâèòå, êîãäà êîñòè â ìóêó äðóã äðóãó ðàçìèíàòü áóäåòå.',
'Âû æå áîéöû! Èìåéòå ñîâåñòü!',
'Ãàñè íåäîóìêà!',
'Äà, åñëè áû ÿ ñìîã ýòî îñòàíîâèòü, òî ïîëó÷èë áû íîáåëåâñêóþ ïðåìèþ `Çà ìèð` ',
'Äà êóäà îíè áüþò?!',
'Äàâàéòå áûñòðåå! Çà âàìè óæå î÷åðåäü îáðàçîâàëàñü.',
'Äàâàéòå îáîéäåìñÿ ñåãîäíÿ òàéìàóòîì. À? À òî ìíå óæå êîøìàðû ñêîðî áóäóò ñíèòüñÿ.',
'Äåðóòñÿ êàê äåâ÷îíêè!',
'Äåòè, ïîñìîòðèòå íàëåâî... Îé!.. Íåò, òóäà ëó÷øå íå ñìîòðåòü.',
'Åñëè òàê áóäåò ïðîäîëæàòüñÿ, òî ñêîðî ìû çàñíåì!',
'Åñëè áû ó ìåíÿ áûëî êðåñëî-êà÷àëêà, ÿ áû â í¸ì êà÷àëñÿ...',
'Åñëè âû ÷òî-òî ñêàçàòü õîòèòå, òî ëó÷øå ìîë÷èòå :)',
'Æåñòîêîñòü íå ïîðîê.',
'Æèçíü âíå íàøåãî êëóáà - ýòî ïóñòàÿ òðàòà êèñëîðîäà!!!',
'Æìè! Äàâè! Êóñàé! Öàðàïàé!',
'Çà òàêèå áîè íàäî â õàîñ îòïðàâëÿòü!',
'Çíàåòå îòêóäà â êîìèññèîííîì ìàãàçèíå ñòîëüêî âåùåé? Ýòî ÿ ïîñëå âàøèõ ãóëÿíîê ñîáèðàþ è ñäàþ òóäà. Èíîãäà âìåñòå ñ ÷àñòÿìè òåëà, çàñòðÿâøèìè â íèõ.',
'Çäåñü ëþäè òàê áëèçêè äðóã ê äðóãó. Ïðîñòî èíà÷å óäàðèòü íåëüçÿ.',
'È ïðîëèòàÿ êðîâü åùå ïóëüñèðóåò...',
'Èíâàëèäîâ ðàçâåëîñü...',
'Êàêîé áîé!!!',
'Êòî!? Êòî çäåñü?!',
'Êòî âàñ ýòîìó íàó÷èë?',
'Êóçíå÷èê, áëèí...',
'Êóïëþ èìïîðòíûé ïðîèãðûâàòåëü ãðàìïëàñòèíîê.',
'Ëîøàäüþ õîäè!',
'Ëó÷øå âðàã, ÷åì äðóã - âðàã.',
'Ëàäíî, âû òóò ïîêà äðóã äðóãà çà âîëîñû òàñêàéòå, à ÿ ïîéäó, ïîîáåäàþ.',
'Ìíå âàø áàëåò óæå íàäîåë!',
'Ìîæåò, íà÷íåòñÿ-òàêè íàñòîÿùèé áîé???',
'Ìûñëè ëåçóò â ãîëîâó èçíóòðè, à óäàðû ñíàðóæè.',
'Íó è ãäå âàøè êîðîííûå óäàðû? Ãäå æèâîïèñíûå ïàäåíèÿ ÿ ñïðàøèâàþ!',
'Íó, íåëüçÿ æå òàê íàîòìàøü ëóïèòü!',
'Íàäî ðàíüøå áûëî äóìàòü, òåïåðü ñìåðòåëüíî ïîçäíî...',
'Íà òàêîå çðåëèùå áèëåòû ïðîäàâàòü ìîæíî. Íàðîä óõîõî÷åòñÿ!',
'Íåò! Íå íàäî äðàêè! À... ëàäíî äåðèòåñü, âñå ðàâíî íå óìååòå.',
'Íåò, íó äîëæåí áûòü ïîâîä, äîëæåí æå áûòü ïîâîä?',
'Íåò, ÿ îòêàçûâàþñü ýòî êîììåíòèðîâàòü!',
'Íå òàêèõ îáëàìûâàëè!',
'Íó âûïèëè âû ðþìêó, íó äâå... íó ëèòð, íó äâà... òàê çà÷åì æå ïîñëå ýòîãî äðàêó çàòåâàòü?!',
'Íó è êòî çà ýòîò ïîãðîì ïëàòèòü áóäåò?',
'Íó è îñêàë ó âàñ. Èç âàøåé óëûáêè êàñòåòû äåëàòü ìîæíî.',
'Íó, ÷òî æå òû..? Íå ïå÷àëüñÿ. Âûøå ãîëîâó, òàê ïî íåé óäîáíåé ïîïàñòü.',
'Íè÷åãî... Áëîê òîæå óäàð.',
'Îáåðíèñü!!!.... Ïîçäíî...',
'Îãî! Íàó÷èòå ìåíÿ òàê íå äåëàòü.',
'Îñòîðîæíî! Ñäåëàåøü äûðî÷êó, óæå íå çàïëîìáèðóåøü!',
'Îíî âàì íàäî???',
'Îáû÷íîå äåëî...òàì ÷òî-òî îòêëåèëîñü.',
'Îé, è çàáîëòàëñÿ ÿ ñ âàìè...',
'Îí æå íå ïðîìàõí¸òñÿ åñëè òû íå îòîéä¸øü!',
'Ïî-ìîåìó, êîìó-òî ñâåòèò èíâàëèäíîñòü.',
'Ïîäêèíü åìó ãðàáëè, íà êîòîðûå îí åùå íå íàñòóïàë.',
'Ïðàâ áûë êîò Ëåîïîëüä, äàâàéòå æèòü äðóæíî?',
'Ïðè óäàðå â æèâîò íàðóøàåòñÿ êèñëîòíî-ùåëî÷íîé áàëàíñ.',
'Ïðîâåðü, íå òîð÷èò ëè ó òåáÿ íîæ èç æèâîòà.',
'Ïåðåñòàíüòå ìíå îðàòü!',
'Ïîäêèíü åìó ãðàáëè, íà êîòîðûå îí åùå íå íàñòóïàë.',
'Ïðûãàþò òóò êàê áëîõè... Âñå, ÿ ïîøåë çà äèõëîôîñîì!',
'Ðàçáóäèòå ìåíÿ êîãäà ýòà ïîðíîãðàôèÿ çàêîí÷èòñÿ...',
'Ðåáåíîê ñèëüíåå óäàðèë áû!',
'Ñëàâíî âìàçàë!',
'Ñëàâíî îíè âåñåëÿòñÿ',
'Ñìîòðþ âîò íà âàñ, è ñëåçû íàâîðà÷èâàþòñÿ.',
'Ñíà÷àëà ó÷àòñÿ õîäèòü, à ïîòîì òîëüêî â äðàêó ëåçóò.',
'Òàê îíè äðóã äðóãó ÷òî-íèáóäü ñëîìàþò.',
'Òàê òû åìó âñå êîñòè ïåðåëîìàåøü!',
'Ó ìåíÿ â ïîäúåçäå òî÷íî òàê æå ñîñåäà îòìóäîõàëè',
'Óáîãèõ ðàçâåëîñü...',
'Óõ òû, êàêîé ïðûòêèé!',
'Ôàøèñò!! Íàäî æ, òàê ïî áîëüíîìó ìåñòó âðåçàòü...',
'Õâàòèò áèòü åãî îá óãîë ìîåé êàáèíêè! Ìíå æå ïîòîì åå ÷èíèòü.',
'Õóëèãàíû, ïðåêðàòèòå íåìåäëåííî!',
'Õî÷åøü, ïîäñêàæó, êóäà îí óäàðèò?',
'Õîðîøî, ÷òî ó ìåíÿ ëîâêîñòè áîëüøå ÷åì ó âàñ âñåõ, à òî á âû è ìåíÿ â èíâàëèäíóþ êîëÿñêó ïîñàäèëè áû.',
'Õîðîøèé áîé!',
'Õîðîøèé óäàð!',
'×òî òû åãî çà âîëîñû ñõâàòèë?! Îòïóñòè íåìåäëåííî!',
'Ùàñ ÿ âàñ íàñòèãíó, âîò òîãäà ìû è ïîõîõî÷åì',
'Ýòî áûëà êàêàÿ-òî íåèçâåñòíàÿ ìíå òåõíèêà...',
'Ýòî æå ïðîòèâíèê, à íå ãëèíà! Õâàòèò ìÿòüñÿ!',
'Ýòî íå áîé, ýòî èçäåâàòåëüñêîå èçáèåíèå.',
'Ýòî ïîóáàâèò ñïåñè',
'Ýòî è áûë òâîé ïëàí `Á` ?',
'Ýòî áûëà êàêàÿ-òî íåèçâåñòíàÿ ìíå òåõíèêà...',
'ß æå ïðåäóïðåæäàë, - áóäåò áîëüíî.',
'ß íå ñòðàäàþ áåçóìèåì. ß íàñëàæäàþñü èì êàæäóþ ìèíóòó :)',
'ß êðàñèâûé, ÿ ñèëüíûé, ÿ óìíûé, ÿ äîáðûé. À âîò âû? Âû ñåáÿ-òî âèäåëè?!',
'ß òîæå óìåþ äðàòüñÿ, íî íå áóäó...',
'(òðåâîæíî îçèðàÿñü) ÿ âàì ïî ñåêðåòó ñêàæó... çà âàìè íàáëþäàþò!',
'<âûðåçàíî öåíçóðîé> ïîñëå áîÿ ÿ ýòèõ <âûðåçàíî öåíçóðîé> îáîèõ â <âûðåçàíî öåíçóðîé> è <âûðåçàíî öåíçóðîé>',
'<âûðåçàíî öåíçóðîé> êàðàòèñòû ôèãîâû',
if (rand(1, 12) !== 12) {
'time' => time(),
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'id_hod' => $this->hodID,
'text' => '{tm1} <i>Êîììåíòàòîð: ' . current($boycom) . '</i>',
'vars' => 'time1=' . time(),
'zona1' => '',
'zonb1' => '',
'zona2' => '',
'zonb2' => '',
'type' => '1',
//Ðàñ÷åò òèïà óäàðà îò îðóæèÿ
public function weaponTx($item)
if (!isset($item['id'])) {
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 4) {
$itm['tya' . $i] = 1;
$itm = $this->lookStats($item['data']);
$t[0]['z'] = 0;
$t[0]['t'] = 0;
//êîëÿùèé óðîí
$t[1]['z'] = round(0 + $itm['tya1']);
$t[1]['t'] = 1;
//ðóáÿùèé óðîí
$t[2]['z'] = round(0 + $itm['tya2']);
$t[2]['t'] = 2;
//äðîáÿùèé óðîí
$t[3]['z'] = round(0 + $itm['tya3']);
$t[3]['t'] = 3;
//ðåæóùèé óðîí
$t[4]['z'] = round(0 + $itm['tya4']);
$t[4]['t'] = 4;
//óðîí îãíÿ
$t[5]['z'] = round(0 + $itm['tym1']);
$t[5]['t'] = 5;
//óðîí âîçäóõà
