276 lines
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276 lines
7.2 KiB
This directory holds export plugins for phpMyAdmin. Any new plugin should
basically follow the structure presented here. Official plugins need to
have str* messages with their definition in language files, but if you build
some plugins for your use, you can directly use texts in plugin.
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
* [Name] export plugin for phpMyAdmin
* @package PhpMyAdmin-Export
* @subpackage [Name]
if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) {
/* Get the export interface */
require_once 'libraries/plugins/ExportPlugin.class.php';
* Handles the export for the [Name] format
* @package PhpMyAdmin-Export
class Export[Name] extends ExportPlugin
* optional - declare variables and descriptions
* @var type
private $_myOptionalVariable;
* optional - declare global variables and descriptions
* @var type
private $_globalVariableName;
* Constructor
public function __construct()
// optional - declare global variables and use getters later
* Initialize the local variables that are used specific for export SQL
* @global type $global_variable_name
* [..]
* @return void
protected function initSpecificVariables()
global $global_variable_name;
* Sets the export plugin properties.
* Called in the constructor.
* @return void
protected function setProperties()
// set properties
$props = 'libraries/properties/';
// include the main class for properties for the export plug-ins
include_once "$props/plugins/ExportPluginProperties.class.php";
// include the group properties classes
include_once "$props/options/groups/OptionsPropertyRootGroup.class.php";
include_once "$props/options/groups/OptionsPropertyMainGroup.class.php";
// include the needed single property items
include_once "$props/options/items/RadioPropertyItem.class.php";
$exportPluginProperties = new ExportPluginProperties();
$exportPluginProperties->setText('[name]'); // the name of your plug-in
$exportPluginProperties->setExtension('[ext]'); // extension this plug-in can handle
// create the root group that will be the options field for
// $exportPluginProperties
// this will be shown as "Format specific options"
$exportSpecificOptions = new OptionsPropertyRootGroup();
$exportSpecificOptions->setName("Format Specific Options");
// general options main group
$generalOptions = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup();
// optional :
// create primary items and add them to the group
// type - one of the classes listed in libraries/properties/options/items/
// name - form element name
// text - description in GUI
// size - size of text element
// len - maximal size of input
// values - possible values of the item
$leaf = new RadioPropertyItem();
'structure' => __('structure'),
'data' => __('data'),
'structure_and_data' => __('structure and data')
// add the main group to the root group
// set the options for the export plugin property item
$this->properties = $exportPluginProperties;
* This method is called when any PluginManager to which the observer
* is attached calls PluginManager::notify()
* @param SplSubject $subject The PluginManager notifying the observer
* of an update.
* @return void
public function update (SplSubject $subject)
* Outputs export header
* @return bool Whether it succeeded
public function exportHeader ()
// implementation
return true;
* Outputs export footer
* @return bool Whether it succeeded
public function exportFooter ()
// implementation
return true;
* Outputs database header
* @param string $db Database name
* @return bool Whether it succeeded
public function exportDBHeader ($db)
// implementation
return true;
* Outputs database footer
* @param string $db Database name
* @return bool Whether it succeeded
public function exportDBFooter ($db)
// implementation
return true;
* Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement
* @param string $db Database name
* @return bool Whether it succeeded
public function exportDBCreate($db)
// implementation
return true;
* Outputs the content of a table in [Name] format
* @param string $db database name
* @param string $table table name
* @param string $crlf the end of line sequence
* @param string $error_url the url to go back in case of error
* @param string $sql_query SQL query for obtaining data
* @return bool Whether it succeeded
public function exportData($db, $table, $crlf, $error_url, $sql_query)
// implementation;
return true;
// optional - implement other methods defined in ExportPlugin.class.php:
// - exportRoutines()
// - exportStructure()
// - getTableDefStandIn()
// - getTriggers()
// optional - implement other private methods in order to avoid
// having huge methods or avoid duplicate code. Make use of them
// as well as of the getters and setters declared both here
// and in the ExportPlugin class
// optional:
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Getters and Setters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
* Getter description
* @return type
private function _getMyOptionalVariable()
return $this->_myOptionalVariable;
* Setter description
* @param type $my_optional_variable description
* @return void
private function _setMyOptionalVariable($my_optional_variable)
$this->_myOptionalVariable = $my_optional_variable;
* Getter description
* @return type
private function _getGlobalVariableName()
return $this->_globalVariableName;
* Setter description
* @param type $global_variable_name description
* @return void
private function _setGlobalVariableName($global_variable_name)
$this->_globalVariableName = $global_variable_name;
?> |