$t[6]['z'] = round(0 + $itm['tym2']);
$t[6]['t'] = 6;
//óðîí âîäû
$t[7]['z'] = round(0 + $itm['tym3']);
$t[7]['t'] = 7;
//óðîí çåìëè
$t[8]['z'] = round(0 + $itm['tym4']);
$t[8]['t'] = 8;
//óðîí ñâåòà
$t[9]['z'] = round(0 + $itm['tym5']);
$t[9]['t'] = 9;
//óðîí òüìû
$t[10]['z'] = round(0 + $itm['tym6']);
$t[10]['t'] = 10;
//óðîí ñåðîé ìàãèåé
$t[11]['z'] = round(0 + $itm['tym7']);
$t[11]['t'] = 11;
$tpt = $t[0]['z'];
$tpmin = $t[0];
$tpmax = $t[0];
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 11) {
if ($t[$i]['z'] > $tpt) {
$tpt = $t[$i]['z'];
$tpmax = $t[$i];
$ii = $i;
$t[$ii]['z'] = 0;
$tpt = $t[0]['z'];
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 11) {
if ($t[$i]['z'] > $tpt) {
$tpt = $t[$i]['z'];
$tpmin = $t[$i];
$setclass = rand(1, 100);
if ($setclass > $tpmax['z']) {
$tp = $tpmin['t'];
} else {
$tp = $tpmax['t'];
return $tp;
//Ðàñ÷åò óðîíà îò îðóæèÿ
public function weaponAt22($item, $st = 0)
if (empty($item['data'])) {
return [];
$itm = $this->lookStats($item['data']);
//íà÷èíàåì ðàñ÷åò óðîíà
$min = $itm['sv_yron_min'] + $itm['yron_min'] + $st['minAtack'];
$max = $itm['sv_yron_max'] + $itm['yron_max'] + $st['maxAtack'];
return [$min, $max];
//Ðàñ÷åò çàùèòû
private function zago($v)
return round((1 - (pow(0.5, (max($v, 1700) / 399.51)))) * 100, 2);
//Ðàñ÷åò çàùèòû (ìàãèÿ)
public function zmgo($v)
return (1 - (pow(0.5, ($v / 250)))) * 100;
* @param $st1
* @param $st2
* @param $u1
* @param $u2
* @param $level
* @param $level2 [not used?]
* @param $type
* @param $min_yron
* @param $max_yron
* @param $min_bron [not used?]
* @param $max_bron [not used?]
* @param $vladenie
* @param $power_yron
* @param $power_krit
* @param $zashita
* @param $ozashita [not used?]
* @param $proboi
* @param $weapom_damage [not used?]
* @param $weapom_min
* @param $weapom_max
* @param $za_proc [not used?]
* @param $zm_proc [not used?]
* @param $zashitam [not used?]
* @param $ozashitam [not used?]
* @param $wp_type
* @param $witm
* @return array
public function yrn(
$level2 = null,
$min_bron = null,
$max_bron = null,
$ozashita = null,
$weapom_damage = null,
$za_proc = null,
$zm_proc = null,
$zashitam = null, // pzm òóò!
$ozashitam = null,
) {
global $u;
if ($zashita < 1) {
$zashita = 1;
if ($min_yron < 1) {
$min_yron = 1;
if ($max_yron < 1) {
$max_yron = 1;
if (!isset($type) || $type == '') {
$type = 12;
//Ïàðàìåòðû äëÿ âîçâðâàòà
$p = [
'Y' => 0,
'B' => [0 => 0, 1 => 0, 'rnd' => false],
'L' => $level,
'W' => [$weapom_min, $weapom_max, 'rnd' => false], //ìèíèìàëüíûé óðîí //ìàêñèìàëüíûé óðîí äîáàâî÷íûé
'U' => $vladenie, //âëàäåíèå îðóæèåì
'M' => $power_yron, //ìîùíîñòü óðîíà
'K' => $power_krit, //ìîùíîñòü êðèòà
'S' => 0, //âëèÿíèå ñòàòîâ íà ïðîô.óðîí
'T' => 1, //Êô. îðóæèÿ
'iT' => 1, //Èòîãîâûé äîï. Êô. îðóæèÿ
(S) - âëèÿíèå íàøèõ ñòàòîâ íà ïðîôèëüíûé óðîí
Êîëþùèé: S = Ñèëà * 0,3 + Ëîâêîñòü * 0,7
Ðóáÿùèé: S = Ñèëà * 0,5 + Ëîâêîñòü * 0,25 + Èíòóèöèÿ * 0,25
Äðîáÿùèé: S = Ñèëà * 1
Ðåæóùèé: S = Ñèëà * 0,3 + Èíòóèöèÿ * 0,7
//Óìíîæèòåëü 1.33 äëÿ äâóðó÷êè è 1.00 äëÿ îäíîé ðóêè
$witmdata = $this->lookStats($witm['data']);
//Ðàñ÷åò òèïà óðîíà
if ($wp_type == 18) {
$r['type'] = 1;
} elseif ($wp_type == 19) {
$r['type'] = 2;
} elseif ($wp_type == 20) {
$r['type'] = 3;
} elseif ($wp_type == 21) {
$r['type'] = 4;
} else {
$r['type'] = 0;
//ÒÓÒ Ïðîôèëüíûé óðîí
if ($r['type'] == 1) {
$p['S'] = $st1['s1'] * 0.25 + $st1['s2'] * 0.75;
$p['U'] = $st1['a1'] * 1.00; //êèíæàëû
} elseif ($r['type'] == 2) {
$p['S'] = $st1['s1'] * 1.20;
$p['U'] = $st1['a2'] * 1.00; //òîïîðû
} elseif ($r['type'] == 3) {
$p['S'] = $st1['s1'] * 0.5 + $st1['s4'] * 1.00;
$p['U'] = $st1['a3'] * 1.00; //äóáèíû
} elseif ($r['type'] == 4) {
$p['S'] = $st1['s3'] * 1.00;
$p['U'] = $st1['a4'] * 1.00; //ìå÷è
} elseif ($r['type'] >= 5 && $r['type'] < 12) {
$p['S'] = $st1['s1'] * 0.5 + $st1['s2'] * 0.5;
$p['U'] = $st1['mg' . ($r['type'] - 4)] * 1.00; //ìàãèåé
$p['Mage'] = true;
} else {
$p['S'] = 0;
$p['U'] = 0; // äëÿ êóëàêà(íóæíî ïåðåïèñûâàòü
$r['bron']['rnd'] = rand($r['bron'][0], $r['bron'][1]);
//Îñòàëüíûå ðàñ÷åòû (êîýôèöåíò)
$p['B'][0] = 2 + $level + $st1['s1'] - round($st1['s1'] / 5);
$p['B'][1] = $p['B'][0] + 3;
$p['B']['rnd'] = rand($p['B'][0], $p['B'][1]);
$p['W']['rnd'] = rand($p['W'][0], $p['W'][1]);
//Îáû÷íûé óðîí
if ($r['type'] == 12) {
$r['min'] = ($p['B'][0] + $weapom_min) * $p['T'] * (1 + $p['M'] / 100);
$r['max'] = ($p['B'][1] + $weapom_max) * $p['T'] * (1 + $p['M'] / 100);
} else {
$r['min'] = (($p['B'][0] + $p['S'] * 2 + $weapom_min * 2 + $p['U'] * 2) * $p['T']) * (1 + $p['M'] / 100);
$r['max'] = (($p['B'][1] + $p['S'] * 2 + $weapom_max * 2 + $p['U'] * 2) * $p['T']) * (1 + $p['M'] / 100);
$r['bRND'] = $p['B']['rnd'];
$r['Kmin'] = ceil((2 + ($p['K'] / 100)) * $r['min']);
$r['Kmax'] = ceil((2 + ($p['K'] / 100)) * $r['max']);
//Ðàñ÷åò áðîíè
//äëÿ îáû÷íîãî
if ($r['type'] < 5 || $r['type'] == 12) {
$r['min_abron'] = round($r['min'] * 0.05);
$r['max_abron'] = round($r['max'] * 0.05);
if ($proboi != 0) {
$r['bron']['rndold'] = $r['bron']['rnd'];
//Íîâûå èñïðàâëåíèÿ â áðîíå
$r['Kmin'] -= $r['bron']['rnd'] * 2; //áûëî óìíîæèòü íà 2
$r['Kmax'] -= $r['bron']['rnd'] * 2; //áûëî óìíîæèòü íà 2
$r['min'] -= $r['bron']['rnd']; //íå áûëî äåëåíèÿ íè íà ÷î.
$r['max'] -= $r['bron']['rnd']; //íå áûëî äåëåíèÿ íè íà ÷î.
//Ðàñ÷åò çàùèòû (íå áîëåå 80%)
if ($r['type'] < 5 || $r['type'] == 12) {
$r['min'] = round($r['min'] / 100 * (100 - $this->zago($st2['za'])));
$r['max'] = round($r['max'] / 100 * (100 - $this->zago($st2['za'])));
$r['Kmin'] = round($r['Kmin'] / 100 * (100 - $this->zago($st2['za'])));
$r['Kmax'] = round($r['Kmax'] / 100 * (100 - $this->zago($st2['za'])));
} else {
$r['min'] = round($r['min'] / 100 * (100 - $this->zmgo($st2['zm'])));
$r['max'] = round($r['max'] / 100 * (100 - $this->zmgo($st2['zm'])));
$r['Kmin'] = round($r['Kmin'] / 100 * (100 - $this->zmgo($st2['zm'])));
$r['Kmax'] = round($r['Kmax'] / 100 * (100 - $this->zmgo($st2['zm'])));
$r['min'] = round($r['min']);
$r['max'] = round($r['max']);
$r['Kmin'] = round($r['Kmin']);
$r['Kmax'] = round($r['Kmax']);
$min_yrn = 0; //%
if ($u1['clone'] > 0) {
$min_yrn = 75;
$r['min'] -= floor($r['min'] / 100 * $min_yrn);
$r['max'] -= floor($r['max'] / 100 * $min_yrn);
$r['Kmin'] -= floor($r['Kmin'] / 100 * ($min_yrn));
$r['Kmax'] -= floor($r['Kmax'] / 100 * ($min_yrn));
$r['min_'] -= floor($r['min_'] / 100 * $min_yrn);
$r['max_'] -= floor($r['max_'] / 100 * $min_yrn);
$r['Kmin_'] -= floor($r['Kmin_'] / 100 * ($min_yrn));
$r['Kmax_'] -= floor($r['Kmax_'] / 100 * ($min_yrn));
$defd = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT SUM(`vals`) FROM `battle_actions` WHERE `btl` = ' . $this->info['id'] . ' AND `vars` = "use_defteam' . $u2['team'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if ($defd[0] > 100) {
$defd[0] = 100;
$defd = 0 + $defd[0];
$powd = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT SUM(`vals`) FROM `battle_actions` WHERE `btl` = ' . $this->info['id'] . ' AND `vars` = "use_powteam' . $u1['team'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if ($powd[0] > 100) {
$powd[0] = 100;
$powd = 0 + $powd[0];
$defd = $defd - $powd;
$r['min'] -= floor($defd);
$r['max'] -= floor($defd);
$r['Kmin'] -= floor($defd * 2);
$r['Kmax'] -= floor($defd * 2);
$r['min_'] -= floor($defd);
$r['max_'] -= floor($defd);
$r['Kmin_'] -= floor($defd * 2);
$r['Kmax_'] -= floor($defd * 2);
$r['min'] += $st1['maxAtack'];
$r['max'] += $st1['maxAtack'];
$r['Kmin'] += $st1['maxAtack'] * 2;
$r['Kmin'] += $st1['maxAtack'] * 2;
if ($r['min'] < 1) {
$r['min'] = 1;
if ($r['max'] < 1) {
$r['max'] = 1;
if ($r['Kmin'] < 2) {
$r['Kmin'] = 2;
if ($r['Kmax'] < 2) {
$r['Kmax'] = 2;
if ($r['Kmin_'] < 2) {
$r['Kmin_'] = 2;
if ($r['Kmin_'] < 2) {
$r['Kmax_'] = 2;
$r['m_k'] = $r['Kmax'];
return $r;
//Çàâåðøåíèå äåéñòâèÿ ïðèåìà
// pl ïðèåì
// u1 èíôà þçåðà
// t1 òèï ñíÿòèÿ
// 99 = î÷èùåíèå êðîâüþ
// u2
public $del_val = [];
public function delPriem(
$t = 1,
$u2 = false,
$rznm = 'Î÷èñòèòüñÿ Êðîâüþ'
) {
global $u;
if (isset($pl['priem']['id']) && !isset($this->del_val['eff'][$pl['priem']['id']])) {
if ($pl['x'] > 1) {
$pl['name'] = $pl['name'] . ' x' . $pl['x'];
if ($pl['timeUse'] == 77) {
//çàâåðøàåì ïðèåì
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `eff_users` WHERE `id` = ' . $pl['id']);
$vLog = 'time1=' . time() . '||s1=' . $u1['sex'] . '||t1=' . $u1['team'] . '||login1=' . $u1['login'];
if (isset($u2['id'])) {
$vLog .= '||s2=' . $u2['sex'] . '||t2=' . $u2['team'] . '||login2=' . $u2['login'];
$mas1 = [
'time' => time(),
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'id_hod' => $this->hodID,
'text' => '',
'vars' => $vLog,
'zona1' => '',
'zonb1' => '',
'zona2' => '',
'zonb2' => '',
'type' => '1',
if ($t == 4) {
$t = 2;
if ($t == 1) {
if ($pl['priem']['file'] != '0') {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priems/' . $pl['priem']['file'] . '.php')) {
require('priems/' . $pl['priem']['file'] . '.php');
} elseif ($pl['priem']['file3'] != '0') {
if (file_exists('../../_incl_data/class/priems/' . $pl['priem']['file3'] . '.php')) {
require('priems/' . $pl['priem']['file3'] . '.php');
} else {
$mas1['text'] = '{tm1} {u1} {1x16x0} ïðèåì &quot;<strong>' . $pl['name'] . '</strong>&quot;.';
$this->del_val['eff'][$pl['priem']['id']] = true;
} elseif ($t == 2) {
$mas1['text'] = '{tm1} Ó ïåðñîíàæà {u1} çàêîí÷èëîñü äåéñòâèå ìàãèè &quot;<strong>' . $pl['name'] . '</strong>&quot;.';
} elseif ($t == 99) {
$mas1['text'] = '{u1} Ñíÿë ýôåêò &quot;<strong>' . $pl['name'] . '</strong>&quot; ñ ïîìîùüþ <strong>' . $rznm . '</strong> .';
} else {
if ($t == 100) {
$mas1['text'] = '{tm1} Çàêîí÷èëîñü äåéñòâèå ýôôåêòà &quot;<strong>' . $pl['name'] . '</strong>&quot; äëÿ {u1}.';
if ($pl['priem']['id'] != 24) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$pl['uid']]] = $u->getStats($pl['uid'], 0, 0, false, false, true);
//Ðàçáèðàåì ìàññèâ ñî ñòàòàìè
public function lookStats($m)
return json_decode(str_replace(['=', '|'], ['":', ',"'], '{"' . $m . '}'), true);
//Ðàñ÷åò ÌÔ
* @param $type
* @param $mf
* @param $lvl1 [not used?]
* @param $lvl2 [not used?]
* @return int
private function mfs($type, $mf, $lvl1 = null, $lvl2 = null)
$rval = 0;
switch ($type) {
case 1:
if ($mf['amf'] < 0) {
$mf['amf'] = 0;
if ($mf['mf'] < 0) {
$mf['mf'] = 0;
if ($mf['mf'] > $mf['smf']) {
$rval = 100 - floor(((($mf['smf']) / ($mf['mf'] + 1)) * 100));
if ($rval < 1) {
$rval = 0;
if ($rval > 75) {
$rval = 75;
if ($mf['amf'] >= 1) {
if ($mf['amf'] > 100) {
$mf['amf'] = 100;
if (($mf['amf'] * 100) >= mt_rand(1, 10000)) {
$rval = 100;
case 2:
if ($mf['mf'] < 0) {
$mf['mf'] = 0;
if ($mf['amf'] < 0) {
$mf['amf'] = 0;
if ($mf['smf'] < 0) {
$mf['smf'] = 0;
if ($mf['asmf'] < 0) {
$mf['asmf'] = 0;
if ($mf['mf'] > $mf['smf']) {
$rval = 100 - floor(((($mf['smf']) / ($mf['mf'] + 1)) * 100)); //2.5
if ($rval < 1) {
$rval = 0;
if ($rval > 75) {
$rval = 75;
if ($mf['asmf'] >= 0) //
if ($mf['asmf'] > 100) {
$mf['asmf'] = 100;
if ($mf['asmf'] >= rand(1, 100)) {
$rval = 0;
if ($mf['amf'] >= 0) {
if ($mf['amf'] > 100) {
$mf['amf'] = 100;
if ($mf['amf'] >= rand(1, 100)) {
$rval = 100;
case 3:
if ($mf[1] < 1) {
$mf[1] = 1;
if ($mf[2] < 1) {
$mf[2] = 1;
$rval = $mf[1] - $mf[2] / 2;
if ($rval > 75) {
$rval = 75;
if ($rval < 1) {
$rval = 1;
case 4:
$mf = round($mf * 0.6);
if ($mf < 1) {
$mf = 0;
if ($mf > 100) {
$mf = 100;
$rval = min($mf, 100); //ïðîáîé áðîíè
case 5:
if ($mf < 1) {
$mf = 0;
$rval = min($mf, 85); //áëîê ùèòîì
case 6:
//$mf['a'] çàùèòà
//$mf['b'] àòàêà
if ($mf['a'] > 0) {
if ($mf['b'] > 0) {
$rval = round($mf['a'] - ($mf['b'] / 2));
} else {
$rval = $mf['a'];
if ($rval < 1) {
$rval = 0;
if ($rval > 75) {
$rval = 75;
return $this->get_chanse($rval) ? 1 : 0;
public function get_chanse($percent)
if ($percent <= 0) {
return false;
return mt_rand(1, 100) <= max($percent, 100);
//Ñìåíà ïðîòèâíèêà
public function smena($uid, $auto = false, $lastdie = false)
global $u;
if (($auto || $u->info['smena'] <= 0) && !$auto) {
return 'Ó âàñ çàêîí÷èëèñü ñìåíû ïðîòèâíèêà';
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['hpNow'] < 1) {
return 'Äëÿ âàñ ïîåäèíîê çàêîí÷åí, îæèäàéòå ïîêà çàâåðøàò äðóãèå...';
if (
!isset($this->uids[$uid]) ||
$uid == $u->info['id'] ||
$this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['team'] == $this->users[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['team']
) {
return 'Íåëüçÿ ñìåíèòü íà âûáðàííóþ öåëü []';
if (isset($this->ga[$u->info['id']][$uid]) && !$lastdie) {
return 'Íåëüçÿ ñìåíèòü íà âûáðàííóþ öåëü!';
if (ceil($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['hpNow']) < 1) {
return 'Íåëüçÿ ñìåíèòü, ïðîòèâíèê óæå ìåðòâ';
}//ìåíÿåì ïðîòèâíèêà
if (!$auto) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `enemy` = ' . $uid . ',`smena` = ' . $u->info['smena'] . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $u->info['id']);
$u->info['enemy'] = $uid;
$this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['smena'] = $u->info['smena'];
$this->users[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['enemy'] = $uid;
return 1;
//àâòî-ñìåíà ïðîòèâíèêà //ÒÓÒ áàã âûáîðà
public function autoSmena()
global $u;
$ms = [];
$ms_all = [];
$ms_ansf = [];
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
$z = 0;
while ($i < count($this->users)) {
if (isset($this->users[$i]) && $this->users[$i]['id'] != $u->info['id'] && $this->users[$i]['team'] != $u->info['team'] && $this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] > 0 && -($u->info['enemy']) != $this->users[$i]['id']) {
if (!isset($this->ga[$u->info['id']][$this->users[$i]['id']])) {
$ms[$j] = $this->users[$i]['id'];
if (!isset($this->uids[(-($u->info['enemy']))])) {
$ms_all[] = $this->users[$i]['id'];
if (isset($this->ga[$this->users[$i]['id']][$u->info['id']])) {
$ms_ansf[$z] = $this->users[$i]['id'];
$msh = [];
if ($j == 0 && $z == 0) {
$enemydie = 0;
if (isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['enemy']]])) {
$u->info['enemy'] = 0;
$enemydie = 1;
if ((!isset($this->uids[(-($u->info['enemy']))]) || $this->stats[$this->uids[(-($u->info['enemy']))]]['hpNow'] < 1) && ($u->info['enemy'] < 0 || $enemydie == 1)) {
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
while ($i < count($this->users)) {
if (isset($this->users[$i]) && $this->users[$i]['id'] != $u->info['id'] && $this->users[$i]['team'] != $u->info['team'] && $this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] >= 1 && -($u->info['enemy']) != $this->users[$i]['id']) {
$ms[$j] = $this->users[$i]['id'];
$msh[$ms[$j]] = true;
$ms = $ms[rand(0, $j - 1)];
$ms_ansf = $ms_ansf[rand(0, $z - 1)];
if ($z > 0) {
$this->smena($ms_ansf, true);
} elseif ($j > 0) {
if (isset($msh[$ms])) {
$this->smena($ms, true, true);
} else {
$this->smena($ms, true);
} else {
if ($u->info['enemy'] < 0) {
$smnr5 = $this->smena(-($u->info['enemy']), true);
//Äåéñòâèÿ áîòà (àòàêà)
private function botAtack($uid, $pl, $tp)
$test_atack = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `battle_act` WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND ((
`uid1` = "' . $pl . '" AND `uid2` = "' . $uid . '"
) OR (
`uid2` = "' . $pl . '" AND `uid1` = "' . $uid . '"
)) LIMIT 1'));
if ($tp == 1 && !isset($test_atack['id'])) {
$test_uid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `stats` WHERE `id` = "' . $uid . '" AND `hpNow` >= 1 LIMIT 1'));
$test_pl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `stats` WHERE `id` = "' . $pl . '" AND `hpNow` >= 1 LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($test_uid['id']) && isset($test_pl['id']) && $test_uid['id'] != $test_pl['id']) {
$a = rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5);
$b = rand(1, 5);
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_act` (`battle`,`time`,`uid1`,`uid2`,`a1`,`b1`) VALUES ("' . $this->info['id'] . '","' . time() . '","' . $pl . '","' . $uid . '","' . $a . '","' . $b . '")');
} elseif ($tp == 2) {
//áîò îòâå÷àåò íà óäàð
$test_uid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `stats` WHERE `id` = "' . $uid . '" AND `hpNow` >= 1 LIMIT 1'));
$test_pl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `stats` WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['uid2'] . '" AND `hpNow` >= 1 LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($test_uid['id']) && isset($test_pl['id']) && $test_uid['id'] != $test_pl['id']) {
$bot = $this->users[$this->uids[$pl['uid2']]];
$na = ['id' => 0, 'a' => [1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0], 'b' => 0];
$a222 = rand(1, 5) . '_' . rand(1, 5) . '_' . rand(1, 5) . '_' . rand(1, 5) . '_' . rand(1, 5);
$a = explode('_', $a222);
$i = 1;
$na['id'] = time();
while ($i <= 5) {
if (isset($a[$i - 1])) {
$a[$i - 1] = intval(round($a[$i - 1]));
if ($a[$i - 1] >= 1 && $a[$i - 1] <= 5) {
$na['a'][$i] = $a[$i - 1];
} else {
$na['a'][$i] = 0;
$na['b'] = rand(1, 5);
//Ïðîâîäèì óäàð
$this->atacks[$pl['id']]['a2'] = $a222;
$this->atacks[$pl['id']]['b2'] = $na['b'];
//Ïðîâåðÿåì óäàðû, ïðèåìû, ñâèòêè, çâåðåé
public function testActions()
//ïðîâåðÿåì óäàðû
$m = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `battle_act` WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" ORDER BY `id`');
$i = 0;
$botA = [];
$botR = [];
while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($m)) {
//mysql_query('DELETE FROM `battle_act` WHERE `battle` = "'.$this->info['id'].'" AND `uid1` = "'.$pl['uid2'].'" AND `uid2` = "'.$pl['uid1'].'"');
$pluids = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `hpNow` FROM `stats` WHERE (`id` = "' . $pl['uid1'] . '" AND `hpNow` <= 0) OR (`id` = "' . $pl['uid2'] . '" AND `hpNow` <= 0) LIMIT 1'));
$pltest = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `battle_act` WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($pltest['id'])) {
if (isset($pluids['hpNow'])) {
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `battle_act` WHERE `id` = "' . $pl['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
} elseif ($pl['time'] + $this->info['timeout'] > time()) {
//óäàð íå ïðîïóùåí ïî òàéìó, ïðîñòî çàíîñèì äàííûå
$this->atacks[$pl['id']] = $pl;
$this->ga[$pl['uid1']][$pl['uid2']] = $pl['id'];
$this->ag[$pl['uid2']][$pl['uid1']] = $pl['id'];
if (isset($this->iBots[$pl['uid1']])) {
//óäàðèë áîò è íåò îòâåòà
$botA[$pl['uid1']] = $pl['id'];
} elseif (isset($this->iBots[$pl['uid2']])) {
//óäàðèëè áîòà è îí íå îòâåòèë
$botR[$pl['uid2']] = $pl['id'];
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$pl['uid2']]]['timeGo'] < time()) {
$this->botAtack($pl['uid1'], $pl, 2);
} else {
//ïðîïóñê ïî òàéìó
$pl['time'] = time();
if ($pl['a1'] == 0 && $pl['a2'] == 0) {
//èãðîê 1 ïðîïóñòèë ïî òàéìó
$pl['out1'] = time();
$pl['tout1'] = 1;
//èãðîê 2 ïðîïóñòèë ïî òàéìó
$pl['out2'] = time();
$pl['tout2'] = 1;
} elseif ($pl['a1'] == 0) {
//èãðîê 1 ïðîïóñòèë ïî òàéìó
$pl['out1'] = time();
$pl['tout1'] = 1;
} elseif ($pl['a2'] == 0) {
//èãðîê 2 ïðîïóñòèë ïî òàéìó
$pl['out2'] = time();
$pl['tout2'] = 1;
//íàíîñèì óäàð ïî ïðîïóñêó
$this->atacks[$pl['id']] = $pl;
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `battle_act` WHERE `id` = ' . $pl['id']);
//òåñò óäàðà
if ($this->uAtc['id'] > 0 && $this->na == 1) {
if ($pl['out1'] == 0 && $pl['out2'] == 0) {
//Ìîæåò ðàçìåíÿòüñÿ òîëüêî òîò êòî áèë
if ($pl['uid1'] == $u->info['id'] || $pl['uid2'] == $u->info['id']) {
} else {
//òåñò èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ çàêëÿòèé
//òåñò èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ ïðèåìîâ
//òåñò, áîò äåëàåò óäàðû
while ($i < count($this->bots)) {
$bot = $this->bots[$i];
if (isset($bot) && $this->stats[$this->uids[$bot]]['hpNow'] >= 1 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$bot]]['pass'] != 'saintlucia') //Òóò ïðîâåðêà íà áîòà saintlucia
$j = 0;
while ($j < count($this->users)) {
if ($this->info['razdel'] == 0) {
$tnbot = time() + rand(1, 1);
} else {
$tnbot = time() + rand(1, 2);
if ($this->users[$j]['hpNow'] >= 1 && $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['hpNow'] >= 1 && $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['team'] != $this->users[$j]['team']) {
if (isset($this->users[$j]) && $this->stats[$j]['hpNow'] >= 1 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$bot]]['hpNow'] >= 1 && !isset($this->ga[$bot][$this->users[$j]['id']]) && !isset($this->ag[$bot][$this->users[$j]['id']]) && $this->users[$j]['id'] != $bot && $this->users[$j]['team'] != $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['team']) {
if ($this->users[$j]['timeGo'] < time() && $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['timeGo'] < time()) {
$this->botAtack($this->users[$j]['id'], $bot, 1);
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `timeGo` = "' . $tnbot . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
} elseif (isset($this->users[$i]) && $this->users[$i]['bot'] > 0 && $this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] >= 1 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$bot]]['hpNow'] >= 1 && $this->users[$i]['id'] != $bot && $this->users[$i]['team'] != $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['team']) {
if ($this->users[$j]['timeGo'] < time() && $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['timeGo'] < time() && $this->botAct($bot)) {
if (!isset($this->ga[$bot][$this->users[$i]['id']]) && $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['timeGo'] < time() && !isset($this->ag[$bot][$this->users[$i]['id']])) {
$this->botAtack($this->users[$i]['id'], $bot, 1);
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `timeGo` = ' . $tnbot . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['id']);
} elseif (isset($this->ga[$bot][$this->users[$i]['id']]) && $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['timeGo'] < time()) {
$this->botAtack($bot, $this->users[$i]['id'], 1);
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `timeGo` = ' . $tnbot . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['id']);
} else {
//Óäàðû ìåæäó áîòàìè
if ($this->users[$j]['timeGo'] < time() && $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['timeGo'] < time() && $this->users[$j]['hpNow'] >= 1 && $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['hpNow'] >= 1) {
$this->atacks[$this->ga[$bot][$this->users[$j]['id']]]['a1'] =
rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5);
$this->atacks[$this->ga[$bot][$this->users[$j]['id']]]['b1'] = rand(1, 5);
$this->atacks[$this->ga[$bot][$this->users[$j]['id']]]['a2'] =
rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5);
$this->atacks[$this->ga[$bot][$this->users[$j]['id']]]['b2'] = rand(1, 5);
$this->atacks[$this->ag[$bot][$this->users[$j]['id']]]['a1'] =
rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5);
$this->atacks[$this->ag[$bot][$this->users[$j]['id']]]['b1'] = rand(1, 5);
$this->atacks[$this->ag[$bot][$this->users[$j]['id']]]['a2'] =
rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5) . rand(1, 5);
$this->atacks[$this->ag[$bot][$this->users[$j]['id']]]['b2'] = rand(1, 5);
if (isset($this->ga[$bot][$this->users[$j]['id']]) && $this->users[$j]['bot'] > 0) {
if ($this->users[$j]['timeGo'] < time() && $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['timeGo'] < time()) {
$tnbot = time() + rand(3, 7);
if ($this->info['type'] == 329) { // òåñòîâûé áîé
$tnbot = time() - 1;
$this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['timeGo'] = $tnbot;
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `timeGo` = ' . $tnbot . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['id']);
} elseif (isset($this->ag[$bot][$this->users[$j]['id']]) && $this->users[$j]['bot'] > 0) {
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['timeGo'] < time() && $this->users[$j]['timeGo'] < time()) {
$tnbot = time() + rand(3, 7);
if ($this->info['type'] == 329) { // òåñòîâûé áîé
$tnbot = time() - 1;
$this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['timeGo'] = $tnbot;
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `timeGo` = ' . $tnbot . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $this->users[$this->uids[$bot]]['id']);
//Äåéñòâèÿ áîòà
private function botAct($uid)
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['bot'] > 0) {
if ($this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['online'] < time() - 3) {
$this->users[$this->uids[$uid]]['online'] = time();
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `online` = unix_timestamp() WHERE `id` = ' . (int)$uid);
return true;
} elseif (rand(0, 2) == 1) {
return true;
return false;
//ïîëó÷àåì äàííûå î ïîåäèíêå
public function battleInfo($id)
$b = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = ' . (int)$id));
if (isset($b['id'])) {
$this->hodID = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id_hod` FROM `battle_logs` WHERE `battle` = ' . $b['id'] . ' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($this->hodID['id_hod'])) {
$this->hodID = $this->hodID['id_hod'];
} else {
$this->hodID = 0;
return $b;
} else {
return false;
//íàíîñèì óäàð ïðîòèâíèêó
public function addAtack()
global $js;
if (isset($_POST['atack'], $_POST['block'])) {
$na = [
'id' => time(),
'a' => [1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0],
'b' => intval(round($_POST['block'])),
$a = explode('_', $_POST['atack']);
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 5) {
if (isset($a[$i - 1])) {
$a[$i - 1] = intval(round($a[$i - 1]));
if ($a[$i - 1] >= 1 && $a[$i - 1] <= 5) {
$na['a'][$i] = $a[$i - 1];
} else {
$na['a'][$i] = 0;
if ($na['b'] < 1 || $na['b'] > 5) {
$na['b'] = 0;
$this->uAtc = $na;
$js .= 'testClearZone();';
} else {
$this->e = 'Âûáåðèòå çîíû óäàðà è áëîêà';
//âûäåëÿåì ïîëüçîâàòåëåé
public function teamsTake()
global $u;
$rs = '';
$ts = [];
$tsi = 0;
if ($this->info['id'] > 0) {
//äàííûå î èãðîêàõ â áîþ
$nxtlg = [];
$t = mysql_query('SELECT `u`.`room`,`u`.`no_ip`,`u`.`twink`,`u`.`stopexp`,`u`.`id`,`u`.`notrhod`,`u`.`login`,`u`.`login2`,`u`.`sex`,`u`.`online`,`u`.`admin`,`u`.`align`,`u`.`align_lvl`,`u`.`align_exp`,`u`.`clan`,`u`.`level`,`u`.`battle`,`u`.`obraz`,`u`.`win`,`u`.`lose`,`u`.`nich`,`u`.`animal`,`st`.`stats`,`st`.`hpNow`,`st`.`mpNow`,`st`.`exp`,`st`.`dnow`,`st`.`team`,`st`.`battle_yron`,`st`.`battle_exp`,`st`.`enemy`,`st`.`battle_text`,`st`.`upLevel`,`st`.`timeGo`,`st`.`timeGoL`,`st`.`bot`,`st`.`lider`,`st`.`btl_cof`,`st`.`tactic1`,`st`.`tactic2`,`st`.`tactic3`,`st`.`tactic4`,`st`.`tactic5`,`st`.`tactic6`,`st`.`tactic7`,`st`.`x`,`st`.`y`,`st`.`battleEnd`,`st`.`priemslot`,`st`.`priems`,`st`.`priems_z`,`st`.`bet`,`st`.`clone`,`st`.`atack`,`st`.`bbexp`,`st`.`res_x`,`st`.`res_y`,`st`.`res_s`,`st`.`id`,`st`.`last_hp`,`st`.`last_pr`,`u`.`sex`,`u`.`money`,`u`.`bot_id`,`u`.`money3`,`u`.`money2` FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '"');
$i = 0;
$bi = 0;
$up = '';
if ($this->info['start2'] == 0) {
$tststrt = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = ' . $this->info['id'] . ' AND `start2` = 0 LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($tststrt['id'])) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `battle` SET `start2` = unix_timestamp() WHERE `id` = ' . $this->info['id'] . ' LIMIT 1');
} else {
$this->info['start2'] = time();
while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($t)) {
//çàïèñûâàåì äàííûå
if ($pl['login2'] == '') {
$pl['login2'] = $pl['login'];
$this->users[$i] = $pl;
$this->uids[$pl['id']] = $i;
if ($this->info['start2'] == 0) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `users` SET `notrhod` = -1 WHERE `id` = ' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . ' LIMIT 1');
$this->users[$i]['notrhod'] = -1;
if ($pl['bot'] > 0) {
$this->bots[$bi] = $pl['id'];
$this->iBots[$pl['id']] = $bi;
//çàïèñûâàåì ñòàòû
$this->stats[$i] = $u->getStats($pl, 0, 0, false, $this->cached, true);
//Çàíîñèì ñòàðò
if ($this->info['start2'] == 0) {
if (!isset($ts[$this->users[$i]['team']])) {
$ts[$this->users[$i]['team']] = $tsi;
if ($this->users[$i]['level'] <= 7) {
$this->users[$i]['tactic7'] = floor(10 / $this->stats[$i]['hpAll'] * $this->stats[$i]['hpNow']);
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 8) {
$this->users[$i]['tactic7'] = floor(20 / $this->stats[$i]['hpAll'] * $this->stats[$i]['hpNow']);
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['level'] == 9) {
$this->users[$i]['tactic7'] = floor(30 / $this->stats[$i]['hpAll'] * $this->stats[$i]['hpNow']);
} elseif ($this->users[$i]['level'] >= 10) {
$this->users[$i]['tactic7'] = floor((40 + $this->stats[$i]['s7']) / $this->stats[$i]['hpAll'] * $this->stats[$i]['hpNow']);
if ($this->stats[$i]['s7'] > 49) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `eff_users` SET `delete`= unix_timestamp() WHERE `uid` = ' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . ' AND `overType` = 101 AND `delete` = 0');
INSERT INTO `eff_users` ( `id_eff`, `uid`, `name`, `data`, `overType`, `timeUse`, `timeAce`, `user_use`, `delete`, `v1`, `v2`, `img2`, `x`, `hod`, `bj`, `sleeptime`, `no_Ace`, `file_finish`, `tr_life_user`, `deactiveTime`, `deactiveLast`, `mark`, `bs`) VALUES
( 22, '" . $this->stats[$i]['id'] . "', 'Ñïàñåíèå', 'add_spasenie=1', 101, 77, 0, '" . $this->stats[$i]['id'] . "', 0, 'priem', 324, 'preservation.gif', 1, -1, 'ñïàñåíèå', 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
// Áàôô Çâåðÿ animal_bonus
if ($this->users[$i]['animal'] > 0) {
$a = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `users_animal` WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['animal'] . '" AND `pet_in_cage` = "0" AND `delete` = "0" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($a['id']) && $a['eda'] >= 1) {
$anl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `bonus` FROM `levels_animal` WHERE `type` = "' . $a['type'] . '" AND `level` = "' . $a['level'] . '" LIMIT 1'));
$anl = $anl['bonus'];
$tpa = [
1 => 'cat',
2 => 'owl',
3 => 'wisp',
4 => 'demon',
5 => 'dog',
6 => 'pig',
7 => 'dragon',
$tpa2 = [
1 => 'Êîòà',
2 => 'Ñîâû',
3 => 'Ñâåòëÿêà',
4 => '×åðòÿêè',
5 => 'Ïñà',
6 => 'Ñâèíà',
7 => 'Äðàêîíà',
$tpa3 = [
1 => 'Êîøà÷üÿ Ëîâêîñòü',
2 => 'Èíòóèöèÿ Ñîâû',
3 => 'Ñèëà Ñòèõèé',
4 => 'Äåìîíè÷åñêàÿ Ñèëà',
5 => 'Äðóã',
6 => 'Ïîëíàÿ Áðîíÿ',
7 => 'Èíôåðíî',
mysql_query('UPDATE `eff_users` SET `delete`="' . time() . '" WHERE `uid` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" AND `overType` = 100 AND `delete` = 0');
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `eff_users` (`hod`,`v2`,`img2`,`id_eff`,`uid`,`name`,`data`,`overType`,`timeUse`,`v1`,`user_use`) VALUES ("-1","201","summon_pet_' . $tpa[$a['type']] . '.gif",22,"' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '","' . $tpa3[$a['type']] . ' [' . $a['level'] . ']","' . $anl . '","100","77","priem","' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '")');
//äîáàâëåíèå äóõà îò äðàêîíà
if ($a['type'] == 7) {
if ($a['level'] == 10) {
$this->users[$i]['tactic7'] = floor((50 + $this->stats[$i]['s7']) / $this->stats[$i]['hpAll'] * $this->stats[$i]['hpNow']);
} elseif ($a['level'] == 11) {
$this->users[$i]['tactic7'] = floor((65 + $this->stats[$i]['s7']) / $this->stats[$i]['hpAll'] * $this->stats[$i]['hpNow']);
} elseif ($a['level'] == 12) {
$this->users[$i]['tactic7'] = floor((90 + $this->stats[$i]['s7']) / $this->stats[$i]['hpAll'] * $this->stats[$i]['hpNow']);
$anl = $this->lookStats($anl);
$vLog =
'time1=' . time() .
'||s1=' . $this->users[$i]['sex'] .
'||t1=' . $this->users[$i]['team'] .
'||login1=' . $this->users[$i]['login'];
$vLog .=
'||s2=1||t2=' . $this->users[$i]['team'] .
'||login2=' . $a['name'] . ' (Çâåðü ' . $this->users[$i]['login'] . ')';
$mas1 = [
'time' => time(),
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'id_hod' => 1,
'vars' => $vLog,
'zona1' => '',
'zonb1' => '',
'zona2' => '',
'zonb2' => '',
'type' => '1',
$ba = '';
$i6 = 0;
while ($i6 < count($u->items['add'])) {
if (isset($anl['add_' . $u->items['add'][$i6]]) && $anl['add_' . $u->items['add'][$i6]] > 0) {
if ($u->items['add'][$i6] == 'mib1') {
$ba .= 'Áðîíÿ ãîëîâû: +' . $anl['add_' . $u->items['add'][$i6]] . ', ';
} elseif ($u->items['add'][$i6] == 'mib2') {
$ba .= 'Áðîíÿ êîðïóñà: +' . $anl['add_' . $u->items['add'][$i6]] . ', ';
} elseif ($u->items['add'][$i6] == 'mib3') {
$ba .= 'Áðîíÿ ïîÿñà: +' . $anl['add_' . $u->items['add'][$i6]] . ', ';
} elseif ($u->items['add'][$i6] == 'mib4') {
$ba .= 'Áðîíÿ íîã: +' . $anl['add_' . $u->items['add'][$i6]] . ', ';
} elseif (
$u->items['add'][$i6] != 'mab1' &&
$u->items['add'][$i6] != 'mab2' &&
$u->items['add'][$i6] != 'mab3' &&
$u->items['add'][$i6] != 'mab4'
) {
$ba .= $u->is[$u->items['add'][$i6]] . ': +' . $anl['add_' . $u->items['add'][$i6]] . ', ';
$ba = trim($ba, ', ');
if ($ba == '') {
$ba = 'Ýôôåêò îòñóòñâóåò';
$mas1['text'] = '{tm1} {u2} î÷íóëñÿ îò ìåäèòàöèè, è ïðèçâàë çàêëÿòüå &quot;<strong>' . $tpa3[$a['type']] . ' [' . $a['level'] . ']</strong>&quot; íà {u1}. (' . $ba . ')';
$nxtlg[] = $mas1;
mysql_query('UPDATE `users_animal` SET `eda` = `eda` - 1 WHERE `id` = "' . $a['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `last_hp` = "0",`tactic1`="0",`tactic2`="0",`tactic3`="0",`tactic4`="0",`tactic5`="0",`tactic6`="0",`tactic7` = "' . ($this->users[$i]['tactic7']) . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->users[$i]['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
$rs[$this->users[$i]['team']] .= $u->microLogin($this->users[$i], 2) . ', ';
$up .= '`uid` = "' . $pl['id'] . '" OR';
//battle-user (ñòàòèñòèêà, íà÷àëüíàÿ)
$mybu = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `battle_users` WHERE `battle` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `uid` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($pl['id']) . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (!isset($mybu['id'])) {
//Ïóñòîå çíà÷åíèå ñòàòèñòèêè äëÿ äàííîãî ïåðñîíàæà çà òåêóùèé áîé
$up = rtrim($up, ' OR');
//Çàíîñèì â ëîã íà÷àëî ïîåäèíêà
if ($this->info['start1'] == 0) {
$tststrt = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT `id` FROM `battle` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" AND `start1` = "0" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($tststrt['id'])) {
$upd = mysql_query('UPDATE `battle` SET `start1` = "' . time() . '" WHERE `id` = "' . $this->info['id'] . '" LIMIT 1');
if ($upd) {
$i = 0;
$r = '';
while ($i <= $tsi) {
if (isset($rs[$i]) && $rs[$i] != '') {
$r .= rtrim($rs[$i], ', ') . ' è ';
$r = rtrim($r, ' è');
$r = str_replace('"', '\\\\\"', $r);
$time = time();
$mass = [
'time' => $time,
'battle' => $this->info['id'],
'id_hod' => $this->hodID,
'vars' => "time1=$time||",
'zona1' => '',
'zonb1' => '',
'zona2' => '',
'zonb2' => '',
'type' => '1',
$r = '×àñû ïîêàçûâàëè <span class=\\\\\"date\\\\\">' . date('d.m.Y H:i',
$this->info['time_start']) . '</span>, êîãäà ' . $r . ' áðîñèëè âûçîâ äðóã äðóãó.';
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `battle_logs` (`time`,`battle`,`id_hod`,`text`,`vars`,`zona1`,`zonb1`,`zona2`,`zonb2`,`type`) VALUES ("' . $mass['time'] . '","' . $mass['battle'] . '","' . $mass['id_hod'] . '","' . $r . '","' . $mass['vars'] . '","' . $mass['zona1'] . '","' . $mass['zonb1'] . '","' . $mass['zona2'] . '","' . $mass['zonb2'] . '","' . $mass['type'] . '")');
$this->info['start1'] = time();
if (!empty($nxtlg)) {
foreach ($nxtlg as $item) {
//Âîçðàùàåì çîíû áëîêà ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
private function restZonb($uid1, $uid2)
if ($this->stnZbVs[$uid1] > 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['zonb'] = $this->stnZbVs[$uid1];
if ($this->stnZbVs[$uid2] > 0) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid1]]['zonb'] = $this->stnZbVs[$uid2];
//ïðîâåðêà áëîêà (Âèçóàëüíàÿ)
public function testZonbVis()
global $u;
if ($this->stnZbVs == 0) {
$zb = $this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['zonb'];
$this->stnZbVs = $zb;
} else {
$zb = $this->stnZb;
$eu = $this->users[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['enemy'];
if ($zb > 3) {
$zb = 3;
if (
!empty($eu) &&
($this->stats[$this->uids[$eu]]['weapon1'] == 1 || $this->stats[$this->uids[$eu]]['weapon2'] == 1) &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['weapon1'] != 1 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u->info['id']]]['weapon2'] != 1
) {
$zb -= 1;
if ($zb < 1) {
$zb = 1;
return $zb;
//ïðîâåðêà áëîêà
private function testZonb($uid, $uid2)
$zba = [];
if ($this->stnZb[$uid] == 0) {
$zba[1] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['zonb'];
$this->stnZb[$uid] = $zba[1];
} else {
$zba[1] = $this->stnZb[$uid];
if ($this->stnZb[$uid2] == 0) {
$zba[2] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zonb'];
$this->stnZb[$uid] = $zba[2];
} else {
$zba[2] = $this->stnZb[$uid2];
if ($zba[1] > 3) {
$zba[1] = 3;
if ($zba[2] > 3) {
$zba[2] = 3;
//Áëîêè èãðîêà 1
if (
($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['weapon1'] == 1 || $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['weapon2'] == 1) &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['weapon1'] != 1 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['weapon2'] != 1
) {
$zba[1] -= 1;
//Áëîêè èãðîêà 2
if (
($this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['weapon1'] == 1 || $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['weapon2'] == 1) &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['weapon1'] != 1 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['weapon2'] != 1
) {
$zba[2] -= 1;
if ($zba[1] < 1) {
$zba[1] = 1;
if ($zba[2] < 1) {
$zba[2] = 1;
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['zonb'] = $zba[1];
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zonb'] = $zba[2];
if (
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['min_zonb'] > 0 &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['zonb'] < $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['min_zonb']
) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['zonb'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]]['min_zonb'];
if (
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['min_zonb'] > 0 &&
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zonb'] < $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['min_zonb']
) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['zonb'] = $this->stats[$this->uids[$uid2]]['min_zonb'];
//ãåíåðèðóåì êîìàíäû
public function genTeams($you)
$ret = '';
$teams = [];
//âûäåëÿåì ïîëüçîâàòåëåé
$i = 0;
$j = 1;
$tms = [];
$teams[$this->users[$this->uids[$you]]['team']] = '';
$tms[0] = $this->users[$this->uids[$you]]['team'];
while ($i < count($this->uids)) {
if ($this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] > 0) {
if (!isset($teams[$this->users[$i]['team']])) {
$tms[$j] = $this->users[$i]['team'];
if ($this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] < 0) {
$this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] = 0;
if ($this->stats[$i]['hpAll'] < $this->stats[$i]['hpNow']) {
$this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] = $this->stats[$i]['hpAll'];
$a1ms = '';
if ($this->ga[$this->users[$i]['id']][$you]) {
$a1mc = '';
$ac = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `battle_act` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->ga[$this->users[$i]['id']][$you] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($ac) && $ac['time'] + $this->info['timeout'] - 15 < time()) {
$a1mc = 'color:red;';
$a1ms = 'style=\"text-decoration: underline; ' . $a1mc . '\"';
} elseif ($this->ag[$this->users[$i]['id']][$you]) {
$a1mc = '';
$ac = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `battle_act` WHERE `id` = "' . $this->ag[$this->users[$i]['id']][$you] . '" LIMIT 1'));
if (isset($ac) && $ac['time'] + $this->info['timeout'] - 15 < time()) {
$a1mc = 'color:green;';
$a1ms = 'style=\"text-decoration: overline; ' . $a1mc . '\"';
if ($this->users[$i]['login2'] == '') {
$this->users[$i]['login2'] = $this->users[$i]['login'];
if ($this->users[$i]['align'] == 9) {
$this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] = $this->stats[$i]['hpNow'] / ($this->stats[$i]['hpAll'] / 100);
$this->stats[$i]['hpAll'] = '100%';
$ldr = '';
if ($this->users[$i]['lider'] == $this->info['id']) {
$ldr = '<img width=24 height=15 title=Ëèäåð&nbsp;ãðóïïû src=' . $this->users[$i]['team'] . '.gif \>';
$teams[$this->users[$i]['team']] .= ', ' . $ldr . '<span ' . $a1ms . ' class=\"CSSteam' . $this->users[$i]['team'] . '\" onClick=\"\'' . $this->users[$i]['login2'] . '\',\'to\'); return false;\" oncontextmenu=\"top.infoMenu(\'' . $this->users[$i]['login2'] . '\',event,\'main\'); return false;\">' . $this->users[$i]['login2'] . '</span><small> [' . floor($this->stats[$i]['hpNow']) . '/' . $this->stats[$i]['hpAll'] . ']</small>';
//ãåíåðèðóåì êîìàíäû
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($tms)) {
$teams[$tms[$i]] = ltrim($teams[$tms[$i]], ', ');
if ($teams[$tms[$i]] != '') {
$teams[$tms[$i]] = '<img src=\"\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" width=\"20\" height=\"15\" onClick=\"\'team' . $tms[$i] . '\',\'private\'); return false;\"> ' . $teams[$tms[$i]];
$ret .= $teams[$tms[$i]];
if (count($tms) > $i + 1) {
$ret .= ' <span class=\"CSSvs\">&nbsp; ïðîòèâ &nbsp;</span> ';
return "genteam($ret);";
public function addTravm($uid, $type, $lvl)
$timeEnd = 0;
if ($type == 1) {
$name = 'Ëåãêàÿ òðàâìà';
$stat = rand(1, 3); // ïîêà áåç äóõîâíîñòè
$timeEnd = rand(1, 3);// âðåìÿ òðàâìû îò 1.30 äî 6 ÷àñîâ
$data = 'add_s' . $stat . '=-' . $lvl;
$img = 'eff_travma1.gif';
$v1 = 1;
} elseif ($type == 2) {
$name = 'Ñðåäíÿÿ òðàâìà';
$stat = rand(1, 3); // ïîêà áåç äóõîâíîñòè
$timeEnd = rand(3, 5);// âðåìÿ òðàâìû îò 6 äî 12 ÷àñîâ
$data = 'add_s' . $stat . '=-' . ($lvl * 2);
$v1 = 2;
$img = 'eff_travma2.gif';
} elseif ($type == 3) {
$name = 'Òÿæåëàÿ òðàâìà';
$stat = rand(1, 3); // ïîêà áåç äóõîâíîñòè
$timeEnd = rand(5, 7);// âðåìÿ òðàâìû îò 12 äî 6 ÷àñîâ
$data = 'add_s' . $stat . '=-' . ($lvl * 3);
$v1 = 3;
$img = 'eff_travma3.gif';
} elseif ($type == 4) {
$name = 'Íåèçëå÷èìàÿ òðàâìà';
$stat = rand(1, 3); // ïîêà áåç äóõîâíîñòè
$timeEnd = 24;// âðåìÿ òðàâìû îò 24 ÷àñà
$data = 'add_s' . $stat . '=-' . ($lvl * 50);
$v1 = 4;
$img = 'eff_travma4.gif';
$timeEnd *= 3600;
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `eff_users` (`overType`,`timeUse`,`hod`,`name`,`data`,`uid`, `id_eff`, `img2`, `timeAce`, `v1`) VALUES (0,unix_timestamp(), -1, ' . $name . ',' . $data . ',' . $uid . ', 4, ' . $img . ',' . $timeEnd . ', ' . $v1 . ')');
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `eff_users` (`overType`,`timeUse`,`hod`,`name`,`data`,`uid`, `id_eff`, `img2`, `timeAce`, `v1`) VALUES (0,unix_timestamp(), -1, "Èììóíèòåò: Çàùèòà îò òðàâì","add_notravma=1",' . $uid . ', 263, "cure1.gif",21600, "")');
public function testUserInfoBattle($uid)
global $u;
if (!isset($this->uids[$uid])) {
//Çàíîñèì äàííûå îá èãðîêå ñíîâà (âèäèìî îí ïîãèá è åãî ñòåðëî ñ èíôî)
if (!isset($this->uids[$uid])) {
$this->uids[$uid] = count($this->users);
$this->users[$this->uids[$uid]] = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT
FROM `users` AS `u` LEFT JOIN `stats` AS `st` ON (`u`.`id` = `st`.`id`) WHERE `u`.`id` = "' . $uid . '" LIMIT 1'));
$this->stats[$this->uids[$uid]] = $u->getStats($this->users[$this->uids[$uid]], 0, 0, false, false, true);
///----Ñïàñåíèå ôóíêöèÿ
public function spaCheck($u1)
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpNow'] < 1) {
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `battle_act` WHERE `uid1` = "' . $u1 . '" OR `uid2` = "' . $u1 . '"');
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['spasenie'] > 0 && $this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['tactic7'] >= 25) //
//Ñâèòîê ñïàñåíèÿ
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['s7'] > 49 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['s7'] < 75) {
//Äàåì ïðèçðà÷êó
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `eff_users`
(`id_eff`, `uid`, `name`, `data`, `overType`, `timeUse`, `timeAce`, `user_use`, `delete`, `v1`, `v2`, `img2`, `x`, `hod`, `bj`, `sleeptime`, `no_Ace`, `file_finish`, `tr_life_user`, `deactiveTime`, `deactiveLast`, `mark`, `bs`) VALUES
(22, '" . $u1 . "', 'Ïðèçðà÷íàÿ çàùèòà', 'add_zmproc=75|add_zaproc=75', 0, 77, 0, '" . $u1 . "', 0, 'priem', 141, 'spirit_block25.gif', 1, 1, '0', 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);");
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpNow'] = floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpAll'] * 0.5);
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['mpNow'] = floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['mpAll'] * 0.5);
} elseif ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['s7'] > 74 && $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['s7'] < 100) {
//Àáñîëþòíàÿ çàùèòà
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `eff_users`
(`id_eff`, `uid`, `name`, `data`, `overType`, `timeUse`, `timeAce`, `user_use`, `delete`, `v1`, `v2`, `img2`, `x`, `hod`, `bj`, `sleeptime`, `no_Ace`, `file_finish`, `tr_life_user`, `deactiveTime`, `deactiveLast`, `mark`, `bs`) VALUES
(22, '" . $u1 . "', 'Àáñîëþòíàÿ çàùèòà', 'add_zmproc=100|add_zaproc=100', 0, 77, 0, '" . $u1 . "', 0, 'priem', 358, 'block_absolute.gif', 1, 1, '0', 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);");
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpNow'] = floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpAll'] * 0.75);
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['mpNow'] = floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['mpAll'] * 0.75);
} elseif ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['s7'] > 99) {
//Àáñîëþòíàÿ çàùèòà x2
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `eff_users`
(`id_eff`, `uid`, `name`, `data`, `overType`, `timeUse`, `timeAce`, `user_use`, `delete`, `v1`, `v2`, `img2`, `x`, `hod`, `bj`, `sleeptime`, `no_Ace`, `file_finish`, `tr_life_user`, `deactiveTime`, `deactiveLast`, `mark`, `bs`) VALUES
(22, '" . $u1 . "', 'Çàùèòà Ìèðîçäàòåëÿ', 'add_zmproc=100|add_zaproc=100', 0, 77, 0, '" . $u1 . "', 0, 'priem', 358, 'wis_white_shield.gif', 1, 2, '0', 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);");
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpNow'] = floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpAll']);
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['mpNow'] = floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['mpAll']);
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpNow'] < 1) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpNow'] = 1;
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['mpNow'] < 1) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['mpNow'] = 1;
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpNow'] > $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpAll']) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpNow'] = floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpAll']);
if ($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['mpNow'] > $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['mpAll']) {
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['mpNow'] = floor($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['mpAll']);
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `eff_users` WHERE `uid` = ' . $u1 . ' AND `id_eff` = 22 AND `v1` = "priem" AND `v2` = 324');
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `hpNow` = ' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpNow'] . ',`mpNow` = ' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['mpNow'] . ', `tactic7` = `tactic7` - 25 WHERE `id` = ' . $u1 . ' LIMIT 1');
$mas['text'] = '{tm1} <strong>' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['login'] . '</strong> óáèò...<strong>' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['login'] . '</strong> áûë ñïàñåí. ';
$this->priemAddLog($id, 1, 2, $u->info['id'], $u1,
' ',
($this->hodID + 0)
} else {
if (isset($this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['login'])) {
mysql_query('UPDATE `stats` SET `hpNow` = 0,`mpNow` = 0 WHERE `id` = ' . $u1 . ' LIMIT 1');
$this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpNow'] = 0;
$this->users[$this->uids[$u1]]['hpNow'] = 0;
$mas['text'] = '{tm1} <strong>' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['login'] . '</strong> ïîãèá.';
$this->priemAddLog($id, 1, 2, $u->info['id'], $u1,
' ',
($this->hodID + 1)
//Óäàëÿåì ðàçìåí èç áàçû //ÒÓÒ âîçìîæåí ëàã óäàëåíèÿ
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `battle_act` WHERE `uid1` = ' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['id'] . ' OR `uid2` = ' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['id'] . ' OR `uid2` = -' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['id']);
mysql_query('DELETE FROM `eff_users` WHERE `uid` = ' . $this->stats[$this->uids[$u1]]['id'] . ' AND `v1` = "priem" AND `delete` = 0');
// v1 priem
//Êîíåö ñïàñåíèÿ
if (!defined('GAME')) {
ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
$btl = new battleClass(new Db());